Tuesday 17 September 2013

Eightfold Path.
Lifestyle brings happiness.
Concept: 'not attached', 'no distinction', 'equality', 'no', 'false' ... the concept is often used in Mahayana Buddhism, even during the Buddha's teaching system Theravada, and especially after the transmission of Buddhism to China, combined with Taoist thought to carry a different meaning. Seriously speaking, these concepts, have different meaning, very special, and of course they probably have different values ​​in each historical period, we may borrow the expression 'Rating put old wine ', to describe the significance of this. Therefore, we need to be careful when using it to explain or solve problems in the present life, if we do not grasp the fundamental meaning of the Buddha, various ways to apply through the ages then it becomes dangerous. Like the general purpose of medicine is to cure sickness, but not synonymous, as many diseases are taking any medications. How to do so, not good old disease, a new disease to more. Despite significant way, Buddhism does not accept the view mentioned before, it is not synonymous with food rocky one; Buddhist concept refers 'regardless', it does not mean Buddhism advocates disorders rotation, mother and wife, father, husband, evil alike are friendly, Buddhism advocates 'equality', that does not mean per capita divided profits, wages among the experts and workers same muscle; Buddhist saying 'no' talking to 'false', does not mean that Buddhism does not encourage people to protect life, protect family and country. If we do not clarify the true meaning of the Teacher, that we do accidentally 'lion identical' to cut opaque 'lion shame, we are canceling the patent law, to the Buddhist sense is increasingly blurred, far removed from reality. The content of this article does not aim to explain some of the concepts mentioned ideology of Mahayana Buddhism, and Taoist philosophy, presents a lifestyle only leads to peace and happiness in Buddhism. That is the teaching of 'Path'.
It is the general purpose of man's search for happiness. Happiness is defined as it depends on how habits and understanding of each individual separately. That is the reason why there are differences between the views of the individual, the social group, this difference is expressed through lifestyle, thoughts, feelings, political opinions, beliefs. After all, the purpose of marriage is the way to find happiness, to make money is to find happiness; buying baby toys as well as how to find happiness, to Temple Buddha is also going find happiness, even partisan, war is also going to find happiness for the team, for the organization of their country .... Of course, every lifestyle, every point has its own meaning and happiness of it, even the beggars or thieves also arguments and their own happiness, the difference between this lifestyle and way Other live there is nothing different about the ethical, more or less, short-term or long-term only. The cause of the differences is that, is determined from the difference in terms of perception. If true, the perception it gives us reasonable results lasting happiness, if that perception stems from the misunderstanding, the result would of course bring a happy non-sense, short-lived.
Buddhist philosophy in general-purpose guide everyone lives happily alone doctrine 'Eightfold Path' is not the Buddha presented outside this sense, but here we note this , the tendency of Buddhist education have in common is the goal of enlightenment and liberation. Enlightenment refers to the role of intellectual property knowledge, liberation is not mentioned status afflictions, peace and happiness. This is typical of Buddhist teaching system, namely teaching 'Eightfold Path'. If we agree that, due to the dense affliction of birth, the teaching content Eightfold Path will present and introduce a lifestyle of happiness.
Humans are one of the creatures, but the difference between people  with different species is understanding, that distinguish between right and wrong, between good and evil, so that people have higher life than the other species. Catechism 'Eightfold Path' is teaching about 'the right way' (right), from the right view to the chief, telling the audience doctrine is human, of course there is the usual understanding , who is not insane or who disregard intellectual role. Those who want to understand the value of this teaching, it is essential to take the knowledge, or human features to learn about his teachings.
Eightfold Path (Arya-stavgika-marga) is an assistant director in the '37 ' [1] , is the basic method of practice of Theravada Buddhism, any part of which also have to understand this doctrine , it is the lodestar, the practice of the monastic life, or rather for those who want to have the kind of sexual happiness glasses, cups this immoral law. Catechism 'Eightfold Path', which is Pali Ariya a ee ha º gika magga, is Sanskrit: Arya-stavgika-marga, United translation is 'more noble Bat', 'the Noble Eightfold Path', as Ariya ( P) 'Arya' (S) means 'holy' is not 'right', a ee ha º gika (P) or stavgika (S) means more, more parts, and magga (P) or marga ( S) is way, way. But this doctrine we call the 'Eightfold Path' is not wrong, because the content is presented in this doctrine emphasizes the right (samma), not St. (Ariya). So, since this is meant the path to Saints, or the path to holiness. But the content of this teaching method is to become saints, not describing the status of saint. The method mentioned in this doctrine is samma (P) or samyag, which means "right", it went on with 8 branches are: Knowledge (P. ditthati, S. drstih), thinking (P. sankappa, S. samkalpah), language (P. vaca, S. VAK), industrial (kammanta P., S. karmantah), network (Ajiva P., S. ajivah), effort (P. vayama, S. vyayamah ), anniversary (P. sati, S. smrtih), the (P. samm ? dhiti, S. samadhih) should be called for: 1. Right view, 2. Right Thought, 3. Speech, 4. Right now, 5. Right Livelihood, 6. Right Effort, 7. Mindfulness), 8. Right Concentration.
Before learning the meaning 8 branches, to clarify word meaning right (samma P., S. samyag) in the Buddhist definition of how. What is the right call? Chief is the opposite of evil. Normally we define: the Buddhist doctrine is right, so called dharma, there is pagan doctrine of evil, so called 'pagan cult. Try asking such a definition is objectively reasonable? If someone asks, we rely on standards for financial Buddhism is also the evil pagan? Or if Buddhist philosophy is right, why in Buddhism there are many superstitious phenomena, whereas in Buddhism itself has many different ideological perspective, so that is the main point in ? To others accept this definition, simply not true at all, sometimes arbitrary interpretation and subjectivity of his listeners do not accept, I went to the 'wrong'.
In my opinion, the Buddhist concept of right that is often mentioned is seen in two angles. First, see the Buddhist teachings as dharma. When we call the Buddha's teachings, the Dhamma we must say to the doctrine: dependent origination, impermanence and non-self. Interdependent and impermanent as natural law or the law of nature. Doctrine "selfless" attitude of human perception to the world of nature.
Not any of them not because of conditions that combine into, something predestined by the combination of that, that's not nature, can not exist independently. Thus, the nature of the law is' impermanence '; something impermanent changes, so that humans can not control it, so-called' non-self. Thus, impermanent and interdependent self is the essence of life, though anyone who's religious, political parties always have to follow this rule, and to be aware of this, can not do other . Thus, 3 is the truth teachings, the system's basic teachings of Buddhism, so it is called "dharma" (samma-dhamma), 37 the teaching assistant and the other based on This made.
