Monday, 14 July 2014

A question asked quite easily cause confusion, Lake of stew. First of all we affirm the saying of Confucius "Inhabitants might cause them to follow, can't make them understand" (population of possible use by genus, impossible to use tri chi). The phrase means the usual mass out as little as possible the most single-minded Italy according to the simple method of the teacher for that dive into a plus note austerities and obtained benefits. So the low level, even the illiterate had never read the books nor is not learned much about the Dharma, for example, Green Hue Features according to legend was the loggers felling firewood had never read books, which would eventually become the host Professor Friday in the history of Zen Buddhism in China.
But based on the content of "Green Hosting Business Forum" and based on the survey of scholars, the master Database Features but not as a scholar, but not to say that he was illiterate. So, according to legend, in the history of Chinese Buddhism, illiterates became Buddhist groups, furthermore there are vast deep-seated influence for Buddhists, is unique. Starting from Germany Loves Ca World Religion in Indian Buddhism infused into the host in the life of China are all the intellectuals, the University questioned the broad understanding of five broad understanding, and education in the country and abroad.
Species of the upper districts, no education, no culture that is smoothly total, they can grasp the basic reason to shop through the whole, rather than from the awareness of the great wall the great wall the little tủn mủn that the unified management. Just as in the song "Forever My master proof Scouts" sentence: "he shoots can find leaves Line" (quoted games ye chi fell real talent) and "into the ocean sand hard-only count yourself" (enter the Customs payment sa map itself!), which means that understand understand hundreds of words, no need to tủn mủn gibberish.
Learning French is clearly knew the reason for that school, one grips the Buddha's comments before that as the Buddha, of course no need of knowledge and education. But after detailed calculation and food poisoning and then, because of the benefits they should have to understand my religion, cultivating knowledge to do stuff to benefit students.
The superior and middle class and lower middle are based on Muslim students, learning new norms have to be Professor Ming tu and academic orientation, if not then the austerities, training blindly. Before meeting are proving masters, or after having been intelligent engineer should base on my new teacher may choose to be real or fake. If the agreement with higher education, legal entry, the French understand that then that's real intelligent. If only taking things on his own memories and things touch, his experience in getting approved for free to arbitrarily interpret the Scriptures and decry the Attorney General, the Chief Justice v along three jewels, which are the primary deviant monk rather than not is proving mastermind.
So, If anybody know how lawyers are clever options must first penetrate my instructor, confirmed the Dharma, then go find Ming Su to help themselves in the style of Dragon drawing points for nhỡn thousand of ten thousand articles in question concerns can only cross one lesson which are thoroughly addressed. It is intelligent tutor.
If don't know anything that goes Learning Alliance counsel, then right for you that says he's still a normal human chums!
If the Christian Scriptures in depth understanding despite the ragged metal shoes away, search all over the world, not yet having intelligent, as well will not be lost. Furthermore if you already understand the directions and then simply peeling each layer one things stuck in the container bottom cannot be smashed black ignorance turn dark in a while, but still is safer.
The monastic traditions worship, without the time or the circumstances do not allow just six sentences master a signature pink track "Nam Buddha Amitabha" is enough.
But the host Professor Hong Yang as the level of Net Him Wisdom Far in Lushan and their Leader Sir Scratch, Discuss Loan, donation Management, Ca Your life Path, so you Maintain Contact, in his later years Useful Minh desperately random, Master Of early Optical Printing etc. are widely understood, learned all three higher education : Grapes, Like, and also the great thinkers in the history of Buddhism.
So, how can you say: Worship don't need to experience Islam? No shipping to France meaning that only worship, let ADO Update Net births can worship At? Furthermore, the so-called Translational Degrees include dairy? But that didn't know who to ask, just follow. But the person who knows to ask, the more regular the need to help others learn to worship Buddha, Buddha, believing, if not to know anything about doing the Dhamma means, how can produce special forces turned up?
If not then is the blind leading the blind, blind practice austerities, no main railway segment, nothing outrageous mind grows, the purpose is not clear, so how can gain favor tha, reaching current levels of Net birth purpose be?
It is true that people are using, either at the Middle taking part himself in the worship or tu, tu display suite, are all asking "mind none use" (don't mind taking two), not just austerities has just pore over Scriptures, or at content, meaning the French teacher in contrast with the situation of his austerities, which is a minor turbulence, as the great obstacle course of austerities.
But in the identify of the target before the austerities and selecting documents situations, directed the study later after austerities, study of the parish praying the Court again is the indispensable.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/7/2014.

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