In every disciple of Christ
St. It is His royal Moggallana, a disciple, most divine. He ascended into heaven on
the ground can walk around easily, he test development without fear of divine
chastise Diaoyu hoppers who, because he does not abuse due to the demands of
people curious as to the satisfaction of his . All of which are transformed
as Buddhism, are bringing people closer to truth. The achievements and
ingenuity, his manifestation of divine power, who has been praised Diaoyu is
satisfied with mt disciples not more than two terms of all miracles.
When people recognize themselves and see the truth himself so he could not help thinking about mt events, which in life he can not forget. This makes him buc to all psychic development in any way, that is find his mother. Lost his mother to bring bad karma, so be into hell Avici. As lice taste, he could not save his mother still outstanding even know that it is karma, but curious behavior of mt saint, even thought not assign dng more intense! This makes the flesh side of the secular as we think. We are sure that means he has secretly taught us, because the position is still remembered mt saint to favor his parents! Still no reparation that samples from all the thanks!
Indeed in worldly behavior is the first legal taste, and Buddha taught that parents should have two living Buddha worship.
Today social civilization, serious concerns about human physical knowledge, it has been overlooked in the spiritual sense, that is, how to quickly grow up to lead hi to acquire more knowledge to cure almost made a living. As a result the material achievements money heavily in the beginning, to then treat each other via the exchanged for prizes. From that compassion for the beings who are only rewarded with material only. The problem clearly, at the social wealth of this civilization - there are many parents and children welfare for Social Security, so the concept of filial children to grow up in this almost miraculous ! This should not blame anything, because the karmic law of dependent origination, circumstances and the human mind will draw match, but again no matter what the two divine beings is fundamental to the holy nun's heart her. Mt person can not call as well as overlook this problem - and it is good to go in the end they must also complete a good thing that the amendment back to the other basics. If the role Hieu Buddhist text is the leading trade idea by looking to the animal species, specifically through not boys killed by us, just as we contemplate the death and birth death born in the six paths of reincarnation. So when we had our parents and we also when our parents; and parents look at this, if that does not represent you act l was curious-looking behavior, the other how to be touched.
He Moggallana divine manifestation that we look to the present and past, so now that he's happy to live fully aerobic lifestyle of parents with unborn saint regardless. He could see the other mothers suffering as his mother, and certainly so, because compassion Arahant; but he is still looking into hell to rescue his mother, so that we have, that remind you act reasonable.
he met his mother are suffering hunger pains in hell; that image as he burst into tears, because she offered to find food, but his mother was unable to life, even for He is offered to use her psychic powers. Finally, to guard broke rules, resigns her grief looked hungry. He acts who met Diaoyu ask for help.
Here is the problem that we must reflect the religious mind set. The divine as he is helpless Moggallana mother made me think of research problems make people bear fruit of mt man can not lose, and its effect but invisible but want us to pursue the life. Weight is into hell, back where the light is born from pain for a lifetime. It is clear that in this world images, such as: who is so wealthy, who were too poor, too happy, who are overweight. The rest was pretty easy rich who also look like, who were poor to bring bad appearance to avoid animal people ... But where is this bird is decidedly random animals! There are animals (dogs, cats) are treated as human beings, if not sometimes more than humans, which everyone in the country that rich civilization. For example, in particular supermarkets sell food to them, both to drugs dyspepsia, cold or runny nose! There are also veterinary oncologist. Another well in the UK about official travel card (passport) for the same host animal in travel. Whereas there were many animals born to make food for humans, let alone thought to be injured, or as it unthinkable that mentioned above.
He Maudgalyayana saved only by the force of the mother by increased ten; this is probably against the law so as not to cause and effect. Ten by the force increases, we clearly understand that thanks to the Power, and more important thanks to the right to recover herself. It certainly shows that she may have been in Thanh repent when their child is found to be about her never dare to think, and I met her down to hell her, did she realized her error too large - I know she is keeping her spiritual masters were pure repentance. Because of the way feel like a new air force and to do tha mt, immediately before she was escaping the heavenly hell.
we Buddhists today celebrated every year Vu Lan not only on good taste secretly happy memory of the Great Saint Moggallana but also have the opportunity to worship the one who thought of the tragic Exalted has taught us the grace to newspapers and more. And with any children but their parents have been in the world, be obedient to cultivate pious Buddha to be first. Dear parent with physical care facilities but is essential, but spiritual direction to the Chief Justice was equally important. So is impermanent, selfless things, how their parents and then we will split that goes, then children are also real curious where helpless to save her mother. That is true now and forever only Buddhism can take away the faith of our parents peace. Guide parents to understand cause and effect, karma, peace out of the realm of the spirit still fun spirit that is spiritual food that tastes real children can not be indifferent. So that the renouncer full taste of perfection with their parents, but this was not received from ng! If the renouncer is disloyalty to the Crown Prince Siddhartha became Buddha I have not, and a multitude of his disciples could not witness. But the parents agreed to this renunciation is more direct means of approach, and of course parents can not leave the convent if the circumstances, I was the only one foster parent.
