Wednesday 18 June 2014

First, the practitioner must vow for direct determination, pure precepts, find a solitary place to practice appropriate and often attack their own books. Be yourself based where power, not dependent on anyone. The words teachings of the Buddha will illuminate the torch to guide the practitioner, should not depend on the word of any other faculty.
Method of practice: Sit cross-legged or sell old, straight back and head, mouth closed, eyes looking down your nose right waves, to recite in front of ardent and enthusiastic observers clearly know exhalation, mindful awareness . Meditators ardent zeal observations clearly known as Buddha's teachings:
1. Breath in long, I knew a long breath
Long breath, I know a long breath
2. Breathing in short, I know in a short breath
Breathing out short, I know a short breath
3. Feeling personally, I will breathe in
Feeling personally, I will breathe out
4. Calmness personally, I will breathe in
An Executive spirit, I will exhale.
The practitioner must clearly enthusiastic observers said exhalation, not to interrupt and set photographer for peace making body, keeping awareness concept. If the body, mind what state arises one would have to know the right and after known, continue to observe clearly knows breathing in and out. Meditators may also arise customary nature, nature cessation on body, not keep grasping mind, dwell mindfully when standing, walking, lying down, sit, eat, wear, say, do ... Meditators observe clearly know their 're standing ... keep working ... and mindful awareness, not any attachment to anything in life.
Practice observations clearly knows breathing and breathing out, is "the key to open the door of enlightenment liberation, St. residence, the Tathagata is permanent". Practicing breathing will achieve the results you peace and liberation in this very life depends on the ability to sense and diligent practice in each.
Subscribe to the collective concept of human breath, the mind always dwells. The track must breath acumen, wise ardent zeal. Personally observe (sugar breath and body) requires attentive intense enthusiasm, a strong stop the mind. This practice should be meticulously continuous, consistent and well known to photographers for body and mind. If the body has air and breath, of course dear, Your mind will be calm. Come skilled practitioner practice well known to observers prepare to step into and deeper meditative attainment levels.
It's important prerequisite is "ardent, mindful awareness to tame the covetousness of his life," yogi always remember and practice the basic steps fullness.
"Essential need" to dispel the psychological fatigue, passivity, sloth dispelled. "Mindfulness mindfulness" is kept from falling into the mind of greed, not fall into the yard, do not fall into delusion, abiding interest in the legal awareness that is non-self, impermanence and suffering not. Thanks so awake that prevent the mind for the covetousness was born, making them stop start, stop taking advantage of the unborn will not born. Because the law does not really awake but the mind boring, dispassion, the mind and taking advantage disappears center. Here are five ways to eliminate hindrances to go deep into meditation.
Because of the critical point is where ardent meditation, mindfulness, awareness and photographer for the life covetousness, practitioners should practice mindfulness in all postures, standing, walking, lying down, sit, eat, wear, say, do .... There are times when the mind sinks down, hard effort arises, one should contemplate impermanence of the body, mind and life. Remember that life is only lived through the fragile breath, mind resolve themselves diligently practice arises. There are times ranged consciousness, taking up from the center, qualified for the dream itself, then there needs to observe the body impure in themselves, where others, the impure life, taking center will cessation, psychological fitness news arises. There are times when heavy mind, the concerns centered on self-oscillation, insecurity. In this case, he should also practice wraps impure thirty two impurities in the body (from the feet up to the hair). Observing carefully to clear the dirty body, not really, it's like a lot of furniture upholstery unclean containers. Clearly such a practitioner know immediately brightened on the body. In this life one will feel joy, gentle, serene. When breaking some problems, he should continue to contemplate Twelve causal operators to clearly see the body, the mind is just the process of dependent arising dependent killing. Thanks to shows such practitioners away from conservatism, attachment, detachment, yard glass, glass si, navigate to "knowledge and liberation." In ordinary status, and education through glass is abiding interest in meditation. In the four color world through meditation dispassion, glass craft, attained Sainthood. At school property status, thanks dispassion, glass craft that shuns ignorance taints the exception. At this stage the meditator no longer shop impure, should practice intensive karmic shop, four elements must not do.
Teachings of the Blessed always bring practical benefits to the diligent practice. Many people believe that the four foundations of mindfulness practice simple living center should distrust the effectiveness of this method of practice. Practice under the guidance of the Exalted One, ardent practice so smoothly you experience the story of meditation, the mind is liberated and liberating insight.
The practitioner should never wait for the products fantasy, the illusion of the mind, the mind except dispassion, glass and glass si yard. Meditators do not exceed expectations in a monk, teacher instruction methods for treatment of delusions, hallucinations, because of the practice itself "Foundations of Mindfulness" has value as a measure for everything from mental illness, already. Meditators just keep practicing seriously determined to practice "Four Foundations of Mindfulness," sooner or later, the practitioner will also step into the story and to attain liberation.
To be consistent practice, the practitioner first realize clearly observe ourselves and the world is interdependent process of killing grace, and always away from covetousness life. This is the right view. By discerning such new practitioners steep mind, ardent, always dwelling mindful awareness. If the practitioner desires also preferred the life covetousness, that negativity is not an end, remove pirated or not, it is difficult for the practitioner can achieve the purpose of meditation. Despite efforts any case, one can not achieve liberation reverse heart just hopeless suffering. Keep away from all covetousness life to step into the horizon itself at peace.
Do not be heedless life,
Do not sensual fascination.
No distractions, meditation,
Achieve greater peace.
(Dhammapada, the shelf 27)
Who lived a hundred years,
There was no legal birth and death,
Not living in a day,
Seeing the birth and death approach.
(Dhammapada, 113 racks)
Yourself, do evil,
Polluted themselves,
Do not themselves evil,
Yourself pure.
Pure, not pure themselves,
No one who chastity!
(Dhammapada, 165 racks)
Medical himself alone,
Go to her himself,
So let themselves be subdued,
As gentle horse trade visitors.

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