Friday, 8 August 2014

Part I
This is the 4th restaurant in SHOP TEAM OF MIND .
(Including 1 / Shop BOOK NEWS, 2 / Bars unconscious, 3 / shop Compassion,
4 /'S COAST Restaurant, and 5 / GENDER DISCRIMINATION shop).
The main points 
1 SHOP is OBSERVATION . And is not thinking RESTAURANT, according to subjective knowledge. In other words, QUAN is used here with close coordination center to practice practice observations , rather «consistent» not use the thinking mind, a way of thinking, «theory»
2 Observations must have objects . So the object of causal consistency is what?
Buddha Objects is BODY and MIND.
Economic structure:
«Who found France and saw the Buddha. Who found Buddha saw France »
Going to practice  mindfulness of the body, the four foundations of mindfulness, we can learn:
«Observing yourself is to see France».
- Characteristics of France that is what? Is impermanent (anicca).
Note: When observed (bar) can also recognize other characteristic is «impure». Nhung in Buddhism to be careful, that «Quan found impure mind of greed, hatred and delusion purification » it right . But «Quan found impure mind disgust, contempt object» is wrong. So disgusting, despised object is a golf center . This type nucleation center cavalry captain, adversity, and strengthened THE FALLEN (that his «clean») a very sophisticated way.
When «SHOP» or observation we should not be based on terms, definitions, because getting stuck to the word, the definition is a stubborn thing. Words and definitions according to which only the world's media. Everything is relative sense never fixed.
3-Why start with an affinity 12 IGNORANCE  ?
Timbering IGNORANCE is the only reason to make a "dynamic element» reincarnation, death consciousness must be connected to the cycle of birth and death, Buddhism was called the connection is "transforming lives".
-A dynamic element inside EDUCATION and IGNORANCE, external sense objects to always be excited, yearning, then at the end of each cycle of birth and death, is to find a new life cycle, is a natural thing, not difficult to understand why . Education and ignorance can be viewed as two sides of the origin of reincarnation , rebirth.
There is a «problem» profound seem paradoxical, that if the practitioner has the ability to be impartial observers themselves (ignorance being affected), it means that they have less or almost no intelligent. Conversely, if a person, the mind is completely ignorance farm, they can not be observed, or see the status bar is ignorance.
Ignorance such as multiple layers of black dust, sometimes covering the iris. If a person does not wash away the dust, they can not use eye dusty rightly observed anything at all.
But of Buddhist Schools raised, ie refers to a number of authors, through his practice has been somewhat rote Ignorance membrane. They can relatively observe a certain part of reality. Conversely, if a person was covered mentality of ignorance, that their life ended, the dark mind, the other yearning, be sure to connect to a different life cycles of more rotten, more depraved, is One thing can not be avoided. That is, everyone old life ended in ignorance , then a new life and beginning with IGNORANCE .
IGNORANCE 2 hybrid type, is  ignorance BASIS  and ignorance
a / APARTMENT IGNORANCE is ambiguous status consciousness, desire to be promoted, the practice was first created, and the mind has not previously undergone karma.
b / ignorance is the state of mind vague, desire to be promoted, continues to practice, but had previously consciousness artifacts, and has experienced many karmic cycle of reincarnation. In short, regardless of the starting base ignorance or ignorance, the root is still ignorance .
In general, all beings through countless ups and fall cycle of reincarnation, are in ignorance, so beings can not know the basis of ignorance (or the first cause) is. A. Only Saints Na-content when fully rounded three-la-density, can identify the «root ignorance" and can be overcome, attained A-La-Han, liberation from samsara.
12'S CHARM back bar. Please stated:
IGNORANCE (Ignorance) lead to stay. ACTS (sankhàra) leads to the formula. WAY ( Vi nnana) resulted in mentality. LIST OF IDENTITY (Namarupa) led to continental integration. CONTENTS INCOME (Salayatana) leads to contact. EXPOSURE (Phassa) leads to life. THO (Veadana) leads to love. LOVING ( Craving) leads to players. THU (Upapadana) leads to friendship. PROPERTY (Bhava) leads to rebirth. REBIRTH (Jati) leads to aging, disease and DEATH ( Marana). (Then death in the dark mental state , the mind is the cycle of new departures, with IGNORANCE . goes on!).
We use the term «result» to imply that «caught in samsara like this fall into a one-way street» . Every first step, there must be a second step, Tuesday ... v ... v ..., continued to be unstoppable, it is difficult to extricate.
And only practice the Noble Eightfold Path, destroying decades Dependent Origination cycle in the opposite direction, that is, «the workers to eliminate what does not work» , to be able to resolve, stand out one way road adventure 's.
