Autumn is always a
season of rain pouring, the president Mich July afternoon where members Quan Hue
Monastery, next to the cherry limp under the rain; our primary heart remembered
her father. Especially her, she lives a life structure has always had an intimate
relationship can not deviate from our life.
Speaking of mother, author Thanh Nguyen have a saying: "She became evident as heaven and earth - As an indispensable life in you. "
Who does not mourn, the ball narrowly losing the sound was so closely correlated with life that makes living beings fall into misery, "the tan, tan with - distinct physiological death ". But Buddha is the only way to provide links to all things being walked out of the buckling dread suffering; by Tipitaka, which contains teachings, "injuries to her stomach grace, down eight economic suffering."
Do you Buddha, one must know, learn and practice the teachings of privacy. But in return the grace of our quartet, should learn how to repay that favor deep-hearted life of Venerable Sariputta, a Presbyterian college level intelligence "repay her grace, his native place."
Human Alert Hieu Vu Lan season coming to PL 2552, the Hoang Quan Am Monastery France would like to read excerpts easy understandable in "A Life - A Star" program "Mother Temple of grace Then ¥ Eternal Rest" , pages 386-398, of Minh Duc Trieu Tam Anh, publisher Thuan Hoa published in 1997. Content about the behavior of the upcoming Sariputta passed away, Buddha would be next on the way home to find her mother, Sari Uppatissa Buddhist message. At Nalaka village, also known as Uppatissa, formerly Brahmanism was popular, now it's time to decay. Hundreds of places of worship, the temple where the sacred ceremony, stupa, tree cold now became wild. Many families have provided teachers the Buddha. Many Bhikkhus, the novice came from prestigious families, topping here. Only pat her sari is real.
Stop under the trees between original ancient, Monks find water wash hands and feet. It was the afternoon, smoke sunset shy away from the table near the middle of the green garden the same message, the countryside looked so quiet, peaceful - where there is already a Venerable growing up, learning, thinking and mature ... All becomes palpably in the memory. Venerable was now a different person, very close but very far from his old man. It looks like he will not be attached any country any more at all, nor that history is not known, went outside all phenomena, all earthly conventions ...
There is a stop watch children Chu Increased filled with friendly eyes. When asked the nephew knew it was his grandmother is his mother's brother, venerable cry and said:
- I guess we are?
- I guess he was the son of her aunt!
- World is good! Well, this child! I know I have her aunt home?
- has a!
- So we ask you to help a work okay?
- Yes Yes!
- I entered the village, told her aunt like this: "My son's head Her aunt, Samana Shariputra was on to the village ". I say there is not
- already!
- Let's talk like this anymore: "Shariputra Samana in the house she would ask my aunt one day. So prepare for her aunt, arrange the room where the ancient Her aunt's eldest son was born. He'll ask to stay there! Also, please Her aunt gladly arrange accommodation for five hundred monks again! Five hundred, you remember? "
Y word, young Uparevata zoomed and arriving home Ms. Sari:
- Ladies and Her aunt, the eldest son of her aunt arrived at the village. Remember our mother was injured child, so very happy to hear, but we are very rebuked:
- It's on here?
- Ladies, He was not alone that hundreds of monks anymore!
- Do something so that large data ! Getting "the old people" is much lower them?
child remain indifferent:
- Her aunt must prepare the room for those days he was born he was at. Then there must prepare more than five hundred other accommodation here. It seems that the second son of Her aunt is also present in it. East do! It was fun!
When the boy left, Ms. Sari thought to himself:
- "It really is a fool! Back pulls in the herd, the flood came again, a very wealthy family ma! It did not need, so what about it that bad press? Or, better still it has not bored the living house door, in the days to come here to sleep for the last month has been eating for happiness, despite the warm? Clear that it was too late, son, you also have the nearly seventy years old then, and "grouper" What is it? "
sighed Mrs. Sari servants but also wrong somewhere decent set properly. It was dark, she was wrong in dozens of torches burning brightly, leading to the village and Venerable Monks home.
Later, Venerable Monks and crossed the spacious yard wide. Servants standing hole, lit bright as day. Everyone wants to see the two sons of the owner after decades apart.
Venerable She walked to the sari, head down:
-Dear mother! I have to!
Ms. Sari cane back into the room, said without looking back:
- What say tomorrow! Accommodation His request was prepared, accommodation for more than five hundred monks were somewhere even then, there's nothing wrong security, water connection, laundry - is willing servants on duty but really!
- Thank you mom !
- Have your children a follow on there?
Elder Cunda replied respectfully:
- Dear mother, I was Cunda. The mother also visited here!
- Thank you!
Then Ms. Sari played back room. Elder Cunda Monks guide to find accommodation, only toilets, bathrooms etc ... It is true that a great property, not missing any comfort what. Monks are brothers of the king admired this God. If monks also knew the metal fortune of his family up to nine hundred million gold coins, they also respected as long as any more! Venerable Sariputta old entered the room, sat on the bed is a serious illness arises. Elder Cunda the college prefects seemed in pain, afraid to ask
- I have great help for parents not
- Maybe tonight bother you here!
- The help of parents this last, not easy everyone was lucky!
- cholera, dysentery He was there, my dear brother Be prepared for some the "father."
Then, later described Venerable going continuously. Elder Cunda went to go out with his father on hand Hoai. Ms. Sari saw a boy lit room, calendar script that noise, she opened the door to look. Elder Cunda see all described on out, she knew. Toward midnight, the disease reduced. She thought
- our son to describe continuous, sure is painful, but it did not take an hour to scream. Damage strange! Cunda both he, too, has quietly. Why are they so similar? Oi! Mother worried about this child that seems to be sticking to them. "
She could not sleep, anti listening ear, dizzy to look.
At that time, Tu Tran Thien Vuong met, thought that they should have a duty their last visit Arahant elders should have the time as athletes who stretched arms, bright aura, they present in his room, bowed respectfully and stood almost side. Should know this venerable divine used to hear her sari scenes and conversations.
venerable big question:
- The position are you?
- White venerable, we are the University Uranus four European governance.
- The position here is what?
- Ladies, first is to admire the venerable visited last time, the second is here to discretionary Venerable lord.
venerable said:
- So thank the gods imposing the full faith left to visit. My illness was in remission, had Elder Cunda here, from your mind to. Also had perhaps, the position please go away!
They obey, worship the venerable, and bright as the moon, they disappeared the middle of nowhere.
Thich Thien Topics, Dao Thien Loi Vuong think heaven must have responsibility Attorney General sections give money to the majestic French, aura, the force is the venerable bed in a flash. Also through a dialogue in short, Indra bowed respectfully request to withdraw then.
It was getting late, not only in the garden sari that she seemed the whole village becomes bright Nalaka. It is the Great Brahma down the most venerable Shariputra, also back test respectfully holidays and illness to care for him. Venerable thanks and then they also say farewell.
Ms. Sari saw from the beginning, clear sight and hearing not missed a word, she thought:
- Do not know how you like the angels who dread and high capacity to How to visit my son, my son bowed and said nothing ... that is ... to serve the lord again? It's also strange, as we both seem larger than they, as their masters ".
