Friday, 15 June 2012
Business Vien
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
A. The self:
B. The district tone:
1. Manjushri Chapter
2. Samantabhadra Chapter
3. Universal Label Programs
4. Kim Cang Tang Chapter
5. Maitreya Chapter
6. Hue Purity Chapter
7. At the Duc Tu Oai Chapter
8. Action Music Program
9. Subjectivity karma Chapter
10. Prussian Enlightenment Chapter
11. Chapter Vien Giac
C. The Save Information:
12. Chapter Thien Thu Hien
~ ~ oOo ~ ~
A. The self:
The I heard something like this: One day the Buddha an-Right Concentration is the head of the Buddhas, also is the seat of wisdom Thanh beings. Depending upon Buddhist nondual realms (not two) is where the nature of the Equal beings and Buddhas. The nature of this pure perfection throughout the ten directions facing both the mind and the scenes are quiet. From this realm of duality appears that the Pure Land and ten thousand great bodhisattvas as he Bodhisattva Manjushri, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva him, his label Universal Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Mr. Kim Cang Tang, Mr. Di Lac Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Hue Purity him, he Oai German Independence Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Mr. Noble, he Subjectivity Bodhisattva karma, he Prussian Enlightenment Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva he Vien Giac, he Thien Thu Hien Bo slapping, etc. .. The Bodhisattvas are as they converge in the upper manual. They, along with relatives in the integration of right concentration, and in the Equal Legal Affairs Purity of the Tathagata.
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
B. The district tone:
A. Chapter Manjusri:
Then he Bodhisattva Manjushri stood up in mass around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, then bowed his hands and knees straight clear that
Sir Dai Bi Bhagavan, begged him for the legal audience currently exists for this and other beings later Mahayana, compassion taught: Speaking to local practice pure mercy of the Tathagata. The Bodhisattva of the Mahayana, it has pure heart, how to rid ourselves of the delusion, which makes the beings from the wicked fall into.
He Dai Tri Bodhisattva Manjushri visiting so three times, worshiped and back, meeting with them to sit quietly just waiting to hear the Buddha's teachings. When she called him Buddha Manjushri Bodhisattva which teaches that good men Behold, you do! He since the bodhisattvas present and all beings later Mahayana legal requirements that mercy is talking about local practice of the Tathagata; When the mind and purity, how sick away from the thoughts, to avoid fall into wrong. So let him listen attentively, I will because his only teacher. Once there, he Dai Tri Bodhisattva Manjushri and the public are happy, just waiting respectfully just carefully listening to the Buddha's teachings. Behold Friendly men, have legal Tathagata named Dai Ni Da La Vien Giac. From this, it's nature born Vien Giac all purification methods: a selection like this, Bodhi, Nirvana, and Paramita. Now I shall teach him. Behold Manjusri, local practice mercy of the medicine Buddha are "Vien Giac" permanently eliminate this ignorance is wisdom pure perfection, so new was Buddha. So What is ignorance? Surely good men, all living beings from that far back, many dishes were crazy obscure nature Vien Giac, who lost as big as quarters, crazy expectations out body and mind, then four great smooth body to assume this yourself, accept the thoughts of birth and death hanging on to the shadow of six ceiling is real mind, as seen in the damage to the eye no flower or spotted a second moon. In fact, there is a void moon flower spots or Monday, but that is expected by the eye to accept. Approved by the expectations, so people do not know nothing but more confusion: accept the fact that birth flower spots. Because of this ignorance that has birth and death, so called ignorance. Surely good men, I can not real ignorance. As the sleeping dream that the landscape, to wake up, the scene no longer; And like all the flowers to the spot in vain to kill himself. At the time of telling the truth can not kill the flowers because real flowers born so there is no room. All beings in the "no birth and death," but hope that "with birth and death," so recently been in the sea of birth and death and damnation reincarnation. Surely good men, multiplication practice field of the Tathagata is to cultivate the "Vien Giac". That means that "the measures are as bogus" middle of nowhere spots like flowers, there is no rebirth and no person subject to birth and death. do not undermine the law that call is not lost . The nature of the law it self is not so. This "does not know the law" as well as vanity. The "knowing nothing" is not always. But can not say no, "I know". Be as minus all the yes and no, as a new option called upon member sensory nature. Why? As in Tibet Tathagata has no birth and death, no notice, such as nowhere permanent move, as the essence of fullness throughout the legal world facing both the ten directions. This is called a local place to practice mercy of the Tathagata, the bodhisattva of mercy is also here that give rise to pure practice the Mahayana. We also have y offspring born following that practice, new from the fall into wrong.
Then the Blessed One, to
brief on the meaning, the verse which says that:
Manjusri, he should
Practice mercy seat
Of the
Vien Giac is taking
Break out of ignorance
Know the bogus
The cycle
Just as the
I dream all the scene
I also do not
Wise in the ten
Equality does not
Immediately the Buddhist
Then kill all the
The director also
Traditionally nature
Where y
Bodhi mind has
The later
From this place from the
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
Then he Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, stood up in mass around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, then hands and knees straight white homage that
Sir Dai Bi Bhagavan, begged him as the Bodhisattva in the Assembly This and the next life all beings practice the Mahayana, compassion taught to approach the realm of practice Vien Giac Purity. Buddha, if the measures are being said is bogus, illusory body and mind also, what they need to cultivate? Why even use the back illusory illusory practitioners do?
Then again if the law were kill off bogus, they also destroy your body and mind. If the body and mind are then taken away, but who practice called bogus practitioners?
Buddha, if not spiritual beings, still birth and death forever in the scene without illusory self know, how Removal except to free the mind delusions are birth and death.
Please Buddha as being the next life, means to teach second grade practice and practice how to give birth when they heard the planes Vien Giac Purity This, according to which medical practice, permanent separation from the illusory hope.
He invited the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra so three times, bowing respectfully Buddha then went back. When the Lord Buddha praised him and taught Samantabhadra Bodhisattva that good men Behold, you do. He since the bodhisattvas and sentient beings now lives, asked about the means and first class practice practice "Tam blacks as" the Bodhisattva makes being away from the illusory. So he should be listened to, because he would open the market. Once there, he Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and mass are happy, respectful and attentive hearing the Buddha's teachings only. Surely good men! All landscape of illusory beings born in the mind Vien Giac mystery of the Tathagata. The bogus legal nature there is death, but did not kill Vien Giac. Just as flowers delivery spots in vain, the other has flowers bogus spots disappear, but nature never perish nowhere. When the illusory scene kill him, then the illusion of mind as well as practitioners that always kills. When the illusions are killing off the Vien Giac mind is not self-expectations. Because of the illusory hope that says Vien Giac, Vien Giac should also become illusory expectations, because it is so treated in the past. To this realm, if also says that there is not left Vien Giac illusory expectations were hit, but said no Vien Giac, then there is no hope left is illusory. Therefore, the false illusion must be cleaned out and then called the List sense. Surely good men, all bodhisattvas and sentient beings lives, need to rid ourselves of the following: 1. It leaves the realm of illusory delusion, but further away from the mind knows. 2. Know that the mind shuns is illusory, should also be separated from always. 3. There is also separated from the illusory should also be separated from. 4. The well is separated away from the illusory, should also be separated from always. 5. Have nothing to rid ourselves again, like new except the illusion called. rate as the last fire, use two pieces of wood rubbing together bamboo, palm until fire back burning wood emits. Wood fire until the end, brutal fire, fly ash, now just barren ashes. Use the magical illusion of legal practice, too. When the illusory kill all then, not a cessation, which had self-identity Vien Giac is presented. Surely good men, when they learned of the bogus law, ie the leaves are illusory, and not need to have the means nothing else. Ie leave the illusory sense, there is no class what lang sequentially. All bodhisattvas and sentient beings lives, so that medical practice, new separation from the illusory.
