The Buddha taught us improve core Pyramid is to create an affinity with the full blessings of this life to be happy, and the next is also wealthy, happy, satisfying all the needs of life. So good cross Onions bring enormous benefits
Circumstances to end the suffering in life, escape from worldly bondage, or the fatal accident, the difficult to treat disease, the conflict displaced hostility, petty, selfish, deceitful, cunning , etc. .. Buddha said we must cultivate the ten wholesome news gathering charity Action!
Cross Cross aka Shan Shan Industries, The Empyrean, France Compassion Cross. The name is due to different interpretations depending means under the terms of the application, whichever is talking about now, talking about sex or talking about practice law.
Acts of charity are things that cross Buddha at Long provision Jay Sa La, before eight thousand monks University, two thousand three bodhisattvas. That scripture Cross karma Act . Kinh Do You Apply by Nan Da, Tang Dynasty (618-907) in China translated from Sanskrit to Chinese characters. In Vietnam, we now have a Vietnamese translation of Venerable Thich Tri Thu [1], a different translation by Venerable Thich eunuchs [2] and may also have a Some others are translated into Vietnamese as Thich Tam Chau [3].
Cross-friendly operating method initiates brought humanity to true happiness, help people escape earthly suffering, human training practice to become good social factors. Pyramid charity helping people become sober, humble virtue, simplicity, personality and noble enough to persevere to overcome life's difficulties. Pyramid will improve transitions of suffering, the hunger situation happily, prosperous, makes our life become life ethical, honest, a good example for all beings. Pyramid friendly help us avoid greed, anger, delusion, greed is not sensual pleasures, so can not help people become villains, murder, robbery, rape. Thus the human soul on earth to live free from fear to sink in prison and three evil paths. Cross helps improve the body, speech and mind pure, no mistakes, no bad karma.
He does not know good from the tower , the three now (body, speech and mind) to create ten evil enough so will have to bear all the suffering karma will sink into the road to hell is suffering the most in the six realms of cyclic existence. Such people alive when they suffered a miserable life, if they do not heal, but only ten ten evil (killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, embellishing said, speaking double-edged way, say brutality, greed, hatred, and delusion). Those who do evil life, would not have been happy at any time, wherever they are in any position in society, though powerful, rich or poor, they and their soul remains dark and chronic pain.
The Buddha taught us improve core Pyramid is to create an affinity with the full blessings of this life to be happy, and the next is also wealthy, happy, satisfying all the needs of life. So good cross Onions bring enormous benefits not only for this life but also for the life to come.
It is about the people of the world in general. As for home goods, ie, the practice of cross Action charity not only helps the practitioner to enjoy a peaceful life in the present and future lives will be born to the six realms of heaven [4] enjoy fun scene interesting, comfort or reach fruition higher. beyond the three worlds to the world, reaching the status bar text effect, second-class Pratyekabuddha of excess, one must practice the Four Emperors legal, Twelve Interdependent [5] and to reach the Mahayana bodhisattvas, measures need to pass at that time [6] new go to full enlightenment. To do that is to practice, one can not ignore the good practice from the tower. Pyramids karma as an important stepping stone to overcome if you want to achieve more effective. Therefore, they say charity Action decade is the origin of the earth and of good legal world.
Kinh Thien Cross Industry Act (business about ten good karma) by Buddha preached about ten of practice good karma. Karma is the act of artifacts. Cross karma is ten good behavior. Sutras teach ten students know what is good and avoid evil ten. Ten healthy not only teach but also for home shopping home goods. In worldly goods, want to reach as high virtues bar text, Pratyekabuddha and Bodhisattvas must also be funded through charitable religious gathering.
Buddha said doing karma Cross Path (Ten healthy business), including:
- 3 now about yourself: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct
- 4 now on the mouth (ie, the oral): not lying, two-dimensional grid, not speaking evil and could not say weaving,
- 3 in the industry: no greed, no hatred, no evil is ignorance.
Following is the text of the act friendly gathering:
A. Three things good about yourself now:
1. No killing:
+ Killing is killing the lives of others or other species, generally living beings. Killing is fully armed themselves directly killed or used as means of traps, poison killed, or killing someone else told wrong, or that the killing but in his heart rejoice, are now killing the . Industrial killing depends on the mood to kill, depending on the object being to kill and depending on the time taken to distinguish crime severity.
According mood, the heaviest guilt by anger, said legal and still others intentionally kill, this offense should be banished to endless hell, Avici. Second is guilty but has provoked anger, but the interior is not clear or obvious interest but without anger while performing the slaughter. Misdemeanor is not anger, not understanding that killed mistakenly.
According subjects also were killed in different severity. As Buddha destroyed, killing the saint, Arhat, killing his parents and his benefactor is the most serious crime, must fall into Avici Hell. Second is guilty of murder and guilty of the killing of other beings to eat meat. All are guilty of killing.
As the execution time is also guilty of killing different severity. If the center before killing was glad, when killed, and after killing it, still fun center without remorse heart is the most serious crime. If that was born after the murder and was guilty remorse center middle. But there is no mistaking anger and kill after kill and, being pleased regret misdemeanor.
+ The morphology killing sins can kill many different forms on two main subjects are human beings and animals.
- As mentioned above, murder is incredibly serious crimes, especially murder of parents siblings, fellow killed because of greed, because anger. In the narrow killing one person or a few people. For example, an unruly child, playboy, addiction has no money, no cash please their parents are already parents to kill for money, sex or sexual jealousy murder, murder or robbery took playboy money, sexual gratification in any form as a hammer or a knife, gun, strangulation, used poison died car accident, drowning underwater, etc. ... In the wide-ranging war appropriation assets, the territory of a country, a people, a way of killing civilians in any form unjust bombs, shooting out of the war, massacre villages, spraying poison chemicals, pool break off water, forest burning mountain village ...
