The method recited Great Compassion Dharma Bi correct?
Note by the mantra of Great Compassion is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said at the conference of the Buddha Sakyamuni. Note the Great Compassion are able to eliminate negativity and karma of beings. Origins of the Great Compassion today most Buddhists typically read from Ethan patronizing Thousand Eyes Avalokitesvara BoTat Quang Great Perfection and compassion his wife Da La Ni.
There are many methods of reciting instructions Notice of Great Compassion. By the way can cause confusion for some Buddhists to learn the steps, did not know any method practiced properly, to the Chief Justice.
this the Buddhists! When the mind doubts, confusion does not know what is right, what is wrong, what is dharma, what's illegal, it should return the Buddhist refuge in the Buddha, the Buddha taught to medical practice. This Buddhists! Most all of the questions being Buddhists and the Buddha have been specific answers in the Sutra. Do Buddhists not enough grace to any unclear answers Kinh satisfy questions, your questions.
recite the Great Compassion method explained in the Sutra, the Buddhist practice of medicine which is not afraid to get lost way, the increasing growth of virtue. 1. Began to recite: When started to recite it, must first develop compassion for all beings. Buddhists mean you have to relax the mind, not to the body, mind stress. If you are thinking of Buddhists hate, hate, discomfort, joy, worry, think about someone or something, before you recite it, should also relax the mind, abandon all thoughts of First, to quiet the mind. The method is easy to relax the mind, you just pay attention Buddhists came to the tense, where love is hate anger, thoughts in mind, let go, let it out, it is natural to relax the mind. If you Buddhists suspicion arises, you must also Buddhists should focus on places doubt in the mind, letting go, relax it, find a place in the mind and calm, then began to recite it. In the 'registered : "Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Buddha platinum again:" Blessed! If these beings to recite the mantra of Great Compassion oppressed but also the three evil paths, I vow not a primary sense. Charge recite the Great Compassion Mantra, if not the birth of the Buddha, I vow not to Enlightenment. Charge recite the Great Compassion Mantra, if not boundless samadhi eloquence I vowed not to Enlightenment. Chanting the mantra of Great Compassion over all seek in our life, if not satisfied, then this note is called momentum out ni love and compassion, only except for the work of evil, but who do not even mind the . If the woman hated female body, like the male body, recite the Great Compassion Mantra maintenance, such as not moving women into men, I vowed not to Enlightenment. As he who recite mantras, if doubt still born little heart, all is not satisfied. If these beings invasion resource damage, permanent way of eating will take very serious sin, obscured by bad karma, assuming thousand Buddha was born were not penance, though not eliminate repentance. If he is guilty, needs to repent ten Teacher, can eliminate. This Note shall recite the Great Compassion by consecutive eradication. Why is that? Because the momentum recite the Great Compassion mind ni, ten Teacher comes for making proof, so all the chapters are all destroyed. These beings recite this, collect all charges against the evil army, by law, breaking people, breaking the world, committed son, ruined temples, theft of up period, as the memory of morals, how many heavy industries such crimes are exhausted, except for one thing only: who was born uncle proceedings for suspected heart. If there was consciousness, light industry, the small crimes were not targets, let alone serious crime? But though not immediately kill the serious crime, can also make the lives of far Bodhi later. " 2. Recite recite There are 3 methods: (1) read aloud clearly, (2) read Nhep mouth, or small sound heard only the reader, (3) read silently in the mind. recite purpose of the use sound of the notes, reading notes and make a pure heart, no sorrow, no more thoughts whirring in my head, so that the mind is static. When the mind is static, this is called liberation, karma eliminated. Depending on conditions and circumstances at the beginning of Buddhist mantras that you can choose one of three ways above. However, there are a few notes to recite to each method. (1) Read aloud clearly: When to recite it this way, to read the note slowly, clearly, do not read too fast