- Ms. Sari left the room quietly until the Venerable door, want to meet Elder Cunda to visit the provincial disease. Venerable know this should have told Elder Cunda open to her sari on.
venerable Shariputra leaned back on the pillow, sit up:
- Has not she go to bed late and why?
- She was sleeping when the described capital it tormented me like that!
- well then I have a mother!
She quietly observed sharp sense that there Airmail Venerable but still gives off a calm, serene strange! Then describe the room of dysentery disease, but why clean and smells like incense (the gods silently left the sky incense, air purge valve.)
- Hey you! - Ms. Sari ask - Why was late and that those who visit me so? The first is the one that majestic, stately king of men a hundred times, which blazed around them like a halo? So who are they children?
No answer yet, Venerable Elder Cunda sure get her a chair, and Venerable correct posture, sit cross legged and then speak:
- Dear me! Mostly there are four kings, also known as United oai oldschool four European towns galaxy here!
- Ms. Sari shiver, spikes floating buildings: "What wonder!" Then she asked nervously:
- They dread such virtue, topping so, did they visit me, I bowed reverently? Perhaps the higher does them?
- Dear me! The gods had very noble heart, their constant upholding Dharma. When the Buddha Gautama was born, the prince with them to hold the smooth leather. They always protect the Buddha, as the four deities dating swords so bright flicker. The well or preach, teach, their children, they reverently, regarded as the masters!
Ms. Sari hearing this, happy to take leg hair breadth. Móm soft smile, she asked:
- What comes after you? That you dread to look over the first four! The body as jade carved ivory treasure, but the morning glory was beautiful. Oh, the strangely beautiful! He is who?
- Dear me! The King of heaven that is thirty-three, also known as Dao Loi heaven that people call God Like Uranus. This position is also used to be king of the four. Or call the world is the Jade Emperor, because he has a lot of the force.
- The so which is lower than me?
- Dear me! For Bhikkhus, for that we are gods as well as novices, a servant to lord over this chore time!
- Terror! I heard him say terrible!
venerable smile:
- I do not believe so? To call Mr. De favorite son came down here, lord mother see okay?
Ms. Sari reject this step, his hand lia lia:
- Well! Well! Mother and news! Seeing God imposing his generals and his mother was terrible! Mother lack of faith, lack of merit should be bowed, trembling before him alone!
venerable explained further:
- There is a Lent, the Lord Buddha enter heaven down at him about. The higher the Indra brought him the robe and bowl to the Lord Buddha, Lord Buddha farewell till the earth with compassion and respect glasses.
- Oh! But few have come later, the region looks bright halo palpably clear as day? Oi! The position of this body as light, gentle, noble, and pure as stars! They only see that my heart had quietly, very cool. So who are they children?
- Dear me! That is the great Brahma, is the high level that the Spirit there adore her!
- What?!
Sari She rolled her eyes, surprised too, does not seem to shut his mouth again.
Knowing her Net interest credit began, venerable lecture continued:
- On the day of the Buddha, there are four in the Great Brahma Heaven Five Pure Cu Thien, four corners, he stretched a fine gold mesh to Prince there . Often late in meeting the Buddha preached to them. Not only did they regard the Buddha as their teacher Supreme also see us as their Master admire, worship!
Ms. Sari mind was completely changed, she thought:
- "Oi! Who suspected that my son so noble, so that the great lines of our nation Brahma worship, worship, offering views from this lifetime to lifetime well below me does not know how many angry! Oi! If so, we have a moral dread of Him seems to know how tall the other ".
A delight, joy flooded her mind. Venerable Sariputta noted that the changes, and this is the best time to clear her theory German Press of the Three Jewels.
venerable asked:
- Dear mother! What I thought that morning to her face like that?
- Hey you! No morning stars are the higher the mother's son of Maha Brahma? And make sure your child's teacher, the Buddha was strange, very clearly true that the infinite grace of most virtue under heaven!
venerable nod:
- Yes, Mom! She thought was right. An ethics of a Buddha, the right of nowhere or other sea can not be compared. You know what? Easy to have a German supreme Buddha appeared in this world? Not to mention the hundreds of new life out to be a mighty personality like that. On the Buddha was born, the earth forty thick rocked by three times this week. On the Buddha attained enlightenment too. No great shakes sites but also tens of thousands of celestial realms around the world as well as shock waves violently!
Dear me! I mean, there was nothing, though between this world, the second after the Buddha! On merit, on The Power, the Wisdom, the Deliverance, knowledgeable about generosity, about morals, the virtues, of the Infinite Mind: kindness, compassion, sympathy, and equanimity, then I have also many achievements, but compared to the Buddha, can be compared with the sand grains of the Ganges River Foundation, as a speck of dust compared to the Himalayan tops!
Then sequentially, slowly, slowly, said Venerable for Ms. Sari hear about the grace of the Buddha's virtues, the virtues of French grace, the grace of faith up ... make sari as she fell into the sea and sky and the strange, overwhelming, magnificent, splendid ... The French do not stop that she had attained the end Tu Da Huon, enter the Church.
Ms. Sari happy too, rejoice too, she uttered the words in the tears of joy, the first and last time in life:
- This Upatissa ! From now on she did not dare call his mother more portable, that she would call him Upatissa Bhikkhu, the Sa subject Shariputra! A person with boundless grace virtue, gave her to drink sweet water mark, has clearly shown her paths, that place where faith is true, what is wrong. Oi! You of changes! Upatissa this Sramana! How far did not lead his mother? Why during the past five months, he did not give her an understanding Chon district, this immortal?
venerable Shariputra joyful thought:
- "So it was like a press meeting in favor of nursing students for parent education. And it was the only thing left to do for us. So all our duties in this world is complete, fulfilled, we must go is probably the right time. "
Sari when she left the room, asked Venerable Elder Cunda:
- Now it is growing much?
- Ladies , has the third watch, it was dawn.
- I want to talk to Buddhist monks last time, I summoned help weights!
- Yes Sir!
- I gathered all the strength left to talk to mother, now we weak? I carried it out unto the Association, monks would gather there!
- Yes Sir!
When police located somewhere has done, see Monks in a very thoughtful, venerable said
- all things worth mentioning, we've told you everything then. Now we just ask the teacher was happy to give the errors for some actions or words that somehow make me sad. On the road to attack the holy life practice, everyone has mistakes, no more or less. This is the last moment, the teacher gives us pleasure to let go through okay?
Monks venerable disciple of the answer:
- You do not say that but sorry for us. Oi! Truly a little miffed as he has for his dust between us no! With us, he is not a flawless mani pearl, the moon, the sun is in the air long long! Although he has left, the ball is dead, and eternal footprints of His greatness is still there. We vow to follow his footprints and his image engraved on the hearts. To say the opposite is true: for His pardon for happy mistakes of us!
- Good place! Venerable said, his voice was weak - Take the lamp Buddha, take French leave the truth, get up for armor and veils. So the teacher will have peace of Enlightenment domain realm. "Be diligent, professional outsourcing concept, do not consistently attentive neglect - that's our final teaching." He let out the back!
