Tuesday 10 June 2014

Twelve Human Fate.
 -  Multiply the result (the power of birth). Coast Guard is helping human achievement (living being). 12 coast guard personnel also owned 12 genera (with branches), the infection 12 (see Coast Guard forms), 12 seizures (only hook), 12 (vicarious and back). Depending on the possibilities in the area of a 12 round as both khoen khoen disintegrate.
Vòng 12 Nhân Duyên
Morningstar has just grows day 8 December, Having food poisoning symptoms Walkie bodhisattva LY pratītyasamutpāda News 12 this charming personalities. From there, he used the light of pratītyasamutpāda to torch pillar, Bodhi is open for the worldly beings.
12 rounds (khoen) coast guard personnel are:
1. ignorance
2. Onions
3. Formula
4. Your identity
5. Record type
6. Contact
7. Shou
8. Ai
9. the seat
10. Property
11. Delivery
12. Lao Tzu
Draw the image blind old woman carrying away in the forest. The bone forest as the backbone, ribs were removed from how caodaiists.
Blind isn't bright, starts reciting forgotten vacuum mezzanine Leanne yew. The old forest is dense, are many. The way the bones we have gone from ridiculous, we know fed up yet? We have a dam dam snake story ahead, pig and chicken. While greed, instigation all day, didn't have time to get themselves a blind old woman walks in the forest.
Consistent pratītyasamutpāda, see correlation of birth, going to France, going down. Who has Tri said injured his colleague, forgive me the tolerance. A compassion only discharge to the tha.
Ignorance was the anniversary meant forgetting Leanne's foot and lost the clarity of wisdom. Due to ignorance of good evil or newly created enterprises to Samsara's birth. So the ignorance (or, human) Coast Guard (career, result).
The slopes (or funky, bass, Kiss, Hy trạo, radio, travel far, infinitely precious, khan and challenged the quiz). The slopes are wire bound beings, we are not out of the contentious marches which bound all the time, don't get rid of are the string AI infection, infected sex which was ashore, deliver peace. The slopes are the fodder of ignorance. When ignorance is the exception, the Coalition began.
We need to enrich their minds, change and transformation by the treasures of the ancient German degree voters, it should be expanded and perfected soul by the traces of the ancients.
The key name is happiness. So here we have idle mind rang to take care of the spiritual career, not a blanket three chickens, snakes and pigs.
In the Dhammapada, Buddha taught: If we speak or act pure or polluted, then happily or suffering the brain will follow with yourself as the ball shaped like wheels rolling cow footprints.
"Italy leading France,
Italy, Italy created
If the pollution
We speak or act
As part of the brain will follow me
As the wheels roll over
The footsteps of cows. " (1)
"Italy leading France
Italy hosts Italy created
If with a pure mind
We speak or act
Happily will follow me
As the ball never left the picture. " (2)
As he potters were Britons of the vase. Snowman craft, the beautiful vase (purity). The awkward comments distorted (pollution).
Be careful rubbing the main Italian mouth-body that is currently being painted or distort our future. Heal friendly then the life tomorrow will. Mexican stupid evil bad then the pathetic miserable waiting current behavior, i.e. giving results tomorrow newspaper should Take intra coastal, meaning that the current behaviour has the potential capacity, boost control consciousness in depth, to lead love go to the future. Industry often change according to the mind of his customized as builders depend on preferences that Van Thien shaped snowman patterns.
Following the Buddha's teachings, Executive Anwar aggregates known birth, impermanence, egolessness, force loads, DAC infinity DAC, can stop the step on the way of being suicide.
My relationship with Reference Product III Samyutta (3), the Buddha teaches:
"And the Female-stilts, what is the issue? There are six portfolios themselves: SAC, private bar, private scent, taste, tactile, France. The Male-stilts, this call is issued. Due to the exposed volume should start the initialization file. By exposing the removal should the paragraph. This is the path God led Eight majors leading to the removal, i.e. Chief of the tri, Chief Justice, Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice effort, mindfulness and the Chief Justice. "
The Buddha teaches colors, scents, sounds, tastes, tactile and France who is thinking about good tactile flavor bars, 6 Chen called. Investment is the driving force to reborn, i.e. depending on the awkward diplomatic hand that the beautiful vase.