When the Buddha, to sum
this sense, the verse should say that:
Samantabhadra, he should
The illusory
Of all
From time to
Were born in the Vien
Of the
Just as the flower
Born in state of
United spot and then
remove all
Nowhere is
The visual illusion from
Removal illusory, sense
Vien Giac not expected
The current Bodhisattva
And later
Permanent separation from
the illusory
It leaves for all
As fire from birth
Back unburnt
Make fire fly
Enlightenment is not
Vehicles do not
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
3. Universal Label Program:
Then, his label Universal Bodhisattva, in the masses to stand up to go around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, then hands and knees straight white homage that
Sir Dai Bi Bhagavan, begged him as the Bodhisattva in this Assembly and all beings lives, first class teaching practice of the Bodhisattva.
Buddha, like other beings, the Buddha said when hearing legal "Tam Ly blacks" this, your mind confused, because do not know how to lower the elaborately. So, if you do not have the means and think Chon district Chon district, can not enter the Vien Giac treatment.
Please open his compassion, for those not yet enlightened as us being present and the next life, temporarily set up means to practice like? How to think? Should remain and how to preserve? Vien Giac enter new enlightenment?
He invited the Bodhisattva Universal label so three times, then respectfully Buddhist ceremony and went back Then the Buddha praised Bodhisattva and his label Universal taught that good men Behold, you do. He because the bodhisattva beings present and future lives, sometimes for up Tathagata temporary facilities to practice and teach second grade tu do? thinking how to make feet right? Should remain and how to preserve? So he should be listened to, because he would open the market. Once there, he Bodhisattva Universal label and mass are happy, listened respectfully as the Buddha's teachings only. Surely good men, the rudiments of Bodhisattvas and other beings lives, want to enter the heart enlightened Vien Giac Purity of the Tathagata, they should be mindful, and rid ourselves of the delusion. So we must first: a) Y by law "only" of the Tathagata. b) Maintaining permanent precepts. c) Arrange for the peace of our map. d) In the quiet place. f) the following thoughts : It often remember this: The body of this is by far one of four substances: earth, water, wind, fire and harmony again. As the skin, flesh, sinews, bones, teeth, hair, nails, bone marrow, brain, etc. .. is of the soil. Tears, mucus, sweat, fat, blood, pus, phlegm, permissive, urine, etc. .. is under water. In body temperature is of the fire. Pulmonary respiration, heart beat, pulse jump, and the body moving in etc. .. is of the wind. Four substances until exhausted, no more harmony, the body that is damaged wherein lies this? Surely good men, he said the body is ultimately unreal things, because the conditions made themselves general harmony insubstantiality, and the type illusory. Because the four conditions as soil, water, wind, fire harmony should hope that the six senses are eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind. Nhon four conditions and six bases, in addition to integration into the fake body temporarily, and then hope to start the delusions differentiate, accumulate in this body, in as formless "energy coast", hanging on to the shadow of the sense so fake call "mind." Surely good men, the mind distinguishes this delusion, if not then no longer have the sense to distinguish anything. Again, when the four conditions and exhausted, the body no longer assume this interim. At that time, the thoughts differentiate normally accumulate in the body hanging on to the shadow of six ceiling, but that they were scattered. Eventually I found something that is no longer called "mind" at all. Surely good men, because of being illusory body ceases, so the mind is illusory death; Do illusory mind vanishes, so illusory ceiling also killed. Because the bare illusory kill, so kill it also kill the always illusory. By the general body and mind completely destroy the ceiling structure, so at that time non-illusory nature Vien Giac is a pure throughout the ten directions. For example, cleaning the mirror, when all the dust, self-described example. Surely good men, such as the bright pearl in Romania, as per the projection appear in color. But the rustic do not know, for years the other color is real. Nature Purity Vien Giac, too, depending on the species that the applicant is not the same every body and mind. But the ignorant to accept the body and mind that is real, so can not be separated from the general illusory delusion. Surely good men, for the ignorant accept the illusory body and mind this structure is real, not can be separated from, so this is referred to as "beings." For those who have been away from the illusory body and mind structure is called a "Bodhisattva". When the "illusory structure" all legal "value" except, of "value" is not, until no longer a "word" to call and "words" to "discussion", "person" no, the "scene" wilderness, the "expectations" completely destroy, temporarily called the Vien Giac or Buddha. Surely good men, the Bodhisattvas and other beings lives, while killing off the prospects illusory scene then Vien Giac Purity nature appears throughout the infinite nothingness, no short edge and direction. Surely good men, because of his lucid Vien Giac Thanh Tinh Tam appeared to be pure. Because the six pure heart pure form. Do six to six bases form pure pure. Since six of six bare root so pure pure. Do six to four great purity ceiling, twelve bases, eighteen men and twenty-five species are pure. Surely good men, because the pure worldly, so the law of the world such as: Ten, four dishes fearless, his wife of four dishes, eighteen legal injustice, Bodhipaksiya thirty-seven, and eight-four thousand teachings like Da La Ni, all pure. Surely good men, because of the legal world and the world space are pure, so pure individuals. Do individuals have so many personal purity purification, until ten Vien Giac beings are purified. Surely good men, by a pure world, many world pure. Since so many pure world with nowhere to take the ten directions throughout the three periods covered all equally pure action. Surely good men, were equally vain, it should know the nature of the Vien Giac not equal. Like for like four thousand to eight La Ni Da method is not equal, it should know the nature of the Vien Giac not equal. Surely good men, because nature does not work Vien Giac purity, perfection is not the same across all banks terminals, so that the six senses, six died, four elements, to the method of Da La Ni also purity and fullness across borders both the legal world. Surely good men, because of his other mysteries Vien Giac fullness without damage, so the of the base, the nature of the ceiling, there is no legal and great decay; So Da La Ni practice no decay and great. For example, hundreds of thousands of lights burning in a house, the light of a projector lamp but all around the house, but no great or destroy each other encroachment. Surely good men, because the nature of the Bodhisattva achieves Vien Giac then, should not fear compounded bound, not free for martial law, birth and death are not boring, do not like Nirvana, the glass is not morality, not hate transgressions, no respect since long, despise not beginners. Why is that? Since all such solutions are Vien Giac. For as the eyes of the landscape seen in the present, seeing the boss over all, does not love to hate. Why is that? Because seeing only one possible, should not hate this trade. Surely good men, Bodhisattvas and other beings present lives, but the practice of consciousness (Vien Giac) that was attained (penalty) and , but actually not religious and also fails, because nature has passed away recently Vien Giac universal screening of all, for being Buddhist or not two, not the other. The world of the Buddhas as much as the sand of the river constants, are in essence this Giac Vien. Like the flower spots in vain, even love arises whirring and whirring even love passes away. Not "news" is emptiness Vien Giac, which is also not "cup" Vien Giac is emptiness; no front plate and liberation. You should know by samsara and nirvana are like dreams and yesterday, as beings which had become a Buddha from ancient times until now. Surely good men, to know samsara and nirvana are like a dream yesterday, so no birth and death have no past and future also. Where the results of evidence, not "be" and "lost", no "prime" and "discharge". Where the witness has no power to "make work" and "suspend" or "birth" and "kill." Vien Giac In essence, all methods are equal, there is no decay. Ultimately there is no evidence of performance and effect of certification status. Surely good men, the other bodhisattva to teach medical word on that thought so, using such means, y under the hall and sequential class practice as So, to remain so, must request such measures and such new enlightenment from ignorance.
Then, the Buddha wanted
to brief definition above, the verse should say that:
Universal label, he
should know
Body, Mind of
All are as
The body of four
This body is charged six
Four of disintegration
What I
Sequentially from the
All are
Vien Giac throughout the
Do not do, only birth,
No energy certificate,
All the Buddhist
Nowhere spots like
Three generations are
Ultimately failed
New Bodhisattva
And later
Want to enter the
Buddhist Circuit
Must like to
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
4. Chapter Kim Cang Tang:
Then, he Kim Cang Tibetan Bodhisattva in the masses, get up, walk around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, and respectfully with folded hands, bowed at the foot of Buddha, then knelt straight white that
lord, He has since made it clear identity Bodhisattva "Vien Giac Purity 'of the Tathagata, and teach the means, sequential nature of practice to enter Vien Giac. He revealed a murky cloud of ignorance for living beings. Hearing them in this Assembly, through the compassion of the Buddha declare, that wisdom is illumined eyes.
If these beings have a Buddha from ancient times until now, they do have in all ignorance beings to return to again?
