Thursday 21 March 2013


Discuss happiness in life from casual things do we capture in our lives. Human ambition should think happiness depend on the money and social status; but when we try to make money and gain in height nor happy.
The Buddha taught that gain access to the bridge is suffering, are also suffering and death as miserable; with the wisdom of Buddha, seen as such. So, people think the world does not find happiness, should look forward to after death sẽcó happiness in heaven. From the perception of man, handy mởphương Buddha taught us happy in the Extreme. Sukhavati is the ultimate end of peace is absolute bliss. We sum up my Buddha is found in the circumstances would also find happiness, that happiness is within reach, but not capture, where happy expectation that far then never boils down to.
When you balanced thinking sẽthấy happiness is right at hand, but we don't know it, it's happiness in mind at peace. Buddha visited the bridge is suffering, should want to be happy, to cut off the mind desires the destruction; but we too, afraid to leave will not be happy. Buddha said that if removing the mind desires will be happy now, because of the thirst for making us unhappy. Indeed, in practice we see that people are happy, as they have a lot of money, but they are not happy. They say they suffer much because always worried, afraid of losing, their production can take white or prisoners. Have a great career, but do they not happy with ordinary people only have one bowl of porridge this morning, but he diluted, serene, at peace, because there is no ambition, no go. He and the other wealthy money exchange rate but not happy.
In austerities lifestyle, while in Japan, I tu pagoda Of Tri, the master in the morning eat porridge with salt, white radish, but they kill, should be at peace is the greatest happiness. I read the story there Mr. King has eaten too much, so that one to him eating the delicacies never eat it will divide by half the River san. Then, the teacher dear to King that have a delicious dish that surely King never eat called germ stones. The new King ordered that for the King. Monks brought about several cobblestone Park to the stove, waiting for the King to nine stone, quinces but wait until noon, Mr. King hungry too. A new teacher taking a handful of soy nuts with cold rice to help feed the King while waiting for the ice-nine. King feels too, please add some rice squeezed again. This shows that when the hunger, the simple dishes are also delicious. So, happy to come with the King only cold rice, did find the delicacies, the King never felt; in other words, happiness is at hand, if knowing grasp.
Buddha teaches mostly heart at peace do we offer brighter to DAC. Also because of great ambition, never satisfied, always will find themselves. The rich are suffering much, much higher position of gauge also ngườiđịa, busy many. Ordinary people are not status, not wealthy, but they know to keep mind at peace, do not go to the bridge, even though the site, they are happy. But saying so, Buddhists again misunderstood, bouncing through a negative is not requested, not lust, then society will be like, how life is two cựcđoan. They demand extreme agony, but poor demand, not the opinion is wrong.
Because the access bridge, aloofness, err, this gauge the other gauge piling that my Flowers are strictly taught infection infection pratītyasamutpāda is the wrong path we abandon; but abandoning ambitions đểtrí wisdom lights up, see the real people and the real circumstances of the time, how do we handle for the best; our happiness is there, is known to live, not to abandon such. Give up to have wisdom, know live mean is an important core of Buddhism. have friends say that I am dead to where without worry. I replied, well lo lo do You I too worry, too afraid, should die. The more I get stuck as calm, lucid in order not to err, rather than vain ambition should follow. The new lucid calm thanks to find proper solutions. My teacher taught that death, if not avoided death, but do not fear of death, may also live, also the wisdom to see the direction of escape. So, give up ambitions to us, decided his fate.
Can say happy not lệthuộc material, but the rate in the human mind. What is not needed, we cut off, will find the happiness within reach. Buddha abandoned all to all. Indeed, the life of the Buddha were specifically noted. We see Him give up all worldly things take immerse, but what He was too hyper. While the other troops tried all, but lost them all. Private I did Word of Buddha, all that is not within the reach of the throw away because it leads to suffering. Who says what, I don't care, dropped out to return to real people and real situations. Now, we use wisdom to see so how then do so, will find happiness in life. Also, other than the invisible inserts will not be happy.
