Friday, 30 August 2013

(Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta)

3. THINK and ACT

Not the ego
The meaning of business post saṅkhāra () according to behold
How administrative coercive aggregates
The story of a hungry daemons the devil were much spearheaded crashing sting
The experience justice egolessness to me how
Saññā bhikkhave anattā saññā ca h'idaṁ nayidaṁ saṁvatteyya ābādāya abhavissa attā bhikkhave saññā ca labbhetha saññāya ' evaṁ me evaṁ me mā saññā saññā, hotu ahosīti. ' Tasmā saññā ca Yasmā anattā saññā bhikkhave repository ābādhāya saṁvattati. Na ca labbhati saññāya evaṁ me ahosīti me mā evaṁ hotu saññā saññā.
Behold lettered Bhikkhu Khưu, saññā, ideas, not the ego. ... "
Idea has six categories: 1. Ideas being kicked by the label. 2. Ideas being kicked by the atrium. 3. Ideas being kicked due to male contact. 4. Ideas being kicked due to loss of contact. 5. the idea of being run by themselves. 6. Idea being kicked by Italy.
Each time an object is seen, heard, contact, or are common knowledge, we think, "I perception, he was alert, or be remembered." When you see an object I remember there is a person, male or female, or an object has been known on at one time, in one place. When we hear a sound, smell a smell, taste a taste or thought of a work, too, I remember her smell, noise, etc. We believe the perception or memory then I: "I remember, my memory." The World Religion to explain here that such a concept is misleading, in progress remember nothing is personal or mine which is just phenomenal with no solid entity, not the us.
The World Ton went on to explain that the idea of aggregates, or perception, of saññā, not one as follows:
"Ye Chu Bhikkhu khưu, saññā, ideas, not the ego. If the idea is that the ego must it do not tend to cause suffering or hassle of uncomfortable for us and we must be able to control thought as follows: ' let ideas like this (always enjoy, very good), let the ideas I didn't like kia (uncomfortable, annoying) '. "
If the idea is a living entity, is physically inside me, then there is no reason that it's coercive, trouble me the discomfort — typically people don't compromise and create trouble for ourselves — and we can control, arrange for, or know, or just revert to remember what good has just noted. But as always I think coercive aggregatesno spare parts, no way of me, it's not the ego.
"But ye Chu Bhikkhu khưu, in fact, the idea is not the ego. It's coercive and none can command: ' ideas are like this, ideas are not like that. ' "
Thought the fine nuances aggregates. Recognize the characteristics of things that I know are indeed helpful. Tough durable memory indeed useful. Memory events happened and what his long-term memory have obtained learning truly is a function of good ideas.
But, to bring the memory back to mind the sad memories, heinous and terrible images Hai hung shades of bad ideas. It causes stresses and hence comply, make us uncomfortable. Few people feel heard distressing around the women's mind goes into the past and bring back the memories of relatives who are loitering, kids, husband or wife has died, or the woes on the State's finances was done for her. Scott memories does persistent maintenance bring misery and terrible horrors, just melt and deform when these thoughts so far past abelmoschus moschatus.
Thus, the muscle, which is Memorial, saññā talent the get out and memory, really oppressive. Always thought aggregates also goes into the past and bring back the memories of financial woes or mourning, misery and groan while creating the scene of serious suffering could be put to death. Such is the way that the idea of bringing back Center aggregates the sad experience of the past.
While the Fed suddenly recalled a couple of grease, making the fucking desiccated loss of appetite. In memory of a dead body just saw can make an a nights sleep. Few people imagined the jeopardy and put yourself into it, and then stab out my best fear. That's how the memory deletion, coercive us by going into the past and bring back the current grief. That is not the ego that is merely the phenomenon arises because, as the coast guard being kicked. We cannot arrange for the job you want to remember these experiences provide useful and helpful, and exclude the experience of boredom. We can not control, command thought aggregates are like, and as such it not the ego, there is a living entity, which is just as these phenomena do not have physical, arising up human fate.
According to Scriptures, (the perception) of a coercive nature, we cannot control and command it to how you want. So obviously, the idea is not the ego, not the core part within us, or a living entity. But often, when the memory of past experiences people thought, "I have possession of these experiences in mind; and then I have to remember. The a ' ' is already storing, holding it back, and now bring it out in the mind. " Therefore they cuddle pet support the belief that there is an individual, an ego, storage and memory of past experiences. Belief as such due to lack of finances, unwary recorded things at your or know in senses (five officials) being run, and b i because have yet to realize the true nature of these phenomena through insight (vipassanā ñāṇa). When we persevere mindful and really noticed the State constantly arising and of the phenomenon or idea through five (five officials) with insight, as long as he's on his own experiences shed light on that concept aggregates are also a natural phenomenon, forever arising and ruined.
Where a question can be raised: Says that the nature of the idea of aggregates are impermanent, always turn the switch, so how can we revert to remember past events? — Memory capacity of chặp idea before being switched over to the chặp idea behind it. Because of this memory capacity increase when it was produced in chặp after, few people can remember the money back. That's how chặp idea in the stream of life (bhavaṅga) or in the electronic chặp of mind (cuti viññāṇa) of past life ended and started being back with increased memory capacity in formula reborn (paṭisandhi viññāṇa) and the stream of life in the present. The main switch to "power memory" from the chặp idea in advance via chặp idea behind it that we can revert to remember what he had before and way to delight as well as what real good and fierceness. The experience of the previous day, the oil we never thought of, can sometimes be outburst featured back. When the mind is strong, solid security, who is closely allied to meditate Satipaṭṭhāna can revert to remember the happenings during childhood. Practitioners should be noted right now it has just started being.
Center for repentance because one wrong thing or a defect in the past can lead to anxiety and Yi while sitting meditation, and can become a huge obstacle, impede progress in cultivating and developing the mind and insight. We must eliminate by keeping mindfulness, noted mainland when it has just started being. In this way we ride chặp Center Department of thought, memory performance was over and make us anxious reporter Yi. This procedure also indicates that the idea is not the ego. As was explained in the previous lecture, there are four ways to accept the ego, and in four ways he thought three related aggregates: attā sāmi, nivāsī attā and kāraka attā.
Think can control ideas, can memory of past stories as you wish and don't remember if don't want, is sāmi attā, accept the ego control, believe there is an ego, a "ta", controlling the process memory. My Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta rejected the notion--and we're taught that the fall handicap could not say, "Ideas are like this, should not be like that."
Think that there is an ego often present in the body, making the mission memory what the past is nivāsī attā, accept the ego constantly. Accept this player can be eliminated by keeping mindfulness, noting every spiritual phenomenon right now it has just started being. Anniversary so we realize it yourself intermittent memory run birth and then immediately vanish. By acknowledging what had happened in the past, right at the time it started being in Italy, we also recognize that there is no information as to the memory, which is usually longer. Only the phenomenon always constantly birth and removal. This empirical rule of belief have an ego permanence or an entity living inside us, a nostalgic retrospective duty, remember or realize.
I think the key, or ego, makes the memory or is recognized as kāraka attā, accept the ego and accept the above tricks can also be eliminated by keeping mindfulness.
When the memory of the image or sound, a close look at the pictures and sounds triple birth and vanish. When he noticed that the tribute to the picture or the sound always run birth and then vanish, that empirical thought aggregates only a spiritual phenomenon forever repeats not action or work of an ego or any living entity in the fuselage. And also coincides with the teachings of Egolessness, Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, one cannot control or how to forever remember the delight, pure, Leanne has a friendly, and never remember what real good and fierceness. Because notice that not control and memory controller discretion practitioners recognize that location in memory is not ego or living entity, which is just a natural process run by the contentious conditions, always self-renewal, and vanish. The World Experienced teaching board Respect Egolessness, Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, aims to eliminate the player into the ego, attā, by his personal testimony meets the true nature of the aggregates (khandhas).
Where a question can be raised: is there any difference between the understanding of modern time about the function of perception, such as memory, and memory capacity of sati, reciting, as described in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, Satipatthana? There is a large discrepancy as both a sky between the two concepts; in fact I could say that the purpose and object of the two notions that are completely opposite to each other. Cognitive perceptual objects to hold in memory, to remember back in the future; the object may be the identity or condition of the object is recorded.
Anniversary, by the method of Satipatthana (Satipaṭṭhāna) only noted the status passed of the physical phenomena (SAC) and spirituality (list), in order to experience special Premier impermanence, egolessness and satisfied.
Not The Ego
Saṅkhārā anattā bhikkhave. Saṅkhārā ca nayidaṁ abhavissaṁsu idaṁ h ' saṅkhārā saṁvatteyyuṁ ābādhāya attā bhikkhave labbhetha ca saṅkhāresu evaṁ saṅkhārā evaṁ saṅkhārā me ahesun'ti me mā hontu. Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhave saṅkhārā saṁvattanti ābādhāya saṅkhārā tasmā anattā; na saṅkhārā saṅkhāresu labbhati evaṁ ' ca me evaṁ me mā saṅkhārā, ahesun'ti hontu.