My career is the basis of birth. Clean were freed. The pure is the Foundation of evolution. Italy career anniversary anniversary phan charm, provoke six units, information throughout the body. How much evil, light to heavy industry, Italy are master. Italy career subtle very challenging for me also a blanket keep. We have to subduing his mind as the Dhammapada teaches:
"People lead glass, lead;
Guys do, rub your name;
Carpenter, tetanus;
UG JEE, itself. " (4)
My mind like a river. The movement of the river is the sum of all the individual drops of water. Also, our Center is a chain of evil, funny sad love to hate. The constantly move, switch moved the motion, this transformation is warm. Leaving the anniversary idea thinking no warm onion should say runs the egolessness.
Landscape painting of monkeys jumping from branches to branches. Old branches (career) has a new spike of infertility, fruit-filled with tearful (can heal or poison). The conscious mind is able to stay all over the about the French but because of ignorance for having life is miserable, kicked the love hate. The place was incredibly pregnant give your identity. Hindquarters called reborn. This body is a result of the five aggregates. The God consciousness according to industry newspaper bearing reborn reward or pay the resentment or blessed or good crime called formula favored list.
The conscious mind is a chain of coastal change being made live fetuses and is know by six senses. If the career is about to make his son a warm medium trunk to raise the notion of injured parents. If the daughter of warm high trunk to raise the notion of injured his father. Nhơn love making seeds, load the idea of insanity should be conceived to brackets on my mother, so it is favored. The new lines through it.
When I awake with joy at his parents copulate, three heat or points (father, mother, central electric) enter the lump together as a special outdoor spots in the uterus. Consciousness is the spirit; essential blood father and his material. Now in the fetus has three elements, is life, the warmth of three fire (father, mother, God consciousness) and consciousness: Leanne knows that when the Buddha's name, to the body of the then called formula A-back-skin. When reincarnation, this knowledge comes first, and then bouncing back the other way seven contentious times. Formula is notable (the invisible), the embryo is (tangible) should list the coast way, way over your identity.
Raised when six units exposed six ceilings born distinguishes six. Taste of honey, the sweet delicious, eat rice ' not ' we see the LAT bland. The food each Friday, a but when excreted, they didn't. Bowl than the one cup is great but compared to the pots back baby. The mind distinguished career that tinged universe. The world six whole creation itself bare disagreements.
The sweet, salty, part fun, Act final rules also just human beings should coast egolessness, impermanence, suffering and not. Just we are always informed and self. The sense of starting up we noted, got to wear them melted away with the names of their impermanent way. Hope Center as the monkey dance, fancy, and then bored, then interest and fed up abandon ... contact senses things. Love and hate arises. It is there he wants to stand. But with mindfulness voila's wisdom arises. Required to be present at a place where the senses being disturbed. Don't be shy, enlightenment does not mean that deafness or blindness, just mindfully, not sticky. The essence is illusion should six automatic ceilings passed. It is necessary to learn how to control and master the monkey.
Eight marvelous ingenious discrimination practices.
  1. Brand consciousness of mind United Kingdom as Chancellor turns out in the world of colors, General.
  2. United Way Center United Kingdom turns out in the world of sound.
  3. Refugee awareness Center United Kingdom turns out aromatic world.
  4. Dead awakening mind United Kingdom turns out sweet and sour world.
  5. Environmentally conscious mind United Kingdom space bala turns out hot world, cold, sleek and hissing.
  6. Emperor conscious mind nimble talented Wang, afford the legal ceiling, irradiation to the past, present, future and legal systems both in different countries.
In business week on coast turns out in the ceiling, or accept, the ceiling is real. Consciously distinguish bad beautiful or as bad as or. Comments or in private, or were of postpartum depression.
Anyone taking a anatta, anatta fan then consciously turn into Magic observed, paving the way for Tibet awareness back to the great Park, the Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice vistas.
Actually, the label has not seen the scene outside.
  1. Nerve: we are looking at things in the nerves of the eyes. Due to the sunlight shining on the flowers in the garden, reflection through the IRIS on the Visual nerve.
  2. Ball photos: Instant mind see a photo balloon called the label as being.
  3. Ball photos by industry people: according to the career people, parents, families, the school has taught me called United patula.Before we count as real flowers is seen in the garden. Don't believe I just saw the ball pictured at who's nervous, according to coast called with formal living being; and coastline melting away, called a label formula.
