Sunday 24 February 2013

DHARANI-BODY PRODUCTS The second Product[131]
At the time, Germany World Religion that Bodhisattva Ca-Romaine South Goodness "! Body Like a hybrid is often close based, user cannot close, disintegrates Dharani, not eating due to the body that the French, the main stem. "

Bodhisattva-Buddha white lettuce: "The Ton! The find was the body that Buddha had just said that. The only show that has the relative impermanence, the fuselage disintegrates into dust, the body due to eating the things on which there is only. Why is that? Because of Such Hybrids is about to enter Nirvana. "

Buddha said: "Ca-Romaine! Now he should not call themselves As Lai is not durable, suffering disintegrates as divine Lady.

"Good boys! Now he should know: themselves As Lai underwent immeasurable human bondage breasts firmly, hard stem of infested items, such as the Sun, something to be loved [containing the] fear, neither is the body to eat the stuff on that form.

"The body As body not true Hybrid that is dear, the forth such removal does the practice; is boundless, immeasurable does not have marks, cannot recognize, see; cabbage and drain clean, no fluctuations, nor receives no action; not possible, no artifacts, no odor, not mixed; not natively, there is karma; not necessarily, the [Executive] kill; not mind, not [];[132] do. The usually exist [of him] do not [in Italy], which left from the Center is not left out of the mind.

"The mind's equal, not have that also, not to take that well to go, something broke, not sabotage, such as paragraphs, for example, forth, not kill, not democracy that is also democracy, there is no no, stop to complete any rough idea of subtle or removable memory, [133] in deed not not in the deed; not specified not specified not; can not see that so clearly intelligible; There is no place that also has a place, no House that also is going home, not dark, not light, not the President that also the President.

"That is not owned, not receives, not clean, no pollution, no war, end to give up the struggle, still not possible, don't hold, do not let go of the fallen, is not legal, not illegal, there are rice fields are also blessed blessed; do not share or endless, leaves all along.

"That's the inane left off the inane; While there's usually space is also often based, not kill takes in each anniversary, [134] with no dust, not in deed, left both inscriptions, there necessarily must be of sound, dogma teaches, not the practice; cannot consider the measurement, not only was no different; There are iconic, not general conditions [that full] General dignified; There is courage, not fear; There must be calm or not calm; without the hot temper tantrums or not; not visible, there are no generals!

"As not [start-up ideas are] salvation anyone who should be saving all beings; [starting the notion is] the rescue should anyone can rescue beings; [start-up ideas are] help for whoever was the sight of willow, so can initiating beings. Because regardless, politically correct theory should split true physical single. Because of the Endless ranks of upper [135] should not be considering measurement; same as nowhere does the article; with Tanh invisible being, not [located in meaning] the end or permanence; often follow a single legacy, [136] [just because] being found there are three redundant;[137] there is the recession turning, end to cleanly all bondage; not antagonistic, non-contact; Leanne not based where the names; There are the short round, square, long tan ... not the warm, enter, about that [the show] is the warm, type, gender;[138] does not increase, not lessen; no more than less.

"The body is Like a hybrid of immeasurable achievement Germany so nobody knows that nobody is unknown; No one sees that no one is not seen; not helpful, not must wuwei; not the world, not apart from the Earth; There are artifacts, there are no artifacts; isn't it turns to follow or not follow (Princess); There are four great, something beyond the four great; There is [due] [form], not [because of] [form]; There are such beings, in addition to being; not necessarily, sa-BA-la-Mon.

"[User] is the lion, a lion;[139] is not itself, there are no stems; is not declared, except a French General; is impossible to calculate the count, when entering Nirvana not to enter Nirvana.

"France itself As Hybrid immeasurable achievements merit such marvelous micro!

"Ca-Romaine! Only As Lai was general, sensory bar Abubakar, unknowable.

"Ca-Romaine! Merit such a form as to Lai, there must be close ones raised by eating the stuff.

"Ca-Romaine! True incarnation of the Tathāgata has merit as such, how could the sick suffering, weakness, fragility is not sturdy ceramic dishes like baked yet?

"This Ca-Romaine! A Hybrid of existing diseases such as suffering, is just because want to subduing beings.