Behold lettered Bhikkhu Khưu, (saṅkhārā) is not the ego .... "
It should be noted that there are two kinds of onions (saṅkhāras): things are made, and things made. These things are made is the aggregates being kicked due to causes such as kamma (karma, or action which Italy), mind, real animals and weather conditions.
Immediately after awakening reborn ended, these phenomena and colors began being as a result of karma (kamma). Vipāka (result) is the kind of consciousness and the mind brass arises as a result of karma (kamma) and its radical (hadāya vatthu) along with the sensitivity of France started being caused by such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body, being run at the same world. Such things are composed, the consequences of those activities that create karma (action), and those things became known as Executive outcomes, saṅkhāras, sanh vipāka run by career provides.
With that, the extraordinary nature of the French identity being run by the mind, such as co in, stretch out, go, get, move, moving, sitting, talking, laughing, etc. are called consequences of (vipāka saṅkhāras) being run by the mind. The mind and the heart brass charm create correlations arising and created mutual affinities. So there are onions, saṅkhāras, viewed as the cause and the onions, saṅkhāras, as a result.
The physical clouds due to the weather which is the consequence of luggage due to the weather conditions create a coast guard. The names of actual physical objects is by being initiated due to real animals create charm.
After all, all the mind State to the next and the Center brass arising as result (vipāka saṅkhāras), depending on where the previous spiritual condition and the Center brass arises to being kicked. All the aggregates run such contentious due to the kamma (karma), mind, weather conditions and real animals as result, those things are composed. This procedure was summary produced the familiar formula:
Sabbe saṅkhāra aniccā; sabbe saṅkhāra dukkhā.
All (is) are impermanent; all are suffering, dukkha. [*]
[*] The onions, or be made, saṅkhāras, IE the things itself does not exist, is there anything else that should facilitate the (Coast Guard) available.
The drop is sharp aggregates and aggregates of expression where the senses, five groups of clinging that one must realize by insight (vipassanā ñāṇa) is impermanent, real content and egolessness. In the formula above The World Religion taught we should see it as such. To visible light, so we have to be careful every record the aggregates, we discovered. While a suicide, because the mind as a solid boost to safe, we know that the aggregates are constantly kicked the living being and vanish. Coincides with the teachings of A glossary, Hutvā abhāvato — It is usually because when just arising instant kill kill "— and udayabbaya paṭipīḷanato — It is scary, because make us annoyed by always being a hunter." Such is contemplating according to the teachings of The Religious World.
There are those who compromise the Dharma by teaching against it what the Buddha taught. In the formula above — sabbe saṅkhāra anicca — they do not teach that the noun saṅkhāra means "the things are made" as explained above which, according to them, "the living". Thus, according to them, the formula above means "all the living is suffering." They therefore recommend that teach against all activities as alms, maintained and meditate. They say that the living thing just creates misery, dukkha. They recommend the mind unthinking. Those who do not know and are not assiduous enthusiasm, willing to accept my freebies offered on, but for the others, oil at least knowing the Dhamma, the inverse is true to the teachings of the Buddha. accept the teachings also I mean rejected The teachings of The Religion. Once rejected the teachings of the Buddha has been course out of Buddhism, and that's the worrying thing. In the Pali Scriptures, sabbe saṅkhāra dukkhā, noun saṅkhāra, onions, which means "the things is made", is the result of the decision, not the "things made of", not "living" or "try". All the saṅkhāras, onions, that these things are made of, must be contemplating the impermanent and suffering.
Interpretation that saṅkhāra here are the activities that create good karma is wrong. There is a need to do here is carefully recorded and all the aggregates in the trunk until you see clearly the true nature of it and develop the mind to let go of discharge, do not accept the seat on it.
The Meaning Of Business Post Saṅkhāra () According To Behold
Noun saṅkhāra, onions, as described here — "things is made", being due to the kamma (karma), mind, real animals and weather conditions — not true to the meaning of the verb in this Economy. According to this Business article, saṅkhāra implies is the "things made", one of the five aggregates, which runs the aggregates, or spiritual activities, and spiritual activities, we create kamma, karma.
Products in the Khandhavagga Saṁyutta Nikāya, A jaw, explained as follows: something brought to your living relatives, export, Italy is saṅkhāra, aggregates. In the five aggregates, aggregates the best conversion variable properties have changed or become something else due to hostile circumstances. SAC is senseless, unable by themselves to that change or living just a block. The main activities of the aggregates convey out by the move of the physical body, and shows pictures as relatives do. Shou aggregates the experience sensed (vedanā), life, life, infinite life span. Life main itself does not constitute the practical action. Ideas should not be created also aggregates the actions that only or to know, recognize or memory things, like poems signed in the Office, noting the facts to later refer to. Formula aggregates or only know, feel, see, hear sounds etc do not create action.
The issue led to a nicely done saṅkhāra aggregates actions by themselves, or, like, standing, sitting, lying, co on, stretch, motion, laughing, talking, thinking, look or listen. Italy wants to go, want to stand out, like to sit, or want to sleep is the function of the aggregates (saṅkhāra). All three types of action, by itself, export, and Italy are due to released aggregates saṅkhāra promote and arrange.
To think that all these activities are led by a self made is deviant comments see the ta in aggregates, and is known to accept the player into the "self experience", kāraka attā.
Think the ego performs all the activities, permanent security in oneself as a living entity, is deviant comments nivāsī attā, accept the player into the "ego".
Think this ego, that is, the entity that lives in us, can initiate activities, that its actions depending where your desire is to sāmi the player accepted, attā "self control".
We cling to travel by way of the three aggregates accept. But in fact there is no ego, no one living entity to attach to, only the natural evolution process is subject, under the conditions and the circumstances of her own. The World Religion teaches that the making of aggregates, saṅkhāra, not the action of a living entity. According to common opinion, looks like a living entity performing these actions go, standing, and sitting, but The World rejected Religious trust him as follows:
"Chu Khưu Bhikkhu, if the ego, is the main one, but it does not cause suffering for me and I may be wrong, ' how shall we (all with names of good), must not like kia (real good) ' and can arrange travel as you wish."
Saṅkhāras, onions, is the State of mind or care facility due to cetanā, last, in the lead. All fifty-two Center facility. In addition to mind two life and property, the remaining fifty constituent cases, public administration, saṅkhārakkhandha. In the lecture of the organ, only cetenā, Italy, is special for your activities, but under saṅkhāra Abhidhamma, Tibetan Commentary, there's also the center of other facility can also create karma (kamma), as attention (manasikāra), the mind games Department (vitakka), suicide (vicāra), hazelnut (pīti), (lobha), (dosa), si (moha)no-take, do not-and cannot-si. Fifty types of mind this facility of aggregates also has the task of bringing to the walking, standing, sitting, sleeping, muscle into, straightening, smiled, and said. This action as well as other spiritual activities such as reflections, label, and form the Atrium because aggregates and taken to the tutorial.
Issue Coercive Aggregates?
The World we should encourage Religious thought like this: If aggregates the ego but it does not cause suffering, make us uncomfortable. In fact it clearly coercive one in many ways. When the desire or craving to make us think we tossed becomes tired, exhausted and with a sense of Europe in sorrow. When uttering these words should never say I feel listened to confusing and confused. If criminal offences, but we suffered imprisonment. The craving heart burn and make us lose the loss of sleep. When there are any good as theft or lies cheek I would be miserable in the context and an sa must be miserable.
With that, acting with anger will lead to the actions and words caused the situation out and suffering. Issue linked to delusion, falls, Ta well Sunil resulted and miserable past present and opening the way into agony. Such is the way that coercive practices. If the ego it would not cause unhappiness seems to like him.
If the ego must we can arrange and organize how only the pure activity and create good karma brought to Irene, therefore never had these behaviors create real good karma brought to the State of suffering. In fact cannot arrange to have only those living in clean as I would like. Maybe we have to put ourselves in these difficult circumstances, must do these things not to do, to speak the words should not be spoken, or thought about these things should not be thought of. So obviously we can't control or make arrangements for how shall you want, obviously not the ego. To clear up The problems That Religious teachings:
"Ye Chu Bhikkhu Khưu, not the ego, not the core part within us. Because then, it tends to cause painful sadness. Then again, we can't organize and command: must look like this, or are not like the other. "
Thus, the issue is not the ego, there is no real physical, which transforms the flow drift depending on causes and conditions, and the coast guard, thus causing me troubles. It's how we comply already described above. Because socializing with friends frivolous coward, because the bad led and for the spiritual attitude to mistakes, we do, say and think things should not be done, not to say, or not to think. In our contemporary life may fall passionately in the bad habit Vice, in blame and illegal as queer, addictions, non-gambling profits. Also because of craving or anger I uttered those words that LY should not say. Evil activities like mining, resulted in the company's ruin, sa on the plight of prisoners and lost friends. Ðứng in terms of ethics and morality, the practice is as close to birth and hope to create multiple language results brought to a State of extreme melancholy verse of the agony scene. As such, we compulsive aggregates by creating a career b t donation led to the result.
