TAM Paramita Sutra DA.
INTRODUCTION In the Mahayana Buddhist Sutra refers to. So, without Prajna, is not Mahayana Buddhism. Prajna is the focal point, the circuit from which the movement of thought including Tantric Mahayana start up.
So in essence, is what Wisdom is an abundant source of endless vitality to that?
Wisdom by Prajna Sanskrit transliteration. Train services means Wisdom, Intelligence, Not Entertainment. But whatever service is not a word in the pattern are stripped of meaning implicit in Sanskrit Prajna. Therefore, the Chinese Buddhist literature have finally transcribed word for Wisdom to show this kind of special wisdom, could avoid any confusion for learners misleading.
usually just comes to mind or knowledge or wisdom, listeners immediately think of the intellect, a capacity of three (sensibility, intellect and will) that human beings do not have, or have but at a lower level . Tri or commonly understood wisdom as wisdom or intelligence bright, easy to grasp the existing knowledge, or confer new knowledge about human discovery. What's the brains of Buddhism is called the measure the position, including good and bad even in nature, and its effect is usually more or less healthy, because it pertains to bother position suffering brain, or worse, it is the product of suffering affliction.
Unlike the measure location information, Prajna wisdom is good and evil, wisdom clean distinction has invited afflictions. So, since in essence, it is a pure intellectual emptiness, without any impurities, such as during nowhere, so it is called not mind. Therefore, it often appears as a deep wisdom of magic, which is called Heart of Wisdom Sutra deep, profound wisdom. Because of the nature of it was such that it is completely free from all subjects prior knowledge, in all circumstances, it is not the object or situation clearly dominant force. From there, it was able to shine through the way that the phenomenon of life on earth, visible nature of them. Precarious nature it is called Prajna It generals. Again it is wisdom, in terms of the effects shine through phenomena, the Reflecting called Prajna. It's generals during the quiet, contemplative emptiness and transparent, but that a second, but that second one. And during such quiet that it was the fact that the origination of all things. Having predestined by birth, are all legal entities can not themselves, authors are all organic, not all of them. Do not have to understand here is not really possible. Buddhist term that is not called the most elegant Shun, ie transcription Inyat word, often translated as emptiness.
emptiness teachings are derived from? Position it in the teachings of Buddha like? Orthodox reasonable? Affordable bandwidth? These are questions that need to be answered, there may be a temporary new concept is relatively clear of Wisdom. The concept alone, And in fact happen, there must be evidence monk.
anybody Buddhist studies also knows that the essence of the Buddha's Dharma gathered only at one point and only one point only. That's origination, also called origination. Other trim Buddhist teacher with only a god at this point and this point. And one has to admit the law of dependent origination can not acknowledge a creator more light. The person on the form, whether Buddhist or not Buddhist, was also at the level of Buddhist thought then. Conversely, there is a prospect, but not thoroughly interdependent, it is just a disguised pagan. That said, in order to emphasize the leading role, a leading role in the determination of the law of dependent origination entire Buddhist teachings. No origination, not Buddhist, nor Prajna is not Mahayana, as confirmed immediately in the opening sentence.
origination Once admitted, the natural corollary to admit two tied origination, which is selflessness and impermanence. Already, the effect is very often due to the suffering it causes. And then of course selflessness event itself is not. No, it must be repeated, is insubstantial. From what he saw and heard, for the consciousness to think, all of them even though they can not be themselves in front of existing. The existence was due to the conditions (pratItyasamutpda) assume that the conditions of the city, can not fall, no matter the situation or fall of property of accidentally falling. Selfless human beings are called selfless, selfless accidentally called the selfless way. Just to clarify, all the things in it, including humans, are selfless. Prajna School implemented on two kinds of reasoning was selfless, selfless news about people, about things selflessness, which established theory of emptiness, to prove any moral philosophy bowl is accomplished by school director practice of methods to solve real suffering.
nature and continuous consensus from Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism as it is clear that, before the Mahayana flourishing schools of Abhidharma only focused on the self, and little attention to legal self. Even schools as such necessarily the property, the extremism that is necessarily useful to the legal stage eight of the language is really useful, can the eternal law. For opposition to extremism, the Abhidharma schools of the University we provide and advocate the opposite extreme is equally necessary Nhut not legal period. By means of sophisticated philosophical analysis, that is, by pure logic behind the school put their teachings to a tragic horror is not good. And this opinion nirvana is a state of death in which the body must turn to ashes, and intellectual consciousness is no longer a trace saved (location away from the body.)
non-self, if only understand the meaning of selflessness alone, the inevitable legal mortgage. But self, though the law covers selfless, if only around the concept of purely philosophical reasoning as created, was as far removed from reality, become barren and brought Buddhism to his death. Dangers of philosophy whether it is dim sophisticated philosophical extreme to another, there is.
Inheriting all the traditional Mass and of the legal, policy Prajna schools that do not perform in visual synthesis, in practice means that the path actually learn to experience yourself directly, while the law did not assume equal ownership. What is not shown by the evidence that his wife called religious or secular, meaning that while existing law or bloodstained front, our self is still no. Because of their predestined by false ego can not own. Their existence is nothing more than fake friendship only. Thus, a consistent basis (the law) is not inherently, is a consistent feature (position) is not well, not so new obstacles and meet all practical purposes is the legal inspiration. Tri was named Wisdom (Prajna).
