The eighth book
Academic World Cup Episode Products-Slat
The Fifth Product
Again as in Nowhere written Tibetan "like listening to inside the pores. Bodhisattva also like, if the mind is empty place that instant magic reigns. So the Bodhisattva usually makes the mind is not empty. If the mind is not empty, i.e. the fullness. Emptiness also fullness ".The Fifth Product
Another case of people having instant fullness, general practice, didn't throw off the practice consistently emptiness. As wide as My Warranty (Ratnacuda Sutras). "Timeless Classics such as Italy (Aksayamati Sutras) say, meant to trigger paragraph except for the evil, real friendly France is advised there should subtract the mind disarray. Where T Ma Place i.e. jobs for treatment. Saying this is the Place to Ma Freemasons known as the evil bad and real friendly. "
Close Household Products(Atmabhavaraksa Sastah Paricchedah)
Friday Food
Here talking about depart result nothingness. Are achievements like? -Usually this achievement by mindfulness, which is depart result nothingness. So it's not Like Lai taught: keeping the thing coming, respect for mindfulness. For all such close touch Leanne self. An Office where mindfulness, the benefit of beings. Depending on the facility, the neutralization of mindfulness. See your favorite locations, such as quadratic dynamic mindfulness; don't fear time split. Institutional familiar; as for the body freed, mindfulness. As for the four dread style Director, facilities control mindfulness. As for the dread an Dinh nghi, calm mindfulness, keeping such disorder, are in full force mindfulness. When the laughter, giving the listener a high and mighty for that anger. Venture portraits hand decency toward mature mindfulness. If heard so know about the other sounds; high low no not a word of mindfulness. The same issue also not leave place; make the other fear that being lost. Who themselves feared, make the net the other trusts. Maintain mindfulness of mind as elephants drunk away Ma Spared (solely) used to overpower. This is mindfulness, or surveys to often see this mind is mindfulness. As for the possible wealth, far left. As previously stated notion is a egg shapers. This is mindfulness. Your achievements are celebrated like say depart result nothingness. Back to this notion is so you respect. The respect was all the surveys of contempt on her starboard side; It's for therapy with the fetish. Know this already wide here talk about equality.
What is equality? Experience Timeless Italy copy: "tu-one only-what is far from Ma Tha endlessly? If you don't mind. Static member close to the President's suite of silence, households maintained high tribute, owned apartments; There's no knife; time to go further. Forth did; only a family identity. Poison of Shiv, depart it gathered hubbub. The mind doesn't mind the depart, the disorder. My happy place not the President; didn't find the bridge to the evil. Until the preserved roads of dread. At know then know and stop. Easy to maintain and easy to complete.
What is the equal respect that can bring forth as truth? -means the past Germany Houses said: If at T Ma As Most; as real news. As the French Economy set of copy:
"From that Kavitha mind to see as truth. Guys see as truth is the Bodhisattva for being converted into the Center. I was like that at the mouth of three kingdoms Ma. For all of France are seen as true, will as your means of achievement where all beings. Medal of honor by the upper tank, Bi-tu, the intelligence study all fullness. Evidence into A multi-Nậu L Miệu T Bodhi. So we where not in the net, never tiring favors award. "
Sa Ma Spared in his place and the equally dignified. Sin immeasurable transcendent. Be worldly decor and immeasurable wealth, worldly peace I will just look forward to tons of freebies. Bring fire into the House. Hope to get water clear, are you respecting the polarity. The disciple has learned! Make up in general such mindfulness. The closeness of instant news, mindfulness far fictional ball leaving the benefit packages. If the far left the fictional fruit benefits, i.e. the thing it's difficult birth. So this incarnation, common to households wanting to specialize to remember thinking usually basics.
The ultimate horror: "Copy Advice Shou Home Department of Bodhisattva asked that for rice, sugar cane and alcohol in the same place should not launch your preferred Yi sank. News no charm didn't sink. There's no knives, no loss of mindfulness. High drain hysteria and perceived the evil words etc. due to the close mindfulness knows that the Chief Justice ".