"Good boys! Now he should know, as the hybrids are environmentally Dharani. From now on he should normally address speculation that he, do not think of the body due to eating [form]. He must also because other people that preach that body As hybrids is France. "

Bodhisattva-Buddha white lettuce: "The Ton! As a hybrid of such merit achievement, how close he could get the illness suffering, impermanence vandalism? From now on you will usually considers that the trunk As Lai is France itself often exists, is itself at peace. The other person will also start because this means width.

"The glass of the White World Religion! France itself As Lai as kim cang not disintegrates, but human beings do not yet know what the human body is due to her charm? "

Buddha said: "Ca-Romaine! Due to New France's Chief maintenance household coast are achievements kim cang so!

"Ca-Romaine! Oldtimer, ta's Chief maintenance thanks to the French coast which were accomplishing this Dharani himself, often not cylindrical disintegrates.

"Good boys! The households maintained Chief Justice France for example tho Tri, gender, e.g. tuning dread, [?][140] the executioner holding the sword, bow and arrow, personality care ... which go under cover, protected for a Bhikkhu-pure pretentious preserving world. "

Bodhisattva-Buddha white lettuce: "The Ton! As is Bhikkhu-from those who protected the leaves the pretentious protected, private in that deserted region in tree root where tha ma wilderness, so claiming that it is Bhikkhu-dignified pretentious. Also like the other people that had the austerities has always come by to cover protection, you should know that it is just bare upasaka class! "

Buddha and Ca-Romaine: "don't say it's the bare upasaka class! As tastes Bhikkhu-pretentious though to where is also just feed themselves just enough, and then lo reading classic chant, meditate, meditate. As anyone to ask France, associated to theoretical teaching for listening, as Assistant to blessed Germany of alms and the Citadel, knowing enough, low libido ... But can the theory teaching in France, but not enough to do our happy Lion hống, not the most Lions around, no position offering the wicked illegal. The Bhikkhu-pretentious so can't do the benefits to themselves and the benefit for beings. Should know that it is the cowardice of the liver, lazy. But can maintain, keep clean and almond, but advised that he should not do something.

"As there are pretentious, Bhikkhu full-stem or often affluent, these households could again about all that he had done enough, life everyday hống Lion, broad theory of magic, as the mature Scriptures is: Tu-Tara, States-Life, sign, old-da, da-na, Y-Empire-item-to-elderly,-da-old, Bhikkhu-Buddha-, A-match-da-Kosa.[141] The time because other people that preach the width of such classics as the benefit, at peace for beings. The he loudly declared that: ' in the Nirvana Sutra to prohibit the Bhikkhu-pretentious not nurture servant, goats ... and contains improper storage of the Chief Justice. As Bhikkhu – pretentious would contain archives of the impure so then are serious. '

"Before that, in the Future as Minister also teaches that: have any storage container-Bhikkhu of the pretentious French pilots so then the monarch should y follow France that severely, forced to complete. '

"As a Bhikkhu-pretentious while courageous and strong theoretical propaganda Works such as France, have these guys broke the world heard, together resentment, damage of Shaman. The same theory as having harmed dies, also claimed the steps maintain, do yourself a favor. Since then, the coast guard personnel we allow the sovereign, God, vizier, the homeless who guarded the sermon. As one wants households maintained Chief Justice, should learn that way.

"This Ca-Romaine! These guys [bhikkhu-pretentious that] broke the world, not only for France, the Chief maintenance household worth called upasaka bare head. No way that called the Citadel.

"Good boys! In the past a-boundless immeasurable boost-States, in existence in the sentence-contest-na, Buddha was born as Christopher Hy Increase, such as Hybrids, the worship, the Chief Justice made the tri, Minh Hanh, Charity becomes the Endless entertainment, world, CWO things dwell thy wife, Celestial Sphinx, Buddha, World Religion.

"Early life, the realm of the Buddha is vast, dignified, purity, abundance, peace. Gorgeous traditional people, did not suffer hunger, thirst are more like the bodhisattva in the country at peace. Buddha's head of world religious culture beings to immeasurable human lifetimes. After all, he came to the Woods sa-la sa-tree has two double-wave type that grows a la Nirvana.

