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How to eat properly? Natural Hạp? For example, the elephant was born to graze as hạp naturally; Tiger was born to eat meat is a natural hạp. We try to consider whether people born to eat? First of all the teeth. The people do not like the teeth of carnivores that resemble the species eaten vegetables, grass, flowers, fruits and tubers. Carnivores sweating by the tongue. Therefore, it is ridiculous to see Tiger or dog tongue out, sweat (not saliva) flow net; on the contrary people as well as the vegetables to sweat off the skin pores. The concentration of acid in the stomach hard Carnivore ten fold concentration of acid in the stomach of eating vegetables. It is also easy to understand the Creator because the meat indigestion than vegetables. The concentration of acid in the stomach the person we see in the human species to eat vegetables. Therefore, when we eat a lot of fish meat generally has a heavy yoke he feeling, if it can be outrageous multiples. In a nutshell, people born not to eat meat, the vegetarian food is hạp nature, and will help us healthier and live longer. South East kim has never heard of the time he or she first student school to immortalize that eating beef again or dog meat cooked wine plum? Just saw comes to them eat fruit! Why are we fasting?Private stock no: "Sick song voice in song, a voice." This does not refer to the second part of this sentence has caused some people to have guns in here, the amendment. Part one: ill do what I eat loads, certainly we do not not ever experience, through the stomach pain headache, dirtying, urticaria, etc.? That just tells a few immediate results. A tree control will properly and blossoming of sweet fruit aroma; on the contrary, will the left Horn and barren đẹt. Humans, too, eating properly will be healthy, joyful and bright throughout; on the contrary, may Lam, tempers, Beatrice and padded. How to eat properly? Natural Hạp? For example, the elephant was born to graze as hạp naturally; Tiger was born to eat meat is a natural hạp. We try to consider whether people born to eat? First of all the teeth. The people do not like the teeth of carnivores that resemble the species eaten vegetables, grass, flowers, fruits and tubers. Carnivores sweating by the tongue. Therefore, it is ridiculous to see Tiger or dog tongue out, sweat (not saliva) flow net; on the contrary people as well as the vegetables to sweat off the skin pores. Carnivore bowels only 3 times its length, for example, a tiger is a size 3, size long gut; and eating vegetables are long intestines 10 to 12 times the length, like a bull run 1 size then the intestines it up to size 12. The average human gut size 18 long. This point brings a solstice. The meat should be thúi fictional mau excreted from the suction from the tonic, dang. The concentration of acid in the stomach hard Carnivore ten fold concentration of acid in the stomach of eating vegetables. It is also easy to understand the Creator because the meat indigestion than vegetables. The concentration of acid in the stomach the person we see in the human species to eat vegetables. Therefore, when we eat a lot of fish meat generally has a heavy yoke he feeling, if it can be outrageous multiples. In a nutshell, people born not to eat meat, the vegetarian food is hạp nature, and will help us healthier and live longer. South East kim has never heard of the time he or she first student school to immortalize that eating beef again or dog meat cooked wine plum? Just saw comes to them eat fruit! In the peoples of the world today, people would eat more meat? The United States. People would get cancer the most? Also The United States. Ðấy just tell a cancer only but also other meat due to several causes. Institute of Cancer Research in the United States has confirmed that the meat, especially red meat species, is a cause of cancer. I believe that and then the Department of health will force every piece of meat should have a warning about the toxic as per cigarettes. If eating meat is true then your health condition where people have more weakness? In 15 years, the rent increase to about 200% of food increased 100% account, but the money was increased to 700%. Because of this reason that the vegetarian movement is the expansion around the middle of the consciousness, and it is shown that appeared on the market a myriad of vegetarian food is also tasty as meat, often more nutritious meat and absolutely none of the toxins of the meat. Now we see why eating meat is bad. The cells in the body are always living and producing toxic residues like acide urique that kidneys are purifying and excretion through the urine. When animals die, the kidneys it stopped working, and it is still raw in the meat. Moreover, in the main body of Sobek, a lot of adrenaline, which makes the heart beats faster, higher blood blood pressure and blood sugar counts more than the body can cope with the critical incident. After the critical attacks, kidney to excrete adrenaline that surplus material and the body to return to normal. This material has a lot of meat because the animals etc also standing before the most critical of it, and then there is the opportunity to get it back to normal. Therefore, if not for other reasons, vegetarians never being diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, kidney, etc. as the salty food. So well that the Jews