Balloon photo does not reflect the true faithful. It followed the fate of sunlight, supposedly in the dark are pleasing to the eye. Circular crab Bay xoe eyes must lead the rays another way. Flowers show up really well to be a good alternative. The production technology of mirrors are now proving that scenery downloads career discovery. Therefore, the label officially spoiled rotten formula label hopeless hope falls and televisions in the other way, too.
Buddha draw a boat carrying four crates items (soil, water, wind and fire). Disappointed relatives as the boat drifting on the river being killed.
As the mind (lust is the land wind) who love to hate our anger daily Gospel takes us away like reincarnation, according to career climb which is up or down. The Buddha called the fetus is.
The mind is, who helm the boat that formula A-back-skin. Once the user has complete achievement complacency, this method will return once the other seven contentious way ensues. Dealer (hope itself) as the boat drifting on the river being killed. Have A Good embryo, there are six units. Should your Green Coast Award.
The continental Type is six units (the fetus's complacency out of the womb). Buddha painted home has six doors for six ceiling will go directly into base from six.
Radical Entertainment's emission ceilings and ceiling new base General staff; from that knowledge to distinguish the clue break split second bien, Leanne's fall led to the mistake grows roots. The subject (the mind) and the object (scene) based another Dong Khoi is due to brokers six units.
My Grave Mausoleum (5), ten other Hybrid copper mouth As means of lyrics confirmed that: "The contentious sentence button ignorance makes reincarnation being the main video is Friday, so get that justifies the removal of six medical is the President often led outcomes happily freed" (Tri organize tri news ignorance a myriad private Ant Ant tri; i.e. Nirvana).
Then the Department of now that we are beings and the Buddha is holy for he ranks when six units exposed six ceilings is not starting, I then open the grounds as the House opened its doors which opened to absorb and Tran Canh, and then calculate the wild Sage, rather than lose, powerful. It is the multitude saw, si kicked up and creating career suicide, Scouts, porn, ...
Due to the Open House which opened six more scenes than there should be, so the contact record enter the chain charm attachment through touch.
Align the ceiling-contact (eyes exposed ceilings, exposed ear, nose, tongue, tactile contact, body-contact and Italy exposed France) but the most dangerous are the men and women of two body-contact. This is the source of flowing into the worldly beings London electronic deposits.
This body is the result of education. And then while we were there, we continue to create countless new personalities to create results. Daily love this shirt, sign this new pens with bear, his work with the partnerships, only satisfy with his favorite dish, just to talk or email with someone you like ... those little things that are the manifestation of charity, your infection please bīja craving of chicken or pigeon and keep ignorance, accidentally or intentionally created the seeds of death race.
So the first obligation of the renunciation is based out of six households (households don't eye to find good AI infection, ear, don't listen to their nonsense, don't say the word tongue shady households, households don't nose smell powder, close household contact enthusiasts don't, don't let my nefarious thoughts start up). His number-four great country wind fire fake, not me, not the person, not the life and non-life.
The contact is legal there. Only the presence of two Coast Guard unit. One broad survey will find all French characters are not van. Really just the presence of the coast guard. Who understand this truth is to understand the Dharma.
Not aware that General of France, not yet the truth by yourself, there is no Chief Justice of ignorance. Old blind ignorance still reigns King to ever we are opening eyes to the light of enlightenment As a hybrid.
Everyday we Shou rice, drinking water, life expectancy in the air, the warmth of the Sun. And then accept the land, water, wind, fire this impermanence is one. User comments were all ties. For as we should touch base every scene, bare life span of instant Center which has a good gauge. All life only lukewarm infect loaded leaders hope the invention only. Shou aggregates are factors, bind and make us the most obvious.
Shou is suffering due to get the gauge. This is a private family life, my dear. This life is my own mind is the first life from which ones tho. Life is life, feeding the long-wearing, what in life, identity, family, life, emotions, the ones I do like it, tho the ones necessary, unnecessary ones, and then the life these luxuries, the unwanted, useless because of greedy habits collected not to be missed. Every being, every life is a series of consecutive receives.
Life is a life of misery (Imperial gauge gauge: eight). So much suffering by the expectancy that out as getting m t nớp nơm the fear of losing precious ones, worried about keeping but make something also with himself. The rich are afraid of loss. The fear of losing status. People are afraid of losing lover lover. People are afraid of losing fame fame. Positive life is fun. Inversely, the life gauge. Tho not pros don't invert the si. This is the life life, suffering lost and si tho. In summary these are three tho.