If existing beings of ignorance, what is the causal Tathagata said, "We have become a Buddha from birth to old now?"
If ten beings have a Buddha from the past , later re-born of ignorance, then the Tathagata has now become a Buddha and then, as long as the afflictions he was born back again?
Bend for Germany Great Compassion Buddha, Bodhisattvas as current and all Later all beings, the root extracted doubts, enlightened beings are making the supreme import.
He Kim Cang Tibetan Bodhisattva sometimes sparse so three times, bowing respectfully Buddha then went back. At that time, Lord He praised Kim Cang Sun Bodhisattva and Tibetan teaches: Behold good men, you do. He since the bodhisattvas as being present and the next life, my Tathagata asked the magical mystical doctrine. Now he says it because the Mahayana teachings, ultimately meaningless and noble, which makes the Bodhisattva practice in the ten directions, and all beings lives, are rid of all the doubts, certainly unto faith. So he should attentively hear the words we teach. Once there, he and Kim Cang Tibetan Bodhisattva of them are happy, respectfully listening to the Buddha taught Surely good men, all with hydro-common law, birth- Removal and pre-post, have-not, capacitor-approval, start-stop, turn-rhyme, over-again, the player-drain dishes, each concept is always connected. The foregoing are the reincarnation. Those who have not thought out cycle that table to the Vien Giac, the character that became Vien Giac reincarnation. If people out of Reincarnation (all love and hope) that they no longer have the delusion that again. Surely good men, such as eye blink for which the wavy water; For the eyes see not keep up (spinning flame ) that shows a ring of fire; Nhon see the moon clouds that run; So that the shore drift boat. While this material as eye blinking, clouds, boats running, etc. .. things like that quiet standing water, fire spots, the moon stops, etc. .. but rather the movement, let alone the stains he used mind that birth and death Vien Giac observe Purity nature of the Tathagata, the Vien Giac this nature do not stains? So he was born three questions above. Surely good men, such as persons with impaired eye disease, prospects looked where nowhere seen whirring have spotted flowers. Until then ill do my blurs, the spots other flowers self-destruction. At that time, he should not ask: "The patient was impaired to kill it, so long as the back born again?" Why? Because it expected the speaker to be untrue so illusory. And also should not ask: "These flowers in vain kill the other spots, so long as he spotted flower delivery back again?" Why? Because, in which no flower nowhere spots, so it has no spots or kill flowers flower delivery spots that samsara and nirvana for nature as flowers Vien Giac spots also birth and death in vain. Vien Giac mysterious nature is fulfilled, quiet shine, to leave the realm of ignorance and flower spots. Surely good men, should know there is nothing that is not temporary and not temporary, Vien Giac alone nature of the As Lai is the nature of nowhere, it depends upon the conditions of equality, but temporary, and temporary or why not? Surely good men, such as metallic mineral substances filtered after being cooked, then remove all ore, gold, only Health. Yellow substance is not filtered by cooking birth because it is available from before then, and when gold has y, then never again return to the ore and oil through the years, it is not damaged. Nature Vien Giac Purity of the Tathagata is also like that. Surely good men, Vien Giac nature of the Tathagata has no Bodhi and Nirvana did not become a Buddha and a Buddha, there is no cycle of reincarnation and fees. Behold good men, was very close to the realm of nirvana care Sravaka cessation of other primary surplus, but the mind can not distinguish which is itself evidence, let alone planes Vien Giac Tathagata Purity of mind to think that the use compared measurements of beings, then how in? Just as the fire burning firefly to Mount Tu-Di, how to burn it? Users mind reincarnation, reincarnation mind that prospects want to accept the President pure sea Nirvana of the Tathagata can not be. So I say: All sentient beings are bodhisattvas and later, we must first of all base period rebirth from the wife. Surely good men, if any thought is distinguished from the false mind to start, so all thoughts are delusions distinguish the shadow of six hanging on to the ceiling. It delusion spots in vain like flowers, are not feet center. If he used a false mind of thinking that thought, the realm of the Buddhas was also vicious realm within the delusion of being alone. As people sat expected to flower into the middle of nowhere spots that can not be results. Surely good men, he used his right mind crude delusion, born of the accepted way of expectations, so he can not enter the Vien Giac the true scene of the Tathagata. So he asked, should the words are falsehoods on the distinction, regards not the right feet.
Then, the Buddha wanted
to sum, the above definition, the verse should say that:
Kim grew, to
Tathagata quiet
If using heart
Realm of Buddhist
Landscape of Buddhist
The coast of
Buddha can not enter the
Buddhahood but
To cultivate new
Also available in
Must new
When gold has
No return to
Samsara and
Ordinary and
All, like flowers
Center was illusory to
Should also illusory
How do I enter the
If clear
New bridge Vien
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
Five. Chapter Maitreya:
Once there, he Maitreya Bodhisattva in the masses to stand up, walk around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, and respectful hands, bowed at the foot of Buddha, then knelt straight white that
Sir Dai Bi Bhagavan, he has since the mass Bodhisattva and open the hidden treasure of the Tathagata and the general public being present and the next life is the wise eyes without fear, discrimination is the wrong district, understanding of reincarnation, for scenes nirvana born University of confidence for sure, no longer accept the false start that back realms of reincarnation again.
The Bodhisattva and how being born after the cessation Reincarnation roots to the Great Sea of the Tathagata passed away?
How many kinds of beings reincarnation?
How many of people practice the Buddha's Bodhi?
When bodhisattvas enter the world of being, to use means nothing to teachers living beings?
Crouching Buddha would shake his great compassion to save the world, to teach the bodhisattva beings present and future lives, make our beings are clear mirror, the eye of wisdom in the birth, enlightenment members are "Knowledge and Supreme" of the Tathagata. He invited the Bodhisattva Maitreya so three times, and respectfully Lord Buddha and callbacks. At that time, the Buddha praised Bodhisattva Maitreya that he taught: Behold Friendly Men, you do. He since the bodhisattvas present and the next life beings that Tathagata is talking the magical sense sublime, making the Bodhisattva of wisdom are pure eye and all beings born after rupture the birth and death, care treatment and realization is the true form unborn legal entity. The he should be listening, because he'll teach: At that time Bodhisattva Maitreya and his public were happy to obey the Buddha respectfully open market. Surely good men, all living beings from wife So far, all the dishes by sex and lust was so new rebirth. All beings in the world, in short there are four species: species born eggs. species childbirth. Species birth place wet. species of beings. The living beings are so lewd that this form of it threatening. By so they must know: The roots of birth and death is "love" and "sexual" way. As with education, should new born loving attachment, the attachment should love the new birth and death, death and birth are not definitely connected. Surely good men, by loving the new born attachment to education, because education is so new network itself. So the quest to be the root of it, the attachment being loving attachment to the network itself is sexual love. Attachment is sexual love mercy, and loving attachment to the network itself is the result. Surely good men, what do scene bare pink bad back, if the face of adversity consciousness to hate, to generate the data, the industrial hell, hungry demon, or animal. If people know boring sex scenes, preferred to create good karma, bad karma boring mode, the regeneration of the human realm or heaven-sphere. But those scenes which he concealed in the realm of pollution ceilings sex workers, taking love scenes from Zen and the uncertainty in the two realms, like the original also cultivate craving, born of two realms so compounded as God and God rūpa Formless-sphere. The living beings are also in the above cycle of birth and death because there are all craving, should not the Noble Path. Therefore, these beings want to escape rebirth, it must first eliminate the craving and attachment loving heart. Surely good men, the Bodhisattva of the body in the world not because of lust infection cells as living beings, whose origins compassion and great vows to save the world, should have the desire to place themselves on birth and death of beings being made to let go of the craving. Surely good men, if all offspring being left was the greed, hate excluding commercial center, birth and death must end, where the mind is pure, Vien Giac to enter the realm of the Tathagata, the entry will be realized. Surely good men, all of them original birth ignorance born of desire to differences in racial identity. In nature this species is based on the offensive with the exception of two that define shallow and deep. What are the obstacles? The reason he is stumbling and stumbling. of preference: primary knowledge barrier. The obstacles: making the birth and death continues. If this distention for two dishes that are totally not the call is being. Surely good men, How was strains in nature? a) racial identity Sravaka b) racial identity Pratyekabuddha c) racial identity Bodhisattva d) No racial nature of e) Foreign direct racial identity if these beings break the obstacles except greed, but not the only obstacles of evidence are too Thanh Van Giac Duyen and not dwell realm of Bodhisattva. Surely good men, if being born after the Great Sea to the Enlightenment of the Tathagata, the front must be diligent item vow to eliminate two obstacles. When two dishes were nestled stumbling recovery, the realization in the realm of Bodhisattva. If the two items completely destroy obstacles, the Vien Giac into the realm of the Tathagata mystery, complete results and Dai Bo Nirvana . Surely good men, that living beings can show that the Vien Giac, but if they have good knowledge of birth as bar them into urban culture Hinayana, and as having good knowledge of the bodhisattvas, they Dai Thua, if the Tathagata teaches religious meet the Supreme Bodhi, they become a Buddha Vehicle. Surely good men, there are moral beings to teach knowledge-practice guidelines, it faces the evil pagan masters teach, so them wrong birth, enlightenment does not understand Chon district, so called pagan racial identity. This is not the fault at fault being that evil master. summary beings can cultivate Bodhi in our racial identity differences mentioned above. Surely good men, the patron bodhisattva vows are y from the birth of their wife by his great compassion and purity should promote this type of delivery. Bodhisattva manifest using many media appearances, when the scene upon, as against the present situation, which at the time was staying with beings and do the same job as being to the surface facilities of chemical, which beings are Buddha. Surely good men, if these beings lives, the mind has great purity of the Bodhisattva vows, start to enter the mind diligently Vien Giac, they must vow thus: -I wish today was Knowledge Compassion meet their children to enter Vien Giac practice of Buddhism, monks do not see evil pagan excess and binary -I vow to practice medicine by the end except in times of stumbling. When the offensive end, may be fulfilled, then I will get into big beautiful stately Vien Giac, and to the palace purity liberation of the Tathagata.
