Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Buddhism -Suite Tribe
Due to the practice of Vajrayana practitioners can benefit, evidence recognised in current life even in the loss to France, which does not need to practice going through three eras a steady States. Practitioners of type high school can meet in the Middle about after living out this life. While practitioners of low food poisoning symptoms may be thoroughly after sixteen. For these reasons, that the Vajrayana is considered Super magic.
To achieve enlightenment just by Three La Suite admit, accumulate merit and Lily in three eras a steady States. But whether such long-term accumulation was not enough to meet. Meditators can reach every decade the bodhisattva by Three La Suite, but have to practice more Comfort Supreme yogic Fund to overcome the final stages to enlightenment fullness.
All the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities were Suspected illegal funds, the main theme is the fusion of media and entertainment, Hui tribe appeared simultaneously with hue food poisoning syndrome emptiness. But "means" of any other Fund Facilities II with the "means" of the media fund Facilities, is apparent or false fantasy. Similarly, the "position" of any fund Facilities Lily Stamen differs from the "location" of the Hui Hui decorated Fund Facilities. "Tri and hue" of Suspected illegal funds of the second is food poisoning syndrome Lily decoration emptiness, and the position of the Hui Hui Hui intellectual's mind Fund Facilities on the Net.

About Your Tribe


Independent from diamond Australian sense of Outrage as France is one of the Traditions of upper of Your religion. Your tribe or Vajrayana is considered hostile media WINS can take food poisoning right in there lifetimes to do useful men. However, today the practice Suite Catholic is often misunderstood. So, before going on to France independent from diamond Australian sense of Outrage, we should turn over the six following portion of Your Church:
1. General explanation about Your religion and the France of synonyms
2. determine the meanings and four types of Fund facilities.
3. the Supreme yogic Foundation Facilities
4. The funds are included in the practice?
5. Year of the Supreme yogic Foundation Facilities
6. The characteristics of the French independent from diamond Australian sense of Outrage.
* Explain General Legal and Security Of election officials, Meaning
Two lines of practice to reach enlightenment are Three La Suite and Vajrayana. Compared to the previous overcapacity after the enemy wins over all. Profile of the Tibetan Buddhism teacher Secret Solo three (Tsong Khapa) says: "
"Dual-process to enlightenment include Vajrayana intensive magic and Three La Suite.
Super secret mantra magic than Admit Perfection.
Everyone knows that.
Like the Moon than the Sun. "
Due to the practice of Vajrayana practitioners can benefit, evidence recognised in current life even in the loss to France, which does not need to practice going through three eras a steady States. Practitioners of type high school can meet in the Middle about after living out this life. While practitioners of low food poisoning symptoms may be thoroughly after sixteen. For these reasons, that the Vajrayana is considered Super magic.
To achieve enlightenment just by Three La Suite admit, accumulate merit and Lily in three eras a steady States. But whether such long-term accumulation was not enough to meet. Meditators can reach every decade the bodhisattva by Three La Suite, but have to practice more Comfort Supreme yogic Fund to overcome the final stages to enlightenment fullness.
To the point, the bodhisattva Three La Suite, or the bodhisattva practicing the low Fund Facilities entered the stage of practice of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities? Are they don't need to step on the stage, not at the stage of achievement in France she set three (user, password, Italy), nor in the virtual level body impure? Loads of merit that they accumulated in three eras a steady States life will replace the practice level. The bodhisattva has entered the phase yet, but optical Net Net photosynthesis chon TAM. Each of the ten bodhisattva Three La Suite and of three low Fund Facilities need to be my duty counsel do French TV ceremony chon Tam (actual wisdom), and after three seals "white", "red" and "black SAC", would close shop Meditation on sensory locations first Angel (mind of pristine awareness) and any festivity emptinessNet, the equivalent optical sense. Equivalently, as this is the International Centre of vi can indirectly recognize the emptiness.
This is a step on the stage here, the optical sense. Although it has not yet reached the stage of optical Net achievement means but through the process of practice they will gradually be achieved. The great bodhisattva of Three La Suite and of three low Fund Facilities only reached position live Hui Satori emptiness with thick consciousness. Also the bodhisattva practice yogic Fund Facilities first paramount can food poisoning emptiness with ultra subtle at the same time deriving greater tribe.
