Sunday 22 September 2013

A Song of Kondanna - The Project "King Ca Tien Loi and patience"
Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
"A Song of Kondanna" is one of a Buddhist monks were the first generation. Buddha under the Bodhi tree, is the night to see the stars light that enlightenment after enlightenment, the Buddha observed the coast, you should see the one before? People around the world so much, who should have the first? Why did Buddhism as a surprise exclaimed three times: "Strangely enough! Strangely enough! Strangely enough! Beings on earth have the Buddha nature, can become a Buddha. "Shakyamuni Buddha said that only beings on earth have the Buddha nature, can become a Buddha, but do not say" all beings is Buddha ", but some of his disciples after the Buddha, or the Buddha's disciples are not yet posing as Buddhist disciples said" everyone is Buddha! "They said that capital beings and Buddhas no difference. This is known as "the blind leading the blind, to blind the eyes of the sun and the" blind eye to the human world and the first blind our eyes on the sky.
After the Buddha three times exclamation "strangely" And he used observations intellectual position to observe who is the first person to? "Oh! So to the Deer Park in his brother Kondanna etc. .. before. " In the past people in professional life destroy, defame Buddha Shakyamuni. In countless aeons ago, when five people together, give rise to spiritual advancement, they bullied professional Buddha Sakyamuni, the Buddha sometimes hitting, sometimes insulted Buddhism, sometimes eat meat or drink the blood Buddha. You see not hideous?
But when Shakyamuni Buddha still bodhisattva practice, but this was in the hit, he is not only anger, even vow: "Ah! The result is a help for our spiritual advancement! If the latter can become a Buddha, I vow to be certain of the person before! So now you're not good to have stars? I should also opposed to the people a little better! "When in the Buddha scolded him this vow:" Did not the people who are now cursing me how? But I do not resent the people, not only did not resent that after the Buddha, we must first of all people! "Buddha vow like that!
If it falls on us, he punched me a tip, I will definitely leave him a punch glass, he kicked me a rock, I'll leave him a rock glass. Shakyamuni Buddha not only fight back but also give good care to treat them. There are now five people form a small gang told the Buddha that: "Right now we're not eating meat, you practice like that, maybe cut a little meat on the body for a few of us eat?" Shakyamuni Buddha immediately cut at least a piece of fresh meat, thick body for years most of them used. In people with food processing: "The flesh of your house so bad, do not fragrant at all! Dog meat is sweeter meat you! The most delicious pork, beef, lamb. Ugh! Still you feed us, we do not want to eat. "Mouth says not to eat, but were swallowed into the stomach, they eventually eat the flesh of the Buddha, the Buddha was scolded. At this time of Shakyamuni Buddha which wants his meat offerings to sensitize them in mind in the direction of improvement, modification refresh yourself; anyone expect them to taste his flesh, just yelled at him again.
You tell me, if the normal return would anger exclaimed: "Now I give you to eat meat, not meat bought from the outside, but on the meat cut from my body down! What did you eat my flesh, even yelled at me! "Buddha Shakya does not do so," Good! Did not these people eat my stars? The future was a Buddhist monk, a certain level of previous people eat meat because of me, my flesh is the Buddha seed, has grown to where the people already! "Are You see, the Buddha Shakya has such a vow. They drink blood as well as that of the Buddha, he drinks blood, blood processing medium damage, bad blood ... Just how Shakyamuni Buddha are life rings out.
There are a biggest project is "King Ca Tien Loi and patience" . Who is this King of Canada interests? It is Illustration A Song of Kondanna.
In the past, there is a king fish swimming on a team led by mountain maids-rounded hunting some animals such as roe deer, moose, deer. In the mountains, capital of the maids from past to present in full depths in prison like that, do not get out, this is so long, can look at the sky. Uh! Looking at the scene did airy mountain, mountains, water, plants sprout, spring water floating lightness, in such circumstances makes people feel very happy. Beautiful scenery majestic mountains, this trip is not to be used words beyond expression, the maid ran away visiting engrossed throughout. They saw in a cave with an old man, the dust layer is thick stick on the body but after countless, long hair braided into a local well to rough mess. The supply is to see a woman like that in front of people will not dare to move forward, they said that in this cave is a monster, then a second look, oh! It turned out that an old man, an old man very bizarre!