Where Counsel wants to tell a story that shows how the issue of any aggregates the butcher led to disastrous consequences to infinity.
The Story Of A Hungry Daemons Devil Gets Much Spearheaded Ðâm Sting
One day The Lakkhaṇa and Moggallāna (Maudgalyayana) together go Chiping, Thứu Ling from the Summit down. On the way, due to His label Moggal-lāna saw a peta, hungry daemons devil. Hungry daemons devil is more full of crashing his spearhead. First stab at the nose through the mouth, the nose crashing into the mouth releases to the chest, nose pierced from the chest down to the abdomen, stomach from nose poured down the right-hand side, with the nose crashing into the right hand side from the calf, the calf from the nose down to the feet.
Hungry daemons, peta, run it around the incredibly painful, but ran anyway, where I am, the thing still spearheaded by crashing shots throughout. See such suffering Mr. Moggallāna reflecting that in samsara themselves have also suffered the same lifetimes fallen sa mining. Huu Hanh rather himself was freed, no longer fall into the plight of such suffering. Think so Mr. plumpy laughed. Mr. Lakkhaṇa insights, ask The Moggallāna why plumpy laughed.
Think The Lakkhaṇa full undeveloped mind to see hungry daemons, can not understand and crashing out skepticism. Suppose You are not straight story narrates Moggallāna movement that told Him about the time that Lakkhaṇa, will ask again this story in front of The World.
After the horse two to most Buddhist and The repeated Lakkhaṇa question, why The plumpy Moggallāna laughed when down the Mountain Spirit Thứu to maintain peace. As long as Mr. Moggallāna said that on his way down the mountain You see a hungry daemons devil being chased by the spearhead range according to hit the shot, and he whispered to rethink because plumpy that he was lucky to escape the results of the data of the real, off have to be sa fallen into circumstances of extreme suffering like this again.
Oh The World Ton open praise, "Ðệ of the Tathāgata has had enough label. As Hybrids have seen this night before the devil hungry daemons Into Ethics, while sitting in meditation on the Dharani is located, but since no one else saw As not said a word about this. Now, because there has been sightings Moggallāna, Like Hybrids will narrates stories of hungry daemons devil. "
The Buddha art that while remaining at the scene who portray beings had committed felony is worked as butcher, "feed to sell death", should have created real businesses friendly to pay result in exit underworld in countless lifetimes. When out of sight we become hungry daemons Devil (peta, deceived by the hungry) to bear the agony continued until the consequences of (saṅkhāra) real good then drying.
The eyes of the common people in the imperceptible folk hungry daemons, because then You don't see Lakkhaṇa. The spearhead crashing sting hungry daemons Devil not falling down and hurting anyone else, just hit shots hungry daemons devil. This is an example for a show that runs the aggregates may cause suffering.
There are other hungry daemons Devil Mr. Moggallāna saw, as the practice of killing cattle in the scene. This people become hungry daemons and been bearded vulture, hawks, crows pecking tear; hunters birds become hungry daemons the devil in the form of a piece of meat as bait for the bearded vulture, crows and kites, wail escaped from pecking bite; a butcher specializing in meat sheep no longer genuine leather itself — is just a pile of shredded meat albacore nhớp nhúa — as well as bait for the bearded vulture, Raven, Hawk; a hungry daemons Devil before making the pork has always been two sharp blades and knives chased surface according to stab slash and cut to pieces; a full launch of tuberculosis hunters themselves. All those hungry daemons are typically painful Devil run ripping wail. Mr. Moggallāna get hungry daemons Devil suffered hundreds of superficial suffer because the former has real good as tormenting other people and abuse. Such is the other example shows the nature of the cause of the affliction (saṅkhāras).
Beings of the realms and the vile beasts, must suffer all these ridiculous because there was the (saṅkhāras) property in the past. In the scene, many people suffered in the extremely hard situation, have to do three back hard enough to eat enough new life, someone suffering from sickness, others cursed enough, all of the take (saṅkhāras) any of them in the past. What's hurt us because it is not the ego, not the inner core, not ourselves.
Not control, makes travel to aggregates how-to for the real good don't start being that only the onions. This procedure can himself personally experience when meditating. People meditate, especially at the longer basic profile, like to refer to the development (saṅkhāras), the related items to meditate, but the other end untouched at the launch Center to the good ideas real. Under the influence of mind took part, many different thoughts started being the capital and lead author went wrong. The other thought, under the influence of mind who lead the side yard or fall of France of this kind of communication practitioners, leading the others. People meditate to exclude these pretensions, or launch thought Yi he, by acknowledging, "fancy", "desire", "thoughts", etc.
As mentioned above, all of the take (saṅkhāras) has a tendency to cause a State of oppression, and we cannot control or command, so it is not the ego, not the inner core, or entity that lives within us, that's just the phenomenon of egolessnessbirth, starting the subject line arises due to the conditions. It may be like the raindrops, like the Sun, like the wind. Although some have wanted to go further, we cannot control or command the rain wind or Sunshine cool must be like. N not as one until there is a cluster of clouds, the breeze, or the wet conditions create a coast guard. When eligible, there is rain, the oil we want to or not. Together with the Sun, the clouds obscuring the Sun oil, no I want to or not. When the cloud, must have full sun, the oil we want to or not. Only the wind blows when weather conditions. When the conditions are not what we want the oil deal was also no wind. These external phenomena not depending where we, not to us, we cannot control. (Saṅkhāra) also seems to like him, is the phenomenon in which we cannot control. These phenomena inside him came and went depending on conditions, and as such is not ego.
The Experience Justice Egolessness Sees Me?
Its author, frequently noted the phenomenon of identity and celebrity, will realize clearly that we cannot control, controls, and invalid warranty (saṅkhāra) must be like depending on your desire. While contemplation move bulging ventral xọp of down and the effects of the body, meditate silently, "bulging", "flat", "touched", if heard the belly tension, is anti-hard, hard, hard "please". And then Italy would like to change the dread may start up. The wish is not nothing more than living spirituality, or the Centre of the Department led by cetanā, Italy, leads. Acting Chief, cetanā, silently quietly commanding, "now, let's change the dread, change the sat." People who meditate might want to further contemplation without changing the sitting, but by the urge of emergency cetanā, Italy, must change. Such is the issue, I don't want that saṅkhāra. And so, while contemplation of the sensation of pain, heat or itchiness, turn, change the sitting according to the demands of that themselves could not control. Then again, while meditating, the thought of exercise may trigger. Such is the Centre of the Department that the meditation does not want, and to exclude by penetrates contemplation. Runs the aggregates may urge practitioners to go talk to someone, or look around, or do something. That's all the onions (saṅkhāras) does not deserve to be a natural favorite itself arises, the oil we have like the same. Such is the example shows a non-controllable and uncontrollable of aggregates. Should not celebrate that must decide the contemplation to exclude.
Think that there is an ego that we can control, and control is sticking to sāmi attā, accept the ego out of control. Its practitioners have cautiously noted the excellent progress and right now it started being, clearly aware that what we want is not happening, and what we don't want to come with me. In this way practitioners exclude attā sāmi, accept the ego to control. A screening process is being initiated and vanish quickly and found that what we want, when just taking broken, who meditate exclude sāmi attā, accept the ego to control. Do not see what better stability; they all vanish and ruined. In this way nivāsī attā, accept the seat on continuous ego, believing that there is an ego live or a permanent physical internally was also repulsed.
Here the meditation mindset that things just happen take place when these various elements coalesce together to qualify for it. Examples such as the birth of the saw (label). Must have the eyes, the subject of the show, and there is enough light. We are willing to look. When there eyes and objects bright enough to be seen, must have seen. With that, a sound is heard when the ear, the sound, the space unobstructed and radial intention, to listen. When there is a clear sound and ears can hear, must have a letter from a listener. Will have the contact when there is a subject, body, tactile, and contact.
Have found that these phenomena are seen, heard, and contact only takes place when the overall pertinent contact factors combined, the meditation mindset that doesn't have an ego or a living entity that make up the show, the listener or the contact. Therefore he excluded kāraka attā, accept its belief that there is an ego, or a living entity and control activities. To exclude this attā karāka The World Religion teaches that saṅkhāra, aggregates are not ego.
(Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta)
Zen master Mahasi Sayadaw-


Preamble trading post
Teachings of the Buddha: begin trading post
Relatives believe the ego
Why stem n y not ego
Jīva attā and parama attā
The root causes of the belief that nature
Nabagesera clinging to ego
Four types of nabagesera clinging to ego
Loved the contemplation of
I give wholeheartedly into The ceremony, wealthy girl glasses That show respect, steps and features an Application, the Chief Justice made the Voters.
