Friday 20 June 2014

Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche.
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Homage Lettered Buddha and Bodhisattva
These same mantras, are arranged in the form of prayer suitable for all levels of practitioners.
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1. Masters Bi introspection Sakyamuni
Nyingjé chenpö tsöden nyikmai zhing
With the ball He has chosen the world of conflicts and this failure,
Zungné chenpo mönlam ngagya tab
He has created hundreds of great prayer.
Pékar tar tsentö ngak chir mi dok
He credited the exclamation as a White Lotus flower which purity; all those who listen to his honour will not fall back into samsara.
Tönpa thukjé chen la chaktsal lo
Masters filled from AI and bi introspection, my homage to him!
Lama dézhin chomdendé drachompa dakpar yang shekpa tönpa dzokpai sangyé pel chaktsal Chöto tubpa shakya gyalwa kyapsu la lo chi-o
Guru, masters, World Religion, As Lai, A La Chinese, Buddha full sensory, who Won glory, masters of the clan Like ca, the homage and refuge.
Teyatha Om Muni Muni Maha Munayé Soha
2. Germany Diamond Slapped Đỏa glory
Mitok dorjé tapkyi yeshé ni
He is the wisdom of the means of good craftsmanship, indestructible State pass up any notion,
Mikmé sherab yum kyi par tu tok
Food poisoning symptoms have been the status of the great Mother, the transcendental wisdom beyond any reference;
Tukjé'i chetrak chiryang natsok tön
Manifest your bi introspection in an endless variety of ways that different.
Sempa Dorjé ché la chaktsal lo
My homage to him, Diamond Đỏa the German great Slapped!
Om Vajra Sattva Ah
3. Germany, Amitayus Buddha Amitayus and wisdom
Jikten drenpai tsowo tsepa meters
The Buddha Amitayus, who led of the beings in this world,
Chiwa Dümin malü jompai pel
Lord of glory to destroy any threat of premature death, short lived,
Gönmé dug North gyurpa ngel kyi kyap
He is the refuge of all those who are suffering, not being-
Sangyé tsépamé la chaktsal lo
The homage to him, the Buddha Amitayus.
OmJivantiyé Amarani Soha
4. the Buddha Amitabha Optical Immeasurable
Déchen chö kyi zhing tu khorlo kor
Mr. Zhuan Falun in the Realms, Buddha
Semchen South la zik tukjé taktu
Care for all sentient beings to introspection, fraught bi crush
Tamcha jizhin drowai tön dzepa
And act as a useful beings as he has promised,
Nyamzhak Nangta dzé la chaktsal lo
My homage to him, Germany an Immeasurable, Optical head in meditation!
Om Amidhewa Hrih
5. the Buddha Ratnashikhin
Chomdendé dézhin drachompa sangyé dzokpai dakpar yang shekpa rinchen tsuktor chaktsal kyapsuchio Chöto lo la inserts
That Honor, As Lai, A La Chinese, Buddha full sensory, who Won glory, the homage and refuge.
Teyatha Ratné Ratné Ratna Shi Khé Né Soha
6. Germany Bhaisajyaguru
Thukjé künla nyompai chomdendé
How does Religion have a bi equal introspection with all beings,
Tsentsam thöpé ngen dro dug ngel sel
Just listen to the title himself well enough to dispel the suffering of the lower realms,
Dugsum nésel sangyé menkyi la
Pharmaceutical Buddha, healer of sickness,
Baidurya yi ö la chaktsal lo
Light Blue, my homage to him!
Chomdendé dézhin drachompa menkyi sangyé dzokpai dakpar yang shekpa la baidurya ö kyi chaktsal kyapsuchio Chöto lo la gyalpo
That Honor, As Lai, A La Chinese, Buddha full sensory, glorious, Bhaisajyaguru, the Crown of light blue, the homage and refuge.