Definitely Prajna due to the achievement of enlightenment, not by the school that molded un. In this district, the school completely helpless. The school is only good at creating a conceptual mess. Realizing the concept that, due to the fact meticulous practice of mysticism. Because the majority Prajna Paramita is something deeply wonderful, can not easily enter without practice. Understandably so, it will determine the three letters of reference and is the opening sentence of the Heart Sutra.
Administration means practice. The method here is a legal practice consistent Prajna, which is a separate meditation of this school, so that the author himself did not live to see the applicant's be consistent. Seeing that he was not contemplating. Reflecting really are not apart. But the two that one, as mentioned above. Inside the can used. Even in places where the catch can. Can use only one or Prajna only. Apparently no one learned from the value of nothing here. It is not even worth anything to the rationalist philosophical concepts were created on the basis of logic, nominal.
however, if due to elect a new practice location Prajna know, those who do not practice or practice how to have a concept of the mind? And how that they have the confidence to track down the elaborately? Demand arises as to disclosures to reveal her location for people who want to practice that shape the face of it is. So that means must be used to describe, it is Prajna texts. The range of texts, including the entire Prajna Sutra literature, from philosophical discourse to aim this doctrine notes. But in a narrow sense, the writing is philosophical Prajna Sutra. It should be emphasized again that, Prajna philosophy can only be used as a means to introduce Prajna only. It can not replace Prajna contemplation. Theory does not provide specific results meticulous practice.
Speaking of Wisdom philosophy is to mention a theoretical basis, based on the philosophy that is being built. It's no logic dubbed bowl bowl any Middle.
Unlike conventional logic systems based solely upon the facts as real and fixed property, this new logical system is a kind of logic super-logical, creative by Nagarjuna, explaining the phenomenon of false friendship and change every moment, is the origination method as illusory. The methodology of using this expertise to confirm negative. Because legal documents which are impermanent origination, does not have a legal standing still, then try asking in that situation, we can confirm that? The reality of the moment seconds before, is not the reality of the moment seconds later. Minutes before the river is not followed immediately by that river. As the river is not a river in the past or in the next ten years, but the river is named for the general. Therefore, in accordance with the truth, we can not confirm anything. To be close to the truth, and right feet allowing logic to force us to look healthy in the negative claim so.
negative logic France, until the middle of the XIX century the philosopher West is known and they are super honored dialectic. Bat no means a negative eight four eight pairs: birth, death; often, period; First, horror, hybrid production. Actually, things go negative, close to the new changes of impermanence of all things. But whatever the reason only specified bowls argument is only eight, because it is the eighth most obvious phenomena and processes typical of the transformation of things. Whatever it is the negation of the other insists on its relative sides. As any student say, and to say to be killed. Speaking unborn and undying ie to say that often. Tell the unusual self out. Say whatever the order they appear Nhut. Say it away from any Nhut out. Say whatever the future allergy manifest itself. Say whatever the future out of order. Highlights of the new birth itself out, etc. .. Because of this, and to be closer to the truth constantly changes, do not confirm anything. And while it used to assert that negative expressions. Instead, talk confirmed kill unborn. Instead it said confirmed the irregularities, etc. ..
This spell Nagarjuna negative findings, and build a base logic to illustrate the great doctrine of emptiness Prajna schools. It enables machines to understand then this logic, the new understanding: no general legal text, unborn, eternal, no structure, no net, no increase, no decrease in the heart of all. Six words any in this segment is a series of intense negative, confirming the purpose of the substantive minister in place of the five aggregates. Tell her unborn minister, said that it passed away. Say it say it immortal immediate permanent, etc. .. This whole period until very very prime location herons emptiness is proved by philosophical argument, then went over to his wife possessed in the next attempt is to bring practitioners into the actual practice. Philosophical concept notes is sown only way to pave the way. Following is the job of school director must meticulously achievements in practice. Real benefit is part of the school director, but if it were not for the enlightened philosophers do not know where to turn to trace the practice. Conversely, if only the lower notes without manually empty the general rules wife walked only one place only. Perhaps even worse: going backwards on the road from them.
above are the basic concepts of mysticism and philosophy Prajna Sutra: learning achievement by allowing direct reflection; philosophy built on the basis of any bowl. But the origin and progress of thought Prajna is how?
As mentioned above, the content of the teachings of Prajna within implicit self doctrine, a corollary of the two origination discovered by the Buddha ants and teaching. Selflessness of workers (who does not) and selflessness of legal (not legal) it is not the contents of Prajna. This doctrine to the middle of the first century BC, the powerful and the development of the first flowers of the Perfection of Wisdom Elementary appearing on palm leaves. By the first century AD, is thought Prajna further deployment and aggregation of the Sutra products. This historical perspective, is based on the translation of these two in the history of Chinese Buddhism.