The five hundred monks, many of the red-pity but they were yellow, stepped out, bowed arms or looking at. Besides the venerable Elder only three A-La-Han, which is Cunda, Ly Ba Da Da and A La Nau.
venerable look up all three of the Elder and said little:
- Now is the right time, for current owner let me go ahead!
All three quietly folded hands, bowed his head. Venerable turned sideways to the right, the right leg straight, left leg has up, knees up his right hand, left hand along the body. Presbyterian Health Foreign Minister Cunda pull his legs and head. Later, photography center, venerable enter meditation, from meditation he went into the Second Profile meditation, Tam meditation, charity, not infinite meditation, infinite consciousness, Radio owns, African non-life thoughts and ideas into the Kill . Removal From concept to life, a turn again, He descended into the Profile meditation. From his meditation on the Four Profile meditation. Stop at the four meditation, deep fulfillment in his residence of the then completely passed away into Nirvana.
At that time, the sun began to emerge on the horizon like a great and welcome, a bright star went on forever. It was full moon Kattika months in India, in the middle of October and 11 solar calendar.
He used Shariputra dread power, religious merit, virtue her own move to abandon pagan mind and direction of the Buddha and he passed away last; it is a kind of favorite newspaper Tu. It is a good example for the Buddhist holy forever.
For the Buddhists in addition to offering material, upholding the Three Jewels, every day should come to the temple chanting, to dedicate the merit made for Nine Seven of suspension, so that generations Parents are transcendence; glass Parents believe in the Three Jewels of money. I heard him say terrible! venerable smile: - I do not believe so? To call Mr. De favorite son came down here, lord mother see okay? Ms. Sari reject this step, his hand lia lia: - Well! Well! Mother and news! Seeing God imposing his generals and his mother was terrible! Mother lack of faith, lack of merit should be bowed, trembling before him alone! venerable explained further: - There is a Lent, the Lord Buddha enter heaven down at him about. The higher the Indra brought him the robe and bowl to the Lord Buddha, Lord Buddha farewell till the earth with compassion and respect glasses. - Oh! But few have come later, the region looks bright halo palpably clear as day? Oi! The position of this body as light, gentle, noble, and pure as stars! They only see that my heart had quietly, very cool. So who are they children? - Dear me! That is the great Brahma, is the high level that the Spirit there adore her! - What?! Sari She rolled her eyes, surprised too, does not seem to shut his mouth again. Knowing her Net interest credit began, venerable lecture continued: - On the day of the Buddha, there are four in the Great Brahma Heaven Five Pure Cu Thien, four corners, he stretched a fine gold mesh to Prince there . Often late in meeting the Buddha preached to them. Not only did they regard the Buddha as their teacher Supreme also see us as their Master admire, worship! Ms. Sari mind was completely changed, she thought: - "Oi! Who suspected that my son so noble, so that the great lines of our nation Brahma worship, worship, offering views from this lifetime to lifetime well below me does not know how many angry! Oi! If so, we have a moral dread of Him seems to know how tall the other ". A delight, joy flooded her mind. Venerable Sariputta noted that the changes, and this is the best time to clear her theory German Press of the Three Jewels. venerable asked: - Dear mother! What I thought that morning to her face like that? - Hey you! No morning stars are the higher the mother's son of Maha Brahma? And make sure your child's teacher, the Buddha was strange, very clearly true that the infinite grace of most virtue under heaven! venerable nod: - Yes, Mom! She thought was right. An ethics of a Buddha, the right of nowhere or other sea can not be compared. You know what? Easy to have a German supreme Buddha appeared in this world? Not to mention the hundreds of new life out to be a mighty personality like that. On the Buddha was born, the earth forty thick rocked by three times this week. On the Buddha attained enlightenment too. No great shakes sites but also tens of thousands of celestial realms around the world as well as shock waves violently! Dear me! I mean, there was nothing, though between this world, the second after the Buddha! On merit, on The Power, the Wisdom, the Deliverance, knowledgeable about generosity, about morals, the virtues, of the Infinite Mind: kindness, compassion, sympathy, and equanimity, then I have also many achievements, but compared to the Buddha, can be compared with the sand grains of the Ganges River Foundation, as a speck of dust compared to the Himalayan tops! Then sequentially, slowly, slowly, said Venerable for Ms. Sari hear about the grace of the Buddha's virtues, the virtues of French grace, the grace of faith up ... make sari as she fell into the sea and sky and the strange, overwhelming, magnificent, splendid ... The French do not stop that she had attained the end Tu Da Huon, enter the Church. Ms. Sari happy too, rejoice too, she uttered the words in the tears of joy, the first and last time in life: - This Upatissa ! From now on she did not dare call his mother more portable, that she would call him Upatissa Bhikkhu, the Sa subject Shariputra! A person with boundless grace virtue, gave her to drink sweet water mark, has clearly shown her paths, that place where faith is true, what is wrong. Oi! You of changes! Upatissa this Sramana! How far did not lead his mother? Why during the past five months, he did not give her an understanding Chon district, this immortal? venerable Shariputra joyful thought: - "So it was like a press meeting in favor of nursing students for parent education. And it was the only thing left to do for us. So all our duties in this world is complete, fulfilled, we must go is probably the right time. " Sari when she left the room, asked Venerable Elder Cunda: - Now it is growing much? - Ladies , has the third watch, it was dawn. - I want to talk to Buddhist monks last time, I summoned help weights! - Yes Sir! - I gathered all the strength left to talk to mother, now we weak? I carried it out unto the Association, monks would gather there! - Yes Sir! When police located somewhere has done, see Monks in a very thoughtful, venerable said - all things worth mentioning, we've told you everything then. Now we just ask the teacher was happy to give the errors for some actions or words that somehow make me sad. On the road to attack the holy life practice, everyone has mistakes, no more or less. This is the last moment, the teacher gives us pleasure to let go through okay? Monks venerable disciple of the answer: - You do not say that but sorry for us. Oi! Truly a little miffed as he has for his dust between us no! With us, he is not a flawless mani pearl, the moon, the sun is in the air long long! Although he has left, the ball is dead, and eternal footprints of His greatness is still there. We vow to follow his footprints and his image engraved on the hearts. To say the opposite is true: for His pardon for happy mistakes of us! - Good place! Venerable said, his voice was weak - Take the lamp Buddha, take French leave the truth, get up for armor and veils. So the teacher will have peace of Enlightenment domain realm. "Be diligent, professional outsourcing concept, do not consistently attentive neglect - that's our final teaching." He let out the back! The five hundred monks, many of the red-pity but they were yellow, stepped out, bowed arms or looking at. Besides the venerable Elder only three A-La-Han, which is Cunda, Ly Ba Da Da and A La Nau. venerable look up all three of the Elder and said little: - Now is the right time, for current owner let me go ahead! All three quietly folded hands, bowed his head. Venerable turned sideways to the right, the right leg straight, left leg has up, knees up his right hand, left hand along the body. Presbyterian Health Foreign Minister Cunda pull his legs and head. Later, photography center, venerable enter meditation, from meditation he went into the Second Profile meditation, Tam meditation, charity, not infinite meditation, infinite consciousness, Radio owns, African non-life thoughts and ideas into the Kill . Removal From concept to life, a turn again, He descended into the Profile