M is this as your personal Research Professor Eric Sharp in the University of Sydney, Australia, among the saints of the 20th century, there were three Holy Asian, which is trying to contest the proud Indian Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Holy Mahatma Ghandi (1869-1948), and a currently living is the 14th Dalai Lama.
Germany, the 14th Dalai Lama at 10 years old
Germany 14 Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, real name, is a world leader and teacher of the Tibetan people at the village of Taktser. He was born in Northeast Tibet on 6 July 1935 (Yi Xinhai Revolution) in a family of farmers. He was admitted as the Dalai Lama in Tibet 2 years old tradition as the incarnation of the Dalai Lama, is also the embodiment of Avalokiteśvara (Avalokitesvara), a bodhisattva of the words.
In the tradition of the Tibetans, the Dalai Lama is the embodiment of kindness from Buddha and bodhisattva, who lettered path rebirth came back to help the beings. Dalai Lama, meaning "guard the faith" (Defender of the Faith), "great sea of wisdom" (Ocean of Wisdom), "King of the French" the Chief (King of Dharma), Member of the European security such as Italy (Wishfulfilling Gem) ….
Germany Dalai Lama ordained titles Dalai Lama on 22 February 1940 in Lhasa, capital of Tibet, officially the leader of politics and religion for the six million Tibetans.
1. the process of searching for Germany the Dalai Lama:
When Germany 13th Dalai Lama who was President in 1933, the Tibetan Government crisis in finding a successor. In 1935, the Regents went to the sacred Lake, Lhamo Lhatso in Chokhorgyal, about 90 miles from the capital Lhasa. In the tradition of Tibet, people can see things in the future from this sacred (Holy lake). Carders Regents found three Tibetan letters Ah, Ka and Ma show up between the surface of the water in the sacred Lake, followed by squeezed three letters is the painting of a temple with three-tiered green tiled roof and a House there is the zone of exotic downpour.
In 1937, the Tibetan Government has sent the photo's from the sacred Lake sacred to the provinces of Tibet to find where the regeneration of the Dalai Lama. A delegation seeking reborn was formed and went toward the North-East of Tibet, the head of delegation is the Lama Kewtsang Rinpoche, the Abbot of Sera monastery. When the delegation arrived at the village, they see the scene of Amdo where this same y as the sacred image was found under the Lake. Lobsang Tsewang disguised as the head of delegation, and Lama Kewtsang disguised as the author and they visit a House with the odd downpour zone. Then Lama Kewtsang had brought a sequence (rosary) of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama and the boys in the House, she got into it and claim to be holding the view. Lama Kewtsang promised him if he expected. And the boys replied right away by a local slang as "aga", meaning "Sera Lama at the monastery of Sera". Next, He asks who is the head boys and boys have answered correctly; He also said that the exact name of the town name. Followed by a series of other test to select the gadget boy is often on of Germany the Dalai Lama Wednesday 13 and boys also realize all and says: "my, my". German boy is the Dalai Lama today.
From the results of the check this help them guess make sure they figured out the new incarnation and their beliefs are becoming more powerful by means of three Tibetan letters have been found below the Lake is sacred for the function meaning: Ah l Menudo, where the baby was born, the Ka is only for the monastery Kumbumthe largest monastery, a star with three storeys close to home of boys and Ma is referring to the monastery Rolpai Dorje Karma above mountains of the village nearby. Finally the delegation decision boys she is the successor of the 13th Dalai Lama.
2. Convent School in Tibet:
Germany Dalai began his academic career at the age of six and finished to the highest degree of Geshe Lharampa, the PG Tibet is equivalent to the doctor of Buddhist philosophy (Doctorate of Buddhist Philosophy) at the age of 25 in 1959. 24 years of age, He attended the first exam at the Buddhist University, Sera and Ganden Drepung. Final exams were held in the capital Lhasa, Jokhang Temple during Festival Monlam Tibetan calendar, Jan.
