Saturday, 19 July 2014

24-Cult was a Religious Meaning to typical will to reverence, commemoration to the grace of deep ancestral thick German grandparents, of Chu Chu Chu, Bodhisattva Buddha, Sage of St. Rose and the Play itself will become the most decorated tu dietetics training useful in society to fulfill the duty of their descendants and Tribes to deserve the disciples of the Holy Cross in Germany. 24-Cult was a Moral is Enlightened Public oriented manner, owned for the purpose of eliminating the impurities of birth Prince, removing Tanh high tribute fell on her starboard side in every human being, making Depth to be added are the Buddha's name and to become a completely freed as Buddha. first of all like to hear the meaning and values of the Ritual CultWe need to understand how the Cult Ceremonies.
a. Celebration: are the rules the way the depth goes, standing, speaks in the Kiss of mourning to express Reverence blasted.

b. The Cult: i.e. kneeling Jesus by lowering herself down to Earth tưrớc the step that his Gentleness Reverence.
c. The Cult Ceremony: Sanskrit as Vandana, hull is The Dam, also called South, or called Na Listed All-in Model La, i.e. ritual manner with forms of bowing kneeling prayer before the Holy Virtue who have placed trust for threshold rules, like my other Buddha, lettered Bodhisattva, headless Hien St. Rose, like my parents, Teachers, etc. We kneel, my tastes that are intended to demonstrate Germany's name humility and gratitude to, reports grace which my duty guys under constant sculpt evening grace first, mind records of Germany. In addition to the usual meaning, according to Buddhism, the Ritual Cult still mean much more typical, as are typical: "Chief Justice A Feast, Play Net's Holiday Decorated General and Equality Turn Enter France World Festival". The meaning of the Ritual Cult will refer in the following.
Want to understand the meaning Cult Ceremony, we first of all should understand how Cult Ceremony according to each Religion and each Sectarian rule. Overall, we should understand how the Religious Ceremony of the Cult and of the Sectarian tide us very near to us. Now we should understand how the Cult Ceremony of Confucianism and Buddhism advocates:

