Karma means action. In terms of action, the action may belong to the
body, speech or mind. In terms of the consequences of action can have moral virtue or neutral.
time, there are two kinds of action - the action in your mind, when I think of
going to, and action has occurred, ie the expression of the mind power through
specific actions or words.
For example, I was talking to a deliberate and so I am creating the act
of speech, or called verbal. With the scientific hands, I am creating the body.
These actions
are good or bad, largely because my intention. If I speak with good
intent, with sincerity, respect and love for people, my actions good and
virtuous. If I
act with the intention of arrogance, hatred, criticism and so on, then my body
and verbal unethical.
So now created all the time. When a speaker with good intent, he will create a
friendly atmosphere immediately; same time, this action creates an impression in
the mind that brings happiness in the future. With a bad intention, an
atmosphere of discord will occur instantly and the pain will come to say this in
the future.
The Buddha taught that we are the owner of his own; everything depends on
yourself. This
means that happiness and suffering come from the moral action and virtue, they
do not come from outside but from within our mind. This theory is useful in
everyday life, because when you believe in the relationship between actions and
results, whether a policeman outside or not, we will always be self-aware and
check yourself. For example, if there is an amount of money or a jewel here and no one is
around us, we can take it easy; however, if you believe in karma, then the
responsibility for the their future, so we will not take that money or
In modern societies, despite the sophisticated security system fully
modern technology, it has succeeded in terrorism. Whether a party has more
sophisticated techniques to track the other side, the other side becomes more
sophisticated to make it difficult for opponents. The only real tame to come
from within - that is the concern and responsibility for their own future and
altruism, interested in the happiness of others.
In terms of practice, the method tame the most effective crime autonomy.
With the inner
changes, the crime may be terminated and social peace. Self-criticism is crucial,
therefore, a sense of responsibility for themselves in Buddhism is very useful,
as it includes self-examination and self-control, for the benefit of yourself
and others.
In terms of the consequences of karma, can be explained by several types.
The first type
is called the "fruit of the fruit." For example, if a person is reborn as an animal as
an act of virtue, this regeneration is the result of the fruit of karma from
another life. Another consequence is called "equivalent experience"; such as being
reborn in a realm of bad for killing people, then reborn as a human, but
decreased life - so, consequences (reduced life) match-made to kill people.
Another as a
result is called "equivalent action"; such as this will tend to make more later
rogue behavior, such as murder continues.
Similar examples can also be applied to moral behavior. Likewise, the action, the
results of which are resonant - many students have created the same, they will
enjoy the same consequences, for example, they would enjoy living in the same
environment in that .
The important point is the presentation of the Buddhist law of karma can
be a useful contribution to human society. I hope that whether we have faith or not, we will
also learn from each other to gather useful ideas and methods, that bring good
progress for humanity.
[Note: The above is a translation from pages 26-28 in the book,
'Kindness, Clarity, and
Insight' of the 14th
Dalai Lama Tenzin
Gyatso , with the consent of the
Snow Lion Publications, www.snowlionpub.com. Jeffrey Hopkins translated
from Tibetan into English and edited with Elizabeth Napper. Publisher Motilal
Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited published in Delhi in 1997, and Snow Lion
Publications published at New York in 1996, the 12th edition.]
TEN karma and karma
TEN karma and karma
GOOD NOW | Karma include: |
From reptiles | Ripe: If you have strong mind: born to high heaven.