DAO master Gyal Tsal says:
"After the achievements the Three practice La Suite in three eras a steady States, practitioners must learn elsewhere on how to achieve good Buddha-body".
So, if you want to reach enlightenment fullness, we need to practice Vajrayana. DAO master Nagabodhi says:
"Though in the past life, immeasurable,
The alms and themselves,
N you, other things
Good general and impure
Unable to reach enlightenment
Despite the immeasurable.
Maintenance and patient manner,
Practice many other happy
Good general and impure
Unable to reach enlightenment
Despite the immeasurable ki p
Meditation a cordial note
Good general and impure
Unable to reach enlightenment
If colors are purify
Definitely hit full eyesight.
Those who practice the three La Suite can accumulate merit by alms hands, feet, head and or donation deluge of wealth. But like that, still can't show food poisoning if the three generals had not be purify. Three colors or three seals it is white with red sharp mind, heart, and mind the black shades close, be purify – in two stages that arise and the achievements of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. When these aspects are microscopic cells of the mind are purify, practitioners will reach enlightenment. Three colors will be explained in detail in Chapter 8.
Vajrayana is also known as excess Bile, bile, I admit, or redundant. Investors can also called A superfluous, because this secret doctrine cannot be transfusion given to those who do not have the appropriate basic, and as always be practiced in secret. The tu is not allowed to pitch Mandala and households (Yidam) for introduction or who have given up no longer practice Vajrayana. Vajrayana practitioners must play a vow not to reveal the secrets of physical training methods as well as other related remedies, not exposing the Air France as baseball diamonds and a diamond ring. If not keep the secret of this time would not achieve the usual powers and paramount.
Called the Suite I admit, as the mantra of "protection of the mind". According to French practice at the stage of Fund Facilities first, then the ultimate yogic visualizations ourselves as gods with the pride diamonds, heart of the practitioners will be protected against effects of worldly General identity and memory. According to French practice at the stage of achievement, the Center will protect practitioners are not affected by the mind, the mind of red colors white and black shades, close minds by making them soluble enter the pure land.
Excess bile is called Result redundant, did Three La Suite is called the cause. Before entering the threshold of Vajrayana, the first is that practitioners must practice maturity the France of Three La Suite, as happy to discharge, Bodhi mind, and bowl of legitimacy, etc., otherwise they don't look forward to achieve enlightenment by Three La Suite, talk to the infinite reaches of the Vajrayana school illegally. So, Three La Suite is known as Vajrayana and Causes Excess is called Redundant results or Outcomes. One of the reasons is at the stage of practice arose of Vajrayana practitioners, Mandala visualizations and deities of a destiny (Yidam) in a State of enlightenment. In addition, practitioners also practice visualizations a Ming Fei (consort), donation, culture and release the sort of light, bring benefit to sentient beings like yourself have reached enlightenment.
French administrators were known as Vajrayana, as practitioners at the same time contemplate pictures God and emptiness of the image a projector. Visualizations palpable image of the deity is French media. The French Consulate is emptiness meditation position. Gom both in a unique mind, known as Vajrayana, as such a mind can destroy ignorance negativity, rather than afflictions cannot persecute are, like diamonds can cut the other animals, and other objects cannot be cut diamonds. Khedrup Je Professor of ethics say that the mind contemplate gods will accumulate more merit, and the mind which enlightened the invisible God pictures of myself, so will accumulate multiple positions. He also said that the mind of enlightenment emptiness, by head at pictures of gods will fight Leanne fell accept hundreds of times more powerful than the mind of enlightenment emptiness Meditation by a head to the other object, such as a tree, for example.
* To determine the Meaning of four types of Fund facilities.
Book Your Australian education Outline says:
"In the four Executive class speakers will deliver,
To all those who put faith in.