Jing also copy: "the Bodhisattva mindfulness, the Chief Justice position not disarray".
Then again Doing The Next copy that: "If your mindfulness, all the negativity never arises. As your mindfulness, all the ghosts are there can be harmful. If your mindfulness, deviant, evil; all can fall into. If your mindfulness as the people shapers gateway, all mind real good, the mind of French departments, all of which can not enter. This speaks of the mindfulness Chief tri ".
Sutra Three La Suite To copy: associated knew me, knew his instant vertical stand; sit said the instant I sit; located adjacent to know his job is located. Like for this body known as the Chief Justice. So be quite overcome the Chief Executive of tri. Literally a police work never consistent. Offset y bring custard; or drink or eat; or sleeping or awake, so along with the abolition of preferential treatment tired, take, remove the building. And forth seated stand, or do thinh, per each cylinder are austerities where Chief Justice.
About the General. As Menstruation Posted Tam I copy: "The power of gender purity does not get infected, are equal. Due to enter matches with the world; also on that. So do about that mindfulness Chanh tri Tam, Ma, by Tam Ma which for the mind is pure land ".
My copied: "The power of meditation are endless happy place-based; back seat isn't infinite. Employment Samyutta. Far left Bourn; No realm. No junk, keeping the infection starts right, keep it secret financial means of achievement ".
Due to this heart be your means of accomplishment cultivation which is two types of mutual growth. This where the Bodhisattva, do useful beings. Means taking the center of Shu as the basis. So Jing Bao Yun copy: "know that France are taking refuge in the mind. The mind makes Navigator into the coast of France. Then again, for all the worldly mind decide, which is found on the coast of mind. On the other side make pure karma. If purity and News Center is not moving. The mind does not commute, i.e. the mind as light; or as spotting the fire played out. Like the General of this mentality can change n bi observed, where mindfulness is the mind doesn't make affinities. News Center are free in mind, self in and where the French were themselves in ".
Again in France The French copy: If there is no place, no split, i.e. the mind. To respect; as the French should try humble mind. Organize a vengeful poles WINS should know that trigger this heal mind life photographers. Why is that? As for the mind has been much merit no merit whatsoever. Bodhisattva in respect of two categories of this mentality, just bridge the achievement means your merit, no more than to say this is art. That dignified place, i.e., Bodhi. White Germany World Religion: The French achievement opened for peace right in the Office. "
Again flowered Strictly copy: "for who self organize all Bodhisattva. Who themselves organize the escape all beings. Again friendly male! In which the mind an head like that. Should know that self care all friendly units. Should be aware that where self care that preserving the purity of France On The way. So for self-consciousness played solidly invisible obstacles along the way. "
Again as Your Friendly freebies tu effort want to see Ma Skin Lady by God through the spirit, known as The label. Scaling for instruction and then say that men should make e-Friendly: preserve where his heart is, don't like being immersed by Bourn reincarnation. Should be dignified places walls of his mind, that is dedicated to a visiting force of cross bridges attach As Hybrids. It should preserve the purity of mind, meant to completely fragment except the San took the quiz challenged flattering siểm gimmicks. It should increase to shore up the mind, i.e. increase the great effort, for depth setting. Should the protective walls of the mind, that is, away from violent drug ring; all the negativity and the knowledge of evil. So with the banks into the mind, i.e. Universal compassion to all the world. It should cover the banks into the mind, that is great because wide broken cover for treatment of all real good. So who's the banks household security, i.e. together with the world in her not being ordered to infiltrate. It should seriously in the making of this mentality, i.e. want to subtract away the real charity.
Again behold Friendly male! As for the Bodhisattva is the pure heart of austerities like that, that can accommodate groups of all friendly units. Why is that? -By Bodhisattva purity austerities where ramp of the mind so that there is no barrier, that is no where does money; or see the Lady Buddha on the French player ".
