Wednesday 18 June 2014

I. How the body and mind in patients
This is not easy but need to make if you want to overcome the pain of illness, escape fear, haunted by the disease brings. Treatment with medication, nutrition and other therapies are needed, but in time ill (not from the disease) or living with the disease (the disease is untreated or treatment is long-term) , and especially for the elderly, patients who are not considered an inevitable, then how to reduce pain, anxiety, fear, pessimism and depression are urgently needed. Here are a few things of particular interest:
1. Spiritual values, spiritual values
These spiritual values, spiritual values ​​can help people win the pain, illness, overcome difficulties and do things that hard to do.
In Samyutta Nikaya V has recorded many cases the disciples of the Buddha final illness, by listening methods, practice that overcome major diseases. For example venerable Mahakasyapa ill, Buddha visited and said he came to hear a summary for the ligation of enlightenment, listening to Venerable Kassapa healing.
Tang Bat Like his eyes to the Indians tried many times to bring economic Surangama spread to China but do not be, because this is a rare texts court should not allow any outsider. After several unsuccessful attempts, he wrote on a piece of silk trade then rolled thin, cut meat stuffed into his thigh, then tape it looks like scabies infected pulp style. So that brings you new business Surangama water to pass out to China and popular to this day. A knife wounds, sharp objects stabbing pain also discomfort, let alone roll stuffed cloth butchered on the ice and how the pain. 's Long day wound ulcers, infected or malicious, not only tortured heater, stinging pain, but also dangerous to life. If they are not trivial lofty aspiration, no elaborately practice, the few who do this well.
Shamans Securities Act (Taiwan) was a doctor treating cancer but suffer from cancer. The monastic practice, sufferings and fun play center, engage in charity work and propagate the Dhamma. People are often exposed to the cancer patient, comforting, encouraging and helping patients with pain beliefs metabolic disease, change your life, to find peace and pleasure in the good direction, practical life spirituality, he teaches patients conceptual change, transform emotions, optimism and living life over the title of Amitabha Buddha. It miraculously, from which escape sickness.
On a few cases cited to illustrate spiritual values, spiritual values ​​was massive. Some spiritual values, spiritual values ​​that the practice of living life according to Buddhist ethics are:
a. Positive perception
Recognizing the nature of the world, the quality of life is impermanent, selfless, always conditioned by living in a state of variation (changed), from which people have to accept the rules of birth, aging, illness, death as well as any changes of circumstances and conditions surrounding birth cycle, cylindrical, straight, or to kill, office, damage, not, be aware that we do not have help for discontent, resistance supporting or opposing (do not want to accept the fact of aging, illness, death) a helpless, useless weary way for what is seen as the rule. Positive attitude follow the laws of nature, calm before the impermanence makes us gently, less pain, less brain whether the body is carrying many diseases.
The experience of illness, gradual evolution of body damage, the suffering of old age helps us to sense more clearly, more deeply into the nature of human life, the impermanence happenings going in every month, every day, every second, every minute, every snap, that moment when we normally do not care, do not notice.
The experience helps us validate the dukkha (the truth of suffering, the truth of suffering), enlightenment impermanence, selflessness.
b. Capacity to practice
The process has painstakingly practice, the achievements and wisdom will force more solid, solid center, lucidity than a normal person can not elaborately practice. When standing before the events of impermanence, even when facing illness and death, the center has remained peaceful practice, not panic anxiety, no fear, no suffering.
The more you let go, centrifugal exhaust craving, clinging, no attachment, no anger, no regret, no resentment and no injuries, the more gentle, peaceful, get rid of those suffering hardship. Therefore the training of the mind, mental training is essential.
c. Capacity blessings
A good life with the peaceful mind, not regret, regret, regret no conscience, the heart usually happy, fulfilled, from which the physical pain caused by the disease raging go well with, Despite facing the death of fear is not worried, and he believes he will have a good life in the future after the body get rid of this karmic merit by which they were created.
Those who do a lot of good also common conditions, good circumstances, many people are interested in helping, sharing, from which they also found much joy and opportunity to overcome difficulties and illness.
d. The spirit of optimism, will, courage beyond suffering, illness:
These psychological states such as sadness, anxiety, fear, boredom, suffering, mental depression, confusion due to illness; obsession, paranoia about illness, death will undermine the vitality, impaired immunity, resistance against diseases, making the condition more and more serious. The spirit of optimism, will, courage, confidence to overcome the disease; despised the disease, not the disease-important for patients to help alleviate the physical pain brought by disease, increase resistance against disease.
2. Industry and energy metabolism of the body and mind to meditate
The practice of meditation to treat heart disease patients and relatives, to help patients get rid of the negative psychological states such as insecurity, anxiety, fear, grief, depression, anguish and minimize physical pain due to illness brings.
