Saturday, 14 June 2014

The area Amida prayer bowl and Pyramid.
Doing the four-Di-Da said: Do not know how much life there before he was born primordial Buddha-Self-In-The-Great Buddha, traveled to the west of the Republic of Korea to lecture Pure Gnosis . King delivered the throne to rule the east provision, according to which religious teacher. Master features French-Tibetan Dharma name is Bach. He vows to take the forty-eight criteria that reward teachers beings. On to the rank tons practice Bodhisattva.
During the cultivation period, he made all the blessings of understanding the world. He joins the pregnancy according to the animal species, cultivation of them for the procession into the Western soul from heaven so on, Korea, Holy Spirit, to the bottom of all things, both on the western super fulfill great prayer.
But the Buddha did well while keeping the Bodhisattva, not entitled Serenity, this is not very hard, over ten million lives, enter the human attitude and enough material to other countries, bringing the soul of the West, RAN lotus (inter-flower personified as the Na-Tra)
They are born in countries not bliss reincarnated again and did not die because of Metamorphosis support for health-maintenance food that make listening to music for fun, cultural palaces, items needed for the first class in his country pleasant, but please give up practicing Buddhist organizations. Women also practice for the Lotus-friendly goods as boys. From the country's special called Bliss that is very funny. After much soul procession and bring supplies into the Arctic-breeding Us should confess that a more effective water An Educare (ie heart aliment). full forty eight vows will he become a Buddha.
In the realms of bliss being worried about her recite that practicing law, leading to the death of Ultimate Bliss go to Lotus incarnation, raising practicing Buddhist meditation for success. So welcome to his feet cultivator parts also known as the guru to lead.
Why he proclaimed title Amitabha? Economics State University and Bon Bon solutions: Because the Buddha halo projector around ten, shy not know how to live longer. The domestic and merit too big to confess effective A-Di-Da.
A long life is, Di is shining, Da is merit. The implication is immortal Buddha shining halo, on merit frustrating.
1st vow: If I were to do that heavenly Buddha, people in my country there is hell, hungry spirits, animals-being, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
2nd vow: If I were to do that heavenly Buddha, people in my country do not like the yellow color care, please do not hold the throne Chief-Senses.
3rd vow : If I were to do that heavenly Buddha, who did the same in my country, there are good people, bad people please do not hold the throne Chief-Senses.
4th vow : If I was a Buddha, but the sun in the water I do not know Tuc-Network, or less knew hundreds of thousands of inhibition of Na-do-tha lives, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
It wishes 5th : If I was a Buddha, that God, who is God in my country no-label look younger not seen by hundreds of thousands of inhibition of Na-tha-Buddhist realms, please keep the house affordable Enlightenment.
6th vow : If I were to do that heavenly Buddha, who in my country there are natural atrial or less, heard by hundreds of thousands of breast-Na-tha-French Buddhas theory that life over there. Please do not hold the throne Chief-Senses.
7th vow : If I was a Buddha, that God, who is not in my country-Tha-mind, or less knew hundreds of thousands of inhibition of Na-by-tha-concept of being in the realm of Buddha, please not hold the throne enlightenment.
8th vow : If I were to do that God Buddha, people in my country are not god-sufficiency, in such a concept come to pass by hundreds of thousands of inhibition of Na-tha-Buddhist countries, please do not hold the throne Chief -Sense.
9th vow: If I was a Buddha, but the sky, people in my country will be getting involved memorial, considering his own body, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
10th vow : If I were to do the Buddha, the sun, people in countries where I do not cling to the religious and anti-level, please do not hold the throne Chief-Senses.
11th vow : If I was a Buddha, which limited the amount of clarity or less to inhibit Na thousands of lives spared so please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
12th vow : If I was a Buddha, which have limited life span or less amount, to inhibit Na by hundreds of thousands of lives spared, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
13th vow : If I was a Buddha, but local Sravaka I can count, being in a great Christian Tam into the Buddha world Pratyekabuddha counted in hundreds of thousands of lifetimes combined know some ( Sravaka) that, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
14th vow : If I were to do the Buddha, the life span of the sun, people in my country do not limit the amount, minus the four principles of their long, has been liberated. If it is so please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
15th vow: If I were to do that heavenly Buddha, people in countries I never heard such good please keep the throne Enlightenment.
16th vow: If I was a Buddha, but countless Buddhas in the ten world are not sobbing confess my title, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
17th vow : If I were to do the Buddha, sentient beings in the ten credit even lost interest in water birth I wanted, but not until the tenth anniversary of the rebirth Enlightenment did not keep house. Except for the perpetrators of crimes against, disparaging belittle my country, for the tenth anniversary of the rebirth that such person does not hold Enlightenment.
18th vow : If I was a Buddha, ten world beings, but accidentally committed the said crimes that with the other data. I hear this title, shall be evil good parts, select a date up repentance and prayer, henceforth, edit healing qualities, not violating ten holding, the death anniversary of my title ten times, but not rebirth, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment
19th vow : If I were to be Buddha being discovered ten Mind, cultivate the virtues, vows press center about water birth I wanted, until the general feeling, as I did with mass around out here before him, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
20th vow : If I were to do the Buddha beings in the ten directions, I heard the title, falls memorial to my country roots planted the faith, dedication media center, water birth I want, please do not keep the house Enlightenment.