meditation. From his meditation on the Four Profile meditation. Stop at the four meditation, deep fulfillment in his residence of the then completely passed away into Nirvana. At that time, the sun began to emerge on the horizon like a great and welcome, a bright star went on forever. It was full moon Kattika months in India, in the middle of October and 11 solar calendar. He used Shariputra dread power, religious merit, virtue her own move to abandon pagan mind and direction of the Buddha and he passed away last; it is a kind of favorite newspaper Tu. It is a good example for the Buddhist holy forever. For the Buddhists in addition to offering material, upholding the Three Jewels, every day should come to the temple chanting, to dedicate the merit made for Nine Seven of suspension, so that generations Parents are transcendence; glass Parents believe in the Three Jewels of money. I heard him say terrible! venerable smile: - I do not believe so? To call Mr. De favorite son came down here, lord mother see okay? Ms. Sari reject this step, his hand lia lia: - Well! Well! Mother and news! Seeing God imposing his generals and his mother was terrible! Mother lack of faith, lack of merit should be bowed, trembling before him alone! venerable explained further: - There is a Lent, the Lord Buddha enter heaven down at him about. The higher the Indra brought him the robe and bowl to the Lord Buddha, Lord Buddha farewell till the earth with compassion and respect glasses. - Oh! But few have come later, the region looks bright halo palpably clear as day? Oi! The position of this body as light, gentle, noble, and pure as stars! They only see that my heart had quietly, very cool. So who are they children? - Dear me! That is the great Brahma, is the high level that the Spirit there adore her! - What?! Sari She rolled her eyes, surprised too, does not seem to shut his mouth again. Knowing her Net interest credit began, venerable lecture continued: - On the day of the Buddha, there are four in the Great Brahma Heaven Five Pure Cu Thien, four corners, he stretched a fine gold mesh to Prince there . Often late in meeting the Buddha preached to them. Not only did they regard the Buddha as their teacher Supreme also see us as their Master admire, worship! Ms. Sari mind was completely changed, she thought: - "Oi! Who suspected that my son so noble, so that the great lines of our nation Brahma worship, worship, offering views from this lifetime to lifetime well below me does not know how many angry! Oi! If so, we have a moral dread of Him seems to know how tall the other ". A delight, joy flooded her mind. Venerable Sariputta noted that the changes, and this is the best time to clear her theory German Press of the Three Jewels. venerable asked: - Dear mother! What I thought that morning to her face like that? - Hey you! No morning stars are the higher the mother's son of Maha Brahma? And make sure your child's teacher, the Buddha was strange, very clearly true that the infinite grace of most virtue under heaven! venerable nod: - Yes, Mom! She thought was right. An ethics of a Buddha, the right of nowhere or other sea can not be compared. You know what? Easy to have a German supreme Buddha appeared in this world? Not to mention the hundreds of new life out to be a mighty personality like that. On the Buddha was born, the earth forty thick rocked by three times this week. On the Buddha attained enlightenment too. No great shakes sites but also tens of thousands of celestial realms around the world as well as shock waves violently! Dear me! I mean, there was nothing, though between this world, the second after the Buddha! On merit, on The Power, the Wisdom, the Deliverance, knowledgeable about generosity, about morals, the virtues, of the Infinite Mind: kindness, compassion, sympathy, and equanimity, then I have also many achievements, but compared to the Buddha, can be compared with the sand grains of the Ganges River Foundation, as a speck of dust compared to the Himalayan tops! Then sequentially, slowly, slowly, said Venerable for Ms. Sari hear about the grace of the Buddha's virtues, the virtues of French grace, the grace of faith up ... make sari as she fell into the sea and sky and the strange, overwhelming, magnificent, splendid ... The French do not stop that she had attained the end Tu Da Huon, enter the Church. Ms. Sari happy too, rejoice too, she uttered the words in the tears of joy, the first and last time in life: - This Upatissa ! From now on she did not dare call his mother more portable, that she would call him Upatissa Bhikkhu, the Sa subject Shariputra! A person with boundless grace virtue, gave her to drink sweet water mark, has clearly shown her paths, that place where faith is true, what is wrong. Oi! You of changes! Upatissa this Sramana! How far did not lead his mother? Why during the past five months, he did not give her an understanding Chon district, this immortal? venerable Shariputra joyful thought: - "So it was like a press meeting in favor of nursing students for parent education. And it was the only thing left to do for us. So all our duties in this world is complete, fulfilled, we must go is probably the right time. " Sari when she left the room, asked Venerable Elder Cunda: - Now it is growing much? - Ladies , has the third watch, it was dawn. - I want to talk to Buddhist monks last time, I summoned help weights! - Yes Sir! - I gathered all the strength left to talk to mother, now we weak? I carried it out unto the Association, monks would gather there! - Yes Sir! When police located somewhere has done, see Monks in a very thoughtful, venerable said - all things worth mentioning, we've told you everything then. Now we just ask the teacher was happy to give the errors for some actions or words that somehow make me sad. On the road to attack the holy life practice, everyone has mistakes, no more or less. This is the last moment, the teacher gives us pleasure to let go through okay? Monks venerable disciple of the answer: - You do not say that but sorry for us. Oi! Truly a little miffed as he has for his dust between us no! With us, he is not a flawless mani pearl, the moon, the sun is in the air long long! Although he has left, the ball is dead, and eternal footprints of His greatness is still there. We vow to follow his footprints and his image engraved on the hearts. To say the opposite is true: for His pardon for happy mistakes of us! - Good place! Venerable said, his voice was weak - Take the lamp Buddha, take French leave the truth, get up for armor and veils. So the teacher will have peace of Enlightenment domain realm. "Be diligent, professional outsourcing concept, do not consistently attentive neglect - that's our final teaching." He let out the back! The five hundred monks, many of the red-pity but they were yellow, stepped out, bowed arms or looking at. Besides the venerable Elder only three A-La-Han, which is Cunda, Ly Ba Da Da and A La Nau. venerable look up all three of the Elder and said little: - Now is the right time, for current owner let me go ahead! All three quietly folded hands, bowed his head. Venerable turned sideways to the right, the right leg straight, left leg has up, knees up his right hand, left hand along the body. Presbyterian Health Foreign Minister Cunda pull his legs and head. Later, photography center, venerable enter meditation, from meditation he went into the Second Profile meditation, Tam meditation, charity, not infinite meditation, infinite consciousness, Radio owns, African non-life thoughts and ideas into the Kill . Removal From concept to life, a turn again, He descended into the Profile meditation. From his meditation on the Four Profile meditation. Stop at the four meditation, deep fulfillment in his residence of the then completely passed away into Nirvana. At that time, the sun began to emerge on the horizon like a great and welcome, a bright star went on forever. It was full moon Kattika months in India, in the middle of October and 11 solar calendar. He used Shariputra dread power, religious merit, virtue her own move to abandon pagan mind and direction of the Buddha and he passed away last; it is a kind of favorite newspaper Tu. It is a good example for the Buddhist holy forever. For the Buddhists in addition to offering material, upholding the Three Jewels, every day should come to the temple chanting, to dedicate the merit made for Nine Seven of suspension, so that generations Parents are transcendence; glass Parents believe in the Three Jewels of money.