- Murdering animals to eat meat to satisfy little taste, or kill animals, dissecting other offers to sell in any form as to kill with a knife, hammer, by phone, with traps, crossbows, guns, immersed, or cave fill out drives etc. ... Need to find that one day man was killed animals to eat that day there is war, there is the scene takes parents lost their children because of war-torn . War is never terminated by killing people now also harm animals.
All those guilty of killing them, the scriptures teach: crime murder often fall into hell beings, hungry ghosts reported to suffer. If reincarnated in animal species suffer as body fat tiger, wolf, or the body of poisonous snakes, poisonous centipedes, hugging wicked heart, body or deer, rabbit leopard, always scared. If you are doing two things people suffer retribution: one is the two diseases is premature.
So, doing good karma Directed Cross teaches people not killing action because:
All animals born in the universe, including human beings are afraid of death, afraid of suffering and disease. Animals that are about to be killed, then tha joy is indescribable, so spared death for the (amnesty), eager to die for animals (not killing) is a great gift. Perform killing but not releasing, is now head of the Administrative good karma decades.
All our human desire to live, fear of death, where the robbers probably of animal life. Animals were struggling on the cutting board, knife under even harsher man was doubled in illness severity, body tired, aching. The pain, the suffering of people and animals alike no other!
Want not to kill, conquer and let us fix your mind, do not run that makes a delicious guilt red meat fall. Let's contemplate the suffering of living beings and their suffering is to avoid killing. The practice should also know contemplative beings eat meat as their children or their parents in their previous lives. Buddha pointed out that all sentient beings from the infinite past lives has a parent, brother I was her child or dear, but by karmic retribution should have six walks samsara [7] , transformed not recognize each other. Being killed for their meat center is compromised compassion is killing center, killing to eat meat is the cause of sickness, suffering, distress. Blood debt must pay with blood bone bone, hide and go whether not avoid. During economic Bodhisattva , the Buddha said: All sentient beings have Buddha nature as each other not, if we kill an animal that is strangling his compassion, Buddha, kill and kill future upside eat the wrong ones in the past. There are stories that in Rajgir have a listen to his bourgeois Brahmin who killed many animals for sacrifice, his passing that Moggallana told him that he had killed bourgeois siblings and parents their loved one in the past, not strangers. He does not believe bourgeois, he stood Maudgalyayana kabbalah presented his previous lives between bourgeois and the animals were killed dear. Head of the replacement cost, extremely frightened, repentance, found refuge center, fasting, prayer Lifetime abandon killing animals now. During economic Stratum there comes a story: During Buddha Bar Section Pure Lotus Tathagata was born, increasing a lifetime ago (countless lives), from very ancient times, a woman named Quang level merciful mother after her mother died, and the ceremony went Luo Han said the mother survived normally when killing, eating fish, turtles and many species of eggs that should have been fall into hell. Optical media section to fill up immediately Buddha, a reverence worship the Buddha dreamed reported that: Soon, your mother will give birth to a child. Indeed then, the servant girl in the house was a baby born three days that has not been said already knew, and told the boy that Section Quang Quang old mother of harmful level of industrial animal slaughter was fall into hell, may thanks to the sincere worship and reverence newly reincarnated coward, short lived thirteen years old stillborn to fall into evil ways.
Want to get away from killing should now practice the three disciplines: morality, concentration and wisdom . First practice the world that give karma of killing, no act of killing itself. Second, the practice of meditation makes the mind arise not the killing but has not stopped completely. Finally, the practice of wisdom, end clean seed from beginningless habits life so far. Only if new evidence to fully kick would end killing now that the body and mind are purified. ancient times when the Buddha was alive, Shariputra together watching a flock of birds. Birds that Buddhism is not fear that Sariputra then frantically flying away. Sariputra asked Buddha what reason? He says: "Thou despite evidence to the Arhat, though not mind killing but also because of the seed habit murdered without beginning to end this is not much, so the birds approached the fear is born." In the economic and books on Buddhism, there are many stories about those who are guilty of killing in this life or in the afterlife incurring heavy industry, or to take life for life or oppressed on three lines not cognizable evil escape. (Some stories told of killing, please see the third part of this book)
Kinh Thien directorial Cross training: If someone is not killing ten benefits will be as follows:
1 /. All beings love.
2 /. Extend compassion to all sentient beings.
3 /. Except for routine cleaning anger.
4 /. A healthy body is usually
5 /. Life expectancy is long.
6 /. Often upholding Angels.
7 /. Sleep and not dream, a nightmare.
8 /. Unless the rancor.
9 /. From the sink into the three evil paths.
10 /. After being dead to heaven.
People who help care for the poor, sick, accident, suffering, etc. .. are themselves less sickness, fewer accidents. If anyone knows of blessing, creating concern in life right now make sure they are healthy, relaxed and spiritual happiness. No killing is an act of compassion, is studied under vow of the Bodhisattva of compassion for all things in the universe. To cultivate compassion is not what we do not kill harmful organisms , but also practice fasting. Fasting means not eating meat beings, not cannibalistic relatives of his life in many past lives. The vegetarian now bring so much benefit, in terms of science would avoid ingesting toxins excreted in animal flesh when they are killed by fearful cries. Not only should eat vegetarian, to develop the virtues of compassion, Buddhists also regularly perform releasing the report will be of tremendous faith. The news reporter was born to save the lives of many living beings when they are about to be murdered, ie bring mercy to living beings and to conduct themselves releasing.
Also, at higher levels, a Buddhist practitioner and walking meditation should also be noted to avoid stampede, killing plants and small creatures on the ground. That was the vow of compassion to avoid killing harmful organisms Buddha teachings.