Every Religious Cult Ceremonies each way and take each different meaning, according to the rules of how the presentation is Centre of Worship for the German Church hierarchy that they provided the threshold.
Vietnam traditionally, our people most deeply influenced the culture of the Confucianism and Buddhism, the two Religions have a huge success over the course of history to build the country. Each people are greatly hởng not less a Celebration of this Religious Cult. The Kings have been clearly defined, each of the Holidays, when people Ask, the King, the Gentle spirit, Family Shrines, they must apply according to the ways of Confucianism and Buddha Worshipping Ceremony when the Sun, Gentle Saints, Ancestors, grandparents, etc. they must apply by way of Buddhism.
Later the people lost, unheard teach the meaning and the way the French right Cult Ceremonies. The try they just know the Cult Ceremony according to the habit, the action is not proper nor the right place. We want clear ritual of Confucianism should read "Life Wen Mai Ceremony" and want to know the rites of Buddhism should am wall "Multiply Redundant Buddhist studies". Both are very closely related to human life. The Cult Ceremony that Vietnam is often applied, as outlined above, are following the way of Confucianism and Buddhism. Suspected Cult Ceremony Way differences between Confucianism and Buddhism are explained below:
1. According to the Confucian:
How Jesus of Confucianism, the first humans to stand upright is typical to the INTEGRITY of the artist. Two Archers, meaning both hands grab each other's that's Courageous. Before Jesus, two handed Archers up forehead, next to take to the right, and then take turns to the left is typical to Tam An (Heaven, Earth and people). When my two hands, Archers against the knees up and knelt down in front of the left foot is typical to reverence without losing the Prestige of Courageous posture singer bowed to the ground is typical to the reverent ceremony that his wealthy girl. There is A general sense and that Confucian notion.
2. According to the Buddhist concept: The Ritual Cult of Buddhism than with the Ritual Cult of Confucianism had different ways as well as about the meaning. Specifically about Buddhism, the meaning and values 24-Cult was very much my comment refers to. According to Buddhist concept, the cult of Sun was also one of the practices to kill the affliction that duty the Buddha to take regular daily in order to release all karma suffering birth and early show results Nirvana Bodhi Net President. South Sea Sign Rules the French Cabinet Series Vol. 4 items that: "Buddha taught the disciples to Ask Ceremony three jewels and a cult of the undergraduate Bhikkhu on stilts". My Offense Sagging vol. Xia explained that: "If there are ranks of Monk, the Venerable, A Pear Soap, or fellow students, who saw fellow award must continue an advisory and Worshipping Ceremony nghinh". Our law The vols recorded that: "a Bhikkhu Stilts Ni a hundred years old, has a long-life World Student Tools must also speed up the Ceremony a Bhikkhu Stilts Rising the life new world International Instruments". The Way Western regions Signed volume 2 record that "India has nine Holiday way Cult known as the Structural Cuu Western Rite". Nine ways the cult ceremonies are recorded as follows;
1. Spokesman Lt Consultants ceremony: i.e. Worshipping Ceremony by opening Word of an advisor.
2. Player Competition: i.e. Worshipping ceremony of Homage by bowing reverence.
3. Election Procedure Gaoyi ceremony: i.e. high hands dirty by Worshipping Ceremony must salute.
4. American Association of attorney-the average Bow ceremony: i.e. Worshipping Ceremony by hand it must equally accept the offer.
5. Recite Every ceremony: i.e. Worshipping Ceremony by kneel.
6. School Rules: i.e. Worshipping Ceremony Ceremony by long nầm your knees out.
7. All Craft Base ceremony: i.e. Worshipping Ceremony by two hands and two kneeling knee-land.
8. the five Rotating Cu Qu ceremony: i.e. worshipping Ceremony by year in all bow down.
9. the five Locations The ceremony: i.e. Worshipping Ceremony bầng a year in sown into the ground.
In addition the Indians also have many different ways of Worshipping Ceremony. According to the custom of each place, Christians Worshipping Ceremony in front of Buddha or ago Chedi has a slightly different way. The difference of a Cult Ceremony described elections as follows:
1. Available For ceremony: i.e. Worshipping Ceremony by standing one leg kneeling Jesus.
2. run Homeless feast: means taking a step-step ritual feast of gratitude.
3. ownership and Interference Tam lost the feast: a Celebration that is holy and then go three rounds to the interference on the Buddha's or of the stupa.
4. Sledge: i.e. Worshipping Ceremony Ceremony by sitting down to Earth bow Oh my goodness, that is by sitting etc.
Buddhism in Vietnam mostly adopt French phơng "The Five Geo-Mapping" while Bai. This is a typical approach will best high Reverence in the way Cult Ceremonies. When the Cult Ceremony, the first Buddhists to stand upright before Buddha statues for the Prim and closed two feet closer to regain peace of mind pure, and refrain from ending the Italian not for perturbed hope idea. Then, the eyes they looked up the Buddha statues and they contemplate the general good, virtuous noble contemplation of the Buddha to opine that his primary legs aspirations most expect him to demonstrate. Two hand them instead of Archers (holding each other) but here is the ATTORNEY GENERAL, that is, two hand pieced together again to fit the target expression Centre depth (For Centres) and to both hands where the chest is typical Indian sense of mind. When the Buddha, Jesus, someone to two-handed chest where my down, but someone put two hands on the forehead then Jesus down, I also have the sense of it. The way my two hands to the chest is typical Indian meanings of mind as explained above. Also, my way to two hands on the forehead is typical of his cooperating meaning dung to lettered Buddha through the humiliation of top designers (through the evil Mine, or over the top of the head) and Oh, under the principle of "The Whole Place," meaning head, two hands, two people knees Worshipping Ceremony to put land and they may sit down with to avoid 24-interior where people behind. Next they chỏi right hand onto the ground and then kneeling on two knees and heads cut off like that Sen. hatch. They contemplate the Buddha is currently standing on a Lotus flower which by their hands and they placed his forehead on the Palm of her hands as their heads up the foot of the Buddha, at the same time they are mọp to the ground to manifest reverence with its refuge threshold rules. How typical is this Worshipping Ceremony for meaning "Beginning an international marketing network rules of feasts" (meaning head and face up to his legs of the Buddha called the network rules of Ceremony).