Then, the Buddha wanted
to brief definition above, the verse should say that:
Maitreya, he should
All living
Are caused by greed
Should fall into birth
and death
Not worthy of
If the injured person,
Along the greed, hatred
and delusion
No need to cultivate
It will be a
Master prayer
Enlightenment is Chon
Y the Bodhisattva
Except for two dishes
great stumbling
Nirvana is the
The ten
Are by great
Vows to birth and
Beings that
The current
And later
Charity must eliminate
New to the Vien
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
6. Chapter Hue Purity:
Then he Hue Purity Bodhisattva in the masses to stand up, walk around the property of the Buddha three rounds, then respectfully folded hands, bowed and knelt at the foot of the Buddha that straight white that
Sir Dai Bi Bhagavan, he said, for we have extensive smart things inconceivable. The work that we do come back in time, have not seen and not heard, today, the Buddha declared that market for us is to understand treatment, refreshing body and mind happy, unto great benefits.
Lord Bach Religion, for him as the Bodhisattva and all beings in this conference, first class taught by certified practitioners how to Tathagata beings present and future lives, mercy hear Buddhist teachings as well which is enlightenment, in turn, depending upon the nature of Christ Holiness Vien Giac.
He Hui Bodhisattva Purity sometimes sparse so three times, Lord Buddha and respectfully callbacks. At that time, the Buddha praised him Bo Hue Purity Tat and taught that good men Behold, you do. He since the bodhisattvas and sentient beings present later, my second question Tathagata about class differences in religious documents like. So he should be listened to, because he will teach. At that time, he Purity mass Hui Bodhisattva and the joy, respectfully obey the Buddha taught. Surely good men, in essence Vien Giac not all measures, which have all legal. It is variable depending upon the conditions that meet all, without the defense and evidence. For as the eye can see all objects that are not found himself. It is equally found himself without equal. Surely good men, in true form, there is no bodhisattva and sentient beings. Why? by Bodhisattvas and sentient beings are so illusory. When the illusory Minister kill him, then no power of control and certification results. They come because deluded crazy but should not eliminate the illusory Minister, as being expected to start for Minister of the illusory of, by having the minister was killed and not illusory kill should see a second class certificate religious differences. If people are depending upon the nature of the Vien Giac Tathagata passed away, He no longer saw the scene passed away and who passed away too. Surely good men, all being from the wife to now, the mistake is "really one "and" our animals "and the birth love for us and our animals, so when we see the birth scene with heart against hate, but I agree with the birth craving, an enthusiastic contingent of sex scenes. They have not realized the body and mind is delusion, every concept of birth and death always, it is not true. If you have good teaching intellectual property, they are enlightened Vien Giac pure nature, body and mind to understand this is delusion Each concept of birth and death, not what we really have; At the time we confirm that: "The body is naked lao expected floods. " Those who are permanently eliminate occupational hearing expected this flood, the pure realization enter the legal world, but for self-identity has not been at Vien Giac, because there was a "known purity," it made obstacles. Such persons are called flesh-phu-depending-upon-nature-Vien Giac. Surely good men, all the Bodhisattva was approved because the obstacles that nature so pure Vien Giac. Although this segment is the head but obstacles that in the "sense". Thus, also in places obstinate sense, Vien Giac nature should remain unobstructed, not liberation. Because so-called angry Tam Hien-Bo-Tat-depending-upon-nature-Vien Giac. Surely good men, if there are known and there are still obstacles enlightenment. So common sense without the Bodhisattva head where sensory, projection and projection of the silence; Bodhisattva self-interest obstacles to eliminate obstacles; When you remove all obstacles, will no longer have the capacity to kill. For someone like myself onto his head. When his head had fallen then, there's no cut. Surely good men, all economic teachings of the Tathagata is the only moon finger Vien Giac. So they must know: This is the finger and not just economic education Vien Giac moon. If he just tried to accept the fingers never see the moon. Those who know the economic mercy fingers that this teacher get Vien Giac moon is called Bo-Tat-up-Holy-Land-depending-upon-nature-Vien Giac. Surely good men, all of the obstacles News Dear Savior Enlightenment; Mindfulness or thoughts are free; Tri sex or gender are breaking Nirvana; wisdom or Prajna are foolish; and pagan Bodhisattva is the Bodhi; Ignorance and selection as the one realm; About-The-Hue and si-no-sex behavior are pure; The being and national identity of a legal contract; Hell and Heaven are the Pure Land; are charming and inadvertently become a Buddha director; All defilements are ultimately liberated; Why? Because the legal world sea lily shines as the Minister of nowhere. This is called As-Lai-depending-upon-nature-Vien Giac. Surely good men, Bodhisattvas and sentient beings in the next life, just not starting all the time regardless of wandering thoughts, expectations for care not be eliminated, in scenes such delusions in more discrimination, where the scene is not clear that such is necessary to distinguish true; When listening to this practice is not taken as strange and terrifying but sure consciousness, clear understanding, and serve over the territory, then we call these beings depending upon the nature Vien Giac. Surely good men, they must know: These beings depending upon what is already a lot like life practice, each growing a lot of merit; offering of Buddha and Bodhisattva as much as the sand of the Ganges. Ta-certification application for these people will accomplish Nhut Tri Race Set.
Then, the Buddha wanted
to sum, the above definition, the verse should say that:
Purity Hue, he
Consummation Bodhi
No more manual and
No Bodhisattva,
Sense and Sense
Saturday class
Beings are afraid
Bodhisattvas are feeling
Sanctuary constant
Since no head of the
Consummation through
Call around, depending
The later
Mind not bear
I say this
The life is the
Since offerings
While there are many
It all depends upon
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
7. Oai German Chapter of Independence:
Then, he Oai German Independence Bodhisattva in mass up to around the
right hand of the Buddha three rounds and then respectfully folded hands, bowed
at the foot of Buddha, knees straight but transparency that
Sir Dai Bi Bhagavan, please for we have his broad, differentiated instruction means for causing hospitalization awareness by listening to the Bodhisattva of the Buddha who sound clarity of mind that no sensory multiplication practice and still be of great benefit.
Sir, such as that great city has four doors, one door always wanted to be, is not limited to a path?