Kill network must be for life, it is the law of cause and effect. So the Buddha teach laypeople row, after taking refuge is to abandon the profession have hurt compassion as professional butchers kill animals, craft weapons trafficking, bows and arrows, swords, guns ammunition, trafficking in alcohol and poisons, hazardous materials job hunting, careers related to kill, injure, harm animals vv.cung is to cultivate compassion and virtues that hospitality students.
2. Do not Steal:
+ Stealing is taking the material, money, wealth is owned by someone else. In life, people have to live like needs to have enough food, clothing, housing and the demand for the other physical and mental. Therefore there must be money to spend, to cover the needs of life, to learn, to heal the sick, to entertain resting to restore health for workers. So everyone needs to work hard to have collateral for the present life and future for themselves, for their children. Due to labor pains new living conditions for the people should esteem his property. Therefore, the right to private property is a sacred right and important. If for some reason, it was taken away money or property wealth, people will be extremely painful, felt sad as yourself lost part of life. They were born disappointment, sadness that sometimes ailments, sometimes thought of suicide, and in fact life has such a sad affair.
According justice, did not want anyone to take her, do not take anything from others. Do not want someone else stealing his making himself miserable, then I also do not suffer for the people. Society can survive only when people respect justice. In Buddhist saying: "Physics of others, that person holds. Whether a grass leaf vegetables that they did not also not take, let alone robbing." Of the unjust robberies, usually on the front door to the back door, quickly consumable is not durable, it is fast and go very fast, then nothing is ultimately done nothing but contempt is the life Belgium, defamatory, embarrassing himself and his children later.
+ The type of theft : theft (or higher degree robbery), there are many different types and each type of crime will be mild or severe, but different:
- Due to accidental, not intentional or due to the dropping of or accidentally to forget that picked up birth greed and not pay it, take as their own.
- Poor fraud by trading, bartering goods brought into the mix of bad good, young lack the balance, reduce the dimension of the selling, general offenses of fraudulent trading to seek an edge not the case, as well as a legitimate type of theft.
- Due to poverty or hang out, gambling, smoking addiction, intentionally to steal, stealing of other people's take home invasion, robbery in the street and not blocking harmful to the loss of lives, which robbery offenses were more intentional murder but not born. If damage to the lives lost, the more thieves and robbers of the crime of killing.
- I'm taking advantage of gullible credulity of others, or taking advantage of the desire to have more money quickly by others that they cheat to get money or their property without paying, ie sin fraudulent appropriation is a form of theft.
- I measure power use, reliable so borrowed not pay, crime and power ruse to make acquaintances, neighbors damaged as encroachment, accounting for the others, or hope that slander another person to dispose of production, their garden pond makes them prone real author. The power of sin condone or facilitate others steal its own or to his benefit or advantage of his position to steal public and economic institutions, of other individuals. It's the corruption, all of this kind of theft.
All stealing is bad karma that will cause evil to get results even in the present life or in the afterlife. So in the Buddhist scriptures has said: "I was born thieves do they fall into hell, hungry ghosts suffer immensely. If reincarnated in animal path, make yourself suffer buffalo, horses, mules, donkeys, touch momentum etc ... take my blood for the repayment of a previous life. If people are doing, I must be doing everything yourself to others, not enough clothes to cover their bodies, not enough rice to eat dinner, you miserable ... ". So Buddha is prohibited thieves to cultivate compassion for sentient beings. Persons guilty of callous thieves who took away money, other people's possessions for them to fall into difficulties, fidgety, looking unhappy, leave it as food, sometimes because lost so much that spawned sad, sick, desperate, troubled mind, insane, leading to suicide. The crime caused so badly. The real life said: "Money is the lifeblood of" if someone took away that is heartless bloodshed robbed, killed and the lives of others. Therefore robbers guilty of causing the person not bad for the heart but also caused from bad people in this life, cause bondage. They make people despise him, spit, alienation, self-shame for myself and children. They do lose all moral dignity, making the buried reputation, a career collapsed, the future certainly dark.
(Some stories told of thieves, please see the third part of this book).
People are living under low operating charity , not stealing, but not the single-minded need to practice giving and charity ., ie not taking other people's money, but also brings his wealth to help the poor save trouble. Dana 'which is the main virtues of the Buddhas, bodhisattvas practice to teach us to benefit and bring peace to all beings, even in this saha world. Giving the leading virtues in "At that time Paramita" , include: generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation and wisdom. Giving is also leading in the virtues of "Four French Photographers" , include: giving, loving, and at the operating profit. The cultivation of Buddhist properties, need to know clearly about giving and charity, to practice in accordance with the law, to practice on an ongoing basis, a joy to be boundless blessings and to bring peace and happiness to ourselves and to others. Dana 'consists of three parts: assets experimental, pilot and fearless experimental approach . The Giving is bringing money, possessions, material donations disadvantaged people. French pilots are bringing what they have learned about the Dharma explained to people known to apply in life. It not only can help people to live peacefully and happily in life right now, right in this life, and help further the human enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth in suffering want pilot Captain sau.Vo life is giving others fearlessness, or in other words, how fearless pilot is helping others reduce anxiety, reduce depression and fear not.
So gather good people to commit robbery is not it follow Kinh Thien Cross Industry Act will be entitled to the blessings
1 /'s hut, not afraid of the enemy, water, fire and the damage to break lose.
2 /. Considered by many to love.
3 /. Do not be fooled people away.
4 /. Being ten praise.
5 /. Do not worry about damage.
6 /. Stories do.
7 /. In place of people not afraid.
8 /. Wealth, par-life, strength, peace and happiness, eloquence full
9 /. Usually willing to give alms, alms
10 /. After all destined to be born in the heavens.