Lou thunder State first translation of the Wisdom of the Tao in nam178 AD. Then France Truc Ho and others translated the product into Optical Zoom and Optical scattering Sutra, in the middle of the third century onwards. By the early fifth century, La Cross services with our names and products are often known as State University Sutra products. At the beginning of the seventh century Xuanzang traveled to India to collect all of the classic system of Chinese Sutra of Great Wisdom translated into 600 volumes divided into four continents cross the country. Even before and after, some of the existing systems Sutra in Tripitaka kept kanji of 720 books.
literature and thought Prajna deploy such great abundance, but if love is summed collapse Back in the center of a Chinese translation only 260 letters written by Xuanzang's version. The second is service. The first is his translation of La Cross. Both of these translations relative agreement with the two original Sanskrit written in calligraphy on Leaf Background Of herd, which is protected in France Long himself, Horyuji in Nara in Japan. Often two is called the Prajna Brief, concise, and are listed in chronological order as follows:
1. Ma ha Wisdom of identity security business focus, by Tripitaka Kumarajiva frequency translation team, circa 402-412 AD.
2. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by Tripitaka Dharma Master Xuanzang translated liturgical reference to the Tang Dynasty, 649 years.
Apart from this the two strategies, there is a visceral experience:
3. Buddhist theory of multi-Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra by Tripitaka Master Tsing 700 service. Like the Huyen Trang, except the pay, do not write in words that translate sound faded and then add a paragraph.
Additionally, there are the other, longer, called the Sutra Square, as follows:
4. Popular Tri organ Prajna Paramita Heart majority of French-Yue (Dharmacandra) services in 732 in the Tang Dynasty.
5. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra majority, French monk Yue services; preserved woodblocks themselves in Thanh Long, Dong Thap Hospital. But the service with the same name on, the contents of two different copies.
6. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by Wisdom (Prajna) and Loi language (Li yen) services in 790 in the Tang Dynasty.
7. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by London Intelligence (Prajnacakra) 850 Tang services.
8. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by Members of the disease in France 856. This release has been found at Dunhuang.
9. Sacred Buddhist doctrine Buddhist Prajna Paramita form multi-center business, so they (Danapala) Song Dynasty 980 years of service.
Apart from the above, the business also burn other continent, no longer present, the call is lost:
10 . Ma ha Prajna Paramita of multi Notes, translated by Chi Khiem 223 years. Compare this version with the title La Cross, we can guess this is the strategy.
11. Prajna Paramita majority of Na, by Bo Liu Chi (Bodhiruci) service in 693.
12. Ma ha depending Heart of Wisdom, by Tu Hien (siksananda) The service life of 700.
13. Sanskrit Prajna Paramita the majority of Mind, by No No Diamond (Amoghavajra) services in 720 in the Tang Dynasty.
During the Chinese Tripitaka, I see there is a written translation of the Vajra guru, but because not enough This is concrete evidence of a Real Diamond No, I listed this at the end of the text. In addition, recently found in the Dunhuang music Thach Sanskrit translation of Xuanzang, this version has been engraved in stone monuments, White Horse Temple, where the head monk Xuanzang and business services.
incomparable, ie Kobo master, highlight the Shingon religion in Japan, was the first translation into Japanese Huyen Trang and economic commentary, doing the update procedure for this honor. From here, in China and Japan, as well as in Vietnam, the translation is admired Xuanzang and disseminated than before. So, I have used the service and Huyen Trang to comment. The other version we use for research or reference for the more extensive reviews written. The Huyen Trang everyone knows, no one is in for a very short and very compact.
Throughout history, he wrote Minh Chau Huong Hai International English audio glossary is also the oldest, named like the Heart Sutra . All he has written in Japanese Join astronomical
choice only for sophisticated sharpening filter
warmly teaching reading The Heart of
my cup of autonomous life
to reveal more evident Sá are buying
more, who recited the translation of Legend Rinse well find mental clarity, peace psychology, there is a very special feeling. The right Xuanzang experience when visiting India, along the road through countless hardships, having a layered communication for all of this mind. He memorized, recited silently constant, the strength to be compassionate in spirit, he passed all danger of toxic water sacred forest, the demon beasts, and finally achieve the purpose of participating school, sometimes the economic return to Chinese law, a house of learning, achievement preaching career great advantage being that East and West are all admired antique metal. So, this Heart Sutra is not only incredibly deep meaning of that effort also extremely flexible touch experience. Who is the most faithful recited the center also great merit. In Nanhai Guanyin, Mr. Chan Nguyen Dieu Thien storytelling princess hell, suffering sight sinner begging to
trade but said that Princess
Ben moved to the royal celestial telescopes
flying around the four sides saturation
aura lenses fall under the door into
the old equipment analytic shattered
necessarily being a super jail time discrete
Then she saw enough of how profound mystery!
(Thai Mandala sex organs)
Buddhist University dictionary
Hanh Tin Vong Nguyet, Volume 5, page 4269c.
(Mochizuko Shinko Daijiten)
ECONOMIC ISSUES EXPLAINED Eight letters Prajna Heart Sutra is peculiar title of this business. Six words before two nouns are transliterated Sanskrit Prajna, Prajna and perfections that most, ie pramita. Mind is the Chinese translation hrdaya Sanskrit. Business in Chinese is translated Sanskrit Sitra. So the Sanskrit text of the Prajnpramit hrdaya Heart of Sitra.