Speaking of mother, author Thanh Nguyen have a saying: "She became evident as heaven and earth - As an indispensable life in you. "
Who does not mourn, the ball narrowly losing the sound was so closely correlated with life that makes living beings fall into misery, "the tan, tan with - distinct physiological death ". But Buddha is the only way to provide links to all things being walked out of the buckling dread suffering; by Tipitaka, which contains teachings, "injuries to her stomach grace, down eight economic suffering."
Do you Buddha, one must know, learn and practice the teachings of privacy. But in return the grace of our quartet, should learn how to repay that favor deep-hearted life of Venerable Sariputta, a Presbyterian college level intelligence "repay her grace, his native place."
Human Alert Hieu Vu Lan season coming to PL 2552, the Hoang Quan Am Monastery France would like to read excerpts easy understandable in "A Life - A Star" program "Mother Temple of grace Then ¥ Eternal Rest" , pages 386-398, of Minh Duc Trieu Tam Anh, publisher Thuan Hoa published in 1997. Content about the behavior of the upcoming Sariputta passed away, Buddha would be next on the way home to find her mother, Sari Uppatissa Buddhist message. At Nalaka village, also known as Uppatissa, formerly Brahmanism was popular, now it's time to decay. Hundreds of places of worship, the temple where the sacred ceremony, stupa, tree cold now became wild. Many families have provided teachers the Buddha. Many Bhikkhus, the novice came from prestigious families, topping here. Only pat her sari is real.
Stop under the trees between original ancient, Monks find water wash hands and feet. It was the afternoon, smoke sunset shy away from the table near the middle of the green garden the same message, the countryside looked so quiet, peaceful - where there is already a Venerable growing up, learning, thinking and mature ... All becomes palpably in the memory. Venerable was now a different person, very close but very far from his old man. It looks like he will not be attached any country any more at all, nor that history is not known, went outside all phenomena, all earthly conventions ...
There is a stop watch children Chu Increased filled with friendly eyes. When asked the nephew knew it was his grandmother is his mother's brother, venerable cry and said:
- I guess we are?
- I guess he was the son of her aunt!
- World is good! Well, this child! I know I have her aunt home?
- has a!
- So we ask you to help a work okay?
- Yes Yes!
- I entered the village, told her aunt like this: "My son's head Her aunt, Samana Shariputra was on to the village ". I say there is not
- already!
- Let's talk like this anymore: "Shariputra Samana in the house she would ask my aunt one day. So prepare for her aunt, arrange the room where the ancient Her aunt's eldest son was born. He'll ask to stay there! Also, please Her aunt gladly arrange accommodation for five hundred monks again! Five hundred, you remember? "
Y word, young Uparevata zoomed and arriving home Ms. Sari:
- Ladies and Her aunt, the eldest son of her aunt arrived at the village. Remember our mother was injured child, so very happy to hear, but we are very rebuked:
- It's on here?
- Ladies, He was not alone that hundreds of monks anymore!
- Do something so that large data ! Getting "the old people" is much lower them?
child remain indifferent:
- Her aunt must prepare the room for those days he was born he was at. Then there must prepare more than five hundred other accommodation here. It seems that the second son of Her aunt is also present in it. East do! It was fun!
When the boy left, Ms. Sari thought to himself:
- "It really is a fool! Back pulls in the herd, the flood came again, a very wealthy family ma! It did not need, so what about it that bad press? Or, better still it has not bored the living house door, in the days to come here to sleep for the last month has been eating for happiness, despite the warm? Clear that it was too late, son, you also have the nearly seventy years old then, and "grouper" What is it? "
sighed Mrs. Sari servants but also wrong somewhere decent set properly. It was dark, she was wrong in dozens of torches burning brightly, leading to the village and Venerable Monks home.
Later, Venerable Monks and crossed the spacious yard wide. Servants standing hole, lit bright as day. Everyone wants to see the two sons of the owner after decades apart.
Venerable She walked to the sari, head down:
-Dear mother! I have to!
Ms. Sari cane back into the room, said without looking back:
- What say tomorrow! Accommodation His request was prepared, accommodation for more than five hundred monks were somewhere even then, there's nothing wrong security, water connection, laundry - is willing servants on duty but really!
- Thank you mom !
- Have your children a follow on there?
Elder Cunda replied respectfully:
- Dear mother, I was Cunda. The mother also visited here!
- Thank you!
Then Ms. Sari played back room. Elder Cunda Monks guide to find accommodation, only toilets, bathrooms etc ... It is true that a great property, not missing any comfort what. Monks are brothers of the king admired this God. If monks also knew the metal fortune of his family up to nine hundred million gold coins, they also respected as long as any more! Venerable Sariputta old entered the room, sat on the bed is a serious illness arises. Elder Cunda the college prefects seemed in pain, afraid to ask
- I have great help for parents not
- Maybe tonight bother you here!
- The help of parents this last, not easy everyone was lucky!
- cholera, dysentery He was there, my dear brother Be prepared for some the "father."
Then, later described Venerable going continuously. Elder Cunda went to go out with his father on hand Hoai. Ms. Sari saw a boy lit room, calendar script that noise, she opened the door to look. Elder Cunda see all described on out, she knew. Toward midnight, the disease reduced. She thought
- our son to describe continuous, sure is painful, but it did not take an hour to scream. Damage strange! Cunda both he, too, has quietly. Why are they so similar? Oi! Mother worried about this child that seems to be sticking to them. "
She could not sleep, anti listening ear, dizzy to look.
At that time, Tu Tran Thien Vuong met, thought that they should have a duty their last visit Arahant elders should have the time as athletes who stretched arms, bright aura, they present in his room, bowed respectfully and stood almost side. Should know this venerable divine used to hear her sari scenes and conversations.
venerable big question:
- The position are you?
- White venerable, we are the University Uranus four European governance.
- The position here is what?
- Ladies, first is to admire the venerable visited last time, the second is here to discretionary Venerable lord.
venerable said:
- So thank the gods imposing the full faith left to visit. My illness was in remission, had Elder Cunda here, from your mind to. Also had perhaps, the position please go away!
They obey, worship the venerable, and bright as the moon, they disappeared the middle of nowhere.
Thich Thien Topics, Dao Thien Loi Vuong think heaven must have responsibility Attorney General sections give money to the majestic French, aura, the force is the venerable bed in a flash. Also through a dialogue in short, Indra bowed respectfully request to withdraw then.
It was getting late, not only in the garden sari that she seemed the whole village becomes bright Nalaka. It is the Great Brahma down the most venerable Shariputra, also back test respectfully holidays and illness to care for him. Venerable thanks and then they also say farewell.
Ms. Sari saw from the beginning, clear sight and hearing not missed a word, she thought:
- Do not know how you like the angels who dread and high capacity to How to visit my son, my son bowed and said nothing ... that is ... to serve the lord again? It's also strange, as we both seem larger than they, as their masters ".
