Wednesday 18 June 2014

Tu tu mouth is half life (business people).
We want to be diligent practice and achievement, they must avoid the non-story, because the pilot lost a lot of time in vain, that it causes a lot of business to create import and adversity.
Now is the time to act more artifacts deliberate,'s body, speech and mind to the cause of retribution, both "professional" and "retribution" form "causal law", incessantly circulation, bringing human reincarnation.

Try doing so:  "ethical compliance officers, government in mid-gate, trim station itself, so any bad language" , ie: Considering people in life, to hammer in the mouth, the reason for the murder, by the word evil. 
Old people are also taught:  "Sick of importation of spare, spare export graphics" , that is, from the mouth disease that brought on by eating, painting also from the mouth due to the non-talk that creates. Buddha in ten (10) the industry in which the human mouth has accounted for four (4) almost half: 
1 / It does not say yes, say things have not
2 / Say brutality
3 / pair dimensional grid
4 / Say weaving. 
But in everyday life outside the four things above, creating more mouths even more now as: 
5 / picky eating
6 / criticism, praise
7 / fault claims people (from them), the whole thing costs are blessed to fall into sin and hell, as rasp, causing conflict, hatred and killing one another.
So doing well taught, in our everyday activities we have 4 categories of people should avoid:
1 / Or said another error
2 / Or talk superstition, wrong
3 / mouth good, bad belly (export Buddha, center beam)
4 / How much less mention. From the mouth that we can know the mind and evaluate others, to adapt behavior. 
Despite enormous wealth as mountains, but also mouth eat all day long. Merit though sown create hardship for many generations, but now due mouths create, critique, criticize, say evil ... the moment may dissipate.
The ancients also taught: "Serves canopy open spirit. Being the non-market damages " , ie open mouth many words will cost the spirit, the tongue is often left to speak, than lose, pretty bad, and praise ... to struggle, making mutual li plated birth a very tragic story.

This is just to say briefly what harm occurs by mouth daily, throughout the rest of one's life, so delight for the mouth that we do not know how to create sin. Consequently, the West also says:  "Before you say tongue to drink seven times"  is. 
There are also racks that:
"Hundred years a remarkable turn, 
One question I burn eternally precious. 
Open the previous word to impairment review,
That our voice is affordable interest costs. "
And a poem: 
"White lie instead of black,
Heaven, hell hustle entrance?
Center such outspoken crunch.
Keep your mind how peaceful meditation. " 
Please or suffer resentment, as well as the mouth, this or that matter, taunted, insulted people say:
"Spirit export it caused flesh,
Those who say graphics do suffer too dear.
Pores are forced to support. 
Graphics must pay slip causing severance pay " 
The mouth of this very destructive, picky eating is swallowing foreign objects into the delicious dishes for quiche, just wasting money, just bring on the disease itself, because the plant is now run production should profit a lot of chemicals, not knowing if they abstain from incurable diseases brought on themselves, so hard on themselves and how people suffer, to worry cure, as a matter of course. 
The mouth also has many advantages: good to eat, nourish the body, used to say in daily communication, creating intimate relationship, harmonious fellowship, mutual understanding, used to preach, chant concept, teaching, knowledge transfer and the benefits to be many.
Read the story in the National Textbook letter following text will see the benefits and risks of the mouth, tongue: 
One day the rich man who ordered the killing pigs and selected as part of the pig you make him a dish. People do obedience and then offered him a dish that is most precious part pig tongue. He then asked why rich people do say that the tongue is the most precious part, because thanks to that man's tongue can express the heartfelt sentiment, sublime ideas, people and profit water utility is useful for humanity.
Some time later, the rich man who ordered the killing hogs and choose to do a worst parts makes him a dish. People do obedience and then offered him a plate of food rich but the worst part was the pig tongue. He asked why the rich, who do replied that because the tongue can speak the words worst most brutal crushing social and family can even subversive country harm to humanity . He was immensely rich praise the intelligence of people do.

