In the previous article, we discuss some aspects of the concept of skillful means in Nikaya. This article will explore the concept means in Mahayana Buddhism. Skillful means mentioned in many Mahayana sutras, and there are three texts emphasize this concept as the Lotus, Vimalakirti and Compassion Media. Here I will only find out where the three concept vehicles of this text. And those presented here are only briefly.
The skillful in the Lotus Sutra (Sutra Saddharmapundarika)
Lotus Sutra is especially important to Mahayana Buddhism, and it can be said is one of the popular texts most. Lotus Sutra refers to a number of important doctrines, such as Best redundancy, Buddha-nature and Means. In terms of "belief", the economic emphasis on Tin (sraddha), with the tower worship, reciting scriptures, but in terms of history reflects a movement of religious practice at the time of the business formation.
Lotus Sutra represents a sectarian reconcile the desire to take all the practice and the "excess" (yana) of a source. Thanh Van excess, Pratyekabuddha waste and excess Bodhisattva is the Buddha means to excess, and therefore nothing left against each other which is just temporary facilities in the path. The Lotus Sutra says, "because there is no Monday excess of the ten world, redundancy can have any third!"
Example Products of the Lotus Sutra tells the story of the burning house while the children of the bourgeoisie say keep on playing inside. The bourgeois because he wanted me out at the fire house was so sure his children go outside and promised them "vehicle deer, goats car, car buffalo." What kind of "car" are just different means to put those children in the home fire burning out there. But when his son was released from house fire him, then he will give them the same type of vehicle, large and beautiful.
Lotus Sutra that the final result of a practitioner is Buddhahood, because all All sentient beings possess Buddha-nature. But the path of the practitioner may vary due to inborn difference. And because of being frugal is not the same, Buddhas had to use methods of different teachers. But the teachers of different methods will eventually lead to a common destination, such as Buddha said, "Xa-profit-waving, Buddhas in the past used countless skillful means, the rules and regulations different conditions, and compare the words and illustrations to explain the teachings for the benefit of all beings. All Buddhist teachings because a single redundancy. All beings, by listening to the teachings of the Buddhas, in the end can be achieved necessarily given location. "
Lotus Sutra presents the stories and metaphors to refer to the difference in means of skillful teachers of the buddhas. Cycle path superbly, being really sometimes need to include stops temporarily. There are only teaching as "the castle is of the" temporary respite beings, to then continue on to find that it results Buddha which is not the easy path. Dharma is "herbal", can heal suffering of sentient beings, but beings to use "drugs" which also means it takes to ...
Lotus Sutra that the appearance of the Buddhas in this world is to usher in "Buddha wisdom" for all beings, visible beings help their Buddha nature, and the appearance of the Buddha in eternity as a means for the benefit of all beings: "The Buddhas, Exalted text, open the door to Buddhist wisdom for all beings, to take them to purity. That is why Buddha appears in the world. Buddha to Buddha for knowledge only living beings, and therefore the text appears in the world. Buddhas to help beings clearly Buddha knowledge, so the text appears in the world. Buddhas to help beings into Buddhist path of knowledge, and therefore the text appears in the world. Relics-waving, this is the main reason the Buddha appears in the world. "
skillful means Vimalakirti In Business (Vimalakirtinirdesa Sutra)
Business Vimalakirti mention some important doctrines such as emptiness, Second Empire, Real sensitive and facilities, as well as referring to the basic teachings as impermanence, suffering and selflessness ... Business Vimalakirti effort also presents an approach to religious practice outside life monasteries. In other words, Business Vimalakirti presents an approach to religious practice in which worldly life, no barrier in a form and place a limited extent.