As Lai will teach more,
By disclosing your uncle "
The secret teachings of the Buddha are transmitted to the guys in groups of four speakers will deliver a believer in change. Vajrayana would not be transmitted to people who also fall in four groups but do not have faith in. The four groups include Bhikkhu Stilts, Stilts Bhikkhu ni, Sa di and Sa di ni.
There are four legal Suite:
1. Suspected Fund action (Kriya tantra)
2. practice Fund Facilities (Charya tantra)
3. the yogic Fund Facilities (Yoga tantra)
4. the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities (Maha anuttarayayoga tantra)
Suspected Action Fund is a bile teaching primarily classics of the dread and external activities such as net Eraser, real life and the other thing.
The Fund is the practice facilities Suite Kingdom focused evenly exterior activities inside. The inner workings as meditation with the heading or headings. Because many people tend to practice both types of activities inside and outside so the Buddha practice Fund Facilities.
Yogic Fund facilities is primarily classical security talks about the activity inside. For the benefit of the Sami tends to practice the activities in which the Buddha explains the yogic Fund Facilities.
The ultimate yogic Fund facilities is the classic II Grand Lac teaching real security together with hue food poisoning syndrome emptiness. Three low Fund Facilities do not have great contacts at the same time, and despite the position meets the evidence favoured this emptiness is still a mind thick, not the kinds of subtle minds first Fund Facilities Supreme yogic.
Because the disciples tend to practice any method of the second while underwater and position food poisoning syndrome Lily emptiness that the Buddha taught the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities.
Four different types of Foundation Facilities in reaching the active, also differ in the use of craving as France.

Four ways to use craving to do legal practice is explained in a dictionary "Samputa Tantra" as follows:
"Smiling, watching, holding hands,
And the two men hugged the four things
Enacted by the instructors of the four Fund Facilities by way of insects "
In higher education, the use of craving as the French practice was for the insect was born in wood, and wood main gave birth to them. Likewise, the craving was used to give rise to the Thai Center has the ability to destroy the kind of craving has arisen out of them.
Four different ways of four types of Fund Facilities to reach France craving in line with the four following practitioners class. In "out of sight, Interpret Your religion", Mr Tsongkhapa said that those basic low can have their craving to do legal practice when only see visualizations of a spouse, and they are the practitioners of the Action Fund Facilities.
Those with a higher basic, capable of converting craving while laughed with the visualizations of the spouse, are the practitioners of Fund Facilities. Those who favor radical further, have the ability to metabolize craving when I contemplate hand spouse, are the practitioners of yogic Fund Facilities. Those who benefit most apartments, able to transform the craving with a combination of two sets of genitals, is the author of the ultimate yogic Fund Facilities.
Four types of Fund Facilities also differ in the French and international protocols.
Action Fund facilities has passed France and French TV "water", "United Kingdom". Practical Foundation facilities more "baseball diamond" and "the bells". Fund facilities consists of the traditional ceremony of yogic "water", "United Kingdom", "baseball diamond", "Bell", and "diamond". All the rites said on French TV is "comments", and so the three low Fund Facilities have only three types of protocols of France "the average", rather than with the more advanced French TV of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities, which is the traditional ceremony of France "secrets", "position" and "Lily".
On gender, the two types of Action Fund Facilities and practitioners simply have Bodhi cooperating in traditional ceremonies. During the introduction of the two yogic Fund Facilities and the ultimate yogic, the disciples said Bodhi cooperating as well as the Vajrayana vows.
Bodhi mind prayer is considered an ordinary prayer because both have three-La Suite and Vajrayana, as well as in all types of Fund Facilities. About the only Vajrayana vows in the Suite, and for four types of Fund Facilities, it is only available in two high Fund Facilities, Fund Facilities and yogic Supreme yogic Fund. Death Ðệ played in the Vajrayana vows French mastermind diamond communications.
Legal practice in the period incurred and the achievements of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities also hosting the other three low Fund Facilities. Three low Fund Facilities have the yogic method has the heading and the title not the yogic method, much like the achievements, but three Suspects this Fund has no stage arises and the achievement of the ultimate yogic Fund Facilities.
