Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Its fruit.
  Happiness and suffering are rooted in the actions of our past. So now we can explain easily in a short statement: if we do good works, then everything will be fine, if we do bad things, things will be any good.
Karma means action. In terms of action, the action may belong to the body, speech or mind. In terms of the consequences of actions can have moral virtue or neutral. Regarding time, there are two types of actions - actions also in mind, when we think of going to, and action has occurred, ie the expression of human mind through specific actions or words.
For example, I was talking to a deliberate and so I am creating act of speech, or verbal call. With the scientific hand, I'm also creating professional bodies. These actions are good or bad, largely because my intent. If I speak with good intent, with sincerity, respect and love for people, then my actions good and virtuous. If I act with the intention of arrogance, hatred, criticism and so on, it's my body and verbal unethical.
So now be created in all the time. When a speaker with good intention he will create a friendly atmosphere immediately; at the same time, this action creates an impression in people's minds that bring happiness in the future. With a bad intention, an atmosphere of discord will occur instantly and the pain will come to say this in the future.
The Buddha taught that we are the owner of his own; everything depends on yourself. This means that our happiness or misery stems from the actions or moral virtue, they do not come from outside but from our inner. This theory is very useful in everyday life, because we trust in the relationship between actions and results, whether there is a policeman on the outside or not, I will always order alert and review yourself. For example, if you have some money or a jewel here and there was nobody around us, we can take it easy; however, if you believe in karma, then we ourselves are responsible for our future, so we will not get the money or that jewel.
In modern society, even if the sophisticated security system full of advanced technologies, people still managed to terrorism. Whether a party has more sophisticated techniques to track the other side, the other side becomes ever more sophisticated to make things difficult for opponents. The only tame really have to come from within - that is the concern and responsibility for their own future and altruism, concern for the happiness of others.
In terms of practice, the method to tame the most effective crime autonomy. With the inner changes, the crime may be terminated and social peace. Self-criticism is crucial, therefore, responsible for the Dhamma itself very useful, because it includes self-examination and self-control, for the benefit of themselves and others.
In terms of consequences, we can now explain in many different formats. The first type is called "the end result of the left". For example, if a person is reborn as an animal as an act of virtue, then this is the rebirth of the consequences of industrial fruit from another life. A different kind of result is called "equivalent to human experience"; for example, we are re-born into a bad realm for killing people, then reborn as a human, but life is reduced - thus, the consequences (reduced life) created commensurate with the murder. One other result types are called "equivalent to human action"; for example, people will tend to create more after this rogue behavior, such as murder continues.
The same example can be applied to moral behavior. Likewise, there are actions that it is the result of resonance - has created many beings alike will now enjoy the same consequences, for example, they will enjoy the same living situation in any environment .
The important point is the presentation of the Buddhist law of karma can be a useful contribution to human society. I hope that whether we have faith or not, we will also learn from each other to collect ideas and useful approach, so bring good progress for humanity.

RESULTS NOW include:
From reptiles now
Ripe fruit: If you have a strong mind: reborn in the high heaven.
If the average mind: reborn in the lower realms of heaven.
If you have a weaker heart, reborn in the human realm.
Human equivalent results: Longevity and not sick, sickness etc. ...
The fruit of habit: Rebirth with compassion and intuition know precious life from an early age.
Environment results in: Food, water, medicine and prosperous crops, nutrition and high performance, the majority of them living around you have a long life.
Theft Waiver
Ripe fruit: Rebirth into higher realms.
Human equivalent results: The wealth of material to very easily.
The fruit of habit: Rebirth with sincerity and respect the property of others from a young age.
Environment results in: Crops prosperous, successful business.
Abandoning Adultery
Ripe fruit: Rebirth into higher realms.
Human equivalent results: harmonious relations and long-term partner, harmonious relationships with family and friends around.
The fruit of habit: loyalty in the relationship with your spouse.
Results in the environment: You live in a clean environment and comfortable.
Abandoning lies
Ripe fruit: Rebirth into higher realms.
Human equivalent results: Others trust you a natural way.
The fruit of habit: Words frank and honest from a young age.