So in this study Bodhisattva; where the mind is real mental facility. There are places, such as foreign startups hope anniversary of misdeed. That is where Three dynamic disorder ily Expression Ma heart. Or where the scene had phan charm. If the primary mindfulness; foreign news can not transfer the News Center there himself in that way. There's a charm to center forward phan head as before said. Uses it extensively; do the benefits free beings. NET is like that; taking advantage of strayed all that. Hope to instill don't stop, don't be afraid, seriously this blessing, quit being, that is not far from leaving the beings.
This is the Bodhisattva austerities. As My Play copy: "have fun seeing the white Buddha Bodhisattva that: German Religious World white Glass: Bodhisattva. Being seen in full, being mindful loving. Why is that? That honour the Bodhisattva also did, but turned the beings. So the Buddha Bodhisattva named Play ".
Like the produce wrong? -Mean disrespect and contempt for Buddhist followers grip the Earth. Fallen into hell as the hot ash obscured. Fire burning anger; shalt not have contempt on her starboard side as before has said many times. Create result reported as Doing The Van burned: "Disrespect the starboard side about all net forth. A far left all beings. Again like the other said: what is Bodhisattva courses? So do unfortunate Bodhisattva Africa origin. Not say Africa time; know the right time; know the method. If there are such news makes beings don't run credit card case, Ha Tinh households maintained beings. Until the Majesty of self propelled Bodhi gain relief, was full of loving fullness to the need, for there's no collection money accept the previous lot ".
Then again My Play that: "If households hold about banning news households maintained beings should fear the other side, that is where the rooms of women who should not rejoice over the same in worldly maintenance household who shalt not so easygoing. Then again if its use of country; bowel bladder; sleeping place; where impure ... should all countries according to heart benefits. Households maintained Sun who shalt not so easy ".
As in the French Public Celebration Of copy: "Bodhisattva usually don't use fewer dishes to alms for the person. If no alms sketchy like fallen into where the demons of hunger ".
Again in Bodhisattva of distinction: Emancipated "should be directed to purity. The toothpicks should be used, for example, should not stand in front of people to tip sheets to flow out. As for the respect to be pointless. The generals see it are not breaking the almond ".
My Saved copy Wing: "The date is unfortunately: See sense and terrified felony offense. Again as saying no so loudly, no principles ".
As Brahma Fan (Prahmapariprccha) Notes: "should know the new bride-like Bodhisattva".
Then again as My Particular Bodhisattva Free copy: "Far left the worldly people don't make fun, so don't satisfy the food, taste, sound, don't sit there in no way back".
Like himself should be removed. People found listening to don't have fun. Again the happy flush left, something fun to talk to. Didn't hardly remember think depending on the place that for meaning can be found.
Back Fearfully my copy:
"Said the frail,
No, the man said,
There's hot word of popping.
Don't tell a lie.
Don't say take pity.
Don't say the word down.
Don't say the word concealed.
Don't say the word yard.
Not to say words.
Don't say sneering.
Don't fight the "boundary.
Emerging again as the Futuristic Secret copy: "Behold in good men! Bodhisattva does not say the word love in advance; the word si mass; an infected cell; Word of the defect; his lofty himself; my glasses off other guys; the word order of English slang talk talents; the word's merit họai break; lyrics don't help; lyrics increase the upper port side ".
Longitude Decimal (Dasaphumaka-Sutra) also notes that: "when the speaker, should say the joy of family, not to say break the other guy's progeny i cough. Say your immune system need gentle, happy peace. The gentle, cute, easy to play and pleasure. In the mind's always fun not bombastic. To hear out there, isn't relying on each other. Beloved, many people joy. Equity claims, benefits at peace all beings as progeny in Italian and his happy Hon openings. Kill tham si yard all afflictions, like General Practice when played out words until the opposite before the person should say, to deduct any loss ".
Back to My Imaginary Tibetan copy: "Because respect for true words, must study the thought, because other people give it concealed, so the pleasure that life photographers and the like".