All these doctrines or beliefs apart from Buddhism are within the class doctrine believes in an ego live, attā. They postulate that there is something like a soul, a living entity, [living entity: translated from English "living entity"], true lies within all beings.
Amid a strong world confidence in the notion of ego or soul cuu campus, the Buddha declares that "Attā, soul or living entity, not the realities; It is from (continue soles). In the same sense the ultimate (brackets) are actually only continuous trouble-free flow of the process, and the phenomenon of egolessness. "
The dress that needs to understand clearly and thoroughly justified egolessness, anattā Buddhist by The media. First He refers extensively to the four Marvelous Deep Truths (Four Soles) in longitude Dhammacakka Sutta, Zhuan Falun. When teaching my Hemavata Sutta, He asked to come back and teach that "with the birth of the continental units (label, Atrium, female, victims, relatives, Italy) also have a world, a being, trigger." Then the Buddha presents a clear and detailed theory of egolessness in Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, Egolessness.
The Added Economic Post Threads
Ðiển in Pali, the Saṁyutta Nikāya, Khandhavagga products, A jaw, preamble, General Business article on Anatta is the elder notes the following multiplication States That The Tripiṭaka Times Starter:
Evamme sutaṁ. Ekaṁ samayaṁ Bhagavā Bārāṇasiyaṁ Migadāye Isipatane viharati. Āmantesi bhikkhū pañcavaggiye bhagavā repository, "Tatra" Bhikkhavo "ti. "Bhadante" ti te bhikkhū Bhagavato paccassosuṁ. Bhagavā etadavoca.
"I have listened, Ānanda, like this," The Ānanda begins, "On a life of it, The World Religion dwell in the Deer garden in Isipatana, near the Varanasi."
Dhammacakka Sutta trading post, Zhuan Falun, was Pope passed on the full moon night, DL. formerly 2.552 years [i.e. before you Author typically forecast theory]. At the time, listeners have only Group In Dao Singer [*]. Mr. Koṇḍañña (Qiao Chen As) Prime Subliminal sense of Wisdom floor credentials First and become saints Enter Save, the Sotāpanna, or Tu Da Huờn. Done to instill sufficient Dhamma, with faith solidly real rot switch where the Buddha's Teachings, His life would like spice ceremony with Buddhist teachings and joined the Church, old Growth (Saṅgha).
    [*] 2 Group Five Dao Singer "in the hermit popularly known as he was overseas, which had Such Ceilings have according to tu with Bodhisattva while He practiced in France. A year later, we are in the first person in the scene who heard Him preach the French Post and became the Starter in the first disciples of the Buddha.
Four of the remaining Taoist, Vappa, Bhaddhiya, Mahānāma and Assaji Subliminal sense of Wisdom achievement yet. Because then The World actively encourages Religious diligence practice of Dhamma (Dhamma) under the direction of he himself. The hermit in always a spot, not the oil out is to go to a bowl. The major World Religion also remained in place to list and keep track of the progress of its practitioners, to help defuse the gout eye, overcome any obstacle, and exclude the contamination may arise in meditation. Like him, so thanks for That Suen was The main teaching and guidance, Mr. Vappa achievements in their day, and Administrators the full moon night, DL., Writes the second day Bhaddiya, Mr. Mahānāma in on Tuesday and in Wednesday Prime witness Mr. Subliminal sense of Wisdom Assaji. All four have become Holy ranks Tu Da Huờn.
It was long the line referring to the presence of enlightenment in the after-school lectures of Zhuan Falun [Dhammaccakka Sutta-The Great Discourse on the Turning of the Wheel of Dhamma ", by the author Himself Mahasi Sayadaw, translations by U Ko Lay; Buddhadhamma Foundation publication]. At the time said except Mr. Koṇḍañña, the other four not enough mature refined to Subliminal sense of achivements instant Wisdom immediately after listening to the French, but also have to actively work tu anniversary added. Because then The Duty Counsel is always on the side of the urge to make the practitioners of Dhamma. Subject to this event Mastermind wants to promote vigilance the practitioners were the irresponsible doctrine led his mistakes, believe that a prime witness of Holy floor can Enter Save just by listening to a sermon, not need to take more elaborate effort Proving meditation.
The Notes indicated that after all, the hermit St. floor achievements have been Added up and renunciation, the Bhikkhu khưu, became a member of the Church Grew old, the Buddha preached the Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, French General and Egolessness in Sunday after the full moon night, DL.
So, when The Declaration of Ānanda "Into a life of excuses", then the "early life" was on Thursday following the full moon night of July, while The World Religion dwell in gardens stag (Deer) near the city of Varanasi.
"At the time, when The World Religion dwell in Deer, in Varanasi, He opened the call Group In The Bhikkhu Khưu," Explains Chu Bhikkhu Khưu "and group of five Monks answer," white The World Religion ". And then The World Religion taught:
Teachings Of The Buddha: Emerging Post Faq
Rūpaṁ anattā bhikkhave. Hidaṁ rūpaṁ nayidaṁ abhavissa attā bhikkhave Rūpañca ābādhāya saṁvatteya; labbhetha ca rūpe evaṁ me mā rūpaṁ rūpaṁ ahosīti hotu evaṁ, me.
Behold lettered Bhikkhu khưu, the physical body is not the ego, soul, permanence or living entity. "
Often people view themselves and others is the living entity, each living entity, we have a soul, or ego, known in Pāli attā is equivalent to Sanskrit noun my ever lasting ātman. Attā jīva is well known, the living, so tactile function attā concept of life, vigor, spirit, or living entity. Nurturing the notion that there is a soul or a living entity within humans is known as a conceptual mistake, or deviant comments about ego (attādiṭṭhi). Ordinary worldly people getting stuck in deviant comments about this ego; the difference between the person with the other sticky situation is just getting her tight and reveal how, more or less.
The meditation vipassanā, Ming, has grown concerned about his progress and excellence with incisive insight and was contemplating about the event does not have an ego, a "ta", or living entity, has crossed out of the sticky situation with the notion of egobut such escape just in time noted the birth and launch of name and identity (i.e. While meditating). Often, the concept of ego yet definitively put an end to that will be going back.
In order to eliminate the concept of ego and clear that there is something like soul or living entity in the name and colors, oil in the US or in anyone else, The World trading post started to honor with his declaration: "This Rūpaṁ khưu bhikkhave, Bhikkhu schools of anattā: rūpa, lust is not ego, soul or living entity. "
Relatives Believe The Ego
This physical body that one misconception is the ego, which is actually what? The following physical characteristics form the Foundation of the matter: the sensitivity of the eyes to make us see objects; the sensitivity of the ear to make us hear the sound; the sensitivity of the nose makes me smell; the sensitivity of the tongue makes me know; the sensitivity of the body to make us feel the contact; "the unit" (hadāya vatthu), is the subject of the formula; and the physical characteristics of the network was based or life-force.
If caution that observation consistent with official launch of birth (ie the see) because of the sensitivity of the eye, and with the label, start the concept of a living entity or ego. Together, so that the sensitivity of the ear, nose, tongue, body and we have United, male formula, formula, and body awareness. Italy self-catering apartment, subjects of consciousness so that the ideologies and the thought brought to the notion of a "ta", ego, or living entity. There are living off the life-force gas into the physical body and maintenance do not let the physical body disintegrates and the break-up. This apartment is only the network characteristics of the colors, the material, which people often mistaken soul, a living entity.
If none of the sensitivity of the senses, then there is nothing to understand is the soul of sins or alive. For example, we observe a wooden bust, looking at the same person but there is no sense would make the onset. I never could understand the wrong it's a beings have souls or a living entity. The same happened in an corpses will never be a soul or an entity residing in it because the senses have no part. When the current sensitivity of metabolism, these colors, features and at the same time arises with French identity, the identity of sensitive features such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body — the collision of the Earth (paṭhavī), fire (tejo), wind (vāyo), liquid properties and make your next water element (āpo), along with the names of male or female names of French identity is the concept of error is there an ego [Word of the translator: Please see the Marvelous Range of France but is weak, the translation book A Manual of Abhidhamma, Trying Out The Nārada, chapter VI, from page 339 and above].
The characteristics of the good as the show, the listening, the smell, and arises with the parts of sensitive eyes, ears and nose are also misconceptions that have a soul or a living entity: I see, I hear, I smell. In brief, the entire physical world existing simultaneously with the sensitivity of the or was aware of mistakes as a living entity, a soul.
In ordinary language, this body — that the combination of physical characteristics — are saying is I, ego. Saying so doesn't make mistakes, which is relevant to understanding the mechanisms of the world (the Emperor remain), but by the same stress, or absolute reality (brackets), then none of this physical body is the ego. It is only the aggregates, the combination of the characteristics of the good. Because then The World to honor the Declaration explicitly proving that wall and Ṁặc oil common conception that the aggregates, or other group characteristics of the colors is a being, in fact it is not casual that ego is the physical phenomenon. "
However, those who follow the doctrine advocated that this incarnation is "I", the ego, will raise questions, "why this incarnation is not the ego?"
