Saturday 16 November 2013

N only if we in life, and encourage everyone in my family's life, sex, then that day is the happiest day in my life, as my family will be maintained, and the family lives simply, Nice will affect those other families in society.
A mother lion was on feeding. It is about motherhood. The morning that it runs to chase a deer. Mr. Fawn run really fast despite weak health. The mother lion oil is strong, but is pregnant, so fairly slowly.
Lion mother ran after her very long, about 15 minutes, which has not yet caught up. Then they came to a deep groove. Mr. nai-come dance through the village, to the other side. Lion mother very upset for not catching his prey, and as it is in need of food for both it and the baby in the tummy. Therefore, it's best to jump over the deep trench.
But the disaster has occurred, the mother lion was just awesome Kid trying to jump over the ditch. The oil through the other side, but the Lions mother knew she had lost the child she was expecting from long, loving hearts, just because one minute no. She had forgotten that she was carrying a child, and it must be very careful. Just one careless moment, it did not keep their babies.
Over on the other side, but the mother lion no longer lining up to anything else. It no longer wanted to run chase the deer again. Don't want to eat or drink. Lion mother think I don't deserve to live. Only the mother lion stand side deep groove that cry. It's one of those stories was the Buddha tells of doing.
Return to the cave Lion, his mother is very sad. All week it didn't want to eat anything, because in the Palm. A child is no reason for it, how it can be happy when you have lost?
But with time, the mother lion was also eased. It began to hunt for themselves, because it's also hungry. Now it can run faster because no longer have to carry the child, so the catch food as simple for it. Until one day, while walking in the forest, it encountered a lion is climbing the tree, with a herd of monkeys. Small tree-climbing Lions as well as good as monkeys.
Lion mother thought, "this is a kid that I thought it was dead. But look at kià! It's still alive ". And that's the truth. When the mother lion born dropped her down deep groove, there is a monkey to stay on the tree has seen before. It jumped into the trench and brought the Lions. Thanks to that monkey milk lion grew up. She also learned to climb the tree, learn to eat fruit.
Instead of dragons as a lion, it learns which chkk-chkk-chkk-chkk like monkeys, and it came alive, playing with monkeys happy. Monkey MOM also loved the Lions look like monkeys. Monkeys and Lions play together as brothers, there is no distinction whatsoever between them. Lion baby thinks he's a lion, not a monkey.
On that day, saw the mother lion in the trees with the monkeys, she thought, "You're still alive, but now it has started life as a monkey". Hence, the lion mother said nothing. It is planned to bring the lions back home.
Thus, the mother lion waited for a day when the monkeys don't have at home, it was to the Lions and said, "I don't know of a lion? Does your mother know? " Lion replied, "She is not my mother. My mother doesn't like her. My mother gave me milk, parents hug me in your arms, I'm speeding up the tree. So how dare you say that to my mother. I hate her! "
Lion mother know that I make mistakes-not tricky. For it was not straight, it must be said more cleverly. Thus, it turns away, and think: "We must find a way to get used to her, to get her to go home, so that both can live in love in love?"
Lion mother waiting an additional 15 days, and then when you see the Lions are playing alone, the mother lion to the side, a voice speaking very polite, "baby, today the fun? I'm very glad to meet you again. I'm sorry that you thought was wrong the other day was the one, but I was wrong. The monkey is a very cute baby, I want to be friends, want to play with you, "
Lion heard that, it was so, so said, "is, I'm happy to make friends with her. But with one condition-do not ever call me lion. I was, and she had to call me that. "
Thanks to Word of mouth gently, skillfully, the mother lion was doing with the lion. They played together for a while, and then the mother lion says: "Okay, now we're broke, we're going back to play with the other time?". Lions are very satisfied, she thought: "She's very respectful Lion, do not force me to do anything, play with her fun".
And then one day she ask mother lion lion ride far, far away, as they began to close. The mother lion was very patient, because it knows that, if no patience, there will be no way to bring the lions back home, in the home, to see a lion, and the lion community.
And then they come across a stream of water. Lion mother says, "Hey kids, come to drink the water, I'm thirsty." When the same drink, ball of them in down the line very clear water. Suddenly the lion I think something, it says: "Please don't drink anymore, be reflected down under water play go."
