Sunday, 2 September 2012
Buddha as a hermit Gautama spent six years meditating unparalleled diligence under the Bodhi tree, but do not achieve direct career. Ascetic practice, every day a little sesame, his body just skin and bones. On steps to the river bathing, but not enough, collapsed on the sand. Section women Sojata to cross saw, and give to Him goat milk soup bowl. Finished bowl of soup, he felt doubly strong, free access to bathing in the river Ni boat. Then he realized that asceticism pressure determination is not the right approach, distraction let loose even more wrong. Practitioners from the island to maintain a neutral attitude in all aspects. By thinking so he continued to sit under the Bodhi with a new mindset. Spent 49 days struggling with internal, external, he enlightened star Mai leaned end of the sky at dawn. From there he became the Buddha, meaning awakened always. This is the source of origin of Right Thought.
Chief of thinking orbit only in the teachings of Buddhism as related to the category of conditions, and the expected release of Buddhism is the Four Noble Truths (Where is suffering, cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, out of suffering realms). Thinking of chief operating mechanism based on the Right view. A person can be Right view (that know righteousness), but is unlikely to have been the chief of thinking because they themselves lack the insight, ie introspection things, the phenomenon goes straight to the essence of bodhicitta. Such as a lay looking compliance precepts to sleeping (lying) of the Buddha. But put the case he encountered a violent man looking for victims to kill. If you see a victim who was hiding in a bush or corner garden when the perpetrators asked his hiding place where honest answer to keep the precepts expected terms, inadvertently helping the person is in the crime. More than ever, now need to Right Thought to act in the spirit of compassion of the Buddha. This means that her lie is a victim somewhere else, or I did not see anything. When processing rules, the Buddha also set 4 mechanism operation: Price, Khai, Tri Pham (closed, open, keep, range). It is for Buddhists (in or out) depending on the case that behavior. Even in secular ethics are two concepts: ethics standards and ethics applications, let alone what is virtuous world! The surgeon may lie the patient for the purpose of encouragement and consolation. That does not violate the virtue of the father or mother. The soldier on the battle to protect the country, killing the enemy is not considered murder, but this is a manifestation of patriotism. Hence, the chief of thinking plays a very important role in the system Path.
On the views of Buddhism, Right Thought Right ton platform, bringing to directing career achievements. This is a key effect of Right Thought! At the same time of the Buddha, 96 pagan meditation free security, continuous effort, but can not stop the cycle of birth and death. There are direct evidence was extraction born in the realm of charity Lust, religion higher than they are from, extraction born in the realm of Immaterial world. However, they still are in the cycle, that is still being propelled by the wheel of life and death. When spiritual peace, in the morning and no-thought, pagan usually satisfied at this level, immersed in the joy of the unconditioned as bears hibernate. Finally encountered impermanent, they had common network that fall to the lower realms. Only Nibbana escape rebirth, but outsiders do not touch the edge of the door. This means that they do not dig deep to think about the Four Noble Truths, Impermanence, Anatta, Human conditions, in other words, they lack the Right Thought.
Chief of thinking to follow the process is Dharma Van, , Tu. Therefore, the Buddhist, Buddhist practitioners should understand that Van ie listening, reading Buddhist sutras; self reflection, deepen the meaning, the purpose of the issue; Tu ie start practicing in the direction of result of previous thinking. In the process study Buddhism, spontaneous, Tu is the most important factor because no right thinking is not working properly. From here we understand is Right Thought, which means that the operation of the intellect. Wisdom to become the Buddha, so the Buddha "Get wisdom made a career of human" ( Economic Eight D a i receive enlightenment) . Holy Thogme Zangpo said: "There are five three-la-density (ie, generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation) that lack wisdom Ba-la-bile can not lead to direct . Therefore, a combination of skillful means with wisdom to avoid lost in the three worlds ... "( Three M UO ib A medical practice of B hard slaps e A o). During a lecture at the Zen Center San Francisco (United States) in 1990, Jampal Tenzin emphasized that the Buddhist path of anyone, whether completed in the first three-la-bile but lack wisdom Ba-la-bile, as well as as being "blind" on the path of liberation. Like to know, Right Thought is the foundation of true wisdom is important for the practitioner.
