Wednesday 18 June 2014

Ajahn Sumedho.
When the mind is in a state of quiet, attentive listening, you can feel the vibrations of its sound 'sound of silence'. What is that sound? Does that sound is perceived through the normal ear or from outside? The sound comes from the center or from your nervous system, or something else? Whatever that sound is, it has always existed there, and it can be used in meditation as a means for us to turn inward.
When we realized that all manifestations of mind when starting up and then lose, this is the time we begin to realize all thoughts will no longer start up again, but it still does not take away that still always existed. If you start thinking about sound, assign it a name, and by all means to get it, how you behave wrong about it. The sound is not a criterion for study participation if you reached the point where you want the center of the shirt wise, it is not the ultimate goal of our mind to contemplate. From that perspective, we only observe it. You can think and hear that sound (be careful if you deal with it), but once you immerse yourself in thoughts, you will forget it and do not even hear it anymore. So, when thoughts arise, you need to recognize you are looking forward concepts, go to the center and back to sound, to be attentive to listen to it for a while. When your emotions or mind obsessed, or whatever obstacles emerge, you should behave gently and patiently his heart, consistent emotions when it comes, and see all status are impermanent, unsatisfactory and not-self, then you let go and let it go. Every emotion and obsession in you will leave a gentle and subtle that you need not oppose. Therefore, attitudes and perspectives of your insight is very important. You do not need to explain anything to feel sound in quiet state. Many people tend to be excited and think you discover or achieve something, and this is thought by many people when they face the tranquil state of mind. Practice behave wisely and your mind will experience the freshness, the heart should not fall prey to excitement; you need to behave very wise and subtle, then let go and let things go, not holding and self was a certain state! One will encounter obstacles in meditation if they think they have achieved something from the sound of silence.
This is your chance to shop at any state of body and mind, focus status and control all experienced it, felt such focus your legs shake hands or how, or focus on any every point on your body. Feel the blade when it hits the side of your mouth, on the upper lip, lower lip or in your mouth wet out star, the pressure of the clothes on the body. By the subtle feeling that we will not have to worry while focusing. When you shop at the same subtle touch that requires you to concentrate the mind, body, and you have to really relax. Body is subject to our attention. When focused, the mind needs gentle and calm, but if you feel a lack of focus and abhor myself, was when your body feels unstable. Wake up and learn to live like the rest of your lifetime. Learn to live with yourself and behave with kindness attitudes. Maybe you will think: "Oh, this body it is not nothing, it is worth boring, then it will be old, sick and die. Body is not worth anything, the new center is important. "This is the attitude common to most Buddhists! Need to be patient with yourself work is urgently needed instead interested in other frivolous things. View the network itself is often completely wrong attitude, you must always focus on awakening the body and the body behaves in the most prudent attitude. Talk like that does not mean we proved important to our ego, but it is the emotional attitude and willingness, to show our concern for ourselves out there-knowing that This is fake temporary body.
So meditation is to focus on consistency in understanding yourself and the emptiness of the mind. New observation status until you really understand it, from the time it starts up until it corrects itself, when we see the nature of it. When people do not cling to anything and do not realize what their own is when you really understand why this body exists in the physical layer, and liberate yourself from life and death.
The road to wisdom not to mean intense focus on the status of, can enter into different realms, or abandon all but the important thing is you need a center with orientation her. Meditation does not mean denying turned all worldly things. Also not trying to achieve a certain status by removing all thinking. The practice to give us wisdom actually very gentle, let all the bad thoughts of freedom arise, and then abandon it all. You do not need to tame your mind that it's just for an escape, as well as a safety valve that opens when you need inside the pipe carrying too much pressure. Usually when you have many desires are desires that will be released in your sleep. But wisdom does not come from the desire. The problem here is like an animal without understanding, you need to train it a habit, when it tired because of your training, it will fall, when it wakes you again continuous training, and it broke down. But the road to wisdom is to be aware of examining things on a consistent basis, to see the limits of body and mind are dying off. This is when you need to promote your metabolic capacity to treat the term with the prejudices of the mind and feel it in your dying.
