Friday 29 November 2013

Xu Hy Discharge Is A Fundamental Overhaul.
The austerities definitely fostered the four Immeasurable Heart. When the four Immeasurable, his Mind can higher education bill being made for being absent from the agony is fun. If the tu DAO with no Immeasurable Foursome, i.e. as opposed to religious and despite van tu, era through eight is also still far from Buddha to eight thousand four thousand kilometers.
The four Immeasurable are basic conditions which every householder should have. Stars called the four Immeasurable? I.e. from, bi, Hy, discharge. No term is immeasurable, meaning not abort halfway through, or not to the middle of the road and then line yourself limit yourself, do not want to. As the top bit is taken as sufficient and thought was finished. In fact, compassionate Hy Discharge there is enough at all, that there be as much the better. We should expand, enhance compassion Hy discharge until reaching a whole new realm of good.
1. From being able to pleasure. We have for being fun? If there is, it means we don't take his word wholeheartedly. We ought to "funny," taking compassion to those who are not with her. We are sympathetic to people in difficult circumstances, but we should also sympathize with both animals in distress. If something bad happens, we should hand out more clues, help beings escape gauge round. That's the job that Buddhists should do. We should not be indifferent, just stand that won't help, so is the sense of Buddhist salvation. By contrast, Buddhism took graciously as ambitions, use means of Buddhism to take over beings.
2. Bi is the awning can be deducted as part of the brain. We can subtract the canvas suffering of beings? If not, then that is because we haven't used all my balls mìmh. We should have thought "to the ball," also saw people drowning as yourself drowned, see starving people like yourself be hungry. Buddhism took the ball to hit just because bi is pleasing America introspection, mercy. While the Grape House say "Thien min" well in line with the above meaning. So that that's ideology in the world are the same, such as the same origin follow integral wheel compassionate mercy. Buddhism advocates compassion, Confucianism promotes loyalty and forgiveness. The mind of mind similar, that's the framework of religion, otherwise it is a horror novel by layman.
3. the wedding who is fun. We have a fun wedding Festival attended the Dharma? We have a sense of priority of birth, suffering, or Center frustration? If the result is there, let's go, don't be such a personality arises. If there is little gas volume, and then use the word sex record broken-hearted, then that's the misconception. Should understand is that we cannot continue to have such misconception. If not, we could not imagine that its consequences would be.
4. discharge of the mind to let go of the discharge. We have the mind to let go of the discharge? If it is, it is big or small? Is temporary or permanent? Discharge? Is the play of mind to being the fun, except the agony of being and help them in extreme circumstances! If you do so, we will bring forth your wedding, parties to an infinite degree, but we should not accept that-as done so forget not kept in mind. If we accept that do not forget, that is not voluntary of the Bodhisattva. Should we have the spirit of grace, the quote real competition was considered to be the Buddhist main leg. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/11/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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