Dear anatta (hopes for including eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind), the mind also anatta (is disappointed because the life, ideas, and knowledge is not). Body and mind are not two separate entities, independent and detached. They always go together, relationships are closely related, and comes from a Tibetan formula obtuse but ingenious wonders.
Daily six units exposed six ceilings, hard life, thought love to hate, thought and consciousness distinguishes. Everybody knows its just the feeling human beings charm. The feeling was broken. Human birth charm is in dispute (for this body is the truth), in addition to accept France (for six ceiling is real). For example, the eye sees a trade body, heart happy (tho, glad to meet pros scene, taken to Ireland fell); Garden view see who cleaned the pots his cute daisies, frustrating (the life gauge is touching the left scene, Italy). Sad not to see you unhappy (si's life comes because he views). If the fun from the mind why don't usually have fun, if the scene from fun can contact me., apparently empty real-life bad prospects. Daily six units exposed six ceilings, raised three poison in the si field. The nests have wisdom eyesight so serenely, called life discharge.
Beings for life-life should be as fun as possible. The Buddha teaches the life gauge.
  1. Ruined the agony: they call fun (life Club), the Buddha called sabotage suffer ten thousand impermanent nature French, the past is over, now lost, fun is only due to ceiling French Lac Ta photo.
  2. Gauge gauge: gauge called (life size), Buddha said to suffer agony, depression and old beings body has more life left gauge gauge scene outside.
  3. Operating width: we call normal, non-miserable unhappy (si Shou), Buddha called released format due to delusion for the ceiling is real, accept France as thick as fall, Knight accepted the decision only goes up to three alarm gauge, map all three equally in the life gauge.
The life gauge is miserable, because brain growth pitch.
While normal order of the foolish do not, so the si's life is miserable.
Have fun growing greed, deep sea of ignorance, it's hard to put the output, so the tribe's life miserable.
The river is the water drop is move. Our body is a river. Changing cells are boundless. Our mind is also a river. The life experience being destroy, annihilate being constantly, according to the activities of the six senses. Thanks tho have fun bringing to attachment, suffering brought to bored. Every life experience is stimulating and took part in the revolt. Now mindfulness conditions began to change. Life experience was happening shone soi under the light of consciousness. Mindfulness does not receive it, we cannot say I like this, I take the other stuff, I 'm, I'm miserable.
The first result is to restore sovereignty, since this life feel has lost its magic.
The second result is found to be the source of it is ignorance. Do accept the ego, accept that the life sense.
The third result is known to damage it, Leanne self no nature, just as the sense of birth and destruction by human fate.
That practice both in its radio-yet it is the meaning. Please think.
The day grumpy scowl causes lack of sleep, stay up late, because this is physiological-life sensibility comes from the gauge. Being a friend misunderstood, angry, miserable, this root is from psychology. Go back to see who's pitching in his dirty garbage rooms, furniture clutter, nerves, this is the life miserable because of physics. We received, a passport, discover life is fun from basic love and lost this life gives rise to illusions. There is the new place to avoid the proud, vain complacency. A life lost when virtualization disappears in favour of healthy pleasure that fosters enlightened, o Holy head thai, so thanks tho obviously uncertainty. Fun size depending on the nature of the people.
Therefore, the Buddha illustrates the longevity as people were poisoned arrows shot into the eye. If smart people are drawn here, but we feel to plug arrows can crash into me from morning to afternoon, day to day to the ruins uncovered, if anyone asks then pulled out another stab at anymore. For example, someone says we slander, i.e. be an arrow hit the eye, to the heart. We won't be forgetting the speech left ear. Each mind is a stab in the eye. Not enough, I phone or email for someone in CA Mau, Pigneau ... then India, USA ... ever since my oan his agony for others to hear, that is putting forward other arrows hit the eyes. So on a day shift didn't know the arrow goes to stab the eye without knowing a word of Africa that's just game animated and static 's, is the wave, is the No. Only degrees of Holy spiritual life right new discharge, find a serene cool. A teacher says:
"The non-shedding as soon
To crush ice cold with wind frost. "
Every day a shining body, mind and sight are fake should ANDing. More arrows are flying to, but all the Saints cannot receive and do not hold, so they go and fall down like flowers fall. If not then, though still a deep spice afflictions, is anti-lifetime burden.