Those who practiced the healing, not stealing hearts are never relaxed, comfortable, not in front look after, not to worry about fear of punishment law tracing. Such people do not have to worry about who their animosity. A society has no status robbery scene, there is no end to win, highwayman, robbing the market, people do not have to worry about losing your fear, dropped in the street of lost and will not be returned, the house not closed the door latch, society will be peaceful, peacefulness, happiness.
Make this vow, do not these people have lives happily, but also to bring happiness to his mercy, for our children and for the person you help.
4. Do not commit adultery :
Adultery is the cause now samsara. For lay people, goods Buddhist layman is not adultery. As part of the goods, with the exception Buddha to lust.
In the daily life of human beings, Buddha adultery only prevent accidents, meaning the couple had been married, live together in a new, but have not been sober and promiscuity, adultery.
As part of the goods, the ghost lewd stumbling steps that would hinder the practice go to liberation. So who wants to see the direction of home results must be eradicated with lustful from the heart, to eliminate even the thought of lust for it emits no expression at all in thought and in action. So Shurangama said: "loose dress without exception, they can not work out of the ceiling."
As for the house, because in everyday life, conjugal intimacy needs, give birth is an inevitable demand of society for survival of the species. It also creates a need to raise happy and cozy family life, but must follow the law. In Cross Path karma , Buddha prevent sexual misconduct against the house. In the family, the couple had a formal wedding, the relatives and legally recognized, if the husband shall not commit adultery, wife not taking promiscuity, family happiness is sustainable air family warm. In such conditions, the increasingly thriving business, growing a sustainable business, relatives cozy fun, endearing village respects. But married couples living in, need to practice the right way to practice that is not amoral (not track sexual act), the non-origin (not in place, not the room where the couple own) and non-time (no time activities).
Individuals who commit adultery, both husband and wife are caused bad karma. Especially for his wife, while others promiscuity with which they conceive their child is not her husband's child, that child is not her husband's family, non-blood family, family. If the husband knows kids by promiscuity is not her child, the family happy fragile, causing pain not just for spouses, but also for parents and children again. The husband when making adultery with other women is causing a lot of heavy industry. Children by that woman is promiscuous husbands are laid off will have no father or no father, they will have painful torment forever. Victims of sexual misconduct also caused social problems to solve as the foster child abandonment. Society must address the consequences of evils by the child's father or mother, not to be nurtured to teach full of honest people, has caused to society as victims of robbers, drug addict victims Drugs, prostitution, black social problems etc. ..
Currently our social development adultery victims are strong. There are many reasons, one of which is the cause of life influenced by Western culture, for sexual gratification of selfish individualism as the ultimate. One reason is the internal domestic economic and social development as fertilizer rich-poor gap is too fast and too big. The very poor due to difficulties in life are not looking good career to support themselves, especially for rural women, should have pushed their way prostitute. On the other hand those who are too rich, too much money, food consumption splurge, indulge lustful, passionate debauch, influenced by personal hedonism prostitution should grow back. Thus, today there are many who only make money too busy to enjoy the pleasures caused many evils, without incurring losses from the heart to work well make it difficult for society, they have contributed to social degradation ethics.
Those who know the good practice practice, practice good karma Cross, not only to avoid all evil deeds and cause a lot of fresh fruit in the present life. The adultery is not a healthy body, a sound mind, lucid, happy family, happy, children are fully nourished. Not only that they also enjoy many of the good results in later life. Contrary to those who satisfy the desire by individuals to commit adultery will fall into the three evil paths. If human beings are born to meet two kinds of retribution is not virgin wife, happy family.
Buddha forbid adultery victims are to respect and protect the fairness happy family, especially to avoid bad hatred and retribution in the future. Socially not cause degradation of customs and morals, not create another feud killings cause for social security.
(Some stories about adultery, please see the third part of this book).
In Business Act karma Cross has said that he will not keep well adultery will be four following benefits:
1. Six bases (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind) are integrity.
2. Rid of all the sorrow, harassment.
3. No one dared to infringe couple children.
4. Good reputation, who praise life.
Three on here : no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct belong to professional bodies . That's three precepts of religious practice itself now, keep your bodily purity, not to do evil themselves, harming others represented by three winners invasion: winning network (killing), winner of wealth ( robbery) and the winner (adultery). The practice of bodily purity have not won any actions infringe any harm to life, property and feelings of others. They will be entitled to retribution nice, peaceful life and career achievements friendly fullness.
Four career following : Do not expect language (do not lie), unpaid losses (two-dimensional grid), No evil gate (not to say cruel) and not rely terms (Not saying weaving) is of import now , will be presented briefly below and will talk thoroughly in Part 2 of this book.
B. Four good thing about verbal:
1. Do not lie (not expect language):
No lie that is telling the truth, how things are said. How do you say true thoughts, that thoughts and words are not contradictory. Do not believe that lie is just for fun or fool each other, not hurt. Either way, the lies are more harmful because it makes the bad habit familiar with, even when telling the truth is bad because many people will not believe any more.
There are many kinds of lies: Lying for joking, because lying fool, to brag lie, lie for fear of cowardice, lying to gain illicit profits etc ... all these are questions that lying that the Buddha called sin sin term outlook will sink into the three evil paths, depending on the offense or the severity. So Buddhist scriptures teach us not to lie.
However, only case lie with the purpose sufferings risk, danger to rescue sentient beings, for people and animals, not new offenses.
In the Industrial Dao Thien Cross has said that he will not lie to keep happy will be eight following benefits:
1 /. Being admired the world.
2 /. Which is also true of words, the people, the beloved sun.
3 /. Often fragrant mouth clean, say like flower scented.
