Friday, 28 October 2011

In Tibet, ' mani ' or prayer wheel is a wheel with a myriad of mysterious secret notes and texts, often rotating around an axis, the same clockwise. Many ' mani ' small as fingertips út, Deputy to both a room. From immemorial, Tibetans often set the wheels in the runoff to wheels are spinning forever with time, to the Germany of the prayer is rife in the country. Interactive television that one back wheel or hang prayer flags in the wind, he or she will perform her wishes.
The province of Kham in Tibet as well as the Western wilderness of America. Domain capital is a population of Kham and professional horse cavalry. Only about one hundred years, Kham is composed of several smaller States isolated military separately. Here people have to enforce compulsory military service, there is no youth have been waived.
Historically, in the Eastern Province of Kham has a man, known after him as ' master wheel ', because his hands to pray throughout the day turning the wheel. This wheel carrying notes dhāranī, Project Ma Ni Bat About Hong, and by him self chipped retrieved.
Her master, his wife has died long since, after a lifetime valued weights and was reincarnated in a scene. From that day, the man living in a tent with his only son out of loving. Children had a great horse, and it loves animals more than everything in life.
One day, the horses suddenly turn where lost, no longer graze on the grasslands, where also do not see. Many people also go in search of benevolent help horses, eventually finding him, they started wailing for his final fate hiu. Left him back to normal as there is. His back wheel and recite notes ' Project Pink ', Ma Ni Bat Delights such as Tibetans or silently read your notes of lettered dhāranī Buddhist mercy organic species. He told neighbors he often lament: ' you dear, lament what to do. You know, the ones for me to, I will whisper thanks all. Keep wait go we will see '.
Only a few days later, the horse suddenly returned as a miracle. And along with it there are two beautiful wild horses. Clematis and sons started shopping this diamond belt for horses. Flowers to flap as neighbors to share fun. His aging back wheel and said: ' I feel give the kind of luck, but who knows where, waiting there. We shall see '.
A few weeks later, son riding was falling and break legs. Neighbors brought the child back, lamented to the risks of this child does not work anymore. Man sitting silent whisper before bed, but don't whine. ' The German Officer, thanks anyway my children also in my sidebar. Let's wait to see '.
A honeymoon after the King away, soldiers arrested for laminated youths to enlist to fight neighbouring monarch. Just across the new child from being bedridden comes calling. Neighbors glad for him because he was the only surviving son. Man smiling, put hands legs fractured vertebrae of wrinkled up children, put eyes three horses are grazing outside. Man Sang shelf donation:

"His life was not turning quickly,
Up and down like water wheels.
How many times had the existing body, spin endlessly,
This incarnation has taken thousands of different shapes
Each type of shape again ruined, to form
Like wet clay into pottery on the wheel workmen
The low will climb the high back down to low,
Then one day-for waiting to go,
The dark won't unravel; the Lam of
Will take part in production; all forms will change,
In the video game endless dancing duality of both sides.

Con ơi if child is a child in particular,
People will discover the belonging to a flow of regeneration
And for the monastery with the Lama.
If the wise and mealy fluency
People will work for your Office
The following table and columns themselves.
Each horse donation a pile of work to do,
Each wealth ended in dispute,
Who knows, tomorrow's careers will you come.

Today, a past it sown will ripen,
And will reap in whole, that's for sure.
So go well with everything-countless not judgements,
Not that evil bad.
All, more or less, or loss,
Which is the only illusion.

Don't hope, also do not fear, my children,
Do not forward the request, and thus is not disappointed.
Accept all, it comes or it goes,
And Live mesh Sun cages are followed.

Keep it simple, no anxiety
And live upon computer is in the child,
And peace in the joy of self identity.
You can shoot sky by how many arrows,
How much is also the à

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