Friday 20 September 2013


1. Business First article.

I've heard something like this: One time the Buddha seated in his monastery Anathapindika, in the forest (the prince) Jeta, in Savatthi. It is here in this place, the Buddha told the monks that: "Hey monk." "Sir," the monk replied that the Buddha. Blessed One said this:
- This, monks, is in the right here. What is the year? Tin rights, attack right, the right concept, the right, the right knowledge. This, monks, is in the right here.
In this right in many ways pure? In the pure powers are 15 ways: For those who are alienated without faith, are trends in close contact with people of faith, are consistently reviewing texts arouse faith; credit rights are purified by three ways.
For those who are shunned idleness, are trends in close contact with the people who strove diligently, is consistently revisiting the right effort, the right to peaceful tons in three ways.
For those who are alienated have forgotten concept, the trend is closely approaching those concepts are set, is consistently revisiting the concept set; concept right is pure in three ways.
For those who are not going to alienate static, trend is in close contact to static ones, are consistent review and release and on the right is pure in three ways.
For those who are alienated have poor insight, trends are in close contact with the mental, behavior is consistent review of mind profound, intellectual rights are the pure in three ways.
Thus, for the class who are shunned this year, for the trend is in close contact in the class (the other), are consistent with the revised texts arouse faith, these rights was purified by 15 this way.
In the right to development in many ways? In how many ways there are in development right? [1] In developing the right way by ten, with ten being the way of the development of rights.
While there does not rid the development of faith is the right signal, while credit growth is right to get rid of the non-believers, while idleness is to get rid of tons of development rights, the right to development is attacked get rid of idleness, while abstain let loose the right development concepts, while developing the concept of rights is to get rid of let loose while to get rid of distractions is the right development, in the development of is right to get rid of distractions while to get rid of ignorance is to develop the right knowledge, while developing the right mental rid of ignorance.
In development by ten right way, using ten this way in the development of power.
In the right (a) to be developed, [2] (a) is well developed in many ways? In the right (a) to be developed, (a) is well developed in ten ways.
Due to rid the state, due to good status rid of the non-believers, believers are entitled to develop good development, because the state has developed, so has the state's good credit growth right, the abandon, abandon the good of non-believers. Due to rid the state ... of idleness, ... attack power is developed, by the state has been developed ... tons of power, with the disclaimer ... of idleness. Due to rid the state ... let go of the lung, the right concept development ...; due status has been developed ... concept of rights, with the disclaimer ... Let loose of. Due to rid the state ... of distraction, the right to development ...; due status has been developed ... of the right, from the left ... of restlessness. Due to rid the state, as well rid the state of ignorance, intellectual property rights developed well developed, because the state has been developed, because the state has been good development of insight right there abandonment, abandon the good of ignorance.
In the right (a) to be developed, (a) developed by ten fine this way.
In the right to development in many ways? In the right not (as) was developed, that (a) there is good development, be quiet, be quiet and nice in many ways? In the right development in four ways, not only in power (as) was developed, which (is) also developed well, be quiet, be quiet and good in four ways.
At the moment Entry Act, the right of development, at the moment Entry fruit, not the right of (a) was developed, that (a) there is good development, be quiet, and be quiet good. At the moment Nhat Tao Lai, ... the best moments Lai, ... At the moment Never-Director, ... at the moment Real Mixed Fruit, ... At the moment A-la-director, in development right, in moments of A-la-han fruit, not the right of (a) is developed, which (a) is well developed, be quiet, be quiet and nice.
Thus, four of the Act purity, the purity of the four fruits, four of the purity except that four of the quiet purity. In this four-way, in the right to development, with four-way, not the right of (a) was developed, that (a) there is good development, be quiet, be quiet and nice.
There is much development right in the class? How much does the class have been developed? Having the right development in the eight grade, third grade who have been developed.
There are eight development rights of people in public? At Friends School seventh grade and complete human being, with the right development in the heart of this people. Three categories of people that have been developed? Sravakayanika Buddha, the Tathagata's disciple, is long lasting levels have been developed; Single Enlightenment Buddha with his own sense realizations have been developed; Tathagata with immeasurable significance, the level A-la-han, who Enlightenment have been developed, three-class people have a right to development.
Thus, the right development in the heart of this man who had a right to three classes was developed.
Description of Business First article.

2. Sutta second

[ Origination at Savatthi ]
This, monks, is in the right here. What is the year? Tin rights, attack right, the right concept, the right, the right knowledge.
Hey monk, the monk or the Ba-la-keeper does not correctly recognize the entity of the arising, of the disappearance, about pleasure, about the harm, and the appearance of glass This right of years, is the monk, the monk with one of his Brahmin or she would not be seen as recluses among recluses, or she is not considered among his Brahmin the Ba-la-keeper; further with respect to that at the present time are not themselves evidence wins the position, and reach the purpose to dwell on the virtues of the recluse or the purpose of the Ba-la-subjects happy.
Hey monk, the monk or the Ba-la-which subjects correctly identify the entity of the arising, of the disappearance, about pleasure, about the harm, and the appearance of the glass right in this, the monks of this, for me the recluse or Ba-la-subjects that are seen as recluses among recluses, or be seen as She-la-keeper of the Ba- la-keeper; further with respect to that at the present time the evidence itself by winning position, and reach the purpose to dwell on the unfortunate recluse or the purpose of his Brahmin Ms. well.
The arise of how much power is the expression? Get to know the arising of the right of expression by how much? The disappearance of much of the right is the expression? Identify the disappearance of much of its power by expression? The pleasures of the year is the right expression for how much? Get to know the pleasures of what is right in the expression? The disastrous year with how much power is manifested? Get to know the harm of what is right in the expression? The arrival of the cup in the right to express how much? Get to know the year of separation of power manifested by how much?
The arising of the right of expression with 40, (the author) arises the recognition of the right of expression by 40. The disappearance of the 40 years is the right expression, (the author) recognize the right of the disappearance of 40 expression. The pleasures of the right of expression with 25, (the author) recognize the right of the pleasures of expression by 25. The destructive power of a 25-year expression, (the author) aware of the harm of expression rights by 25. The arrival of the cup in the right is the 180 expression, (the author) recognize the rights of the Year with 180 cups expression.
The arising of the rights of the 40 signifying nothing? Get to know the arising of the right of expression by 40 what?
The interest arises in the sense of direction is determined by the signal power arises, the arising of desire due to the determination of credit is the right arises, the arising of volition due to the impact of determination is the arising of credit rights, the establishment of unitary authorities due to the impact of the credit is the arising of right credit. The arising of the sense of centripetal force is the arising of attack power, the arising of desire due to the impact of the strength of the attack is the right arises, the arising of volition due to the impact of the best attack is the arising of rights, the establishment of unitary authorities due to the impact of the attack is the arising of attack power. The radial arise in the sense of establishing the concept of rights arises, the arising of desire as a result of the establishment of the concept of rights arises, the arising of volition due to the impact of the setting is the arising of the right concept, the establishment of unitary authorities due to the notion that the concept of rights arises. The arising of the non-radial anecdotal sense is the arising of the rights, the arising of desire due to the impact of the non-dispersive is the arising of the rights, the arising of volition due of the non-dispersive is the arising of the rights, the establishment of unitary authorities due to the impact of the arising of the rights. The radial arise in the sense of awareness is the arising of right knowledge, a desire arises because of the impact of awareness is the arising of right knowledge, of the intention to arise as a result of awareness is the arising of right knowledge, the establishment of unitary authorities due to the impact of intellectual property is the arising of right knowledge.