But the base level of the high-low beings who, for the Buddha should be based on this principle, depending on the different units that form the different teachings, which is why many of the Buddha classics, many different sects. The only difference is that the difference in form, but its ideological content found in any scriptures, whether Theravada or Mahayana, contain meaningful doctrine of dependent origination, impermanence and self. Classics do not mean this, it is not the Buddhist teachings. Then , the different forms of education, practice different disciplines, sometimes it is not the truth, can not be called Dharma. Because it is only valid for this person, but not with the other values. Thus, when we call the Buddhist teachings is that Dharma refers to the teachings of dependent origination, impermanence and non-self. Meaning, the right to face the truth, so called dharma.
Second, in addition to this meaning, in the Buddhist definition of the word 'right' meaning consistent with reality. This means that what people thought, it is the object of moral human thinking, practical sense and fit together , match the right call. This meaning is described by the word Buddha: 'yoniso manasik a place 'is HT. Pearl translates as 'As of intention'. This means that the moral character of how we think like that, do not be thinking differently, or not taken by others that ethical thinking about it. Inappropriate way of thinking in the "Diamond Sutra" called "crazy dream" or a "do not like the physical effects" (ayoniso manasik a place). For example, when thirsty, other countries want to resolve this, need to think about what water-related. How to think like that 'as of volition', thought otherwise called 'not as physical volition'. Thus, the meaning of 'as of volition', its meaning, between our way of thinking in accordance with the doctrine of the object that we want to think, so-called 'right'. The main concept is the direct contact between the subject and object perception perception, it is not related meanings khac.Vi example the Buddhist monastic or any ill feelings, immediately thinking of going medical and feelings about taking medication, to get better results. This is a reasonable solution, because thinking is consistent with the fact, how to solve this so-called 'right', although it is not related to the doctrine of dependent origination , impermanence and non-self. But if someone gets the wrong drink poison, refusing to go the hospital, find a specialist treatment, for that, so Buddha to meditate or drug detoxification, resulting spew poison death . The cause of death is not reasonable to solve, so the method is called evil or wrong, or whether it's meditating Buddha.
Thus the concept of right (samma) in Buddhism has two meanings defined. The first meaning is the truth of life, the principles of nature, such as the doctrine of dependent origination, impermanence, and second, the concept of primary significance 'as of volition, "that the doctrine of the How do animals think like that. This is the primary meaning of the word Buddhist teachings. Now, we try to find the meaning of section 8 spent in teaching 'Eightfold Path'.
  1. Right view
Chi first of the Noble Eightfold Path of right understanding, Pali samm a- di tt hi. Samm a primary means; di tt hi mean rudiments, insights, ideas, viewpoints. From this definition, the concept that 'is' here is not that simple as seeing eye of appearances, which is a complete perception, it should be called a life perspective. This view is associated with the concept of right (samm a ), so it is called rational view live or live properly. For example, take the function of human understanding to judge and decide things happen around him. People with such views is the point of living is reasonable or proper, from the Eightfold Path called 'right view'.
Also preceding meaningful ca p , in my opinion, if the Eightfold Path is understood as a process of acquiring knowledge and attitudes expressed his swim to the external world, the concept of right (samm a - di ff hi) This also means, that the honest material acquired from the external world is color, silent, smell, taste, touch, units across the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body , to make the audience aware or made ​​aware of the basis for conscious thinking properly so-called 'right livelihood', is more 2nd Eightfold Path. The acquisition is to be true is not fabricated, hallucinations, so it is called right view. In the process of human perception of things, the material is very important, crucial for the perception rightly or wrongly, to be aware of the process 'right view' is ranked first in spending 8 more. This is why the 'Great Economic Forty' Buddha explains:
"Here, the monks, top of right away. And how is right view leading to? Wisdom is wrong wrong, insight is the right view of right .... T UE tri deviant thinking is wrong thinking, insight is right thought and right thought, so is he right view of the Brain .... tri wrong speech as wrong speech, right speech insight is right speech, so he is right view. .... Knowing now that the evil spirit now, know right now is right now; ... wisdom is wrong livelihood as wrong livelihood, right effort insight is the primary network; .... wisdom is wrong is wrong diligent effort, insight is Right Effort is Effort; .... Insight that evil thoughts are evil thoughts, insight is that mindfulness mindfulness; ... wisdom is wrong to wrong concentration, the main insight is the right one .. ". [2]
Through both the content of the quote, it suggests we understand the role of right in tracing the process happy. Chief is responsible distinguish observation and control of the activities of the body and mind such as: 2. Thinking, 3. words, 4. employment (industrial), 5. life, 6. effort (effort), 7. Concepts and 8. regulations. Three more final effort, mindfulness and concentration is the determination to practice. But that practice is like to correct consciousness, but that consciousness comes from, if it stems from ignorance, the practice becomes useless, there is no benefit for themselves, not the achieve the purpose of enlightenment, so the role of right back control effort that practice right feet or not. If such a practice which is built from right understanding, right thought, then we must have true words will not tell lies, not truth; work righteous deeds can not be virtue turpitude, have high life bar despicable threaded end, the effort is not logical absurdity; each anniversary each concept legal and illegal are not suitable Dhamma meditation is not illegal, so the person's life will be happy. Conversely, if you do not have the right view that is wrong, wrong thinking leads to ... of course will have to reap the suffering afflictions. The suffering or happiness which man is the owner who decides not unfamiliar. That is why in this business, the Buddha took the right view as more fundamental to guide other families.
From this principle, we can see it as a measure or a mirror for people to check the work of his past, even as we call practice, to learn from this teacher or other associate. Whoever way, if that practice method of right originates from, the method was in the practice of Buddhism, to make sure it will lead us to happiness; vice versa if the method practice that stems from wrong, that method is not the Buddha, it does not lead us to enlightenment that leads us to hell is disturbing scenes of suffering. That is the meaning of right and role in the process to guide our lives peacefully and happily.
  1. Right Thought
Right Thought is spent Monday in the Eightfold Path. Since P is translated from a li is Samm a- sa n kappa. Samm a right or a right; sa n mean kappa thinking, volition, or Vietnamese called thinking, thinking, belongs to the field of consciousness. The concept of reflection (sa n kappa) is, by definition it is added from right (samm a ), so it is called right thought. What is called right thought? For us to grasp fully the meaning, not misleading, we base 'Doing long lasting' the Buddha explains:
"The Buddha said to the monks: Do tri, because that is illegal and not be eradicated by not knowing, not prejudice.