Six words any in this segment is a series of intense negative, confirming the purpose of the substantive minister in place of the five aggregates. Tell her unborn minister, said that it passed away. Say it say it immortal immediate permanent, etc. .. This whole period until very very prime location herons emptiness is proved by philosophical argument, then went over to his wife possessed in the next attempt is to bring practitioners into the actual practice. Philosophical concept notes is sown only way to pave the way. Following is the job of school director must meticulously achievements in practice. Real benefit is part of the school director, but if it were not for the enlightened philosophers do not know where to turn to trace the practice. Conversely, if only the lower notes without manually empty the general rules wife walked only one place only. Perhaps even worse: going backwards on the road from them. above are the basic concepts of mysticism and philosophy Prajna Sutra: learning achievement by allowing direct reflection; philosophy built on the basis of any bowl. But the origin and progress of thought Prajna is how? As mentioned above, the content of the teachings of Prajna within implicit self doctrine, a corollary of the two origination discovered by the Buddha ants and teaching. Selflessness of workers (who does not) and selflessness of legal (not legal) it is not the contents of Prajna. This doctrine to the middle of the first century BC, the powerful and the development of the first flowers of the Perfection of Wisdom Elementary appearing on palm leaves. By the first century AD, is thought Prajna further deployment and aggregation of the Sutra products. This historical perspective, is based on the translation of these two in the history of Chinese Buddhism. Lou thunder State first translation of the Wisdom of the Tao in nam178 AD. Then France Truc Ho and others translated the product into Optical Zoom and Optical scattering Sutra, in the middle of the third century onwards. By the early fifth century, La Cross services with our names and products are often known as State University Sutra products. At the beginning of the seventh century Xuanzang traveled to India to collect all of the classic system of Chinese Sutra of Great Wisdom translated into 600 volumes divided into four continents cross the country. Even before and after, some of the existing systems Sutra in Tripitaka kept kanji of 720 books. literature and thought Prajna deploy such great abundance, but if love is summed collapse Back in the center of a Chinese translation only 260 letters written by Xuanzang's version. The second is service. The first is his translation of La Cross. Both of these translations relative agreement with the two original Sanskrit written in calligraphy on Leaf Background Of herd, which is protected in France Long himself, Horyuji in Nara in Japan. Often two is called the Prajna Brief, concise, and are listed in chronological order as follows: 1. Ma ha Wisdom of identity security business focus, by Tripitaka Kumarajiva frequency translation team, circa 402-412 AD. 2. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by Tripitaka Dharma Master Xuanzang translated liturgical reference to the Tang Dynasty, 649 years. Apart from this the two strategies, there is a visceral experience: 3. Buddhist theory of multi-Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra by Tripitaka Master Tsing 700 service. Like the Huyen Trang, except the pay, do not write in words that translate sound faded and then add a paragraph. Additionally, there are the other, longer, called the Sutra Square, as follows: 4. Popular Tri organ Prajna Paramita Heart majority of French-Yue (Dharmacandra) services in 732 in the Tang Dynasty. 5. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra majority, French monk Yue services; preserved woodblocks themselves in Thanh Long, Dong Thap Hospital. But the service with the same name on, the contents of two different copies. 6. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by Wisdom (Prajna) and Loi language (Li yen) services in 790 in the Tang Dynasty. 7. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by London Intelligence (Prajnacakra) 850 Tang services. 8. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by Members of the disease in France 856. This release has been found at Dunhuang. 9. Sacred Buddhist doctrine Buddhist Prajna Paramita form multi-center business, so they (Danapala) Song Dynasty 980 years of service. Apart from the above, the business also burn other continent, no longer present, the call is lost: 10 . Ma ha Prajna Paramita of multi Notes, translated by Chi Khiem 223 years. Compare this version with the title La Cross, we can guess this is the strategy. 11. Prajna Paramita majority of Na, by Bo Liu Chi (Bodhiruci) service in 693. 12. Ma ha depending Heart of Wisdom, by Tu Hien (siksananda) The service life of 700. 13. Sanskrit Prajna Paramita the majority of Mind, by No No Diamond (Amoghavajra) services in 720 in the Tang Dynasty. During the Chinese Tripitaka, I see there is a written translation of the Vajra guru, but because not enough This is concrete evidence of a Real Diamond No, I listed this at the end of the text. In addition, recently found in the Dunhuang music Thach Sanskrit translation of Xuanzang, this version has been engraved in stone monuments, White Horse Temple, where the head monk Xuanzang and business services. incomparable, ie Kobo master, highlight the Shingon religion in Japan, was the first translation into Japanese Huyen Trang and economic commentary, doing the update procedure for this honor. From here, in China and Japan, as well as in Vietnam, the translation is admired Xuanzang and disseminated than before. So, I have used the service and Huyen Trang to comment. The other version we use for research or reference for the more extensive reviews written. The Huyen Trang everyone knows, no one is in for a very short and very compact. Throughout history, he wrote Minh Chau Huong Hai International English audio glossary is also the oldest, named like the Heart Sutra . All he has written in Japanese Join astronomical choice only for sophisticated sharpening filter warmly teaching reading The Heart of my cup of autonomous life to reveal more evident Sá are buying more, who recited the translation of Legend Rinse well find mental clarity, peace psychology, there is a very special feeling. The right Xuanzang experience when visiting India, along the road through countless hardships, having a layered communication for all of this mind. He memorized, recited silently constant, the strength to be compassionate in spirit, he passed all danger of toxic water sacred forest, the demon beasts, and finally achieve the purpose of participating school, sometimes the economic return to Chinese law, a house of learning, achievement preaching career great advantage being that East and West are all admired antique metal. So, this Heart Sutra is not only incredibly deep meaning of that effort also extremely flexible touch experience. Who is the most faithful recited the center also great merit. In Nanhai Guanyin, Mr. Chan Nguyen Dieu Thien storytelling princess hell, suffering sight sinner begging to trade but said that Princess Ben moved to the royal celestial telescopes flying around the four sides saturation aura lenses fall under the door into the old equipment analytic shattered necessarily being a super jail time discrete Then she saw enough of how profound mystery! BODHISATTVA UNCIVIL (Thai Mandala sex organs) By: Buddhist University dictionary Hanh Tin Vong Nguyet, Volume 5, page 4269c. (Mochizuko Shinko Daijiten)
ECONOMIC ISSUES EXPLAINED Eight letters Prajna Heart Sutra is peculiar title of this business. Six words before two nouns are transliterated Sanskrit Prajna, Prajna and perfections that most, ie pramita. Mind is the Chinese translation hrdaya Sanskrit. Business in Chinese is translated Sanskrit Sitra. So the Sanskrit text of the Prajnpramit hrdaya Heart of Sitra.