Buddhism said that the Buddhist ceremony of the Cult to pay homage to the Buddha, the bodhisattva, the Sage of St. Rose, the Memorial to the German higher grace your thick and lifelong vows towards Mr TIEN tu DAO career to become the Buddha as gentlemen. The Buddhist truth voluntary action as above referred to as transport network mapping.
Multiply Redundant Buddhism had split seven ways, my, Oh my goodness three ways in which the world's generally applicable and four ways Jesus of the Holy Church always maintained in terms of the (officially) as well as the legal terms (in terms of content). To the Buddhists realize easily and choose from practice for the French right, seven ways may be analyzed as follows:
In the world in terms of the General, i.e. in terms of form, there are three common ways of life that Jesus used. In three ways, my aforementioned, there are two ways of Jesus that the Buddhist primary legs need to Italy and absolutely should not apply. Two ways of Jesus that is falling on her starboard side and Ceremony Honors ceremony. Two ways this Jesus is the Vice might not be where the holy man. Seven ways Jesus said on the French by Wan-based Chow Lam, vol. 20 is presented as follows:
1. Fall Holiday Side: i.e. the Holy Buddha or Jesus Says, my Grandmother, my ancestry, because of circumstances compelled prayer, but they do not want Jesus, so there they are, my with arrogant, haughty attitude, no little motherfuckers respect at all. Their heads may not ground down and they stand up get down a sloppy pass work. Them for fear of losing face with your friends and afraid to dirty his precious clothing, and required 24-Port Junction-style cult. they fear friends blame themselves are the real taste, no sense, no, unfaithful, and they loved the clothes and friends than followers of Buddha, grandparents ancestors. The way that Jesus called Down the starboard side ceremony.
2. list the Bridge ceremony: i.e. the Jesus as expecting fame, entitled stripping through the attention and praise of the upper level as well as pleasing the masses supported. When the upper level as well as with the masses, they diligently prostration to let people see that you have morals, should support supervisor and the masses should be supported. Deep down, actually has some credits into both and vice versa, once no one, they leave in indolence favors award prostration. As such they prostrate as people rather than actually not prostrate themselves. How Jesus called For A Celebration.
A two-way medium prostration, the presentation is misrepresentation action cannot take the place of the Ethics Office legs. Buddha classic in firepower aimed at just teach children later Buddha must be prevented and the Almond Taste to stay away from.
3. Mind Homage Bows: i.e. the prostration of mind and body must all respect. The body and Mind of people you respect are prostration the valuable new Cult Ceremonies. In other words, the prostration of mind and Body to all the criteria, i.e. they must have faith in the prostration, the touch is easy with lettered Buddha, with the Saint, with his Wife, ancestor. Conversely, if prostration people Heart lack of respect in their trunk POPs style lack of visible degree ceremony (Possession, right middle right picture of foreign export, meaning Mind in general how it appears like that). The prostration to the body and the mind are to respect Holy way of Buddhism that above explained and must my regularly to give way to be mature. The mature prostration, then be able to resume his chaotic Center of photography. Mind Bow Homage is the way the Holy Buddhist texts in terms of their general, i.e. officially that the renunciation as well as his home run lead for seriously. Thanks to that they later qualified to step into the field of Holy Muslim feast of Holy ranks Them in terms of the physical emptiness felt obstacles.
How Jesus of the Holy Church is how Jesus belongs to the Justice of the Mahayana Bodhisattva usually practice. The way my aims to enter France About client owned Buddha, i.e. the world belongs to the client owned an Buddha Dharma and sees straight was Fuselage Buddha, i.e. see France Itself purity of lettered Buddha. four ways of prostration, higher education please list the following:
1. the Chief Justice A ceremony: Consulate Office means a foot chư French primary projection Body Buddha realized that Bodhisattva practice by practicing Meditation Buddha-body soi projection number-pictures realized to prostrate. Who made this prayer must be the way to reach high level in A meditation. Meditation method is divided into two parts: a JUST and CONSISTENT. The ONLY news is the stop stand the alluring exterior charm to be depth of mind and thus easy to go into mindfulness. The mind once the most specialized and mindfulness, Wisdom will be arising, often called Mindful Intention.
What about the SHOP, the meditation after the Hue has consistently Favoured use of instant arises the Buddha-body screening (i.e. pure Holy Roman Empire's Incarnation Buddha Dharma) and landscape (i.e. France's lettered Buddhist-based security) meant that all are currently pitching out front to prostrate. Want to apply methods of CH to make Wisdom arises, the meditation must practice three methods: the body, Mind and News Articles to mature. It stems, That News and a mature Mind at the right at that instant Wisdom arises. Once the Mind has been full of Meditation practice, arises new establishments can step into the second stage is to use Wisdom to a projection of Buddha and Buddhist scenes. it is the General list about One of meditation.