nor too slow reading . When readers have to work at the sound of the notes, not to keep thinking in my head started up. When thoughts arise, attention based on sound use of notes. Hanging on to that sound, naturally think of the melt loss afflictions. If you read the comments too quickly, the oral reading, but to think of others, ie Buddhists are free brain disorder of his mind, the mind must not let go liquid, the static. Read hundreds of thousands of variables, so even pay no benefits for the mind. When the retreat, the mind happy, then good new growth. If you read too slowly, it is easy to pay attention to feelings in the body, in mind, one will easily bored in fatigue, discomfort in the mind arises, or drowsiness. When not reading too big to recite it, nor read too deep. Reading too large will cause hoarseness, fatigue mouth, dry throat, difficult to read many times. Read the sound is too quiet concentration before the chest, causing cardiac arrhythmias, easy to cause fatigue, melancholy. All four states are not good in the process to recite. Therefore, you should Buddhists select the desired voice normal, consistent with its volume, choose to read that you feel most comfortable. When read out, the body gently, still fun, no whirring thoughts in your mind, just pay attention to sound, well known as the right to recite the Dhamma. (2) Read Nhep mouth, or only very small negative readers hear clearly Just like reading out loud, you are not reading notes Buddhists too fast, too slow. How to read this other than reading out loud is: How to read out loud the sound outside, use ear to listen, use the center to the head. How to read Nhep mouth of the notes sound in my head, using the mind to the head, but a little mouth out. In the course of every word, you must also relax Buddhist center. When the read head to the heart of the notes sound in my head. If you have other thoughts in your head, then head into the heart using sound of notes in the beginning, continued chanting. Hey, you should not Buddhists palate and the mind to escape the mouth bar during recite it. This is very bad for your heart, because the breath arrhythmia, read progressively longer will cause feelings of stress, fatigue, chest melancholy. Reading the tired mantra, not helpful for you but also increased the fear of mantras. So when you recite the Buddhist way, to the mind, attention to the sound of the notes in the ; read slowly, not too fast nor too slow, read with a very comfortable mood, when reading the mind was bright, they then called mantras lawful. (3) How to read silently in the mind This is a difficult read, because alternating complex ideas easily, prone to wandering in the mind. Difficult, but not without a practice. How to read this silently in common with oral reading is sound Nhep of notes in my head. When reading notes, Buddhists must always keep the principle is not to read too fast, do not read too slowly, because two readings lead to disturbances of consciousness. There is no benefit to the practice. In the process of silent reading, you head to the Buddhists use sound mind in the first comment. If you have ideas, magazines thinking, the mind should head back to the sound of the notes. Read slowly and clearly in mind. In addition, during silent reading, easy to use Buddhist quarterly based on the breathing center, or head to the ear, the eye or head, or head in the forehead before. All of the offices listed above are not good for practice. Head into the ear of stress are easy mind, not the mind, easy to go wild for a long time, the mind emerges angrily. Head into breath will makes breathing naturally, lead to heart palpitations, arrhythmia, long time the risk of feeling shortness of breath, fatigue, psychosis. Head into the eye, it will cause eye fatigue, eyestrain, stress for a long time, not continue reading comments anymore. Head in the forehead before, long time will cause the local stress, the forehead before overactive, easily cause dizziness, headache, psychosis. Do not be conducive to his retreat. So when you recite Buddhists in this way should be based on the sound of the notes in the beginning, the thought arises, then head back to the heart using sound. Just head to this place, do not head elsewhere coast, gradually bright mind for a long time. When finished I'll feel relaxed mind, body and mind pure. This is called mantras lawful. 