4 /. Commonly used words softness, comfort beings.
5 /. To enjoy pleasures like wishes, and three are now clean.
6 /. Words not upset, but to be joyful.
7 /. Say respect, the sun will be obeyed.
8 /. More intellectual people.
Do not expect language (do not lie) technique will be presented in Part 2 of this book.
2. Two-dimensional grid (no dual losses):
Two-dimensional grid or not said two blades is not to say detractors, who say this bad in front of others or vice versa, making the two sides misunderstanding. Not to bring this story to ridicule people, it makes the offensive side sometimes resentment, anger and other intermediaries also do not take things causing dislike for both sides. The two-dimensional grid deviant who has heart, not in the morning, have an aversion or animosity caused the two sides together.
The two-dimensional grid is always respect truth, solidarity respect, no malice to those who make themselves into hatred, malice makes no neighbors brothers apart. The two-dimensional grid is always right to tell the truth, say these words in harmony soft make more friends respect each other, more people believe in love, everyone you love each other.
So doing good karma Cross Path has taught us not to be two-dimensional grid to not guilty. If the business away from the two-dimensional grid is in no way be harmed.
1. Relatives who are being hurt because people do not mean harm;
2. Her family was not harmed me, nobody damage;
3. Trust not harmed, by four industry pros;
4. The practice was not harmed, because solidification;
5. Improve knowledge was not harmed because people do not lie.
No extensive damage (two-dimensional grid) techniques will be presented in Part 2 of this book.
3. Not bad gate (not to say a rough word):
Not a rough word or a border that is not to say evil words bring cool to hear, is to say those words lightly, gentle, persuasive, easy affection, as for a pleasant listen, preferred. The evil is not what people say that is stitched words make pleasant listening, creating trust and people dear soul and so relaxed, happy, peaceful, small size and easy success in every job through his words.
In contrast, people saying harsh words can not please the audience, and as such can not achieve its job effectively. Work will not be favorable, successful career difficult. The rough word or say who just opened his mouth to say the words are hard to hear, or nagging, or rude, offensive, sarcastic, grumpy, rude or unfriendly. He said not only evil import harsh words about the content but also the nuances of their voices make the listener uncomfortable. When speaking harsh words, the nuances of their voice heard sarcastic, deafening, pooh reservations, accounting laptop or administrative officers, shouting at others, such as voice commands listeners feel like a knife, like a needle , making people hear about the psychological damage, headaches, painful, uncomfortable, insomnia, restless.
In life there are those who say if only to say a few words that listeners who also popular, well liked, sympathizers and well trusted and often listen to. Their words often bring cool, gentle, quiet soul who listen. In contrast, when there are people to tell them though nobody said many believe, is not the preferred one. The words they cause discomfort, difficult to accept even a headache, fainting.
Thus, we see that words are important, words have great influence in the daily lives of everyone. If anyone feels life more painful, very painful, they are not always fun, not peace which is the need to adjust their speech, but still easy to hear, easy to moderate injuries. Why? Because, they also want to hear the words catchy, cute, not only in the content of the speech that even in voice tones, so as not to bother other people are in need of peace of mind soul.
So, not to say cruel, evil or not exported (in both the verbal content and voice tones) is a low operating virtues of charity. It's easy to hear a word virtues, gentle, easy to carry affection to avoid crime.
In the Cross karma Director , said: do not say cruel things will be eight benefits:
1. Words no legal wrong, not common sense
2. Words have always benefits
3. The words of truth are always right
4. Words always smart, beautiful
5. Words are receptive to listen
6. Words are trusted people
7. The Word says that no one can belittle
8. Popular speech, love.
Not bad gate (not to say cruel) technique will be presented in Part 2 of this book.
4. Not saying embroidered (not relying language):
Not saying embroidered (not relying language) word that is not beautiful ornate polished. The term dependence is not their words not as floral embroidery, silk weaving, not sweet, with molasses as baffled the heart center. Their words do not seduce others to do the wrong thing.
Those who say that those who can weave any major center. They usually take advantage of the trust to deceive, cajole profiteering. These people typically stem from greed and dark thoughts that say these beautiful words, mellow, sweet to the listener to conquer his sake. The word is often embellishing the derision cheapening life, and to alienate property from harm, both to honor the life and day again.
According to the karma Cross director , who did not speak weaving will enjoy three benefits:
1. To be adored;
2. Using intellectual honesty answer the questioner;
3. There are good moral dread, not falsehoods.
Do not rely language skills will be presented in Part 2 of this book.
Above are four of the export industry , which is the speech industry caused by mouth. Old people used to say, general merchandise export, import and export accomplice disease means that a calamity mouth, and oral disease on. Four of the export industry will be thoroughly presented in Part 2 of this book.
Following is one of three in the industry , meaning that three owned by the cause that greed, hatred and delusion.
C. Three good things about the industry:
1. Not greedy :
Greed is the root of samsara. Greed or lust pleasures include year are: financial (money), name (fame), color (beauty), real (diet) and lobe (sleep). In this one no one can be avoided. Greed is satisfied, then joy, joy. And vice versa when greed is not satisfied, the student center suffering, sorrow.
Greed of man is infinite, it's like a bottomless bucket, how much is not enough. When there is want, when and, to want more. So people have a lifetime of hard work pit, struggling to be happy to satisfy desires. But greed is endless, people do not know that stopping is never enough, so life is hard, sometimes sticks to the body.
