The objectives of this library are as follows:
To collect the original Pali Tripitaka texts, their translation in English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sinhalese, Burmese, Thai languages.
To collect the books on Buddhism published in various languages
To collect almost all the books in Nepal Bhasha, periodicals, cassettes, CD, VCD, etc in Nepal Bhasha.
To collect books on Buddhism, Buddhist culture, arts and literature and books and materials on Nepalese history
To get the original Tripitaka texts translated, publish them or get them published.
To provide the Buddhist books published by this library to other libraries of Nepal.
To study Buddhism and do research on this subject.
To welcome native and foreign distinguished scholars and monks, lay devotees and wise men and to provide necessary assistance to researchers.
To invite venerable monks, nuns and scholars to the library and organize discourses and lectures on Buddhism and other subjects.
The work of this library is not simply confined to publishing books. It has also been extending necessary assistance to native and foreign scholars, students and general public in their study and research works on Buddhism. For this, this library collects books on Buddhism published in Nepal. In this regard, this library handed over 466 books each to four libraries namely Lumbini International Research Institute Library, Tribhuvan University Central Library, Nepal Academy and Nepal National Library on April 15, 2001. In addition to this, this library is providing books to the Regmi Research Library, Madan Pustakalaya, Asha Saphu Kuthi, Padma Kanya Campus and other local and districtwise libraries as gifts.This library established at the private level occupies a special place in the collection of books on Buddhism and Nepal Bhasha just as Jagdamba Pustakalya and Ashasaphu Kuthi occupy special positions for collection of Nepali books and Nepal Bhasha respectively. The library has so far collected over twenty thousand books on Buddhism and Nepal Bhasha.The library had the privilege of welcoming renowned scholars and distinguished people. They were: Dr. G.P. Malalasekera, Sri Lanka, Priyadarshi Mahathera, Sri Lanka, Bhikshu Gunnavaran who is presently acting Sangharaja of Thailand, Bhadant Ananda Kausalyayana and Pandit Jagannath Upadhyaya of India, Mahasi Sayadaw, famous meditation master U. Pandita Bhivamsa, meditation master U. Asabhachar, Sasanddhoj Dharma Acharya and Pannacharya, Dow Sukhachari, and Tripitakadhar Sumangalakar Mahathera of Burma. Dr. G.P. Malalasakera of Sri Lanka, who was knows all over the world as a scholar, who was a founder of World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB) and who edited the Dictionary of Pali Proper Names and Encycloepaedia of Buddhism visited this library. He looked at the manuscripts of Sanskrit Buddhist texts and bent down his head before the manscripts in veneration. Then, he said that he wished to be reborn in Nepal and be able to translate them into English. Those manuscripts have been preserved in a monastery of Patan.Buddhist scholars and research students of many foreign countries used to visit this loibrary for study and research purposes. They were from India, Burma (now Myanmar), Bangladesh, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Tibet, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Mongolia, Cambodia (now Kampuchea), Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Sweden, France, England, Germnay, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Austrilia, USA, Canada etc.
So far, the following Suttapitaka texts have been translated into Nepal Bhasha and Published.
S.No. |
Name of the Text
| Translator | Date of Publication | |
1. | Digha Nikaya | Dunda Bahadur Bajracharya | AD 1989 | |
2. | Majjhim Nikaya | Dunda Bahadur Bajracharya | AD 1997 | |
3. | Samyutta Nikaya | Dunda Bahadur Bajracharya | AD 1999 | |
4. | Anguttara Nikaya (3rd Nipta) | Dharma Ratna Shakya | Nepal Samvat (NS) 1120 | |
5. | Khuddak Nikaya Published | |||
1 | Khuddakpath | Dharma Ratna Shakya | B.E. 2512 | |
2 | Dharmapada Dhammapada Dhammapada (including brief tales) | Dr. Indraman Vaidya Bhikshu Amritananda Dunda Bahadur Vajracharya | A.D. 1931 N.S. 1062 AD 2002 | |
3 | Udan | Dharma Ratna Shakya | B.E. 2518 | |
4 | Itivuttaka | Dunda Bahadur Bajracharya | AD 1982 | |
5. | Sittanipata | Dharma Ratna Shakya | N.S. 1113 | |
6 | Bimanbatthu | Dharma Ratna Shakya | B.E. 2544 | |
7. | Petvatthu | Bhikshu Boddhisen Mahasthavir | AD 2000 | |
8. | Theragatha | Bhikshu Boddhisen Mahasthavir | AD 2000 | |
9. | Therigatha | Anagarika Chandrashila | B.E. 2500 | |
10. | Jataka (1) | Bhikshu Janana Punik Mahasthavir | AD 2001 | |
Jataka (Part 6) (including all the tales) | Dunda Bahadur Bajracharya | Underway | ||
11. | Niddesh
| Anagarika Aggayanni Anagarika Bimalyanni | AD 2002 | |
12. | Patisam Bhimagga | |||
13. | Apadaan a. Theri Apadaana | Bhikshu Vaipassi | AD 2002 | |
b. Thera Apaddan (1) | Ven. Dharmamurti | AD 2006 | ||
14 | Buddhavamsa | Bhuwan Lal Pradhan | AD 2000 | |
15. | Chariyapitaka | Dharma Ratna Shakya | B.E. 2513 |
Apart from small texts like Ubhayapatimokha and Sramanera Vinaya, the following Vinaya Pitaka texts have been under translation.
1. Parajika
2. Pachitiya
3. Mahavagga Bhikshu Janana Punik Mahasthavir
4. Chulla Vagga
5. Parivar
Abhidhamma Pitaka in Nepal Bhasha
1 | Dhammasangani | Anagarika Aggayanni | |
2 | Vibhanga | ||
3 | Dhatukatha | Ven. Dharmagupta Mahasthavir | AD 2010 |
4 | Puggalapannati | Ven. Dharmagupta Mahasthavir | AD 2007 |
5 | Kathavatthu | ||
6 | Yamaka | ||
7 | Pattban | Ven. Dharmagupta Mahasthavir |
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Sadhubad for highly recommenfable works has began.