The World Religion provides answers to the following:
Why The Body Is Not The Ego?
— Behold, if ye kin Khưu Bhikkhu schools of the ego, is the main one, but it will not tend to make us miserable or melancholy, and we must be able to command, ' I must be like this (that should be in the best condition); I personally don't like over there (in a bad situation worse). ' We must be able to influence the body like that. "
If this body is the ego, is the main one, but it does not make us suffer, but in fact this body required me to suffer in many ways. It does not exist, young and strong, it becomes old, sick and dying. If there is no body must not be suffering because of the silver hair, long teeth, back-break, deaf ears, blurry eyes, legs, knees, eat handicap. This body itself to make us suffer.
Then again, by that body should I experience pain: pain, eye pain, dental pain, back pain, abdominal pain, cold resistant, hurt and suffered aches and blood diseases, skin diseases, stomach and bladder diseases. The disease typically arises because there is relative. By having relatives should we suffer starvation because of thirst, as was mồng muổi and what types of snakes hiss etc. sting bite. Also because we are environmentally distressed while in the realm of unhappiness. In brief, we suffer the plight of pain and misery as well as there. Also due to close past should place do people suffer these phenomena as the dead. When the composition of the French identity in transformation, decadence and disintegrates it to death. One can say that this physical body make us suffer because it ruined the removal.
So we can reflect that if this physical body really is I presume it does not make us suffer because the old, sick and dying. We can make others miserable but won't make themselves miserable. If this body is itself but it is not going to make it miserable for old, sick, etc.
Then again, the oil before starting the old, sick and dying, this body was also unceasing cause us all kinds of melancholy in many forms. Although still relatively youthful vigor and health, I can't stay alone does not move for a long time in a pose like sitting, standing, or go. Always turn, always moving. We all know that long haul in a dread suspected to be difficult. We know that sit still during half an hour or an hour does not move, or down for two or three hours that immobility is hard to like. We have to constantly change position as will listen to Achy or frustrating in the leg after a while in the saddle. All those nasty State triple birth because of this physical body; in other words exactly what this body makes me uncomfortable.
So, one could think that if this body is me, is my ego, but it doesn't hurt to do so.
Then again, this is the main body ṅếu I, I must be wrong, "the body is like this, the body is not like the other." All beings are like to see myself always healthy and youthful vigor, not old, not sick, and not die. But this physical body never obey, it refused, not me. The spring green young firmware ITA walked slowly to old age, healthy robust health slowly declined, decadence, and eventually to the sick, and then finally to the ruined and dying.
If this body is the one it will not cause suffering for me and it is well as you wish. While others could not spare him obedience, at least the recovery itself — in fact — i.e. I — must follow the will of the us as it is to me. But the fact they are not. This procedure indicates that the body is not the ego, is the key. Because it's the constant result in unhappiness and not under our control. The World religious affiliation continues to explain this event as follows:
Yasmā ca kho, bhikkhave, rūpaṁ saṁvattati ābādhāya rūpaṁ, tasmā anattā, na evaṁ rūpe labbhati hotu rūpaṁ lead me, evaṁ me mā rūpaṁ ahosī ' ti.
Behold lettered Bhikkhu Khưu, in fact the body is not me. Because we so it tends to make us miserable and melancholy, and one cannot command himself, ' Just like this, not like the other. ' We cannot sow body control and influence as such ".
Jīva Attā And Parama Attā
Those who believe by there ego said that there are two kinds of ego: attā jīva and parama attā. According to people who met every individual is made, people, Sun (deva), or animal has a self, a soul or physically called the jīva attā, origin of life. Origin of life he is often believed to be due to the Creator Gods creation, and few doctrine advocated that the origin's personal life, or the minor, is a small part of the enormous attā (great soul) and comes from the spirit of the Lord God.
Parama attā was "An Ego", or "Australian Spirit", of Christ God, who created the Earth and all the creatures. According to some "Australian Spirit" he instilled the entire world, but there are others who advocated that the Creator Gods who dwell on a scene. The notion of minor soul and Spirit, of course, is the theory. No one has met or saw deity embodiment of Ðại. faith where the existence of a God, a creator creates oneness, had before the Buddha a prime witness Dao Result this belief Buddha. apparently came from the story the Baka Brahma.
In a while, The World Religion dwell to the Brahma realm to lighting misbelief of The Baka Brahma. When the Buddha to the Baka Brahma celebrate and praise, "I'm honored to celebrate The Gotama, He came here as a very good thing though was mu n. This Brahma realm is permanence, stability is durable, live eternal, perfect on every aspect. And here there is no dead person or member of origin, died. "
A: basically word of this Declaration The World corrective to honor the Baka Brahma thus: — Behold lettered Brahma! Baka Brahma indeed misled. In a State of aberrant delusion, Baka Brahma realm description of yourself is usually longer and stable. " At the time a Brahma of The Baka Brahma infuriating answered, Behold The Gotama, should not speak with Brahma Baka, shouldn't this page wrong. The Baka Brahma was the Australian Brahma, was the leader of the divine Brahma, Who Conquered All, man could not Defeat, All ranks, All Voters, seeing and understanding it all; He has a lot of dread and ultimate power over all living things; He is the creator, creator of the whole earth, is all the more Sacred level; He sealed the fate of the people — chaplain, Brahma, people, Sun, and fun — the position in the world; He said that one witness, every achievement is the father of all beings in the past and the future. " The Brahma praises the virtue of Baka Brahma.
In the Brahmajāla Sutta, Sagging Offense, when explaining the root causes of deviant comments are usually longer (often biased), the Buddha narrates a story about data mining, like Brahma.
The Root Causes Of The Belief That Nature
According to this business article, when a system of that time went by, on one at a time then a new world system will begin shipping to. The Brahma of worldly system before appeared and thought: "I am Brahma, Brahma, Australian Conqueror could not Defeat, All ranks, All Voters, is God, the creator, Made His Superior rank, All, to determine the Ðoạt Of part of it all, who has a prime witness of all achievements, is the father of all beings in the past and the future. "
The Brahma came after also thought he was out of Brahma. Among these Brahma has students President from Brahma realm and reborn on the scene, there are few could remember his past episodes in Brahma. Behold the audacity that it was "out of sight, Brahma created beings in the world. Creator himself, out of Brahma, is usually longer, live forever; but the creatures that You have created is not usually longer, they must pass away, die. " Those who hear the word Audacity are manifesto through personal experience, is ready to believe and accept. The World Religion explains that there are reasons why there is the notion that "there is only the Creator, who created things, is often longer."
From the passage just quoted above we can conjecture that the so-called ascended into God, God has created all beings, the Creator says hearing aids. on a Scene, can be An Offense had its first appearance in the Brahma realm at the time of the system. We can also say that parama attā, An Ego, or the Australian Spirit, the ego, the "we" of the Australian Brahma. Teachings of the Buddha which clearly shows that the Australian's Soul attā parama of Ðại Brahma, on the basis of a with the jīva attā minor spirits, of the other beings; It is the only continuous trouble-free flow of the process name and identity are mistakenly concept. In fact nothing like ego, an "I" or an eternal souls live, in addition to psycho-physical phenomena; that is just a hypothesis because the imagination creates.
Then again, the psycho-physical properties of Ðại Brahma as well as psycho-physical characteristics of other beings, are within the law of impermanence. When dry, the Australian longevity Brahma also are facing death and the President. In fact the Ðại Brahma could not fulfilling achievements all what she wants; You can't maintain the physical characteristics of the body. Therefore, the body of the Australian Brahma also anatta, anattā.
Nabagesera Clinging To Ego
Often people believe strongly that every individual has a soul, a living entity, in existence during the whole life. Such is the view of the followers of the teachings, postulate that after death, there's nothing, death is the end. Those who believe in dogma often comments are rather, believe that each individual's soul is immortal, will not destroyed after the death that will live in the new body.
For followers of this theory, often by the two fuselage components together: Hind body and subtle body. At the end of life, hind body was destroyed but subtle body remove this dead body into a new body, and so never destroy that life eternal forever. The perspective is usually above comments are quoted verbatim, in whole and in full in Annex Glossary (glossary of A Glossary) Purity of ethics books (Visuddhimagga).
Professor described with full details of the various beliefs about one's ego, and self published resources, aim to present more clearly the notion of anatta (anattā). Among those claiming to be Buddhists, there are also truly believes in the existence of a soul is usually longer, a simple entity intact, or living entity, although they do not say much about this belief. They believe in integral life at dying dead body through the nose or mouth. When life gets pregnant, her life also enter thai compatriots through the nose, mouth, or the belly of the mother. And since when are press releases and engenders arrives at death, the life time alignment next to the new body. All of these views are related to the belief that a spirit intact, a living entity.