But our telephony solutions today are learning , is theory, not practice . We certainly should not take the «understanding» of learning through theory, but the practice is also similar.
Still anyone know how meticulous, first used to propagate the theory, or share and exchange ...., including sharing practices . Especially the theory to be honest, he could hear a confused face no theory with practice . On the other hand appreciate the precious value of practice.
The following are described theoretically COAST 12'S.
When death, but the mind is still ignorance , attachment, craving another life, the Buddha is called "Death in the OF IGNORANCE put "(to live again).
Then through the short final consciousness (at death), delusions center object, by providing inner karma, a center-dimensional problems that draw on and know objects, so called « brought to MODE OF ».
Conniving with the object, through the «four great environment», as spirit (self) and material objects considered as «tools» to re-create effects , is called « WAY OF IDENTITY taken to ». DSRLST identity ie five aggregates. List alluded spirit (or 4 aggregates of feeling, thought, practice, knowledge ). And the best (or the aggregate of) alluded material, including glass eggs father mother pregnant when collected.
Mentality or five aggregates where fetal development, creating a centralized nervous system and the 5 senses , to live and to acquire and absorb foreign ceilings. Buddhists call was « IDENTITY OF CONTENTS INCOME taken to », or mentality created six doorways, ceiling connected to a personal exchange.
There are six entrances to it, it must be exposed, so Buddhism called " PROMOTION OF CONTENTS INCOME taken to ».
Whenever there EXPOSURE must feel, so the Buddha called "PROMOTION brought to LIFE»
Then « LIFE lead to default , or AI ». We note the word « AI »translated from the original Sanskrit Tanha, which means getting sticky . The default (tanhā) here has 2 sides, where they get sticky, and illegal also get sticky. Trading spent default, but hate getting sticky and always.
Whatever the problems stick impressive deep, clinging tightly , indelibly removed easily, so the Buddha called " LOVE brought to PRIME », ie holding , do not let go.
And when the mind has not let go of the fruit industry , it's for eternity circuit network 's it. Buddhism says that he was " taken to PRIME PROPERTY », or received mental karma is broken« identity »and naturally dark on itself.
Already identity karma , then, that if one lives life to an end, ie the instrument body or karma is gone, the mind must certainly be the karmic identity of ignorance that led to the scene world respectively. Buddhists call this process was " put to STUDENT PROPERTY »(or recreated with a new body).
Re existence or rebirth in a realm that, then the next to go through 4 stages are birth, aging, sickness and death (or birth, head, horror, kill). Buddhists call this process is " BORN put to DEATH ".
Please note, during the cycle of reincarnation, from the beginning to the end of a lifetime, including  1-ignorance 2-Action 3-Consciousness, 4-color list, enter 5-Luc, 6-Promotion, 7-Tho, 8-Ai, 9-Prime, 10-Huu, 11-Born, 12-Tzu, ignorance is always around, just in a different place «first point» it to carry the name «ignorance», also the following, ignorance «invisible» inside, to affect all.
Therefore, if a person in daily life, not of practice, or not extinguish desire to raise up, not to weaken or destroy the strength of ignorance, then he dies, ignorance of They certainly will be very strong, to lead the mind begins a new cycle of reincarnation, a dangerous and depraved ... an inevitable thing!
4 The purpose of causal consistency is what?
Generally speaking, causal consistency is OBSERVING the triggering factors and the coast of interdependence, of a person or of any animal life. Everything is in three worlds are «solidarity», this is what everyone has to have the other. Or vice versa, none of this would be no other one ......
Is predestined formula philosophy of «the reason» causal relationship, or "corollary» of « mutual causality maintain ". Observation is predestined to go into practice , neutralize ignorance , to first clear birth and death process, getting vicious stick, and immediately apply the legal discharge to the treatment Buddhist, by killing people, it will not fruit .
Moreover, Buddhist practitioners diligent practice, no consistent causal outside , but inside the causal observer . It is the practice to know oneself . Most are aware of the «moment» causal organisms destroy the heart inside the body, to direct experience, obtain evidence of impermanence (axle to experience, not through theoretical understanding!) . Your mind will thus obstacles to the sustainability of such melts, in any time, not necessarily in the dying moments.
When thoughts do not arise, the new consciousness pure, lucid, minimizing the tight, clinging, depraved, at near-death karma push it through new cyclic.
Here consistency is predestined a meditation . Buddhist practitioners if both hold world has practiced meditation this, through every life, until the balls Ba-La-density upward , then one will mind ignorance is not connected to the moral regeneration lake i again. And ultimate Nirvana 's masterpieces out of ignorance , freeing it! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.9/8/2014.

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