The interest arises in the sense of direction is determined by the signal power arises, the arising of the sense of centripetal force attack is the arising of the right, the direction of interest arise in the sense of setting is the concept of rights arises, the arising of the non-radial in the sense that scattered the arising of the rights, the arising of radial sense perception is the arising of right knowledge. The arising of desire by the impact of the determination of the credit is being run right, a desire arises because of the impact of power is being run out of attack power, a desire arises by operation of the establishment of the concept of rights arises, the arising of desire due to the impact of the non-dispersive is the arising of the rights, the arising of desire due to the perception that the rights arising of wisdom.
The arising of volition due to the determination of credit is the right arises, the arising of volition due to the impact of the strength of the attack is the right arises, the arising of volition due the establishment of the concept of rights arises, the arising of volition due to the impact of the non-dispersive is the arising of the rights, the arising of volition due to the perception that the rights arising of wisdom. The establishment of unitary authorities due to the impact of the credit is the arising of credit rights, the establishment of unitary authorities due to the impact of the attack is the arising of attack power. the establishment of unitary authorities due to the notion that the concept of rights arises, the establishment of unitary authorities due to the impact of the arising of the rights, the establishment of unity due to the intellectual property rights is the arising of right knowledge.
The arising of the rights to the 40 years of this expression, (the author) arises the recognition of 40 years of power by this expression.
The disappearance of the 40 years the right to express what is? Recognize the right of the disappearance of expression by 40 what?
The disappearance of the radial sense adamant that the disappearance of credit rights, the loss of desire due to the determination that the disappearance of credit rights, the loss of attention due to the impact determination of the loss of credit is right, not the best possible set of signals due to the loss of power is the right signal.
The disappearance of the centripetal force is the sense of the disappearance of attack power, the disappearance of desire by the force of the impact is the loss of attack power, the loss of attention due to the impact power of the attack is the disappearance of the right, not the best set of possible attacks by the impact of the loss of power is the power attack.
The disappearance of the radial sense set is the disappearance of the concept of rights, the disappearance of desire as a result of the establishment is the disappearance of the concept of rights, the loss of attention due to the impact of the set is the disappearance of the concept of rights, most of the settings can not be due to the concept of rights is the disappearance of the concept of rights.
The disappearance of the radial anecdotal sense is not the disappearance of the right, the disappearance of desire due to the impact of the non-dispersive is the disappearance of the right, the disappearance of the mind by impact of the non-dispersive is the disappearance of the right, not the best setup possible due to the impact of the loss of power is the power.
The disappearance of the radial sense perception is the loss of intellectual rights, the disappearance of desire due to the perception that the loss of intellectual rights, the loss of attention due to the impact is aware of the disappearance of the right knowledge, the non-unitary set of IP rights due to the impact of the loss of intellectual rights.
The disappearance of the radial sense adamant that the disappearance of credit rights, the loss of the sense of centripetal force is the disappearance of the attack right, the disappearance of the radial sense set to the disappearance of the concept of rights, the disappearance of the radial scattered sense is not the disappearance of the right, the disappearance of the radial sense perception is the disappearance of the intellectual rights .
The disappearance of desire due to the determination that the disappearance of credit rights, the loss of desire by the force of the impact is the loss of attack power, the disappearance of desire by the of the set is the disappearance of the concept of rights, the disappearance of desire due to the impact of the non-dispersive is the disappearance of the right, the disappearance of desire due to the perception that the loss of intellectual rights.
The disappearance of the mind due to the determination that the disappearance of credit rights, the loss of attention due to the impact of the strength of the attack right away, the loss of attention due to the of the set is the disappearance of the concept of rights, the loss of attention due to the impact of the non-dispersive is the disappearance of the right, the disappearance of the mind as a result of the perception that the loss of intellectual rights.
The non-unitary set of signals due to the loss of power is the right signal, not the best set of possible attacks by the impact of the loss of power is power attack, most of the settings can not do the impact of the concept of rights is the disappearance of the concept of rights, most of the settings can not be due to the impact of the loss of power is the power, not the best possible set of IP rights by the effects of the variables loss of intellectual rights.
The disappearance of the right year to 40 this expression, (the author) identify the disappearance of 40 year right by this expression.
The pleasure is in the right with 25 signifying nothing? Get to know the pleasures of the right of expression by 25 what?
The setting is not of faith is not the signal pleasures of power, not the state set of frustrating because there is no faith that the signal pleasures of power, confidence is determined by the behavior Credit pleasures of power, the prime witness to dwell and purity [3] is the signal power of pleasure, optimism and joy depending upon interest does arise, it's right to credit is the credit pleasures of power.
The setting is not the lazy pleasures of attack power, not the set of states is frustrating due to the lazy pleasures of attack power, the self-reliance of the health behavior is the pleasure of tons rights , a refuge and a prime witness is pure pleasure of attack power, optimism and joy depending upon interest does arise, it's right to attack the pleasures of attack power.
The setup does not let loose of the pleasures of power concept, the set of states is not frustrating because let loose a right conception of pleasure, confidence is the act of setting the right notion of pleasure , a refuge and a prime witness is pure pleasure of rights concept, optimism and joy depending upon interest does arise, it's the right idea is the concept of the right to pleasure.
The setting is not heedless of the pleasures of the right, not the set of states is frustrating due to spontaneous pleasure of the authority, confidence dispersive behavior is the pleasure of the rights, peace and stay calm as the prime witness of the power of pleasure, optimism and joy that arise depending upon the mind in the right, it's the pleasure of the authority.
The setting is not the ignorance of the intellectual pleasures of power, not the state set of frustrating because ignorance is the intellectual pleasures of power, confidence of cognitive behavior is the intellectual pleasures of rights , a refuge and a prime witness is pure pleasure of intellectual rights, communication and joy arise depending upon public interest in intellectual property rights, it was the intellectual pleasures of power.
The pleasures of the year is right with this 25 expression, (the author) know the pleasures of power in 25 years this expression.
The right is disastrous year with 25 signifying nothing? Recognizing the harm the rights of expression by 25 what?
The establishment of the non-believers is the harm of credit rights, the establishment of the state of frustrating because without damaging the faith of believers are right, in the sense of impermanence is the harm of credit rights , in the sense of suffering is the harm of credit rights, in the sense of self is the harm of credit rights.
The establishment of idleness is the harm of attack power, the establishment of the state of idleness is frustrating due to the devastating power of the attacks, in the sense of impermanence is the harm of attack power, in the sense suffering the devastating power of the attacks, in the sense of self is the harm of attack power.
The establishment of the disastrous Let loose the notion of rights, the establishment of state let loose is frustrating due to the devastating power of the concept, in the sense of impermanence is the anniversary of the devastating power, in the sense suffering is the right concept of harm, in the sense of self is the anniversary of the devastating power.
The establishment of the disastrous distraction of the rights, the establishment of the state of restlessness is frustrating because of the harm to the rights, in the sense of impermanence is the harm of the authority, within the meaning of suffering brain is the harm of the rights, in the sense of self is the harm of the authorities.
The establishment of the disastrous ignorance of intellectual rights, the establishment of the state of ignorance is frustrating due to the devastating power of knowledge, in the sense of impermanence is the harm of intellectual rights, within the meaning of suffering the brain is the understanding of devastating power, selfless sense of mental harm is right.
The harm is to the right of the 25 years of this expression, (the author) recognize the harm of power in 25 years this expression.
The arrival in power of a cup with 180 signifying nothing? Get to know the year of separation of power with 180 signifying nothing?