Understand the importance of Right Thought so, Buddhists we have applications like? Right Thought must always be considered a shining example of our practice stage on the way of liberation. Without Right Thought we're going to the strip, distraction, the most serious is misleading because there is nothing to which screening recognize their spiritual efforts like? Right thought that the words of Zen called "autism recovery", ie "light illuminates on the inside", ie a review myself. Speaking style esoteric Buddhism, Right Thought that is "consistent at fault". The introspection mistakes usually get a good launch pad, reach out and soar to the vast horizon of the law, but people down here can not think. So that Saint rose Thogme Zangpo said: "If not self-introspection faults, ie only in the name of the practitioner without practice. Therefore, always introspection and eliminate mistakes. That is the practice of the Bodhisattvas Way ". Once introspection mistakes become his daily work, he should get two large fortune in the "Furniture": eight, you (that is ashamed of herself and shameless people) . Buddha when was a Taoist Gautama, school director with Master UAT-head-forestry-waving, thanks to the director of the error of thinking that is consistent at times, he felt that the level of meditation his teacher's certificate is not ultimate. He asked the venerable master, he seemed to think so, but do not know how to reach the ultimate realm. So Taoist Gautama leave the teacher to continue to seek out the truth, liberation. Finally, thanks to the Chief of thinking that after 49 days and nights under the Bodhi tree, he who directed achievement, becoming the Buddha.
Gen. condition of Right Thinking like? Of course, to study Buddhism, Buddhist practitioners sequential process Van, Tu. First need to learn the Buddhist teachings, then practice the teachings of the Buddha. This means that the thinking, research canonical, Buddhist-track to choose a sect, a method suitable for the engine. Unfortunately, we Buddhists should present few would read only the traditional Buddhist because Gyalwang Drukpa called secular Buddhists, while the other - true Buddhist ... The rest is up to the coast have created their own in many past lives that Buddhists have well excavation teachers, also known as teacher, spiritual friend, or bad teacher called the evil Professor. Classic assertion that having competent teacher is the most important element of the study. University degree Padmasambhava confirm if attending a good teacher is like finding gems like; all the things you need and want all the achievements (cited in texts Catechism Dakini). If encounter the evil wizard, the opposite result. No coincidence of the various associations, the Buddha advised Buddhists should stay away from him evil, you're evil. In of Ni ế t table , Buddhism recommends encounter evil professor is encountered risk communication in hell. Want to know what is right or a wrong master teacher, it is necessary to read the books. After all Buddhists go through the process Van, Tu, Tu, Right Thought.
Nevertheless, Right Thought actually have real value when Buddhist reflect and apply to everyday life to do a good director, good life. In the social aspect, the family, morality should Right Thought. Because, once the not thinking right direction, act done be deflected, of course, is that the results can not. This is the essence of the teachings that Gyalwang Drukpa Twelfth confirmed when raised their views once revealed to map them: "France is life, life is France." In B are n drive birth tells the precursor Buddha, once as captain Black, detect robbers killed 500 traders, which is 500 A-la-han future. Captain is the Buddhist precepts prohibit killing, but for commercial thieves will be hell Infernal that manually killing bandits to save lives, knowing that they will result in human behavior fall into the lower realms. Song, thanks Right Thought so that after consequences, the captain did not take on the industry, but also by virtue hundreds of times. Time of the Buddha in the world, once the hunter asked the Buddha: "Having seen the deer ran through what direction?" Buddha saw but he slowly stood up and said: "From time to stand up, I do not see deer running through here! ". That time, the Buddha skillfully use Right Thought that his speech has not false and contribute to save the deer. Japanese Zen story tells a popular teacher at a monastery famous precept of sexual misconduct with a young courtesan, but they increase your weight, unanimous recommendations abbot no mass expulsion because he did it to help the mother of the she courtesan other, escape the hands of death. Because the bad guys ask her out world the new loan healing monk for her mother was in critical condition.
Chief of thinking is the foundation of wisdom, wisdom is the greatest career human. Distribution we are, whether at home or family must know how is Right Thought to create happiness in the worldly life, sublimated in the spiritual life. Thus we are Right Effort, once kept the chief effort will quickly lead results.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS,GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY.AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/9/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).
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