Just as the Lotus Sutra, economic Vimalakirti dedicated one to talk about products facilities doctrine. But also realize that the spirit "means" presence throughout this text. The opening paragraph of the introduction of products Media bourgeois Vimalakirti, the hero of this text, is also considered the implementation of a skillful means: "Then, in the Pi-da-li Only the name bourgeois-ma-hard, constant offerings to countless Buddhas, good roots planted deep, unborn attain legal status, financial means very afraid theory, the divine du theater, firmly grasp the overall lead and achieve numerous lieutenant; subdue all hostile harassment of Ma, understand all the deep Dharma door, which leads to enlightenment, and the skilful in that magic place the appropriate means used to teach, to complete all great vows of the Bodhisattva. He knows the trend of mind of living beings, can distinguish sensitive identity or slow floods. By far his mind had mastered the Buddhist Circuit, decided where Mahayana. All his actions were based on thinking rightly. Reside in mysterious dread power of the Buddha, his mind always extends as far as the ocean. Praise the Buddhas; of God-like and admire Pham-natural. "(Tib Tue Sy translation).
through the passages, means first of all how to use the appropriate method of different sentient birth. Vimalakirti characters in texts referred to as a Bodhisattva in part successful in worldly life, but am ultimately understand and practice Buddhism, and above all, capable of use " numerous means to teach the Dhamma for the benefit of sentient beings. "The appearance to lay his form, and his" right thing "to participate in work in life, are the means through He can pass the benefit of the teachings and beings: "He has chosen to apply means of Pi-da-li as a place of permanent residence to people. With his boundless fortune, his miserable rescue. By the purity of the world, convince people he's broke. By the need harmony ring, his anger convince people. With great effort, he convince people lazy .... Although he himself lay no obstacles in three realms. The market is always a life of his wife and children behaviors. The embodiment among subordinates, often fun renunciation ... To receive a walk signal without destroying the district. Understand the classic world, but often ... Rong Fan Dharma play on the lane line, did not forget to help people. In place of the world to protect her man. Join the chance to put the recommendations into Mahayana. To schools to enlighten all who care. At the hospital where the technology to show the evil of desire. In the long but still strong wine wills ... "(tib Tue Sy translation).
the Bodhisattva go into life with boundless compassion. With "means wisdom," the Bodhisattva himself to realize that living beings are "duality". Suffering of others, so, as well as the suffering of yourself. Because patients suffering beings should also patients suffering Bodhisattva. Every student of our patients were healed, the Bodhisattva will be healed. Diseases of the Bodhisattva, therefore, is the embodiment of compassion. In other words, diseases of the Bodhisattva is the means through which only beings that are suffering, its causes and ways out of suffering: "Si and friendship love is the source of my illness. Because of all the beings that I disease patients. Beings ever reach the place without the disease, patients I will be off. Why? Bodhisattva, as beings that come to life and death. There is a mortal disease. If all beings are suffering escape the disease is no longer sick bodhisattva. For example, the bourgeoisie has only one child; when the child was ill, his parents are also sick. If it's recovery, his parents well. Also, loving beings Bodhisattva as their parents love them, they are still sick, still sick bodhisattva, when we all patients, health Bodhisattva! The next question is, where the Bodhisattva's disease arise? Diseases of the Bodhisattva of great compassion from the heart. "(Tib Tue Sy translation).
Because the base nature and karma of beings in eternity is not the same, should not have a form of fixed rate regardless variables for all kinds of people, not a teaching or a single method for all. Because the suffering of sentient beings with much diversified, the Bodhisattva go into life with different means to benefit sentient beings, not just by a single method. And because the conditions are not the same country, "Dharma" of the bodhisattva does not have the same pattern. Therefore: "There Buddha took splendor of the Buddha Dharma intelligent. There are realms to retrieve Buddhist Bodhisattvas. There are realms of human taken as Buddhist. There are realms Bodhi tree to retrieve Buddhist. There are realms of his clothes, Crouching Buddha Dharma stuff. There are realms get the rice to the Buddha. There are realms took the garden, the temple of a Buddha. There are thirty-two realms taking good Minister and eighty beauty of the Buddha Dharma. There realm taken the Buddha as the Buddha. There are realms of nowhere to take the Buddha; beings because of this grace that can enter an administrative law ... "(tib Tue Sy translation). This spirit must not only exist in books, but can clearly see where their real life. And to do this, the Bodhisattva should have enough wisdom and compassion.