Also, the bodhisattva practice, made a solemn Buddha and Bodhi enlightenment, where only there is a means. Bend for the Blessed because we teach the means of class to practice and do things, to the legal Bodhisatta in this Assembly and later for legal beings are enlightened Mahayana and colors are on-Sea General President-away of the Tathagata.
He Oai German Independence Bodhisattva sometimes sparse so three times, with folded hands respectfully, and then went back Buddhist ceremony.
Once there, he Oai Buddha praised Bodhisattva German Independence and taught that:
these good men, you do. He since the bodhisattvas present and later beings that Tathagata is talking about the means of cultivation. He should be listening, because he will teach.
Once there, he Oai German Independence mass Bodhisattva with the quiet, attentive, and happy just listening to the Buddha's teachings.
Surely good men, nature Vien Giac this supreme mystery, it is covered throughout the ten directions and the Buddhas are born with all legal. All beings with a copper Buddhas can not equal the other, so the practice has returned to nature when Vien Giac is actually no two places; But the means to enter Vien Giac has immeasurable .
Because the level of being not the same, so the means to return to nature Vien Giac have differences, but not out of these three means.
Surely good men, if the Bodhisattvas are enlightened and purified Vien Giac, the conformation Vien Giac this pure heart that keeps the slang of the quiet and happy thoughts. When the sensory expectations were way disturb the silence and then, the pure wisdom arises. The body and mind at the time of birth and death as our delusion and dust defiled like this, away from all this. Then, in the inner yogi born poet calm and gentle squeezing of the ten Buddhas in the world have appeared in the meditator's mind as the ball is clearly in the mirror.
practice as means is called Tha Ma is far from just or from the top.
Surely good men, if the Bodhisattvas are enlightened and purified Vien Giac, then y accordance Vien Giac pure mind which contemplate temperaments, body senses, and the sense these are the illusory character. At that time the Bodhisattva start to mind as illusory as illusory unless the law; as illusory as the behavior to the level of being as illusory. By the bodhisattva practice of customary law as the district should give rise to great compassion mercy save all suffering beings gentle poetry that still time, does not take place before attachment beings.
All Bodhisattvas are y according to customary practice as this district which was once promoted. Initially restaurant scene is illusory, but not consistent illusory; After the bar is completely illusory and ultimately illusory separation from the Minister. So the Bodhisattva has accomplished these organic methods consistent color; turn bodhisattvas progress as well as land for cultivation for the last seed was born.
media practice like Ma called Tam Quan Bat Thread is religious or called Hue.
Surely good men, if the Bodhisattvas are enlightened and Vien Giac pure heart, the mental health that the word Vien Giac. To reject the law and legal Illusory Only Quan As provincial governor. Bodhisattva of awareness of consciousness itself is material obstruction, and Vien Giac nature shall not be the barrier material, even beyond the scenes super hurdles and obstacles; It still life and the world body and mind in in this mundane, without being bound naked scene although it is Nirvana or sorrow does not make up its mind.
For example, the deck of the bell sound, but in places that still escape bells ringing.
Bodhisattva at that time in the quiet inner place. Very gently relaxed; Come fall, mercy, being, life span, four generals were no longer, and depending upon the realm of pure mystery Vien Giac president.
Bodhisattva means these practitioners called Dinh Thien Hue Na or religious song.
Surely good men, three practice them are the means to enter awareness List. Ten of the Buddha are the multiplication this means that the Buddha. Ten Bodhisattvas, religious or other means or the other, but all this medical practice that the three be realized or the Vien Giac.
Surely good men, suppose there is a Buddhist monk, is the want of Memory A-La-Han position and Bich-Chi Buddhist, but the benefits are not equal in moments depending upon the practice and practice Vien Giac this very afraid.
Then, the Buddha wanted to brief definition above, the verse should say that:
At the Duc Tu Oai
Vien Giac emptiness
Vehicles are more
Tathagata brief
presentation only
Nor out of three
As shown in a mirror
As Quan practitioners
As was once big
Only, Mini and religious
As the deck of the bell
Three mystery
Vien Giac are depending
Ten ways the
And the
This was the
Three legal documents
Nirvana is the
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
8. Action Music Program:
Meanwhile, his warm sea in the masses, get up walk around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, then Lord Buddha, knees straight but clear that
Sir Dai Bi Buddha, he taught his last three as the method of spiritual practice How rare it is.
But the Bodhisattva, whenever you Vien Giac, for three practice this means, there are several ways to cultivate?
Bend for the Buddha because the mass of beings present and future lives, open media presentation, which makes us all realize is the true minister.
Distinguished Visiting three times already so he respectfully Measures Bodhisattva Lord Buddha then went back.
At that time, the Buddha praised Bodhisattva Action and he taught that
good men Behold, you do. He was due to the mass current and the next life but being sparse Tathagata asked how much the practice. He should listen attentively, Tathagata will because his only teacher.
Once there, he argued Bodhisattva mass along with the silent joy to hear the Buddha's teachings.
Surely good men, Vien Giac pure essence of all Tathagata has no "legal practitioner being" and "practitioners". Song for the bodhisattva beings present and the next life is not entered Vien Giac, have to use magical means to practice law; Because of that twenty-five divided by religious as follows: 1. These good men, if a Bodhisattva is to keep your mind calm, very quiet thanks to this, which section of the ills, the permanent nature of ultimate achievement Vien Giac, the Bodhisatta was at that time and still no seats left enter the Nirvana. Bodhisattva practice as a legal practitioner and is called "far ma tha" (or called religious only or from the top) 2. These good men, if any Bodhisattva practitioners only "Quan As Illusory" and thanks very Buddhist bodhisattva her household should be transformed to the world, the Bodhisattva made despite the use of magical beings, full of virtues mystery of the Bodhisattva, but still no net loss of memory president and quiet wisdom of Da Li Na. Bodhisattva practice like this, a legal practice called separate "Three bowls that subject" (or Hue). 3. These good men, if any Bodhisattva kill only illusory, non-attachment effect, own the other afflictions, when the most disturbing evidence is true then minister. Bodhisattva practice like that, private practitioners known as "Zen moment" (Dinh Quan Song Tu) 4. These good men, if any Bodhisattva before keeping very calm place, the use Net wisdom shines as illusory as the chemical solution, then start out happy bodhisattva. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Xa ma tha" (The), the terms "mind that bowl problem" (Hue). 5. These good men, if any Bodhisattva of wisdom to use quiet, they are the nature is pure, then the other afflictions, from birth and death forever. Bodhisattva practice like that, it is called before tu "Xa ma tha" (The) after practice "Zen moment". (The Hue song tu). 6. These good men, if any Bodhisattva of wisdom to use pure, unload illusory turn out to chemical forms of these beings, after then cessation of suffering, then enter the realm passed away. Bodhisattva practice just like that, before the practice is called "far ma tha" (The), from "Three bowls that subject" (Hui), the religious "Zen moment" (The song Hue tu). 7. These good men, if any exertion is pure Bodhisattva of the negativity that then, after starting the very peaceful behavior of the Bodhisattva to the mystery of the living beings. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Xa ma tha" (The), after tu "Zen moment" (The song Hue tu), the terms "mind that bowl problem" (Hue). 8. These good men, if there are Bodhisattvas pure exertion of the mind rid of the ills and build up the world, as the level of being. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Xa ma tha" (The), the religious and "Three bowls that subject" (Hue) and the word "Zen moment". 9. These good men, if any bodhisattva is pure energy use, help for the evolution, after the other afflictions. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before the same time tu "Xa ma tha" and "Three bowls on", the religious "Zen moment." 10. These good men, if any bodhisattva is pure energy use, help for cessation, after starting work and transformed the world. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before the same time tu "Xa ma tha" (The) and "Zen moment", after religious "Three bowls that subject" (Hue). 11. These good men, if any Bodhisattva energy use depending upon the evolution of living beings to the chemical nature of which remains very calm. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Three bowls that subject," the religious "ma tha far." 12. These good men, if any exertion transformed bodhisattvas, out of the realm while maintaining cessation. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Three bowls that subject," the religious "Zen moment." 13. These good men, if any exertion transformed Bodhisattva, the Buddha to the President that remains in place net, the other afflictions. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Tam ma bowl problem", since "far ma tha", after religious "Zen moment." 14. Behold the good men, if any Bodhisattva exertion evolution, do not be afraid, the other afflictions, and remain very calm place. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Tam ma bowl problem", since "Zen moment", after religious "ma tha far." 15. These good men, if any Bodhisattva energy used to transform vehicles and depending upon the two measures: Very calm and passed away. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Tam ma bowl problem", after the exam tu "Xa ma tha" and "Zen moment." 16. These good men, if transformed Bodhisattva exertion, start the utility makes very pure nature, the period of distress. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before the verb "Three bowls that subject" and "far ma tha", after religious "Zen moment." 17. These good men, if any exertion transformed bodhisattvas, help with cessation, after dwelling place of pure nature, not due to artifacts. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before the same time cultivate "ma bowl Tam on" and "Zen moment", after religious "ma tha far." 18. These good men, if any Bodhisattva exertion passed away, depart very pure, and pure dwelling place. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Zen moment", after religious "ma tha far." 19. These good men, if any Bodhisattva exertion passed away, started to work, but for the scene where the president still depending upon the net. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Zen Na" after practice "three threads that bowl." 20. These good men, if any Bodhisattva energy use cessation, consistent nature of the beings dwelling place, which is the method to the evolution of life, like the Bodhisattva practice before the practice is called "Zen moment", Design tu "Xa ma tha" (The), the terms "mind that bowl problem" (Hue). 21. These good men, if any Bodhisattva exertion cessation of uncreated nature, to initiate the effect of birth, and where the realm of pure y that are back to where the. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Zen moment", since "Three bowls that subject," the religious "ma tha Xam." 22. These good men, if any Bodhisattva exertion passed away, each and every pure, dwells where specified, which starts out transformed dishes. Bodhisattva practice as it is called before tu "Zen moment", while tu "Xa ma tha" and "Three bowls that problem." 23. These good men, if any Bodhisattva exertion passed away, making very pure nature, after starting out the transformation. Bodhisattva is called tu like tu and "Zen moment" and "far ma tha", after religious "Three bowls that subject." 24. These good men, if any Bodhisattva exertion passed away, making the transformation, after starting very pure nature, in the realm of pure wisdom. Bodhisattva is called tu like tu and "Zen moment" and "Three bowls that subject," the religious "ma tha far." 25. These good men, if used Hui Bodhisattva Vien Giac, who united the French, that emptiness, Minister of the measures are not removable nature Vien Giac. Bodhisattva practice as it is called legal status for three, depending upon the nature Vien Giac purity. Surely good men, this is twenty five practices of the Bodhisattva. So the Bodhisattva y have the following that practice. If bodhisattvas and other sentient beings present later to twenty-five y by this method of practice, they must keep the world pure, calm the mind thinking, and to go through twenty-one days to repent, then write this twenty-five practices in each piece of paper, sealed carefully, and bring to the table and media center invoke Buddha, then depending on the practitioner hand draws a piece of paper , when it opens one will see that his level practitioners cut (fast) or shop (slowly). But if the practitioner suspects a concept, then no achievements.
Then the Blessed One to
brief definition above, the verse should say that:
Measures sound, he should
The pure
Of all the
Are born by
Meditation is the only,
The only song tu
Three French sub shop
Into the
Ten ways the
And practitioners of
three generations
Y this practice
That is the
Except for the
compensation application
And those who do not
New measures such as
And all
And later
Must like to
Thanks to the Great Compassion of the Buddha
He should diligently
practice the
Will quickly
9. Chapter Subjectivity karma:
Then, he bodhisattva karma Subjectivity in mass up around the right hand of the Buddha's life three rounds, Lord Buddha, knees straight, white hands, but that
Sir Dai Bi Bhagavan, he has for we have extensive said Tu Nhon Land Acts of the Tathagata, all the mystery of the sublime, not thinking and discussion, making public the benefits ever.
We are very pleased of the Bodhisattva, because all whole realm of Germany suffering religious needs Diaoyu through countless lives, much like the sand of the Ganges, which we see only as a concept.
Sir, if this character Vien Giac mind which is pure, so What the infected cell multiplication, and why make ignorant beings, such is the nature Vien Giac Date?
Bend please Tathagata, for we have extensive, enlightened legal nature, making the mass current, and being lives, are the eyes of wisdom.
He Subjectivity Bodhisattva karma so sparse sometimes three times, and turned his head back worshiped
Then the Buddha told him Subjectivity Bodhisattva karma which teaches that:
Behold Compassion men, or very, very precious! He since the bodhisattvas and sentient beings present later, my Tathagata asked such facilities. The he should be listening, because he'll just teachers. At that time, he bodhisattva karma Subjectivity same from them are happy, and silent obey the Buddha's teaching. Surely good men, all beings How far back in the crazy delusions, serving four generals: Self, Nhon, The being, feeling Suppose, for the truth of it, I was born two scenes: loving and hating. So this is where the body was delusion, a delusion to add more attachments. by two layers of different expectations born Princess of career prospects. Since there are expectations that there should be career prospects of rebirth. Those boring birth and death, there was hope that with Nirvana. therefore should not be imported pure Vien Giac, not Vien Giac this nature against resistance not being imported. And those who enter the Vien Giac nature nor approved for that. So people who have a thought or idea and are definitely misleading. Why is that? Because ignorance is available and has started from the cortex, so the sovereign. Surely good men, all living beings without intellectual eye, so can not see the body consciousness is ignorance. Since fall general ignorance of life, so not being brave enough to kill himself falling minister, and who can not get to be killed. Since this is our body and mind accept, should do well with our scene, the birth injury love; In contrast to the scene we are born hatred. Do hate this commercial center, back to continue to nurture ignorance. Because of that being for Dao, are not to be director. Surely good men, what is a general fall? All beings own mind I know there are so certified. For as the body that regulates left in no mind, to forget his accusers. When nurses were erratic, his body out of balance, or see the scene as contrary or fire thorn, etc. .. At that time what we see out very clear. So we know that fall minister. Surely good men, a step further again, the self is somewhat subtler minister before, was his practice during the certified results, have attained enlightenment. Until the Tathagata attained, or is pure nirvana of Buddha, which, if also his mind knows and she is certified, as well as generals are still falling. Surely good men, what is mercy minister? All enlightened beings understand our own mind this is so, it also means that understanding is enlightened and who is also the person. More broadly, our understanding is enlightened than all the way. Surely good men, going into a once again, the multiplication is somewhat subtler Minister, is this mind, to understand the treatment that I also know Nibbana members, also are still falling minister; That is in the mind, if even a little enlightened that take full certificate, the generals were called mercy. Surely good men, what is being minister? All living where his own mind is not self serving and mercy that is being approved. Rate as someone said something like this: I was being, then that is not falling and mercy. Surely good men, those beings, clear that the two items before the Minister is of the self and mercy, mercy no longer ego , but also the mind awareness, which is being minister. Surely good men, what is a general life span? The shining beings have pure mind, but also sensory-enlightened mind-generals-they-were born before, because even the enlightened mind, the continuum outflow professional practice, but can not be; Just as continuum based network workstations are not free, so-called life-minister. Surely good men, if still inspired mind that all previous sense, it would also be within the ceiling structure. By remaining sensory functions and should not leave the office feeling that the ceiling structure. Just as hot as a state, then the tape is full, then no hot water and energy consumption consumed more ice. If there is hot water and ice, the water is not homogeneous. Also, if even the enlightened us to the previous one, is not leaving the four generals. Surely good men, being the next life, by not leaving the four generals, should yet gone through many lifetimes, diligent practice hard behavior, but only just become compounded, not be able to document stages. Why? By the fall of the Minister: There is evidence, there is enlightenment, to Nirvana result is achieved, not the other recipients as the enemy, it will destroy this valuable asset. Surely good men, if the practitioner is preferred Nirvana Self is also general; It is just falling for general hidden, then it is wrong for the Minister Nirvana. And hate falling birth and death is also minister. Individual birth and death being hated, favorite Nirvana, but do not know that it is preferred that the original birth and death, blessing hated the original fare. Surely good men, how do we know that Popular and hate is the root of birth and death blessing? By religious beings of Bodhi, if there is little direct evidence that their results are pure, that is not to eradicate the root falling minister, should also blessed birth and death. Surely good men, while others to praise praise respect, he should re-born joy, like the fact that person. In contrast, if people decry defame, then the anger practitioner. Hence the self that knows opinions are still lurks in solid organ consciousness; It usually stick in the base of the practitioner, so no interruptions. The practice by not excluding the general fall, so can not enter the Vien Giac purity. Surely good men, if practitioners want to know are not egolessness, just look at yourself in the cancellation was humiliating, but found no cancel the flesh, like that of selflessness. On the contrary, during the sermon the people, but also see that we preach, that is not the falling minister. And mercy Minister, being Minister, Minister lifespan too. Surely good men, falls are the major generals of the practitioner sick. Song beings lives, a significant re mistaken this disease, has proven to be legal for Nirvana, is greatly merciful. Therefore, we of practice as long as it falls even more the minister about his illness; therefore should not enter the Vien Giac purity. Surely good men, being the next life, serving in the conduct of their explanation and Tathagata, as the place and the virtues of his knowledge, but not knowing the four generals still lurks within, should not accomplishing stages. Or beings have not been digging, but said he had roamed; No evidence said his results showed that fruit; Seeing the back of practice birth jealousy. Because these beings have not been falling except the charity should not enter the Vien Giac purity. Surely good men, after being away in the direction expected, with no need for enlightenment. Just learn more preferred, said Minister empty to fall contemporaries. The yogi should give rise to strong universal, subdued the defilements. The sound is not legal documents must be tons of information for certification practice. The evil is not the legal right to get the message attack. When no longer touching scene, anger, ignorance, pride love, etc. .. all quiet. Tathagata sealed for this, in turn will achieve the Vien Giac. On the way to practice, one must ask Thien Huu Tri Thuc guide, new from wrong. However, if the practitioner, for the spiritual friend, the distinguished fame, its loves consciousness, it is impossible to enter the Vien Giac calm sea.
