Thursday, 12 June 2014

Those who are sick are fortunate because they have no chance to do anything but observe the pain, so restless. They do not mind what other glitches, no need to go anywhere, do anything. They always have the opportunity to observe the pain - and to let go of the pain is always there.
 Observed changes, irritability and a selfless thought (in Buddhism, is the third mark of existence - anicca, dukkha and anatta - commonly known as impermanent, suffering and non-self) when they are adjacent reach inside you, when you're lying here sick, is very useful. Just remember that you do not think the pain. Just look at the natural phenomenon of psychophysiological events when they arise and pass away. They are not you. We did not really belong to you. Really, where you have control about them.
 Observe them! Actually, you control them anywhere? Regardless of what your body is sick, it does not matter. Importantly, the sick in the mind. Normally we do not pay attention to the fact that it is sick in the mind - the sickness of defiled, attachment. We usually only pay attention to the injuries on the body, all fear of terrible things can happen to the body. The drugs we use to treat the disease itself can only temporarily delay our death sentence. Even the ones in the past do not have sickness is no longer with us. Ultimately, everyone has to leave this body. As we continue to visualize this, you will see the truth of impermanence, suffering and selflessness honestly right place themselves, and gradually, step by step, you will become increasingly bored with everything.
You have to observe your pain carefully to see that it was not the pain you are. Illness that is not yours. It is a sickness of the body, illness of a physical form. Physical form and spiritual events to change, you need to pay attention to them when they occur, to observe, monitor every little part of them. A thorough understanding of the physical characteristics of the physical and spiritual evolution will liberate you from suffering stress.
There are those who are healthy, calm, suddenly died suddenly without knowing what happened to them. Their minds completely opaque about what is happening. That's worse than lying in bed sick can use their pain as a means to cultivate and develop the mind boring, not cling. You do not need to be afraid of the pain. If it is there, just leave it at that - but do not let the pain center must follow it.
So when sick, you consider yourself lucky. That year, facing illness, you have the opportunity to practice mindfulness meditation in every moment. No matter you are at home or in hospital. Do not allow your mind to pay attention to where you are. You do not need to assign themselves to one place. Just took the opportunity to observe phenomena come and go.
I can not stop the pain or pleasure, we can not judge banned the center, shaping thinking, but we can use them in a different direction. If the pain center label and said, 'I hurt,' we must consider the assignment forced them thoroughly, observing it until you realize it's wrong: the pain that was not really me. It's just a feeling arises and passes, only that.
Observe whatever arises a feeling, an emotion, a thought - and then let it go, but not accepted, not cling to it. Start by practicing restraint attention, focus notes, observing the expression of the tension, the pain. Continue practicing until the mind can maintain that attitude in a clear state of mind was empty. If you can practice the fullness of it, the final liberation of the pain happens right there, right at the center empty.
Be mindful of the pain even in states where it's just a feeling in the body. It can be a pain in the body, but not necessarily the pain of the mind. First, protect the heart, let go everything, then inward to find the deepest part, the ends of mindfulness and stay right there. I do not need the pain involved in outside, even if they seem too much for us. Look for the deepest aspects of the mind, then we can leave everything else aside.
If the pain is the kind you can observe, then try to observe it. Center in the state would normally neutral, peaceful emptiness inside with it, observe the pain when it converts, then go away. If too much pain, then come back, come inside, because if you can not control the pain, they will start taking up inserts right into, with the desire to banish the pain comfort. And it kept piling up, one after another, that the mind is in a state of extreme panic. If the pain sudden, intense, immediate return, focusing attention on the center. I do not want dalliance with the body and the pain. Focus Point residence in the depths of mindfulness. Reached the place you can see the pure state of mind, not of pain in a pain in the body, and maintain a state of mind that is always lucid.
Once the mind is always clear, the oil itself is how much pain, it is just a psychological phenomenon. But the mind is not involved. It leaves everything aside. It's letting go.
You have to keep practicing so relentless. When pain arises, regardless of the level of pain, not assigned or pressed for what it is intended to give it a meaning. Even if there arises a pleasant, do not cling to comfort them. Continue to let it go, it is also gentle mind - free from all attachment or attached to 'fall' in every moment. You should always put all their effort and energy of mindfulness in this exercise.
You should consider yourself lucky as the disease is located here, to observe about the pain, because you have the opportunity to develop fully the path to awakening, gain knowledge and let go of all. Does anybody have a better chance than what you currently have. A sick person lying on the bed had the opportunity to develop knowledge and breathe in and out. This proves that you have not wasted your life who, you know, because you are practicing the Buddha's teachings to the point you can gain a clear understanding of the true nature of things .
People often reflect on the fleeting life as it relates to other people, when someone is sick, or die, but they rarely reflect on the fleeting life of their own. Or if there is, then it just happened in a moment, and then they immediately forget all, completely losing himself in other matters. They do not bring this truth inside to meditate on impermanence is happening to themselves in every moment.
Meditation is not something that you can take a vacation or to attend a two-month intensive retreat. That is not the right practice. It can not compare with what you are doing now observe the pain all day, every day and all night, except when sleeping. When the pain so severe, it's better for your meditation because it gives you the opportunity to know once and for all what is impermanent, stress, suffering is like, helplessness you out how.
Meditation is not something you wait until dead or dying beginners. That means you just have to keep practicing, keep 'insight'. When illness in remission, you also have 'insight' it. When it becomes serious, you also 'insight' it. You continue to develop such knowledge, will conquer the heart of darkness, ignorance of it. In other words, things like lust, defiled will not dare to disturb the mind busy as they often did in the past.
When the mind becomes awake to everything, the next step is to observe an ingenious mind to see it went blank how, through until no idea what a show does not have birth, no killing, no change at all.
So please pay attention to, observe him right place, right where the center, right where the food, and let's just knowing what to let go of knowing (Knowing the Furniture lets go of Knowing.)  This means that you will let go until the mind is no longer named, labeled for itself. Will no longer distinguish good, bad or whatever. Duality also no effect. But because it is located at a deeper level, you need to be sure that you're aware of sharp sophistication. Make sure that this awareness is keen to maintain continuity. You will realize that you are no longer cling to the brand, the meaning; Think about the good or bad are stopped.
Thus the Buddha taught us to see things as not as empty, that's how we should look at things. France said right here, in our mind and body, do not just look out - or look the wrong way. If we look at things with the eyes of mindfulness and wisdom, is also what can make us suffer? Why be afraid of pain, fear of death? If we can understand the attachment that makes us suffer, then all they have to do is let go, and we will find liberation from suffering What happens right before our eyes.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.12/6/2014.

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