With significant determination, the right to be members of separation from the non-believers, to be separated from the status of frustrating because there is no faith, are separated from the defilement of trends and things from the aggregates, the isolated from all of the foreign minister in parts, which are separated from signal output power (in time) immediately before the achievement by followers more wins rights.
With a sense of power, tons of glass right out of idleness, was isolated from a state of frustration due to laziness, being separated from the defilement of trends and things from the aggregates, glass is made from all the foreign minister in the section, which is separated from tons of power (in time) immediately before thanks to the achievements tons more wins rights.
With meaningful set, the right concept of separation from the let loose, be separated from the status of frustrating because let loose, be separated from the defilement of trends and things from the aggregates, glass is made from all the foreign minister in the section, which is separated from concepts of rights (of time) immediately before conception through the achievement of rights more wins.
The meaning is not scattered, isolated from the right of the distractions, the state of separation from distractions so frustrating, is separated from the defilement of trends and things from the aggregates, are made from glass all the generals in foreign parts, which are separated from the rights of (the time) immediately before thanks to the achievements of more wins rights.
With significant cognitive, intellectual property right of separation from ignorance, is separated from the state of ignorance frustrating, is separated from the defilement of trends and things from the aggregates, glass is made from all the outskirts of the Minister, which is separated from knowledge of rights (of time) immediately before thanks to the achievements of wins over intellectual rights.
Because due to the power of Jhana, five years separated from the right to the right of the previous stage. Because of the sensitivity due to the power of meditation, in the right of separation from the primary power in meditation. Because due to the power of three meditation, five years separated from the right to the right of the binary meditation. Because due to the power of charity in the right year of separation from the right in the third meditation. Because due to the power of attainment is not infinite, in the right of the right of separation from the charity. Because thanks to the power of attaining infinite knowledge, years of isolation from the right in the attainment of rights is not infinite. Because due to the power of attainment very own country, the right to be made in isolation from the attainment of the right to form infinite. Because thanks to the capacity of the non-ideal non attainment idea origin, year of isolation right from the attainment of the right to own land wealth. Because thanks to the power of introspection about impermanence, in the right of separation from the attainment of the right to non-ideal non originating idea.
Because thanks to the capacity of the bar in terms of suffering, years of isolation from the right in the shop right in terms of impermanence. Because thanks to the power of introspection about self, years of isolation from the right in the shop right in terms of suffering. Because thanks to the power of introspection about boredom, isolation of the right in right out of the shop in terms of self. Because thanks to the power of introspection about craving ly, in the right of the cup from the right in terms of the boring bar. Because of the capacity due to the cessation of introspection, in isolation from the right in the right of the bar in terms of separation craving. Because thanks to the ability of introspection of abandonment, years of isolation from the right to the right of the bar in terms of cessation. Because thanks to the capacity of the restaurant at the end of five years the right to be excluded from the right of the bar in terms of the disclaimer. Because thanks to the power of introspection about the damage variables, years of isolation from the right in the shop right in terms of cessation. Because thanks to the power of introspection about the changes, in isolation from the right in the right of the bar in terms of the damage variable. Because thanks to the power of introspection about formlessness, five years separated from the right to the right of the bar in terms of transformation. Because due to the power of prayer is very consistent in terms of five years separated from the right to the right of the bar in terms of formlessness. Because thanks to the power of introspection about emptiness, five years separated from the right to the right of the bar in terms of wealth prayer. Because thanks to the capacity of legal insight and wisdom by winning five out of five cups right to the right of the bar in terms of emptiness. Because thanks to the knowledge and capacity in accordance with the entity that, in the right of the cup from the right in the way of winning insight wisdom. Because thanks to the power of introspection about the harm, right in the years of isolation from power in the know and find the correct entity. Because thanks to the power of introspection about the distinction, years of isolation from the right in the shop right in terms of the harm. Because thanks to the power of secession in terms of consistency, year of separation from the right in the shop right in terms of distinction. Because due to the power of Entry Act, five years separated from the right to the right of the bar in terms of secession. Because due to the power of the fruit attained Entry, five years separated from the right to the right of the Entry Act. Due to the capacity of the largest by Lai, years of isolation from the right in the attainment of the right to kick Entry. Because due to the power of attainment Best Mixed Fruit, five years separated from the right to the right of the Japanese director. Because thanks to the capacity of Director Real Lai, in the right of separation from the attainment of power in Lai best. Because due to the power of Real Mixed Fruit attainment, years of isolation from the right to the right of the Never-Director. Because due to the power of Directed A-la-drought, years of isolation from the right to the attainment of the right to kick on again. Because due to the power of the fruit attained A-la-five years separated from the right to the right of the A-la-director.  
Five is right out in the escape from the isolation of sexual desire. In exclusive rights in the courts not to be separated from the yard of poison. In the right in the think of the output light is separated from the lethargic sleep. In power in the scattered not be separated from the distractions out. In determining the legal rights of marginalized was disbelief. In the right place at the glass out of ignorance. In the right in the cup of joy is not from excitement.
In Jhana is right in the way of separation from obscured. In binary power in meditating is made out of glass and quarter. In the right triangle in isolation from the joy of meditation. Five rights of marginalized charity happiness and unhappiness. In power in the attainment of infinite not be separated from the production think about color, think about the disgruntled, think about the different states. In power in the attainment of knowledge is infinite separation from the think about not infinite. In power in the attainment of wealth ownership of land is separated from the thought of the idea of ​​infinite. In power in the non-ideal non attainment of origin is thought of separation from the multitude think about land ownership.
In the shop right in terms of impermanence is separated from the idea of ​​permanence think. In terms of customary rights in the anguish of separation from the idea of ​​optimistic thinking. In the shop right in terms of self is separated from the idea of ​​self thought. In the shop right in terms of boredom is separated from the fun. In terms of customary rights in the separation of glass from craving is craving. In the customary rights in terms of the cessation of the manufacture of glass from arising. In the shop right in terms of the disclaimer is separated from the harm. In the customary rights in terms of the production cessation from head to think about taking. In terms of customary rights in the variations of damage is excluded from (now) accumulation. In the customary rights in terms of the transition is made from head think about sustainability. In terms of customary rights in the formless is separated from the general production. In terms of customary rights in the multitude of voluntary separation from aspiration. In the customary rights in terms of the emptiness of separation from bigotry. Year in the right way by winning insight and wisdom to be separated from the bigotry of the essence (of usually longer, of ego). In the said rights and can be seen as they really are intolerant of separation from the mistake. In a bar right in terms of harm to be separated from bigotry dependence. In the shop right in terms of distinction is separated from the distinction is not clear. In the shop right in terms of secession was separated from bigotry into the binding.  
Year of Entry Act rights are separated from the defilement of the wrong net, right in the First Act of Lai was separated from the crude defilement, Director of Real Lai is right in isolation from the defilement of nature subtle, right in the A-la-Directed been isolated from the whole of afflictions, in all cases, in all of the right steps are not only long lasting glass production, glass production, but also good , be quiet, be quiet and nice.
The separation of the power of the 180 in this expression, (the author) aware of the separation of power in this expression by 180.
The article explains the second Business.
Chanting first product.

3. Last Tuesday Trading

[ Origination at Savatthi ]
This, monks, is in the right here. What is the year? Tin rights, attack right, the right concept, the right, the right knowledge.
And this the monk, right signal should be observed where? In part four of Entry details, credit should be observed right here. And this the monk, tons rights should be observed where? In four financial need, tons rights should be observed here. And this the monk, the right concept should be observed where? In four of the set concept, concepts should be observed right here. And this the monk, the rights should be observed where? In four meditation, the rights should be observed here. And this the monk, intellectual property rights should be observed where? In the four noble truths, intellectual rights should be observed here.