"After the Buddha entered Nirvana, the Chief Justice of France at the world immeasurable memories. And of the more than forty years ago when French Chief Justice removal, a Bhikkhu-Sensory name of pretentious German's Citadel. This unit has many disciples as much around, capable of teaching French, citation 9 broad Primary Scriptures, prohibits the Bhikkhu-pretentious not nurture servant, goats ... and contains improper material reserves under the Act.

"Meanwhile, there are many Bhikkhu-theoretical statement about breaking his pretentious listening so relied upon are being evil hearts. They held a knife, portable sticks, pull together to the main foot shaman encyclopedia.

"Now, the King of the country name is Retained in Germany said the hearing, because the French Chief Justice advocates to dwell inland sorcerers, intense fight against the evil world-top pretentious Bhikkhu kia to protect shamans from harm.

"Then, King suffered several injuries throughout the seat no longer would heal, though is small, such as rapeseed.

"Bhikkhu-then-German Feeling pretentious praise the King saying, ' Blessing instead! Heal instead! The King is indeed the Primary maintenance household. Life after all the King himself will become immeasurable France gas. '

"Then, King heard the sermon is done, very pleasing Wedding Banquet Festival, venting fumes give the instant death, birth of Buddha-, [142] do most disciples of the Buddha. The people of and dependent upon the King, or have a fight or be happy to customize the wedding banquet, all of which were rotten no Bodhi mind transfer, when the common network of Buddhist countries of birth were A-logs.

"Bhikkhu-Germany after the General Feeling pretentious network was also being on water Buddha-logs, do the second disciple them in The van of the Buddha.[143]

"As the French Chief Justice at the coming destruction, life should be maintained and endorsed as such.

"Ca-Romaine! The King [4], i.e. one here. The Bhikkhu Buddha's sermon pretentious-Ca-Romaine.[144]

"Ca-Romaine! Supporters of the Chief Justice are immeasurable outcome report so that. Thanks to charm people, now we are the general good, sadhana, which was itself not disintegrates. "

Bodhisattva-Buddha white lettuce "Religious World again! Its usually As Hybrids like petroglyphs. "[?][145]

Buddha Bodhisattva Ca-Romaine South Goodness "! By then, the coast guard personnel found Bhikkhu-pretentious, Bhikkhu-pretentious, men and women should both upasaka exertion households maintained Chief Justice. Result of the households maintained Chief Justice French is immeasurable wide!

"Good boys! So should those who populate the South American French households should hold the knife, sticks which protect, cover the Bhikkhu pretentious French-held Districts. As the one Year Maintenance life, not yet known as the Mahayana. Though the life In world, but got the households maintained Chief Justice French, may be called. The households maintained Chief Justice France should stop the executioner's gas, simple engine, that most of the people theory. "

Ca-lettuce white Buddha that "World Religion! As Bhikkhu-pretentious as you with the male bird, upasaka Rod knife that has a school or teacher? It's about maintenance or break the world? "

Buddha Ca-Romaine: "shalt not so sure they are the ones who break the world.

"Good boys! After we entered Nirvana, his evil weapon, land of chaos, people will robbery each other, people are hungry. Meanwhile, there will be more people because hungry which played Center for renunciation. Those so called people [secular] bare head, [not Bhikkhu – pretentious]. Four bare head, if the Bhikkhu-pretentious clean, keeping the precepts, full of dread, households maintained Chief Justice French, the instant they repel or kill. "

Bodhisattva-Buddha lettuce Bach again that "The Ton! The Citadel, the French Chief of maintenance household, how can go into the villages and hamlets, the hamlet to Muslim culture? "

Buddha said: "good men! So should we now allow the Citadel are the dependable Asena upasaka holding sticks, knives made friends with them. As the monarch, Minister, author, southern upasaka lo the households maintained Chief Justice France, while holding the knife sticks, we also say that the level is maintained. While holding the knife sticks but there [had] killed. If anyone can do so then called the Tri State world.

