Sunday 16 February 2014

Home people destroy defilements - S ACINNA.

 Bhikkhu, 10 visualization should be conditioned regularly by those who have entered religious life to work with a will and purpose to eradicate defilements. First of all, you need to have ordained the regular review of the status of the image of a monk as follows: "No I was a layman, it has become our home with statues Silver had changed other"
There are two obvious differences when Silver had was a home: The first man monk with the Ministry of Health, the second person with secular garb chores of everyday life.
Metabolic processes of the body
Here, annotated talked about the process of change will be see how. Typically it can easily seen if we look in the mirror. But it is not appropriate for monks or nuns company to use the mirror. Therefore, you may receive a risk measure changes in this body over the issue noted for the hair and beard has been shaved. Cang closer attention, not on this board where the sapling hair anymore but only now left only gray hair. When you look at the skin, he again received the wrinkles, and sagging skin areas is a sign of old age. There is a continuous metabolic processes in the body's where we have to try to maintain youth and external appearance. Mental regulations we love and care for it so it knows how medical remount want to keep our youth.
In the pace moving boundary metabolism and it makes my body go nostalgic and consumption leads to death. Whether good or bad karma, we can not reverse that process is. Powerless against this change, we always hug wrestling itself from the beginning have this body. Not stop the aging process, and many of the so-pressing itself on a daily basis. Metabolic processes go to this apartment, go to tomorrow and it's not for anyone to escape all. But this should always be concerned but your comment by monks and those who go on the spiritual evolutionary path.
Differences in the second garb and makeup
In lay life, yet does not have a limit. Everything can be popped. The mind desires and let loose to run in many things. One person can wear multicolored clothes and all sorts of styles, different motifs. A person can also pamper intelligent delicious with many different appetite, feed in gold plate, silver plate. As Venerable Sariputta and Venerable Moggallana, are two great disciples of the Buddha, a multi-solution before many scrumptious foods are set in gold and silver plate of these monks was originally in the noble families. An ordinary person can sleep on a bed luxury house in expensive chairs set in a well-equipped rooms. A layman can also use a variety of drugs in the market yard sale not to mention quality or its value diversity. That's the life of a layman.
However, there is a huge difference mean when you stepped on renunciation. Four requisites ghost monastic garb have is, food, shelter and medication is simple and humble. No luxurious amenities and boundless desire and always pamper my rule. A simple reinforcements river with minimum facilities abstinence in the world and the law allows. This had to abandon the comforts and stupid ghost town we showed before.
Did you get monks gather scrap fabric from but east. Pieced from scrap cloth but no longer valid, cut into small square to lose its value, and then sewn and dyed with brown rind in jungle as ancient. Type human health without any value in money nor thieves who wish to steal. That kind of monk garb nobody wants transmitted to haggle.
For as the food and meal, monks only used but devotees believe something women offering alms. All real objects are placed in bowls made of iron and clay, and monks must feed the mix of bat, and without any attention to your own preferences.
For monks and for those who are on the path to spiritual evolution, is the maintenance eat more network itself is an act pamper yourself. It must be abstinence greed and always mindful awake while eating. Furthermore, monks must use the bed so humble enough chairs and tables according to their basic needs. He is not used to luxury bedding seats. As a must, he has to survive properly and in accordance with the precepts clean specified, do not count the clouds, grass cloth or leather band house lot. It is encouraged under the tree or place to be used for meditation. 
For medicine, monks must use herbal natural processing. Of course, there are many exceptions to the four requisites. However, the manner and glimmering ghost monk for private use items such as clothing, food and shelter, medicines are very different from a layperson. This change is to practice the virtue of an order of religious Therefore the Buddha taught the way we must regularly change this. But the charity's degree follow the teachings of Buddha was the Venerable Sariputta, Venerable Moggallana, Maha Kassapa venerable and countless other disciples of the Buddha. Most of them come from wealthy families Elites.
 A fine example of the spirit of venerable relics
Among the disciples of the Buddha, an example of a very venerable relics are mentioned here. He is the son of a privileged family. In the last moments of his life, he returned home to His mother nirvana provide in-room on the night where he was born in the family. His purpose is to help her mother, Rupa Sari, can enlightenment before his death. When you hear sermons three venerable Sariputta, attained three-storey bar became the first and magnetic north Completed. This is also a special wreath from his mother and representation especially profound gratitude For Me in his last moments of his life.
That done, venerable relics were so hungry measured in nirvana. His mother Rupa Sari three have developed new beliefs and devoted service to protective measures. Therefore, as is known, has arranged three cremation rituals and for His venerable relics by using real meaningful possessions of three.
Following cremation, a strange phenomenon but is played by enlightened, especially bone formation county multilateral many different agencies called relics. His ashes Furthermore, many relics have been found on fire in place of Sariputra. Venerable Cunda, brother Sariputra, his remains have brought about far Jetavana in Sravasti and offered to the Buddha when he lived there.