"More Guys buy resentment,
Lost to NAP,
Than odds are discharge,
Himself in peace. " (6)
My heartaches is the deeper half Jack arrow.
"Ten commercial shit still waiting
Hundreds of thousands of years from now still hurt me ".
As brought to take into the sea got wrecked, ignorance, for so eternal, past life, past life, tying together all the time. Each name is unique opportunities, love arrows. On the grammatical sentence: "there are three kinds of people are not afraid of snow collapsed as the crazy guys, drunk and in love" because these guys were the name plugged too deeply, soaking up pollution but not the hazardous surroundings.
Satipatthana masters to offering good idea tho thought AI this infection. We are from many lifetimes dizzy just because four Island:
1) Stems the impure you spoil me drunk for the refuge; 
2 the framework's Life), the looking forward as much as possible or;
3) Center for impermanence, hope that for sure is a common marine slab wise;
4) France is not really work for six units, six foreign exchange ceilings, long among the six consciousness is real.
A shining new mature slave not six ceiling, restoring the freedom of independence.
Satipatthana taught us to use one breath shone in the presence of suffering, emotional love's infected, then slowly subduing. NET security gently breathing slowly. NET security, gentle mind gradually. So we turned all three of NET security tho, three ideas. Chief Justice opinion clearly the origin, nature and consequences of the life feeling miserable happy should get the control of it. As for the life therapy with mindfulness is not given. Know where the life is ignorance, the names it is imaginary.
Guangze is warm year forest will enjoy peace, time to go in my lifetime not getting stuck, is the way of nirvana.
Please shop has the life gauge. Life is so miserable. Life is less then the gauge. The Buddha taught that course to come and then go, life without life.
8. AI
As drunk, drank several bottles of it, say lỉ Belgium, these bottles are not go to roll on the ground. On the table a bottle to be about to drink and there the bottle again align waiting. The meaning of this painting tells us the endless desire still sensed in the hearts of all generations, in our hearts, well past its current life still, craving and not until. Sweet craving cause more avidly soak up rays lose the Chief Justice.
Perception-life after initialization. Love in relationship with life after living happily. Hate to alienate mainland life gauge. Therefore, most love to hate, hate to love, so constant reciting mantras and expected ideas. Actually thought that, because leaving the current object and the legal ceiling, remember about the past, the future, thought the fruit lover there, only for temporary charm, charm of killing illusions of instant tan.
He is A bodhisattva In Order to see hear or know everything, not obscured, not dominated. All data are benign, or fly through the wind, as frivolous. Was so so misery. Word of mouth is bad stuff, just the quiet game, games of the gas slightly, due to air motion (wave) that the auditory nerve turns out sound to distinguish. Uncivil wisdom know speech is wind shouldn't bother. Do not hold the air motion which to think and then resentment born of hate or love.
Practice deeply Uncivil doesn't mean that sank in it that is unbroken in order. Center to a moonscape. Idea aggregates do not invariably dominated. It is misery. We thought it is a sort of aggregates. But when the emotions still get good idea was his. It is the practice of deep even Uncivil should not crash the instant conversation.
"Ai no I contentious real-tainted" because of the kindness infected should we present here. Hence, the Buddha taught in tactile contact that khoen of men and women is a source of flowing into the worldly beings London electronic deposits.
Romance is mentioned in the works of humanity that is the love of men and women. This is the kind of intense emotions over the kinds of emotions because it relates to the inmost instinct of human beings. People always wanted to usurp his model who can bring happiness. This is the psychology of love and selfless men and women have the urge silently of sexual activity, a type of activity causing the most palpable flesh pleasure as much Lydia binding of collateral, which is a source of air to create wheels reincarnation spin move. If no good faith based training, voluntary force not solidly, without good knowledge in support of the increase as well as continue the difficult escape against Ireland this infection.
Look deeper into the love is essentially selfish, fall fall fall deepens; people should love herself injured again and this is also the enjoyment of life human instinct. The instinctive love of enjoyment has driven men and women look to each other, and conversely it also motivates them to do mutual gauge (how many spouses cause wood, beatings, divorce, adultery; but in contrast there are also pairs of legs love sacrifice, forgiveness, mercy, love that can fade the color of the selfish instinct pessimism).