It is not bone tongue wiggles every which way. The ancients also said  "Circuit manic state language possible, the most probable scattering state language",  meaning that a word can build our country, but also can ruin our country. 
Boiled dangerous things, then we saw the mouth, the tongue of the people of the world that will hurt more than it benefits it. Nature creates humans have two ears but only one mouth, so listen more to say, is true to nature, the human body is difficult, and the bases full mouth full blessings Germany too, then, let's capital this merit that merit further planting out again, it was the wise man, therefore, must take care:  From the mouth is the most essential and watch as more than half a lifetime before. 
There are teachings taught:
"The wise say much less heard,
Choose words to respond, asking for things,
Before people understood wisdom. 
Yield on a broad step way to go.
The people said do not do anything.
I know my story, so new wisdom "
The death sentence also:
"Birds sing in goofing wise.
The wise speak softly catchy. 
Listen and show enlightened Bodhi. 
Council advised the Buddhist concept of the West. "
There are also poems:
"Reduce to the non-verbal, 
Less guilt angrily grieving 
Add nianfo more questions. 
Blessed more big hearts filled more fun " 
"At least tell a story,
Reciting many a Buddhist verse,
Mark the wandering dead,
France oneself out of money ".
In the Dhammapada, the Buddha taught:
- "Dau said thousands of thousands of words, but not what benefits, preferably a sentence meaning, listening to the tranquility" . PC 100.
- "Not so much to say, new worthy wise, resentment and fear not peace, it's worthy to be called wise"  PC 258
- "Not so much to say, is life over the Dhamma, the Dhamma hear little, but directly receive dung, not let loose Dharma, Dharma is life over" . PC 259. 
Buddha also taught:  "How silent as dharma, dharma talk as"  the same.
As a practitioner, a word that comes to help for many people to understand, peaceful and interests, we profusely, merit is also infinite, but must be very expression, the language must be said that the words others to suffer, damages, then we will have to reap what corresponds.
Create merit a lifetime, but just a bad word said gate is dissipated in the moment.  "Words do not lose money, choose the word that comes to pleasing each other."  In particular we want to cultivate the planet tons and achievement, they must avoid the non-story, because the pilot lost a lot of time in vain, but now it causes a lot of export produce, adversity.
There are very good poem:
"Exchanges back - solve alright?
Why not stop - keep them more depth.
Exchanges again - take us anywhere?
Why not breath - at each other smiling.
Exchanges again - take us anywhere?
Why not stop - light and deep breathing. "
Please keep in mind that:
"One Hundred Years of the worn stone beer, beer millennium pointer still mouth"
Who shit! Less said is gold
Saying many more sins left horizontal
Spending by saying how much less
From this affliction, from which the non-
Every day a multitude of karmas
There is nothing inevitable causal chaos
No karmic implications not bother very best,
Princess crew brains spend countless knife.
Dangerous like that, so we make every tu lo mouth so quickly. 
In everyday life we ​​often treat each other, always smiling mouth, sensitivity and importance apology thanks. Be respectful, loving users, not pity praise, praise, praise, proclaim the good people, the good, the good thing, maybe have to multiply the typical nice stain to make life more. Be very cautious criticism. Eat vegetarian to protect the environment and save the planet. Do not lie, but to say the right words. No deception, we will get more prestige, fame. Not saying weaving, but honestly speaking these words, the more people will love. Do not say a piercing, that word will be more attuned supporters. Not a rough word, that whole kind words to say, beloved, noble life. It is the practice for the mouth, very good, very useful, we need to follow in order to reap the most merit, then life, family and society, the current peace, security beautiful and will be born in the future where peace, true happiness with.
Poems about NOW EXPORT
Experience teaches extremely sinful mouth
Industrial gate four, generally very much
Word of the wicked, the double-edged pm
Story does not say yes, there is time to say no
Many words weave, very illusory
The other beams under paddy rice packaging inserts other 
How guys making suffer separation
Rotten tragic family homes
More of them benefit from the four winds Ad
In front of a laughing behind flattering compliment
Trade substitution orangutan turned into
In order to lose people in our situation.
Change mouth eating a sumptuous
How to kill animals that survive
As drinking drunk guys stupid
Body condition to bring destruction.
Cancer stroke clear of gout
Restaurants picky heartless
Viewpoint enjoy creating all faults
Also from mouth to say eat more oblique.
Earrings back to bother much about the brain
Slip a thousand years of hatred language
My heart is in the moonlight illuminate 
Illuminates humanity lanes show-y.
Humility and respect for the ritual treatment
Significant sensitivity apology thanks
Humanities there any more beautiful
Praise praise the more important one.
Beautiful serene smile like flower 
The noble person on lifetime honor 
Export this now not turn into pretty good

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