There is a large difference between the presence of emptiness Three bodhisattva enlightenment La Suite and the presence of emptiness meets a bodhisattva practice the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. Bodhisattva Three La Suite admit evidence Satori emptiness with raw consciousness, whereas the bodhisattva Supreme yogic Fund Facilities certified food poisoning emptiness with very subtle consciousness, Kat. In the work "Essential element of period practice", direction Panchen Chokyi Losang Gyaltsan also compare three low Fund Facilities against each other. He said that the position of the Hui bodhisattva practice three low Fund Facilities arising from France the gods Cafe is thick than peanut food poisoning symptoms-art Lily decoration emptiness is the sophistication of a bodhisattva practicing the ultimate yogic Fund Facilities. The bodhisattva of three low Fund Facilities joy emanates from watch, laugh, or holding hands with visualizations of deities to Satori emptiness. Despite thick over the highest yogic Fund Facilities, but it is also the Centre of food poisoning symptoms more subtle emptiness of the bodhisattva Three La Suite.
* The Sort Of Yogic Supreme Foundation Facilities
The ultimate yogic Fund facilities can be divided into two main Fund Facilities from the father and the mother Fund Facilities. The two types are similar in France, the best practice means greater communication and position food poisoning syndrome Hui of emptiness. If legal means and hue are not coordinating with each other, the Prime identity practitioners, as well as a bird can't fly with one wing. And when the media and hue are combined together, the practitioners will reach enlightenment, as birds fly wings reaching high. In the ultimate yogic Fund Facilities, necessarily have the means and the LAC, Lily appears at the same position food poisoning syndrome Lily emptiness.
All the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities include the virtual Net and France. Parent Fund facilities is a Supreme yogic Fund Facilities, primarily preaching about the virtual method. The parent Fund Facilities virtual presentation of real body, the cause of the virtual body and the results of the virtual method. Dear virtual bitch has two types: virtual body impure and pure-body virtual.
Close virtual virtual is impure body has not gotten rid of is ignorance toward liberation. Pure virtual user virtual is itself has turned down was the ignorance toward enlightenment. The polar air of subtle, luminous Complexes of riding in France isolated itself, isolates and isolation, is the cause of the virtual body impure. While the original gas which was riding the Net's virtual body is the cause of optical purity. Panchen Chokyi Gyaltsan Losang said that Fund Facilities and Guhyasamaja Yamantaka Fund of its kind parent Fund Facilities, Fund Facilities Fund Facilities and methods of male practitioners. Methods of Fund facilities is a Supreme yogic Fund Facilities, mainly talk about Prime virtual methods. The low Fund Facilities also have talked about the legal practice but no virtual method. There are three methods of Fund facilities type: fund your favorite method "Facilities", "hate" method of Fund Facilities, and your preferred method of Foundation unknown "or hate". Guhyasamaja is a method of Fund Facilities "," Yamantaka is a method of Fund Facilities "hate", and Vajraarala is a Suspected Fund "does not know your Favorites or hate". There are three methods of Fund Facilities "hate", it is Well Ma Ta Ka (Yamantaka) Ðỏ, Aye Ma Ta Ka Trai, and independent from Sensory to congratulate Ma Ta Ka.
Parent Fund facilities is a sort of yogic Supreme Fund Facilities, mainly talking about optical Net Position. There are two types: simulation and optical optic Net Net. Net Optics simulation is extremely subtle consciousness indirectly shown to food poisoning, the emptiness of self owned the village. Net Optics simulation is divided into four categories: Net Optics simulation of France isolated itself, optical simulation of Translational isolated Net export, French simulation of optical isolation, and Net Optics simulation of the third stage (i.e. France third in five stages. See Chapter 14). Here, the optical sense is also the kind of extremely subtle consciousness directly witness Satori emptiness. Here, the optical sense also has four categories: Net photosynthesis literally except ignorance hindrances to the rescue, were absent from the piece uses optical Net ignorance comes to the rescue, literally optical Net except ignorance barrier to fiber optic Safety Net, that has the left the ignorance barrier to full. Both the Net and simulated optical optic Net that necessarily are both located on Lily and emptiness. The natural foundation for Diem (last: I.e.), yogic diamond female (Vajrayogini) and the black Robin (Kalachakra) is the parent Fund Facilities, Amenities and location of Fund Facilities Fund female practitioners.