2. play a Pure Mind Mapping: means the person is meditating must practice Meditation Consistent until pure Wisdom arises from the foot of the mind which is not Wisdom arises from the Consciousness of mind. Pure wisdom arises from the foot of the mind that is the Buddha in a pure Heart, wealthy girl French ceremony of Buddhist schools of French in ten World Body. Wisdom arises from where the consciousness of Divine mind. Also pure Wisdom arises from the foot of the mind belong to the Holy Place. Everyone will get longer Recreational as well as being restricted by the bare base. Conversely the Holy Place had bailed out round diamonds shine in both. People who practice meditation of A spherical Body must take full French phrase that Buddhas of the ten France sexes arises from A pure Mind (i.e. pure Holy Roman Empire's Incarnation Buddha Dharma is currently pitching from the foot of Center) his pure Intelligence and also arises from A pure Mind of ten Legal boundary. That reason, the Buddha, Jesus worshipping ceremony an IE my client all the Buddhas in the invite method does not prevent problems.
3. It urges Equal ceremony: that is the way this prostration, the meditation is used Intellectually consistent projection is the General of the great wall of France are equally not, somewhere no human ego Belgium try, that is the cult ceremony not seen myself, my people and to yourself Oh. In other words, the truth is General Equality is used Intellectually consistent projection is General van France to realize that: and who could, and that means that, as a whole and Holy are both calm not two (both depth as). Mr. Van Enemies Bodhisattva said: "the President Department of emptiness holiday celebration Features", meaning to his name is Jesus and be owned to yourself, my desires are both calm and equality.
4. Turn the French Import About ceremony: i.e. the meditation must take advantage of the Wisdom of his Uncivil-one pure projection and Mind where himself turns into France's van in a French owned content media, like a doctor uses x-rays (x-ray) very large soi into humans and energy x-rays being through human body does little prevent obstacles. That is the true prostration by the method of turning the French Import About the ceremony. France About family identity i.e. Able of Leanne France turn borders across the world and usually head dies. France About family identity is where Buddhist schools often head to an embodiment of cultural beings. Who made this projection of French number-one self in that prayer really isn't true for French.
The Cult Ceremony was presented above, Mind is the ceremony to Respect the important disciplines are indispensable conditions of credit means the curious mind to opine and Thanksgiving grace. The way this prostration is also necessary means used the hyphen between the lettered Buddhist and human spirituality through prayer households. This method is again prostrate fundamentals for Buddhists the tu religious career to get food poisoning through four ways of worshipping ceremony of Holy Cross Church. So full of Buddhists must try to keep operating for the French right.
As first presented, the Cult also meaning homage and commemorate the German thick deep grace of who Saint-German ancestors their line, longer practices intended to kill the affliction, removing Tanh high tribute fell on her starboard side of every human Primary Visual navigation rules aims to be freed and the Enlightenment as the Buddha's name High Tribute Features a beam Falling. are there where each child may shine. It's set deep roots in Human Consciousness from the immeasurable life ago. It causes painful birth Prince shipping in the three realms. Knife sharpening High Tribute Fell off the side of love, undermining solidarity and so much hatred to divide.
The book "Buddha and Holy Masses" of highly Useful Trinket, page 110, section 18 of the Act of shipping Ca Bhikkhu La, by the International Institute for Buddhist studies published record stories in high-Drain port that Tanh disaster Fall triggers in the history of India as follows:
Originally from before the Persian King Anonymously is not Buddhist refuge, the King gave the Messenger through Ca Bhikkhu La from to they prefer Ca. The Imperial Prince of this them from pretending that they themselves from the noblest life should not lower himself to marry the King of Beautiful wild But you say La. Slapped like thatThese expectations were somewhat, they fear the Persian King's Anonymously, because Expatriates Slapped La now a major power such as Ma Da Masterpieces in the Ganges River Delta. Because of that, they like the new Song from taking a Maidservant slaves served in the bow and arrow is the loss of Capital (Malika), swapping the United Kingdom Women get married to Persia had Anonymously. loss of Seat despite being slave girl, but very intelligent substance that shape risk again incredibly beautiful, so are the Persian King Anonymously recitals, made the first lady.
Loss of capital of the wife being the first child is Bhikkhu Yuri (Virùdhaka) was later dubbed the evil Beings United Kingdom., Bhikkhu Yuri up eight, his father gave to foreign country to practice archery, because Ca Bhikkhu La which is famous for his radiation techniques.
Now, in the Ca Bhikkhu new finishing a set Dollar great palatial lecture devoted to greet Buddha every Buddha about the sermon. They like from Ca for this is a sacred place, not for the company means to step into. Do not drop the character Yuri Bhikkhu dè rong played in the Palace, in his place, was banned from playing the Prince caught, slag coating not sorry lyrics, that the slave girl's loss of Seat did defile Sanctuary. They chase the Bhikkhu Yuri out and immediately passed command to provide servants come by the old earth in a new land transport up and lecture about instead.
Bhikkhu Yuri rampage pulse gas natural, and he plays the poison oath that: "when King, I swear decided to destroy the new Song they like from clean up angry".