3. End recite Depending on the intent and obligation how much voluntary action of each variable focus, choosing to recite the number to match. Terms recite it not be too much and not too little. Recite the control process is the heart of the disorder, thought to be the whirring Still, pleasant relaxation. When to recite a certain period, then your mind is the static Buddhists, peaceful, happy look, but if the number of times too many, this peaceful period passes, instead trying to feel complete, fatigue, easily lead to heart disorders, uncertainty is not good. If too few to recite it, the mind afflictions still whirring, the static phase is not to mind, it is not good for the mind. Now the center is still disorder, so the benefit is not to recite it. So when you recite Buddhist to a certain stage, found his body and mind are at peace, no sorrow, a sense relaxed, calmly, clearly defined, it should stop. You Buddhists strive to remain peaceful, relaxed, calmly, for static as long as possible. Initially, you can keep the Buddhist 5, 10 minutes, later possibly in keeping the 1 hour, 2 hours. Buddha himself later on you can keep the whole day then the force of Great Compassion Bi promoting effects. So you Buddhists live in peace of mind that every day, where also the Pure Land, Buddha pure land in the mind. On a method for Chu Dai Bi religious, wish you a practicing Buddhist Dharma to correct generous benefits, not to the heart disorder, worries, thoughts filled the mind. Q: If you forget the religious, bewildered heart in doubt, do not trust the dread power of the Great Compassion Note again, the industry more serious offenses or as much pain? A: heart bewildered doubt, the mind is not static peace. It is hard, annoying, is not in the direction of peace. If someone is found to be suffering, the discomfort, I was not happy in who wants to find way out, I want to find ways to be calm, peaceful, people who have called wisdom. If you have people that are suffering, that was nasty, but still prefer to live in it, being surrounded daily suffering, there's no escape, constant negativity, this person is a true professional with more severe offenses . Buddha called such people who have no wisdom. Buddhist compassion, just want to suffer the pain, the Buddhist practice of law, that person will soon be freed of all the troubles brain, the order in the human world. Tu studied Buddhism is not practiced by the legal documents called practice. Buddhist practice is to learn to control the mind. Tam is disorder, confusion, full of sorrow, learn methods for making static concentration, clean, happy, peaceful. It's called Buddhist Studies. In Scripture have taught, whether reciting the Great Compassion Note this life, yet mind in doubt, the money may not benefit, but it will make Bodhi seed for the next life. The precious Buddha he should know, my mind which is the static and peace; not the result of social, natural disturbances makes the mind, not suffering alone. The disorders and afflictions that is nothing less than the influence of the outside world only, not his real heart. Purity of mind at peace within themselves the true feet each center. Read Great Compassion in order to cleanse, remove outside disturbances affect, cleaning temperaments, making the mind still happily living in pure fun every day. All that is called Dharma. The answers above, hope that can help solve part of your confusion initially Buddhists Buddhist Studies. Buddhists pray for your family with peace, fortune favored the development, peace soon enlightened self-interest, full of Buddhist Circuit. Homage to Amitabha Buddha!

The method recited Great Compassion Dharma Bi correct?
Note by the mantra of Great Compassion is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said at the conference of the Buddha Sakyamuni. Note the Great Compassion are able to eliminate negativity and karma of beings. Origins of the Great Compassion today most Buddhists typically read from Ethan patronizing Thousand Eyes Avalokitesvara BoTat Quang Great Perfection and compassion his wife Da La Ni.
There are many methods of reciting instructions Notice of Great Compassion. By the way can cause confusion for some Buddhists to learn the steps, did not know any method practiced properly, to the Chief Justice.
this the Buddhists! When the mind doubts, confusion does not know what is right, what is wrong, what is dharma, what's illegal, it should return the Buddhist refuge in the Buddha, the Buddha taught to medical practice. This Buddhists! Most all of the questions being Buddhists and the Buddha have been specific answers in the Sutra. Do Buddhists not enough grace to any unclear answers Kinh satisfy questions, your questions.