The scholars said that the French father and fund Facilities on the South, and French mother Fund Facilities about the goddess. Saying so is not true, as the Kalachakra and the South: I.e. the God but still the God of the parent Fund Facilities.
All the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities were Suspected illegal funds, the main theme is the fusion of media and entertainment, Hui tribe appeared simultaneously with hue food poisoning syndrome emptiness. But "means" of any other Fund Facilities II with the "means" of the media fund Facilities, is apparent or false fantasy. Similarly, the "position" of any fund Facilities Lily Stamen differs from the "location" of the Hui Hui decorated Fund Facilities. "Tri and hue" of Suspected illegal funds of the second is food poisoning syndrome Lily decoration emptiness, and the position of the Hui Hui Hui intellectual's mind Fund Facilities on the Net.
* All The Authorised Fund Facilities Included In The Ðoạn Practice Like?
There are many ways of classifying the French practice of two-stage rise and achievements of Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. The result is the classification as six in the period arising in the Guhyasamaja Fund Facilities and eleven in the French system of Vajrayogini are listed in Chapter 7. The Suite includes a Gyumay Church eight groups of cultivation techniques at the stage of achievement. There are also ways of classifying the stages of Guhyasamaja Fund Facilities into six, five, four, are listed in chapter 14.
However, the way the different lists that do not contradict each other. They are just a different classification. The truth is that the legal practice in the period incurred and the achievement of all the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities can be included in the five practice periods are set out in the book "Intelligent--sign" of Professor Candrakīrti (Chandrakirti) said of the Guhyasamaja Fund Facilities:
"To achieve an intimate note complete
The first arises is
Only a police Center
It is the second stage.
Shows the conventional truth
The third stage is attractive
Purity of conventional truth
The fourth stage
Also the fusion of the two truths
It is the fifth stage
The mantra, the body and the mind
Purity and consolidation
Do understand the weak sense
Of the five phases, practice six points. "
Five stages of practice is:
1. stage arises the mantra (Guhyasamaja system dubbed phase arises)
2. stage a suicide (isolate, including isolated and isolating each)
3. the virtual stage conventional fuselage (body impure)
4. Net ultimate optical phases (fiber Net sense, real news)
5. stage II any merge (merge)
These names will be explained in Chapter 14.
Why all Division stages of practice of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities include five stages, the reason is because all the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities are praising France incorporated in benighted stage direction is the Buddha. Merge benighted Leader emanates from the cause of it is, the best French property. France property depending on the cause of it is here, the optical sense. Here, the optical sense depending on the cause of it is the virtual body impure. Virtual body impure depending on its cause is isolated Italy. isolate your subject isolation. She created the password depending on its cause is France isolated itself at the stage of achievement. Isolate oneself at the stage of achievement depends on France's three practice stems in the period incurred. France in turn depend on French TV reception and keep the Vajrayana vows. The French were included in five stages. In practice phase includes all the France Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. In this phase are divided into two periods, the period incurred Supreme yogic Fund Facilities and phase achievements Supreme yogic Fund Facilities.
All the classic practice of French and your dictionary is included in the five stages of Guhyasamaja system's has a similarity of content as well as uses.
Six France prepared by the Supreme yogic Kalachakra Fund Facilities are also included in the five stages of Guhyasamaja system's do have similarities. Although the structure and names, the French practice of Kalachakra Fund Facilities similar to the cultivation phase of Guhyasamaja Fund Facilities. The content of the legal practice of any other Fund Facilities Supreme yogic feature in five stages of Guhyasamaja system of cultivation.
Terms of use, all of the legal practice of three low Fund Facilities are also included in the five stages of Guhyasamaja system of cultivation. That's because all four types of Fund Facilities feature uses the common achievement and paramount. By this reason Guhyasamaja Fund Facilities are considered to be the root (root) of all Fund Facilities, such as plant roots is the basis of the stems and leaves.