When a lion I looked down at the water, he found himself. But when the lion looked down, she saw a lion. It does not see my ass. It has never shed itself under water. It does not know who it is. When looking up she saw a lion, but when overlooking the water, she saw the two, a mother and a lion a lion. Lion began to doubt whether it is the monkey. She thought, "maybe I am not the monkey".
When a lion I see that lion began to realize himself as a lion, so she thought her children were converters. So the mother dragons Lions up, a mighty effort on hind legs to jump over the other side. Lion also do look like dragons, it made up like a lion. It was the first time it's not sounding like monkeys. It jumps to the other side as her mother, and now it knows that it is a lion. Then the mother Lion, lion followed, both went back to the lion's Cave.
We need to remember these are stories Buddha told his disciples.
The mother lion knows how to breathe, and the lion also knew how to breathe. So from then on I started to teach the lion lion lion's manners: how to go, how to stand, lie, sit, speak, how dragons resemble a lion. Lions learning very fast, it can do all that her mother taught in three weeks. Just like the need for 21 days in a retreat. We can also learn everything within 21 days.
After the Lions had matured and become a real lions, it and he told the mother Lion, "I know your not the monkey. But my family still love monkey. I know that without them, the dead. I still hurt the mother monkey, monkey brothers and sisters, so my Mom Let me go visit them, visit the mother Monkey has large feeding ".
The Buddha taught that all of us have good blood. We have the ability to enjoy happiness, freedom, Byzantines. But because we live in a society that doesn't fit with our growth, we should forget that he can live happily as free men, the Byzantines.
We can sit stands guard as a lion, without having to fear anything. We can go out, stand, sit as an Enlightened people, and in that process could be very much happy. But we are trained to live differently. So when eating breakfast, we do not know how to eat. We eat without freedom, self in. When pouring the milk into the bowl, we think of something. We let the sadness, anxiety ravaged soul.
We cannot afford to be present right when I poured the milk into the Cup as a free people. When eating a piece of bread, or put the bread in the milk, we do not consciously doing it, because we don't know the present. Delicious cake, milk also delicious, but I ate as if they don't what delectable.
Try a to see if people are eating in this city. They feed on rush. Eat like bandits, robbers of course will not have time to sit down to eat, and look at the opposite. They don't see anyone around me. They also do not see the dish, because in the beginning they all worries, sorrow, anger. Sometimes we also anger that we quiet up front at the breakfast, to not see the people around us.
We've seen them enough, and do not want to see any more, so we cover using the newspaper. That means breakfast has an extra unnecessary ingredients, that is the newspaper.
Why do we need to read the papers while eating breakfast? We will not eat properly, not clear ones before each break-away in each direction. The morning is the opportunity to sit together and look at each other. Li came out we have to be very happy, because that can stop and look at each other, but we don't do that, and the day we go to work, the other, just like in the dream.
I remember one time in New York, I'm eating, then have someone bring me the newspaper-the New York Times on Sunday. It weighs close to 3 kg. How do you get to taste, just read the paper weighs 2 kg? Why do we need 2 kg of paper? People need to take a look at how much forest to make a newspaper like? Many people buy newspapers that don't read, they just look a bit, or just use it to cover the face when they don't want to look at the opposite.
Did you know they advertise on the New York Times? They said, "You don't have to read it all, but know that having it there as well.". That's the way they advertise, so if we don't buy the newspaper, I feel inadequate, fearing that people know what's in the report which I do not, should compel themselves to buy it.
Our life in New York is not here's your change lives a happy person, person Liberal, one who is strong. Therefore, we must practice living as a sturdy, person liberal.
Due to the mistake of the father or mother, or grandparents, we forget the source, where we come from. We forget our ancestors is the Buddha, is the Bo-slaps, who has the ability to live a happy, strong, and free. So we're running in circles, and self wallowing in misery.
The Buddha and the Bo-slaps were shown as the mother Lion, searching forums I've lost. Headless Buddha and the Bo-slapped with hearts full of patience, and all of us as the lions have lost about. We need intelligent, skillful, able to find the way back home.