The next time you return to the Residence protection, Bhikkhu Yuri day plotting my revenge-washing. One day, the Persian King Anonymously with loss of Capital came into the week animal spirit adversity with Glass ưlu Bhikkhu, Ca Le Da Na gather troops back, beheaded his father's guards, get the Crown and the sword. Hearing the news, downright Anonymously Persian AWE. Loss of capital, advised the King to seek refuge in exile through the makeshift side Ca Bhikkhu La, awaiting a chance to recover. But not long after, he dies in his party aged.
Bhikkhu Yuri hearing of his father's death, ordered to isolate the Crown Prince Goannas, self proclaimed heir to throne. Bi maximum Ca Bhikkhu La starts.
One day, entertainment, Korea, Bhikkhu Yuri communicates asked the count concerned that:
If someone Who insulted his dignified monarch, monarch, who was a despised the way, down from guilt he may think should treat treatment like?
Like the mouth a felony was then worth tru di.
They like from Ca pretending, Bhikkhu Yuri comes forward. They said that I am the son of a slave girl, so far are hung men tru kill them.
Three u.s. appearances, three times a Bhikkhu Yuri meets Buddha to stop trying to block. But by the fourth time, that did not prevent the pickup anymore because people from their past careers Like Ca too heavy. The Buddhist mercy far in advance for A Nan or come in from the 7 days they prefer Ca will annihilation. His self created industry information, no help defuse that...
Bhikkhu Yuri continued the siege to the very end and fold down. After entering the Castle, ordered the garrisons captured y consists of 500 who get killed. While people in the approximate 3 million people including young and older babies, y getting buried on foot to the ground to give elephants the data running through that offend. Ma Ha Na Ma hearing this horrible pain as mercy, and he is pleased with Bhikkhu Yuri gave him and people are dying all uncovered. New command change for Yuri Bhikkhu killed by elephant well ordered by affective Nich. What is the sliding is down the River to drown. Bhikkhu Yuri ordered again picked correctly Ma Ha Na Ma up, getting beheaded hanging onto a tree.
After the killing they like from Ca and merged Ca Bhikkhu La on Overseas Territories Slapped La, Bhikkhu Yuri to enforce a policy of extremely abusive and killed him as Crown Prince Goannas. So the evil Beings called him the new King. Not long after, the Property Protection into a terrible fire, Bhikkhu Yuri and his wife all along was to burn in this fire. Overseas countries Slapped La gradually weakened, causing A Strong Result after the Buddha refuge marched to fight, captured the Beautiful La Poya annexation, then Slapped Slapped La and Ca Bhikkhu La on the map of Ma Da Masterpiece.
Indian history records the stories on shows us that terrible disaster due to career High Tribute Fell Side triggers. Career High Tribute Falling Beam that can doom a whole nation, a whole race. Highest race is race, racial Sakya engenders a Pope honored for contemporaries was Ger Buddha also did not escape that Cloverfield. High tribute Fell on her starboard side as other nouns of pretending, that is characteristic of a kind of Industrial names like himself on top of that, for his family from his race, is sublime and despise others, transplant them into vile class. The Consciousness divide High Tribute Leanne Fell Side into two different mentality. Leanne Drain high with a noun as being arrogant. Leanne Fell with a noun is the starboard side. According to the Consciousness, High Tribute Leanne is sort of self psychology can solve easily once people enlightenment was the disaster of it. So the consciousness-Based Mind belongs to His transplant. Center for Aviation Facility is one of ten U.s. As Negativity. Leanne also Fell alongside the modern self psychological type is hard to reconcile, though people have awakened to the evil of it. So the consciousness-pair it belongs to the Port Facility Port Facility Center. Care is one of the six Basic Defilements. Special Agent Who owned the Port Facility and Their Departments are the only Assay book Learning the same author due to cultural and Social Committee Buddha pagoda Press, pages 88-99 presented as follows:
1. Center for Aviation Facility: the haughty arrogance. This Psychological State often appears every time find yourself riches, find themselves deprived of the right, have the talent, there's beauty and so on. surpassed the others. These guys have Their disease like his actions how, arrogant and looking at all the eyes may shine under the vile. All six types of Arrogance is designated as follows:
a. Not their illness.
b. younger full of arrogance.
c. organizational beauty.
d. noble arrogance.
e. riches being arrogant.
f. Learn more, know more arrogance.
Special Agent Who owned Their Property often motivates people despise others, pushy herself up and yourself is more important than character. Dealing with the masses, who shrugged off his lack of actions in favour of modest and lack features behave. This Facility is the main center of the cause engenders the sin. This Facility of mind do the obstacle course and prevented psychologically Not Haughty arises.
Example: Mr A and Mr B is you dear in the same country. As a child, he was A poor student and his captain to his house B in Spirit to go to school. His family B dealing with A very nice. Before graduating, he was cited by A sucking should be superior to weigh up Saigon served to take the floor, there is a car, there are high walls, closed ports. One day Mr. B Nhon occasions the Saigon up to play, think to far older, you should visit Mr a. Mr A was not followed and the protected person in the answer that, "the Governor had no familiarity with the beggar, don't see the commie catcher to do them. He should go home. " This is the voice of his ways, of lacking courtesy by Lee bow.