II. Originally Meditation Method to get the value of the benefits of meditation
1. The Introduction of the four foundations of mindfulness meditation through mindfulness of breathing
Meditation Originally called Tathagata Meditation, meditation is derived from the Pali Canon (Nikaya). One of the important texts Theravada meditation is talking about doing away Enter notion of instant (breathing Mindfulness-Anapanasatisuttam breath, doing 118 of Central III ). This is the most important texts mentioned synthesis methods of meditation and meditation only.
Zen Buddhist meditation include only (Samatha) and meditation (Vipassana), Anapanasati (mindfulness breathing exhalation) is the only meditation and consistent enough. Stop thinking, to mind track breathing meditation breath is just. Observing nature being out of body, feelings, mind and Justice (Foundations of Mindfulness), analyzing, thinking about objects that are based on Dependent birth, impermanence, selflessness, here is meditation .
Here are 16 titles Buddha taught the Four Foundations of Mindfulness meditation (contemplation of body, feelings, mind, legal) through mindfulness of breathing exhaled breath:
A. Four titles on the body (Body mindfulness)
1. As long breathing, he should clearly know: I breathe in long - When breathing out long, he should clearly know: I exhale long.
2. When breathing in short, he should clearly know: I breathe in short - When breathing out short, he should clearly know: I breathe out short.
3. Feeling body, I will breathe in - Feeling the whole body, I shall breathe out.
4. Resting personally, I would breathe - An office personally, I will exhale.
B. Four titles on feelings (Tho mindfulness)
1. Feeling joy life, I will breathe in - feeling joy life, I will exhale.
2. Feeling pleasures, I will breathe in - feeling pleasures, I will exhale.
3. Mental feeling, I will breathe in - feeling her mind, I shall breathe out.
4. Calmness out, I will breathe in - Operating calmness, I will exhale.
C. Four topics of interest (Mind mindfulness)
1. Sense of mind, I will breathe in - feeling emotional, I will exhale.
2. With joy, I will breathe in - With joy, I will exhale.
3. With the static mind, I will breathe in - With the static mind, I shall breathe out.
4. With freedom of mind, I will breathe in - With freedom of mind, I will breathe out
D. Four of legal topics:
1. Quan impermanence, I shall breathe in - Quan impermanence, I shall breathe out.
2. Disaster Management, I will breathe in - management participation, I will exhale.
3. Quan perish, I will breathe in - Quan passes away, I will breathe out
4. Quan abandoned, I will breathe in - Quan abandoned, I will exhale.
2. Brief Introduction to Vipassana Meditation (Vipassana) Meditation, or mindfulness, introspection
Like the Foundations of Mindfulness, Vipassana taking body, feelings, mind, reflection as object methods, the direct purpose is to realize the impermanence, interdependent selflessness of phenomena (the state of mental and physical, psychological and physical, is typical in this body, feelings, mind, legal). Through meditation suspension was wandering, delusions, to see clearly the nature of selflessness (conditioned by birth, not itself, is not sovereign, because the conditions, causes and conditions which have no independent existence, not self also not a natural born lost), very often (always changing, not often, usually longer (not usually exist invariant).
Basis of Vipassana is based on the four foundations of mindfulness approach, but expanded into a variety of methods to apply to many different audiences. Practices are consistent body and breath through attention motion tracking phenomenon rising and falling of the abdomen. During this time the mind to observe the phenomenon arises in the body, the mind, just observe his uniform, not only with these phenomena. To track mind focused, identifying the arising (appearance, birth) and the change, loss of bodily phenomenon, where mind.
There are a number of Vipassana meditation center teaches mindfulness meditators (attention, not thinking, delusions) where the nose, the breath and then transferred to observe the sensations in the body or place to observe changes center.
At the end of this article would like to reaffirm the value of benefits that meditation brings the patient in particular and all those who have faith in the practice in general:
1. Physically
- Conditioning the body, helps blood circulation, restore balance of yin and yang (According to the rationale of medicine, the condition of yin and yang imbalance leads to disease resistance decline).
- Helps absorb life energy.
- Eliminate germs (Qigong Studies said meditation helps purify the body, bald excreted gas, medical gases harmful to the body).
2. Mental
- Helps relax, relieve stress inhibits the psychological stress which is removing the cause of many diseases.
- Helps stabilize mental, emotional mastery (not to generate negative emotions that ancient continent known as sex, lost love).
- Increases concentration, good memory
- Abundant spirit, the mind is bright.
3. Spiritual
In terms of the spiritual enlightenment, liberation is the largest value that only new Buddhist meditation, the meditation can not be pagan. Meditation helps to develop (the ability to highly concentrate the mind, not being distracted, calm, not be influenced or dominated by objects outside and inside (delusions, thoughts) and mental ( directly perceive the existence of psychological and physical. know the show is different from ordinary perception.) When contemplating the profound maturity of impermanence, interdependent origination, non-self of the law (of the objects, phenomena, physics) it appears that as true intellectual reality, from which the practitioner can enter selfless reality, not virtual is cling to fall, thus no longer bound, dominated By the way, this is called enlightenment, liberation. they are selfless approach ('s selfless, selfless approach), the story is only mortal sufferings of those who still dream about.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/6/2014.

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