In fact, death is only the ending of psycho-physical process, the non-playing-being the return of the psycho-physical process after "death". There's nothing like a soul or a living entity. A become new (that being new) means the arising of a new consciousness in a new place along with the physical platform that formula was then based. Just before his death ended in mind, consciousness clinging to one of the three: or kamma, kamma, Karma nimitta, symbol of industry, or gati nimitta, logos, news of upcoming lifetimes [Word of the translator: see the list Of the best French Miracle, author Ð.Ð. Nārada, chapter V, pp. 321-322]. Due to the audience's support charm (alignment on the last moments of the death chặp of mind), a new chặp arises in a new place in a new life. This is the way-re-delivery or consciousness-raising connector-as this is the chặp Center for connected between two lifetimes — before and after.
When consciousness-connect-terminate soon, is the chặp of the stream of life (bhavaṅga) continues throughout the entire lifetimes, to adapt to the power industry has created. When there is a death scene appears in the best shape as subjects or such, then depending on the case, chặp bhavaṅga be labelled informal or alternative courses. The arising of a new consciousness in a new life due to kamma, karma, past the lifetimes of the coast guard assistance. A construction plan, this phenomenon is known as transfer students from before to the next life, but in fact do not have a soul or living entity moving from this life to the next life. In common language, customs in folk, called reincarnation, instead of being reborn.
There are people who can't understand the concept of anatta because they do not understand that know their turn theory advocates that ego, or a "we", as explained above. They think that if the other person sees an object's shape that is sticking to the ego, is what we feel. For example, to get out of a tree is a tree, a rock, a House is a House, or temple is a temple, then under them it is clinging to ego: "I see."
According to their opinion, truth egolessness clearly just be aware when we pass from the concept of shape and instead is the sense of things through the same ultimate truths, brackets.
In fact, the only such perceptions shape is the shape will not lead to the clinging to ego. That is no longer aware of can't shape means the intelligence curriculum of egolessness already arises, have been established. Recognize the inanimate objects such as trees, crushed houses or temples not cling to the theory of ego, clinging to the belief that the ego, that's just my understanding under the concept of invention, continue.
Men trapped in the belief that the existence of an ego that has a self, a soul inherent permanence time according to organic beings. When we assume ourselves as a living soul and others as well as the soul, the living entity, then it is nabagesera clinging to beliefs about the ego. The Brahma in myriad colors (arūpa), since there is no physical body found himself in truth inefficient, but the Brahma has not been enlightened yet escape fantasy reviews on ego. Only when passed from beliefs about the existence of an ego, the body of another person's body and I was aware only of the psycho-physical phenomenon, wisdom eyesight on egolessness start being, and this primarily would be cultivating and development of true understanding.
Nabagesera Four Kinds Of Clinging To Ego
There are four types of clinging boots being from ego belief:
    1. Sāmi attā, accept the player into the "self control": the belief that there was a ta, a living entity or a soul inside the physical body, dominate, dominate and control all your desire and actions, and the living soul around, stand, sit, sleep and said, whenever you want.
The Trading post of world Religious teachings Anatta, Anatta lakkhaṇa Sutta-General and, in particular to eliminate the cling to the "self control", sāmi attā. Now, because of the typically are preaching to Ṅhóm In Dao Si "which previously were privileged Dao Result Enter Save, we can also wonder wonder what a Tu Da Huờn also cling to the ego, or the" I "again?
Sees the floor Enter Saved Saints Tu Da Huờn has completely eradicated three men finish: body (sakkāyadiṭṭhi), skepticism (vicikicchā), and all its (sīlabbataparāmāsa). But He has not escaped completely out of that end of the fell side (asmi-māna) [*], which is proud of its self with and compared to the fall of others. Proud to possess or his status, "I can do it, I am Holy" — is falling on her starboard side. (Proud of Tu Da Huờn relates only to special family identity and his true virtue, not false pride with these characteristics and morals that yourself there, and comparisons with anyone else.) As such, the Saints enter the Store have to continue meditating proved to exterminate you end up falling on her starboard side. When insight (vipassanāñāṇa) are actively cultivate and develop, you end up falling beam gradually dismantled sequentially be excluded with the function of da Dao (Sakadāgami Magga, For Lai Dao); A Na Dao Function (Anāgāmi Magga, Lai Dao) who further degrade the Department fell, but only to the floor the last Scripture is A La Chinese Dao (Arahatta Magga) new fully eradicated that end falls on her starboard side. Thus we can determine that The World preaching Religious Scriptures article on Anatta General (Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta) to assist Ṅhóm In Dao Si "eradicated that end falls on her starboard side.
    [*] Excerpt from the book "en Dieu in France but is weak", Nārada ÐÐ author: when enlightenment Nirvana for the first time its practitioners called the Sotāpanna, Tu Da Huờn, or enter the Store, who first stepped into the flowing stream to nibbana. The thing is no longer a divine personality (putthujjana) which was Holy, Ariya. You ride up three Guys End (Saṁyojana, rope bondage tied beings in samsara) is the Stem (sakkāya diṭṭhi, virtual opinion of themselves, considered his ego), Skepticism (vicikicchā) and Prohibited (sīlabbata parāmāsa, trusting in the rites and ceremonies misled). Want more details please read on, pages 86-89.
    2. Nivāsī attā, accept the player into the "ego": convinced that a permanent living entity located inside myself. 3. The people believe that there is often a simple soul intact, or beings from birth to death at output. Such is the nivāsi attā, the clinging to a soul, or a continuous ego usually remains. Some people advocated that after death is no longer anything; It's called the error concerned the opinion. Also there are people misled into believing conventional theory that alive one in the trunk, or the soul, still not destroyed after death that continues to be moved over, living in a new body, new life.
The World preaching Religious articles Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, Egolessness, which aims to exclude the condition of clinging on to count down, immediately eradicated, apricot eradicated the roots as the port potentially also fell within the Group of five Administrators and other Personnel Saints; and in order to eliminate the two concerned misled (about oneself, sakkāyadiṭṭhi, and of clinging to rites and rituals sīlabbata-parāmāsa religious), along with falling of regular folk. One day while clinging to a living entity or a simple soul intact, we also trust that this body must submit subject under his control. Jing Anattalakkhaṇa, Egolessness, was preaching in order to eliminate both, the clinging to sāmi attā "ego" and nivāsa attā, the clinging to "ego". Once sāmi attā, ego control, has excluded all types of clinging to ego and deviant ideas, at the same time also be eradicated.
   3. the player accepted, attā Kāraka "ego": believes that there is a living entity, a soul, affect any action by the user, password, or my ego to accepted the initiative relevant to saṅkhārakkhandha, aggregates. We will be back with more details when referring to skandha.
   4. Vedaka attā, accept the player into the "self experience": the belief that the ego, or souls, we feel the Club, life or sensed. This player accepted forms related to life, vedanakkhandha aggregates, which we will refer to the next chapter in full. 6. here the colors are called egolessness — in other words, French identity, or the user, not the ego, or a living entity, a single soul intact often did — were adequate explanations, but also the practice of vipassanā meditation, Ming, brought to the seamless nature of control of the body.
Loved The Contemplation Of
Vipassanā meditation, Proving that meditate on upādānakkhandha, skandha, the player into skandha discovered at the see, hear, smell, taste, touch and thought. However for its practitioners to be dirty motor be difficult to record (anniversary) rushed at life experience. The should just start with some types of life would reveal striking for. For example, when sitting down, who can be observed in the intently tough nature and relaxes the body's irresistible and noted ṅgồi, sit ". If practitioners see is too casual, get more ṅgồi, crash; sit, touch ". But noting the bulging bellies and falls are easier. So, I noted "bulging" when the belly bulging and herniated belly ", and the" falls we will begin to see clearly the nature of the belly slowly become firmer, relaxes, bulging and reduce strain, and falls. Such is the nature, the causes and the elements wind vāyo dhātu. Noted and contemplating the like is in the proper book of Visuddhimagga, Purity of ethics. This book teaches that "the nature of the physical phenomena and spirituality must be informed throughout by observing the properties and mechanical" etc.
On this Professor to teach people meditation meditation practice base profile Minh (Vipassanā) should start by observing the movement of falls and bulging belly. However, only practice noting the bulging bellies and falls are not enough, that is not all that needs to be done when meditating Coalition. While noting the bulging bellies and falls whether these thoughts would start up must also be recorded. When these feelings as hard, hot, cold or pain people meditate to anniversary, namely those remarks, his life just when it's being run. When meditators co hands or legs or feet, stretch your arms out, the impact would have to be noted. While sitting in that get up practitioners must attentively noted the effects while changing posture. While away, all the movements in each step must be recorded, "' up, taken to the bike down". If possible, all the activities of the body, even to the eyes closed or open eyelids, must be carefully observed. When nothing special to noted, bringing the focus back bulging movement and falls in the abdomen. Such is a nutshell description of France concerning Intelligent meditation.