People make of us?-first we see health and intelligence of his knowledge about the magnitude of the medium should do so, making sure not to exceed. Such as when I was young have strength, can lift a heavy a hand, but now 75 years old, cannot do so. Know her older and where health, so the grounds, I hold the sticks prop, for fear of weak legs, will be falling. Than thirty years ago from the mountain town of fabric, I use spaceman down the mountain at no more than five minutes, but now 75 years is different than youth aged 25. Xiphopteris ascensionense jewellery too, watch out for danger. Know their considerations will guarantee health. Good health to be happy, because health is associated with the Center. The health loss, also hurt by. This morning, I saw the body not an, though Center. Buddhists for the glass of milk, or orange juice, I don't drink, there is wisdom itself knows that something needs for themselves, not something additional is also used. He knows his body and adjust it for good to be happy now, because between the body and the mind has influenced similar support. Tropical Ceiling poet describes this idea that "who suffer identity problems. The best list itself tormenting each other ". In other words, the Health Administration Center and vice versa, mind affecting health; because he has no desire but to eat loads of food not hạp the sick, or trying to do anything beyond the physical body is ill, also suffered a heart beating, and then the mind as well. Use wisdom to adjust to what the mind desires unreasonable, we cut to ensure health, should be conditioned mind. The Saints raise the happiest, because know tune. They have no more food, no status, but said adjustments mind and body, can one day have one, but sure. The body does not require as much as our ambitions. The ambitions and the idea of failure of us cramming for the body, the body would be sick. The La-Han does not eat much, but the body and the mind.
Buddha Goldfield đồnđiền boss lost his cattle, and cry; While the master more than happy because no cow to death. Thanks to bother, the master is not exhausted strength, should eat ítđược. I observed the Goldfield. There is nothing to eat, the malnourished, but there are many foods, being redundant protein, then being rheumatic knee, soreness. I thanks for keeping health, for not eating more protein, eating more fat, the greater the age, not grow, should not require much like at the child. Buddhist elders should relieve eat protein, less starchy food; eat more fruit and vegetables. Have the wisdom to know what your body needs for just enough, not torment the mind to mind is quiet then we are brighter.
The life of Sa-Division does, but retain happiness, no money, no status, but they have no ambition, no suffering and they know body does not require much, should eat less but bảođảm was health. Back to life, compared to the life of the Buddha and St. rose, we have the accommodation and the minimum income guarantee life, naturally we must have more happiness. We see this in that happiness immediately and hold it. Accommodation of us humble to the point that would then keep right on this level. People have a home, but bought more land and when prices change the gauge.We have modest accommodations, consider this life is the Inn, in a time of austerities and then will leave. So, the time to practice and prepare for our departure, when his retirement from this life, we go where. Doesn't matter it, in this life one night, or a reincarnation. It is important to prepare the rađi how can this body changers to skandha skandha hindquarters.
As for the physical body, there is room in the temporary income, humble enough, we rest assured as there is, to be discerning vision over to we will do here. We live modestly will have surplus value, khôngđòi asked more then everyone is blessed with private messages. So we are not expecting, but blessed, blessed will come, not looking forward to the bridge and then we don't have. Have no fear, loss and failure is that we have of, but no joy, very miserable. Be blessed?
The greatest joy that we have been following Buddha 's, brothers, friends, who also hurt his precious, faithful to her is the greatest happiness, poverty has not said. We were stars not lost anyone. Venerable Position Player at also being money often said that the most important friendship. It is also thanks to you, we lose because of you. So the venerable play eternal vow from the past lives of the friendship of Xu. Xiphopteris ascensionense retain friendships, because loss of friendship is to lose all. Who's thanks to the friendships, but there wealth and counteract you wealth and this status will also lose.
All the compassion we are most happy. Buddhas don't keep nothing but from the chaplain for the layman which injured him. Today we often attacked Pagan, but converted Buddhist layman became dependent. More people think well of him, for one more happy. Return to pagan Buddha, Buddha helps to great success. Indeed, the Buddhas of the three brothers Ca Romaine the God are they solid leads about a thousand Buddhist monks. The ECHO and symbolism, Maudgalyayana by the spirit of fire also led to two hundred Buddhist people. American Scott Fry's astrologers as well as Buddhist And Buddha. on Nirvana, looking back to the past, He is not lost who is the happiest. The then dead thấyđiều evil apparition, as Qin Shi Huang killed penalties all who resisted until the last relatives, close your eyes, around her he is the enemy.
Buddha from the life in the forest Sa-la, look back at the life of his contentious chemistry teacher was building know how many privileged St., He found happiness that my description of Him is located between Sa-la, the sky fills he, or in other words, all of the good things is that phủkín him; It is happiness that only Buddhas are piecemeal.
Most happy is our mind at peace, and the course material use, it helps to be, don't know the loss. Looking forward to our shume, who also find happiness in gestures, speech, thought and hànhđộng be at peace, deserve the Buddhists. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/3/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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