- Ms. Sari left the room quietly until the Venerable door, want to meet Elder Cunda to visit the provincial disease. Venerable know this should have told Elder Cunda open to her sari on.
venerable Shariputra leaned back on the pillow, sit up:
- Has not she go to bed late and why?
- She was sleeping when the described capital it tormented me like that!
- well then I have a mother!
She quietly observed sharp sense that there Airmail Venerable but still gives off a calm, serene strange! Then describe the room of dysentery disease, but why clean and smells like incense (the gods silently left the sky incense, air purge valve.)
- Hey you! - Ms. Sari ask - Why was late and that those who visit me so? The first is the one that majestic, stately king of men a hundred times, which blazed around them like a halo? So who are they children?
No answer yet, Venerable Elder Cunda sure get her a chair, and Venerable correct posture, sit cross legged and then speak:
- Dear me! Mostly there are four kings, also known as United oai oldschool four European towns galaxy here!
- Ms. Sari shiver, spikes floating buildings: "What wonder!" Then she asked nervously:
- They dread such virtue, topping so, did they visit me, I bowed reverently? Perhaps the higher does them?
- Dear me! The gods had very noble heart, their constant upholding Dharma. When the Buddha Gautama was born, the prince with them to hold the smooth leather. They always protect the Buddha, as the four deities dating swords so bright flicker. The well or preach, teach, their children, they reverently, regarded as the masters!
Ms. Sari hearing this, happy to take leg hair breadth. Móm soft smile, she asked:
- What comes after you? That you dread to look over the first four! The body as jade carved ivory treasure, but the morning glory was beautiful. Oh, the strangely beautiful! He is who?
- Dear me! The King of heaven that is thirty-three, also known as Dao Loi heaven that people call God Like Uranus. This position is also used to be king of the four. Or call the world is the Jade Emperor, because he has a lot of the force.
- The so which is lower than me?
- Dear me! For Bhikkhus, for that we are gods as well as novices, a servant to lord over this chore time!
- Terror! I heard him say terrible!
venerable smile:
- I do not believe so? To call Mr. De favorite son came down here, lord mother see okay?
Ms. Sari reject this step, his hand lia lia:
- Well! Well! Mother and news! Seeing God imposing his generals and his mother was terrible! Mother lack of faith, lack of merit should be bowed, trembling before him alone!
venerable explained further:
- There is a Lent, the Lord Buddha enter heaven down at him about. The higher the Indra brought him the robe and bowl to the Lord Buddha, Lord Buddha farewell till the earth with compassion and respect glasses.
- Oh! But few have come later, the region looks bright halo palpably clear as day? Oi! The position of this body as light, gentle, noble, and pure as stars! They only see that my heart had quietly, very cool. So who are they children?
- Dear me! That is the great Brahma, is the high level that the Spirit there adore her!
- What?!
Sari She rolled her eyes, surprised too, does not seem to shut his mouth again.
Knowing her Net interest credit began, venerable lecture continued:
- On the day of the Buddha, there are four in the Great Brahma Heaven Five Pure Cu Thien, four corners, he stretched a fine gold mesh to Prince there . Often late in meeting the Buddha preached to them. Not only did they regard the Buddha as their teacher Supreme also see us as their Master admire, worship!
Ms. Sari mind was completely changed, she thought:
- "Oi! Who suspected that my son so noble, so that the great lines of our nation Brahma worship, worship, offering views from this lifetime to lifetime well below me does not know how many angry! Oi! If so, we have a moral dread of Him seems to know how tall the other ".
A delight, joy flooded her mind. Venerable Sariputta noted that the changes, and this is the best time to clear her theory German Press of the Three Jewels.
venerable asked:
- Dear mother! What I thought that morning to her face like that?
- Hey you! No morning stars are the higher the mother's son of Maha Brahma? And make sure your child's teacher, the Buddha was strange, very clearly true that the infinite grace of most virtue under heaven!
venerable nod:
- Yes, Mom! She thought was right. An ethics of a Buddha, the right of nowhere or other sea can not be compared. You know what? Easy to have a German supreme Buddha appeared in this world? Not to mention the hundreds of new life out to be a mighty personality like that. On the Buddha was born, the earth forty thick rocked by three times this week. On the Buddha attained enlightenment too. No great shakes sites but also tens of thousands of celestial realms around the world as well as shock waves violently!
Dear me! I mean, there was nothing, though between this world, the second after the Buddha! On merit, on The Power, the Wisdom, the Deliverance, knowledgeable about generosity, about morals, the virtues, of the Infinite Mind: kindness, compassion, sympathy, and equanimity, then I have also many achievements, but compared to the Buddha, can be compared with the sand grains of the Ganges River Foundation, as a speck of dust compared to the Himalayan tops!
Then sequentially, slowly, slowly, said Venerable for Ms. Sari hear about the grace of the Buddha's virtues, the virtues of French grace, the grace of faith up ... make sari as she fell into the sea and sky and the strange, overwhelming, magnificent, splendid ... The French do not stop that she had attained the end Tu Da Huon, enter the Church.
Ms. Sari happy too, rejoice too, she uttered the words in the tears of joy, the first and last time in life:
- This Upatissa ! From now on she did not dare call his mother more portable, that she would call him Upatissa Bhikkhu, the Sa subject Shariputra! A person with boundless grace virtue, gave her to drink sweet water mark, has clearly shown her paths, that place where faith is true, what is wrong. Oi! You of changes! Upatissa this Sramana! How far did not lead his mother? Why during the past five months, he did not give her an understanding Chon district, this immortal?
venerable Shariputra joyful thought:
- "So it was like a press meeting in favor of nursing students for parent education. And it was the only thing left to do for us. So all our duties in this world is complete, fulfilled, we must go is probably the right time. "
Sari when she left the room, asked Venerable Elder Cunda:
- Now it is growing much?
- Ladies , has the third watch, it was dawn.
- I want to talk to Buddhist monks last time, I summoned help weights!
- Yes Sir!
- I gathered all the strength left to talk to mother, now we weak? I carried it out unto the Association, monks would gather there!
- Yes Sir!
When police located somewhere has done, see Monks in a very thoughtful, venerable said
- all things worth mentioning, we've told you everything then. Now we just ask the teacher was happy to give the errors for some actions or words that somehow make me sad. On the road to attack the holy life practice, everyone has mistakes, no more or less. This is the last moment, the teacher gives us pleasure to let go through okay?
Monks venerable disciple of the answer:
- You do not say that but sorry for us. Oi! Truly a little miffed as he has for his dust between us no! With us, he is not a flawless mani pearl, the moon, the sun is in the air long long! Although he has left, the ball is dead, and eternal footprints of His greatness is still there. We vow to follow his footprints and his image engraved on the hearts. To say the opposite is true: for His pardon for happy mistakes of us!
- Good place! Venerable said, his voice was weak - Take the lamp Buddha, take French leave the truth, get up for armor and veils. So the teacher will have peace of Enlightenment domain realm. "Be diligent, professional outsourcing concept, do not consistently attentive neglect - that's our final teaching." He let out the back!
The five hundred monks, many of the red-pity but they were yellow, stepped out, bowed arms or looking at. Besides the venerable Elder only three A-La-Han, which is Cunda, Ly Ba Da Da and A La Nau.
venerable look up all three of the Elder and said little:
- Now is the right time, for current owner let me go ahead!
