Sunday 27 May 2012


提升 人品
Improving quality of life
需要 的 不多, 想要 的 太多. How many things, too much so desired.
知恩 报恩 为 先, 利人 便是 利己. Gratitude must first reward, helping people help themselves anywhere else.
尽心尽力 第一, 不 争 你 我 多少. Paddle is dedicated above all, do not fight the little guys a lot.
慈悲 没有 敌人, 智慧 不起 烦恼. Compassion has no enemies, wisdom is not from sorrow.
忙 人 时间 最多, 勤劳 健康 最好. Busy people who have the most time, hard working people are the best health.
布施 的 人 有福, 行善 的 人 快乐. The charity is fortunate, people of good peace.
心 量 要 大, 自我 要 小. Amount must be greater mind, the ego must be small.
要 能 放下, 才能 提起. 提 放 自如, 是 自在 人. Known to be down, the new lift, as well as letting people know it and pick up the order at the right time.
识 人 识 己 识 进退, 时时 身心 平安; 知 福 惜 福多培福, 处处 广 结 善缘. You know who said quitting process, body and mind is always peace; know you blessed blessed blessed cultivate, offers good conditions for everyone.
提 得起 放得下, 年年 吉祥如意; 用 智慧 种 福田, 日 日 都是 好 日. Said shoulder, said letting go every year as you sand the wall; know farming use blessing of wisdom, every day is a good day.
身心常放鬆,逢人面帶笑;放鬆能使我們身心健康,帶笑容易增進彼此友誼。 For body and mind gently, so see everyone smiling, because the new light for healthy body and mind, a smile would make us even more friendly.

话 到 口 边 想一想, 讲话 之前 慢 半 拍. 不是 不 说, 而是 要 惜 言 慎 语. Should think twice before saying thought, word does not back a bit slow. Not without saying, but be careful speech.
在生活中,不妨養成「能有,很好;沒有,也沒關係」的想法,便能轉苦為樂,便會比較自在了。 In life, to set slowly, thinking: "If there is very good, if not that's OK," if doing so would turn suffering into fun, life is always now.
四 安: 安心, 安身, 安家, 安 业. Police need four things are: Security Center, our body, the police, police careers.
四 要: 需要, 想要, 能 要, 该 要. Four things to get is: to take, to take, can take, should take.
四 感: 感恩, 感谢, 感化, 感动. Four types of feeling: Thank you, thank you, touched, touching.
四 它: 面对 它, 接受 它, 处理 它, 放下 它. Four attitude before an event: face it, accept it and settle it, to release it.
四 福: 知 福, 惜福, 培福, 种 福. Four of merit: that blessed, you blessed, blessed foster, cultivate blessings.
能 要, 该 要 的 才 要; 不能 要, 不该 要 的 绝对 不要. Things can get, should get the new take; These things can not be taken, should not be taken absolutely is not taken.
感恩 能使 我们 成长, 报恩 能 助 我们 成就. Gratitude helps us grow, please help us to report achievement.
感谢 给 我们 机会, 顺境, 逆境 皆 是 恩人. Gratitude for our common good chance, albeit with conditions or reverse the conditions for approval are our benefactors.
遇到 好事, 要 随喜, 赞叹, 鼓励, 并且 虚心 学习. Meet the good, to rejoice, praise, encouragement, and learn humility.
少 批评, 多 赞美, 是 避免 造 口 业 的 好 方法. Less critical, is often praised, is good way to avoid verbal.
平常心 就是 最 自在, 最 愉快 的 心. Ordinary mind is the self in mind, the most peaceful.
踏实 地 走 一步 路, 胜过 说 一百 句 空洞 的 漂亮 语. Making a real useful work than say a hundred flowery but meaningless sentences.
知道 自己 的 缺点 愈多, 成长 的 速度 愈 快, 对 自己 的 信心 也 就愈 坚定. Knowing your weaknesses as much, the maturity level as quickly, their own beliefs, life is more solid consistency.
多 听 多 看 少 说话, 快手快脚 慢 用 钱. See much need to hear more, but speak less; need quick quick but careful to spend money.
唯有 体验 了 艰苦 的 境遇, 才会 有 精进 奋发 的 心. Only after experiencing hardship circumstances, will have been diligent trauma center chalk.
踏踏实实 做人, 心胸 要 广大; 稳稳 当当 做事, 着眼 宜 深远. The real live honest, the vast amount of interest; do something he also stable, with far-reaching vision.
享受 工作
Enjoyment of work
忙 而不 乱, 累 而不 疲. Busy busy without, tired but not tired.
忙得 快乐, 累得 欢喜. Busy but happy, tired but happy.
"忙" 没关系, 不 "烦" 就好. Although busy, but not at all, do not turn it into sorrow is. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).MHDT.28/5/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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