Here are 5 types of participation:
+ Join assets ie desire for more money, riches, tall wide doors, eat sung happy. Therefore, to have that, you have to work hard first off the dark side, do not know the rest. Those who do eat it straight bring their labor to earn a lot of money, so it is not resting peacefully, not enough time to take care of every aspect of a happy family life. And the resources that people want more money jesuitic the ruse used to calculate eligible, loss of appetite, restless sleep always looking for ways to spend their benefits. Lighter then as traders, seeking to lie, buy cheap and sell expensive to be much interest. Weight is seeking to defraud, caused many people to bring their own money. Such people can not be happy, they always find a way to spend part of their benefits, should worry about, plotting should have come down hard on his body even cause more crime by greed.
In contrast there are many who do not desire money who want less, know enough (Minimize motto), there is not much demand, just eating enough, no need to store a wide high, fully furnished . Their lives are simple but mentally relaxed, at peace, no money was tormented body.
Those who do not participate finance, far from attempting to find ways to have more money, but they also show compassion to do good petal by offering money to help poor and disadvantaged people in the society.
+ Join fame is craving status, high authority, solemnly, sitting on grub them eat. There are those who want to participate fame than the social status to demonstrate our smart, gifted than others and proud of relatives, friends, neighbors village. But there are many who desire to have their position and height for the rights and conditions to satisfy greed opportunities such as money and do the right conditions to carry out corruption. All those who have greed name must be difficult to insert the bow, bribes, bribery, run right, run the function but still always afraid someday lose status and position. Old people have a saying: The higher the difficulty the more glory. participants So fame has always miserable, anxious, have always sought to protect the position, the power he has been and is to satisfy his craving fame.
Participants fame, so they are always busy thinking endeavored to keep his fame status in family life should be easy to have defects. The Buddhist monastic whether at home or when was in high social status, often ill greed overshadowed so it's hard to leave their positions and are constrained in the way of my practice.
+ Join identity is amorous and sensual beauty. Join identity saying here is to speak to the negative side, the other with a love of natural beauty, cultural and artistic beauty, the beauty of art or architecture. Persons who wish to satisfy greed greed identity of his identity must spend more money, mental health and depression, sometimes to find the worst wiles to satisfy the desire. If not, leave a stab of jealousy, hatred, murder. There enthusiasts lust, life chasing shadows make beautiful broken families, wives and children separated even lead to life wither. Such people have not seen the impermanence of life. Life is constantly changing, the beautiful body that identity today, but every day for hours trail time it will fade and become emaciated.
Want to eradicate greed excellence, visualize the Buddha taught that the human body contains many impurities, it is like a thick skin filled with stinking saliva, sputum, saliva, Sticky, wax, feces, urine, sweat How bad .... If customary not enough to eradicate the craving mind to correlate permanent collection (a bloated corpse rot, insect larvae draws, wolves, Peak to Peak 'their meat, only a human skeleton, the end it's also the same bone dissolution and a layer of dust winds are white fly, no remaining traces).
+ Join carry the desire to eat strange delicacies, seafood items, rare wildlife. The desire to eat strange delicacies that leads to more and more police living animals, causing stabbing scene, sharing meat promotion body in birth, causes injustice injustice same scene reported lifetimes. The animals eat a lot of good is to result in poisoning death scene, in addition to many items from eating meat, the digestive organs of the human stomach, liver, intestines have to work too much, affecting the cardiovascular system and kidneys, cause people to be more disease.
People do not actually involved, not the meat exposed at birth, seafood but also done fasting according to their actual conditions, such as fasting daily, some days or vegetarian. These people were expressing compassion, expressed love for animals, but also benefit themselves. Do not eat meat, fish will avoid many diseases because, scientifically, when animals are slaughtered, their pain and suffering brought hatred, itself produces toxic substances spread in their flesh that we should eat. Buddhist point of view, is a vegetarian eat the ones previous lives as their parents and grandparents of many generations in a previous life.
+ Join lobe that is, the desire to sleep, rest, recreation, leisure transition. Participants sleep or sleep more, sleep early, wake up late born lazy calculation, obesity, poor intellectual development due to stagnation and decline will ease. Such people are vulnerable to parasites, not subject to labor, to work to earn a living for themselves. As abstruse, but the desire for sleep, there are also expressed desire entertainment Joneses leads to busy playing, alienated labor, power constraints and limited social development.
All of the above greed (name, assets, identity, implementation, lobes) are now involved , are now evil. Join now belongs to the industry (as one of three owned by the cause).
Want to kill exhibitors, ie overcoming sensual desires in this world, one must practice to reflect and to smooth sharp intellectual virtues to attain sexual minority (less libido). Clearly aware of the harmful effects of greed communication, understanding psychological benefits of education to eliminate greed, we must master ourselves before every circumstance, every object pitfalls temptations around us. Practicing for the eradication of worldly greed, not greed, infatuation, not cling to life will bring peace and serenity.
Buddhists do not abandon greed, but also the current offerings, alms. Giving away happiness is letting go, bringing part of the assets or share of his wealth to the poor, unfortunate. Laypeople and monastics do not mind the name, the honor, winning not bother avoidance benefits, living with letting go of the mind peace of mind, serenity, peaceful life, peace and liberation, at illness, less pain.
In contrast, those who are guilty of greed is right in this life of incurring bad karma or retribution in the afterlife burden must now sink into the three evil paths. (Some stories about greedy business, please see the third part of this book).
Kinh Thien Cross Industry Act says: He who does not crave pleasures of the world will be in the following order of merit:
1. Three professional body, speech and mind be free in, because the house was fully human.
2. Wealth is free at all because the enemy will not harm the enemy.
3. Merit in itself, because when the heart wants what is wanted.
4. The king himself in, because the precious possessions are brought to the dedication.
5. Given the margin hundred times he had to, because of his past life without heart four cropping.
2. No anger:
He does not have anger often not interested in the job to oppose, reverse heart. First things happen for themselves or not, they do not express anger, they always keep countenance normal, mild, no frown, no blush, no frustration, no meltdowns, but still relaxed brutality However like nothing happened, even if not refreshed, please embrace yourself. The anger does not recognize that despite scowling, annoyed the incident had happened and just looking to get things right. Which is okay to firstly know your attitude of patience, forgiveness, the guys even cause unwanted things can realize what they left satisfied with their cause. Those who have no hatred never denotes anger, than losing, jealousy, envy, sadness, but also express the mind rejoicing before every success and victories of others.