We also have the ability to be happy, at peace, freedom, so that in life, we're suffering, we sank. Due to the heavy burden of suffering, we make the people around me are also unhappy. Now, we have to go back to his parents, learn to walk, stand, sit, lie back, learn to speak, listen back, to be able to revive the ways of a true lion.
Oil has lost, we also do not know learning experiences, or did we forget the road, forget those usages, forget life can bring us happiness factor that we should enjoy.
If a Jew is our ancestor, the priest Abraham and Sarah, Rebecca and Lady Wang as Ruth. Our ancestors made their own precepts and, through this Act, they can remain happy and strong in their society. But because of some mistake, some careless of our ancestors or parents, that we forget about the source, and we have wandered straight ground that don't mind online source, so we have to suffering.
Our ancestors also is Jesus Christ, and through the generations was subject to cultural and spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ. They were happy because of this. They are like, cry on each other's thanks to the doctrine.
But because of the mistake of a few generations, of the Church, we have left the Congregation. We had a hatred of his congregation, and finding a more spiritual path. We go in search of Buddha, go in search of Hinduism, and we think happiness is not possible in the Christian roots.
Perhaps because we are Vietnamese, and because of the great misfortune, because of the mistake of the leader, we must abandon their homeland, go find a life strange to us, had to learn to walk, stand, thoughts, and actions is not the same as the way of life of our ancestors. And we have brought suffering, domestic servant of leading to the soul, the body of us, when we left my hometown. We don't know the source. We think of ourselves in the others, and we think that he would not return back to the source.
We are colourful with Lotus, but we've lost of colourful Lotus, we don't recognize the scent of Lotus is our scent. I bought the perfume to DAB up people, and given that it's the smell of our flowers, and in the process drifts roll like we've learned how negative things in our society that we just introduced to. It also has the nice things.
They are present in this new environment, but to know the good things in this new society, we need the leading. American culture has many good aspects, great, that we can learn from grace and function, use, like the Lions can learn new things from other Monkey family. But because we don't have people leading, guiding, we let the filth of the Western societies we live in, our Government bosses.
We do not choose the treasure of Western society, that we just take that trash of Western societies to put up. The excruciating pain, misfortune of using drugs, promiscuous sex, is the filth of Western culture. When I put that stuff on top, into the body, the mind, and one's suffering will make my parents suffering, our ancestors suffering.
We do not know that there is treasure, there are values in Western societies that one can learn to enrich the culture of the self. We need to know that in our own culture, in the Vietnamese culture, also in the newspaper, and we have to compile them, learn, because we come from that culture, which is the Foundation of who we are.
But because the US instigation, we cannot talk to, talk to them. So the parents we can't transfer to us the Latin quote, the essence of the tradition, traditional customs.
If the parents are not able to talk to their children, how they can transfer to them the values and virtue has been given leave from the tradition through generations? But among generations of young people and older people have a large separate pits. One of the reasons is the generation of adults too busy, they have too much work, and youth generation busy also.
All day parents are busy, busy children all day, in the evening when they return home, all people are tired, and they easily spewing conservative; frustrating incurred them tired. No other party knows how to listen deeply worried, how to say the words love, harmony.
Thus, the gap between two generations is growing wider, and young generation feels painful, the adults also feel the pain. Eventually the youth generation can no longer look at the generation of adults, and parents can't look at their children, because both sides are too painful because of each other.
We can't accept the way of life from the ethnic, cultural, culture, spirituality, and so we do not know the art of living. And in negligence, in a clumsy, stupid moron, we cause errors, like when to launch mother lion on the deep trench, forgotten for a minute did I fit into the deep pit.
How many mothers, says his father suffering as you lose yourself? Why do they take? Because they have no because they are clumsy. This is not only true for the parents who Philippines, which is also true for the parents who; Because there are too many Western parents too busy, they don't have the mindfulness, and their clumsy, so they also had lost their children. The oil they do not have the same culture as the Vietnamese, they have also lost their son, their daughter, like Vietnamese people to live in the West.