Because due to the power of the signal power in the four factors of the Entry, in rights should be observed in many manifestations? Because of the attack because of its power in the four primary needs, rights should be observed in the many manifestations? Because due to the power of the concept of rights established concept in four, five rights should be observed in many manifestations? Because due to the power of meditation to power in four, five rights should be observed in many manifestations? Because due to the power of IP rights in the four noble truths, rights should be observed in the many manifestations?
Because due to the power of the signal power in the four factors of the Entry, rights should be observed in the expression 20. Because of the attack because of its power in the four primary needs, rights should be observed in the expression 20. Because due to the power of the concept of power set in four concepts, rights should be observed in the expression 20. Because due to the power of meditation to power in four, five rights should be observed in 20 expression. Because due to the power of IP rights in the four noble truths, rights should be observed in the expression 20.
Because due to the power of the signal power in the four factors of the Entry, in power, it was observed that the expression 20?
In the four factors of the Entry of the close level of vacuum, the right signal should be observed in the legal sense resolutely mainstream, because due to the power of the signal power, attack power should be observed in the sense of power , concept of rights should be observed within the meaning established, the rights should be observed not anecdotal sense, intellectual property rights should be observed in cognitive significance. In the four factors of the Entry of the Dharma listen, ... (as above) ... the right of the line, ... (as above) ... practice of law and upon legal right, the right signal should be observed in the legal sense firmly mainstream, due to the power of the signal due to the right, ... (as above) ... intellectual property rights should be observed in cognitive significance.
Because due to the power of the signal power in the four factors of the Entry, rights should be observed in the expression of this 20.
Because of the attack because of its power in the four primary needs, right in under 20 should be observed that expression?
In financial need does not arise for the law is not evil evil arises, tons of power, it is observed in the sense that the power is dominant approach, thanks to the capacity of the attack by the right, the right concept should be observed by the meaning established, the rights should be observed in the sense not scattered, intellectual rights should be observed in the sense perception, signal power should be observed in the sense determined. In the district needs to get rid of the evil law is not evil arises, ... (nt) ... In financial need arises to make the law of God is being run, ... (nt) ... In the district should aim to maintain, not to be confused, growth, abundance, growth, all the way round the charity was being run, attack power should be observed in the sense of power the mainstream approach, due to the power of the attack by the right, ... Credit should be observed right in the sense determined.
Because of the attack because of its power in the four primary needs, rights should be observed in the expression of this 20.
Because due to the power of the concept of rights established concept in four, five rights should be observed that the expression 20?
In the concept of introspection setting body in the body, the right concept should be observed in the legal sense key set, because due to the power of the concept of rights, the rights should be observed not anecdotal sense, wisdom rights should be observed in the sense perception, signal power should be observed resolute sense, tons of power, it is observed in the sense of power. In establishing the concept of introspection on life expectancy, ... (as above) ... In establishing the concept of introspection on the heart center, ... (as above) ... In establishing the legal concept of introspection on the law, the right concept should be observed in the legal sense key set, because due to the power of the concept of rights, the rights should be observed in the sense not scattered, ... (as above) ... tons rights should be observed in the sense of power.
Because due to the power of the concept of power set in four concepts, rights should be observed in the expression of this 20.
Because due to the power of meditation to power in four, five rights should be observed that the expression 20?
In Jhana, the rights should be observed anecdotal sense is not legal mainstream, so thanks to the capacity of rights, intellectual property rights should be observed in the sense perception, signal power should be observed in the sense determination, tons rights should be observed in the sense of power, authority concept should be observed in the sense set. In the Second Meditation, ... (as above) ... In the third meditation, ... (as above) ... In the fourth jhana, the rights should be observed anecdotal sense is not legal mainstream, because due to the power of the right, ... (as above) ... concept of rights should be observed in the sense of setting.
Because due to the power of meditation to power in four, five rights should be observed in the expression 20.
Because due to the power of IP rights in the four noble truths, in right under 20 should be observed that expression?
In the noble truth of suffering, intellectual rights should be observed in the sense that legal awareness is key, because due to the power of IP rights, the right signal should be observed in the sense of determination, tons of power, it is observed in the sense of power, authority concept should be observed within the meaning established, the rights should be observed in the sense not scattered. In the noble truth of the origination of suffering, ... (as above) ... In the noble truth of the cessation of suffering, ... (as above) ... In the noble truth of the practice leading to the cessation of suffering, intellectual rights should be observed in the sense that legal awareness is key, because due to the power of IP rights, ... (as above) ... the rights should be observed in the sense not scattered.
Because due to the power of IP rights in the four noble truths, rights should be observed in the expression of this 20.
Because due to the power of the signal power in the four factors of the Entry, in the right behavior should be observed in many manifestations? Because due to the power of IP rights in four primary needs ... (as above) ... four settings in the concept ... (as above) ... in four meditation ... (as above) ... the four noble truths, in the right behavior should be observed in many manifestations? Because due to the power of the signal power in the four factors of the Entry, the right behavior should be observed in the expression 20. Because due to the power of IP rights in four primary needs ... (as above) ... four settings in the concept ... (as above) ... in four meditation ... (as above) ... the four noble truths, the right behavior should be observed in the expression 20.  
Because due to the power of the signal power in the four factors of the Entry, in the right behavior should be observed that the expression 20?
In the four factors of the Entry of the close level of vacuum, the behavior of the signal power should be observed in the legal sense resolutely mainstream, because due to the power of the signal power, attack power behavior should be considered close in the sense of power, the concept of right behavior ... in the sense of setting, the behavior of the right ... not anecdotal sense, the behavior of IP rights ... sense perception. In the four factors of the Entry of the Dharma listen, ... (as above) ... the right of the line, ... (as above) ... practice of law and upon legal right, power behavior of the signal should be observed in the legal sense firmly mainstream, due to the power of the signal due to the right, ... (nt) ... rights of intellectual behavior should be observed in cognitive significance.
In part four of Entry cost, due to the power of the signal due to the right of the right behavior should be observed in the expression 20.
Because of the attack because of its power in the four primary needs, in the right behavior should be observed that the expression 20?
In financial need does not arise for the law is not evil evil arises, attack right behavior should be observed in the sense that the power is dominant approach, because due to the power of attack power, the concept of right behavior should be observed in the sense of setting, the behavior of the right ... not anecdotal sense, the behavior of IP rights ... sense perception, signal power behavior should be observed in the sense determined. In the district needs to get rid of the evil law is not evil arises, ... (as above) ... arise in order to improve the law is not being run, ... (as above) ... aims to maintain, without the confusion, growth, abundance, growth, fully rounded approach to charity was being run, attack power behavior should be observed in the sense of power the mainstream approach, due to the power of the attack by the right ... (as above) ... behavior of the signal power should be observed in the sense of determination.
Because of the attack because of its power in the four primary needs, in the right behavior should be observed in the expression 20.
Because due to the power of the concept of rights in four concept set, in the right behavior should be observed that the expression 20?
In establishing the concept of introspection on the body itself, the concept of right behavior should be observed in the legal sense key set, because due to the power of the concept of rights, the right behavior should be observed in the ie not scattered acts of intellectual rights ... sense perception, behavior of credit rights ... sense determination, the right behavior attack ... in the sense of power. In establishing the concept of introspection on life expectancy, ... (nt) ... introspection on the center of attention, ... (nt) ... the customary law on the legal review, the concept of right behavior should be observed in the legal sense key set; ... (nt) ..