Before that He had to learn all the core subjects such as logic (Logic) of Tibetan art and culture (Culture & Tibetan Art), the Sanskrit language (Sanskrit), medicine (Medicine), the Buddhist philosophy (Buddhist philosophy). Own this is the most difficult discipline for Buddhist studies, was divided into five sections are uncivil (Prajnaparamita), bars (Madhyamika), the precepts Bhikkhu (Vinaya), A Conclusion Reached Ma's illustrated treatise (Abidharma) and (Pramana). And the other side is: subjects argue (dialetics), poetry (poetry), music (music) and drama (drama), astronomy (astrology), grammar (metre and phraseing).
3. the role and responsibility of leadership:
On 17 November 1950, Dalai has a charge up Cardigan is the leader of the Tibetan people's right (the head of the State and Government) after about 80,000 soldiers of Chinese attacks on Tibet.
In 1954, He came to Beijing to negotiate peace with Chairman Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung) and other Chinese leaders, including Zhou Enlai (Chou En-lai) and Deng (Deng Xiaoping). However, the negotiations during the voyage does not bring results, He decided to finally want to him to salvage for Tibetans abroad.
4. escaping from Tibet:
With efforts to bring a peaceful solution for the Tibetan people was hampered by a brutal policy of the ruling Beijing, while in eastern Tibet people were standing up strong resistance against oppression by China. This resistance has spread over several provinces of Tibet. on 10 March 1959, the largest demonstration in the history of Tibet in the capital Lhasa to call Chinese troops to withdraw from Tibet and determined that Tibet is an independent country. Peaceful demonstrations were broken in a ruthless military madness of Flowers. results of the aggression has killed millions of innocent Tibetans and destroying 6 million pagodas in the country. To find the way to liberate suffering pain, 80,000 people of Tibet Dalai Lama together with German mountains Greece Greek codes, pass to Paint to refuge in northern India in 1959.
5. the Government-in-exile in Dharamsala, Northern India:
Today, with more than 120,000 Tibetans stay in Dharamsala, India, was known as a "little Lhasa", established a Government-in-exile of Tibet with a Council of Tibet (the Tibetan people's Commission of Death) in 1960.
In the early years of exile, the Dalai Lama has Germany urged the United States to speak up on the issue of Tibet, resulting in three decision was passed in the Legislative Council of the United States in 1959, 1961 and 1965, calling the ruling Beijing must respect human rights of Tibetans and desires of their autonomy. With the formation of a Government in exile of Tibet, the Dalai Lama found that emergency work to do is rescue of refugee and culture of Tibet. The agricultural sector, the economy, culture, education has gradually been reestablished in India. Tibetan children are going to school and a University of Tibet was established in India. There are about 200 Tibetan monastery was built in India to increase them tu, maintaining and protecting the culture and religion of Tibet.
In 1963, the Dalai Lama issued a constitutional democratic (the democratic constitution) is completely based on the precepts of the Lord Buddha and a Charter of rights of the UN to compiled and prepared for a model country Tibet freedom in the future.
In 1965, He came attended the Vesak Buddhist calendar 2500 in India, he met Indian Prime Minister Nehru was and Mr. Zhou Enlai, negotiations on the issue of Tibet.
Today, members of Parliament will be elected by the Tibetan people. The Council was elected by the National Assembly. Germany the Dalai Lama stressed that the main tasks of the Government of Tibet is caring for the lives of people and he also added, when Tibet regain independence, he will no longer sit in government offices.
In 1987, the Dalai Lama to attend a Conference on human rights in Washington, United States. He proposed a five-Point Peace Program (A Five-Point Peace Plan) include, 1) Turning Tibet into a zone of peace; 2) ended the Chinese immigrants are de threatened the existence of ethnic Tibetans; 3) respect democracy, human rights and freedom of the Tibetan people; 4) recovery and environmental physiology of Tibet and cease the use of Tibetan soil to produce nuclear weapons, atomic waste and removing map; and 5) started negotiations shortly on the future regulation of relations between Tibet and Tibet with China.
On 15 June 1988, in Strasbourg, France, He reiterated the point Peace Program and asked the Beijing authorities returned the independence for Tibet on 9 October 1991, while speaking at Yale University, the United States, He expressed his intention to return to visit Tibet to personally assess the political situation where. He said: "I'm really worried because police violence would probably break out attempt. I wanted to do something to stand back injuries ... my visit will be a new opportunity to increase empathy and create a platform to solve ".