Why are so called prophet, so that the contraband is exterminated? It is due right thought and right thought. If the sex is not thinking long chief unborn will birth; arisen consecutive growth, organic contraband, ignorance unborn arise; arisen consecutive growth. If you have the right mindset illegal sex unborn will not birth, was born consecutive defeat. Friends and ignorant contraband smuggling unborn will not be born; was born immediately destroy. " [3]
In fact, this text is equivalent to 'Doing All Gonorrhea Or' (SABB a sava-suttam) in "Business Central" (Majjhima Nik- a ya), we can take two business reference comparison. However, the Sanskrit original of "Business Central A Ham" not only is the Chinese translation, the Venerable Tue Sy documents translated into Vietnamese, we can say this is the best language translation Vietnam. In his translation, noted monk from 'Right Thought Unjust thinking' with comparative content between A levels and Pali : " ... P ā Storage: ca yoniso manasikara μ ayoniso ca manasik ā the μ , is as reasonable as of the mind and not the mind. " In fact, phrase Pali been cited economic Venerable 'SABB a sava-suttam 'attention that the phrase' any right thought, right thought 'in Chinese organ, it is similar to the phrase: yoniso ca manasik ā the j ayoniso ca manasik ā the j in Pali . Yoniso manasik ā r am which means 'as of volition' or 'right thinking'; ayoniso manasik ā ram means' do not like the attention of 'or' not right thought, 'This two-way services were both right. Thus, the word 'right livelihood' means 'as of volition', because as the new chief of the thinking, or in other words 'as of volition' is the 'right thinking' is results.
Back problems, the concept of right thought the Buddha explained in the last paragraph leads, it is meant to bring life causes happiness. In other words, it is the permanent wall to prevent the evil law arises not yet born, was born to be eradicated. Then main reason for thinking that this function? If we base the meaning of right thought they would understand the meaning of this. Right Thought is a rational thought. What is rational thought? This means that the moral character of how we think like that, that is between thought and real life fit together. Any problem, when we thought about it logically, it would give us a reasonable settlement, any problem, be reasonable settlement, he can not bring the pain , by contrast, brings peace and happiness. Thoughts can not properly bring suffering results, which is a causal relationship psychologically. If the past is anything disturbing, because no right thinking, right now, there thinking, those suffering from now on no longer, and the unborn are disturbing and may never be, for have the right thought and right. That is the meaning of right thought is explained in this business.
There also needs to understand that concept of thinking brought two meanings, including the thinking subject and object thinking. For example, Mr. A was thinking about home. Mr A thought (thinking) is the subject, the home is subject to thinking. So thinking where objects that have? This question is simple, but really is not that simple at all. In Buddhist consciousness-only school with two schools and patron of An Hui, each sect has a different answer. Since the main theme of this article is not to address this issue, so here the author does not go into the philosophical aspects of these two schools, it will be discussed in other topics. To solve the problem mentioned above, the writer would like answered. Objects that conscious thinking is 'legal origin' in the 12 country. It is the capital of the image that is seen or heard, the people, the taste and the feeling from the outside world. For example, yesterday's nice to hear a song, see a beautiful flower ..., here, good music, beautiful flowers but it was in the past , are no longer present, but the flower image and sound music is still stored in the memory. The impression that memory is taken from the outside world, as an object to distinguish conscious awareness, because consciousness can not perceive the world outside. Thus, if the Eightfold Path teachings are viewed as a cognitive process with the outside world, the 'right view' is seen as reliable sources, as a basis for right thought, right speech right .... making. Right Thought is responsible for use of such materials in accordance with fact, before expressed through words or actions.
  1. Speech
Details of teaching 3rd Eightfold Path is right speech. Pali is Samm a- v a c a, with Recommendations plate is l ch oi say thanks right or indecent. If the district can avoid thinking of what treatment was collected from the base year (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body) for reasonable, the right speech , right action and right livelihood is one more 3 denotes positive attitude of the people towards the natural world, which means people have to speak and the right to practice. Of course, human societies are complex, so be careful who says, speaking of how not to hurt yourself and others, and of course the words to fit your ideal that is pursue. Complete this purpose, Buddhism called right speech. According to Buddhist Right Speech is not that how it's said, of why he said it is right to say, this is the point where we need to Buddhists attention and learning. So Buddhism is based on the standards to fall into evil speak no English?
To answer this problem, the Agamas and Nik a lot of ya are explained. The first is 'Business Example The Chainsaw' (Kak a c u pamasuttam), Buddha exhaustively explained as follows:
" Chu Monks, there are five kinds of language that people can use when talking with the other person: (1). time and non-time, (2). real or not real feet feet, (3). fine or gross demand, (4). benefit or benefits, (5). with compassion and with care field. "
" Chu Monks, when it comes to other people, the person can speak or non-time schedule. Chu Monks, when it comes to other people, the person may choose to say or not say to the feet. Chu Monks, when it comes to other people, the person may need to say a word or a rough puree. Chu Monks, when talking with other people, and who can say no benefit or interest to say. Chu Monks, when talking with other people, and he can tell from the heart or the mind game. "
" Chu monks, in here, the people need to learn the following: "We will keep our minds uncomplicated infection, we will not uttered evil words, we will live with lap time introspection, with compassion, with no inner anger. living We'll cover this person with a mind of words. And with this object, we turn chronic and life around the world with a mind of from, ad infinite place, not hatred, not courts. " Chu monks, so the people should be learning. " [4]
    The contents of this paragraph, the Buddha primarily based on 5 factors to suggest we should say or should not say. (1). Time and non-time. This means that when we want to state a problem, it is necessary to consider, that is to say in the matter at this trendy yet? (2). True or not true. Need to consider issues that we would like to say that true or not true. (3). Fine or gross demand. There are two ways of expressing your words is how we should use, tough rough or soft flexible plastic. (4). There are no benefits or benefits. Prior to speaking words that need to be considered, that words have no benefits or benefits, (5). From the center or center field. There are two ways to show their love through words, said with compassion or anger. Here are 5 criteria by which we choose our words. The Buddha said that it is we who decide, word choice, no one can replace anyone we choose, but we need to pay attention is a fundamental problem, after saying there will be a either as a result of suffering or happiness, it depends on the speaker or logical absurdity. According to Buddha, usually with the words, honest, flexible, with interest from, it always brings us peace and happiness, on the contrary, it will bring insecurity and suffering. That is why the Buddha advised us to say a word honest, loving with compassion, not hatred revenge. This is the meaning of the words of the Buddha in this presentation.
    The same content-related issues 'Words', 'Prince Abhaya Sutra' (Abhaya rajakumara suttam), the Buddha explained in detail and clearer.