Because due to the power of the concept of rights in four established concept, right behavior should be observed in the 20 express it.
Because due to the power of meditation to power in four, five right behavior should be observed that the expression 20?
In Jhana, the right behavior should be observed anecdotal sense is not legal mainstream, so thanks to the ability of authority, acts of intellectual rights should be observed in the sense of cognitive behavior Credit should be observed right sense determination, the right attack behavior should be observed in the sense of power, the concept of right behavior should be observed in the sense of setting. In the Second Meditation, ... (as above) ... In the third meditation, ... (as above) ... In the charitable acts of the authorities should be observed anecdotal sense is not legal mainstream, because due to the power of the right, ... (as above) ...
Because thanks to the power capacity of the four meditation, the right behavior should be observed in the expression of this 20.
Because due to the power of IP rights in the four noble truths, the right behavior should be observed in the 20 public expression?
In the noble truth of suffering, acts of intellectual rights should be observed in the sense that legal awareness is key, because due to the power of IP rights, the right behavior should be observed signal in the sense of determination, behavior of tons rights should be observed in the sense of power, the concept of right behavior should be observed in the sense of setting, the right behavior should be observed in the sense not scattered. In the noble truth of the origination of suffering, ... (as above) ... In the noble truth of the cessation of suffering, ... (as above) ... In the noble truth of the practice leading to the cessation of suffering, acts of intellectual rights should be observed in the sense that legal awareness is key, because due to the power of IP rights, ... (as above) ...
Because due to the power of IP rights in the four noble truths, in the right behavior should be observed in the expression 20.
Abiding behavior and is detected and insight. The wise man of virtue can confirm the deep areas for people to act like that, so it is abiding that: 'Certainly this honorable teachers have reached or will achieve.'
Behavior: There are eight acts: acts of postures, behaviors of origin, the concept of behavior, the behavior, the behavior of the position, the behavior of the Act, the act of reaching, and acts as worldly benefits.
Behavior of majesty: four related to posture.
Behavior of origin: six related to paternal origin.
Behavior of concepts: four related to the concept set.
The behavior of the: four related to meditation.
Location behavior: involving four noble truths.
Directed Behavior: four related to Noble.
Behavior of reach: It involves four recluses.
Behavior for the sake of the world: concerning the Tathagata, grade A-la-han, who Enlightenment, partly related to the Single Buddha Enlightenment, partly related to the Van Thinh.
The behavior of the majesty of the aspirations was accomplished, the origin of the behavior of the holders of the units, [4] the behavior of the concept is to dwell on the not let loose, act the behavior of the stick is in August, the behavior of the position of the accomplished enlightenment, the behavior of the Act is the proper practice, the behavior is reached by the results have been achieved, the behavior of the world for the benefit of the Tathagata is, A-la-drought levels, who Enlightenment, as part of the Single Buddha Enlightenment, as part of of the Van Thinh, here are eight acts.
There are eight other acts: While the act resolutely to credit, while the power is acting to attack, while the act establishing the concept, while there is scattered with the behavior, while identified as behaving with wisdom, while the cognitive behavior with the behavior of the form, 'How in the practice, the method is able to improve the''s behavior with the behavior of the country, 'the practice as the attainment of specific 'behavior is an act of attaining; here are eight acts.
There are eight other acts: acts of right perception, behavior tied (the scene center) of right livelihood, right behavior preservation of language, behavior arises source of right action, act clean of livelihood, the very act of Effort, setting behavior of mindfulness, not scattered acts of concentration, here are eight acts.
The refuge: While adamant that dwells with believers, while the power is residing with tons, while establishing a dwelling with mindfulness, while the action is scattered with the refuge, while the recognize the wisdom dwell with.
Discovered: The significance of the signal power is determined to be detected, meaning that the right to health of the attack is detected, meaning that the right set of concepts to be discovered, not anecdotal sense of the rights that are detect, sense of mental awareness right is detected.
Be insight: The Meaning of the credit determination is the right insight, sense the power of the attack is right insight, the meaning of the concept of power set is insight, not the meaning of the scattered power is insight, sense of intellectual perception is right insight.
Acting like him, are acting with such credits, are acting with such attacks, are acting with such concepts, are acting with such regulations, are acting with such wisdom.
Being dwells like him, who are residing with such believers, who are residing with such attacks, who are residing with the deceased, who are residing with such regulation, who are residing with such wisdom.
The Wise: The Position is located, understanding, sensitivity, wisdom, had achieved enlightenment.
There is virtue: the share issue, share the recitation (the monastic Patimokkha ), the same study.
In the deeper areas: the Zen story, the liberation, on the floor, the attainment, the director, the fruit, the winning position, the (position) analysis is called the deep areas.
Can confirm: can trust, can be confirmed.
Sure: Here's a way to say, this is no doubt the words, this is no doubt the words, this is no two words mean, these are two words not mind, here are speech claims , this is not equivocal words, this word is defined: 'Certainly.'
With respect to: This is the endearing words, these are words of respect, this is the word culture with respect and surrender: 'The honorable.'
Reached: attained. Either will achieve: or will attain.
Description of Business Tuesday post.

4. Last Wednesday Business

[ Origination at Savatthi ]
This, monks, is in the right here. In (right) is what? Tin rights, attack right, the right concept, the right, the right knowledge. This, monks, is in the right here.
In this right should be observed according to how much sense expression? In this right should be observed in the sense that with six expressions: the legal significance of the mainstream, in the sense of being the first pure, superior sense, in the sense asserted, in the sense terminated, in the sense creation.
These rights should be observed within the meaning of the key measures (mean) How?
For you are to get rid of the non-believers, believers should be observed right in the legal sense resolutely mainstream, because due to the power of the signal power, attack power should be observed in the sense of power, the right concept should be observed in the sense of setting, the rights should be observed not anecdotal sense, intellectual property rights should be observed in cognitive significance.  
For you are rid of idleness, tons of power, it is observed in the sense that the power is dominant legal, due to the power of the attack by the right, the right concept should be observed in the sense of setting, the right .. . not anecdotal sense, intellectual property rights ... sense perception, signal power should be observed in the sense determined.
For abstain are let loose, the right concept should be observed in the legal sense key set, because due to the power of the concept of rights, the rights should be observed not anecdotal sense, intellectual property rights. .. sense perception, signal right ... resolute sense, tons of power, it is observed in the sense of power.
For you are rid of distractions, the rights should be observed anecdotal sense is not legal mainstream, so thanks to the capacity of rights, intellectual property rights should be observed in the sense perception, signal right .. . determination, attack power ... the power, the right idea ... setting.
For you are rid of ignorance, intellectual property rights should be observed in the sense that legal awareness is key, because due to the power of IP rights, the right signal should be observed in the sense of determination, tons of power ... in the sense of power, authority concept ... in the sense of setting, the right ... not anecdotal sense.
For you are to get rid of sexual desire, because due to the power of escapism, right signal should be observed in the legal sense resolutely mainstream, tons of power ... in the sense of power, authority concept ... setting, the right ... not scattered, intellectual rights ... awareness.
For you are to get rid of sexual desire, because due to the power of escapism, tons of power, it is observed in the sense that the power is dominant approach, because due to the power of attack power, should be the right idea establish close sense, the right ... not anecdotal sense, intellectual property rights ... perception, signal right ... determination.
For you are to get rid of sexual desire, because due to the power of escapism, right anniversary should be observed in the legal sense key set, because due to the power of the concept of rights, the rights should be considered not closely scattered sense, intellectual property rights ... sense perception, signal right ... determination, the right to attack ... the effort.