Teyatha Maha Bhaishajya Raja Bhaishajya Bhaishajya Bhaishajya Om Samutgaté Svaha
7. Lord Protector Maitreya, the Buddha's Regency
Cham chen méyi shédang pü shing sek
Flames from the great love of the Lord to burn the wood of my hatred
Yeshé ö kyi marik münpa sel
The light of his wisdom to dispel the darkness of ignorance
Chö kyi gön drowai gyaltsap gyurpai
Regent of the Dhamma, the Messiah of all living species,
Ganden zhugpa dé la chaktsal lo
My homage to him who in the solar space Power's safety!
Om Mati Mati Smriti Soha
8. Germany dignified Avalokiteśvara
Chaktong khorlö gyurpai tong gyalpo
Thousand of his hand is Moving thousands of Falun Gong Scriptures,
Chen tong kelpa zangpö sangyé tong
Thousand of his eyes is thousand Buddha of this gentleness,
Kangla déla kangdül der tönpai
He taught in line with the needs of each of them,
Chenrezi Tsünpa la chaktsal lo
Germany Avalokiteśvara, a dignified homage to him!
Om Mani Padmé Hung Hrih
9. the written German Enemy reverence and noble
Shechai kha ying yangpa zabching la
Across the deep range and the infinite can know,
Lodrö kyilkhor özer gyépai kyi
Projectors shine the beam of light at large ocean of wisdom as well as information from him,
Gü Kyé marik münpai tsok selwa
Dispel the darkness of ignorance in the consciousness of all beings,
Jetsün jampelyang la chaktsal lo
My homage to him, German writer and Enemies!
Om Arapatsana Dhi
10. ' Christ subduing Diamonds ': Vajra Vidarana
Dézhin shekpa tamché kyi
The capacity and power of all Buddhist schools
Tutop chiktu düpai dak
Be concise in alone,
Trowo'i Dorjé kur tönpa
Who manifest themselves General enlightenment of the outrage of diamonds
Nampar jom la chaktsal lo
Christ subduing diamonds, my homage to him!
Namash Chanda Krodhaya Tishtha Tishtha Bhandha Hulu Hulu Vajra Bhandha Hana Hana Amrité Hung Phet
11. Germany Vijaya, dignified ladies of the victory
Pelden lhamo tönkai dawai airport dok
Women's Angel of glory have colors of fine autumn moon,
Zhel sum chak gyé rabdzé zhiwai ku
With a three-sided, eight hands, Mr President, and spellbinding beauty
Yeshé payé tséyi chok tsölma
Mr ban the donated materials include superhuman longevity and infinite wisdom
Nampar gyalmai zhabla chaktsal lo
Germany Vijaya, a dignified homage to him!
Om Amrita Ayurdadé Soha
12. Germany Tara noble and revered
Daki tsérab ngön né drub pai lha
The duty to Respect that I've meditated in immeasurable life before,
Tüsum sangyé kün kyi trinlé ma
He's the enlightened activity of all schools of Buddhism in the past, present, and future,
Zhel Rabkar chik chak dün chen nyi ma
Luminous white, with one face, two arms, and the seven eyes,
Namla utpal Yumgyur chaktsal lo
Mothers of lettered blocks, Blue Lotus Buddha, my homage to him!
Om Taré Tuttaré Turé Soha
13. the prayer direction, the embodiment of all schools of Buddhism
Trülpai guru tsen gyé tang
Before eight incarnations of Guru Rinpoche (Germany United States of birth),
Drub rigdzin chenpo pai gyé
Eight great accomplishments dongmyeong Maintenance,
Changsem nyéwai sé gyé tang
Eight great Bodhisattva, ' close ' the client cooperates Buddha,
Drupchen ka gyé lha tsok la
The duty to respect the eight sadhana (Kagyé)(1),
Sölwa depso chinkyi lop
I implore you-please ban inspires us with his household!
Genus nang sangwai parché söl
Please dispel all obstacles in addition to, and secrets!
Sampa yizhin drub pa t
Please meet our desire!
Chok tsöl ngödrup thünmong tang
Please give us the common achievement and transcendent!
Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hung
14. Finally, the outrage of Hayagriva (The Code Guanyin), Vajrapani (Diamonds) and Garuda (Kim Ugly Birds)
Chokchü gyalwa kün kyi ku sung thuk
You are loved, and mind the wisdom of all the Buddhas lettered across the ten directions,
Cha khyung gyalpo tamdrin sangwai dak
Hayagriva, Garuda and the constables of the Suite responsible for the Buick Regal
Rangzhin chiktu nyerten trowö tso
Manifest as a Religious Duty, foremost among the ranks of outrage.
Jomla gekpung Drenpé chaktsal lo
The thought of the crushes the forces causing obstruction-the homage and the exclamation of the Lord.
Om Vajrapani Hung Phat Garuda Hayagriva-Gewa diyi nyurtu dak
Thanks to this merit, the fast food poisoning syndrome accomplishments
Seché gyalwa drup gyur né
Client's Buddha and the Bodhisattva cooperates,
Drowa chik kyang malü pa
And in doing so wish I have enough capability to lead all sentient beings.
Deyi sala göpar shok
And an establishment they are in the same State of enlightenment.
Jangchup semchok rinpoche
Wish the noble mind Bodhi and paramount:
South Makyépa kyépa tang
Start where the people not yet born to run;
Kyépa nyampa mépa yang
The Bodhi mind wishing not to decline in where she gave birth to run;
Kongné kong tu pelwar shok
That continues to grow, increasingly far more broadly.
Tong nyi Auckland rinpoche
Wish the see precious emptiness,
South Matokpa tokpa tang
Get food poisoning by those not yet shown to meet it;
Tokpa nyampa mépa yang
And when the saw has been shown, she did not decline;
Kongné kong tu pelwar shok
That continues to grow, increasingly far more broadly.
For all of you who receives the Catechism from me and have a link for me, it is best to keep the proceedings and this mantra everyday. If not, any proceedings any article you want, especially on day 8, 15 and 30, and a solemn celebration on four masters of our Houses. Each time you do so, the benefit would be immeasurable. Ngawang Chökyi Lodrö Zhadeupa, I (Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche), a German ignorant Sakyamuni, pieced together the hands implore.
Longevity prayer for Germany Kyabjé Trulshik Rinpoche
Séché gyamtso ridzin gyalwai yi
Thanks to the capacity of the viaduct with no charm, and the household
Luwa tenjung Chinlap mépai 22
Of an ocean Divine Buddha and Bodhisattva households maintained the being,
Drodül trülshik do ngak tendzin kyi
Wish the heels of Lotus subduing them born, steps Were the release of ignorance, steps households maintained classic teachings and your dictionary
Shreya targyé dzétrin Zhab takten shok
An head solidly, and wish the Buddha of him spread the truth far wide.
Jigdral Yeshe Dorje (Dudjom Rinpoche) has compiled this earnest prayer post.
SiddhirastuNgagyur kater dütsi gyamtso cher
The treasure of all products of the research, the slideshow and meditation are not errors
April Trülmé sam gompai yönten ter
The immense ocean's giant Orange substance kahma and terma traditionally Former Room,
Chökyi lodrö pop pai tu top pa
He has gained Wisdom's capacity in France (Chökyi Lodrö;)
Néten dorjé dzin wang söl zhabten
Diamond elders Maintain reverence and greater force, begs his network's life are solidly!
This prayer to get home language of Dilgo Khyentse Hosted Diamond in Germany.
Source material: "Verses of Homage to the Buddhas & Bodhisattvas Together with their Mantras Arranged for Recitation by Practitioners of All Levels" by Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche.
Reference: "Homage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas", Second Edition-Padmakara.
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(1). Kagyé or Kagyé Drubpa (Eight great Sadhana tenets) — the term Kagyé refers to the eight sets of doctrine or the TV awarding Mahayoga was entrusted to Germany Lotus Birth and eight Maintenance dongmyeong of India.
Of the eight major Religious Duties of the mandala Kagyé, there are five Religious Duties of intelligence (including Yamantaka represents the enlightened body of Buddhist followers, Hayagriva represents the term enlightenment, enlightenment, mind: I.e. Yangdak Chemchok--the computer enlightenment, and Vajrakilaya symbolizes Buddha's enlightenment activity in China) and three secular Religious Duties.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/6/2014.

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