2. the Port Facility of mind: is the port of contempt, arrogance. This mentality like manifest before you despise and opine Amir gestures with people around us. You may shine a beam of contempt often in his personal journal on top and all around are full of vile class. They previously have slightly more power on or trusted person should see who is not out of line. The attitude of the people who disrespect the side often expressed in such circumstances:. Sometimes the action revealed out and also have concealed covert gestures at the Center. The concealed gesture secretly inside the mind of the person in contempt on her starboard side, we look to realize is their arrogance through treatment. This Facility was centered six categories as follows:

a. Port: means who have little talent or how right that sailings are proud, proud, the Rana johnsi self from everyone around her, only to find yourself on top of that, more importantly his view and considers who is not out of line. thờng side balloon Who demonstrate high and mighty gesture of Amir and required people around to pay attention to yourself. For the talent and authority on equal footing, who despised her side or one tree Hill again, and see if we can equal significant to them, so that the public, the business side of communication with their lack of style and lack of holidays and desiccation.

Example 1: T.Q. teacher talent have been known as the study again was the incumbent a certain position in the Church, and then to the high and mighty look people aren't out spending. but in fact, no notable pieces, meaning he does not have the ability to position the defending even though they are studying.

Example 2: Mr. T and Mr. H's two best friends with each other and your contrition of the two are very similar to each other. Mr. T, the more fortunate was appointed as the Director of a Factory P.B. one day, Mr. H would like to visit Mr T, so from can tho city up the dunes in Saigon. Mr. T was not followed and the wrong employees out next. While talking, the staff expressed real needs in front of Mr. h. Mr. H discontent out of.

b. The side: that is for those who have talent and peer status themselves, who are too often on the side of his ways, himself over them. Also for those who have talent and dịa than yourself, who Too the side back up the boast himself with them.

Example 1: The same peer status, trớc the public, Mr. X has a sick Side like the master of life, proved himself to be the leader, himself a commander, go cut put this person, the other person command and catch all the delivered his control but he X no duty at all costs.