6. the prize:
From the first visit to the West in 1973, some of his University and Research Institute has awarded Him the prize of peace (Peace Award) and Ph.d. (honorary Doctorate Degree) in honor to commend the excellent work of him writing about Buddhist philosophy, the solution for the conflict of international, environmental and human rights issues worldwide. The award for Germany the Dalai Lama at the Raoul Wallenberg Committee of human rights, Representative Tom Lantos told us: "the courageous struggle of the Dalai Lama has created a special attention on human rights and world peace. The persistence of his struggle to end suffering for the peoples of Tibet through negotiations of peace and reconciliation ".
7. the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989:
Norwegian Peace Committee decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize (Peace Prize) for him in 1989 after the whole world praised and endorsed, except
German leader Dalai Lama the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize award
except China. In the decisions the Commission has written: "Germany wants to emphasize that the Dalai Lama with the struggle for freedom for Tibet remained resolute not to use violence. He has advocated peaceful solution based on the spirit of tolerance and mutual respect in order to protect historical and cultural assets of the people ".
On 10 December 1989, the Dalai Lama was awarded the peace on behalf of spirit oppressed people everywhere, all who fight for freedom and peace in the world and especially the people of Tibet. in addressing the ceremony awardedHe said: "the award was reaffirmed once again our determination to crush that truth, courage and determination of the us as the weapons, Tibet will be free. Our struggle must be pursued toward nonviolent and remove hatred "(" The prize reaffirms our conviction that with truth, courage and determination as our weapons, Tibet will be liberated. Our struggle must remain nonviolent and free of hatred ").
8. exposure to East & West:
Since 1967, the Dalai Lama began a series of visits, to date have been 46 countries. In the fall of 1991, He visited the Baltic States receiving the invitation of the President of Lithuania, Vytautas Landsbergis, and he he became the first foreign visitor in Parliament of Lithuania. He met Pope Paul the sixth at the Vatican in 1973 and Pope John Paul II in 1980 and the other in Rome in 1980, 1982, 1986, 1988 and 1990.
Here is the list of countries to which Germany Dalai has visited: Argentina 1992, 1999; Australia: 1982, 1992, 1996; Austria Congress: 1973, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1998, 1991.1992; Belgium: 1973, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1999; Bulgaria, 1991; Buryat Autonomous 1991, 1993; Brazil, 1992, 1999; Canada 1980, 1990, 1993; Chile 1992, 1999; Costa Rica 1989; Czechkoslvakia 1990; Denmark: 1973, 1991, 1996; Estonia 1991; Finland: 1988, 1996, 1998; France: 1982, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1998; Germany: 1973, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991.1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999; Greece 1979; Hungary 1982, 1989, 1992, 1993. 1996; Indonesia 1982; Israel 1994, 1999; Italy 1982, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1994, 1996, 1999; Japan: 1967, 1978, 1980, 1984.1994, 1995, 1998; Latvia 1991; Liechtenstein 1991; Lithuania ATR 42 1991; Malay: 1982; Mexico 1989; Mongolia: 1979, 1982, 1991, 1994; Nepal 1981; New Zealand: 1992, 1996; Norway: 1973, 1989, 1991, 1996; People's Republic of China: 1954; Netherlands: 1993; Republic of India: 1956, 1959 (which is also where He resided); Republic of Ireland: 1973, 1991; Singapore: 1982; Spain: 1982, 1994; South Africa: 1996; Sweden: 1973, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1996; Switzerland: 1973, 1974, 1974, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1991.1994; Thailand: 1967, 1972, 1993; The Netherlands 1973, 1986, 1990.1994; Vatican: 1973, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1996; Turkey: 1983; United Kingdom: 1973, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1994, 1996, 1999, 1991.1993; Former Soviet Union: 1991.1994; United States: 1979, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999.
