Dai Vu Lan ceremony annually held reverently in the TuVien everywhere. The colorful dress, yellow, brown, blue, joyful thrill to work alongside lo decorated for spiritual holidays signaling. A most important event of the ceremony is to remind people a deep sense of love the Father means her seven generations, is not only a life Parents money. meaning toward compassion of Buddhism , after solemn moment of Vu Lan ceremony, wearing a rose on the shirt, also means honoring two are born into, "Parent's Day". deep in the heart of each child will understand, as Security intimate voice and heart, the magic, mystery as well. Buddhist culture has always focused on the spiritual life. Director into life with the simple goodness, as commissions wear, but practically very useful energy. The Buddhists instill compassionate teachings of the Buddha, they all should be, have the right to set flowers "pink" . Why? - Because everyone has seven generations of parents, whether living or deceased, parents are the pink flowers , fresh roses beautiful shy, and always be treasured throughout the life inside of you. People in the world , but different skin color, ethnicity, nationality, religion, on man high-class or low, but is from the Father Mother born. Days, months and years went by, some even whether the two are born into, with the loss of the Father, the Mother, also unlucky orphans both Me.Tuy parents live in different circumstances, but no one happy when the white flowers, pity, sorrow, grief, regret. Already a commission, it is always fresh pink petal. meaning is love parents in the child, forever never lost. Buddhist hospitality in a true morality, self-intensive the mind, not in external appearance. Depending on the circumstances and the dohieu know that support implementation hospitality parents right or wrong. Who practice the Buddha's teachings, believe in cause and effect, karma, reincarnation and rebirth, to understand that people living around the, many lifetimes life had the Father, the Mother, is he his. When mind share particular, envy, hatred, rather than lose, ambitious, selfish, private, no longer exists, people will have immense love no limit, to think more for themselves, the center has almost like eight Buddhas. In of Vu Lan Bon , with the gesture of compassionate action and Germany dobinh are humble, loving very delicate sense of the Buddha is described in the following paragraph:
Sale hole striking sight
Mount a long bone dry out there
The Sun went quickly to where
Oh consecutive three bowing and falling drops of red
Ananda unhappy heart afraid
Somehow Lord Buddha bones
Rush for Buddha wall
You are from the sub-three of the four species
Everyone teacher to glass was
Why Master back to the dry bones?
Buddha said: The disciples
He is head of thick disciples
By unknown opaque to clear
So because you have proved the tail
Blizzard so long bones
So that how comedy central
Make parents and grandparents also
Either our own or the birth Me
Cycle of birth and death birth
Luc life itself before the bodies conday. When reciting passages, tombs reflect that a true picture, noble moral teachings. Buddha taught beings destroyed selfishness, attachment Minister, discrimination heavy, so spread compassion for all living beings with absolute equality absolute, no ego. Whether alive or white bone, those who live life cycle of six paths and many lifetimes, once the relatives together.
Normally, its own easy to feel joy, and suddenly, in a hurry thanks crops pink shirt, because seeing people unhappy, white flowers receptors. But it's the subtle pleasure, you are not to blame, but compassion is not perfect. Wider altruistic mind, should himself pleased that: "I wish that the pink flower and set up my shirt, and your dress, because our parents always exist, for the joy of full on Father Day meaningful spiritual mother. "
Is then, the joy will be multiplied, a pink rose for him, a pink rose for her, a pink rose for you and a pink rose for all Parents anybody.
Regardless of who initiates - home or at home - have a sense of responsibility, reward Thank born into the nurturing of the parents, not just one day Vu Lan ceremony alone, but in every moment, every situation see opportunities Debao hospitality. 's peace of Parent when he was out of money, or dead, have suchieu felt necessary from the child. higher moral Virtues children, is our happiness, spiritual gifts for Parents, no material can match.
Dao understand the wisdom of Dharma practice, can be touched Parents towards devotion, and learn from the teachings Buddha will help Father Mẹbỏ evil to do good. Heart to faith, right understanding and and merit increasingly promoted, the results bring happiness is money, discharging itself liberated realm of peace and good. Also, for people around the glass gave way under the guidance refuge in the Three Jewels, encourage healing direction, is the best reward Parents.
Buddha said: "Parents who reward by raising support, offering material possessions, money, never enough to meet Parent reward. But the monk, who for Parents do not live in the goodness, guidance refuge in the Dharma, cultivate virtue justice; for Parents arise joining, encourage generosity; for parents did wrong, encouraging the right view. So, the monk, is do enough and dapon enough for Mom and Dad " .
(Anguttara of Business I. 75)
For Parents, spiritual food offered to, nor thekhong carefully selected . Elderly, 'pain tomorrow weak health, or sad angry, easier shame, joy just hope the care indulge in and understanding of the child, not to the lonely, remember the children killed two dishes born into.
Opportunities Parent care at the most religious practice. Patience, tolerance, altruism bring joy peace for two was born. When we were young parents always sacrificed, encircled, protect and desire to create happiness for you. So the mind, spend a lot of time visiting, care, regular visits, which is the tonic to help new parents lived, a most effective signaling and function.
An Parent such as alpine , ocean, river deep, because new parents have relatives. Human element, practice is any merit, merit, should dedicate for Parents. Then, create conditions for Parents know refuge in the Three Jewels, that grace the parents. So, and you respected her father as much as we have tried to practice as much as he. Thanks industrial merit of those who only understand that Parent loses life after birth met Buddhism, said the monk. Parents are out of money, having been enlightened Master, understand direct and advanced practitioners.
wish that Mass Yu Lan from now on, will be a happy day full truth, because all you towards seven generations Parents , same filial Security unfortunate. Wear a red flower, just the same, regardless, because everyone has the Father, Mother, to love and reward. Potentially infinite compassion anybody, just use the fit, dexterity a bit, there was "Universal Joy In Season West as" the most meaningful.
May the seven life
Our parents,
rain flowing seamlessly law.
When I was in the world,
body and mind peace,
religious vows.
Has died,
away from evil paths,
rapidly into Buddhahood.
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