Vietnamese people suffering than Western people, not only because of the age gap, but also because of the cultural difference between the two generations. Western oil there is a cultural gap, as for the Vietnamese people, but they have the age gap. May be this generation's culture is different than other generations, and parents could not accept the culture of the youth generation. The young man's hair style is now very different from his father's generation, and only the hairstyles alone also did parents generation must not consent to their child.
Vietnamese young people under the influence of Western culture, the music that young people listen to his father's generation of headache. Parents are amazed that their children can hear the kind of music there. Not only the Vietnamese families living in the West has the problem of the differences between the generations, that families in the West also have these problems.
It is a tragedy when parents can no longer look at their children anymore, no longer happy when looking at each other anymore, so when sitting to eat together, they are not happy. Since there is no happiness, we place the sheets of his compatriots to not see other family members. The family that no one wants to see anyone, they just want to look toward another. That's not the direction of the common ideal, which is the direction of the television. Look in that direction to relieve suffering, to forget the miseries.
They are run from the reality, the reality of suffering. Look at relatives, I no longer feel them close again. Hand mirror they are suffering, and when these people look back at us, they also don't see nothing but misery on her face. So it seems we have an unspoken agreement that both sides were looking at television, to no longer suffering. That is what is happening in a lot of families, we do it not happening. Now we must have the courage to face the truth and ask yourself, why? Why do we let that happen?
The mother lion had committed a mistake: she went to Lion fell fell, to lose it. We: we lose their children because of the stupid fool of ours, and our children are no longer the parents, we are still in the realms of this world. But parents may not love their children any more, can't cuddle them anymore, can not eat with them anymore, and the children no longer see the value of their parents anymore. It's a great tragedy, not only for Vietnamese refugees in the West, but also to all who have been there longer.
There are those parents when awake, like the lion mother when awake, get out the its clumsiness, his failures had committed in the past, and they work to bring the child back. We know that the mother lion rầt patient, full of love, sometimes it must say things not to say, things are very difficult to say: "Hey, I'm sorry, but you are not the lion, which is the monkey, I have not complicated". You can see the lion's mother is very painful when it comes to the words. But because love his lions that he must speak of this.
When we are the father or the mother has lost or are about to lose their children, we should also woke to see the risk of dying children. Because if that happens, we lose sight of all: the future, because the children are our future. So we have to do everything, anything possible to bring them back.
With love, with the determination, we can do anything. If the lost children, which we don't want to have to go through the difficult moments when you must get a bug with them, then our children will never come back. So we must learn from the mother Lion, we must know how to reach the kids, pick up his fault, to slowly bring them back with us.
At the time, the relationship between children and parents can be linked back. Then we can Affairs transmitted to their children the good things of the culture from my hometown, country, from spiritual culture, came from Chu Buddha and bodhisattvas.
If religious Christianity, we also have to look like. If we don't like the Church, the reluctant pastor, Bishop; or if we're Jewish, I don't like the rabbi, the Congregation did not like because they had committed errors, do not understand us, has forced the bưộc we do things that we don't understand why.
When we used the power to force the bưộc others to do things they don't understand, they don't like us, don't like Christianity or Judaism, they would leave us to go find a different spiritual path. The clergyman, the rabbi, the pastor, the parents, are clearly failures themselves did, and to learn from the mother lion.
They should tell their children: "In cultural tradition, in our society there are things not nice, bad things, things that are misleading, there is no freedom, but that's not all."
If we try to go back to the culture, spirituality and way of life, our culture, we will discover many, many precious treasure in our tradition, the oil that is Western culture, or the East, oil that is Jewish, Christian or Buddhist. Buddhism has the good things; Buddhism also have things not nice. The article has a nice presence, because there are people who do not understand Buddhism, so they did what they thought to be ' Buddhist ', but actually is not Buddhism.
There is superstition, oppression, to force people to do something really out of superstition. There are many good things about Buddhism, and in Christianity, in Judaism, we can also find the good things. But those who have responsibility in this religion, because they can't find peace for yourself, so they take the action to force others, Piyush pressure among others.