Here is particularly true when the music venerable relics, though, is the son of a wealthy family, he had given up all material comforts and earthly stupid time to step into the life of dignity gathered . Buddha relics and ashes placed in the palm of His hand Buddha ', and that give rise to the front of the Venerable general praise noble virtue venerable relics poem as follows:
 (A) La monks through many lifetimes throughout a total of five hundred lifetimes most treasured bored silly, happy to drop everything in the world that it is no longer enough to seduce him.
Or bow to a doctor before - have a bite force completely at peace. Yet end this session with a doctor to wear a pair of bar enlightenment.
 (B) For as laid down unshakable solidity of public behave any deviations. A matchless patience. Anger he is completely absent. Never behave errors Express Travel is a small center. 
Always self-compassion to all living things
Now he has to go
Nirvana nirvana peace
Or farewell bow to people who are doing it.
(C) As the seller's offer, to this city,
Begging repast with bamboo bat in hand,
Happy humility always kept himself clean,
Denote the same humility as lowly enemies
Steam, Relic released through humility,
Practice Always humble, 
A pair of bar workers not contaminated,
Or farewell bow to 
Thanh is a provider has entered as an economic citizenship
(D) As gay-horned cows,
Move in the forest or the city where,
No harm anyone through the aisles
Like relics, never hurt anyone,
Or bow to welcome a North City has entered calm as security.
About the life of Sariputra, the Buddha uttered praise ghost never in the way he has for a normal person. Buddha strongly endorse positive aspects featured a saint's life of the drug was a good example of sacrifice to demonstrate the compassion, a place of unrestrained mind, a courageous endurance, a chaste virtue, love, wisdom but, extremely humble and're doing. He was a paragon is perfect for us to follow. What a mighty wonders when the Venerable Sariputta was a monk in this life must not only past lifetimes ghost in all 500 lifetimes. In this life, he gave up firmly and completely detached from the world's rivers sensual pleasures and material possessions have restrained him throughout rebirth lives.
Therefore, you are quite unique in its eminent disciples of Buddha's become a disciple genial la venerable relics.
After becoming a monk, he fully enlightened simultaneously attains Arhat Arhat islands and over, every day is excluded and where the mind is completely pure. You are quite reaching to the pulsar and free. Investment realizations, some start up mind as intelligence and composure v. .. v.Luc measure, taking no children, nor the hatred and delusion nor child, his mind filled with fixed crystals, wellbeing. Next birth center discharge capacity and patient virtue is called patience. His patience Happiness is like putting ghost mightily all kinds, large and small, are sexual or azoospermia may exist on the measure. Naturally, land, purity or dirty object as division UE toss toss on the land, but the land was never reacted. Likewise, the heart of Sariputra extremely steadfast and is not perturbed by any object by contact force required.
Generally acts hungry man is an act of the will, and many other feelings together. The venerable relics have never run according to which he was born to do what it is necessary, appropriate and good karma only. Throne paintings do something unwholesome and unnecessary. Speaks only what needs said, benefits and good karma. What unnecessary du He never uttered an error. Always mindful, he never wandered tam.Trong and evil throughout his life, not yet had a case where she is careless or sloppy. Here are some genial conditions Venerable Sariputta.
When its serious kindness, sprayed throne in heavenly floors thoughts for all beings of all kinds. Not only in good faith, he also protected the best interests for those who pass the throne. Main actions and willingness throne always mutual interactions.
Talk about His humble Sariputta, the Buddha because of the humility and styles of men measured as children destitute poverty. Let's take a closer look at who you are also children of the poor go begging on city entity. As children of the poor archery, lifestyle behavior despicable misery, life without food, without shelter. Even Throne offers a broad bowl made of bamboo. Absolutely not arrogant conceit a little ripple in his mind, because He never owned a something to be proud of complacency. He would simply understand that if you look arrogant conceit or a hot date, none of giving him food or supplies for which he needs to use it.
As mentioned above, the Venerable Sariputta, despite being the son of a wealthy family, but his mind always need enable and humility. Private entering renunciation, he trained in that humble lifestyle, light, looking like a son of man you are also poor. Even when he went to bat from inside the throne exuding humility seems so extreme. In this way, but if someone has entered the competition renunciation need to study the attitudes and lifestyle of a good degree Sariputta sound like him. This is what he wanted to emphasize for the life of Uncle monastic virtues.
Furthermore, for example Buddha gay bulls swollen. As the larvae measured swelling when it goes here in the woods or fields, or village or city, not harming anyone, for whatever creature. Similarly, Sariputra with heart and compassionate, never hurt anyone, or cause suffering, sorrow for anyone in all postures from throughout his life.
In this point, I want to say is Buddha emphasizes the need to part with your export must always visualize the transformation of the mind and body when skin is a company parade. What it beneficial? If anyone visualize metabolic processes of majesty and stuff from everyday use as a pretentious company, each pitch arrogance and conceit will follow that lead dissipate and completely eradicated in mind, tournament Interest by Note. Foresee miraculous results, Buddha taught the monks all the ideal conditions as much as possible a number of metabolic processes is itself markedly company became a monk. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY =TAM THANH.WHITE LOTUS FLOWER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST PRAYED MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/2/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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