Downside of love, love is tarnished, is hate. Love this ham, aversion to coastal life is different, so AI stain. Ca dao Vietnam have sentences:
"Wounded another six three additional satellites
Hate each other into tonic ten satellites-six. "
"Hurt each other left and background well rounded
The distorted also hate each other. "
Love also remember that hate more and more memory. Heart problems despite relative no side by side but still wear your distaste in the Palm. Brain size constraints didn't bear out that discharge as possible remember as delusion. As mesmerizing as a gauge, as miserable as possible. So go to infinity. We have two verses:
"Infinite Universe that radiates power save,
Real sharp three-peach Nich. "
The rain had no suitable line but has the ability to keep pace.
Best American wave three peaches but can shake down the heroes of dime.
This is the power of love and of charity.
Dhammapada has lots of Buddha's teachings of hesitate AI infection such as:
"The craving that flows throughout,
As spill grows vines,
See the vines just being,
The original paragraph wisdom sword. " (7)
"Anyone living in this life,
Craving is offering,
Stonework himself slowly,
As the water drops Lotus. " (8)
"Know oneself as floating foam,
Dear feeling to going to,
Breaking of the arrow ma AI,
Beyond the sight of death. " (9)
"People pick up flowers, sex
Centre for AI infected Mexican fans,
Passionate in his desire,
Were the slaves of death. " (10)
"Therefore shalt not love,
Special charity Cup is a gauge,
Who doesn't love to hate,
Can not legally binding. " (11)
Nabagesera "born pros,
Nabagesera born of fear,
One freed,
Don't optimization does not fear. " (12)
"Craving born pros,
Craving born of fear,
Who freed the craving,
No pros do not fear ". (13)
In Samyutta: "From infinity marine reincarnation, the Bhikkhu Stilts, didn't find the beings in this world not once did my father or mother."
The weekly News Week on 03 November 2003, Robert j. Samaelson, a well-known economist said:
"Young people want to older, while the elderly favored younger. Here is a section of the road in an effort to seek happiness heaven currency of humans ".
My steering wheel is strictly the Buddha teaches very clearly about an exercise this infection (14):
"If being green, the world, the mind not craving, desire not to follow the line of birth death continue. If tu I tam under order to come out of the ceiling, if not wholeheartedly love subtracting the infection out of the ceiling, the employees are. Despite more décor meditation we money, otherwise the exception not infected Ireland lap out of the ceiling, the employees are. Despite more décor Zen meditation does money, otherwise the minus your craving, then infection in ma. On the devil, between the ma population of, under the ma. The ghosts also map them, each each claiming to be the invisible Director.
After Such worldly, removal of the Hybrid has a variety of ghosts, as knowledge improved, making the beings sa in Ireland, abandoning the Bodhi path loss. A-nan, if he taught French tu beings tam-ma-matter first and foremost to the desire in mind. He called the clear teachings, the first decision of the Germans As Lai, Buddha, The Religion. So A-nan, otherwise the customer AI infection, deviant everyday that tu meditation, as well as Cook, Cook the rock that wants into the rice. Even though they spent hundreds of thousands of life also just called the hot sand, hot stones. Because why? Because that's the same cat, just like Rocky, wasn't a multiplication of rice.
He offers a marvelous bridge Buddha's mind, the oil is the magic food poisoning is the root desire, stunted root have the porn then you have to go roll in the map, not out of, the way tu testifying Nirvana. Must have meant that mind is the foremost seed AI infection until the computer section was also no longer the expectant new certificates result of Bodhi the Buddha. as I said here, called the Buddha's sayings. Not like words, i.e. words of ma three weeks. "
Ma three weeks is ma above the Sun education world or destroying existing forms by austerities ranks u.s. women used the name to wobble Somasundaram the austerities.
9. the SEAT
The mind has its good, love to hate decided then energetically create karma, so the Buddha draws a person trying to standing to Berry (may be toxic or benign), does not know the discharge goes to look spirited happily.
By your craving more and more permeable, as much should be three pursuing looking all over the place, and made to take the stage, in the conservative and took the name name, career, business people ... should say charity charm. Whatever love to the genus then it climbed to chain to grab hold. Ireland and the seat of the or.