My Play copy: "Buddha said Tibetan Nowhere Bodhisattva Bodhisattva that didn't take the speech making others run anger. Don't use words to make someone start negativity. Bring words to make other guys don't have understanding. Don't use words and make other guys for nothing. Didn't take the speech makes the ignorance being kicked. Didn't take the speech makes the mind of the beings do not rejoice ... Bodhisattva said the words like that.
Again Fearfully Italy copy: "Brief says there forth joy. Again there was a Dharma life photographers. Meaning not bombastic, often observed. As for being, depending on which protection to preserve ".
The households themselves can't do brain damage to others. Like other people's brains hurt. Here the broad argument about the merits of Bodhisattva made gains. Should know often preserve this idea, that is, respecting an estate NET AI. Ashamed of fear where static President. A pleasing close beings that are often themselves in. Pure confidence. If there are changes or changes should be kept like that. Body shapers guys why not have two types: clear and raiment, that is because prevention is often the life use of medications.
As Jing Bao Yun copy: "so guys go qifu mumo, is divided into four parts. A is divided by an accomplice. Two is for those suffering extreme poverty. Three is hungry daemons Devil animal being. Four is for her to eat. When eating OK should mind keen, there's more demand, so taking advantage of private support for myself to be strong on General, as the problem, not to solve, mesmerizing, mết critical places. Why is that? The field favors award dượi the joy for the Protestants will disperse later on. Or make this torso fat off your bed. Guys go qifu mumo carried this thing should be divided equally the qifu mumo carried out like that. "
Doing The copy Area: "If a Bhikkhu Stilts to where the real qifu gangui lost convergence hamlet; so as France dignified that goes real qifu gangui. Why is that? -Meaning that much love or the easy to hate, should not run the wrong distinction right. Like the lovable or not, listen, taste, absolutely it should run up the wrong distinction properly that should life stop the photographers for the disarray. Take a look to find France in front; No discharge of volitional removal. There should keep the mind to calculate when to qifu gangui. If the map previously immersed forth dining pleasure. If there is no run anger. Just go to the ten, if the ten houses which have not been forth food pros should play such mind, brain. The Chief Author, Brahmin or busy bring me the food lab cult; so never mind the food beverages; another incident is entails a religious sustenance for me. So guys go qifu mumo carried forth the pros brains. Then again when qifu mumo carried saw the beings; either male or female; Bronze copper male or female to animals being should also run compassionate mind. If these beings saw him that he gave me a meal, then all will bring forth. Like good food, bad food, done consistent projection across Sichuan province. The people in the hamlet of convergence reached this extreme poverty, we will give this food section. When you see the poor, requiring less at real qifu gangui went for them. If don't see poor, who again Behold: it was true a thorough survey of the place to see beings. Where there's actual qifu gangui map map delicious will give less. When done flowering qifu gangui Chiping away, returning home to A Lan. Then to wash hands, full of ritual practice ranks Sa, sit the old urban planner like Lotus that eating. When ingested by the Body should think this virulent infection: eight thousand doors. This food was to be an all right. I saw this meal you for these species overlap. We are Bodhi back thanks to this plat method. If not exhaustive, should play the mind as such: If a lack of food, giving itself more gently. News except for the facilities; sections are evil things; gentle mind, less sleepy. So the real qifu gangui; If more then the other dining section divided by the discharge method. The real play such mind qifu gangui should Behold: flying birds, cows horses also like to eat, we're going to give them. Again Bhikkhu Stilts qifu mumo carried shouldn't mind being in soak up the flavor. Until Fry Da La, Pupils should also should not mind real bumper NET. Why is that? -Because to eat delicious Nevertheless, when eaten, they all become Privy Council UE impure. So we demand delicious food. So don't run the mind as a religious man to eat; It isn't the best. Or is like the American alms food, not a religious man pilot etc.. The southern male the same as each other. Nothing distinguishes this is the delicious food, the food is bad. If inside the village neighbors to the wealthy, there is no distinction of respect; or there is respect; Or the male, female; the male and female take many things strange tasty don't take the bridge, to be eating. Should not start up all handle your real friendly like that.