Business Vimalakirti as well as media practitioners to help get out of attachment and clinging. Sticking to such, whether in meditation or the sweetness of the fruits of cultivation would be considered evidence tied: "So potash to their own bondage. What is bondage? What is open? Crave the sweet taste of meditation of the Bodhisattva is bound. By means of that regeneration, which are Bodhisattvas unleashed. Again, no means of wisdom are bound; have the means wisdom is unleashed. No gift is bound vehicles; have favored media is untied. "Thus the Bodhisattva will be skilful in the first" Training the Do Not that took place not attained; practice formless, uncreated that Minister does not get married, do not work voucher; very start practice that do not get very start of witnesses; consistent impermanence without boring the original improvement district, the suffering of the world without its mortal hate; consistent selflessness that teaches people not tired; consistent permanent nirvana without cessation; consistent renunciation of that body and mind often good deeds; customary rules on which no place is provided in good legal mind; consistent infertility by birth but legal that assume all; consistent outflow without excluding the contraband; consistent that no place is the executive office of teaching living beings without discharge consistent no compassion; consistent position that no legal district Hinayana way; customary legal falsehoods, not durable, no people, no owner, no forms, but less so for a living do not see that nowhere lies the merit, meditation, wisdom. "(tib Tue Sy translation) .
As noted above, economic Vimalakirti emphasized the right to religious practice where everyday life world. Because of this emphasis, much of the economic Vimalakirti criticized the understanding and practice of traditional Buddhism. Economic means of Vimalakirti, because that's the way beyond what is thought pattern. We can find this product where "disciples": "Real course sitting is to sit still so new concept. The body and mind but not in three worlds, he is still located. The majesty that is not out of extinction, it is still located. The relatives do the ordinary discharge without Dharma, he is still located. Not remain in the heart, not head out, it is still located. Thirty-seven practice that do not cause fluctuations in the Approval, it is still located. Not enter Nibbana rid afflictions, he is still located. Sitting so, the new edition to be Buddhist. "(Tib Tue Sy translation).
The skillful in doing Good Media (Upayakausalya Sutra)
In Media Ethan facilities can be split into two parts: the life of Shakyamuni Buddha as an expression of skillful means, and skillful means is the job of the word special Bodhisattva.
According to this sutra, the Buddha's life from womb to enter until Nirvana is an implementation of skillful means. Ethan Media said that the Buddha was born into the royal palace, married and left home then, are the means. The event aimed to show that living beings, whether Elites life, wealth and pleasure, but the renunciation and enlightenment of Buddha re nobler.
Kinh also said that the Buddha's womb and appear in eternity not because of karma, which he appears, because of His teachings of beings. Tathagata became Buddha from countless eons, the Buddha under the Tree of Enlightenment is a skillful means. Economic or Vimalakirti said, "Buddha embodies evil in my life last year, this current to save sentient beings."