The reason the Buddha said all of this, because Nigantha Nataputta pagan malice want to humiliate the Buddha, so he persuaded the prince Abhaya to argue with The Sun. If you win, well known to remote station, because the prince who dares to Exalted controversy. Although Prince Abhaya not dare do it, but Nigantha Nataputta convinced and just question the Exalted says: 'Tathagata said when people hear the words but do not like do not like it?' If the Blessed One answer is: 'Yes'. Continue to question: 'So, the answer was between Bhagavan and other ordinary man can do?' If the Blessed One answer is: 'No'. Continue questioned humbled by: Exalted answer not true, as the Blessed One has said: 'This Devadatta to fall into the vicious origin, Devadatta to fall into hell 'is the word that people do not like to hear. Then Prince Abhaya was followed and questioned Bhagavan.
To answer this question hooks, the Buddha did not directly answer that question answered indirectly, by borrowing a story similar content retorted Prince Abhaya asked. Results of Great answer how death, then that is the answer of the Buddha. So he asked again:
"Hey Wang E, Wang E do you think? If this kid, by the accidental death of Wang, or unintentionally because the majority of the breast, poke a stick or swallowing a rock in his mouth, so to do what Prince? " 
"Revered sir, you have to hook up. Venerable sir, if you can not hook up immediately, while with the left hand holding his head back, with his right hand, his finger do the hook, I'll hook it up to things, oil must flow mau.Vi stars that? Venerable sir, for I have compassion for the child. " 
"Also, the United death, (1) words that the Tathagata does not like tha t, not like feet, do not correspond to the purpose , and that statement that the others do not like , do not like, the Tathagata do not say those words . "
"(2) The words that the Tathagata knows is as true as true, does not correspond to the purpose , and that statement that the others do not like , do not like, the Tathagata does not say those words . "
"(3) And the words that the Tathagata knows is as true as true, respectively for the purpose , and the words that make other people do not like , do not like, here Tathagata knows the words to explain it . "
"(4) The words that the Tathagata does not like it, do not like feet, do not correspond to the purpose , and that statement made ​​the other favorite , do not say words like that again ".
"(5) The words that the Tathagata is known as tha t, as true, does not correspond to the purpose , and the word was made ​​popular and like others , the Tathagata does not say those words . "
"(6) And the words that the Tathagata knows is as true as true, respectively for the purpose , and words that make others prefer and like, here, the Tathagata knows the words explain it. "
"Why? This prince, the Tathagata has compassion for the ideal beings. " [5]
The content and meaning to the story that the Buddha's teachings are very specific and clear. He took 3 primary standard is: 1. The words are as true or not, 2. Words that are related purposes or not, and 3. Words that can be heard or not. Here are 3 criteria to decide whether to say or not say. In 6 cases mentioned, but of which only 2 cases 3 and 6 are two cases he decided to talk. The remaining 4 cases 1, 2, 4 and 5 are not certain he said. We try to find out why he said and did not say? In either case he decided to tell all standards related to 'correspond purpose', although the first three cases, the words that u do not hear a like, but the Buddha has said, because it is related purposes. In contrast, the remaining cases, the Buddha refused to speak, because they are not related to the purpose, although the words may be true, listeners preferred. For example, the purpose of the student is in school, if someone told me to drop out of school to do propaganda work, the wages are quite high. Despite the propaganda that is real, highly paid well, but the propaganda that, because they are not related to school purposes, so I decided not to do.
Also, we decided to tell or not to tell, the right word is the word and the wrong word is the word. Standards of right and wrong must be based on the purpose of that person. The goal of Buddhism is the direction of enlightenment and liberation, if that Buddhists should be based on objective criteria for making this speech or his work. Any jobs that benefit more physical, speech, or, as is the truth, but it is unrelated to the goal of enlightenment and liberation, the words, making it the Buddha advised us should not say, should not do. This is the true meaning of the concept of 'Right Speech' in Buddhism. However, human nature, the inherent laziness, dislike logical way of thinking, so few people understand the significance of this society. For this kind of person, the Buddha specified district language concepts by specific rules, as described in 'The Truth About Economic Discrimination' (Sacca vibhanga suttam Citta) as follows:
"This current owners, what is right speech? Resist not lie, do not say homemade double-edged border refrained evil, refrain from saying frivolous. The current owner, the so-called right speech. " [6]
In fact, the provisions of this highly strained, not revealing the meaning 'right view' Buddhist perspective. Because sometimes we are not true to say, but words that have an interest, contact the enlightenment and liberation, then why not be a Buddhist to say those words. Conversely we sometimes say no falsehoods true, but that statement has nothing to enlightenment, then why Buddhists say we have to say that. For example, we talk Buddhists plowing, trade talk ... with benefits whatsoever. Although it is a true story, but it is not related to practice enlightenment, so we did not say those words.
But anyway, these are very specific rules anyone can hear and understand do not need to think. Design thinking is that media education for the masses, as a foundation for morality.
  1. Right now
Details 4th Eightfold Path is right workers. English P a li is samm a- kammanta. Samm a is right; kammanta a career, career, career in business, career, business and profession. Understandable words or the profession is how to make money to live. There are many ways to earn money, but here Buddhism to mention the legal profession, is not illegal, it is called primary job is nghiep.The right now? According to 'The Truth About Economic Discrimination' (citta suttam vibhanga Sacca), the Buddha explains:
"This current owners, what is right action? To abstain from killing, stealing refrain, refrained from sexual immorality. The current owner, the so-called right action. " [7]
Almost texts belong to Theravada, texts whose content refers to the profession as a means of earning a living animal body is referring to the life of the home, not the home person. Also, the definition of right action has been stated, the content taught to the house not ordained, because the world of ordained monks is not forbidden lust, not prohibit adultery, should therefore know that the teaching for the home. Perhaps the Buddha at 3 issue of killing, stealing and sexual misconduct is 3 business areas unfair, moral degradation, so Buddha Buddhists do not recommend trading in 3 Areas . Here the problem is not prohibited to kill meaningful content and how we need serious research, because the ordained Theravada sect still eat meat in the spirit of 'three pure humiliation', which means meats not see, hear, and do not think life is still used (Please read the article: "The problem vegetarianism in Buddhism" by Thich well Binh). So your problem 'Resist not kill' in the sense of how. As I meant to take the killing as a profession to live. In addition to these 3 areas, there are of course many other occupations is good, as is the sale of weapons, toxic ... professions generally dangerous nature and human society. Related to this issue, in "Anguttara" episode 2, the Buddha mentions the Buddhists job is not done as follows:
"There are jobs in this trade, the monks, lay a man should not do. What is the year? Swords trafficking, human trafficking, trade in meat, liquor trade, trafficking poison. " [8]
Career First in 5 jobs that Buddha is mentioned, Buddhists are not banned trade swords. The term includes guns are weapons used for war, because no ancient weapons now so the Buddha refers swords, but should understand that these weapons, the second thing that merit Buddha was not a Buddhist prohibition to the traffickers. This job is probably obsolete in society, no human rights policy, so common situation of human trafficking, especially women and children, not only in the past but even today, the trafficking women and children are still happening every day; wine trade Buddha also banned, because it is made for the enthusiast, living in delusion, not rational, it is a place of suffering humanity , so the Buddha advised Buddhists do not drink, do not encourage people to drink, which is why he forbade Buddhists wine trade, profession fourth Buddha meat trade is prohibited, because meat trade, directly or indirectly, to kill an animal, if taken every day life training bruising tight beings, it easily hurt compassion, and it is coaching people to become the evil in society, which is why Buddha Buddhist prohibition should not trade in flesh trade, and vocational training finally trade in toxic, are classed as heroin, ecstasy ..., it that these drugs make people lose reason, lose the ability to live, on the road leading turpitude, his torment and suffering people. Here are 5 specific cases where the Buddha prohibited. In today's society, there are not many healthy career, are Buddhists should not do.