Instead, there is anger always facial expressions, verbal or by action before the event that they are not satisfied. On the face from the eyes, frown, blushing, stroke frustrating, annoying are clearly expressed. In the mouth, they flush the angry words, cruel words, even nagging, swearing. With action, they dodder angrily, to hit someone or even assault. nature or hatred or anger is a very destructive ugliness, it's like an evil fire, it burned burn themselves as well as people around you. It causes great harm to the harmony, unity, and even affect the family happy because when anger not calm, wise dementia, often leads to foolish words, cruel words do listeners can not bear it. So just because sometimes anger that caused murder, brought to the scene illegal imprisonment. People with anger often make not only myself but also for those around negativity or suffering.
In social relations and especially in family relationships between parents and children, between brothers, between husband and wife, if not hold back the anger easily lead to damage loving, leading to disruption of family happiness. The husband has anger, only with a small profile of the wife is also easy to put to words grumpy, rude, defamatory wife even harming conjugal affection, as agent for long-term disruption happy. They insult that anger and hurt of her dignity, her scolding with vulgar words, they even fight her arms with arms luc.Va opposite action, hatred wife, hot temper often say the words heavy as lead, razor-sharp, nagging husband also lead to the erosion of love, meaning spouses, adversely affecting not only for the couple but also negatively impact the grandchildren. taking woman hatred, the spirit is always in a state of serenity, which often speaks harshly for not only her husband but also for her children and grandchildren whenever there is a preliminary matter what small. Should, before the application of small children, just say it gently admonished them flush heavy slander, it not only makes the children but also caused modifications in mind children not sympathetic thoughts, bad thoughts, damage to family happiness. Generally, people have easy go of your anger to take wise, sober and not cause so much bad karma.
In addition, people taking anger sometimes just knowing without knowing their respected respect others, because what I (ego) is too large, so if anyone up to even a small oversight is already mad.
Anger is common sense angry, annoyed. But if understood in a broad sense, according to Buddhist teachings, the hatred that include anger, anger (anger), anger, than the (hate), but grew angry concealed malice (extensive) sadness, because something (brain), jealousy, envy (jealousy) etc. .. The jealousy and envy or jealousy is an expression of anger. many people see others accomplishing something they do not usually come up properties jealousy envy, frustration, decry. Therefore, the scriptures teach that one pitch center concept emerged in the hundreds of thousands of disasters ( First anniversary starting center courtyard, literature department appetizer) . Therefore, the Buddha learned to know in advance ballast anger because it may be just a spark of anger flared fire will burn all the forests merit. Know winning bouts anger arises, be aware of their spiritual master. Want to use that intellectual contemplation of an event to practice empathy and compassion, forgiving one another, as nothing happened, as the breeze, clouds.
In fact, want to eradicate hatred, in addition to compassion arise, they must know petal kill self, his ego crackdown down. Sometimes longer feel responsible and guilty in another incident that caused their anger. Need to practice to apologize energy, all problems will soon be released. The Buddha taught that one should only see the right, the good of others and to know that evil, its wrong. In the case of anger happen to know who apologized for his cause anger and preferably should thank them honestly because they have the opportunity to create their own discipline, to self development, achievement virtue. There are new so eliminate hatred, creating new karma.
Those who do not have anger always serene life, rejoicing in merit, the people loved, respected. By contrast people with anger often cause no good karma, should be subject to negative consequences in your life right now, depending on the cause and severity that the next life will fall into the three evil paths, or if the student the results were also reported damage to his life. (Some stories told of anger, please see the third part of this book).
Kinh Thien Cross directorial teach him who do not mind all the hatred will be eight virtues:
1. It does not damage the brain.
2 /. It does not anger.
3 /. It does not scramble.
4 /. Mind is gentle, upright.
5 /. Mind is like the Buddha of compassion.
6 /. Trivial benefit and peaceful beings.
7 /. The form is dignified, respected everyone.
8 /. Have faith gentleness, patience, after being on the Brahma realms.
Only the practitioner is tricked out what new evidence hatred results from the skin function, second-order effect Thanh Van saints.
3. No delusion:
The delusion is not the correct understanding (politics) and right thinking (the thinking), not an ignorant statement, no bigotry on their subjective knowledge, not concealed his ignorance, does not believe in the heresy, the irrational, unscientific (ie not superstitious). The delusion is not wise people smart, understanding the teachings of the Buddha as impermanence, law of karma, reincarnation, knowing to do good avoid evil. They usually have a high center of awareness, not sloth, state of mind is not obscure. The delusion that people know not shatter any attachments, know how to find unknown origin ignorance.
Contrary to the delusion that the lack of knowledge, wisdom narrow, intolerant, ignorant believe in, and underdeveloped knowledge or understanding subjective according to their ignorance. They often believed in heresy, the scientific absurdity, the cloud cover is not where the main distinction, what is wrong or should they fall into the wrong track, prone to go on the road crush superstitious. Ignorance on the fact that the ignorance I, so 's I and so my self. ignorant people who lack intellectual bravery and poor follow up or hear things that are not true, and hear what anybody says and believe in blindly, not judgment. Therefore, if Buddhists minded ignorance often dragged into the path superstitious beliefs harming the Buddhist teachings, the legal separation from the Blessed One. Such people, while practicing prone sloth, torpor, asleep. These things are often obstacles on the path.