For you are to get rid of sexual desire, because due to the power of escapism, the rights should be observed anecdotal sense is not legal mainstream, so thanks to the capacity of rights, intellectual property rights should be observed sense perception, signal right ... resolute sense, tons of power ... the power, the right idea ... setting.
For you are to get rid of sexual desire, because due to the power of escapism, intellectual property rights should be observed in the sense that legal awareness is key, because due to the power of IP rights should be the right signal sense resolute look, tons of power ... in the sense of power, authority concept ... set, the right ... not scattered.  
To get rid of yard are poisonous, so due to the power of the courts is not exclusive, ... (nt) ... For you are to get rid of the sleepy lethargic, so thanks to the power of light to think of ... (nt) ... For all of you looking to get rid of negativity, because due to the power of Directed A-la-han, credit should be observed right in the sense that legal determination is key, because due to the power of the signal power, attack power, it observed in the sense of power, authority concept ... in the sense of setting, the right ... not anecdotal sense, intellectual property rights ... sense perception. ... (Nt) ... For all of you looking to get rid of negativity, because due to the power of Directed A-la-han, intellectual property rights should be observed in the legal sense resolutely mainstream, because due to the power of intellectual rights, rights to credit observed resolute sense, tons of power ... in the sense of power, authority concept ... setting, the right ... not scattered. These rights should be observed within the meaning of the key measures (mean) like that.
These rights should be observed within the meaning of the first part is cleaning up (mean) How?
Tin rights resolute sense, the pure sense of the receiver end without faith is to clean up the first part of the signal power. Tons rights in the sense of power, the pure sense of the receiver end is not idleness is the first part of the clean up tons of power. Mindfulness set right in the sense that, in the pure sense of the collection does not finish the job let loose in the first part of the concept of clean rights reserved. The rights in the sense of not scattered on the pure sense is not restrained to the distraction is the clean up of the first part right. Brain power sense perception, the pure sense restrained for jobs in ignorance is the beginning of wisdom clean power.
In power in escapism, pure in the sense that the receiver end to the sexual desires of the jobs in the first part of the year clean power. In right field in the non-toxic, pure in the sense that the receiver is close to the airport toxic cleaning jobs in the first part of the year right. ... (Nt) ... In the right in A-la-director, the pure sense of the whole collection over negativity is the first part of the clean up in the right. These rights should be observed within the meaning of the first part is cleaning up (mean) like that.
These rights should be observed is remarkable in the sense (meaning) How?
Due to the development of credit rights, desires arise, due to the desire, due to the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. Due to the impact of desire, joy arise, due to the effects of joy, as a result of faith, believers are superior rights. Due to the impact of the joy, joy arise, due to the wedding, due to the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. Due to the impact of the joy, pure arise, due to the net, due to the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. Due to the impact of the net, being more optimistic, because the impact of communication, as a result of faith, believers are superior rights. Due to the impact of touch, light arise, due to the effects of light, due to the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. Due to the effects of light, to the birth center, caused by the impact of the mind, as a result of faith, believers are superior rights. After the center, (the author) focused attention; due to the impact of, the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. (He) has cleverly tried to get the attention such static, due to the impact of health, the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. (He) was totally cool (discharge) for health care was such that, as a result of the calm, the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. Due to the impact of the calm, the mind released from the defilement different nature, due to the impact of the release, due to the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. Because the state has been released, the law that [5] is the best, due to the impact of the practice on the most significant, due to the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. Because the state has been the practice, we secession (direction) to wins legal Moreover, due to the impact of the secession, due to the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. Because the state has seceded from which (he) of Renunciation, as a result of the detachment, due to the impact of the faith and credit rights is beyond the sky. Because the state has been renounced, from which they are cessation, due to the impact of the cessation, the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. Because due to the power of the cessation, the detachment has two: the renunciation by letting go and detachment due to enter. 'Letting go of negativity and the aggregates' is due to drop detachment, 'Mind enters cessation, nirvana' a waiver due to enter, because due to the power of cessation, there are two Renunciation of this.
Do not abandoning faith, desire arise; ... Since abandoning the status frustrating because there is no faith, desire arise; ... Because getting rid of the negativity about the wrong net, desires arise; ... Because getting rid of the negativity primitive desires arise; ... Because getting rid of the negativity negativity subtle nature, desires arise; ... Because getting rid of all afflictions, desires arise, due to the desire, due to the impact of faith, believers are superior rights. ...
Due to the attack power, desires arise; ... (nt) ... Because getting rid of laziness, desire arise; ... (nt) ... Because getting rid of frustrating state by laziness, desire arise; ... (nt) ... Because getting rid of the negativity about the wrong net, desires arise; ... (nt) ... Because getting rid of all afflictions, desires arise; ... (nt) ...
Due to the concept of rights, desires arise; ... (nt) ... Because getting rid of let loose, desires arise; ... (nt) ... Since abandoning the status frustrating because let loose, desires arise; ... (nt) ... Because getting rid of all afflictions, desires arise; ... (nt) ...
Due to the development of the rights, desires arise; ... (nt) ... Because getting rid of distractions, desires arise; ... (nt) ... Since abandoning the state by frustrating distractions, desires arise; ... (nt) ... Because getting rid of all afflictions, desires arise; ... (nt) ...  
Due to the development of intellectual property rights, desires arise; ... (nt) ... Because getting rid of ignorance, desire arise; ... Since abandoning the status frustrating ignorance, desire arise; ... Because getting rid of the negativity about the wrong net, desires arise; ... Because getting rid of the negativity primitive desires arise; ... Because getting rid of the disturbing nature of subtle desires arise; ... (nt) ...
Because getting rid of all afflictions, desires arise, due to the desire, the impact of intellectual property, intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Due to the impact of desire, joy arise, due to the joy, the impact of intellectual property, intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Due to the impact of joyful, happy birth up, due to the wedding, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Due to the impact of the joy, pure arise, due to the net, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Due to the impact of the net, communication arise, due to the touch, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Due to the impact of touch, light arise, due to the effects of light, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Due to the effects of light, to the birth center, caused by the impact of the mind, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. After the center, (the author) focused attention; due to the impact of ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. (He) holds ingenious mind was still the same, due to the impact of the acquisition, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. (He) was totally cool (discharge) for the center was held so, as a result of the calm, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Due to the impact of the calm, the mind is released from the disturbing nature difference, due to the impact of the release, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Because states have been released, most of the measures that is, due to the impact of the practice in the best sense, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Because the state has been the practice, we secession (direction) to the wins legal Moreover, due to the impact of the secession, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Because the state has seceded from which (he) of Renunciation, as a result of the detachment, ... intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Because the state has been renounced, from which they are cessation, due to the impact of the cessation, the impact of intellectual property, intellectual property rights is unsurpassed. Because due to the power of the cessation, the detachment has two: the renunciation by letting go and detachment due to enter. 'Letting go of negativity and the aggregates' is due to drop detachment. 'Mind enters cessation, nirvana' a waiver due to enter. Because due to the power of cessation, renunciation of the two.
These rights should be observed is remarkable in the sense (meaning) like that.
Products Litigation second.
These rights should be observed in the sense that confirmed (mean) How?
Due to the development of credit rights, desires arise, due to the desire, due to the impact of faith, believers assert rights. Due to the impact of desire, joy arise, due to the effects of joy, due to the impact of the faith, the right to claim credit. ... (Nt) ...
These rights should be observed in the sense that confirmed (mean) like that.