have to eat meat is Kosher meat kill stars minimized the pain of animals and draw no longer bit of blood in the meat. We have to tell the agent so long meat should target the belly in thúi birth triggers enough diseases like pimples, oneness and chronic fatigue because the kidneys filter not up all the toxins. Fresh delicious cooking fried chicken is good for his mouth only, but won in the abdomen that slow the digestive thúi sình body up to as predatory sình thúi. I would like to mention a couple of experiments have been done to compare the results of fasting and eating salty. It is subdivided into the chicken hatchlings the same two herds: herds feeding grain and A whole flock of B fed around the meat. Swarms huge, hairy B gabble silky, medium to strong medium than A Flock, but gradually more bizarre diseases that constitute A fail. The eggs hatch in a few swarms on B and bloom with many pregnancy Monster (birth defects). Sees life Friday, setting B annihilation is normal while still A slave. Do the same with your mouse. Just 3 months later, swarms of rats fed on the flesh of humans would also have kidney disease, aggressive and bite each other upside down by among other things. In Japan, the population of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were getting sick because of the influence of radiation of the atomic bomb, except those in a Buddhist monastery. The investigation of the understanding that just because these people are vegetarians. Too much salt in the body toxins should be like a full glass of water just a little more is overflowing. Also at this time that swine flu, but these people seem to be none. Taking myself as an example, since the Vegetarian field to date, I've been away from everything. Previously it was not sympathy I felt, now all my flu is still normal. A vegetarian salty food no longer persistent. This is because the cells as much maneuvering, the secretion of many of these scum should be wiped away. If the agent has been stagnant even then as a lot of these scum should be wiped away. If the poison was stagnant again, then we get tired, heavy, Achy, heavy, more then the muscle stiffness (cramp). So that before the performance or competition, especially in the Olympics, the participants eat special temporary and thoroughly. Instead of dress than they should eat less meat and remove the meat in the last weeks. Fasting helps us longevity. Physician Alexis Carrell, who was the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1912, did experiments on this issue. He believed that if the cells are fully and properly in an environment completely pure with the toxic residues to be purged is swiftly then we will live a long time if not forever living. The chicken just live 10-year terms, but he was raising a chicken heart pieces until his death in 1944, has 40 years of heart pieces of chicken that was still alive. Alas he died have not followed the experiments to see which piece of chicken heart alive forever. Also get myself off that says, I'm a poet with a sense of really emotive, listening to a track or just crying, don't talk to film or theatre, or read stories is to wipe Hoai tears. I am also the kind of judicial philosophy, intellect to soul-Lu, a domestic chores with sorrow. Ðáng I have to old age; on the contrary, as a vegetarian that I am younger than themselves tens of years. Ask the readers to understand that I don't want to talk about himself, only used as an example of objectivity. In addition to health reasons and other reasons why we should be vegetarians. Spiritual reasons: to expand love cover equally both men born men, in order to avoid legal causation sow story, much of what human nấy must kill each other collectively by the technology as it is close to being collectively millions of animals every day by these methods. Social reasons: to solve the famine for the whole human race, because the nutritionist has confirmed that humans eating meat is a practice, not a demand of the body (meat-eating is a custom, not a biological necessity). Wanted 1 kilos of meat are changed by 10 kilos of grain: grain thus because raising animals for meat for an American nation only well enough to feed one-third of the world population. However, the limited scope of the article, I have discussed extending the reasons, because only one of the reasons the health needs and enough for us vegetarians. There is a healthy enough for vegetarians and satisfy the habit of eating meat have deep root tries to cover a thousand years we still spend the money than traditionally. But more and more vegetarians, vegetarian food production industry as may sell cheaper, until a vegetarian will be cheaper to eat meat because of vegetarian meat is cheaper than equity basis. The oil back to the more consuming vegetarians eat salty then the money doctor, much pharmaceutics and hospital money will save over 100 billion. This is not counting the welcome when healthy and suffering when illness is priceless ones can't be counted out the money. Please try a vegetarian, then will see as I think that is one of the best decisions of my life. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER.( VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS.GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/9.2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ). |
Monday, 24 September 2012
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