Through Your questions, Ngoc Hang your sight in it when you first visit of Lord Buddha with four years ago. That day, knew nothing about Buddhism Jade Cave, so not know what to chant, helpfulness how, experience 'even more notes not know. Cheeks were very professional Ngoc Hang The disease care but stand before the altar of the Emerald Buddha Cave by not know how to do, just pray know what I think the failure. Hang in America where there Ngoc Hang pagoda and Ngoc not How to Know Your teacher is teaching Buddhism at all.
Ngoc Hang been Fortunate to know him you are online and direct Licensed to the legal route he is cũng very puzzled when he taught at Ngoc Hang the Dharma, the chanting, chanting mantra of Great Compassion. Like you, all kinds of questions Ngoc Hang the because too many books to teach, the great compassion Note cũng khác but many words to Recite ritual, in direction, the more panic. Ngoc Hang cũng afraid I do not correct, because mà not know the teaching of the Buddhas, afraid of going the wrong way, afraid of the wrong practice there will be no results.
With a full human ego as well as quite arrogant, Ngoc Hang Often quarrel and I direct you. Hang Ngoc Anh or disorder is dynamic, any specified, a recitation of how it is, accept too much is not how the center can be the result. He Told Thousands gathered on the idea just a thought in letters at the center and if Psychosis just a word of memory is enough. At that hearing, the hearing Ngoc Hang cũng but not 'even try to believe in religious capacity, also carry out the Great Compassion Bi read only hope that on that day flexible display Allows you to save the cheeks only.
After four years, despite the religious realm, but still too poor to rethink the What has passed, Ngoc Hang cũng laugh at Himself and sadly remember what has passed, is a new day finds Himself very well be. An affinity with the questions your over tonight, Ngoc Hang me tell you a story "The County Know Jumping Beans" so we know how religious are correct and have slightly better results. Buddha Amitabha! "At the western border of the Tibet Jiang tỉnh close to a woman lived alone, and her husband of her only son had Died. She lived thanks to a small Parcel of land to plant the grain. Because life has undergone distress from many small, old woman felt very heavy and bad karma in the effort of should have asked around những pleaded guilty to redeem methods the peace of mind. Finally, she was a good pilgrims passed to a mantra of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. The mantra is composed of Bat Project Romania is six letters gọi Lu Di Dai Minh Hong1 attach themselves, can be used to Eliminate the karma. for Rural Elderly Poor woman was ignorant illiterate, on her way home muttered thử Memorize, but remember the pronunciation of Babylon Became Alma Ni Di Green Bat. To encourage the penitent to read this verse she laid out two cups, not a bowl, and then to a full of soy beans. Each time read a mantra, she picked up a cup full of beans from left to not bowl , until the cup was not filled with beans, she reversed back. The old woman was Relentless, devotional chanting for 30 years. Her devotion to the latter application is for the pea is not cũng need to pick up her hands, just a mantra newly Music is a bean that automatically jump to the next bowl. The old woman found the automatic bean dance, resonating with the sound of the mantra They Know That the religious right and the penitential period ended she was more excited about than enthusiastic chant of coal. The other day an eminent monks from Tibet travel through it, passing through substandard tents collapse of her paintings, and saw very little has bright glow emanates brightly. Monks get stunned, he thought that within the non cũng How has a true religious Enlightenment. He hurried visit visit. The old woman delighted to see monks to visit, she knelt bowed down, but still kept His mouth muttering incantations Ni Di Alma Green Bat. Monks were not surprised because-rays Understand brilliant spotlight that comes from outside where he found? He was time to ask: - No owner or female candidates to cultivate How many years? Here there anyone else?. - Sir, here I am alone in solitary for over thirty years. The old woman replied. - Tragic, sad she must do it alone ? - No, but only alone but in my daily practice and procedure Penance for the next Economic life can enjoy the many blessings of this life, I do not feel real number sad. Especially from a person show kindness to cultivate the more I have more courage to live. - She is practicing any word such books? - Oh, I do not know the word, so only a single recitation of mantra Ma Ni Di Green Bat. The monk sighed regret: - crap old lady, she misreads mantra then, have pronounced Ni Di Alma New Red Bat properly. So far the new woman known to have read more coal false mantra fifty three years. She was very saddened by this great confusion, so the public The 30-year car chanting as winter sand. But She also felt Appreciate sửa of monks. - Anyway, he cũng corrected in time, otherwise I was wrong without knowing Adjusted continue until new never been properly. Monks leave the woman to continue His missionary path. The old woman continued to chant her work but this time with the new mantra Ni Di Bat Ma Hong projects. But her mind was chaotic because-of the just then, so the focus will not be her. Each mantra of she no longer works for the bean to the cup edge as inspired dance party before. Just Recite old woman thought rằng tears fell, she sorry for works silently over thirty years practicing as downstream for reading the wrong mantra. A pair of monks walk away, he looked back and saw the last house woman's glory is no longer bright . Now Smoking is the dilapidated but u sound sad. The monk was startled and thought he has hurt Buddhist rằng focus is no longer thought as before. He rushed back to the Smoking and the old woman said furniture: - At this time we just play with her, she Recite the mantra of the true right. - But why lie to my teacher like that? - I wanted to see her devotion to the Three Jewels of how that time. From now on she kept chanting like the old is to allow it. - Thank Buddha, the employees thought the real number was 30 years rằng chant in runoff water, multi-master weights just described. After the monks left, the woman continued the recitation of each a sentence Di Green Bat Project Romania is thought out, her soul boisterous cheerful and a bean automatically jump to the next cup. Monk goes up to peaks, the last he looked back and saw tuff aura emanating from the old woman's Smoking has blazed in a corner of heaven. It is: A pure heart lotus blossom Bustling, hatched area clean Sen, On a Tathagata dwells. " .
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