If the average heart: reborn in the lower realms of heaven. If you have a weaker heart, reborn in the human realm. Fruits equivalent: School life insurance and no sickness, disease, etc. The fruit of habit: Rebirth with intuitive compassion and know precious life from an early age. Fruits in the environment: food, water, medicine and prosperous crops , nutrition and high performance, the majority of living beings around you live longer. |
Waiver Theft | Ripe: Rebirth into the
higher realms. similar fruit: The wealth of material to very easily. habits: Rebirth with honest and respect the property of others from a young age. result in environmental: Crops wealth, business success. |
Abandon adultery | Ripe: Rebirth into the higher realms. equivalent gift: peace and long-term relationship with your spouse, harmonious relationships with family and friends around. Results of habit: Loyalty in the relationship with your spouse. Fruits in the environment: You live in a clean and comfortable environment. |
Give the lie | Ripe: Rebirth into the higher realms. Fruits equivalent: People trust you of course. Fruits habits: straightforward and honest words from a young age. Fruits of the environment: The partnership with others will be successful, proper, honest and peace, your peace of mind |
Giving Word division | Ripe: Rebirth into the higher realms. Fruits equivalent: Never missing you. Lovely temperament, easy to attract people. Fruits of habit: The words peace, love and truth from a young age. Fruits in the environment: The land you live in the flat, walk around easily, you peace of mind. |
Abandoning Heavy Words | Ripe: Rebirth into the higher realms. Fruits equivalent: People always talk good about you and you have a high reputation. Fruits routines: gentle words, thoughtful young age. Environmental Performance in : The land you live without any obstacles, green plants, waters, lakes and streams. |
Abandoning frivolous Word | Ripe: Rebirth into the higher realms. Fruits equivalent: You develop strong words, other people will hear your words and respect you. Fruits habits: verbal intentional from childhood . Fruits in the environment: growing crops at the right time, there are fun places like parks, lakes and cool, you feel safe. |
From left heart desires | Ripe: Rebirth into the
higher realms. Fruits equivalent: You can easily get what you want. Fruits of habit: rejoice in the achievements of others from a young age. Environmental Performance in: Seasonal good film, rich material resources, you achieve your goals easily. |
Abandon evil mind | Ripe: Rebirth into the higher realms. equivalent Fruit: You will be reborn with courage and confidence. habits: compassion from a young age. Fruits in the environment: You live in environment of peace and wellbeing. |
Ten unwholesome AND NOW
Karma: ripe (on the five aggregates), * Fruit equivalent to human, +
karma through circumstances
1. Killing:
* Your life short.
* You are susceptible to disease and have less
+ Food, water, medicine and scarce crops, always poor quality, less
nutritious and performance; difficult to digest and cause disease; majority of
the people around you die before the normal lifespan.
2. Theft:
* You can not make ends meet, or struggling to make a
* What you have is common property with
+ Crops little and sparse, not enough to save the hungry, damaged or do
not grow up; drought for too long; rain too many: dried plants wilt or
3. Adultery:
* The people who work with you or change your mind (not
* You must be more competitive with the other
+ You live near where feces and urine, silt, dirt, dirty, foul fishy
everything everywhere difficult and unsatisfactory.
4. Lie:
* No one believes you, even if you speak the
* People always cheat you.
+ What you cooperate with others flourish and people are not working in
harmony with one another; people are scams and fear, have much to worry
5. Say divisions:
* You'll lose you.
* People around you always with each other.
* The mood of those around you dishonest.
+ The land you live cracked, uneven, full of cliffs and valleys,
low-high seats, so travel is difficult and you always fear and
6. Heavy word:
* You hear unpleasant things; you hear all the noises are not
* When people talk to you, they always seemed about to quarrel with
+ The land you live there are many obstacles, such as tree falls on the
road, spine, skin, mouth bottles; road bumpy, pepper, no water, lake or stream
water, soil and contaminated arid, hot fire , useless, threatening; a place of
7. Frivolous talk:
* No one to hear you.
* No one respects what you say, no one thinks you're
+ Fruit trees do not grow, not the right season, seems to be ripe but
still alive, with weak root; without entertainment places such as parks,
woodlands, cool lakes, many things around you fear.
8. Desire / greed:
* The desire to overpower your personality.
* You are never satisfied with what they
+ What good that you will start to deteriorate, reducing the seasons,
months, days passed.
9. Malice:
* Anger overpower your personality.
* You always lack of help, or no help when
* You always hurt others, or harmful to
+ You live in a world of chaos, widespread disease, crime everywhere,
disease, conflict, fear because of the military or foreign, animals, surrounded
by the souls harm , theft or robbery, etc.
10. Wrong:
* The ignorance overpower your personality.
* You become evil (like eye for eye pay).
* You become a fraud.
+ You live in a world where the highest welfare resources are
disappearing on earth; places where people think things unclean and suffering
are good things and happiness; where there is no escape, no one to help, no
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