21st vow : If I was a Buddha that God, who in my country there are 32 general fullness of such great goodness, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
22nd vow: If I were to do Buddhist Bodhisattva of them in the realm of Buddha, the other being the water to me, the most being the processor. Except for his volunteer duties, in order turns out. Because being bi large permanent vows as armor, filled with moral roots, drainage of all, traveling to the Buddhist realm. Bodhisattva austerities, future offerings As the Buddhas of the ten directions, infinite beings domesticated as some eastern Ganga sand, formed coup feet, more dominant behavior mediocre status. Currently out that practice Samantabhadra. If so please do not hold the throne Enlightenment
23rd vow : If I were to do the Buddha, the Bodhisattva of water depends on the force of the Buddha, offerings to the Buddhas want in a meal, there are countless memories throughout the Na because it spared the Buddha realm, please do not house hold Enlightenment
24th vow : If I were to do the Buddha, the Bodhisattva of Buddhas water before we consider his conduct. The items we offered, if not as mind, please do not keep house enlightenment
25th vow: If I were to do that the Bodhisattva in Buddhist countries such speeches are also all house hold such position please Enlightenment.
26th vow: If I were to do that Buddhist Bodhisattva of such water body types is typical Na Kim Cang, please do not hold the chief person in the end.
The 27th vow: If I were to do it God Buddha, who in the country, all things are pure strictly to plastic, the other colors, so a sophisticated level, the weight can not be tightened. From the living beings to the natural level label media. If one measures the savvy name and number for that, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
28th vow : If I were to do that Buddhist Bodhisattva of water for merit even little guys, do not seem to know that countless of trees shining high Ashrama want four hundred miles home please do not hold Enlightenment.
The 29th vow : If I were to do that Buddhist Bodhisattva of water if one prayer life over France, the donation proceedings, maintenance theory, eloquence without wisdom, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
30th vow : If I were to do that Buddha's wisdom, eloquence Bodhisattva in water can also limit the amount is, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
31th vow : If I were to do the Buddhist realms are pure projection shows all of the world's immeasurable Buddhas, ten tables can not think. Like a mirror that enlightens the face, if not, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
32nd vow : If I become a Buddha from the ground up to place nowhere, palaces, lakes, flowers, trees, ..... all things in the country are taking contributed countless treasures and hundred thousands of beneficiaries that the business community to prepare for the strange mystery. Above all, the heavens and the human realm, the animal's scent around the world ten orders. Every word Bodhisattva practice smell are released. If not so, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
 33th vow : If I were to do the Buddha sentient countless Buddhas in the ten world not inconceivable, all my thanks to the luminous light touch their ignorance, body and mind need to be distinguished more finely and the sun. If not so, please do not keep the house enlightenment
34th vow : If I made ​​that kind of beings Buddhas in the ten directions Buddhas world can not think countless discussions, I have heard of the name itself, if not as a shell of France being France Label and General Maintenance depths of the Bodhisattva levels that, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
35th vow : If I were to do the Buddhas Buddhist world, the Buddhas of the ten directions can not think, talk, in which. Whenever there are any women's title I hear that happy news, development Mind, body hate women. After death, the body was brought to another girl, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
36th vow : If I were to do it countless of them Buddhist bodhisattva Buddhas in the ten world can not think thoughts, conference table, I can not hear the title, usually after the death of dignity, self-propelled until a Buddhist. If not so please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
37th vow : If I were to do the Buddha, the innumerable Gods, the realm of the buddhas people ten thought he could talk, can not hear my name, the year could order: head and two arms, two pillows planted to the ground, banging his head to celebrate, happy, happy news, the bodhisattva austerities, who did not take the sky reverence. If not so, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
38th vow : If I were to do it God Buddha, who wants to be measured in water clothes, the toys just out to stop it, wear natural as the legal mysteries, the Buddha commended, where natural themselves. If anyone still needs to get the sewing, dyeing, washing, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
39th vow : If I were to do that Buddha pleasure of God, who in the country, enjoying life not that long lasting Bhikkhu level, please keep the throne Enlightenment.
40th vow : If I were to do the Buddha, the Bodhisattva of water at will find countless ten strictly pure Buddha realm, such as prayer instant, from the reference tree found enough treasure of all, apparently looked good example see the face. If not so, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
41st vow : If I were to do the word Buddha Bodhisattva them in the realm of the other ten heard my title until inflation that the base is poor, please do not keep house full enlightenment .
42nd vow : If I were to do the word Buddha Bodhisattva them in the realm of the other ten heard of the title I will catch up with eighty realm "Pure liberated" at all. Head in eighty scene was just issued in a plot idea, then offering boundless, can not think Buddha's discuss some respect. So lost without intention. If not so, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
This chapel 43 : If I were to do the word Buddha Bodhisattva them in the realm of the other ten heard my title, after his death, religion is born in the house rules. If not so, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
44th vow : If I were to do the word Buddha Bodhisattva them in the realm of the other ten heard of the title I, joyfully, self-propelled Bodhisattva full faith enough roots, if not so, please do not house hold enlightenment.
45th vow: If I were to do the word Buddha Bodhisattva them in the realm of the other ten heard of the title I will surrender promptly to the scene eighty, eighty head in sight until he became a Buddha, usually seen all the countless Buddhas can discuss atrial failure. If not so, please do not keep the house enlightenment.
46th vow : If I were to do the word Buddha Bodhisattva them in water, depending on your aspirations, everyone wants to hear natural remedies hearing. If not so, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
47th vow: If I were to do the word Buddha Bodhisattva them in ten different realms themselves heard my name, and did not have any immediate retrogression, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
48th vow: If I were to do the word Buddha Bodhisattva them in the other realms of the ten heard about my self to be without legal successive rings first, second, third against the law buddhas , where immediately retrogression, please do not hold the throne Enlightenment.
Shakyamuni Buddha said: When you approach forty-eight vows Tibet that has stopped, then suddenly the earth tremors, shaking. Both space to hear the voice from the cloud said, will certainly become a Buddha.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/6/2014.

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