Man is in the aggregates (good, tho, thought, and action) means there are self habits tied to the five aggregates. How much gas volume of ignorance are nh n me: I, I, I, I, I just ... Leanne hot irritated, creating career. The root part is not in the five aggregates that are in place for Venice taking the five aggregates as himself. If the triangle, calm, lucid, not its second year this will fascinate you accept the tan fades. Like the buds are well according to Buddha, tu the warm hues: France is solidly good idea, bad idea, hope is a smart idea as pine hope thought, warm u aggregates and warm way down is subtle essential idea.
Every player should have instant mortgage industry created draw a pregnant woman (created are filled with a sense organ to tomorrow with results reported in the six nẽo reincarnation, as it had after child).
Keep, human beings are about the people. 10 charities is to the Sun. More meditation, then up and infinitely good. All the wholesome goodness behavior without Uncivil intelligence illuminates, have a latent capacity to emerge in the future, extending the contentious element, that is, when we do a Buddhist or what approval of friendly without a tam LUN not the President (no, not people and the alms is not) or a magic to this dignified Bodhi Phuoc sea which normally they I want to enjoy the results of laboratory experiments that, then we will get results, so we go up to enjoy the blessing of good in the Sun, and a-tu-la, but also when it comes down to the Temple of debt, pay the resentment, bear fruit in the realms of hell, hungry daemons and demons being, so the wheels reincarnation rolling all the time from legions (no start) without disruptions to infinity (no end).
Draw her infants from the womb engenders. Had the body must have feared that old convalescent. This is a negativity. This is the source of all suffering.
The universe is a living unity, in which all the bodies seem to have a secret hidden inside whether it is organic or inorganic (love or accidentally).
All are under the process of being, head, and kill. Even the destruction of a planet, just the chemical next followed by the universe. Even a gold leaf shedding, a dried stump azaleas, a caregivers lay down ... well beyond the life of the humanity and the great wall. All live and all chemical.
Krishna Murti, Indian writer and philosopher said: "this morning the United leaves permanently, beyond time and thought, tolerance, love and joy ... Flowers will die this afternoon, but ordinary life. Petals would also die, but die in the living. The petals will fall but fell out of the contentious start... "
In and accidentally, the life was manifested most pronounced where the life of the organism through the mating process of both male and female gametes, male and female, mother and father to the child-like keeping the categories is called birth.
If the career is about to make her son the Middle warm body to raise the notion of injured mother, daughter of then led anniversary injured his father. Nhơn love making seeds, load the idea of insanity should be conceived to brackets on the mother. 
When I awake with joy at his parents copulate, three heat or points (father, mother, the Middle warm) this added together as a Bureau special Lake in the uterus. Consciousness is the spirit; essential blood father and his material. Now in the fetus has three elements:
1) term life of thai sanh; 
2) warmth of three fire (father, mother, God consciousness and the middle of the block's most essential point blood is chon TAM Duong);
3): Leanne knows that when the Buddha's name, to the body of the so-called Alaida method. When reincarnation, this knowledge comes first, and then bouncing back the other way seven contentious times.
Death is something sure to with each of us, but when it came to still bring us a shock of floating, a tremendous grief ... but whatever it is, it is also one of the scenes in the us that human life was a brief, unpredictable and.
The death is referred from the dead, is a definite career and is the common denominator for all of us.
Death reminds us of the ephemeral nature of the brief lives, cause we have to rethink our own lives more meaningful, don't waste time on these trivial pursuit, according to the helpless, the verbal cliché, the ignorant conservative, the mediocre material possession ... because these were only causes suffering for us.
When our souls go out of this world, the possession, the achievements, the name good, aromatic, become useless, only the new man's moral nature have existed ... just as Chief Justice, kindness, patience, wisdom and sacrifice wholeheartedly because other people are that remain. Please practice the names of this noble product, then the death to be a soothing departure, is a major accomplishment and have nothing to fear. Death will be the guest should rejoice echoes drumming, excited because we have completed the task. Birth death has run out, the burden has been laid down, what to do are done. Not anything else.
The Buddha taught to please self body craving his almond and momentum of the death (one idea). Episode finds himself is a dead body, a corpse. A beautiful young girls go through there, just the bones encased meat, coated with leather, the aromatic anointing, nature is 32 to the weapon was turned back ragged mủn dòi with dust.
Anniversary of the fuselage to dissident back to see his very wrong idea.