the text means the Bodhisattva is the realization of the ultimate three perfections with desired enlightenment and save sentient beings. Ethan Media said that a Bodhisattva even giving a small piece of food for an animal, then the charity must aim to bridge the enlightened wisdom and helpfulness have merit to all beings. And with skillful means, when the Bodhisattva perform a job in giving, it also is implementing the three-and-eye. Said end portion of the text means Bodhisattva, Ethan Media said: "Kasyapa, the word Great Bodhisattva practice of skillful means there are countless virtues. Kasyapa, the Great Bodhisattva will not do anything to harm yourself or harm people, do not say good or bad people who hurt her. "As such, skillful means is also not hurt her, hurt people; and more active, who is to benefit their interests. " Means of letters the Bodhisattva is the ultimate implementation of the three perfections desiring enlightenment and save sentient beings. Ethan Media said that a Bodhisattva even giving a small piece of food for an animal, then the charity must aim to bridge the enlightened wisdom and helpfulness have merit to all beings. And with skillful means, when the Bodhisattva perform a job in giving, it also is implementing the three-and-eye. Said end portion of the text means Bodhisattva, Ethan Media said: "Kasyapa, the word Great Bodhisattva practice of skillful means there are countless virtues. Kasyapa, the Great Bodhisattva will not do anything to harm yourself or harm people, do not say good or bad people who hurt her. "As such, skillful means is also not hurt her, hurt people; and more active, who is to benefit their interests. " Means of letters the Bodhisattva is the ultimate implementation of the three perfections desiring enlightenment and save sentient beings. Ethan Media said that a Bodhisattva even giving a small piece of food for an animal, then the charity must aim to bridge the enlightened wisdom and helpfulness have merit to all beings. And with skillful means, when the Bodhisattva perform a job in giving, it also is implementing the three-and-eye. Said end portion of the text means Bodhisattva, Ethan Media said: "Kasyapa, the word Great Bodhisattva practice of skillful means there are countless virtues. Kasyapa, the Great Bodhisattva will not do anything to harm yourself or harm people, do not say good or bad people who hurt her. "As such, skillful means is also not hurt her, hurt people; and more active, who is to benefit their interests.
However, Ethan Media recounted a story that poses the challenge of virtue and morality. This prayer recalls some cases, the Bodhisattva to make skillful means for the benefit of sentient beings, or for the benefit of the majority, have passed but the basic rules.
Business story that , in a previous life, the Buddha is a Bodhisattva led a merchant 500. And this is one of the robbers infiltrated and y have stressed the union wanted to kill the traders to dispose of assets. Bodhisattva knows and malice of the robbers he thought that if he kept quiet and let the other robbers to commit acts "murder robbery" y will receive the hell retribution. If the Bodhisattva disclosed to traders of the union's intentions robbers, mass merchants will certainly anger and punish the other robbers, and so traders union retribution will fall into evil ways . And experience suggests that, after many days and nights thinking, out of compassion, the Bodhisattva was the robber killed the other hand, let y and mass merchants and avoid bad karma from falling into evil paths. This job of the Bodhisattva, the texts as a skillful means.
means in this text, as well as a few cases we may encounter in your business Please enter Avatamsaka Dharma Realm, has put the debate on ethical issues. If the world does not apply to killing in all circumstances, then such an act of killing the engine whatsoever, became wrong. But the moral of the Mahayana is based on compassion, for the benefit of being or interests of the majority, and so make skillful means in most cases is make a "moral situations . "Many business stories in this set situations" dilemma "between being a violation of law or harm compassion. News that if the Bodhisattva practice the precept that he will, but if not done, he will harm compassion. An action right or wrong, as such, must be placed in the context or situation specific, and even the motives of the action that (though, to know which engine it is very difficult .)
facilities here, so flexibility is an action to adapt to each specific situation, is an adaptive context is based on wisdom and compassion. That Bodhisattva perform an action, when that action is beyond the rules, but for the sake of all beings, the Bodhisattva decision making.
From the brief review of the concept vehicle in question in the texts above, we can summarize as follows: the means are different ways of teaching of Buddha, depending on the capacity and frugal living beings that give them the appropriate teaching ; Buddhism is the excess (yana) different, but this excess is only a means to bring to a final surplus Buddhayana; spirit means not cling to the fruits of cultivation practice and evidence and means Intellectual properties are clearly not of the legal and spiritual life with a prime mortgage; of the birth of the Buddha in this life is a means for the benefit of sentient beings and means to be working for the benefit of others; and facilities are able to solve problematic situations, the rule violation and the harm of compassion, between personal interests and the interests of others ...END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.( GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY ).5/8/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.
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