It was Buddha Shakyamuni as a bodhisattva austerities made an unfortunate first practice patience, he also rarely meet other people, so at that time to see how many concubines, he also wants of the This group of maids, so to speak: "Ay! The girls should not be afraid of me! I do not eat meat every bride! I do not know who eat meat, but I was. "
The maid had just heard, excited: Oh! The old man spoke then! Went around the question: "Specifically sitting here doing nothing? Specifically here is not enough food? Specific clothes were torn off then! Tackle it? Why does the engine sit here forever? ... "
The predecessor of Sakyamuni Buddha is the first of this patience, the maid said, "I practice guidance here, patiently unfortunate crash on!" The maid asked: "Patience? What is patience? "Listen to the word" patience "they do not understand. Tien's resignation immediately explained: "Patience means people mistreat me, I will not anger, as things never happened." Then the instructor for the supply Korean women This sounds about practice "patience."
preaching for a while, people are willing to talk and talk, the listener is willing to listen, because the maids from ancient times until now have never heard such a wonderful way. This time the player will join the center, said the center is set; surrounding what happened static, all unaware. Like us now, if you are really interested in this listening experience, even outside what has happened, you did not hear: but if you are not really interested in hearing of the the streets are tourists, or fake now in the "Gold Mountain Times" teaching about the origins of the Star Times Kim Son, you have heard before. If your listening experience with all the external heart sounds were not heard anything.
fairy who is teaching patience for listening practice maids "patience" makes all enter the , king fish swimming at this remote to go to, to visit the maid. Normally king or play with the maid used, this time too, he went softly, slowly let the maids do not see, the maids are doing an ecstatic listening, patience Forerunner is also teaching a trance, all unaware of what is going on around.
King Ca aisle near the front light to see the light, Oh! Turns out, one lady! The king's concubines are surrounded heard the old story. So the king thought arises jealousy "The maids are those of their female workers, is now an old man as he was fooled, they all expressed interest in him!" Thinking the king's voice asked: "What is teaching your house?" Korean people have the patience to hear such questions, look up, I see an emperor. Korea's response: "I have come a're preaching to the maids about the practice 'patience'!"
King asked: "Patience? Why is it called "patience" "? The ring is you can not? Just based on this old body panels, you can get it? Forerunner patiently replied: "I have come a ring can be!" Ca Loi King asked: "Can you endure it? Now we want to endorse your words! See the test you can get it? According to the patient, even if you have a pain you can also ring is not it? "The first replied," Yeah right! "
"So first we will use for their precious cut of your arm , see how people react? "Korea's answer:" Well, ask him to just try it! "So, soaring, king fish swimming golden sword worn out; sound protection for the king's gold could split cut Pearl, extremely sharp, golden sword just touching Forerunner, immediately severed arm. Ca Loi King asked: "Are you hurt?" Tien's resignation said: "No pain!" King continued: "Mind you do not have arisen anger? You are not angry? "Korea's response:" No outrage! "" You're not angry? Good! Left hand, I will cut notes! An arm, you certainly do not resentment, try viewing your arms! "That is always the king cut off his other arm. "Are you hurt?"
Forerunner patiently replied: "No pain!" "Mind you do not have hatred?" Korea's response: "No outrage!" "Does that prove anything? You say you're not angry, you are certain to lie, slices jacket! Ugh! This has opened ethics! One of your hands, you're not angry? In this world there is no such kind of person! I do not believe! I cut a person's legs, you can see the resentment it? I want you to say which true! You lie to me, I can not forgive you are! "Said so, and he left a sword slash of Tien's legs.
watching you! Two of the arm and leg was cut off, leaving only one foot. A! If a normal person would be suffering, tears flowed like streams, but this time no patience deities such mood. King's Ca Tien Loi asked: "Now you hurt?"
Korea's response: "No pain! This is not worth anything! "" Oh? Not worth it? Mind you may hate me? "Korea's response:" I have come a do not hate him! "" Why? That's good! The two of you have no hands, feet only remaining one. One leg will not do anything, can not stand, we will fulfill unfortunate patient does not suffer thee always cut off by the rest of your legs! "That's always the king cut apart the other foot and ask Forerunner: "Did you hurt? Now both of your arms and legs were no longer, we also see how you are? Now you have hurt? True to say! If you tell the truth, would not have anything, if lying, we still have to test! "
Forerunner patiently replied: "Oh! Now you feel no pain direction! "" So your mind is not angry? "The king asked the error. Forerunner remains humble: "I have come a resentment not him!" King does not believe "You're outside the mouth says no resentment, for I was an emperor should you dare not resentment, anger dare not dare to say so New to endure the pain, so she would not be lying to say it, is not that so? "Tien's resignation remains steadfast:" Well, not right! If you do not have direct thy mind is hatred let's me with my hands and feet are to elongate; still like me with his angry mind, please direct your limbs can not come back as they used to. "
Forerunner To this, the arms and legs grow back course work, such as had never been cut. At that time all the guardian angels were indignant, from the sky storm strike down the king of fish swimming. Then please Fairy's patience with the guardian angels that: "You should not charge penalty king, just try me with, help achieve business for me with my religion. In the end the future life, if it is to become a Buddha, first, I shall be the king of the Buddha;, I shall before the king, the king will be the first of enlightenment. "
King fish swimming past life was Illustration A Song of Kondanna, before he came to life was not welcome to Buddha like, so after enlightenment, the Buddha of enlightened before he came. Even the name "A Song of" the venerable translated as "the international obligations", otherwise known as "I'm afraid the" meant to be "first enlightened" way. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.23/9/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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