Concerning occupation, as a way to earn money to feed themselves and their families, the Buddha is very practical advice and useful, I have listed for readers reference. The first, " A jaw Business Review "volume 1, number 91 Buddha advised laypeople as follows:
"Revered sir, secular communities should be legal to practice many of the benefits and peace right now in the present?
Buddha told his Brahmin She: "There are four ways to help the people at home are secular interests and peace and happiness in the present. These are: (1.) Means full and (2). Prime adequate protection, (3). Compassion sufficient knowledge, (4). Chief of the full network.
(1). "What is a sufficient means? Devotees nourishing himself with professional skill, such as farming, trading, serving the king, copy books, math, art, painting. For those techniques that professional, always diligently cultivate diligently. It's called Full Vehicles.
(2). "What is Prime adequate protection? Devotees with money, rice paddy, due to harvesting effort, his hand made, as that would be legal, keep positive, not to the king, the enemy, water, fire, deprived, or floating, submerged or lost. Conversely, if you do not keep going on their left, or if you do not pay attention to them, the others will be taken up, and the accident will cause damage. It's called devotees left the household.
(3). "What is Compassion full knowledge? As devotees living in moderation, do not let loose, do not lie, do not sinister. The knowledge thus capable of skillful comforting; unborn sorrow that can not be born again, born of grief can have open, calm and clear, the unborn can enjoy fast delivery made, the pleasure was being made to preserve not lost. It's called good devotees full knowledge.
(4). "What is Right Livelihood full? The devotees get the money, income and expenses in balance, preserving every cycle, not so much that the export import less, export more and import less that, as people hold little weight must be added, much to down, until the new balance of knowing it. Thus, devotees have to balance their possessions while equal import, does not make a lot of little import, import or export much less.
If good men who do not have much money but widely used overdone, this is due to the activity which they say is 'best-performance Talk-bowl no seeds'; foolish desires, not thinking about later. Or have ample devotees without daring consumers, people in nearly all said: 'This foolish person like starving dogs.' So devotees, the money's going to be, should his balance, equal import. It's called the Right Livelihood full. So Balaam post, here are four measures current achievements and interests in peace now. " [9]
Often we hear mention of Buddhist causal retributive afterlife linked to this life, by teaching us to keep the practice like this or like that other, to avoid retribution suffering in hell is not good. The content passages just quoted, the Buddha did not mention that emphasize life after this present life, this particular life. Based on the specific problem of modern life is to give advice on foot rustic, but very real, anyone can learn and practice, the right to practice one would result in an happiness even in this life. That proves that the view of the Buddha not only worry about death, about the afterlife, prayer for the dead, is also to care for people living, both mental and physical life, by asset managers, family spending. Who would think a parent has to look after the family economy would understand this issue better.
Four factors suggest that the Buddha required Buddhists to practice at home to peaceful life is: (1). When a young person should have a spirit of self-reliance, by finding a suitable job, and of course the job is legitimate job as a farmer, workers, traders, accountants public .... After finishing work, need stability and promote your expertise for the job. This is very basic advice, especially science and technology era like today, people do not have the sense of responsibility and always updated Nhut knowledge, not outdated. By doing so, job stability certainly not worried fired. (2). Their assets earned legally, need to know to keep preserving, not unreasonably loss and unjust, including fraud factor was enticing. This is the second point that the Buddha advised laymen. (3). So closely associated with improved knowledge Hun, who not only have knowledge, but who is moral, his love of people, not harming others interested. The knowledge that would be good advice when reasonably necessary to prevent the unborn affliction does not arise, the troubles have left her birth, causing unborn joy will be born, gave birth to more growth. This is the 3rd advice to help those less intellectual Buddhists. (4). Tip No. 4 is the air conditioning in family spending, not wasted, should not be too frugal. The two extremes are not conducive to life.
Design thinking, 4 tips rustic but very simple, but very real, it is not the only social value in the past that even in today's society is appropriate. In view of the Buddha, human suffering, including two aspects: spirit and matter. As for the material, the Buddha said that people should have the physical needs required for life, but that does not mean as much matter how much human happiness as much. Yes but how much greed is not full, still worn by such suffering with the ball. Only people who know enough to feel joyful, happy and appreciate what you have. Cucumber with ginger soy cup of the temple that no one dared to make delicious feast with wine whore place? In fact, the causes of human deprivation is not little money or material that is not enough and the waste plus bottomless greed. Sometimes the source of human suffering is not the lack of which is the excess plus stingy heart. Extravagance and stinginess are two equally suffering that life often encountered. It is the content and meaning that the Buddha taught lay people through all of this.
So for how the monastic called right now? Right now the production or livelihood in any part of the match. In my opinion, the best answer must be based on each specific case. Here, have offered two typical cases. According to Theravada Buddhist tradition is a form of alms, while Mahayana Buddhism is the mode offerings from Buddhist, there are many places that economic self-sufficiency, which means shifting cultivation to live, this is case common in rural Vietnam. But whether such a life might be, it does not go far dharma, against the spirit of compassion and wisdom of the Buddha. As an ordained can not make a living-related careers superstition, overshadowing Dharma.
Whether at home or the home people, human material remains inevitable demand. But do not make a living as opposed to the enlightenment and liberation of Buddhism is to think about each part of the house. Practice in accordance with the teachings of the Buddha is not the Buddha benefits that the law enforcement people, who received the first peace.