While care noted a State bulging, Herniated, sitting, touching, sometimes practitioners who want to change start to degrade the life experience of pain, soreness in the arm or leg. Should be noted "the wish" her posture changes, but still had to sit still, do not hurry up please PM under the temptation to stretch your hands feet out. Practitioners should endure shortages of facilities until he could no longer tolerate anymore, as long as possible. If you like feet run being returned, should be noted as before without changing the dread. Refer to when can no longer bear the pain anymore from stretching his arms and legs, while she is meticulous and carefully documented the impact, "stretch, stretch."
In each course practitioners need to change hands several times because facilities dread being aches. Forever changes and adjust the pose that practitioners feel uncomfortable listening, and the frustrating nature of the body's condition became evident. The oil of the meditators are in yen, sat silent not waggle in times of an hour or two, but apparently not. Practitioners recognize that this body, with its hard, not me, not the self, the soul or the living entity, that is just the physical phenomenon arises depending on conditions. This perception is sensory wisdom arises due to the ego contemplation.
I can't stay long in one position, the oil is sitting, lying, or go. So we're well aware that he cannot afford the command itself must be like as you wish, it's never good to be like according to your desire. If it was me, I got the wrong control it must be like. As out of control, this body must not be one that is just the physical phenomena being run depends on fate. This perception, too, is sensory wisdom arises due to the ego contemplation.
Then again we always are busy resolving day-to-day needs such as bladder, this body is clear, positive signals follow the will of the us, not under our control, but not my ego. In the contemplation of the life of the physical body we find that its hard nature was evident as illustrated right nasal lubricant conversation, tears, sweat, proceeding from the fuselage. We can't maintain, preserve this body was clean long way because can't control nature of it. So it's obvious he is not himself, is our ego.
In addition, many unpleasant condition as hungry, thirsty, old and sick situation also arises by itself. The oil is for people who are not used to observe the condition of this malaise is also the obvious truth, the reality that anyone who also has experience. However those who only occasionally observed transient is often the notion that having an ego, a living entity, a mine, or a soul is often also are upset. Only when careful contemplation recently acknowledged that that is just the physical phenomenon of the body, not the ego or a living entity.
So, while the assiduous contemplation all the workings of the body and this body knows how distressing that we cannot afford to do nothing out of control, there is no right or wrong control it is how, through the personal experience of people meditate to:
Although the physical form we see as oppressive but because it's the main cause of negativity that we can't afford to do it, not control, have no right to dictate it to do the will of him, so I presume it is not the core part within us, not the ego as I've misled knows from longthis incarnation is that players accept, ourselves ". Such is the truly enlightened wisdom arises due to the contemplation of the French general best Diners egolessness. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENGLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.31/8/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
(Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta)
Zen master Mahasi Sayadaw-

Foreword and preface.

Ltime slider covers

For the Buddhist meditation, his reputation Mahasi Sayadaw need not be introduced. The teachings of his meditation method has been head of the nh n and absorb the same all over the world. Today The Buddhadhamma Foundation would be honored to introduce the book "Egolessness", as the first book in the series of books on the teachings of the famous Zen monk.
Preliminary translations (from Burma to England) of U Ko Lay, were The Buddha Sasana Nuggaha Foundation in Rangoon, Myanmar, specials. In this release several repeated segments have been removed and added the Pali nouns are shifting to English. However the original teachings remain with full details and still repeating sections: this lecture remains for those students who are attending a course.
We hope that this publication will help readers enjoy the French interest in meditation and the teachings of Buddhism.


Each person's personal inner world (puthujjana, mortals, at that) the pollution (kilesa) as greedy and rapid boiling contentious nabagesera flourish. What's next by audience in the continental one, with beautiful colors as such. When nabagesera started being under all that satisfied and enjoyed the sticky status was an attā (ego, the concept of a "living entity") is not the basis, which is also the core of potential hidden depths section very difficult to eliminate.
So thanks to assiduous effort and wisdom, Buddhist schools independent from (Pacccekabuddhas, Bich Chi Buddhist) himself has the ability to take advantage of status removal stick stuck to the notion of an ego within themselves without assistance. But he does not have the ability to help someone else with their sticky eradicate this. Only these special abilities have wisely indicated, for the other people know the truth and the arms of Four new Soles could wipe out Ta stick this with Ant in the mind of others. Jesus Buddhas (Pacceka buddhas-) independent from can't do, because then He just became independent from Visual Sensory input Are independent from Buddha Buddhist Nirvana alone. He is not the Primary tier Victorian Chief Justice and cannot teach the Dhamma to others.
Victorian Chief Justice Chief Justice Jesus, All ranks, has the ability to sense the deeper quang minh Sensory independent from the Buddhas, Paccekabuddhas. Chief Justice Chief Justice Institute Buddha Enlightened also meets Four Soles like Jesus Buddha independent from Buds, which further, longer, helping others through scrupulously thorough the wall four marvelous deep truths. So now you are Chanh Victorian Chief Justice, Sammā Sambuddha.
The World Religion preaching the Dharma First mentioned the Four Soles, for years the hermit. The French known as the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, Zhuan Falun, transportation, wheel of the Dhamma. This is the first Teachings that Buddha Board. This Sutra lecturing him on Saturday afternoon, the full moon night, DL. exactly two months after The Dao.
When the Buddha over the French Starter, the hermit protagonist, Koṇḍañña, Kieu Tran Da Tu Result, Dak As Huờn (Sotāpanna, enter the Save). Prime witness Dao Result Da ily Huờn Tu saints have excluded all skeptical about the Dhamma and any concept of sakkāya, physical body, see this body is the "ego" or a living entity. Anyway He still māna, crumpled alongside the [*]. The other four have yet to adopt special witness Teachings, awakening to the Super location, or level of subliminal mind ".
[*] Word of the translator: noun falls side of the user are translated from the Sanskrit language, Māna, not only means pretending as usually understood. It is claimed that "intersection" and compared the "intersection". Viewed themselves than men, by a person, or loss of the three forms of māna, falls on her starboard side.
Because of its falling, or accept the ego, deeply embedded in the stream of Koṇḍañña, and as well as three other Vappa in groups of five successful yet Taoist brothers "French Label pure and Immaculate," should the Buddha continues to promote and encourage him to maintain mindfulness and a passport in accordance with France Proving meditation (vipassanā). After the meditation, positive all in all Holy Huờn Tu Da floor achievements, thus excluding all stick with this body that approved themselves, ego (sakkāyadiṭṭhi, user comments). He said that one witness Vappa insight on the first day after the full moon night, Mr. Bhaddhiya, Mr. Mahānāma on the second day on Tuesday, and Mr. Assaji was on Wednesday.
That The entire collection of world Religious Groups In Its back and preach the second French article, presenting the doctrine of anattā (anatta). Then on Thursday, five days after a full moon night, DL. Upon hearing the finished Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta (Sutra Egolessness General) all five are prime evidence of ethics Result A La Chinese, so that all five are completely eradicated all forms of craving, māna, fork covers. As the noun Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta tactile function meaning (anattā = anatta, lakkhaṇa = special General) this business article clearly presents "egolessness", as opposed to deviant comments accept its "ego".
Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta is not an investment. In his duty as the primordial World Buddhist States Matched the six released, this economy is just finishing a paper page. Business article with no mention of methods of meditation or a technical passport. This instruction focused on the truth of nature is more than the methods of practice. So for those who are not familiar with France Proving meditation (vipassanā meditation) but difficult to understand the real General egolessness is described in the article. Firepower in the hermit quickly comprehend the doctrine might be because the French Government The duty to Counsel students and also because of the superlative luck is listeners have had profound knowledge sharp sensitivity. All the five were mature experience from listening to business Zhuan Falun (Dhammacakka Sutta), which also has crossed the stage to enter the Store. So he quickly achievements Dao Result A La Han.
At the time of the Buddha and in which the knowledge was sensitive to sharp and ba-la-suite (pāramitā) full circle as the group in the Taoist, just to hear The lawyers ' duty to preach the rapid achievement of ethics Result (magga-phala). Of course, it is thanks to the main listening The the duty Counsel preaching, but the also have to spend a lot to actively work cultivating Intelligent meditation (vipassanā). The Dhamma is only Special achievement because of the situation he was sincerely trying to actively meditate, have entered the intention solid, profound and a sharp projector sensitivity, and only a few people have sufficient wisdom or enough three-la-suite to be so. Many people can not a projector and recorded quickly seemed to like it.