Through the Environment: The partnership with others to be successful, proper, honest and peace, your peace of mind
Abandoning divisive Word
Ripe fruit: Rebirth into higher realms.
Results equivalent staff: Never missing you. Lovely temperament, easy to attract people.
The fruit of habit: Words peaceful, compassionate and honest from a young age.
Results in the environment: The land you live in a flat, easy walk, you get peace of mind.
Abandoning Heavy Words
Ripe fruit: Rebirth into higher realms.
Human equivalent results: Others always speak well of you and you have high prestige.
The fruit of habit: Words gentle, caring from an early age.
Results in the environment: The land you live without obstacles, green plants, which waters, lakes and springs.
Abandoning frivolous Word
Ripe fruit: Rebirth into higher realms.
Human equivalent results: You develop strong words, other people will hear the words you say and respect you.
The fruit of habit: Words from childhood intentionally.
Results in the environment: grow crops at the right time, there are places of entertainment such as parks, pools of cool water, you feel safe.
From left heart desires
Ripe fruit: Rebirth into higher realms.
Human equivalent results: You can easily achieve what you want.
The fruit of habit: rejoice in the achievements of others from a young age.
Results in the environment: good harvests, abundant material resources, you achieve your goals easily.
Renouncing Evil center
Ripe fruit: Rebirth into higher realms.
Human equivalent results: You will be reborn with courage and confidence.
The fruit of habit: Having compassion from a young age.
Results in the environment: You live in an environment of peace and wellbeing.
TEN AND NOW unwholesome karma
Karma: Ripe fruit (on the five aggregates), fruit of an equivalent *, + karmic effect through circumstances
1. Killing:
* Your Existence is short-lived.
* You have less susceptible to disease and vitality.
+ Food, water, medicine and scarce crops, always of inferior quality, less nutritious and performance; difficult to digest and cause disease; majority of the people around you die before normal life.
2. Theft:
* You do not have enough to live on, or struggling to make a living.
* What is the only asset you have in common with others.
+ Small and sparse crops, not enough to save the hungry, damaged or not grow up; drought lasted too long; too much rain: crops withered or dead.
3. Adultery:
* Those who work with you or change your mind (not reliable).
* You must compete with many others for a partner.
+ You live near where feces and urine, mud, soil, dirty, smelly fishy everything, everywhere and not a pleasant discomfort.
4. Telling lies:
* No one believed you, even if you tell the truth.
* Someone else is always deceiving you.
+ The work you cooperate with others not thriving and people are not working in harmony with one another; people are different scams and fear, have much to worry about.
5. Saying divisions:
* You easily lose you.
* The people around you always causes together.
* The people around you have a dishonest character.
+ The land you live cracked, uneven, full of cliffs and valleys, hump, so travel is difficult and you always have a lot of fear and anxiety.
6. Harsh words:
* You hear unpleasant things; you hear things like the sound is not good.
* When people talk to you, they always seemed about to quarrel with you.
+ The land you live as there are many obstacles on the way down the stem, thorns, stones, bottle mouth; bumpy road, desolate, no water, lake or stream water, soil and contaminated arid, hot fire, useless, threatening; a place full of fear.
7. Frivolous Talk:
* No one to hear you.
* No one respects what you say, no one thought the words you say are worth.
+ Tree grows to the left, not the right season, it looks cooked but still alive, have weak roots; no entertainment places such as parks, woodlands, lakes cool things around as you fear.
8. Desire / greed:
* The desire to overpower your personality.
* You are never satisfied with what they have.
+ What's nice you will start to deteriorate, while minimizing the season, month, day passes.
9. Malice:
* Anger overpower your personality.
* You always lack of help, or no help when needed.
* You always hurt others, or harm others.
+ You live in a chaotic world, spread disease, crime everywhere, disease, conflict, fear because of the military or foreign, evil beasts, surrounded by the souls murdered , theft or robbery ... etc.
10. Ta is:
* The foolish overpower your personality.
* You can become bad reviews (like an eye for an eye pay).
* You become dishonest person.
+ You live in a world where the highest welfare resources are disappearing on earth; where it was thought that the pain is unclean and good things and happiness; where there is no way out, no one to help, no protection for themselves.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/6/2014.

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