recite the Great Compassion method explained in the Sutra, the Buddhist practice of medicine which is not afraid to get lost way, the increasing growth of virtue. 1. Began to recite: When started to recite it, must first develop compassion for all beings. Buddhists mean you have to relax the mind, not to the body, mind stress. If you are thinking of Buddhists hate, hate, discomfort, joy, worry, think about someone or something, before you recite it, should also relax the mind, abandon all thoughts of First, to quiet the mind. The method is easy to relax the mind, you just pay attention Buddhists came to the tense, where love is hate anger, thoughts in mind, let go, let it out, it is natural to relax the mind. If you Buddhists suspicion arises, you must also Buddhists should focus on places doubt in the mind, letting go, relax it, find a place in the mind and calm, then began to recite it. In the 'registered : "Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Buddha platinum again:" Blessed! If these beings to recite the mantra of Great Compassion oppressed but also the three evil paths, I vow not a primary sense. Charge recite the Great Compassion Mantra, if not the birth of the Buddha, I vow not to Enlightenment. Charge recite the Great Compassion Mantra, if not boundless samadhi eloquence I vowed not to Enlightenment. Chanting the mantra of Great Compassion over all seek in our life, if not satisfied, then this note is called momentum out ni love and compassion, only except for the work of evil, but who do not even mind the . If the woman hated female body, like the male body, recite the Great Compassion Mantra maintenance, such as not moving women into men, I vowed not to Enlightenment. As he who recite mantras, if doubt still born little heart, all is not satisfied. If these beings invasion resource damage, permanent way of eating will take very serious sin, obscured by bad karma, assuming thousand Buddha was born were not penance, though not eliminate repentance. If he is guilty, needs to repent ten Teacher, can eliminate. This Note shall recite the Great Compassion by consecutive eradication. Why is that? Because the momentum recite the Great Compassion mind ni, ten Teacher comes for making proof, so all the chapters are all destroyed. These beings recite this, collect all charges against the evil army, by law, breaking people, breaking the world, committed son, ruined temples, theft of up period, as the memory of morals, how many heavy industries such crimes are exhausted, except for one thing only: who was born uncle proceedings for suspected heart. If there was consciousness, light industry, the small crimes were not targets, let alone serious crime? But though not immediately kill the serious crime, can also make the lives of far Bodhi later. " 2. Recite recite There are 3 methods: (1) read aloud clearly, (2) read Nhep mouth, or small sound heard only the reader, (3) read silently in the mind. recite purpose of the use sound of the notes, reading notes and make a pure heart, no sorrow, no more thoughts whirring in my head, so that the mind is static. When the mind is static, this is called liberation, karma eliminated. Depending on conditions and circumstances at the beginning of Buddhist mantras that you can choose one of three ways above. However, there are a few notes to recite to each method. (1) Read aloud clearly: When to recite it this way, to read the note slowly, clearly, do not read too fast nor too slow reading . When readers have to work at the sound of the notes, not to keep thinking in my head started up. When thoughts arise, attention based on sound use of notes. Hanging on to that sound, naturally think of the melt loss afflictions. If you read the comments too quickly, the oral reading, but to think of others, ie Buddhists are free brain disorder of his mind, the mind must not let go liquid, the static. Read hundreds of thousands of variables, so even pay no benefits for the mind. When the retreat, the mind happy, then good new growth. If you read too slowly, it is easy to pay attention to feelings in the body, in mind, one will easily bored in fatigue, discomfort in the mind arises, or drowsiness. When not reading too big to recite it, nor read too deep. Reading too large will cause hoarseness, fatigue mouth, dry throat, difficult to read many times. Read the sound is too quiet concentration before the chest, causing cardiac arrhythmias, easy to cause fatigue, melancholy. All four states are not good in the process to recite. Therefore, you should Buddhists select the desired voice normal, consistent with its volume, choose to read that you feel most comfortable. When read out, the body gently, still fun, no whirring thoughts in your mind, just pay attention to sound, well known as the right to recite the Dhamma. (2) Read Nhep mouth, or only very small negative readers hear clearly Just like reading out loud, you are not reading notes Buddhists too fast, too slow. How to read this other than reading out loud is: How to read out loud the sound outside, use ear to listen, use the center to the head. How to read Nhep mouth of the notes sound in my head, using the mind to the head, but a little mouth out. In the course of every word, you must also relax Buddhist center. When the read head to the heart of the notes sound in my head. If you have other thoughts in your head, then head into the heart using sound of notes in the beginning, continued chanting. Hey, you should not Buddhists palate and the mind to escape the mouth bar during recite it. This is very bad for your heart, because the breath arrhythmia, read progressively longer will cause feelings of stress, fatigue, chest melancholy. Reading the tired mantra, not helpful for you but also increased the