"Ca-Romaine! The French, i.e. the Chief Justice has enough opinion, sufficient broad teaching Mahayana sutras, ended up with no grasp of 7 Kings, oil tank, rice paddy, fruits ... not because it turns up that close, intimate with the monarch, Chancellor, Secretary; for the pilot signal, keep straight crush not flattering dua; full of dread, subjugated these guys broke the world and the evil bad guys. It's called the master maintained and dharmapala, can do good true knowledge of beings. People have such far-reaching hearts like the sea.

"Ca-Romaine! As with any nutritional benefit because Bhikkhu pretentious-that theory with others, map them dependent as well as the master, take the bridge benefit, who so DIY disintegrates them increase.

"Ca-Romaine! They increase has three grades: one is nhạp junk, break up class two is foolish and increase class three is rising purity.

"The Junk up Class nhạp broke the world vulnerable disintegrates. Every increase purity maintained about human nutritional benefits could not be favored by being disruptive.

"What is increased nhạp junk class broke the world? As the Bhikkhu-precept, but however pretentious because the bridge benefit packages should travel ties, is sitting with the top guys, and talk to them, work with them. It's called the break, also called junk increases nhạp.

"What is increased foolish? As the pretentious-seat in the Bhikkhu austerities gap, its emptiness Spry, dark, obscure, living by allowing real khất low libido. In the day's proceedings and while the foursome self taught disciples to repent for clean, and when you see these guys weren't his disciples breaking many world banned then teach them repentance for clean, again in common with them that the litigation is about self and quarter finals. It's called the increase was stupid.

"What is increased purity? As there are no pretentious-Bhikkhu they ma stem makes disintegrates. It is found that they increased the Bodhisattva, a pure family identity, can two aforementioned subduing rising class, causing them to be head in them increase purity. It's called the University Professor except high end in favour of the Dharma. While keeping the precepts, to subduing beings, do benefit beings should know the General of an important or less important. If not part of the Act, the evidence does not need to know, and as true as the precepts, the instant position shown to know [clearly].

"What is subduing beings, do benefit for beings? If as the bodhisattva as Catholic culture being, often in places where rural communities, villages, hamlets, despite forecast [good bad], or widowed women to the home, the home of porn for women, sharing with them for many years. If The row is written should not do so. It's called the subduing, do benefit beings.

"What is clearly known to important parts of the world? As seen As Futuristic entertainment that the world, teaches that: ' since now he don't reinvent it. ' As the four weights banned [152] the renunciation was not committing. If the problem is then to sa, neither is the Favorite.[147] it's called critical sections.

"What is less important? If you missed it on the little law, others can cockroaches [a] to the three of them then abandoned the made. It's called the less important. The incorrect precepts are not accepted. For as someone said the pure life is not available then no public intimacy with him. The correct precepts you should accept, comply. The judgement study precepts such as close to the top. see who follow true to the precepts of instant, being free to have fun. So can know it to follow the Dharma, the teaching can be. It's called the lawyer. As the true sense can be broad prize of Mahayana, [148] can this hot preserving economic contract law, as well as such.

"Good boys! Dharma immeasurable, do so. As a hybrid as well, do. "

Bodhisattva-Buddha white lettuce that: "The Ton! Indeed, indeed! As Word of Buddha. Dharma do, immeasurable. As a hybrid as well, do! So should know that Such Hybrids are usually cylindrical, disintegrates, something changed. Now I have learned to understand, and then other people will also start as wide sense. "

At the time, praise the Buddha Bodhisattva Ca-fresh lettuce, Fresh "instead! Body As a hybrid that is neither kim cang. Bodhisattva so smoothly, probably realize the foot works. If can find know so turn obvious, i.e. that are close relatives of Dharani, Buddha could not disintegrates, as well as look into the mirror to see the color images. "

[131]According to the South a then this is the fifth product (Dharani stems, 5th).

[132] according to the original "Africa Centre for Africa", they must understand here is the mind, but the mind of also making use also of the mind, only the center of various contentious start in mind.

[133] the original used "insensitivity infinity Café", but visually consistent is the use of old games quarter finals. Games are just the rough idea concepts; the only quarter-anniversary ideas. Center of hope campaign is due to reach quarter finals, so depending on the level of termination except to be games quarter finals which reviews the mind of meditators.