Similarly, eight thousand four thousand Buddha's traditions can be included in the five stages of Guhyasamaja system's terms of use, because the uses of eighty thousand traditions was to bring liberation and the achievement of enlightenment. Guhyasamaja Fund facilities particularly clear explanation regarding the French offers unrivaled body causes from simulation and optical optic Net Net, and DAC two stems (stems and reincarnations) from Virtual cause Body Impure and Pure-body Virtual. Guhyasamaja system is considered to be the roots of any Suspected funds, and also the apex of every Fund Facilities.
* Year Of Ethics Of The Supreme Yogic Foundation Facilities
Two-stage rise and achievements include the year of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. Such is the:
1. Dao accumulation of Supreme yogic Fund Facilities.
2. Ethics prepared by the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities.
3. the Comments of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities.
4. Overhaul of Supreme yogic Fund Facilities.
5. of the benighted Supreme yogic Fund Facilities.
All the legal practice in the period incurred as part of the accumulation of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. All the French practice at the stage of achievement be included in preparing leaders, opinion leaders, and the convent of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. Benighted by the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities are not a part of the achievement, because the stage of achievements is necessarily a legal practice, or yogic, in the mind of an author property, not in the benighted period. In "the essential weakness of the Year Ðoạn Practice", direction Panchen Chokyi Losang Gyaltsan has commentaries Guhyasamaja Fund Facilities. He defined the stages of achievements is a French stream in the yogic consciousness of a practitioners are learning, or friendship, emanates from the practitioners who make the flow of the foot (or essential) come in, and it remained and tan Hoa in the Central circuits by power of meditation. From the practice of the French usually associated with the mind of Bodhi Supreme yogic Fund Facilities, all of the legal work arising before entering the stage of achievement are called direct accumulation of Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. Means from the benighted merger reached prayer leader until the high and low pressure air to come in, and it remained and tan Hoa in the Central vessels by force one during Meditation achievement called Scouts of accumulation of the highest yogic Fund Facilities.
Is there any difference between the mind of Bodhi the bodhisattva Three La Suite and Bodhi mind of the bodhisattva Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. Three styrax La Suite was the will reach enlightenment in order to benefit for beings, while the Bodhi mind is the highest yogic Fund Facilities will reach the benighted merge for the sake of beings. Bodhi mind Supreme yogic Fund Facilities are considered in greater depth due to the amalgamation benighted very profound. Such is the merging of virtual and pure land.
So, when the three main cultivation method are practicing with three styrax La Suite admit they are not th e part of accumulated in the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. If they are practicing with Bodhi mind Supreme yogic Fund Facilities, then the flush method, play the Bodhi mind for the good being, and the other will be the composition of accumulated in the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. Radio-merger of the enlightenment of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. Bodhi mind Supreme yogic Fund Facilities, deep magic, more beneficial than Bodhi mind of Three La Suite and three low Fund Facilities, and also bring greater results multiple times.
The period from the start of practice for the French stage achievements until reaching the stage of achievement Wednesday, leading into optic Net prepared by the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. So, prepare the ultimate yogic Fund Facilities include the French isolates, isolated, isolation, and the virtual body impure. Phase achievements on Wednesday, news-net photosynthesis, is the opinion of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities and also is the bodhisattva (record bodhisattva). Virtual body impure stopped and permanent relief would be to treat all ignorance obstructing the rescue. Election time practitioners reached record levels and Australian bodhisattva bodhisattva Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. All of France from the merging of the meditators property until the merger is seen as benighted tu of the Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. The merging of the benighted benighted Supreme yogic Fund Facilities. (Merge news yogic, or cultivation in France).
* The Special Team Visually Independent From France Dew Point Diamonds Out Of Outrage
On the night before the encounter direction Tsong Khapa in the first, He Khendrup Je lay found himself lived in a dark shadow. Then suddenly the Sun rose, a brilliant Sunrise dispel darkness, and in that light, German writer and Foe (Manjushri) beautiful young appeared with aura iridescence. The Writer Enemies are yellow orange, sitting like a diamond, with thirty-two eighty and General beauty. Quang minh's body looked young and attractive, looked slightly disgusted. The right hand swords and beneficial place emits fire, left hand holding the Sutra book to where the heart.