Although there are those who are lazy to make seem fluent says: If his reading thanks to understanding nature of egolessness need practice. One can accomplishments Dao Result by just listening to such teachings. " With that kind of thinking is so desirable that they put them on par with the Bible. The same concept I gratify not only the class sits, who claimed himself, as Holy as simply just been listening to the Dhamma. The class is not less. Types of physical understanding of anatta by gleaned it here through the French is not really evidence of personal enlightenment, but rather of understanding through books. If the Dao and the result can be shown to meet in this way, most of the Buddhist understanding justice anatta can be considered A La Han. However, because people don't have the morals (paramittā) of the arahats, obviously they are not truly A La Han. Interested in bad mistake of the same opinion mining, Mr. Mahasi Sayadaw raised the teachings clearly and correctly in My Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, Egolessness, to bring the General who was then on the foot of the Chief Justice.
Trading Post Anattalakkhaṇa describing the nature and physical features of egolessness, but simply not only teach methods of meditation or a technical passport and recorded, and the triangle. In this book Mr. Sayadaw expressed a full method of contemplation and explained with full details the way reflecting on egolessness can result in levels of achievement in Nirvana.
Trading post is presented according to the Scriptures, based on personal experiences during meditation practices Coalition (vipassanā), and is explained after having obtained the experience and personal insights in practice under the guidance of an intelligent engineer, and after consulting the Ðiển Pali and explained.
Of the time taught Him compassion with wide teaching Sayadaw enough economic post details Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, the Buddha teachings transmitted briefly. When the French this time recording was judge retirement, U Thein Han, transcribing and typing the full back, long-manuscript 420 pages. U Thein Han submitted to Mr. Sayadaw and ask permission for publication. He kindly accepted after the briefing, only keep the tenets diamonds mainly of 152 pages. Partly also because at the time the paper printed books were scarce.
Probably, of course, Mr. Sayadaw ingeniously wide lecture the point too simplified and concise passages Shou too long lines. There's the You the summary article lengthy menstrual Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, Egolessness and "Intelligent Meditation Method" which also explains Dhammacakka Sutta song obvious, Zhuan Falun, help for those who like to read and listen to the Dhamma in a thorough way, a brief but clear, and so is a blessing for all.
Every time preaching or writing, Mr. Sayadaw focuses more sense are the principles of grammar. For example, the Sanskrit term "Bārāṇasiyaṁ", usually translated as "in Benares", then there is nothing wrong. But to close with more reality, Mr Mahasi Sayadaw written "in the region of Benares" or "near the Benares" because at the time The World Ton temporarily dwell in stag (Deer) near the city of Benares (instead of static in Benares).
Although much care to the meaning of the sentence, He is not concerned because the Sayadaw Italy which left doesn't keep the correct grammar. In other words, His full attention to the grammar but especially focuses on the meaning, not to because in the correct grammar that distort the meaning of the sentence. So his translation is incorrect according to the traditional method. Once figuratively considers His sentence alignment according to the true meaning and expression in words, written or spoken.
Teachings about the three General impermanence, suffering, egolessness (anicca, dukkha, anattā) sounded very familiar, and always at the top of the lip and pull the blade the Buddhist. Every time there is a little more important happenings occurred successively we hear reference to the noun, suggesting should recall the Dhamma. This procedure proves that the teachings of the three General characteristics are very popular and are widely known among Buddhists. Probably, of course this is just my understanding through books or as often heard repeating, but in fact this is a hard doctrine spectacle reaches full, although the view from the outside see as understandable. In General, three assistants anatta, "the anattā", is the deep magic and hard to smoothly. That's the main reason The World Crown has met serious opposition of these characters as Dao Singer Du Fang Saccaka, Baka Brahma and because of the situation we have antagonistic comments about "ego".
Prior to the teachings of the Buddha do people understand that the "ta" inherent interlaced with the physical body (rūpa, colors) and spirituality (nāma, mailing). For patients with Ta this ant the Buddha declares that the name and identity is not "me", not the "ego". In fact, very difficult to make people fully spherical "egolessness" because of the immeasurable life the concept of the "ta" deeply, setting the root firmly. If the doctrine of "ego", we can easily understand the need not to have a current a Buddha in the world. Nor should a disciple of the Buddha, as Mr. Mahasi Sayadaw, must spend to clear explanations and thorough write Business Glossary Egolessness, Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta. The attempt does not know his tired Sayadaw to elucidate the doctrine, we showed the level of profound teachings. Releases coming in the not-to-very rare e-Buddha-who knows what the "ta", ego, or "attā", the less understanding "egolessness". The teachings of his appropriate Mahasi Sayadaw explains clear and Fair Trade article Egolessness General Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta, have the effect of giving those who lost an anchor, which concerned the mistake, return to the foot of the Chief Justice.
Once, when I went to the temple Wetlet Masoyein Monastery, the audience hushed Him Sayadaw, then to the city of Wetlet to the sermon. I am the white asked him, "How would understand that the novel uccheda (the opinion, advocating death is out, that after his death, all of which terminate) and Nibbāna, Nirvana, the resolution is the same? because they both have the same end before you go. " Mr. Sayadaw, "Probably there are differences. Nirvana has the character and dignity of it. How Nibbana is not that special. " Since then broken conversations across the Middle so I didn't get a chance to ask more, "Thus shalt not characteristics and special dignity of Nirvana?" Mr. Sayadaw probably did not remember the story doesn't matter. However, while reading through this manuscript, as to the explanation regarding the uccheda and Nibbāna I conversation memory. The explanation of this book, page, to clarify the distinction between uccheda-diṭṭhi, the doctrine, that kind of deviant opinions advocated that after lifetimes of one being terminated, the beings he absolutely annihilation, and Nibbāna, Nirvana. Those who believe in this initiative ties misled to think that the end of life and Nirvana are the same, but knowing that completely wrong. In fact both individually.
About the concept of paragraph (ucchedadiṭṭhi), in about 1971 I invite the community gathered together to hear the lecture my Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta, Anniversary, visiting Him and U Dhammakatthikas Mahasi Samvara and Zawtika U help for relatives in Zhen in the village is the opportunity to listen to the Dhamma. I arranged for the French was taught in the village of Inchaung where the bereaved relatives have in me. On the day, in groups of listeners have a man named Maung Kyi, a leader of the Communist Party magazine the flag Ðỏ, a fervent believer where theory advocated not the life after the current lifetimes. He is the one person in the group to me should also come to the fun in my case. Day He u.s. Samvara and shaman man dedicated to preaching the Dhamma and everyone is very concentrated Hy Festival heard.
Maung Kyi was invited to and willing to lend a hand during the ceremony, to the surprise of everyone, because everyone knows that he just believes in the dogma advocated "no life after this life".
Early in the morning on the following day he appeared at the home of a man who invited me to use the fucking. In this occasion Maung Kyi said to me, "Sir, I accept the view of Dhamma which Mr. U Samvara mentioned yesterday night, but please don't misunderstand that I was religious, became a believer the spiritual doctrine (nāma). Because you are a Buddhist, you believe there is a future, after this life, should you try to create the blessed to satisfy ambitions for the next life. The us, we don't like that, we have no greed. In life we never saw any comment whatsoever. We've put down nabagesera every and any clinging to life. " Listen to so I thought, "this Gives depending where your point of view. According to Buddhism, desire and nabagesera clinging to life just ended, or only be eradicated when I become A Luohan. If not yet freed out of the instinctive craving to wear the attachment into the next life, if still believes passionately that life will annihilation after death, we will fire an inferno, Bourn Niraya, agony scene. The dress it properly according to the teachings of the Buddha. "
Although Maung Kyi severed all bondage and out of separate self "living life", his wife was unable to do so. She started preparing for the baby has just raised by Mr. and Mrs. ritual spice sa di (sāmaṇera).
Fanatical belief in passionately, Maung Kyi told his wife, "I don't need to practice regardless what the ritual to pray blessed him greatly in the next life [*]. If you want to then arbitrarily do to bridge the main part I blessed him, when prayer renunciation for the child, he could not play the role owner, hugged pitcher Bowl and hold the fan, put some sa-di to the Temple ".
His wife responded, "no one who stands out as empty ceremonies I couldn't guide these sa-di. If he refuses, I will hire the person portrayed and practice the ceremony master of ceremonies necessary. " Sounded so Maung Kyi shock of frustrating, frustrating to sit stand still, unable to tolerate or accept the presence of a person who was hired to play the role that his holiday home. At the time, he was in a State hit hardest nan rot. Later I heard someone in the village reported this story.
I fully believe that the teachings of noble Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta will increase steadily the treasure of faith all you readers and bring many benefits to you.

[*] According to tradition, the young monk life, renunciation to helpfulness blessed treasure for parents.

Helpfulness of Germany
Schools of Buddhists, who the people of the book of song, this Indian altogether to create the merit bar high and into the center of the glass rises to:
* All Chu, Chu Brahma and lettered Long United Kingdom and all over the world means ten;
* The master, from the old thousand steps according to the footprint of The Duty counsel, were keeping the Dhamma, and handed media intact to us;
* The renunciation precursors, painstakingly households maintained Tam, helps for the Dhamma was superfluous to this day;
* The parental grandparents, Arjun captured the seven nests generations, also in money or have too few; and
* All beings of the three about four species.