All three quietly folded hands, bowed his head. Venerable turned sideways to the right, the right leg straight, left leg has up, knees up his right hand, left hand along the body. Presbyterian Health Foreign Minister Cunda pull his legs and head. Later, photography center, venerable enter meditation, from meditation he went into the Second Profile meditation, Tam meditation, charity, not infinite meditation, infinite consciousness, Radio owns, African non-life thoughts and ideas into the Kill . Removal From concept to life, a turn again, He descended into the Profile meditation. From his meditation on the Four Profile meditation. Stop at the four meditation, deep fulfillment in his residence of the then completely passed away into Nirvana.
At that time, the sun began to emerge on the horizon like a great and welcome, a bright star went on forever. It was full moon Kattika months in India, in the middle of October and 11 solar calendar.
He used Shariputra dread power, religious merit, virtue her own move to abandon pagan mind and direction of the Buddha and he passed away last; it is a kind of favorite newspaper Tu. It is a good example for the Buddhist holy forever.
For the Buddhists in addition to offering material, upholding the Three Jewels, every day should come to the temple chanting, to dedicate the merit made for Nine Seven of suspension, so that generations Parents are transcendence; glass Parents believe in the Three Jewels of money. I heard him say terrible! venerable smile: - I do not believe so? To call Mr. De favorite son came down here, lord mother see okay? Ms. Sari reject this step, his hand lia lia: - Well! Well! Mother and news! Seeing God imposing his generals and his mother was terrible! Mother lack of faith, lack of merit should be bowed, trembling before him alone! venerable explained further: - There is a Lent, the Lord Buddha enter heaven down at him about. The higher the Indra brought him the robe and bowl to the Lord Buddha, Lord Buddha farewell till the earth with compassion and respect glasses. - Oh! But few have come later, the region looks bright halo palpably clear as day? Oi! The position of this body as light, gentle, noble, and pure as stars! They only see that my heart had quietly, very cool. So who are they children? - Dear me! That is the great Brahma, is the high level that the Spirit there adore her! - What?! Sari She rolled her eyes, surprised too, does not seem to shut his mouth again. Knowing her Net interest credit began, venerable lecture continued: - On the day of the Buddha, there are four in the Great Brahma Heaven Five Pure Cu Thien, four corners, he stretched a fine gold mesh to Prince there . Often late in meeting the Buddha preached to them. Not only did they regard the Buddha as their teacher Supreme also see us as their Master admire, worship! Ms. Sari mind was completely changed, she thought: - "Oi! Who suspected that my son so noble, so that the great lines of our nation Brahma worship, worship, offering views from this lifetime to lifetime well below me does not know how many angry! Oi! If so, we have a moral dread of Him seems to know how tall the other ". A delight, joy flooded her mind. Venerable Sariputta noted that the changes, and this is the best time to clear her theory German Press of the Three Jewels. venerable asked: - Dear mother! What I thought that morning to her face like that? - Hey you! No morning stars are the higher the mother's son of Maha Brahma? And make sure your child's teacher, the Buddha was strange, very clearly true that the infinite grace of most virtue under heaven! venerable nod: - Yes, Mom! She thought was right. An ethics of a Buddha, the right of nowhere or other sea can not be compared. You know what? Easy to have a German supreme Buddha appeared in this world? Not to mention the hundreds of new life out to be a mighty personality like that. On the Buddha was born, the earth forty thick rocked by three times this week. On the Buddha attained enlightenment too. No great shakes sites but also tens of thousands of celestial realms around the world as well as shock waves violently! Dear me! I mean, there was nothing, though between this world, the second after the Buddha! On merit, on The Power, the Wisdom, the Deliverance, knowledgeable about generosity, about morals, the virtues, of the Infinite Mind: kindness, compassion, sympathy, and equanimity, then I have also many achievements, but compared to the Buddha, can be compared with the sand grains of the Ganges River Foundation, as a speck of dust compared to the Himalayan tops! Then sequentially, slowly, slowly, said Venerable for Ms. Sari hear about the grace of the Buddha's virtues, the virtues of French grace, the grace of faith up ... make sari as she fell into the sea and sky and the strange, overwhelming, magnificent, splendid ... The French do not stop that she had attained the end Tu Da Huon, enter the Church. Ms. Sari happy too, rejoice too, she uttered the words in the tears of joy, the first and last time in life: - This Upatissa ! From now on she did not dare call his mother more portable, that she would call him Upatissa Bhikkhu, the Sa subject Shariputra! A person with boundless grace virtue, gave her to drink sweet water mark, has clearly shown her paths, that place where faith is true, what is wrong. Oi! You of changes! Upatissa this Sramana! How far did not lead his mother? Why during the past five months, he did not give her an understanding Chon district, this immortal? venerable Shariputra joyful thought: - "So it was like a press meeting in favor of nursing students for parent education. And it was the only thing left to do for us. So all our duties in this world is complete, fulfilled, we must go is probably the right time. " Sari when she left the room, asked Venerable Elder Cunda: - Now it is growing much? - Ladies , has the third watch, it was dawn. - I want to talk to Buddhist monks last time, I summoned help weights! - Yes Sir! - I gathered all the strength left to talk to mother, now we weak? I carried it out unto the Association, monks would gather there! - Yes Sir! When police located somewhere has done, see Monks in a very thoughtful, venerable said - all things worth mentioning, we've told you everything then. Now we just ask the teacher was happy to give the errors for some actions or words that somehow make me sad. On the road to attack the holy life practice, everyone has mistakes, no more or less. This is the last moment, the teacher gives us pleasure to let go through okay? Monks venerable disciple of the answer: - You do not say that but sorry for us. Oi! Truly a little miffed as he has for his dust between us no! With us, he is not a flawless mani pearl, the moon, the sun is in the air long long! Although he has left, the ball is dead, and eternal footprints of His greatness is still there. We vow to follow his footprints and his image engraved on the hearts. To say the opposite is true: for His pardon for happy mistakes of us! - Good place! Venerable said, his voice was weak - Take the lamp Buddha, take French leave the truth, get up for armor and veils. So the teacher will have peace of Enlightenment domain realm. "Be diligent, professional outsourcing concept, do not consistently attentive neglect - that's our final teaching." He let out the back! The five hundred monks, many of the red-pity but they were yellow, stepped out, bowed arms or looking at. Besides the venerable Elder only three A-La-Han, which is Cunda, Ly Ba Da Da and A La Nau. venerable look up all three of the Elder and said little: - Now is the right time, for current owner let me go ahead! All three quietly folded hands, bowed his head. Venerable turned sideways to the right, the right leg straight, left leg has up, knees up his right hand, left hand along the body. Presbyterian Health Foreign Minister Cunda pull his legs and head. Later, photography center, venerable enter meditation, from meditation he went into the Second Profile meditation, Tam meditation, charity, not infinite meditation, infinite consciousness, Radio owns, African non-life thoughts and ideas into the Kill . Removal From concept to life, a turn again, He descended into the Profile meditation. From his meditation on the Four Profile meditation. Stop at the four meditation, deep fulfillment in his residence of the then completely passed away into Nirvana. At that