So Buddha wants to eradicate ignorance must now undergo threefold ie learning, concentration and wisdom. Thanks to strict precepts except clearing the confusion, many new achievements merit. M bending avoid deluded mind, wrong, wanted to know and usually thought to reflect the proper things, that the source original ignorance, attachment to get rid of all the static center, freeing up the interior. To avoid sloth, torpor and stupidity lead to wrong and to make conscious thoughts, in terms of life should be practiced carefully, eat a balanced diet, not drinking, not for the tired body weary hard.
The delusion not take life so wise, sober, proper harmony, respected by everyone. Contrary to the ignorant people often disregard life. Due to superstition, or they commit evil because evil is ignorance, so they often bear the consequences are not good, the afterlife prone to fall into the three evil paths. (Some stories told of ignorance, please see the third part of this book).
Kinh Thien directorial Cross teaches that shatter the delusion wrong will be ten meritorious achievement follows:
1.Duoc joy honesty and honorable friends.
2.Tin deep causal, rather lost my life and not do evil.
3.Chi refuge in the Buddha, not follow pagan refuge.
4.Tam be straight politics.
5.Thuong to heaven, from the fall into the three evil paths.
6.Phuoc unexpected wisdom, often increase sales.
7.Dut really wicked ways, direct care amendment.
8.Khong longer content to fall, remove all the bad karma.
9.Tru political place.
10.Khoi distress data.
Above are three of the industry (greed, hatred, delusion). It is now the last three in ten that the Buddha taught of doing good karma Cross director.
D. Benefits of good practice decade
Cross charity is a method to help students of Buddhism from beginners to people who export from the achieve progress on the path of liberation. Buddhists are determined to carry out the charitable act decades, will certainly be freed from worldly sufferings, because action is the key to good decade to avoid all evil deeds, inevitably sink into three lines of suffering . Moreover, while enjoying all the happiness in life.
Only those who follow Buddhism, understanding the teachings of Buddhism, lucid awareness of the benefits of the charity Action for gathering new life was determined to practice the ten good karma. Decades of practice must be improved, eliminating ten evil deeds, have brought such joyful new life, a new round escape suffering. Cross-friendly practices have the power to help the Buddhist meditators and prevent acts of cruel, so all the peaceful circumstances are playful. Ten good practices helps the body, speech and mind are pure monk. Due soul so pure escapism new human life and death and new life are completely happy in every scene. Due purity, serenity, the body will not disease, relaxed mind is always peaceful, never obstacles in life.
Implement strictly confidential Compassion Cross Action will achieve economic benefits that karma Cross Training is taught:
1. Body and mind become nice, friendly actions, verbal expression full moral, compassionate charity development. Beings are equal, mutual mercy.
2. There is no hatred so return good for evil, so from hatred becomes grace, love. Forbearing spirit to transform into a ferocious gentle
3. People no longer kill each other fight that only one lap mutual affinity only.
4. When practitioners determined to make ten good, will definitely be to heaven or buddhafields, enjoying eternal mercy, because Buddha has pointed out that the Buddhas of the ten directions and the three sages escape from the cycle of birth and rebirth, attained Supreme Bodhi Pyramid must Compassion Compassion Cross and taken as the basis for their practice.
Also ... Pham Dinh Nhan
[1] Venerable Thich Tri Thu, Chairman of the Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Church since 1981 (Course 1), that name is Nguyen Van Kinh, Ruby legal name, legal director of martyrdom, legal Thich Tri Thu performance. Monk was born on 19.9.Ky Rooster (11/01/1909) at Trung Kien, Quang Tri, Ty died 2.3.Giap day (02/04/1984), 76-year-old's life offices, 56 direct
[2] Venerable Thich Quan Hoan Pham Ngoc Tho's name. France name same compassion, self-Almighty France, the French brand favorite eunuch, was the opening Khanh Van Son Pagoda, District 11 Saigon. Monk was born on 16-09-1928 (Thin Trade) in the village of Long Phuoc, this is the village of Hoa Hoa Binh Nghia Tu Nghia District, Quang Ngai Province. Monk died at 15h 15 minutes June 17 Rooster year (22 to 07 in 2005). Head's 78 year, 58 year-old director
[3] Most Venerable Thich Tam Chau, born in 1921, Ninh Binh town, ordained the age of 11, has served as a founding member of the Vietnam Buddhist Association in Hue in 1951, after the honor was Deputy Chairman reign of Vietnam Church Sangha. After 1975, he moved to France abbot Hong Hien Pagoda and across Canada settling in Montreal , where he founded the temple Tu Quang. Monk was the head out Buddhist Church of Vietnam in the world .
[4] In the 33 realms of heaven, here are six realms of heaven sexuality (sexual favor) usually refers to the Buddhist scriptures include the four realms of Uranus (the lowest heaven, the habitation of heavenly king) , Trayastrimsa disasters (2nd floor, accommodation Sakka), 3rd floor: from Da Ma disasters, Floor 4: Where natural stone, Floor 5: Bien Hoa Lac disasters and Floor 6: In natural alienation ( Home of sexuality, the highest realms of sexuality, the natural shelter ma),
[5] See "People with Dis Doctrine of Dependent Origination - Pham Dinh Nhan - Religious Publishing - 2012
[6] At that time, also known as Paramitayana Contents include: Giving, Morality, Patience, charge, Meditation and Wisdom. This is the practice reached full enlightenment of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of Mahayana.
[7] The cycle of six realms: hell, hungry ghost, animal, asura, human realm, heaven. After death, rebirth due to karma reincarnation into one of 6 on the road.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.28/2/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).