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All-at-most Gautam | |
A statue of Buddha from Sarnath, the 4th century AD | |
Born | 563 years or 623 years BC Dan was born in Lumbini , now under Nepal |
Loss | 483 or in 543 years BC (80 years)
entered Nibbāna in Kushinagar , currently of India |
Ethnicity | Shakya |
Known for | The founder of Buddhism |
Predecessor | Ca-Houttuynia Buddha |
Successor | Maitreya |
Background and family background
All-at-multiple births around 566 (or 563 ) prior to AD in a royal family favorite on-line shift (sa. Sakya ) in Ca-ti-la-defense (zh.迦毗罗卫, sa. Kapilavastu ) of Nepal today. Father of All-at-most is the King (zh.净饭, sa. Suddhodana ), she is the queen Ma-da (sa., pi. mayadevi ), born in the All-at-most garden areas Lam -Pi-Ni (zh.岚毗尼, sa. Lumbini ), a town in India. This area lies between the range Hi-code-particle coating (sa. Himalaya ) and the river Ganges (sa Ganga ), influenced by monsoon: May can be hot to 40 ° C, in winter the temperature drops to 3 ° C.In the plains of the Ganga kingdom which 4 are:
- Kieu-slap-la (zh.憍萨罗, sa. Kosala , pi. Kosala ), the capital of the Xa-defense (舍卫, sa. Sravasti , pi. Savatthi ) north of the Ganges.
- States Vamsa located southwest-style slap-la.
- Avanti in the southern states of Vamsa and Kieu-slap-la, stretching to the south of the Ganges. Later, with Ma-ha-ca-fried-forums are people in this country is a disciple of the Buddha (sa. mahakatyayana , pi. mahakaccana ).
- Kingdom of Ma-masterpiece-momentum (sa., pi. Magadha ) west of Avanti and south of the river Ganges.
There are many the legend of Prince Of-reaching multi. The theory that one night her mother dreamed of a Bodhisattva in the form of the elephant entered the own white. Prince was born from the side of her hips, then take seven steps, just one hand to the sky, the other hand only the ground, said:
- (The School of Business (pi. pighanikaya ), General Products (pi. Mahavagga ), economic Mahasiddha , ( mahapadanasutta ), Han texts translated text organs as "lower heavens only fall as an independent field," meaning "In heaven and earth may be the venerable one") and under every step of the Prince rise to a doa sen . Today, in paintings and statues also see this area.
His father Suddhodana clearly does not want the prince should teach religious for the very thorough, especially not for All-at-most exposed to suffering. However, after a four-door four times into the scene and the elderly, the sick, the dying and a priest, the prince found the heart and depart from the palace, living homeless. Legend has it that, just as the four circumstances are due to the natural spectacle of creation to remind All-at-most on the practice of Buddhahood . The prince saw that the first three scenes symbolizing the suffering in the world and religious images are the life of the All-at-most.
Renunciation and Enlightenment
But All-at-most are not found in the position that the solution to your questions, so I determined to find escape routes and five monks (five brothers Kondanna , sa. Kondanna ) companion. After years of ascetic was near death, All-at-most realize it is not allowed to practice leading to enlightenment, start eating normally, the other five billion-stage left disappointed. The Buddhist religious hardship were repeated after enlightenment as follows [1] :
- Aggivessana this, then I think the following order: "Let us minimize eating, eat less drop by drop, like green bean soup, black bean soup or split pea soup or bean soup small." And this Aggivessana, while we minimize any food, food drop by drop, like green bean soup, black bean soup or soup nuts or pea soup, relatives of mine became very thin. Because I eat too little, arms and legs as I become the burning grass or withered vines, because I eat too little, round tables of nails I become like the camel, because I eat too little, spine We display the ball like a chain, because I eat too little, all emaciated ribs I like the rafters of the floor a decay column, because I eat too little, so the pupil of glitter I placed deep down in eye holes, like light sparkling water located deep in a deep water well, because I eat too little, the scalp becomes dry wizened white pumpkin and bitter as were cut before they are ripe, with winds make hot arid disheveled. Aggivessana this, if I thought: "Let us thrust their bellies," the main spine I grabbed. If I thought: "Let us touch the spine," then the abdominal skin I took. Because I eat too little, this should Aggivessana, abdominal skin of mine to hold the spine. Aggivessana this, if I thought, "I toilet, urinate or go" then I collapsed, face down on the ground, because I eat too little. Aggivessana this, if I wanted to ease my body, my hand massaging hands, then this Aggivessana, while I massage the limbs, loss of hair from the body decay I, because I eat too little. Again, this Aggivessana, so people see it this way: "Sa-black subjects with Gotama." Some people say: "Sa-subjects Gotama, black skin, Sa-subjects with gray leather Gotama." Some people say: "Sa-black skin is not subject Gotama, the skin is not gray." Some people say: "Sa-black skin is not subject Gotama, gray skin, Sa-subject Gotama dark yellow skin." Until such level, this Aggivessana, Ta da capital of pure, clear decay because we eat too little. "
- Aggivessana this, then I think as follows: "I know, while I father, the strain Sakka (favorite-ca) is plowed and I was sitting under the shade tree match-line-problem (pi. jambu ), I sex li, li immoral legal residence certificate and the first meditation, a state of blissful sex life by li, has a range, with four. " When dwell so, I thought, "this path to enlightenment can be affordable?" And this Aggivessana, followed by the notion that, this consciousness has arisen in me: "This is the path to enlightenment." Aggivessana this, then I thought: "I have reasonable fear of pleasure, a pleasure sexual li, li immoral law?" Aggivessana this, then I thought, "I do not get lost this receptor, a sexual pleasure li, li immoral law."