These rights should be observed in the sense that termination (mean) How?
Credit resolute sense right to terminate without faith, frustrating status terminated due to non-believers. Tons rights in the sense of idleness very end, frustrating status terminated due to laziness. Mindfulness set right in the sense of let loose end, termination status frustrating because let loose. The power dissipation in the sense not to terminate chronic restlessness, upset the status terminated due to distraction. Tue rights terminated cognitive meaning ignorance, frustrating status terminated due to ignorance.
In the right at the end escapism in sexual desire. In exclusive rights in the courts are not independent termination field. In the right in the think of the light end lethargic sleepy. In the right at the end does not stray distractions. ... (As above) ... In the right in A-la-Directed end all afflictions.
These rights should be observed in the sense that termination (mean) like that.
These rights should be observed in the sense that creation (mean) How?
He had faith in the power to create credit determination, the right of believers who have faith in the determination to create. The effort to create the ton of power in the power, tons of people have the right to be diligent in the effort to create. The idea is to create the right concept in the set, the notion of rights can be created in a concept set. The veins of the right created in the non-dispersive, the rights of the static is created in the non-dispersive. Wise people in the creation of intellectual property rights awareness, intellectual property rights have been created in intellectual awareness.
The latter involves the creation of rights in escapism, in the author's rights are created in escapism. Practitioners in the creation of rights not exclusive golf, ... (as above) ... in the idea of ​​light, ... (as above) ... in the non-dispersive, ... (as above) ... in the perception ... (as above) ... Practitioners Act create rights in A-la-han, in the author's rights is established in A-la-director.
These rights should be observed by creating a sense (meaning) like that.
The article explains the Wednesday Business.
Ordinary people during the skillful practice of establishing how much the expression? The Friends School is during the skillful practice of establishing how much the expression? The left craving during the skillful practice of establishing how much the expression?
Ordinary people during the skillful practice of setting up the seven expression. The Friends School is during the skillful practice of setting up the eight manifestations. The left craving during the skillful practice of setting up with ten expression.  
Ordinary people during the skillful practice of setting up with 7 signifying nothing? Due to the nature of work has been centripetal, [6] (human being) is skillful setting of the object, ... the general setting of only pure, ... set out by the Minister of Health, ... the non-dispersive setting, ... light setting, ... establish satisfaction, ... calm setting (exhaust). Ordinary people during the skillful practice of setting this expression to 7.
The Friends School is during the skillful practice of setting up to 8 signifying nothing? Due to the nature of work has been centripetal, (the Friends School) is skillful setting of the object, ... skillful in establishing calm, skilful in the best possible setting. The Friends School is during the skillful practice of setting this expression to 8.
The left craving during the skillful practice of the establishment with 10 signifying nothing? Due to the nature of work has been centripetal, (the craving left) is skillful setting of the object, ... (as above) ..., skillful in establishing unity, skillful about set location, set on the skillful liberation. The left craving during the skillful practice of setting up with 10 this expression.
Ordinary people while practicing skillful insight on how to establish the expression? skillful is not established on the many manifestations? The Friends School during practice as skillful insight on how to establish the expression? skillful is not established on the many manifestations? The left craving while practicing skillful insight on how to establish the expression? skillful is not established on the many manifestations?
Ordinary people while practicing skillful insight on set with 9 expression, is not skillful on the set with 9 expression. The Friends School during practice as skillful insight on the expression set with 10, are not skillful in the expression set to 10. The left craving while practicing skillful insight on the expression set with 12, are not skillful in the expression set to 12.
Ordinary people while practicing skillful insight on set with 9 signifying nothing? skillful is not established on the 9 signifying nothing? Being skillful in the set (form, feeling, ...) is impermanent, is not skilful on permanent set; ... the setup is suffering ... the setting is not lost; ... setting is selfless, ... not set down; ... is set to take the stage, ... the setting is not going on; ... the set is turned septic, ... failure to establish accumulation (now); ... setting changes, ... the setup is not sustainable; ... establishing formless, ... failure to establish the Minister; ... countless volunteer setting, ... do not wish to set up; ... establishing emptiness, ... failure to establish bigotry. Ordinary people while practicing skillful insight is set with 9 of this expression, is not skillful in the set with this 9 expression.  
The Friends School during practice as skillful insight about set with 10 signifying nothing? skillful is not established on the 10 signifying nothing? As skillful set of impermanence is not skilful on permanent set; ... (as above) ..., is skillful in establishing emptiness, is not skillful in the setting bigotry, is skillful in setting position, is not skillful set of no-mind. The Friends School while practicing skillful insight is set with 10 of this expression, is not skillful set of 10 expression with it.
The left craving while practicing skillful insight about set with 12 signifying nothing? skillful is not established on the 12 signifying nothing?
Being skillful set of impermanence is not skilful on permanent set; ... (as above) ...; skillful set of mind, is not necessary for the skillful no mind set; ... the establishment of non-binding, ... the non-binding set; ... establishing cessation, ... not set out. The left craving while practicing skillful insight is about 12 set with this expression, is skillful is not established on the 12th of this expression.
Due to the nature of work has been centripetal, thanks to the skillful work of establishing the audience, (he) associated rights, identify the origin, meaning and insight of purity. ... (He) legal links, identify the origin, meaning and insight of purity.
Links rights : the right link is (mean) How? Links Credit rights resolute sense ... thanks to the skillful work of establishing the appearance of only pure, ... setting out the Minister of Health, ... the establishment of the non-dispersive, ... setting up lighting, ... the establishment of satisfaction, ... setting, serenity, ... the best possible setting, ... setting position, ... due to the impact of the establishment of the skillful liberation, ...
Due to the impact of the skillful setting is impermanent, ... due to the impact of skillful set of non-permanent, ... the setup is suffering, ... the setting is not lost, ... setting is selfless, ... not set to fall, ... is set to take the stage, ... not set to continue, ... the set is turned septic, ... failure to establish accumulation (now), ... setting changes, ... failure to establish a stable, ... establishing formless ... failure to establish the Minister, ... countless volunteer setting, ... do not wish to set up, ... establishing emptiness, ... failure to establish bigotry, ... setting position, ... the no-mind set, ... the establishment of non-binding, ... the non-binding set, ... establishing cessation, due to the impact of skillful about not setting out, (he) associated rights, identify the origin, meaning and insight of purity.  
Knowledge about the subject for four sixty three rights expression is located on the cessation of the taints. 3 of rights? Position of authority, of course tri rights, rights of voters.
Right position to go to as many positions? Of course right away how much intellectual position? Go to voters how much power position?
Right position to go to a position as director Entry. Of the six tri rights go to its position as fruit Entry, Best Director Lai, Lai best, Never-Director, Real Mixed Fruit, A-la-director. Voters the right to go to a position in the A-la-kick.
At the moment Entry Act, for the right position, the right signal is determined to support, attack right there is the auxiliary power, with the right concept auxiliary set, there is no dissipation of power auxiliary is chronic, mental perception is right accessories, the right to recognition as accessories, wedding is filled with the right accessories, the leading online legal right in maintaining the operation of the secondary assistance. At the moment Entry Act, the law was born, except the colors are arising care resources, all (the other way) are good, not all defilements, all with nature leads manufacture, all led to no accumulation, are all over the world, all with the Nirvana scene. At the moment Entry Act, for the right position, this is the eight auxiliary power arises, is the auxiliary have (impact) back and forth, is the reliance auxiliary, the auxiliary is are linked, as companions, as the birth, is associated, is affiliated. The last eight of this right is just a manifestation of the auxiliary power position.