At that time, the
Exalted, to brief on the meaning, the verse should say that:
Industrial net, he should
All living
Reincarnation from
So are the
Without excluding the
four generals
Never attained
If hate is commercial
Ignorance or
Do not enter Vien
People want to be
Prior to greed,
Ego mind all
Vien Giac Newly
The body no
Where birth injury caused
by hate?
He should demand
New from the
He needs to
Thi Vien Giac not
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
10. Chapter Prussian Enlightenment:
Then, he Prussian Enlightenment Bodhisattva in mass stood up, walked around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, Lord Buddha respectfully, and that kneeling straight white hands that
Sir Dai Bi Bhagavan, because he was being said the meditator's disease, causing mass rinsed off the mental confusion and be secure. This is the biggest ever benefit.
Sir, being born after the Buddha was away, the Saints re-hidden, evil pagan masters very happily and so on practice:
It needs to upset teach?
that method must y practice?
Must follow any happy?
must except what disease?
Must Development Center How to
Please Buddhism teaches compassion, making longer deluded beings, from the oppressed wrong.
He Prussian Enlightenment Bodhisattva sometimes sparse so three times, worshiped by his head, and then returned to its original location. At that time, the Buddha praised Bodhisattva Enlightenment Prussia and he taught that good men behold, very good, you do. He as being born after, my Tathagata asked how religious lines. It was his generosity to life after being the fearless eyes, making them born unto the Noble Path. So he let the listening, because he'll just teachers. At that time, he Prussian Enlightenment Bodhisattva and mass and quietly rejoiced to obey only the Buddha's teachings. Surely good men, being the next life, like Development Center is to bridge Mahayana virtuous friend, that is the understanding of Persons Chon district. These persons, general interest where no ordinary office, nor attached to the scene where Van Thinh, Pratyekabuddha. While working at the ceiling where the scene is often pure heart. Sometimes the same position in that market is with sinners, which is usually pure praise behavior, do not let the evil beings. The yogi should demand such people, teaching practice, to achieve results Buddha. Surely good men, being the next life, if the good is having such knowledge, should have deep offerings, unfortunately not the network itself. The Tri this consciousness while holding four pure majesty, he should have hit reverence, that when the market is confused with the evil beings do, to teach and transform living beings, one should not also when to consciousness. these good men, for good is this knowledge which he does not start a despised concept, the heart will be wide flowers bloom, lighting throughout the world and tip the Buddha achieved results. Surely good men, the Tri other one, has seen the profound legal and all four sick leave after this: As people accept something like this: "The heart of me, because I want Vien Giac bridge, so do all the unfortunate." Song, Vien Giac other nature, not by doing that is. By the practitioner needs to do to get the Vien Giac, the so-called sick work. Surely good men, as people can accept something like this: "I did not need the birth and death nor Nibbana. He wants Vien Giac bridge, do not kill nail concept of birth and death or departure Nirvana, even love for the birth and death or Nirvana, as the legal nature of that birth or death. " accept such practitioner called to disease; Because nature Vien Giac Where there have to ignore such that entry is. Surely good men, as people can accept something like this: "I now want Vien Giac bridge, so to kill all the thoughts, abolish all legal equality silence" . observe a sick like only; For other Vien Giac nature, what can be stopped only by the expectations that are imported. Surely good men, as people can accept something like this: "I now want Vien Giac bridge, should permanently period of afflictions, do body and mind, that scene, all delusion is not real, ultimate silence. " Use the Vien Giac bridge destroy the disease, such as death; So where does nature Vien Giac only silence. short, four-seekers to leave the sick on the new, imported pure Vien Giac. Observer to minus four on the primary disease as consistent; If you do shop on the contrary is wrong. Surely good men, if they later want to practice birth, life must be respected offerings Thien Huu Tri Thuc. When good is intellectual intimacy, one not to consciousness as resistant; When Thien Huu Tri Thuc away, he should not to anger consciousness. When Thien Huu Tri Thuc out for or against the scene, as he should care nowhere, do not change. He should clearly said: "My master your mind and the same being, and an equal nature, ultimately no different." The yogi should practice this, enter the new Vien Giac. Surely good men, they are not born into the next life, all because all commercial seeds of hate, mercy fall far from the wife. So should not be freed. If the parents see no injustice in the other (ie the glass reverently respected brand as well as their parents), for the law, do not pity hate, discrimination self-forgiveness, he will rule out the disease. Surely good men, like being born after Vien Giac bridge, they must give rise to something like this: "I wish all sentient beings throughout the ultimate emptiness are in Vien Giac; people in the Vien Giac, where Vien Giac disapproval; Except for mercy and fell all the generals, etc. .. "To develop such a center, new from the fall into wrong.
Then the Blessed One to
brief definition above, the verse should say that:
Prussian Enlightenment,
he should know
The later
Want for Tri
We should ask the right
Delicate mind shuns
And except for four items
Do, stop, ignore,
Almost do not despise him
How to hate him for
Seeing the strange
Birth to rare
Buddha was born
Not commit the
About every pure
All sentient
Vien Giac ultimate
No mercy fall
Y district have
New from
Certificate sense into
~ ~ OOo ~ ~
11. Chapter Vien Giac:
Then, he Vien Giac Bodhisattva in mass stood up, walked around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, then Lord Buddha and knelt straight and white hands that
Sir Dai Bi Exalted, he said, for we have extensive the means to enter Vien Giac purity, making them born unto death following major benefits.
Sir, we have been enlightened now and then. If, after the passing of the Buddha and then, after not being enlightened life, how to practice settled realm Vien Giac this purity? Legal and customary three Vien Giac is pure, practitioners must first?
Bend for Great Compassion because mass and Exalted beings lives, giving us the most benefit.