- "... After completing the energy (after futile ascetic), we focus on freedom from craving thoughts, negative and achieved preliminary meditation, then binary meditation, meditation and charity tam (charity), but the feeling of bliss is not to leave traces in our minds.
- When our mind is calm, purify, no defilements of desire, sensitivity, uncertainty, real estate, I direct it to the memories and awareness of past lives. I remember many past lives, one, two, three, four, five, ..., hundreds of thousands of past lives, remember the cycle of the world. 'Where we lived there, my name was like that, our family is like, our career, our social class ... I died like this ... '. Understanding (sa. Vidya , pi. vijja ) was first achieved in the first watch [3] ...
- Then we pay attention to the birth and passing away of beings. With the eyes of the gods, pure, super-human world limits Vietnamese, we see the formation and consumption beings imperishable beings ... reborn as karma. I realize that 'we born evil karma through three loose body and mind are immersed after death, reborn in doa origin, hell. The beings that create good karma through body and mind to be reborn in the good direction, up realms after death is natural '... This second understanding was reached in farming two [4] .
- Then we focus on awareness of the destruction of pirated or (漏, sa. asrava , pi. asava ) and recognized as true: 'This is suffering, this is the cause of suffering, this suffering is killing methods , this is the way to destroy suffering ', and when we realize this, our mind out of desire, desire exists, ignorance. Understand our own truth 'Rebirth was the life of our practice is complete, we have completed what to do. Life (suffering) have overcome this' ... This third understanding was reached in the third watch [5] ... ".
Plat and cessation
The Buddha began teaching by presenting the path to enlightenment and experience liberation. Based on his experience of enlightenment, the Buddha The Four Noble Truths , Dependent Origination and the law Cause and effect ( Kamma ). In the garden of Deer Park at Sarnath near Ba-la-complaint ( Benares or Varanasi ), the Buddha began the first lecture, called "Turning the Dharma wheel . " In the monks became the first five disciples of the Buddha and the first nucleotide of the Sangha . Then Buddha preached from year to year. Buddha or stay in the United-indulgence (zh.王舍城, sa. rajagrha ) and waste-amnesty-li (zh.吠舍厘, sa. Vaisali ), living by begging, going from place to another building. Sangha increasingly crowded, in which King Qin-she-sa-la (zh.频婆娑罗, sa. Bimbisara ) of Ma-masterpiece-momentum origin. This king gave the Order a monastery near the capital of United-indulgence. The important disciples of the Buddha is A-nan-momentum , Xa-profit-waving , and Item-event-related . Also during this time, the group -stage rate-ni (sa. bhiksuni ) was established.Life Buddha also experienced bad people to harm. Among them, there Cartesian her multi-reaching is his cousin, to dominance Sangha, should be assembled to try to kill the Buddha several times but failed. However Cartesian her-at-most successful division in caffeine Sangha amnesty-li. Buddha walked a middle path, and depending upon living beings, in contrast to achieve multi-her-life advocates an extreme asceticism.
Live to the age of 80, Buddha-ca cessation . Over 45 years teaching, think that the disciples could accept his words speak the truth, not just a means of enlightenment , the Buddha never said a word. Final teaching of the Buddha is: "All compounded things are impermanent , subject to variable damage, please be diligent practice (to achieve liberation) " . As business -Nirvana Foundation bowl (pi. mahaparinibbana-sutta ), the Buddha passed away at the mess-thi-na (zh.拘尸那, sa. kusinagara ) in 486 (or 483 BC ). His previous health had become very weak after a meal offering home owners such Thuan-momentum (zh.纯陀, pi. Cunda ), but then he had emphasized to the Venerable Ananda- momentum should not be interpreted as blaming the Sangha blacksmith had the ultimate bad faith.
Buddha letter facilitate the monks last chance to meet him or ask questions if there are problems or also not clear what point can lead to different insights about later, but the position was silent, no questions or questions.
In Sala coastal forests south of the city, night is very dark and stillness, the Buddha lying on the organic side, head towards the north, facing the west and gradually enter Nirvana through meditation level, a state of complete liberation of suffering life. According to legend, the Buddha Pali passing full moon day in April, said that the Sanskrit text of full moon in November. During the cremation, the body of the Buddha has many strange phenomenon occurs. relics of Buddha are divided into 8 sections and is worshiped in different towers.
Even though the life of Buddha covered with many myths, but the Archaeologists and anthropologists - capital or skepticism and prejudice - also agreed to recognize the Buddha was a historical figure who has enlightened and Buddhism . END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.( VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY ).11/8/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.
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