  1. Right Livelihood
Details of teaching 5th Eightfold Path is right livelihood, from which this is translated from the Pali Samm aa j i and. A j i and the network, life, life. Thus, Samm aa j i and means virtuous life, also known as right livelihood. If cost is the right action 4th, discuss jobs, the more legitimate to talk about right livelihood 5th, reasonable life. The difference between the cost is between work and life. Comes to life as it comes to life point, relevant life, but not to live. That's the difference between this genus. In 'The Truth About Economic Discrimination' (Saccavibhangacittasuttam) Buddha on Right Livelihood defined as follows:
"This current owners, what is right livelihood? The current owner, here saint disciples abandon wrong livelihood, right effort to live by. The current owner, the so-called right livelihood. " [10]
Or in 'The Horse Business Hamlet' (Mah a ssapura suttam) Buddha explained livelihood as follows:
"Born to be our network purity, intelligence chief, openly, without blemish, conceal., But we do not because the life was pure, his praise, criticism people". Thus, the monks, and he needs to practice ". [11]
The contents of the two passages above. The first paragraph of the Buddha using the comparative method, from evil livelihood network to explain, but there is no specific explanation clear. In contrast, the next paragraph, the Buddha tells us many definitions of livelihood such as purity, intelligence chief, openness, no flaws, not hide mistakes. In fact, these concepts describe a practice Dharma properly, so that the body and mind are purified, so that his mind is open, not bigotry, what if any mistake, he looking to master or improve knowledge and penance would reveal advice. So who is right livelihood. This is the primary meaning of the eight network path.
  1. Right Effort
Chi No. 6 in the Bowl spending path 'Effort'. Pali word similarity is Samm a- v a y a ghost. Samm a right is, v a y a ghost is diligent, effort, effort. From this comes the right, so called Right Effort, or in other words a true effort, that makes sense. What is the true effort. Based on 'The Truth About Economic Discrimination' (Sacca vibhanga suttam citta) the Buddha explains:
"This current owner, and how the Effort? The current owner, monks here, for the evil of bad unborn, start up will not arise, because this effort, diligence, determination and perseverance. For evil is born of bad ones, will start to eradicate, this the effort, diligence, determination and perseverance. For goodness unborn, start up will cause arises, are these efforts, diligence, determination and perseverance. For goodness was being run, will start to make an accommodation, not for corruption, making the growth, development, fulfillment, is the effort, diligence, determination and perseverance. The current owner, the so-called Right Effort. " [12]
The purpose of education is close to Buddhist enlightenment and liberation. Enlightenment is that the truth or principle of life is liberation through enlightenment which he is freed, no enlightenment, there is no freedom, there is no light and there is no seen. Thus, the human enlightenment, liberation is the fruit, which results from the birth, can not be effective without people, so there's not as evil as good results, the results are compatible. This is the doctrine of cause and effect in Buddhism. Also, people who want enlightenment, he can not get to the ignorant behavior, enlightened and liberated from nowhere that. Given that this road is the road to happiness, and the other way is the way to bring suffering. Just know that, and only that, can not be happy naturally, pain which can not naturally about. Related to happiness. In 'Business Transfer London United ", the Buddha always reminded us that:
 "The Buddha told the monks that: "Hey, monks, let himself lit the lamp dharma. Take refuge in your own way, do not light a lamp on the other, do not rely on a different approach ( Pali: atta Sarana Attadipa bhikkhave viharatha ananna Sarana. ananna Sarana Dhamma Sarana dhamma dipa) .
"This text monks, if someone lit the lamp yourself Dharma, take refuge in the legal order of his own, no other lights lit up, does not rely on a different approach, then the school may, benefits and immeasurable blessing. " [13]
The contents of this significant passage, the Buddha advised us, be the owner, master yourself, do not rely thoughts, especially thoughts recourse is dangerous, because the person who enlightened liberation , who was suffering from ignorance, instead of someone who does not, who are helping, so the Buddha's advice: ' Take refuge in their own way, do not light a lamp to the other, do not rely on a different approach '. Do not want to rely on others, it is necessary to know the truth or say is understandable moral life, the truth that the Buddha enlightenment, then talk to him again for us to understand, for that reason Dharma is so called truth. Truth is the principle of life, anyone living in this life must also adhere to the principle that, although the Bible or human, or the people, men and women alike. There is a term 'Dharma' and 'the law of', meaning to say is that, in this life there is only one truth, there can not be two truths, two morals. That morality is morality for all, no ego's secretary. Of course it is not meant to belittle the compliment yourself, self-righteous people is wrong.
Also significant has been presented, the contents of the Buddha suggested to us that a pretty important thing is, he just lama, just for the way we understand the path to happiness and sa the suffering. All of us want to reach a state of peace and happiness, the effort yourself to go on that path. This effort is the meaning of 'Effort' district director in August. The efforts of Buddhism is not happy with the effort to find the way to enjoy lust, but efforts to eradicate remove the cause of suffering, that is the meaning of the passage just mentioned, explosion legal practice that forces the unborn are not evil arises, was born to be eradicated, the unborn goodness arises immediately, gave birth to more growth. Here, we also note issues notion good and evil, in the Buddhist definition of these two concepts have particular significance. The world which we often say, no killing, no stealing ... is good; vice versa, killing, stealing is bad ... but really, this is just the form, that is what is expressed in outside of the good or evil. Evil from deep inside the greed , hatred and ignorance, greed, hatred and delusion that this new it is evil, because it is the direct word of mouth let evil, the evil body work. Thus, forms of killing, stealing ... the results, anger and ignorance is the result of. So, want to get rid of bad results, to rid the evil from; want no negative actions to eradicate greed, hatred and delusion. This is the purpose of the effort, if that effort is not true, that is not the result of an effort to know where to go, the effort becomes useless. Was like the whites. Understandable words, if we diligently study effort, but the effort to find out which is right for enlightenment not freed, then the practice becomes useless. Buddha told us to go this route, but we went another way, how to achieve enlightenment and liberation.