Then Germany input Je Khendrup Van tan Foe. Right now, he is aware that Tsong Khapa masters is one of the incarnations of the written German Enemies. The day after Khendrup Je Tsong Khapa by coast guard personnel, experience from countless lifetimes before two people already had counsel filed together, and he felt very warm. Khendrup Je Tsong Khapa direction issues sometimes about many items of classics and classics. Once finished preaching, Tsong Khapa direction asked by coast whence Khendrup Je do have profound insights on the Dhamma as such. Khendrup Je take that individual to learn a lot about both classical Suite, as well as prayed masters and the duty to respect (Yidam deity households), food poisoning that is possible. Tsong Khapa Professor of ethics question: "who is the God of the household?" Khendrup responded that he had practiced in French from Enemies and Hong Da Ma Ka Ta (red yamankata).
Tsong Khapa Professor of ethics judges: "practice the French Evening Ma Ka Ta Ðỏ, Trai, Trai, and green will bring practitioners closer to German Culture. But the tradition of French practice is independent from My Stomach Feeling Blue and Trai Ka Ma France has five major traits.
Khendrup Je sailings surges a Kim Mandala and Tsong Khapa He requested explanations in characteristics.
Five characteristics are:
1. at the time of the five weapon in evil evil is raging. Man WINS, at least a hue, not keep it happy and not play. They contain substances harmful comments, does not understand the meaning of the Scriptures, not studying, and important partner tu, and without much compassion. They don't know the wonderful, precious, far left, their side, and fall into the abyss of arrogance because ties with the idea of ego usually exists. Them crazy with sex and therefore create bad karma. They have little merit and short lifespan. Origin of and people become ruined. When the weapon was too wooden, if not find peace stay where We Felt Sense independent from France, the Sprite's Ka we have no results. The first point is a special team Visually independent from France to congratulate Ma Ta Ka is thanks to rely on his powerful magical dread that the cultivation of achievements, including in the most difficult circumstances.
2. independent from Visual images Yes Ma Ta Ka grip the intestinal track in the left hand Saturday and a fireplace in the twelfth left hand showed France's practice consists of two France-intensive Virtual Net and is marvelous, as is explanation of Guhyasamaja Fund Facilities. The symbolic, and the entrails virtual fireplace represents the pure land.
3. independent from Sensory to congratulate Ma Ta Ka hold sacred dagger (khatvanga) in the tenth right hand shows a special about the flow of fire (fire t-I), which had been set out in the Fund, the father, is a component of the French independent from Sensory to congratulate Ma Ta Ka.
This suggests Sensory independent from Yes Ma Ta Ka also has the real festivity France second and emptiness, which is a feature of the Suspected funds: I.e., Hevajra and Vajrayogini.
4. independent from Sensory to congratulate Ma Ta Ka holding a corpse being plugged on a stake in the eleventh left hand, shows interesting evidence of France are the great evil, guilty of five against, the charity world, absent from the UN Chief, and other bad things.
5. typically three France Yes Ma Ta Ka, Ma Ta Ka red, Yes Ma Ta Ka Trai, and independent from the diamonds Australian sense of Outrage, is the reincarnation of outrage of the German Writer.
Yes Ma Ta Ka Ðỏ is slightly incarnations of outrage, Yes Ma Ta Ka Trai is fairly incarnations outrage, independent from diamond Australian sense of Outrage is the reincarnation of extreme outrage. Yes Ma Ta Ka Ðỏ and Ma Ta Ka Trai has Written to Germany's real face Enemies during the fair's diamond Capital (the causal vajra holder) but not true of Germany Posted in stages as the Result of diamonds (the resultant vajra holder). Also independent from diamond Australian sense of Outrage has Written to Germany's real face Enemies both in the Human phase of the diamond and the diamond Results. This shows that independent from diamond Australian sense of Outrage is characterized by: a concerted French gently and outrage. This was symbolized by youthful Predators have little facial expressions of outrage. With independent from diamond Australian sense of Outrage Disciplines, practitioners more closely the written German Foe and easy to get the household.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/6/2014.

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