Being immersed in advance where the flavor, creating evil Pro, fallen into hell. what case the student is taking no voter wrecked the place smells. Remove the other blade, getting tasty fun enough. If the weather is prepared the meal, when the common destiny, being up the Sun the person, on the road, enjoy delicious food in the Sun, the people
Ily Ca Romaine! Like the real qifu gangui Bhikkhu Stilts, absent from the captivating flavors, subduing be mindful. Suppose just being mashed potatoes peas don't optimization. Why is that? Because Holy bridge, fun family place destined to live longer. So, eating well is essential.
Buddha said, behold Ca Romaine! Bhikkhu Stilts go qifu mumo carried met at Sun poured heavy rain, clouds spell should no real qifu guoren Wu. Dhamma reflections must be dignified, took heart from the Fed. Should think like that or two-night, three-night like the food (fasting). Should the idea of beings where Diem Ma La, fallen into evil by evil hungry daemons work a hundred years because you want to eat that little sleep, often don't tolerate. We now head to France security training, something should trigger mind despicable. Conditions again midweek play Holy austerities. I should now like hunger and thirst s ring mosaic. Saying in General is the person in the home was pure cuisine I sit the seat that says France is important. Until the creation of food purity, when Shou the dish, from seats stood up.
Ily Ca Romaine! Bhikkhu should not cast himself practically qifu gangui Stilts say flattering siểm. Stars called quit siểm? -If told the donation on the delicious food was bad, or is there enough demand to bring them together. Or who lack hunger and thirst. If the General does, here called siễm quit. The Bhikkhu go Stilts qifu gangui must discharge should quit. What is really true? -Means for shallow bowls of peanut though until the net and impure, all should eat, not troublesome. Only used to purify subduing the food. Thanks to this Holy family were destined to interactive when qifu gangui.
As My Life Ultimate Fan Advice: "If real qifu gangui where the friend should keep his place and the other for full benefits, as it knew that. The real qifu gangui Bodhisattva thought: this isn't the households themselves, which should be viewed as dress, food and clear ".
My Enter the old Mausoleum (the Lankavatara-Sutra) copy of "real Piece of fish meat means that: As saying that pronoun tu Bodhisattva. All the meat is not used. Then Combs says the shelf that:
See the meat it offers.
Tainted blood map impure.
Austerities the purity.
Should depart.
All the meat and onions.
Again there's been drinking.
Aromatic garlic again, too.
Tu people often depart.
Sitting on the grass unlawful wall.
Depart for oil spot.
Broken holes where beings.
Is fear.
Because of that.
Meat trading business.
Have two types.
Dead fallen into hell.
This is just talk summary
The evil of the Privy Council's seats.
Often being the crazy island.
Or fallen Fry Da La.
Hunting, pecking killed meat.
Birth place of La Suicide girls.
Predatory category.
The massage Felt the same weasel cats.
This guy being the other.
If you know quit eating meat to achievements the major benefits; say this is wrong. Bhikkhu on stilts in the Subject Line to Match the weather, should say Tam Ma, often makes beings paragraph except for the murder. The Tam Ma Area; tu possessive pronouns; have lost their lives.
Jing Bao Yun copy: "should know not to eat the meat of animals that arises the benefit for beings. Together in the Vinaya has three types of pure land, but eventually all have to a discharge. Pure heart sees it as paragraph except the port fell. Happy tu largesse, which gradually gave the kia depart eating meat ".
Then again as My Old steering wheel Input copy: "because the guys have learned to read theoretical Prize proceedings; close to cry, right turn where sentences. The tu administration falls into three categories. Me because they talk to the minus, the except your favorite Leanne close killing. Always talking about medication use in the life of the patient and the coast guard for medicine ".
As the law Bars Van Bhikkhu Complaint (Sravakavinaya) Notes: "so we're due benefits violations and almond create a feed by using the y-body therapy to Bowl; scenarios is to save the slitting all beings. So the Bodhisattva finds it hard to be the place. In the suicide machines and wide this blessed WINS na. In Germany The Sun see the benefits like yourself say is medicine. So for the austerities to see here other than that ".