7. Mindfulness
No. 7 Sub in the Noble Eightfold Path is 'mindfulness'. Samm Pali is a sati. Samma is right; Sati means mindfulness, memory mindfulness, mindfulness. Or to put it another way: the mind, heart stickers, or focus on a certain object, is called mindfulness. Concerning this sense, the 'General Ban Horse Trading' (Mah a ssapura suttam) Buddha explained as follows:
"This, monks, is how the job should be done more?" We must be mindful awareness, you go to, as are awareness and fro, looking ahead, looking around all aware, While bending, stretching all the awareness, while bringing double y, bowls, y are upper awakening, eating, chewing, swallowing all aware, the defecation, urination are aware when walking , is, of, say, are silent awareness. " [14]
The origin of suffering is ignorance, but ignorance is something very difficult to visualize abstract, no one knows what is ignorance. To understand what is ignorance, not directly find ignorance, not through ignorance that forms of expression, from which to understand what is ignorance. Also, state inattention, careless, distracted mind is a form of expression of ignorance, so it leads to many disturbing consequences for the suffering people. For example, just cook talking phone, so fires stir-fries, or salty tasting crackers, or phone driving while talking, touch the steering wheel traffic accident, or just thinking of learning the trade post , so not all of the food .... not just the mouth, traffic accidents, not all of the ..., the main cause of it is the lack of awareness, not focused. If the driver focus on driving accidents are unlikely, the study focused on the ridiculous post does not belong, and so many other stories as well. That is what is meant by: Go you know me, you know I eat food, drink ... I know what you're drinking is meditation. There are few who do not understand this explanation turns out, practice is about food, clothing, transportation, standing ... is the norm of life. If only the religious, what does not need to study, to spend on school size. Or try to explain it to the story in the third heavens 34 [15] , both the audience and explain nor understand. Self justify their ridiculous explanations, blame the people listening level, and say, "wait for new realizations and understanding," clap together waiting for that day, but that day is the day who knows, there is just way over the network to all Buddhist teacher to decide. Does Mahayana teachings are teachings only for enlightenment, which means waiting for when the new enlightened understanding. then every day reciting Buddhist scriptures we to do? It should be understood that the teachings of the Buddha's teachings came to see, know and practice, not to believe and worship. If Buddhism further explained in this way, it is painting the Great Wall to prevent the younger generation, to the knowledge of Buddhism. Maybe it's time to check our Buddhist educational seminars and to his preaching.
Back issues. Mindfulness helps our mind is not wandering, wandering mind is not mindful attention, so he does not mind the opportunity arises defilement.
From this basic meaning to go to the practice of the teachings of the Buddha, such as Buddhist mindfulness, the four foundations of mindfulness, breath and out of shop, even the police ...
Buddhist concept does not stop at the mouth reciting Amitabha mainly for our mind back to nature Di Da. Amitabha nature is Infinite Light and Infinite Life. Infinite Light is immeasurable light without limitation, that light is any light? the light of wisdom, the light of wisdom only limited by new obstacles. Boundless Life is not limited lifespan. Tho network is not limited to the law of dependent arising? only the intellectual life of the network can not be the law of dependent origination, converting intellectual mind enlightened mind that the painful ignorance of sentient beings. It is saying, people who have enlightened intellect, intellectual people who do not fall into the suffering of birth and death, killing student, the student does not fall into the hard kill means not falling into the cycle of life and death back, because samsara is suffering concept, no longer suffering mean life span of immeasurable happiness, or in other words life span of immeasurable wisdom. This is the deeper meaning of the practice of reciting the Buddha's dharma practitioners need to know and understand.
  1. Right Concentration
Right Concentration is the final cost of the Noble Eightfold Path teachings. Samm Pali is a sam a dhiti. Samm a right is, sam a dhiti is the spiritual unity. Thus the meaning of this word is a kind of righteousness, a spiritual unity. If such expenditure is 7th mindfulness, it means the mind into a certain object, the main cost is the 8th and expenditures shall have to make the subject more clear, consistent, technically known as projection meditation, which is the difference between mindfulness and right concentration. Description of the concentration in the "Business Review A Function" Buddha explains:
"You just observe matter are impermanent. Observing the so called true observation. As already observed, the righteous shall be born boring disgusting. When you finish cleaning the disgusting boring joy involved. The pure joy taking off is called freedom of mind. "
Also, all his life just observing, perception, consciousness is impermanent. Observing the so called true observation. As already observed, the righteous shall be born boring disgusting. When was pure joy boring disgusting then take off. The pure joy taking off is called freedom of mind. " [16]
Buddhists believe that the source of human suffering is caused by ignorance - ignorance. Ignorance about what? After all the misconceptions about people and things to the world in which he lives. How is called misconceptions about people? Over 49 days and nights Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree meditation on human life and the world, have not found anything else in the world can exist independently, all because of conditions that combine Members, when we dissolve all the conditions are, no one can change this principle, whether the Buddha or God, or any god. The human condition and how it is structured from 5 elements: Form, feeling, perception, and consciousness. In the first elements of the physical, the remaining 4 factors of the spirit. 5 factors together combine to form what is known as human. Like the car it's called car, because they are more connected parts, such as wheels, engine, truck, fuel and many other factors, the car without one of these factors is it can not be used. Try asking in the parts of the car which is the subject? after all no one is all the parts, its existence depends entirely on the other, not only cars but also related to many other factors. Humans, too, in the 5 elements that do not have a master elements, they exist always interdependent. Dependence implies that significant changes are ready, Buddhists call that state changes are impermanent; human nature around the world and are always in a state of change, impermanence, then why when Another change to see them sad life miserable? by all means hold them over? more over, the more obstinate clinging sorrow and suffering increasing how much longer the law of impermanence still operating under its rule, and they were indifferent before accidentally floating tragic human suffering. Try asking, what does that man's ignorance of ourselves and the world around it? If we claim to be intelligent people know, why not foolish attitude to accept the natural laws of the universe? one can not change the laws of nature that even a Buddha or God, and he must follow the rules that exist. That is why in most of the classic Buddhist teachings always mention: dependent origination, impermanence and non-self. Interdependence and impermanence are 2 system comes doctrine of human nature and the universe, selfless teachings are teachings say the views or attitudes of Buddhism to humans and the universe.
Content passages just cited as the Buddha's advice for monks or rather for everyone, the 5 aggregates for analysis of people, given the same 5 elements also include of the universe, because the aggregate of the concept refers to the material, not limited only in the human body, including the physical elements of the universe. He pointed out that the nature of human capital due to the origination, what is predestined by the combination was very often, not often. Therefore, it needs people to behave like reasonable? The only acceptable way to admit they are impermanent, when understood and accepted identity (material) is very common, as it very often does not care ranges, sad to see them very often. People living in this world of impermanence, impermanence, but not the mind for the suffering fluctuate, he is saint, turn sorrow into the world happy and peaceful world. Also ideal for life and consciousness as well consistently so.