Six words any in this segment is a series of intense negative, confirming the purpose of the substantive minister in place of the five aggregates. Tell her unborn minister, said that it passed away. Say it say it immortal immediate permanent, etc. .. This whole period until very very prime location herons emptiness is proved by philosophical argument, then went over to his wife possessed in the next attempt is to bring practitioners into the actual practice. Philosophical concept notes is sown only way to pave the way. Following is the job of school director must meticulously achievements in practice. Real benefit is part of the school director, but if it were not for the enlightened philosophers do not know where to turn to trace the practice. Conversely, if only the lower notes without manually empty the general rules wife walked only one place only. Perhaps even worse: going backwards on the road from them. above are the basic concepts of mysticism and philosophy Prajna Sutra: learning achievement by allowing direct reflection; philosophy built on the basis of any bowl. But the origin and progress of thought Prajna is how? As mentioned above, the content of the teachings of Prajna within implicit self doctrine, a corollary of the two origination discovered by the Buddha ants and teaching. Selflessness of workers (who does not) and selflessness of legal (not legal) it is not the contents of Prajna. This doctrine to the middle of the first century BC, the powerful and the development of the first flowers of the Perfection of Wisdom Elementary appearing on palm leaves. By the first century AD, is thought Prajna further deployment and aggregation of the Sutra products. This historical perspective, is based on the translation of these two in the history of Chinese Buddhism. Lou thunder State first translation of the Wisdom of the Tao in nam178 AD. Then France Truc Ho and others translated the product into Optical Zoom and Optical scattering Sutra, in the middle of the third century onwards. By the early fifth century, La Cross services with our names and products are often known as State University Sutra products. At the beginning of the seventh century Xuanzang traveled to India to collect all of the classic system of Chinese Sutra of Great Wisdom translated into 600 volumes divided into four continents cross the country. Even before and after, some of the existing systems Sutra in Tripitaka kept kanji of 720 books. literature and thought Prajna deploy such great abundance, but if love is summed collapse Back in the center of a Chinese translation only 260 letters written by Xuanzang's version. The second is service. The first is his translation of La Cross. Both of these translations relative agreement with the two original Sanskrit written in calligraphy on Leaf Background Of herd, which is protected in France Long himself, Horyuji in Nara in Japan. Often two is called the Prajna Brief, concise, and are listed in chronological order as follows: 1. Ma ha Wisdom of identity security business focus, by Tripitaka Kumarajiva frequency translation team, circa 402-412 AD. 2. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by Tripitaka Dharma Master Xuanzang translated liturgical reference to the Tang Dynasty, 649 years. Apart from this the two strategies, there is a visceral experience: 3. Buddhist theory of multi-Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra by Tripitaka Master Tsing 700 service. Like the Huyen Trang, except the pay, do not write in words that translate sound faded and then add a paragraph. Additionally, there are the other, longer, called the Sutra Square, as follows: 4. Popular Tri organ Prajna Paramita Heart majority of French-Yue (Dharmacandra) services in 732 in the Tang Dynasty. 5. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra majority, French monk Yue services; preserved woodblocks themselves in Thanh Long, Dong Thap Hospital. But the service with the same name on, the contents of two different copies. 6. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by Wisdom (Prajna) and Loi language (Li yen) services in 790 in the Tang Dynasty. 7. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by London Intelligence (Prajnacakra) 850 Tang services. 8. Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra has, by Members of the disease in France 856. This release has been found at Dunhuang. 9. Sacred Buddhist doctrine Buddhist Prajna Paramita form multi-center business, so they (Danapala) Song Dynasty 980 years of service. Apart from the above, the business also burn other continent, no longer present, the call is lost: 10 . Ma ha Prajna Paramita of multi Notes, translated by Chi Khiem 223 years. Compare this version with the title La Cross, we can guess this is the strategy. 11. Prajna Paramita majority of Na, by Bo Liu Chi (Bodhiruci) service in 693. 12. Ma ha depending Heart of Wisdom, by Tu Hien (siksananda) The service life of 700. 