9. the leaders that Germany Dalai Lama exposure:
On 16 June he Josckha Fischer, the German Foreign Minister
12 may: Mr Robin Cook, Uk Foreign Secretary
On 13tháng 5: Mr Tony Blair, British Prime Minister
May 4: Mr. Jean Luc DEHAENE, Prime Minister of Belgium
April 14: Mr. Edwardo Frei, President of the Republic of Chile
On 7 November: Mr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil
December 8: Mr. Jacques Chirac, President of France
December 8: Mr. Lionel Jospin, Prime Minister of France
December 8: Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations
December 10: Mr. William j. Clinton, President of the US
December 10: Mr. Albert Gore, Vice President
December 10: Ms. Madeleine Alright, U.s. Secretary of State
December 20: Mr. Claes Andersson, Minister of culture, Finland
December 16: Ms. Elisabeth Guigou, the French Minister of Justice, national
December 9: Mr. Wolfgang Schuessel, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Austria
In 1997
April 23: Ms. Madeleine Albright, U.s. Secretary of State
April 23: Mr. William j. Clinton, President of the US
April 23: Mr. Albert Gore, Vice President
Mar 24: Mr. Lin Feng-cheng, Yu, Taiwan
On 26 March: Mr Lien Chan, Vice President of Taiwan
On 27 March: Lee Teng-hui, he was President of Taiwan
September 26: Mr. John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia
23 October: Mr Van Mierlo, Foreign Minister of Finland
23 October: Dr. Klaus Hansch, President of the European Parliament
23 October: Mr. Jacques Santer, President of the European Union
October 29: Mr. Jacues Toubon, Justice, law
September 26: Mr. John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia
On November 14, Alexander Downer, 9: he proscribed treatment Australian head
September 11: Mr. Jim Bolger, Prime Minister of New Zealand
September 11: Mr. Don McKinnon, Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand
June 22: Mr. Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa
On 17 July: Mr. Malcom Rifkind, British Foreign Minister
May 28: Mr. B.j. ore Godal, Foreign Minister of Norway
May 27: Mr. Pekka Haavisto, Minister of the Environment, Finland
May 23: Ms. Lena Hjelm-Walln, Foreign Minister of Sweden
On 20 April: Pope Pope John Paul II
May 15: Mr. Niels Petersen, the Danish Foreign Minister
April 30: Prince Albert of Monaco,
September 26: Mr. John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia
Germany Dalai lama and Mr. John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia
September 13: Mr. William j. Clinton, President of the US
September 13: Mr. Albert Gore, Vice President
May 4: Dr. Klaus Kinkel, the German Foreign Minister
On 23 June, Foreign Minister Flavio Cotti said: Switzerland
In 1994
On 8 October: Ms. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway
3 July: bàVioleta Chamorro, President of Nicaragua
June 17: Mr. Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy
On 16 June: Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, President says Italy
Day 6: 9 ttháng Mr Marin Gonzalez, Vice President of the European Union
7 June: Mr Jean Luc Dehene, Prime Minister of Belgium
June 6: Mr. Kooilmans, Secretary of the Netherlands Pleter
On 5 June: Mr Wim Kok, Minister of Finance of the Netherlands
April 29: Professor Karl-Hans Laermann, Minister of education of Germany
April 28: Mr. William j. Clinton, President of the US
April 28: Mr. Albert Gore, Vice President
On 21 March: Mr. Yossi Sarid, Israel's Environment Minister B.
In 1993
On 16 November: Mr. Francois Mitterrand, President of France
On 16 November: Mr. Alain Juppe, the Foreign Minister of France
November 14th, Mr. Philippe Douste Blazy: Health Minister, France
On 30 October: Mr Alain Carignon, the French General Information
October 28: Mr. Michel Barnier, French Minister of Environment B.