This is a subjective sense of texts just mentioned, it is also the meaning "Heart Sutra" that we often recite daily. With the description: When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara deep into the meditation, use wisdom 'Bat-elegant three-la-bile' (prajnapamitra), 5 aggregates that are not (because they are impermanent, no certain general), so overcome all suffering afflictions. Thus meaningful observation, contemplation meditation of the two systems in the Theravada and Mahayana point remains the same. Contemplate or observe the function of meditation, deep contemplation as long as the object more clearly this general was evident when they can not do as opposed to what I've seen, so that escape from suffering , Dak Lak.
As a result of meditation is enlightenment and liberation or peace is literally. So peaceful state that like? it is similar to the peace and happiness of the world does not? Related to this issue, there are a lot of functions in A or Nikaya presented. Here, the writer borrowed "Economic Discrimination In The Truth '(Saccavibhangacittasuttam) introduced the 4 states of meditation in Buddhism as follows:
"This current owners, what is right concentration? The current owner, here, (1) sexual Monks cup, cup of bad evil, residence certificate first meditation, a state of blissful isolation by birth and education, with a range of (savitakka), with four (savicara) . (2) The range Monks kill him, kill four, Monday Meditation residence certificate, a blissful state of being so, no range, no quarter, the static single-mindedly. (3) discharge residence ly joy, mindfulness, awareness, body feels the pleasures that the saint called stereotyped discharge residence, residence certificate Meditation Tuesday. (4) Discharge of communication, discharge line, kill joy pros were feeling before, Wednesday Meditation residence certificate, no suffering, no communication, discharge pure thoughts. The current owner, the so-called right concentration. " [17]
If the people of the world, or the state of blissful happiness appears to be only when something, such as the business people, the money, the fame status ... However, the optimistic state of meditation on the other hand, is not so happy that tip. Communication status of the first meditation, is meant to describe a state located opposite of the world, if the world took 'is' as a basis for joy, the first meditative state to take 'ly' to beliefs fun. That's the difference between meditation and a touch of optimism in meditation.
Status is the first touch of Zen: monks have taken to the holy life joy, means to live life away from the kind of delicate touch of desire and pleasure of the bad things, to toward holiness. When the monks were familiar with the holy life is life itself that is expected to generate a sense of joyful optimism, so bring celibate life. However, in a state of meditation first touch, only the collective work celibate and immoral, to have lost this, he must have range (savitakka), with four (savicara). Range is the awareness and self-reflection. Words are easy to understand, brethren want to keep the status of Jhana touch this, do not be distracted mind, clinging to objects, always in a state of awareness and insight. This is the state of the world Jhana optimistic, optimistic kind of glass cup duc and immoral law.
If such a state located in worlds first meditation, efforts by clinging to objects to reflect and be mindful legal ly ly immoral sex, in the realm of meditation practitioners do not need a second range and the quarter, due care practitioner has matured, visible to the Minister of Justice, although the measures appear evil, but also not so agitated, so he is free from safety course in meditation without deliberate attention away from the law . The bliss of meditation by the second birth, not by isolation that education. These are two different types of communication between the first and second meditation.
If communication is the separation of the first meditation training, communication of the second kind of Zen meditation, the meditation state's third touch 'stereotyped discharge residence' is lost by that discharge. What is called discharge? This discharge status is not synonymous with abandon meaning that people often mentioned, is the nature of discharge that is not wanted, so had to leave. The concept of discharge in the third meditative state so clearly, and it is direct evidence interdependent impermanent self, so no longer accepted before the student as well as the ending, this is the state of meditation commune Tuesday.
Psychological state of meditation Wednesday, with no hard feelings are not optimistic, discharging pure thoughts. This is the state of mind was completely liberated, no longer encumbered anything in the world, even in practice, an order in life. this is the realm of the mental state of meditation Wednesday. We can say this is the result of meditation.
When accomplished practitioner of meditation 4 this realm, that is, the four immeasurable compassion petal appearance. 4 The emergence of this interest, the engine, the basis for saving sentient beings. If petal compassion is not built on the basis of intellectual compassion that petal, sometimes obstacle. After the Buddha's enlightenment under c PRELIMINARY i Bodhi tree, his vow was also the birth of this mind, because the mind is so Buddha, Bodhisattvas Where do students do not make them afraid, if the do not mind this, though hid under any form, saying sweet words how it makes others nervous. This we look at our society to be seen, even in religion.
This is more significant is the 8th district in the Noble Eightfold Path is one of the 37 assistant.
Here, you can borrow the Buddha's teachings in "The Economic Forty" (Maha cattarisaka suttam) to summarize the meaning righteous teachings Eight
"Here, the monks of right to the top. And how this Monks, top of right away? Right Thought, The Monks, as of right, is starting up. Right thought, right speech is due to start up. Right now due to start up the language right and wrong. Right now the network is started by the district more. Right Livelihood Right Effort is due to start up. Right Effort Right Mindfulness is due to start up. Right mindfulness is due to start up. Chief financial position due to the start up. Chief financial freedom by starting up the place. " [18]
If the sun appeared, the darkness disappeared, but t off the mountains, the sky still dark back, which is the opposite of the contrast between light and dark. Also appearing is intellectual ignorance disappear, intellectual ignorance disappears, appears, it is the contrast of the mind. If ignorance is the cause of suffering, happiness is the result of human intelligence is needed to illuminate the intellectual, to be happy.
Pursuant to this doctrine of Buddha Eightfold Path set to illustrate the process eliminate ignorance brings happiness. The way it starts is the right view to the first, see it as a basic human right to bring thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration ultimately cost. As a logical and rational process to light the torch of wisdom. This process, right understanding plays an important role, providing the guidance for the implementation of other cost way to bring enlightenment.
The content and meaning of the Noble Eightfold Path teachings, give us aware, it is a transition of consciousness, moving love enlightened, moved into the holy flesh, transforming suffering into happiness. Or to put it another way, eightfold Path is a method of keeping people aware of the natural world and the reasonable exercise of the natural laws of the universe so that man lives at peace and happy happy.
Catechism teachings Eightfold Path is for everyone to practice, staying true to the truth, not to praise the teachings of Buddhism. Catechism of the Noble Eightfold Path is the doctrine that people recommend content properly, correctly and properly understood, is not to believe the doctrine or faith promoting. If wisdom is the sharp sword of sorrow is ignorance doctrine Eightfold Path is the path to wisdom.
Catechism of the Noble Eightfold Path can help you for the life of the world? it totally depends on the relative humidity and practice our right in this life, not just to recite the teachings of the phone ..
Let us verify through his own life, the suffering discomfort that we have encountered, what does it come from ignorance wrong? If it is wrong, the doctrine Eightfold Path is the way to bring peace and happiness to the people at this life and in the future.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/9/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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