And those who cannot tolerate it, they will leave their religion. Thus, the mother lion to the sensations, cleverly right, to say: "I was in the wrong. Please forgive me ". We have to treat the children as friends when doing this. Have to talk to them as if talking with your friends and have to recognize that he was wrong.
Our ancestors also have the mistake. They are also not artfully, not really comprehend the message, do not grasp the real virtues of our tradition, and they were doing things in reverse with loves, with understanding. They took advantage of religion to cause the war to support violence, the racism.
It is not a treasure of culture and religion, it's the trash that has been created by the skillful, clumsy. We need to recognize that these things were available, but they are not the only thing. There are also precious stuff, value, the treasure, brilliant, dazzling, the stuff of happy. If we are together, we can find these things, for transmission to the selfish benefit.
We need to know how to forgive, how to get back with his father, so we will step on the road to explore, to discover the beauty of the source. Do not know how many people in the world can act like lion mother did?
This morning I was eating with a sadi. I Sa-di are Vietnamese, mature in the West. I was very successful in the education of people, has graduated architect, and has earned the job. I was so happy with his work, until I see her mother Lion, I clearly see the path is the path back home.
I attended a retreat for the Vietnamese in Southern California. I speak and write perfect English, but not Vietnamese, and I know very little about the culture as well as Buddhism in Vietnam. But only in a retreat, I was able to return to the traditional values of spirituality and culture.
Then please write me a letter and said, "architecture for? The architecture is to create space so that people can live in peace. The thought of becoming a monk is also practicing a kind of alternative architecture, since we also create the space so people can live comfortably, in freedom.
When becoming a rising singer, I really am followed ideal was to become an architect. " And then I asked, "Please tell me are the monks, because I think I will be able to help a lot of people, if I was the priest". I've made my winter last year, but has returned with descended very fast, I was able to speak Vietnamese, sõi and I have learned so many things about the Vietnamese culture. Please do it quickly because in your heart you have a lot of love, a deep admiration.
All the Lions, if lost, if could be done as I Sadi there, because the mother lion was on there with all the loving hearts. Not to say she isn't there. She has expanded to guide heart lion when it returned home.
All the Lions, who lost, who lost his lineage, the lineage. We have to listen to the call of the mother Lion, in flesh and blood, and let's go back to the source. That's not just true for those Vietnamese who live in the West but also true for all the Vietnamese people are living in the water, which feels as lost itself. Vietnamese people in the West feel loose peanuts, because "this is not home, my real society". And Western society also has led to a lot of young people do not feel comfortable now in his society, they feel they've lost.
They have no direction, no look is the ancestors, their parents. Suffering of Vietnamese refugees wandering without roots, with the suffering of young people there is no Western source, which one is bigger?
16th century, 17, had Christianity by missionaries into Vietnam, but their methods are not good. They recommended, "don't be ancestor worship. Don't even ask Buddha ceremony. Please throw away all. Keep up the altar, don't burn incense there anymore. Just believe in Jesus Christ ". Because of their narrow-minded perspective, they want to separate us from its source. So they have created many no source.
When it came to the West, I don't come as missionaries. I go to call for ending the Vietnam war. Because I am the priest, where oil, I also have to Zazen, meditation and breathing meditation. Young people in the West agree with me, want to work with me to end the war between the United States and Vietnam, and they learn how to breathe, how to eat in Mindfulness. When they practice these things, they feel very happy and gentle.
My friends also encouraged me to open the lock, so that more people can learn about mindfulness. I never said, "let your tradition to follow me". A lion only happiness, as is itself. It does not want to be a monkey. Oil it can learn many things from the monkey, but it will not actually happy when separated descended its Lions. A Christian, too.
The oil you have disagreed with the Church, with the pastor, with his parents, you also need to understand that source. So I encourage you to the pagoda to study mindfulness, and then you will see in your own spiritual traditions, there is treasure, you will return to the traditional, will help establish the treasure in your tradition. (. . .)
Five precepts is not to force us to do anything, they are living in Mindfulness. Mindfulness is live with the awakening, to know that if I do this, it will bring about disastrous, on the contrary, it will bring about happiness. Five precepts are laid out is to keep my mind healthy, to keep our families healthy. This is the truth that we must accept: that if we live by the five precepts, we will protect the connection between us with people, so they are not broken. There is only a single path is the practice over the years.