I put the I put my father. Just connect the Foundation pit impermanence, past life, past life for ever doesn't change the voter opinion, not lifestyle changes.
The body and the person is just the set of impermanence is full of misery. Since this freed from the dangers of the craving.
Think of death, and the destruction, he attached his life. Thus the mind is joy and intention. By knowing the right things its the truth, we are not bound.
If we are not a death and of course, we would not have preparations, we will become lost mindfulness when death comes, especially for the family, friends or themselves. So be prepared psychologically for a peaceful death. If we are to our lives run by material things then we will die in anxiety and dismay. On the contrary, if we live wholeheartedly serving people with compassion, then we can die with an okay, happy. So the best method of preparing for death is to live a life dedicated to serving people with perfect love.
Most of us suffer from the emotional stuff and stop masking does not indicate a family identity. The industry continues to bind ourselves to being without end. Thus all things are uncertain, depending on how we are living, thinking right this moment. My current lifestyle can affect the course of life.
That is why we must make urgent preparations of his way with smart attitude. To avoid tragedy spins in 12 hard-suffering coast workers. This life is the time and the only place for me to prepare. I can only really prepared by return to the foot of the mind. The United States taught: ' life's short, no time to mind wandering. Have you heard the visualizations are not distracting to enlightenment. There are three tools that van, tu, can help us find the truth who and expresses the joy of liberation, called location egolessness. '
Life and death is a transition. The Buddha does not intervene in the way of career resources. The Buddha just preach about the structure and impact of it. The origin of the reborn is taking part in the si field. That took part in the si field is drawn on the background green broken down literally no chemistry going, so the original call is not meditation:
"Which is not root,
From no where to,
Back from no where to go,
Not to go,
Prince baby do crime. " (15)
"Being from somewhere?
Death will take place,
Know where to go to,
Call the learner. " (16)
The Buddha taught us that in France the real intention is:
  1. Real life: is life expectancy, the warm substance, the eighth Protocol network maintenance units, as the five aggregates, six, six. .. It's uncertainty because we don't know its origin when and the when. It's not the subject, it'd not living any more, no longer living called living network have stopped.
  2. Chronic disease notes: due to bacteria entering and a Buddhist is four when, in the absence of peace, making the body when, as a chronic uncertainty.
  3. Real time: time is the room and change the light, dark, day and night, the past, the present and the future does not stop and does not intend to leave a place.
Time as the horse ruỗi. Earthly as fuzzy clouds. The Buddha knew the maximum savings despite a minute, because death can come at any time. As for the leaders who understand time is responsible for the landscape variety, remedy impermanence, laced dietary wisdom and the United townships.
  1. Death notes: dead is dead no discretion so uncertain. There when it's young, middle-aged and old, when new and sometimes death. Sometimes due to accidental death, depression and sometimes no cause at all also fell to roll right out. We bring forth a place, stay in one place or many places and often die hard is it? Mount forest wilderness, windswept plateau, vehicles, streams and rivers, seas give up ancestral graves, temples, monasteries ...
Death is a disruption, interruption of a breathing that breath is very fragile.
  1. Place of birth uncertain: this is Bourn reborn indeterminacy (not hospitals choose to birth children), about presence after death. Death is not the end but a phase switch from other lifetimes to lifetimes. People just left the body to a different realm.
So where do workers, making the fruit blend together making the wheel in a row. Within the rollover death and life as a charm for each other. Death place, birth place, being present in one place, at one time there was also a being absent in one place. Sometimes die of birth back also. Want to know his reborn career take a look at his current career.
Life is inherently uncertain, the body has always been relentless illness, the botanical gardens, where the dead suspect as long as, it is reborn, the indeterminacy. Live currency ends about Hanh and purity.
The 12 workers, the workers made to coast. Results as for charm, creating endless reincarnation necklace that life and death from natural collection was constantly recur. If divided by chain of causation new-past, present, and future ' or the ' stroke-width-12 coast guard personnel are understood as follows:
Coast Guard personnel 12 arbitrary sections are one of the other ones are dissolved.
Every human has the seeds of it anymore.
Whatever charm has the it landscape.
The Buddha links round 12 coast guard personnel as follows:
"The two can know and must smoothly is and;
The two can know and must take advantage of the exception is ignorance and craving;
The two can know and must practice is about and;

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