[134] the Notion that they should be understood by both the common sense of it. One is the notion of the two is just a period of extremely short (such as the birth and destruction of a concept).

[135] the original user Loads equal education, translated from Sanskrit as Asamasama, one of the Buddha's Buddhist religion because religion is Supreme worldly stairs you none equal should call "invisible College", because the ten third Buddha in China are equal as each other should as "Dan Dan", also with more common sense is Infinite upper (none are).

[136] A unique legacy (For redundancy), Buddha, also known As Lai.

[137] Three redundant redundant text: bar, Charm, sense of excess, the Bodhisattva.

[138], enter, about: Three composition should the existence of our people and of all beings. Warm is warm (or the five aggregates): good, tho, thought, consciousness. Enter is twelve added: six six six apartment ceiling with ceiling type with six units. About eighteen men: six, six and six.

[139] As a wood carving life Proving that this sentence is translated as: "the body is not that of a lion a lion" (The African lion lion).

[140] this translation closely follow a classical Chinese: "Households maintained Chief Justice France, real-life five precepts, tu dread". But we found the meaning is somewhat unclear, somewhat confusing. References in the great bowl of Nepal, at the equivalent of the sentence then see him France Show room as follows: "States of French households, non vi five precepts, false Sage onions episode Netherlands law. Such environmentally neutral evil of any network, accept the hold gas hedge wizards, Chu held an imitation, the vi households. " Your investment in this sentence translated as follows: "The French are not just life guys maintained In, not just follow the gentler level of dread. If the bad in life, not pity themselves there, holding the gas about to go under the protection of the shaman, who maintained that new vehicles, called households. " Comparing the two is found this in College Bowl Game-done somewhat more sense. Compare add last paragraph 361 pages of this volume.

[141] nine: 1. Tu-Tara, translation means Star. 2. States-felt literally as praise, or Infection, 3. Hoa-ca-la-na, also read as Flower-elderly-la-na, literally Tho. 4. Old-da, meaning the Court Satire, She initiates litigation. 5. Advantages-da-na, literally is self-theory. 6. Y-Empire-item-to-old room that is my duty. 7. Beams-da-, translated means the duty of birth. 8. Bhikkhu-Buddha-, literally is the promo. 9. A-match-da-Kosa, translated as the disease. Here are 9 Ministry of Buddhist teaching theory by Minister 12. However, this classification brings up an overview of the content, not based on the number.

[142] A-Buddha, i.e. Real Buddha, also translated as Buddha's Infinite, is the pure land of the East, as the Buddha A-di-da is the pure land of the West. See more livestock products Only in A-Buddha-the kidney.

[143] according to my College-Bowl, a Chinese translation of his French show, then the Bhikkhu-German Feeling pretentious (Buddha-of-reach-multi) being about as his disciple of Buddha-cattle breeding; King dharmapala in owner (She-elderly-reach-to) do the second disciple.

[144] Buddha Ca-Romaine (Kayapa), i.e. the third Buddha in His past, was born later Buddhist Verses-New function (Kanaka ­ mouni) and immediately before the Buddha.

[145] this review in my business have the somewhat compulsive shield. We refer to the complete University experience-Bowl, a Chinese translation of his French Show then see his quote is Ca-Romaine is recorded is: As French foot-body hật often head, ma Tin Empire, destroying the Italian fall due as planned. Meaning: "France itself As true Hybrids are usually based, not France, you were convinced that as etched in stone." According to the speculation here that maybe the translation of Sir Alan-invisible-Thunder as one reason it has lost a few letters, the equivalent of 8 Chinese are we underlined in the sentences above. The thing we're overwhelmed as he Favoured Strict lifetime Song when making the South a say is "complete home business-y" but did not see referring to spot the difference is notable.

[146] Four about all major systems: The renunciation date one of the four forbidden sex is no longer be reassigned Bhikkhu-pretentious, sa-keeper again. The four men all that is: 1. Observation (not killing beings). 2. Lead (not stealing). 3. Porn sex (no offense to the lewd) 4. Expected term (not lying).

[147] the Buddha which line they like-ca, every disciple who later took the name of leader as they like, called Love. So Like death means Buddha disciple.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.24/2/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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