Wednesday 18 June 2014

INITIAL STUDY ON meditation.

INITIAL STUDY ON meditation.

Why meditate? There are many reasons. But more significant is the thought of all wisdom, dispel ignorance, delusion, greed, anger and desire. The road to nirvana is to abandon clinging 'ego'.
For beginner meditation, I think that meditation is a program should be arranged with the step sequence.
First, the need to have a quiet place to practice every day to avoid being bothered while practicing. Next, wash your face, wash your hands and feet; if time permits, take a bath and wear clean clothing appropriate. Practice should be scheduled daily. I then set at 6 am and 6 pm, at which birds fly the nest. And when you meditate, you need to pay attention to your posture. Topline straight right, right and wise spirit that vigilance, not tense. Now you're ready to start. But, first of all, this is the beginning.
As Sujata said in his book " Beginning to See "-" Meditation is the best thing you can do for yourself. "However, for the beginner yogis it is not easy at all. The meditation should be voluntary, urge to look inside of yourself. Meditation takes discipline and a willingness to go further, not only to escape or ignore the problems that we are facing.
Why meditate? There are many reasons. But more significant is the thought of all wisdom, dispel ignorance, delusion, greed, anger and desire. The road to nirvana is to abandon clinging 'self.'
The ego is very obstinate. Sometimes we have a feeling that once it's gone, so then it crop up again. To some way can be long. Only diligence, persistence can help us achieve this goal.
Now you're sitting, legs crossed on the floor, in a quiet room. In the lotus position, if you do, or is selling lotus position, or for reasons of illness, you can sit on a chair. Keep your head straight and balanced on the shoulders. Do not stress too; should be comfortable, relaxed, and focused.
The first step of meditation is to observe the breath. Note nostrils, breath in ... out ... in ... out ... Pay attention to the last breath to breath to the nostrils. Pay attention to all the attention and is not at all.
This sounds paradoxical. But this really is. Now is not the time to dream, chasing thoughts whirring mess. You need to pay attention to your posture. Then do not think about it anymore. You know that the past is over, dead. Aware of what you have lived through, is absent. The future is yet to come. You can only 'present' ... is present in front of the rhythm of the breath.
Essence is to empty the mind of thought, get rid of all 'rubbish' the thoughts whirring. Just breathe in and out-in-out, never forcing the breath. You are not breathe - you, - on the exhale, until now, your ego slowly faded and began to disintegrate, disappear.
Just allow the thoughts to feel the breath as it flows in and out. The practice at first, do not think too much. You will see the breath thinner and lighter until you feel that you are no longer breathing. Now is the time that breathing was calming, and became very pleasant.
I lit a candle in the meditation room. The lamp has three purposes. First, if the mind wanders from, the tree serves as a point of attention. Eyes, first observing the candle, and then the eyes slowly closed. Although his eyes closed, you can still feel the presence of light. You can see with the eyes of the spirit. It will take you back to the present. The second purpose is only symbolic: To me it symbolizes the light of dharma. And finally, the lamp makes the air more comfortable and adorable. Incense, flowers, and Buddha great but really not necessary. A person can practice meditation anywhere, any place that quiet, is not good enough to be bothered.
If you meditate at home, remove the telephone line, to not be bothered while practicing.
Remember that meditation practice locations need not special. But there should be a certain place and time will not be changed, so that we have a habit of punctuality, proper location. Now, you've got to be a very good starting step. Where the Buddha was meditating and Bodhi tree where he attained enlightenment. A senior student can meditate anywhere - markets, cemeteries, caves, parks or refuse dump.
In meditation, the meditator back inside, the outside scenes have no impact at all; conversely, further time student on the way to practice, yogis can use the surroundings to make titles for meditation. It is important to remember that these thoughts should be trained and metabolism. We need to be controlled. But you, just now beginning. Thoughts from the outside will continue to invade your thoughts. This is only natural. You will be pleasantly surprised with the instructions seem unimportant. However, you still have to learn to know how to deal with things like this when they occur. Do not shove them aside angrily. Be gentle, kind. Give them names - past - present - future? Worthy? Not worth the price? Hatred? Greed? Desire? Selfish? When you start giving them the label is where we will gradually disappear. When they are no longer present, then you go back to your breathing nostrils. The breath will gradually become calm, quietly.
The other obstacle to self-pinched. The sound will seep into your consciousness - children playing, shouting, bus or plane passing. Please assign them the label as you did with these thoughts arise in thought. Keep the focus where breath, out breath gently, slowly. For a time, the sound gradually disappear as well. When you find yourself in the 'outside', take you back to the 'place' and 'here'. When you can sit for half an hour without thinking it was your breath gently and felt that no more breathing; This time, you will find that you are not breathing, but because there is breath, there you are.
I found that during meditation, so smiling mouth, like that of the Buddha. This smile brightens the spirit and make more playful spirit.
Now, in the beginning of meditation, if you practice within half an hour or longer, you should continue to complete or extend the time to meditate. Or you can navigate to metta - loving-kindness. Practice is very good because it removes hatred, jealousy, anger and low self-esteem.
It covers all the love, the ego is destroyed, only sympathetic joy, and good feeling for all living beings, sentient or accidentally, tangible or intangible, living or not also in life. Your heart must be in harmony from all the earth and the universe. Then you will see is not easy to kill a creature that even though it's a small insect.
While extending compassion, the most important thing is you have to know yourself wounded, injured a meaningful way. You will achieve this while still cloudy but the idea was discarded. Think like this: "I will get rid of all the thoughts in my turbid anger, hatred, ignorance, fear, greed, lust. I would make my mind clear, fresh and pure. Making sense of me as a transparent window. And with no little spirit in turbid morning, I headed to the living beings with compassion - compassion and kindness.
Imagine images of hearts you want from them. Become that person. Sensing their mood where you guide your feelings and thoughts to that person's heart. In time, you will feel an empathy-telepathy. You will feel the warmth. Do not stop here. Go on to the next person and the next. Bring the warmth, love, kindness of your heart and instill in the mind or character that you want to navigate to. If you do this once or twice a day, your horizons will be wide open. You will find that you are directing these subtle vibrations to all species, tangible and intangible, indiscriminately. This may be a prelude to a new acquaintance that you do not expect major. Everyone, whether alive or dead here. Familiar and strange. Animals, insects, trees. Everything inorganic or organic (organic or unorganic). And in this endless flow, your ego is 'gone', is integrated into everything.
When you finish your meditation, take a walking meditation, and in the meantime, remember to think about the Four Noble Truths of the Buddha; All beings are born to suffer, v ... v ...
And we need to find the way out, to find the way out of suffering. : Get a sure road safety and incorporate it into your life to live. And the goal is nirvana right here, right on this earth! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/6/2014.

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