At the moment It Added Liu, ... (as above) ... At the moment A-la-han, for voters rights, credit determination is entitled to support, ... (as above) ... network leading legal right in maintaining the operation of the auxiliary. At the moment A-la-han, the law was born, except the colors are arising care resources, all (the other way) are neutral, all of which are illegal or not, all are above the earth, the scene is all with Nirvana. At the moment A-la-han, voter rights for eight additional rights that arises, ... (as above) ... The last eight of this right is just a manifestation of voters supporting the right. Thus, eight times eight is sixty-four.
Gonorrhea or : What's The cankers? As the illegal sex, illegal property, contraband wrong, ignorance.
The contraband was being depleted or Where? Thanks to Entry Act, all viewpoints are smuggled depleted, leads to illegal sex is exhausted misery, misery property was illegally taken to exhaustion, ignorance leads to woeful been exhausted. The contraband was being depleted or here. Thanks to a Japanese director, grossly illegal sex are exhausted, meaning the property is contraband with him were exhausted, ignorance has the same meaning that it is depleted. The contraband was being depleted or here.
Thanks to Never-Director, full physical exhaustion pirated, illegal property has the same meaning with what he was exhausted, ignorance has the same meaning that it is depleted. The contraband was being depleted or here. Thanks to A-la-Act, all property is contraband exhausted all ignorance is exhausted. The contraband was being depleted or here.
Nothing here       
not be seen by him,
or are not aware of,   
or may not know,
He knows all         
everything can be said,
hence the Tathagata                  
All labels are you.
All Labels : All Labels in mean? Fourteen Buddhist position: Position of Suffering is Buddha mind. Suffering is the birth place of Buddha mind. ... (Nt) ... Omniscient mind is Buddha mind. Tri Buddha is not obscured location. This position is 14 Buddha. In place of the 14 Buddhas, there are 8 types of location is common to the Van Thinh, 6 types of location (last) is not common to the Van Thinh.
'For the meaning of suffering for suffering is already known, does not make sense (yet) know the size is not' the whole label. What is the whole name, it's the right knowledge. Because due to the power of IP rights, in the sense that the local authorities insisted that attack right in the sense of power, have the right idea in the sense of setting, with the right sense is not scattered.
'For the meaning of suffering for suffering is already seen, known, was the evidence, has been touched by the wisdom, does not make sense (yet) of Suffering is not touched by the wisdom' is All labels. What is the whole name, it's the right knowledge. ... (As above) ...
'For the meaning of the birth (width) of the birth (size) ... 'For the meaning of the cessation (of suffering) for the cessation (of suffering) ... "For the meaning of the Act to the Director ... 'To analyze the significance of the implications for the analysis of meaning ... 'For the meaning of the legal analysis of the legal analysis ... 'For the meaning of the analyzed word for word analysis ... 'For the meaning of the justification analysis allows analysis allow for justification ... 'To know the location of another possibility ... 'For the location of prejudices and latent tendency of being ... 'For the parallel to the ... 'So can enter the location of the bi ... 'So far it has been seen, heard, was feeling, was aware, had reached, was of the bridge, has been pursued by the mind of worldly gods always realms, realms Mara , Brahma realms, until the seed recluse, She-la-technical, human and divine, that is known, has been seen, known, was the evidence, has been touched by knowledge, nothing is to be touched by the wisdom 'is Complete Label. What is the whole name, it's the right knowledge. Because due to the power of IP rights, in the sense that the local authorities insisted that attack right in the sense of power, have the right idea in the sense of setting, with the right sense is not scattered.  
While he tries faith, while he tried to have faith in faith when he set up, while he may establish faith in faith when he focused ( center), while focus (attention) he has faith in faith when he recognized that, while aware he had faith. While he tried to set up while he tried to set up while he tried to focus (center) ... while he tries to get to know ... while the power status Have faith that, while he had faith that effort. While he set the focus (center), while the focus (attention) he set while setting he know, ... while he may establish faith, ... while he tried to set up, while he tried to establish. While the focus (center) said he got while he focused awareness (attention), while concentrated (heart) ... he had faith, while concentrated (heart) that he power, ... while focusing (center) he set up, while he set focus (center). While aware he had faith in faith when he got to know while he tries to recognize ... while aware he set up ... while he recognized focus (attention), while the focus (center) said he received.
The power of faith by itself, have faith tried by myself, is set by themselves have faith, faith by itself is established, is static by itself to have faith, have faith because the information itself is static; identify themselves by faith, faith by itself identify. Is set by the power itself, the power is set by itself, is still due to the power itself ...; detected by itself ... the power, have faith through the power itself, by themselves have the power of faith. Statically defined by the set itself, is set to ask yourself is static; detected by itself is set ...; faith by itself is set ...; tried by myself is set, is set by the power itself. Get to know yourself is through the veins, the veins are recognizable by itself; faith by itself is the static ...; tried to ask myself ... is the static, is set by itself is the static, static is to be set up by myself. Having faith through self awareness, self awareness through faith; tried to ask themselves recognize, identify yourself by the power, is set by themselves recognize, identify the device by itself established, is static by itself to identify, recognize themselves is through the static.
What is the name Buddha, that is developed. What is developed, the Buddha's name. Thanks to her label, Tathagata sees beings with little dust stained eyes and stained eyes much cleaner, with sharp senses and dull the senses, with good mood and bad mood, easy instruction guide and hard, some beings that are in fear and guilt (rebirth) into another world, a number of unseen beings in fear and guilt (rebirth) in other world.
There is little dust stained eyes and stained with dust much eye : The eye of faith is stained with dust less, people do not have faith there is more dust stained eyes. People have tried diligently ... little dust stained, lazy people ... more dust stained. The concept has been established ... little dust stained, people have forgotten concept ... more dust stained. The qualitative ... little dust stained, who was the static ... more dust stained. Persons with knowledge that has little dust stained eyes, people have less knowledge there is more dust stained eyes.
It senses sharp and dull senses : he had faith to be keen senses, the belief that there is no dull senses. ... (As above) ... The senses have to be mental acuity, whose wisdom is inferior senses dull.
Having good mood and bad mood : He had faith that has good temperament, who do not have faith is to have bad mood. ... (As above) ... People with mental mood is good, who is bad wisdom bad mood.
Easy instructions and guidance is difficult : people of faith is to guide, who did not have faith that hard guidance. ... (As above) ... The knowledge is there to guide, whose knowledge is less difficult instructions.
Some beings see the fear and guilt (rebirth) into another world, a number of unseen beings fear and guilt at the (rebirth) into the other world : The Virgin Mary information see the fear and guilt (rebirth) in another world, who have no faith in seeing the fear and guilt (rebirth) into another world ... (nt) ... The knowledge that there is fear and guilt at the (rebirth) into the other world, poor people do not see the wisdom of fear and guilt at the (rebirth) into another world.
World : The World of the aggregates of the world, the world of the country, the world's misfortune, giving the world's misfortune, the favorable world, bringing world advantages .
A world that all beings exist because of real objects. Two world is mind and matter. Three is the third world life. 4 Four kinds animal world is real. In the world's five aggregates. 6 Six is ​​the origin of the world. 7 Seven world is the seat of consciousness. 8 Eight world is worldly. September 9 is the world's beings residence. Ten of 10 country world. Twelve of 12 country world. Eighteen of 18 international world.
Guilt : All negativity is sin, all sin is evil, all the sin, all property is now leading to sin. Thus, the idea to the sharp horror of this world of sin, and this has been mentioned, as well as (to a terrifying thought) about the killings has been swung sword.

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