time, the sun began to emerge on the horizon like a great and welcome, a bright star went on forever. It was full moon Kattika months in India, in the middle of October and 11 solar calendar. He used Shariputra dread power, religious merit, virtue her own move to abandon pagan mind and direction of the Buddha and he passed away last; it is a kind of favorite newspaper Tu. It is a good example for the Buddhist holy forever. For the Buddhists in addition to offering material, upholding the Three Jewels, every day should come to the temple chanting, to dedicate the merit made for Nine Seven of suspension, so that generations Parents are transcendence; glass Parents believe in the Three Jewels of money. I heard him say terrible! venerable smile: - I do not believe so? To call Mr. De favorite son came down here, lord mother see okay? Ms. Sari reject this step, his hand lia lia: - Well! Well! Mother and news! Seeing God imposing his generals and his mother was terrible! Mother lack of faith, lack of merit should be bowed, trembling before him alone! venerable explained further: - There is a Lent, the Lord Buddha enter heaven down at him about. The higher the Indra brought him the robe and bowl to the Lord Buddha, Lord Buddha farewell till the earth with compassion and respect glasses. - Oh! But few have come later, the region looks bright halo palpably clear as day? Oi! The position of this body as light, gentle, noble, and pure as stars! They only see that my heart had quietly, very cool. So who are they children? - Dear me! That is the great Brahma, is the high level that the Spirit there adore her! - What?! Sari She rolled her eyes, surprised too, does not seem to shut his mouth again. Knowing her Net interest credit began, venerable lecture continued: - On the day of the Buddha, there are four in the Great Brahma Heaven Five Pure Cu Thien, four corners, he stretched a fine gold mesh to Prince there . Often late in meeting the Buddha preached to them. Not only did they regard the Buddha as their teacher Supreme also see us as their Master admire, worship! Ms. Sari mind was completely changed, she thought: - "Oi! Who suspected that my son so noble, so that the great lines of our nation Brahma worship, worship, offering views from this lifetime to lifetime well below me does not know how many angry! Oi! If so, we have a moral dread of Him seems to know how tall the other ". A delight, joy flooded her mind. Venerable Sariputta noted that the changes, and this is the best time to clear her theory German Press of the Three Jewels. venerable asked: - Dear mother! What I thought that morning to her face like that? - Hey you! No morning stars are the higher the mother's son of Maha Brahma? And make sure your child's teacher, the Buddha was strange, very clearly true that the infinite grace of most virtue under heaven! venerable nod: - Yes, Mom! She thought was right. An ethics of a Buddha, the right of nowhere or other sea can not be compared. You know what? Easy to have a German supreme Buddha appeared in this world? Not to mention the hundreds of new life out to be a mighty personality like that. On the Buddha was born, the earth forty thick rocked by three times this week. On the Buddha attained enlightenment too. No great shakes sites but also tens of thousands of celestial realms around the world as well as shock waves violently! Dear me! I mean, there was nothing, though between this world, the second after the Buddha! On merit, on The Power, the Wisdom, the Deliverance, knowledgeable about generosity, about morals, the virtues, of the Infinite Mind: kindness, compassion, sympathy, and equanimity, then I have also many achievements, but compared to the Buddha, can be compared with the sand grains of the Ganges River Foundation, as a speck of dust compared to the Himalayan tops! Then sequentially, slowly, slowly, said Venerable for Ms. Sari hear about the grace of the Buddha's virtues, the virtues of French grace, the grace of faith up ... make sari as she fell into the sea and sky and the strange, overwhelming, magnificent, splendid ... The French do not stop that she had attained the end Tu Da Huon, enter the Church. Ms. Sari happy too, rejoice too, she uttered the words in the tears of joy, the first and last time in life: - This Upatissa ! From now on she did not dare call his mother more portable, that she would call him Upatissa Bhikkhu, the Sa subject Shariputra! A person with boundless grace virtue, gave her to drink sweet water mark, has clearly shown her paths, that place where faith is true, what is wrong. Oi! You of changes! Upatissa this Sramana! How far did not lead his mother? Why during the past five months, he did not give her an understanding Chon district, this immortal? venerable Shariputra joyful thought: - "So it was like a press meeting in favor of nursing students for parent education. And it was the only thing left to do for us. So all our duties in this world is complete, fulfilled, we must go is probably the right time. " Sari when she left the room, asked Venerable Elder Cunda: - Now it is growing much? - Ladies , has the third watch, it was dawn. - I want to talk to Buddhist monks last time, I summoned help weights! - Yes Sir! - I gathered all the strength left to talk to mother, now we weak? I carried it out unto the Association, monks would gather there! - Yes Sir! When police located somewhere has done, see Monks in a very thoughtful, venerable said - all things worth mentioning, we've told you everything then. Now we just ask the teacher was happy to give the errors for some actions or words that somehow make me sad. On the road to attack the holy life practice, everyone has mistakes, no more or less. This is the last moment, the teacher gives us pleasure to let go through okay? Monks venerable disciple of the answer: - You do not say that but sorry for us. Oi! Truly a little miffed as he has for his dust between us no! With us, he is not a flawless mani pearl, the moon, the sun is in the air long long! Although he has left, the ball is dead, and eternal footprints of His greatness is still there. We vow to follow his footprints and his image engraved on the hearts. To say the opposite is true: for His pardon for happy mistakes of us! - Good place! Venerable said, his voice was weak - Take the lamp Buddha, take French leave the truth, get up for armor and veils. So the teacher will have peace of Enlightenment domain realm. "Be diligent, professional outsourcing concept, do not consistently attentive neglect - that's our final teaching." He let out the back! The five hundred monks, many of the red-pity but they were yellow, stepped out, bowed arms or looking at. Besides the venerable Elder only three A-La-Han, which is Cunda, Ly Ba Da Da and A La Nau. venerable look up all three of the Elder and said little: - Now is the right time, for current owner let me go ahead! All three quietly folded hands, bowed his head. Venerable turned sideways to the right, the right leg straight, left leg has up, knees up his right hand, left hand along the body. Presbyterian Health Foreign Minister Cunda pull his legs and head. Later, photography center, venerable enter meditation, from meditation he went into the Second Profile meditation, Tam meditation, charity, not infinite meditation, infinite consciousness, Radio owns, African non-life thoughts and ideas into the Kill . Removal From concept to life, a turn again, He descended into the Profile meditation. From his meditation on the Four Profile meditation. Stop at the four meditation, deep fulfillment in his residence of the then completely passed away into Nirvana. At that time, the sun began to emerge on the horizon like a great and welcome, a bright star went on forever. It was full moon Kattika months in India, in the middle of October and 11 solar calendar. He used Shariputra dread power, religious merit, virtue her own move to abandon pagan mind and direction of the Buddha and he passed away last; it is a kind of favorite newspaper Tu. It is a good example for the Buddhist holy forever. For the Buddhists in addition to offering material, upholding the Three Jewels, every day should come to the temple chanting, to dedicate the merit made for Nine Seven of suspension, so that generations Parents are transcendence; glass Parents believe in the Three Jewels of money.
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