Monday 25 March 2013


Đối diện khổ đauOpposite the suffering
The suffering in life is a reality which we cannot sidestep. Although this is a fairly wide category – imply from the feeling of pain, physical discomfort to the emotional damage that can haunt us throughout life ...
Buddhism showed four large dry cover in life that no one is out to even the most lucky ones. It is the suffering of the born, elderly, sickness and death. However, in addition to the four major suffering, there are countless other the suffering that each of us are seen, touched or himself through every day. Therefore, when saying "life is suffering", we can give a pessimistic speech, but is a true statements are completely real.

Though as has been said, we can not avoid suffering, but the natural inclination of each we all want to avoid suffering. And we do this in many different forms. We use pain medications to avoid pain, from skin wounds to severe trauma to the body. We used sleeping pills to avoid facing the pain in the soul, and sometimes also refers to the addictive substances such as alcohol, drugs ... soak up the drunk, we just want to avoid not to face the fact that suffering ...

We also try to avoid suffering by his behavior. Sometimes we bypass does not mention what is not desirable, or deliberately ignore a fact seen as unprecedented, just because the truth was not as expected of us ... sometimes, we pursue other events or plunge into the spree, the only form of entertainment is to avoid facing a certain pain ... sometimes they We evade the problem by others, or for finding every reason to lie and gotten more people and perhaps even deceived themselves ...

But unfortunately, every method of SideStep by us are only effective for the time. And no sooner then later, we will also be a mighty force to end a situation, when it is no longer a way to sidestep. Because the escape did not solve the problem, it can only extend to a certain extent only. Something worth saying here is, this delay also makes the problem more serious and at the same time also reduces the high ability of our deal with the problem. Thus, in General, the tendency to sidestep completely is not a favorable trend.

Each issue of instability when it occurred in my life that we all require to be addressed, each a pain are required to accept in order to pass. If we could not avoid forever, then why not face them right from the start? In fact, the initiative faces a problem of instability right from the start is a wise decision because it brings many advantages to help us solve problems more effectively.

Faced with problems as soon as they had just happened, you can focus your resources to review, analyze and resiliency necessary to overcome. In contrast, the sidestep will gradually raised his fears, reservations and erosion of your energy, leaving until forced to face the problem then you would be totally passive and weak.

The suffering in life is fate will come to anyone. So the wise solution, that you can select is think since has not occurred, and when that occurs, the courage and the practicality in the face and overcome.

There is the suffering that one can face and overcome, if prepared in advance, overcome the miseries he will more easily. If we understand a truth is no one escape from the suffering, then once a user must endure illness suffering, we didn't get it done. We accept endure the feeling of pain or physical discomfort in the patient suffering as a fact of course, and thanks to them that we don't suffer more mental suffering giằn.

There are suffering insurmountable, but even in that case we must still accept the deal. For example, no one in the us to avoid death. But the bypass does not mention the death did not bring benefits. Anyway, the way it still is impotent faced with death but was unable to sidestep. If we accept this truth facing now, we will feel more respect the value of life. And when have lived a good life, we will feel more comfortable when death actually came. In other words, if we understand the problem and accept the truth of the living dead, we will see his life are moments more and more valuable.

When a loved one dies, we are also the inevitable grief adamant. In fact, the grief was adamant born run as a completely natural feelings of all of us, but it doesn't bring any benefits for ourselves as well as for the departed. However, overcoming the pain is clearly not easy. Faith can play an important role in helping us face the pain of this tremendous loss. If we believe in the reborn after death, and that our loved ones are not really losing that just left this life to start a different life ... like our pain will be eased and we feel less painful part.

But whether we do not believe in a life after death, we can still mitigate somewhat the pain in this instance is equal to the opposite and analyze problems.

We need to contemplate a truth is pain sadness suffering can result in severe injury to ourselves both mentally as well as physically. While that does not bring any benefit to the deceased loved one, it can actually make us collapse mentally as well as physically exhausted.

We can also imagine that if my loved ones alive, surely he would not like to see him in sad condition suffering decline like that ...

It is more realistic that one can do to express their love for the person who hid the must try their best to fulfill the family's life, and improve ourselves to more worthy than with the loving care with which ones he has for us.

We can also reduce the pain when thinking of the fact that there are countless others have endured the suffering like us. We are not the only victims of the ensuing suffering in our lives. And if the others have enough energy to pass then we have no reason whatsoever to be broken ...

Each one suffering pains are the cause. If we accept the considerations and to find out the cause, true, we will be able to accept and metabolize suffering hurt the capability of boosting us efforts to live better.

Our body is not solid as a rock, iron is sometimes contracted the sickness, it is natural. Understand that doesn't help him ward off illness, but it helps us appreciate and feel the joy of the at is staying healthy, and the more we try to preserve health in a positive way, away from the formal dining or playing by harmful to health.

We can also think of old age as a motivation to live better in the days of her youth. Though that doesn't help preventing old age, but it makes us comfortable, more pleasant when it actually becomes ill.

The emotional damage also caused us much suffering if we don't know how to treat with them. When suffer the injustice, insult or contempt ... we usually cuddle that lesions as the wounds of the soul, and we suffer because of them. If we know the extend and learned how to behave even more generous, more sympathetic ... we will be able to understand and accept the injustice, offend or scorn him as a better dimension, and not to do harm to the soul.

In most cases, people behave unfairly or crude is derived from a lack of understanding: or is the lack of understanding about the way of life, or the lack of mutual understanding. If we reciprocate by enmity, hate, ourselves we also fall into that ignorance. Both parties are suffering. Conversely, if we understand and are sympathetic to the ignorance of others, we tend to forgive rather than angry. We have made changes to are other people or not, it depends where their perceived abilities, but we shall surely avoided injury in these cases.

When we suffer, if we know the thinking of the suffering of others with sympathy and sharing pain, of themselves would be mitigated. On the contrary, the accountability hooks, resentment ... just as adding to the pain only.

We must accept the fact that life is not to back away from the suffering. But in a certain extent, I understand and acknowledge our problems can cause significant aim the level of suffering. Faced with the ever suffering the pain and learn to articulate its cause can help we have received a more positive way. Even when we took a certain pain suffering, we still find confidence and less prone to more damage.

All of us are looking forward to living a life happily happily and without the presence of suffering. However, wise attitude and practices not only the desire, which need to be faced in order to learn about the causes of suffering, and to do whatever possible to alleviate the suffering of others as well as themselves. If we maintain the attitude of fear, or deny the suffering, we will never overcome the mood of misery in order to live a happy life happily. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/3/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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