When to be a practice Center like this, we need to know that, if we accept in world, and bring them back home to practice, that is my prayer to protect us and protect the mind of the people we love. We can be sure that our family will never be broken, if we practice over the years.
Today, parents Sanghakaya will meet U.s. Vice President, should ask me, "I will tell him the Vice President?" and I on the lyrics, "In world". I recommend that he particularly talks about the third World. For if President Clinton has practiced over the years, he has not felt as hard on the lyrics to the questions in the newspaper, his spirit is not unstable, while he also how much work to do. But for families, for Nations, he must answer to this conundrum.
He needs practice, not only to protect themselves, but also to protect the country. The whole country he needs to come In. If everyone in American society, French Socialist, live by the Five precepts, then surely, they are not dealing with the crisis.
About Tuesday advised that, "stay away from sex. If either body would like to merge together, that can only happen when both pledged long-term volunteers ". If there is love and the testimony, but the body, then intercourse sexual activity that would bring suffering to both sides.
We think that when we're together, less loneliness. Because inside all of us are lonely, we are stupid fool to think that if we live with someone, I will no longer be lonely anymore, but the truth is to the contrary. We have been together long, and you still don't see less solitude; actually, I feel more pressing things, domestic servant before, because our bodies are able to copulate, but absolutely no sympathy, no harmony between the soul. So to live according to the third World is to protect my mind body and mind of others.
And fourth, what is it? Fourth World help us to know how to listen, how to use AI language. We never say vulgar words, blame, accuse, and when someone says, we have to listen to that shouldn't scream or cut. Just know listening is also helping other people so much. The other used to suffering, which does not have the opportunity to discuss your suffering. No one wants to sit down and listen to them, so that their suffering was not eased ahead.
Now we sit down on that person, just as the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Avalokiteśvara), listening with cue ball, so that people can talk about their suffering. Other people can say things we don't agree because they look biased, or are they charged us, the things they say is full of spicy, but because of the crush cans, we can still sit there to listen to them. When they are told, they will engage with less suffering.
And then a few days later, you will come across people that to say: "that day, when I hear you say, I know you are suffering, I would understand. But there are some things, I think you've misunderstood, let me explain, so that you can understand me. " With those words, the tenderness I help others escape from the ties of their comments, and they will convert.
Fourth World makes the gap, the obstacles between me and people disappear, so that we and they can come together, set back the friendship. Therefore, the fourth is a prayer, and we pray where his mouth where. We don't need to meditate on Jesus Christ, or Buddha, we simply have the ears good listener, and a talking mouth the word AI language.
After three, five or seven days, the situation will change. Other people will see that we're becoming a more decent. Before, I was like a wall, anyone who says something I can't hear. Now when I say, my words become gentle, pleasant. It was the Fourth World-which is not what we can do because we want to do, but it's something we can do this because we have the practice, because of the increased delegation for supporting us in the practice.
When I practiced the precept in this family, we protect your family: our family will be integrity, avoiding crashes, it has to be protected. If anyone can practice About this Wednesday, though not perfect, we can also make sure that their families will also not crashes.
About Thursday's consumption. We are mindful when consumed. To know what food is to the body, what is for the mind, for they are good and healthy. When ingested, we see gentle, freed, and mind are more nutritious. These are the things, when we eat, will ruin the mind. There are books, magazines, and television programs full of toxins.
When watching them, we see there is too much hatred, too much violence, a lot of misunderstanding, fear the wool into the mind. When one character stuffing ourselves with this stuff every day, how do we avoid from getting distemper? When angry, I just wanted to find the hammer, a knife or a gun to kill someone else. We do not know the words AI language. Don't listen, because has absorbed too much violence in the movies. Advertising has always told us that, "Let's Buy this product to be happy". But when I've bought it to get how bad consequences.
Happiness does not come from its consumption. When did remove all suffering within us the happiness will come. This is marvelous. Many people think that happiness comes from the consumption of something, from bringing something from the outside, but really that happiness comes from within us.