13. Sanskrit Prajna Paramita the majority of Mind, by No No Diamond (Amoghavajra) services in 720 in the Tang Dynasty. During the Chinese Tripitaka, I see there is a written translation of the Vajra guru, but because not enough This is concrete evidence of a Real Diamond No, I listed this at the end of the text. In addition, recently found in the Dunhuang music Thach Sanskrit translation of Xuanzang, this version has been engraved in stone monuments, White Horse Temple, where the head monk Xuanzang and business services. incomparable, ie Kobo master, highlight the Shingon religion in Japan, was the first translation into Japanese Huyen Trang and economic commentary, doing the update procedure for this honor. From here, in China and Japan, as well as in Vietnam, the translation is admired Xuanzang and disseminated than before. So, I have used the service and Huyen Trang to comment. The other version we use for research or reference for the more extensive reviews written. The Huyen Trang everyone knows, no one is in for a very short and very compact. Throughout history, he wrote Minh Chau Huong Hai International English audio glossary is also the oldest, named like the Heart Sutra . All he has written in Japanese Join astronomical choice only for sophisticated sharpening filter warmly teaching reading The Heart of my cup of autonomous life to reveal more evident Sá are buying more, who recited the translation of Legend Rinse well find mental clarity, peace psychology, there is a very special feeling. The right Xuanzang experience when visiting India, along the road through countless hardships, having a layered communication for all of this mind. He memorized, recited silently constant, the strength to be compassionate in spirit, he passed all danger of toxic water sacred forest, the demon beasts, and finally achieve the purpose of participating school, sometimes the economic return to Chinese law, a house of learning, achievement preaching career great advantage being that East and West are all admired antique metal. So, this Heart Sutra is not only incredibly deep meaning of that effort also extremely flexible touch experience. Who is the most faithful recited the center also great merit. In Nanhai Guanyin, Mr. Chan Nguyen Dieu Thien storytelling princess hell, suffering sight sinner begging to trade but said that Princess Ben moved to the royal celestial telescopes flying around the four sides saturation aura lenses fall under the door into the old equipment analytic shattered necessarily being a super jail time discrete Then she saw enough of how profound mystery! BODHISATTVA UNCIVIL (Thai Mandala sex organs) By: Buddhist University dictionary Hanh Tin Vong Nguyet, Volume 5, page 4269c. (Mochizuko Shinko Daijiten)
ECONOMIC ISSUES EXPLAINED Eight letters Prajna Heart Sutra is peculiar title of this business. Six words before two nouns are transliterated Sanskrit Prajna, Prajna and perfections that most, ie pramita. Mind is the Chinese translation hrdaya Sanskrit. Business in Chinese is translated Sanskrit Sitra. So the Sanskrit text of the Prajnpramit hrdaya Heart of Sitra.
Prajna (prajn), Chinese translated as wisdom, wisdom. But because the Chinese do not have an equivalent word from the Sanskrit Sutra should go after one is forced to create new words by inserting letters to enhance and not to determine the meaning of words and wisdom position and have no knowledge and no location. But it is not stripped of meaning implicit in the word Prajna. The root meaning of Prajna wisdom of specialists just for special virtues arising under customary law that is not attained. This is a pure intellectual emptiness of the Buddhas has recently inspired throughout, thereby reflecting the true form of the law and the law is clearly not the essence. This is not the kind of wisdom that measures the position. So to avoid any confusion accidentally or intentionally, the Chinese Buddhist literature he was forced to use the Sanskrit Prajna with the accompanying commentary.
During Sutra texts divided into three categories: writing Bowl elegant, contemplative and very general Prajna Sutra. Bake where deed recorded in texts or listening to lectures on the teachings of Prajna wisdom that arise, and thereby grasp the literal sense, unimpeded, he called wisdom Wisdom texts. It is also called Prajna means, second means by means of intellectual writing that language arises. Going a step further, by shifting the concept of social justice is to observe true reflection Minister of Justice, Minister left the language spoken texts, while her mind was like that of self-minister exposed under consideration of intellectual contemplation is called Prajna. From this insight, observation outsourcing practice to a deeper level of clever, clever to the point of action Nhut Nhut election, said City or any of silence, do not leave Sutra. From shallow to deep, thanks to the small observed that detachment of the raw observation consistent style of life called for deportation wedge threw it there, and made it until hanging up all the distinguished Minister, mind suddenly flashes bright, sociable and bosses in agreement all around, no boundaries Secretary, loving self, internal and external, non-market. Dharmata feet as the presentation itself. The intellectual brilliance that is called Prajna minister, also called Prajna basis. It is Prajna Minister of Wisdom feet. Reflecting the magic of Wisdom Sutra. In feet can, it is wisdom to distinguish Therefore, it is amazing all the same reflection. But the two which one, but one that the two, because the left can not. Wisdom texts are also precarious, but in the ability to grasp the concept of Prajna teachings through literature and philosophy Sutra. So Prajna texts just be seen as a means by which intellectual revelation to the author in the process of practice Prajna contemplation, to declare the truth Prajna Minister to step up to the other side: paramita majority.