Jing Bao Yun said, "if removed t-net, can be true or not true. General practice is based on relative par. Don't accept to eat. So use tree oil; juice, to make way for mind with regard to eating meat. If a Bodhisattva seriously ill may eat, such as disability, illness can lose his life. It should create the evil, the good parts from the other apartments. No start-up or facilities, except paragraph — in mind as work clothes clear ".
In My Own Life the ultimate Question: "When using the life jacket to wear, Sa-subjects are like? -Means being mindful of shame. Costumes aimed to cover themselves, there should be physical display openings. When the world Sun, A Tu La etc. where the Tower of the Buddha should commemorate. Should be aware that preserving the towers place. If not for therapy in infected change for purity, the growing negativity; Cancel Austria Ca Sa, are lost here is the not so arbitrarily the favourites while austerities. For employment in good enough conversely become so bad. Y Austria Ca Sa just to pray Scripture; should know that for treatment. In all police must maintain life, na ".
Experience The area of copy: "the cause of the incident is Buddha the Ca if you want Lettuce dignified grave no fuselage Suite preserves, losing merit Solomon's subjects. France is Austria Ca Sa, to maintain that stems not meditate respect. Again American Lettuce! It belongs to the good general, military General Sa-keeper as charm. That will fall into hell. Ily Ca Romaine! As for the General excellence of the Sa-mining, as in similar subjects. As for hell, retrieved brilliantly y surrounding people, covering up to scratch, surrounded around it very hot. For all map, life became extremely powerful flame burning. Kia said of good general Solomon's sports life will suffer like that. "
Then again My Bao Yun copy that: "If a Bodhisattva himself has challenged sick, frail body, something in which increased Ward, it should be expressed by playing the mind like behold, meaning Buddha's merit alone, As in private to treat afflictions. I also do like in the area of PCT. increase minus the negativity; It is not fun to start ward up in soak up, didn't have to ask. Suppose to be for this, depending on which that got taken, should know that don't have to do full for me ".
My back was also copied: "even it is located should also fit your feet and dorsal side is down, France provided above by mindfulness works. Initiates recited the tribute to the wise, don't lose your favorite before sleeping. Don't soak up front where the slopes along limbs made fun. So where the four work safety head must follow the breath. All the users life span evenly for the benefit for beings that do, if we're passionate in that life, which engenders the naughty exhausted ".
As Menstruation Posted Tam I copy: "Be juicy flavor food, no food is equivalent to the rescue, that is OK, food is tied, as people are not allowed".
As My copy Of the German "Protection That their life span is about Religious beliefs. At the time of their distress at that time off the Stilts Bhikkhu upon hearing the law done weeping sailings which says:
-White Glass Germany World Religion: I now would rather die Prime amazed, didn't use the life of a pilot.
Buddha says:
-Heals instead! Heals instead of good men! Pure words that belong in General, shame about the bad job and the fear of crime.
Buddha says:
-Behold Ca Romaine! I know there are two laboratory credit; called the rescue. What are the two?
-If the evil separatists Bhikkhu on stilts as opposed to the Bhikkhu on stilts. Learn where we find lettered onions impermanence. Leading the charge is the life gauge. News out of France is Nirvana NET President bridge. Suppose the Fed laboratory of comparisons such as mount Tu Di, in that the other pilot it. all purity. If the life of the home construction objects along the food of countries that obviously, Dai Phuoc was reported. Why is that? Because the steps above the rapacious makes creating joy. This is from the mind T Ma Bodhi (metta meditation).
Again behold Ca Romaine! If the home life of the Bhikkhu laboratory on stilts on the countries which have food and raiment, thinking to the immeasurable in T Ma, do the other seat owners for creating blessed him bitten, are immeasurable.
Ily Ca Romaine! Suppose in three heavenly heavenly world like water in the sea; the tu Phuoc behold again don't have room. "
Mahayana Bodhisattva Practice Study Conclusion
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