When was able to defuse the sufferings in me, your anger, despair in the mind, then happiness will hatch out as flower shower, or Commission. Happy flowers does not come from outside, but from inside the flower, our happiness, too. Because I have things in mind, we can not be happy.
Not because were eating more that we feel is happy, especially when we're eating these toxic substances as our body every day more burdensome. We heart: not because it absorbs many movies, books that she felt happy, because we can get rid of these harmful toxins out of the body. That's what France phone can bring to us.
Listen to the voice of France is to remove the misconceptions, delusion, wrecked, anger in the us. The more we can remove a bad lot, who then I feel relaxed, gentle, and happiness is possible. Happy growing from the inside out. Please remember that.
Therefore, caution Thursday about the consumption of mindfulness. Every day we eat what, drink, absorb what books, what links are very important, because when we consume it, we can bring a lot of toxins in the body.
Have the kids sit in front of the television for three hours a day, and within three hours, they were cramming loads of mind how violent things. When out socially, they also apply what was viewed on television. When you don't like something, we want demolishing it. We have a remote control tool, when I dislike can click to remove it. When could not abrogate one of hate, we shoot to kill them to quickly kill them aside.
But when do we have to go to prison, so we can't remove them quickly as we want. I have no patience, no love, no understanding, and that as a result of what we have received in our daily lives, through absorption. That is not really live, but rather really die, it's like a kind of suicide.
We assume that the monks and nuns do not really live because they do not consider the television, see the books, but they actually lived. They do not consume the toxins, not cramming loads of these toxins, so mind them gently, disengaged.
Whenever I see someone kneeling down to our life span, I feel happy. Happy for him, for his family. Buddhists can our life span (years) from me, the followers of Christianity can receives, about from the pastor or Bishop, because In about also in Christianity. I've written about them is very clear. Young people can also read.
That is not the prohibition, do not force you to do something. Just because we have seen so much suffering, so we will keep the year. For the formula, we see that if not practised In the family, we will fall apart, our society will fall apart. That is why we want to practice this.
And in the retreat, when I saw three hundred, four, five hundred people knelt down to our life span, I feel incredibly happy that I want to cry, because I knew the whole world will help them protect themselves, protect their families, their social protection.
We live in where the processing of wine, but when there are four or five people vow not to drink any wine droplets, I t y very happy. Alcohol has left families broken. In the us, in France, too many children grow up in misery, just because their parents addiction. Them out on the street to find drugs to forget about format, and because the drug, the bereaved had to apply tough policies to stop the drug trade.
If we keep the five precepts, if everyone living in this country are living according to the Five precepts, then we don't need the Government to use these powerful means to eliminating the use of drugs.
Sometimes thoàng the French Health Minister also called on people less alcohol use, because there have been many accidents on the sunny due to alcohol use. I remember having a banner like this, "a glass-then was; three cups-is met ". And I said, "How did that to the third Cup, if not the first glass of wine?"
So, I think there should be a glass of wine, because after the first glass, you'll probably drink a second or third glass cups. Once had a second glass, then you lose the clarity and calm. So better not start cups. If people do listen to me wine made sure that they would be outraged.
I knew they would be unemployed if no one drank but when I heard the ambulance run fast to spot accident ... several days ago, four or five young people in Duras, because drunk drove down to the Lake and they all drowned because they had not kept the world on Thursday.
Their parents drink, then the children also drink-it's a natural thing. Should we drink? Often the police will have the tools for you to breathe into it, and they will know you have to drive while drunk. How many different organic drinks, that is not the wine, like juice.
If we keep in world, we not only kept for myself, mind you: we also protects the children and the parents. If we, as a young man dies, the parents also feel like they are dead, if the parents die, the children will feel as they died. So when we defend ourselves, we also protect others.
Preserving the five precepts are not the problems of the individual, it is the nation's problem. If the country were practicing holds five world it will. No longer will those families broken, broken society.
Therefore, we know that keeping in the most specific way is to practice mindfulness. If we are in life, and encourage everyone in my family's life, sex, then that day is the happiest day in my life, as my family will be maintained, and the family lives simply, Nice will affect those other families in society. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/11/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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