BA peculiar
The term La Cross is transcribed and translated paramita means of (taken across the river, to the river), and unique shore: the shore. The original shore or have just spoken to the liberation of suffering. Realm of birth and death that is being propelled considered this side, the other side is compared with Nirvana, in which living beings to escape the cycle of birth and death. Separation between the two banks of the river afflictions. River Crossing Nirvana disturbing news. So, the other side is for example implied term nirvana. And methods to reach nirvana (original shore) is the assistant director 37.
With the emergence of the Mahayana Sutra is opening, separating rivers not only sorrow alone, it is also the River blindness anymore. So, just the other side is free (nirvana) both banks of enlightenment (bodhi). To get to the other side, to practice the six perfections law (legal or ten). Six perfections include: generosity, morality, patience, diligence, concentration and wisdom (ie Wisdom). Practicing law in any of the six measures that were also achieved the desired result is to step up to the other side. But if the assistant practicing or 37 years practicing law before the mind paramita liberation (nirvana) achieved before, liberating insight (Bodhi) followed closely behind. So, with the above method, the other side is the preferred means liberation. Mahayana Buddhist meditation for more enlightened results, therefore, Prajna Paramita is considered leading practice of the six perfections. According to Mahayana, Nirvana also means passed. Citizenship also member that passed away that accomplishment fulfilled both blessed and favored. If achievements are unsurpassed Bodhi, the fullness of both (sufficient merit and wisdom are excluded) that freed. Thus, the Mahayana, the other side of the shore that is enlightenment. Do you know how to understand why the same as a practice Prajna Paramita majority, but the Buddha attained Supreme Bodhi, the Bodhisattva is also on the path to nirvana, no wandering thoughts more dominant.
summary, multi-Prajna Paramita practice that is passed through the other shore of enlightenment in the Mekong River. The content of this practice is Prajna contemplation.
Centre means the center, the normal life that is the essence of things right in the heart of it. With humans, too. As in humans, standing physiologically speaking, blood from the heart (mind) emitted, flowing through the body to feed the cells, and then return to find that emitted. Stand psychologically speaking, are psychological phenomena in the mind, then it came back again to verify. Because the mind is understood as the center, therefore, are all considered elite flocked and focus on that. So, the Farm figuratively, the mind is understood as essence, is the principal means of something pure or something. Depending on the way the various concepts that are mainly located where there is a separate name to say that the key to the case and literal way. Thus the main body is the core of the tree. Mainly morally towards Vietnam is the belly plate, while largely psychological terms as the intestines, etc. .. Stomach, intestines, heart core etc. .. or interest, we have only to say that the essence of the animal or human alone.
As such, the Heart Sutra texts condensed essence of all teachings of Prajna. As Abhidharma Mind book review discussion is condensed essence of all teachings Abhidharma, or Tam Tam economic argument is the common noun in Buddhist literature, just for the compendium of texts business or the public, to learn the catchy, catchy. That kind of "mnemonics" that.
could I Heart Sutra translated into Vietnamese as economic intestinal Prajna, Prajna core business or "compendium of all Wisdom", or reversed with grammar for Vietnam South and called the Heart Sutra, if the name of the new service from unfamiliar ears. In the past his legs and his whole reason Japanese is translated telescopes.
Economics is the Sanskrit word sutra translated, transcribed from Da la, la Tu multi Train services are online, meaning thread, or string together.
freezer than it is in Chinese, but no structural forms identical, but similar content sides. In Chinese, the book records the words of the sages teach business called, because those words as the standard for immortality. Unlike the book records the words of famous people, just called story. So, the new biblical idiom legendary story. Buddha's holy Western (Chinese, or Indian). So books that record the Buddha's teachings of translation is indeed very true and original meaning.
know I should add that the Buddha's teaching consists of two parts: legal (at ma, dharma) and teachers (spleen and skin complaints, Vinaya). Both called the business end, the same as Buddha. But later on the special two separate organs, therefore, only the new record book called business, and the record books, the teacher called the law. Tibetan caption notes the justification of the group later, they were separated into a separate organ called the conclusion. Texts of the Tripitaka.
conclusion, "multi-Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" means: prayer captured the pure essence meaning of contemplative practice Prajna put ashore practitioner.
Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva of Wisdom of intensive multi-time security, aggregates projection period is not, necessarily suffer the yoke.
Guan himself in the practice of prajna paramita most profound inspiration that the aggregates are not, overcome all obstacles suffering.
opening this passage directly display the essence and ultimate selflessness perfect beings where each (or, in the strict sense, in which every human being) that holy place of Bodhisattva attains the practice Prajna Paramita most profound, and thereby liberate all suffering yoke.