He invited the Bodhisattva Vien Giac so three times, worshiped Buddha then went back foot. At that time, the Buddha praised Bodhisattva Vien Giac him and said: Behold good men, or very, very precious. He is talking Tathagata means practice, thus giving to his being of major interest. So the slang he should listen, because he'll just teachers. Surely good men, when Buddha was on earth, or death then, or degenerate life, if any of these beings have the identity Mahayana, believe that Vien Giac Buddhist Center, Development Center practice. As in Gia Lam must be busy putting them up, or have other conditions of professional practice can not be, depending part of the practitioner, thinking and observe the method that I have taught before. If there is no mercy other conditions, would have to set up ashrams and the cultivation period. If time is 120 days long, is just 100 days, shorter then 80 days. The decorations in the net loss, enough to hook both chalky and floral. As Buddha was on earth should be thinking right. If the passing of the Buddha and the Buddha image should be an intellectual, vision, memory care, glass is the same as currently Buddha. Over the first 21 days, one worshiped by the name of the Buddhas in ten directions, and even into repent. If you're having a good sex scene, the practitioner gently poetry was oral history center. Through 21 days, then one should have professional photography thoughts. Surely good men, if an early summer retreat for three months, would have to remain calm happy place of the Bodhisattva, the mind's thoughts Sravaka leave, not Thus we. to settle on one should have to vow before the Buddha thus: You are Pi-Qiu (or Pi-Qiu-ni, Pros-she-rules, Pros-she-Mobile) by voluntary religious citizenship behavior Removal of the Bodhisattva, cylindrical interior minister, took the Great Enlightenment as Gia Lam. My mind settled place or location identifier equal nature nirvana, no system of the country. child health such as this Sravaka respectfully invited ten Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, along with the contract as legal settled three months. I as a major causal behavior that tu Bodhisattva, Noble demand attained supreme Enlightenment, should not we blessed them system. Tu as meet three times and then, optionally practitioner out on his wife. This is called Bodhisattva is settled market. Surely good men, as a degenerate life beings to seek the Bodhisattva practice, while practice these three periods, if there are other spots appear, but not as meditators have heard, the decision not to accept the good men Behold, as there are beings of the judiciary, before net media placeholder, do not start thinking mind wandering thoughts, by the utmost silence, it is the perception. Thus, from the beginning in a calm and friendly, to a pure world, too, began to sense the current position in a body, until around the world are feeling. Surely good men, when perception appeared all over the world, then in this world, if there is a living being, iris on a concept, then the practitioner knows all. So hundreds of thousands of the world too. The realm was, if not exactly as the hearing of the practitioner, the decision should not clinging. Surely good men, if there are beings Quan practitioners, the first idea to remember ten of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, then y accordance with the teachings of the Buddha taught that suffering diligence required, sequential practice, rods and vowed eighty large, self-decorated set of seeds. During practice, if there is anything out of the realm that is not the case where the hearing of the practitioner, it should not clinging. Surely good men, if there are beings like na meditation, the practice to practice before the window News: In the heart, he should be aware of when each birth, the head, allergic, distinctive; It is distinguished from the boundaries of the concept and the number of items. So to all the four postures, he should also understand that clearly distinguish the concept of item. Turn promoted to hundreds of thousands of world oil supplies as small as a raindrop, one knows all, as well as the eyes see things. In practice, if you see anything out of the realm that is not the case heard by the practitioner, it should not clinging. This is the first vehicle of religious practitioners, ie three customary law. If the effort being diligent practice these three measures are fully consistent, ie Tathagata appears in the world. Surely good men, if life degenerate beings, seek the heart wants, but because of past life karma heavy , based monophonic nature, difficult to cultivate achievement, they must repent diligently, often born in the mind except those expected sorrow: Commercial, love, hate, jealousy, lying flattery, etc. .. and seek win the noble fruit characteristics. For the three customary purification methods, though from a legal practitioner. If practitioners do not achieve this consistency, the other consistent practitioners, to once in requirements documents, do not mind letting go rotten.
Then the Blessed One, to
this sum, the meaning, the verse should say that:
Vien Giac, he should
All living
Want for the Supreme
Shall be established
three periods
Twenty-one days
Repentance career
So later, right
Not true scene
Attachment shall not
France only: a
France Pub: Chief
Zen Na: clear count
The restaurant called the
The diligent
That is the finding
Not prescribe the basis
Individual must
The offenses from
The crime targets and
Scene immediately before
the Buddha.
12. Chapter Thien Thu Hien:
Then he Thien Thu Hien Bodhisattva in the masses to stand up, walk around the Buddha's right hand and knelt next three straight, white hands Buddha said
Sir Dai Bi Bhagavan, because he has us and them life after birth, extensive teaching us to understand what treatment is unthinkable.
White Exalted:
Business Mahayana this name?
We do lead worship?
economic beings practice the faith this will be what?
how can we protect the economic life over this?
To propagate the sutra in any position?
He is a visiting Thien Thu Bodhisattva so three times, bowing respectfully Buddha then went back. At that time, the Exalted He is praised Prime Bodhisattva Compassion and teaches that: Surely good men, or very, very precious. He as being Bodhisattva and the next life, my business name and asked the Tathagata maintain economic merit this. The so intently he listened to teachers only. Surely good men, a sutra is not his only say, that the Buddha in as much as ten hundred thousand times the memory like the Ganges sands, all talk sutra. The three Buddha sutra life are protected. Ten Bodhisattvas are taking refuge in the sutra. Business is in the eyes of twelve divisions. This business has five names:
A. Great Phuong Vien Giac
Quang Da-La-Ni Business
Two. Most practitioners whether means business
3. United Business Secret
4. Tathagata Landscape Stock
Market Decisions
Five. As the difference
increases from Kinh Nature.
The reverence he had
served all over the sutra.
These good men, talking about the realm of the sutra of the Tathagata, should only be aware of the new Buddha; The Bodhisattvas and sentient beings lives, just as well that medical practice was in progress to address Buddha.
Behold Friendly nam, the Lotus sutra name Mahayana DC Church. The new body being cut can be enlightened by this experience. This business also continued the practice of being in the shop. Therefore, should the sutra and the sea, does not transfer the small river. A big god Tu La, and as small as mosquitoes gull, drinking water have no stomach at all.
Surely good men, assuming that all seven items users treasure, filled with the great natural world that brings out generosity; Merit he's great, but not by business people heard this, just listen to the meaning of a sentence, merits more than this man.
Surely good men, who assume that being religious teaching certification is A La results Han hundred thousand times as much sand of the Ganges, but not by someone spoken this Discourse, to little more faculty is only verse, the virtues of the latter more.
Surely good men, if the listener experience believes without a doubt, they know that he has grown not only in a blessed life wisdom Buddha, Buddhist or two away, but this man has planted good base from many Buddhist life, much like the sand of the Ganges, so now hear to experience this new, or private life.
Behold the good men, they must protect those who practice the Dharma Ending, do not let the evil and pagan species as brain disorders of the mind and practice, making them rot mind.
At that time, the legal opportunity, with eighty Kim Cang Shen, as his early Martian Kim Cang Cang Kim Poor I, Ni Lam Kim Cang, with Kith immediately stood up from the seat, go around the right hand of Buddha three rounds, then Lord Buddha and respectfully said to
Buddha, if the beings lives, which over the economic life of the Mahayana does this, then we pray for his protection as enshrined in the eye. Until this place ashrams of spiritual practice, we also vow to lead all military generals, the early afternoon of protection, making them no retrogression. Place in the homes of men, no ear every stumbling, the disabled patient are exhausted, the rich treasures, often not wanting.
At that time, Mr. Wang Dai Pham, and 28 are Uranus, and his Son Meru Ho Quoc Vuong and Uranus, etc. .. all got up, walked around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, Lord Buddha and respectfully said to
Buddha, we also pray protection over economic life this person, usually an OK, not from retreating mind.
When he, with Great Demon King named Cat Power Tea Table, along with 10 thousand Demon King, stand up, walk around the right hand of the Buddha three rounds, then that Lord Buddha said,
Lord Bach Religion, we too early afternoon prayer life bodyguards who lead the sutra, which makes them not resign. Place of business in the lead, due in about a week (10 miles), if there are any spirits to violate this realm, then we'll beat it crushed like atom.
At that time, all of them as the Bodhisattva, Heavenly, Long, Devils, Spirit, and relatives of the eight spirits and deities, Pham United, etc. .. listen to Buddhist sutras say it rejoiced, credit life insurance, and liturgical action. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).MHDT.16/6/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
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