Example 2: See who else has more to his high status, who have disease Too Romantic love to brag, like bragging to everyone that; His talent that Strawberry has over me he should be met thanks to the position like that. I if the leadership then wasn't lost on him.

c. Side Port Too: i.e. samples than the paintings. In principle, people really do have more than his ability as well as that of its German out the pics taken part over with them and that you do not lose them. Ai dissuade won't listen.

Participants du:Mr. A and Mr. B competed with each other. The ending of jury judged him A loser he B. but A unyielding. You enough reason that judges unfairly biased. Britain resolute struggle requires you B must retest. At the time everybody ... but I dissuade not listening.

d. Down Side: that is, previously I have little talent and authority, the patient Falls side of the often highly personal, himself a valued above all and every communication with anyone, they often face despise and action reclaimed the pressure around us.

Example:He is a political dynasty whose talent and status in society, the incumbent is a member of Parliament in the National Assembly. He is often bossy high arrogance, self respect and self yourself is an important character in the society. He looked at the people below the eyes for their vile and unworthy to he acquainted. If someone have the talent with him or greatly over him that depth to get him anything inserted end, reclaimed and put their heads down to zero for the upturn.
e. increase the upper Side: i.e. those who have not yet shown to food poisoning to the absolute truth is not yet achieved legitimacy that it ads, go brag, his bravado and forestry were privileged to blind people.
Example: a French convent band that has a little extra professional, and eccentric, General, brag, taking every engineering ad for people to know I was privileged to witness to enchanting beings. At the same time they decry the Buddha's Dharma is false, only the new legal right truth etc.
g. Company Listed starboard side: poor poor Fortune knew he meant Germany over people, yet brag to all full of that, I have many more Germans than them and inspires you this person, decry man, for all his matchless.
Example: Mr G studying lem nhem had no qualifications at all costs. But he was still bragging and bragging to all full of that, you have this certificate, degree and everything, and then you borrow, borrow Bachelor gowns Doctoral robes taking pictures to mere existence. But as to the fact he didn't do more games, because you don't have the ability and qualifications anymore.