14 June: Dr. Thomas Klestil, President of Austria
14 June: Dr. Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister
14 June: Dr. Nikolaus Michalek, Austrian Minister of Justice
June 15: Mr. Franz Vranitzky, Chancellor of Austria
15 June: Dr. Erhard Buiek, Vice Chancellor of Austria
June 29: Ms. Barbara McDougal, Canadian Minister of the Interior
May 12: Mr. Douglas Hurd, the British Foreign Minister
April 27: Mr. William j. Clinton, President of the US
April 27: Mr. Albert Gore, Vice President
April 26: Mr. Warren Christopher, Us Secretary of State
6 April: Mr Gareth Evan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia
April 8: Mr. Paul Keating, Prime Minister of Australia
April 14: Mr. Don McKinnon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand
April 11: Mr. Carlos Menem, President of Argentina
May 17: he Patiricio Aylwin, President of Chile
On 16 July: Dr. Thomas Klestil, President of Austria
July 26: Mr. Franz Vranitzky, Chancellor of Austria
On 22 March: Ms. Mary Rohinson, President of Ireland
April 16: Mr. George Bush, President of the US
On 16 August: His Highness Prince Hans Adam of Lichtenstein
August 19: Mr. Rene Felber, Swiss Foreign Minister
On 16 August: Mr. Ronald Dumas, French Minister of Foreign Affairs
September 2: Mr. Kurt Waldheim, President of Austria
September 2: Mr. Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister
On 3 September: Mr. Franz Vranitzky, Chancellor of Austria
September 29: Mr. Vytautas Landsbergis, President of Lithaunia
September 30: Mr. Gediminas Vagnorius, Prime Minister Lithaunia
On 1 October: Kazimieras Motieka, his Vice President, Lithaunia
October 2: Mr. Anatolijs Gorbunvos, Lavtia President
On 3 October: Mr. Andregs, Vice President, Lavtia Krastins
Bronius Kuzmickas day 10: he 4tháng, Vice President of Estonia
On 5tháng 10: Mr. Zhelyn Zhelev, President of Bulgaria
On 2 December: Mr John Major, British Prime Minister
December 4: Mrs af Ugglas, She was President of Sweden
On 5 December: Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, his Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
December 8: Mr. Torvald Stoltenberg, Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs
In 1990
On 2 February: Mr. Václav Havel, President of Czechoslovakia
On 24 September 24: Hon Lizin, Minister of trade and cooperation, France
June 1: Pope John Paul II
September 2: Mr. Gerry Weiner, Canadian Foreign Minister
September 10: Mr. h. van den Broek, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
On 7 October: he Richard von Weizsacher, President of Germany
June 27: Dr. Oscar Arias, President of Costa Rica
Day 3 than1g 7 Carlos Salinas de Gortari: he, President of Mexico
June 12: Mr. Jürgen Wohlrabe, President of West Germany
On December 9, Kjell Magne Bondevik: he, Foreign Minister of Norway
December 10: King Olav, Norway
December 11: Mr. Jan p. Syse, Prime Minister of Norway
May 13: Dr. Rudolf Kirchschlaeger, President of Austria
May 27: Mr. Jacques Chirac, French Prime Minister
On 27 July: Mr. Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysian Foreign Minister
July 26: Mr. a. Perwiranegasa, General Secretary Ratu Malay religion
On 2 August: Mr. Adam Malik, Vice President of Indonesia
In 1980
Mr. Suzuki Zenko, Prime Minister Of Japan
In 1978
Mrs. J.R. Jayewardene, wife of the President of Sri Lanka
In 1973
September 1: Germany V Professor Hoang St. Pual
October 10: Mr. Erskine Chidlers, President of Ireland
On October 10 he Lien Cosgrade, Prime Minister of Ireland
October 10: Mr. Frank Aiken, Irish Foreign Minister
In 1967
On 13 November: Mr. Field Marshal t. Kittikachorn, Prime Minister of Thailand
November 14: King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Thailand
In 1956
All of the Prime Minister, President, Vice President of India
In 1954
Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping
10. A usual Buddhist monks
Germany the Dalai Lama often says: "I'm just a ordinary Buddhist monks, no more, no less" (I am just a simple Buddhist monk-no more, no less). Living in a small net loss in Dharamsala, He wakes up at 4 a.m., sitting meditation, and then continue to work according to the timetable of the Government Office, and guest lectured for the key tenets or prove the great celebration of the monastery.