fear of mantras. So when you recite the Buddhist way, to the mind, attention to the sound of the notes in the ; read slowly, not too fast nor too slow, read with a very comfortable mood, when reading the mind was bright, they then called mantras lawful. (3) How to read silently in the mind This is a difficult read, because alternating complex ideas easily, prone to wandering in the mind. Difficult, but not without a practice. How to read this silently in common with oral reading is sound Nhep of notes in my head. When reading notes, Buddhists must always keep the principle is not to read too fast, do not read too slowly, because two readings lead to disturbances of consciousness. There is no benefit to the practice. In the process of silent reading, you head to the Buddhists use sound mind in the first comment. If you have ideas, magazines thinking, the mind should head back to the sound of the notes. Read slowly and clearly in mind. In addition, during silent reading, easy to use Buddhist quarterly based on the breathing center, or head to the ear, the eye or head, or head in the forehead before. All of the offices listed above are not good for practice. Head into the ear of stress are easy mind, not the mind, easy to go wild for a long time, the mind emerges angrily. Head into breath will makes breathing naturally, lead to heart palpitations, arrhythmia, long time the risk of feeling shortness of breath, fatigue, psychosis. Head into the eye, it will cause eye fatigue, eyestrain, stress for a long time, not continue reading comments anymore. Head in the forehead before, long time will cause the local stress, the forehead before overactive, easily cause dizziness, headache, psychosis. Do not be conducive to his retreat. So when you recite Buddhists in this way should be based on the sound of the notes in the beginning, the thought arises, then head back to the heart using sound. Just head to this place, do not head elsewhere coast, gradually bright mind for a long time. When finished I'll feel relaxed mind, body and mind pure. This is called mantras lawful. 3. End recite Depending on the intent and obligation how much voluntary action of each variable focus, choosing to recite the number to match. Terms recite it not be too much and not too little. Recite the control process is the heart of the disorder, thought to be the whirring Still, pleasant relaxation. When to recite a certain period, then your mind is the static Buddhists, peaceful, happy look, but if the number of times too many, this peaceful period passes, instead trying to feel complete, fatigue, easily lead to heart disorders, uncertainty is not good. If too few to recite it, the mind afflictions still whirring, the static phase is not to mind, it is not good for the mind. Now the center is still disorder, so the benefit is not to recite it. So when you recite Buddhist to a certain stage, found his body and mind are at peace, no sorrow, a sense relaxed, calmly, clearly defined, it should stop. You Buddhists strive to remain peaceful, relaxed, calmly, for static as long as possible. Initially, you can keep the Buddhist 5, 10 minutes, later possibly in keeping the 1 hour, 2 hours. Buddha himself later on you can keep the whole day then the force of Great Compassion Bi promoting effects. So you Buddhists live in peace of mind that every day, where also the Pure Land, Buddha pure land in the mind. On a method for Chu Dai Bi religious, wish you a practicing Buddhist Dharma to correct generous benefits, not to the heart disorder, worries, thoughts filled the mind. Q: If you forget the religious, bewildered heart in doubt, do not trust the dread power of the Great Compassion Note again, the industry more serious offenses or as much pain? A: heart bewildered doubt, the mind is not static peace. It is hard, annoying, is not in the direction of peace. If someone is found to be suffering, the discomfort, I was not happy in who wants to find way out, I want to find ways to be calm, peaceful, people who have called wisdom. If you have people that are suffering, that was nasty, but still prefer to live in it, being surrounded daily suffering, there's no escape, constant negativity, this person is a true professional with more severe offenses . Buddha called such people who have no wisdom. Buddhist compassion, just want to suffer the pain, the Buddhist practice of law, that person will soon be freed of all the troubles brain, the order in the human world. Tu studied Buddhism is not practiced by the legal documents called practice. Buddhist practice is to learn to control the mind. Tam is disorder, confusion, full of sorrow, learn methods for making static concentration, clean, happy, peaceful. It's called Buddhist Studies. In Scripture have taught, whether reciting the Great Compassion Note this life, yet mind in doubt, the money may not benefit, but it will make Bodhi seed for the next life. The precious Buddha he should know, my mind which is the static and peace; not the result of social, natural disturbances makes the mind, not suffering alone. The disorders and afflictions that is nothing less than the influence of the outside world only, not his real heart. Purity of mind at peace within themselves the true feet each center. Read Great Compassion in order to cleanse, remove outside disturbances affect, cleaning temperaments, making the mind still happily living in pure fun every day. All that is called Dharma. The answers above, hope that can help solve part of your confusion initially Buddhists Buddhist Studies. Buddhists pray for your family with peace, fortune favored the development, peace soon enlightened self-interest, full of Buddhist Circuit. Homage to Amitabha Buddha!
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