Recalling tha problem Increase the power of ten that he saved her Moggallana, left us thinking about the legal force any thought. He Moggallana is attained spiritual masters save his unborn self, but helpless to save mother who we practice today has been saving his little self, there where others dare to say rescue! Even way up through the ten ruling, if the Buddha did not teach them he Moggallana was not clear. Here we find real solutions for ruling incredibly difficult to know the mystery. And our path today if you want its merits without ruling by the ten Buddhas there is little merit have been what?
rely on ruling, in particular also means that students performance of our practice is always support everything from the outside; from fellow practitioners encourages each other, to all people around to give us adequate material and spiritual. Without this ruling we can hardly enlightened. We can understand the legal nature of Tha power equality is very distinctive, to tap into the full and most people do not see yourself, as the practitioner is in his way of example Liu (Tu Da Complete). No self-e has reached that level, but on the contrary that what he achieved was because other people are present only. But that does not tell the identity of two (non-duality) of the rank willow; to us it is clear that reliance and toward, for example if we do not want life for the Buddha would not lead to liberation. Buddha means the bridge body and mind towards the practice of all Buddhist teachings in mind also how to move toward liberating effect; that the direction of liberation that is results oriented ruling. We should never think that e is no longer reached the bridge is not there anymore in that ruling. For he reaches the bridge e is also very purpose toward Buddhahood, that is ruling by then. So this life who come to Buddha too late as we do, to get your boat legal ruling Buddhist religious practice, and practice their religion in any way without the direction of any others blessings of all Buddhas will easily turn into that direction.
short three-time Chief Justice, Minister of France, degenerate Buddhist monk in all directions thanks to the ruling to the direct distance is definitely safer.
Get clear teachings of the Buddha in the days Vu Lan, and employment of his fondness Moggallana her side we will not compassion of the Buddha has taught us the color of France, to complete a dutiful son. As well as on the way our practice guidance will always be strong yellow light escape.
When people recognize themselves and see the truth himself so he could not help thinking about mt events, which in life he can not forget. This makes him buc to all psychic development in any way, that is find his mother. Lost his mother to bring bad karma, so be into hell Avici. As lice taste, he could not save his mother still outstanding even know that it is karma, but curious behavior of mt saint, even thought not assign dng more intense! This makes the flesh side of the secular as we think. We are sure that means he has secretly taught us, because the position is still remembered mt saint to favor his parents! Still no reparation that samples from all the thanks!
Indeed in worldly behavior is the first legal taste, and Buddha taught that parents should have two living Buddha worship.
Today social civilization, serious concerns about human physical knowledge, it has been overlooked in the spiritual sense, that is, how to quickly grow up to lead hi to acquire more knowledge to cure almost made a living. As a result the material achievements money heavily in the beginning, to then treat each other via the exchanged for prizes. From that compassion for the beings who are only rewarded with material only. The problem clearly, at the social wealth of this civilization - there are many parents and children welfare for Social Security, so the concept of filial children to grow up in this almost miraculous ! This should not blame anything, because the karmic law of dependent origination, circumstances and the human mind will draw match, but again no matter what the two divine beings is fundamental to the holy nun's heart her. Mt person can not call as well as overlook this problem - and it is good to go in the end they must also complete a good thing that the amendment back to the other basics. If the role Hieu Buddhist text is the leading trade idea by looking to the animal species, specifically through not boys killed by us, just as we contemplate the death and birth death born in the six paths of reincarnation. So when we had our parents and we also when our parents; and parents look at this, if that does not represent you act l was curious-looking behavior, the other how to be touched.
He Moggallana divine manifestation that we look to the present and past, so now that he's happy to live fully aerobic lifestyle of parents with unborn saint regardless. He could see the other mothers suffering as his mother, and certainly so, because compassion Arahant; but he is still looking into hell to rescue his mother, so that we have, that remind you act reasonable.
he met his mother are suffering hunger pains in hell; that image as he burst into tears, because she offered to find food, but his mother was unable to life, even for He is offered to use her psychic powers. Finally, to guard broke rules, resigns her grief looked hungry. He acts who met Diaoyu ask for help.