You are all illusions blew my mind, was when the crazy thoughts in your dying-I do not want to say you are an immortal creature for fear that you will cling to that notion! "My true nature is so incredibly knowledgeable shirt, the absolute truth. I and God are one. I am the true face of the ever-present, often optimistic, not limited by time. "But you should also keep in mind the Buddha refers to the ultimate truth is, he does not use words like inspiring in poetry to express, because he does not want us to fall into the cling, we can experience the ultimate truth or identical with God or in eternal peace someday. We can say that when you experience something that state, you feel like you're flying and flooded with emotions very new. Here are the subtle, difficult to name, and others experience when it is difficult to express in words. You need to be really careful and sober with state experience, if not, you will be disappointed.
If you let go of the status that experience, then after that it will go away. Surely then you will feel regret and guilt, as the other excited states in you no more. But you stay calm, let go and let it go.
You should know that religious people often inward and always interested me, so they are usually quiet mind. Even the Christian faithful also have strong beliefs, they are also capable of very high concentration. The person's mind when they get like that, they radiate in a very strong impression. I myself must admit that when people step into a state of complete calm mind, their appearance looks so incredibly peaceful and exuding an extremely impressive strength. In Buddhism, such a state is called a "crazy Zen" - (sannavipallasa) - "meditation Madness" - A teacher has many spiritual experience, he realized that the state of the game, he usually separating the private pupils that live in a bleak am in the woods and reminding the students that do not communicate with anyone at all! I remember the first year of life to learn from his teacher Ajahn Chah in Nong Khai, I went through that state, I think that I have achieved fully enlightened state, I live in a secluded hermitage dedicated to themselves. My mind was very clear and thorough understanding of all things in life, and ... But I do not have anyone to share what I experienced. I do not speak Thai, so I can not see the Thai monk to share with them. But then one day, a British consul from Vientiane, Laos in the state had visited the monastery, where I studied, and a person in the monastery took him to the hermitage of me ... so I have someone to confide what I have experienced, but the other leaders did not fully understand what I mean at all! He has been in my hermitage with a mood stunned, as an Englishman, he was very polite, and every time he intends to stand up, I want to report back to stop him linger. I kept telling him about the state I experienced my mind at that moment as the Niagara waterfalls, rippling water picturing a very strong which I also can not help that water. Finally, the other leaders also leave my hermitage, he departed as an escape: After this, I do not have a chance to see him again, and I also do not understand why?!
Experience As such status, an important issue here is that we need to be aware of it. State that nothing dangerous even if we know about it. We need to be patient, do not rush to believe in what he was experiencing, and not to get too excited. You should also know that the Buddhist monks never going to talk about that here 'ability to experience' of her-if they are going to say, there were unrelated to state that they have experienced.
Once you have someone to guide us through meditation, we can not teach them about the things we often experience that teaches them about the Noble Truths, a means to bring them to enlightenment. Today, there are many self-proclaimed they are the self-proclaimed enlightened or they are the embodiment of Maitreya, who had a realization (avatar) aims to entice large number of followers to himself; Usually people who come to their unsuspecting gullible! Buddha was also recommended that in order to see clearly consider the nature of the problem instead of how hurriedly put their faith in what others say or advice. Here's how to see things wisely, wisdom, through which we will discover and recognize the limitations of the mind. Be consistent at all phenomena are impermanent (anicca Sankhara Sabbe), and all measures are selfless (Sabbe dhamma anatta).
(Translated from work: Mindfulness: The Path to the deathless / Mindfulness: The Path to Immortality).
Translator's note: Born in 1934 in Seattle, Washington, USA. Ajahn Sumedho has found that as a Theravada Buddhist monk in Thailand in 1966. He spent ten years for his meditation with Ajahn Chah, a monk in a way to maintain the traditional practice in the forest as the Buddha. 1976 Church Sangha Sumedho was invited to England UK, after which time, he founded two major monasteries in the center of this country-and Amaravati Monastery Chithurst-and some other small branches. He was elected President of the Buddhist Church of England in 1984.

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