11. works of Him:
Although busy with lots of the work of the Government and France but Germany Hong as the Dalai Lama also spent the time to write the works of Buddhist studies, history, autobiography, etc to disseminate the essence in the tenets of Buddhism. Start writing the book "the country and my people" (My Land and My People) in 1964 after Him to refugees in India, up to now has over 50 works of all kinds, by him or by his disciple Holograph notes of his lectures or they write about him. Notable among this work is: "opening the eyes of wisdom" (The opening of the Wisdom eye, published in 1972; "Tibetan Buddhism" (The Buddhism of Tibet, xb 1975); "Dalai Lama: the policy of words" (The Dalai Lama: A Policy of Kindness, xb, 1990); "Freedom where the exile" (Free in Exile, xb, 1991); "Meaning of life" (The meaning of Life, xb, 1992) "beam of light in the darkness" (Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night, xb, 1994); "Dialogue about shared responsibility and education" (Dialogues on Universal Responsibility and Education, xb 1995); "The power of words "(The power of compassion, xb, 1995); "The path of liberation" (The path of Enlightenment, xb, 1995); "Violence and compassion, the power of Buddhism" (Violence and Compassion, the Power of Buddhism, xb, 1995); "Four Truths Mysticism" (The Four Noble Truths, xb, 1998); "The art of happiness" (The art of Happiness, xb, 1998), "A Tribe Kalachkra (KALACHAKRA TANTRA, Xb, 1999); "the meaning of life" (THE MEANING OF LIFE, Xb, 1999); "Science of spirituality, dialogue of East & West" (MIND SCIENCE, An East-West Dialogue, xb, 1999); "Sleep, dream and death, an exploration of consciousness" (SLEEPING, DREAMING, AND DYING, An Exploration of Consciousness, Xb 1999) "world of PG West Tang, generalize the philosophy and practice of" (THE WORLD OF TIBETAN BUDDHISM, An Overview of Its Philosophy and Practice, Xb 1999)., etc. (contact address to occasionally his books are: Snow Lion, PO Box 6483. Thaca, NY 14851, USA. Tel: 001-607-273-8519 . Fax: 001-607-273-8508. e-mail: Snow Lion. Wisdom Publication, 361 Newbury Street, Boston, Ma. 02115, USA. Tel: 001-617-536-3358 , Fax: 001-617-536-1897.; Dharma Publishing, 2910 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA. Tel: 001-510-548-5407 . Fax: 001-510-548-2230. Wisdom Books, 402 Hoe Street, London E17 9AA, UK. Tel: 0044-181-520-5588 . Fax: 0044-181-520-0932. Địa chỉ liên lạc với tác giả: His Holiness the Dalai-Lama’s Religious and Cultural Society. Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala 176215, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh INDIA.

Đức Đạt Lai Lạt Ma đang thuyết pháp tại sân vận động Sydney, Úc châu
12. Kết luận:
As described by Prof. Eric Sharpe Holy is the lifelong attention to bringing peace to the people and life. While the pursuit of ideals, they often suffered obstacles, painful or dangerous to their lives. Germany, the 14th Dalai Lama who embody what was described. However, according to analysts, the appearance of him as a fateful, succeeded Duke the 13th Dalai Lama in a most precarious period in the entire history of this noble. Currently, the body parts of the refugees still in exile, however, He is optimistic and hope for
Portrait of Germany, the 14th Dalai Lama
future independence and freedom for his country and the world as He did in 2000: "message of the 20th century is full of conflict and war. Step by step, we guarantee the next century will have the characteristics of nonviolence and dialogue, is prerequisite to the same existing together in peace ". "Society can the differences and conflicts. However, we need to develop the belief that: dialogue and friendship is a main way to avoid violence. Before the new millennium, everyone needs to perform is to strengthen the spirit of international responsibility ".
Aggregated according to the document:
-Mary craig (1997), Kundun, A biography of the Family of the Dalai Lama, Harper Collins Publishers, London
-Roger Hicks & Great Ocean Ngakpa Chogyam (1984), the Buddhist Monk Authories Biography of His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso The 14th Dalai Lama, Element Books, Great Britain.
-Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama (1998) Freedom in Exile, Snow Lion Publications, New York. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).MHDT.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).7/6/2012.
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