Here is the problem that we must reflect the religious mind set. The divine as he is helpless Moggallana mother made me think of research problems make people bear fruit of mt man can not lose, and its effect but invisible but want us to pursue the life. Weight is into hell, back where the light is born from pain for a lifetime. It is clear that in this world images, such as: who is so wealthy, who were too poor, too happy, who are overweight. The rest was pretty easy rich who also look like, who were poor to bring bad appearance to avoid animal people ... But where is this bird is decidedly random animals! There are animals (dogs, cats) are treated as human beings, if not sometimes more than humans, which everyone in the country that rich civilization. For example, in particular supermarkets sell food to them, both to drugs dyspepsia, cold or runny nose! There are also veterinary oncologist. Another well in the UK about official travel card (passport) for the same host animal in travel. Whereas there were many animals born to make food for humans, let alone thought to be injured, or as it unthinkable that mentioned above.
He Maudgalyayana saved only by the force of the mother by increased ten; this is probably against the law so as not to cause and effect. Ten by the force increases, we clearly understand that thanks to the Power, and more important thanks to the right to recover herself. It certainly shows that she may have been in Thanh repent when their child is found to be about her never dare to think, and I met her down to hell her, did she realized her error too large - I know she is keeping her spiritual masters were pure repentance. Because of the way feel like a new air force and to do tha mt, immediately before she was escaping the heavenly hell.
we Buddhists today celebrated every year Vu Lan not only on good taste secretly happy memory of the Great Saint Moggallana but also have the opportunity to worship the one who thought of the tragic Exalted has taught us the grace to newspapers and more. And with any children but their parents have been in the world, be obedient to cultivate pious Buddha to be first. Dear parent with physical care facilities but is essential, but spiritual direction to the Chief Justice was equally important. So is impermanent, selfless things, how their parents and then we will split that goes, then children are also real curious where helpless to save her mother. That is true now and forever only Buddhism can take away the faith of our parents peace. Guide parents to understand cause and effect, karma, peace out of the realm of the spirit still fun spirit that is spiritual food that tastes real children can not be indifferent. So that the renouncer full taste of perfection with their parents, but this was not received from ng! If the renouncer is disloyalty to the Crown Prince Siddhartha became Buddha I have not, and a multitude of his disciples could not witness. But the parents agreed to this renunciation is more direct means of approach, and of course parents can not leave the convent if the circumstances, I was the only one foster parent.
Recalling tha problem Increase the power of ten that he saved her Moggallana, left us thinking about the legal force any thought. He Moggallana is attained spiritual masters save his unborn self, but helpless to save mother who we practice today has been saving his little self, there where others dare to say rescue! Even way up through the ten ruling, if the Buddha did not teach them he Moggallana was not clear. Here we find real solutions for ruling incredibly difficult to know the mystery. And our path today if you want its merits without ruling by the ten Buddhas there is little merit have been what?
rely on ruling, in particular also means that students performance of our practice is always support everything from the outside; from fellow practitioners encourages each other, to all people around to give us adequate material and spiritual. Without this ruling we can hardly enlightened. We can understand the legal nature of Tha power equality is very distinctive, to tap into the full and most people do not see yourself, as the practitioner is in his way of example Liu (Tu Da Complete). No self-e has reached that level, but on the contrary that what he achieved was because other people are present only. But that does not tell the identity of two (non-duality) of the rank willow; to us it is clear that reliance and toward, for example if we do not want life for the Buddha would not lead to liberation. Buddha means the bridge body and mind towards the practice of all Buddhist teachings in mind also how to move toward liberating effect; that the direction of liberation that is results oriented ruling. We should never think that e is no longer reached the bridge is not there anymore in that ruling. For he reaches the bridge e is also very purpose toward Buddhahood, that is ruling by then. So this life who come to Buddha too late as we do, to get your boat legal ruling Buddhist religious practice, and practice their religion in any way without the direction of any others blessings of all Buddhas will easily turn into that direction.
short three-time Chief Justice, Minister of France, degenerate Buddhist monk in all directions thanks to the ruling to the direct distance is definitely safer.
Get clear teachings of the Buddha in the days Vu Lan, and employment of his fondness Moggallana her side we will not compassion of the Buddha has taught us the color of France, to complete a dutiful son. As well as on the way our practice guidance will always be strong yellow light escape.
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