Special Agent Who owned the Port Facility is cause to engenders the guilt and prevent psychological not Disrespect An arises.
How much the disease Took her side has just presented has been talking up the danger of them in controlling human activities in all fields. They make up the Fair falls and Accept France solidly. The austerities like to kill your ego and accept France, must first destroy the patient Took her side. but wanted to kill the disease Took her side, we frequently have to apply a Cult Ceremony methods mature. 24-Bai is one of the most effective methods to neutralize the beam of His disease. people bowed down his courage in front of other guys who humbled most bows. Man that was destroying his family identity and they no longer accept the ego accept France anymore. According to the conception of Buddhism, its bow front desk, wealthy girl other guys not take the human dignity Act. The gestures that demonstrate the same diameter and boosted sympathy for everyone around us. His men have no talent, I fear there is no moral basis do and don't be afraid to rằmg, his bow ceremony cult other guys will lose face. In Germany.The Buddha tells us: "all beings are Buddha abbreviated Names", i.e. all beings have Buddha Mind all beings have Buddha Mind, then of course they also have in mind the Buddha. Buddhist beings in Buddha-body trunk chums wife of beings. So, a wealthy girl a holiday Expertise Sa Bhikkhu Stilts are not directly under umbrella body plate ceremony, wealthy girl (plate stem flesh stinks foul fishy) that here, the Sa Sports are visualizations that are about to Close for Buddhist ceremony of purity in the person of the Bhikkhu Stilts that. The value of the Cult Ceremony through the Biography of Asoka (Asoka) is recorded in the following anecdote: according to historical record, Asoka (Asoka) is the son of the King of The Front dollars (Bindusàra) under The dynasty of the Great Duke (Maurya dynasty). The King ascended the throne after the Buddha enter kill 218 years. King played the mind Buddhism after the Buddha enter kill 234 years. The King had his biggest hit in the Rally Unlawful third Buddhist Classics. Anecdotes that, after the refuge by Buddhism, the King met the Sa band and anywhere are bowed, wealthy girl 24-land. The Courtiers thus advised the King that:
-Majesty is a noble taste was great wall of honor and the head of the King is a symbol of the Church in Germany. You don't what the Prog Taoist ceremony, wealthy girl down means losing the King's face.
Ashoka does not respond and the Courtiers that go on sale per capita, and is wrong the other gods come to sell the hogs. Directions to King million two on the bow and report results. First of all the money the question King pork: pork top selling Mags like? The sale Of pork head ladies:
-Your Majesty, the hogs are not enough selling to people. They demanded more.
Next the King asks the Courtiers sold per person.
-Also full of top selling Mags Mags, but how?
The Courtiers b n top men scared, bowing watercock ladies:
-Like your Majesty, Lower Than the sales people are not. People are cooking won't buy.
Instant King says:
-So the body politic of this nor is the pig?
The Gods are silent, dull person.
King said next:
-The Sa Sports are the degrees of the tu bare glass almond exit continue, most noble. Threw this bow gave the ceremony, wealthy girl take the things that people can do not to pay homage to them. Why may hinder Threw. from here on after ai is impossible for wealthy girl Threw the desk Sa Division will be beheaded.
The sentence above historic tryện comes up the meaning and values of the ritual cult of Buddhism that Asoka had expressed before the God. Real life people immerse in hot craving suffering a passionately not about enlightenment. The money, fame, lust, eating, sleeping etc. bind them too heavy for each loop and spur them to create many more crimes of career birth Prince reincarnation within the three realms. They know that's what the immediate suffering, but they still fall and little action from nan.
That is the Subject of degree, Sa had cut her bruised egos, escaped the constraints of the situation, stop to take in this craving, an internal order in the path of liberation and enlightenment. They got rid of the things that people don't quit and they were really happy the purity that the workers could not do. They are the noble worth ranks give us 24-Bai. That's why Asoka ready their ceremony, wealthy girl at any time and any where each time is an opinion.
Benefit of the Cult Ceremony as was presented in advance, also uses annihilated gradually leak out the negativity in each human being, and an increase in the Force's inner Moral practice. I my others i.e. himself Jesus himself. I respect the other person i.e. me honor myself. This case just as we learn English. the more we read growing up as long as we get in that. The more we learn the more we much more heart and remember that long. The more we worship Buddha, then much of the more we grow out of that. The more we, my Buddhist chanting intensive scenes as long as the German Leader during the more bouncy our inner hatch and grow as long as that. We emit much Mind Scouts then we produced many Powerful infidels are never lost. The merit as much training as we grow much no hint of wrongdoing.
Capital Increase For A Ham, vol. 24 has recorded the benefit of the Cult Ceremonies. Kinh said: respect the German cult ceremonies such as Lai receive five parts of Germany are as follows:
1. Dapper Chief Justice: that is full of great Buddhist ceremony seen cult of sailings started reciting and ớc mind the wedding Festival dreams expectation. Thanks to the people that their coast through life can enjoy general good presentable article.
2. Hao Thinh: i.e. the cult ceremony hailed the German titles Like Futuristic three times. Thanks to human fate which they later can be allied voice nice clear liner.
3. multiple Member Said: means the United States will speed up the holiday lights burn, rises often etc. to alms donation of Germany As a hybrid. Thanks to human fate which they later enjoyed much of the treasure.
4. Being head of The Jia: literally someone who brings no cult ceremony first, accept the hand-bow, releases the Buddha ceremony. thanks to human fate which they rest is contentious in the wealthy Aristocrat.
5. Being in good Of Celestial Trhượng means thanks to merit respect the cult ceremonies in Germany As Lai, practitioners (the cult ceremony) will be contentious in the realms of benign or the heavenly realms.
In summary, the Cult not vile actions resulted in loss of human dignity. By contrast the main Cult Ceremony is a sense of human progress and also a moral footing of the Chief Justice. For the ancestors, the curious Happy need to respect to worshipping ceremony for the Saint, foot Worship the Chief Justice needs to speed up the ceremony to express modest virtues of enlightened moral practice. Mistakenly Worshipping ceremony to sympathetic with on the same fiber, social and in seconds that make up the material to remove all differences separating the split in the Union. Hieu Hanh son indispensable 24-style Cult. The loyal Adherents and exemplary morality are indispensable obligation with this stylish Cult Ceremonies.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/7/2014.

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