Preamble covers all the contents of Prajna teachings. Full respect of the next primary on, just doing commercials show this content on both the philosophy and mysticism alone. We can say that, if the words of Wisdom Heart of 260 words is the essence of the system Uncivil 720 thick volumes, the opening paragraph of 25 words left her once more the love of all animals Mind business. The net Sutra teachings are crystallized in this preamble.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara
Bodhisattva is known noun referred Bodhi slapped DOA (transcribed from the word Boddhisattva). Bodhi means enlightenment services, slapped or threatened epidemic is sentient beings. The two words together, such as a threatened slap Bodhi, meaning beings to enlightenment. Bodhi means vessels are feeling threatened slap charming, charming towards instant enlightenment, or about to be so ngo.Vi any sense whatsoever beings Mind for enlightenment, are called Bodhisattvas. However, new supply coming towards the end achieved, the gap between the two sides is so deep offshore blind. In some way, there are many different error levels. From a play who's credit rating to the level of the cross after every tenth is thick, with all 50 levels.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara say this, at least from the bowl and place (in tenth) more . Because only after experiencing estate position in tenth, then the newly liberated. And also to the new level of the upper or the lower well, which means that on the Buddhahood, as of beings. Avalokiteshvara is the name of this Bodhisattva. Quan means consideration. In meditation, the practitioner listen thoughtfully to heart failure research articles referencing is called consistent. Quan Just coordinating with, which is meditation, not other expenses. In only, subject to a RI estate location. In the shop, mobile objects, moving in its natural process. And insight only at objects of different customs, different not in terms of consistency of care.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, is translated Sanskrit Avalokitesvara. From this composite of two words: Avalokita means consistent, projector reviews and look around every way, and that is isvara Lords, because all the power to behave freely. Therefore, the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is contemplating legal Prajna used to observe objects that can or not, unimpeded by the author of factors create the illusion of body, the so-called Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara At. Like the case of a transfer the Bodhisattva would not launch contempt anyone interested, whether it is cowardly fools lowest in society, it is usually Real Despise Bodhisattva. In particular virtues that name, which is common practice in Mahayana Buddhism.
Due own deeds that name, therefore, is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara means, Kuan Shih Yin, Chinese traditional States, as bodhisattvas are worshiped the most popular in the East, with the observed behavior hear all the cries of beings in this mundane world. Word chant "Male model from the compassion for helping rescue Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva", all Buddhists pray daily. Popular products under the Lotus Sutra is subject exclusively to profess faith spread Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in the tomb million Japanese government for both monastic and lay.
constitutional They (the year traveling 399-413) Legend Rinse (dh 629-645) and Yi Jing (dh 671-695) are recorded in the National Register of Buddhist books, Great West Road South area of customs and sign up for the internal legal review of his story is very Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is worshiped in all places where they undergo footprint, from Tibet, Nepal, India even. Beginning around the first century they were folk cult, until the seventh century is most prevalent. Then the male incarnation Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, standing statues, one of the two hands, or sitting on a lotus throne, the six arms or hands, sometimes from ten to twenty hands hands. His symbol is the rosary (whichis) and lotus (padma). Spread falsehoods claiming he is Om mani padme, ie An lobster, ma ni di doctor, pink. By the twelfth century onwards, the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva statues are worshiped with female body and is worshiped Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, in China and in Vietnam, in the meantime, the countries of Central Asia are no longer pictures What effects. From here, the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara has other names such as electronic Quan Tong, Shan Yao Quan, or Thousand-label the sound, Bach y Quan, Tu audio visual, sound and sea view, are very common folk.
In Tibet, Bodhisattva called ras spyan gzigs, mean look bodhisattva of compassion beings. Mongols called him Nidubarujekei, Bodhisattva eyes reflecting, ie sim Quon bodhisattva. In Japan, he is young Kwan (Canon).
recently, archaeologists found traces of this Bodhisattva cult in Champa, central Vietnam that our country today, from before the tenth century. Then Bodhisattva called Lokesvara, including two letters Loka (world) and isvara, or similar means, such as Avalokitesvara. A Avalokiteshvara statues were recently found in Huu pagoda, with inscriptions extol the virtues of the Bodhisattva, is said to be around 900 to fix first.
traditional All residents believe that the basis Bodhisattvas as the Potala mountain. There are many locations. Xuanzang Chenrezik records that appear on top of the Potala in southern India. Monastery of the Dalai Lama in Lhasa Potala is called, because believe Tantric Tibetan Bodhisattva is the lord of our world, which is the reincarnation of the Dalai people. Chau Son Islands, off the coast of Zhejiang, close to Ningbo (Ningpo), where a is Avalokiteshvara cult, also known as P'u T'o, ie Putuo. Folk handed that off Putuo Mountain in South China.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, so as to observe that "no other color, other colors are not there, that identity is not, that is not excellent ..." All is not two but two, therefore, he is also a symbol of duality Bodhisattva Wisdom Wisdom is the virtue which he practiced, therefore, he is also Bodhisattva Prajna. And the Bodhisattva of Wisdom has embodied super-secret Vietnam, total over all the actions mentioned above.
Bodhisattva of Wisdom multi density
(according to Tibetan tradition)
Action Wisdom intensive multi-time password
when the Bat elegant Paramitayana most profound
words of Wisdom Six security has been clarified above. Shenzhen is profound, says that Wisdom is the most profound secret of magic is not easy to enter a process that requires meticulous down the practice. Action means practice, ie practice and practice. Again Prajna wisdom is not brought by the school but due to the achievement of new religious wife, said the issue should be. So wonderful so deep, multi-density Wisdom requires meticulous practice to new achievements, not something that can be natural.
aggregates stage lighting is not
that the aggregates are Soi do not
see the magic Soi of Prajna contemplation. Endoscopy shows, which themselves directly visible, such as drinking water, water itself knows it hot or cold, sweet or salty, not mediated by concepts or writing English language.
was in meeting five aggregates a living being, that is a man. Aggregates word is translated by Xuanzang of ants (skandha) Sanskrit. His La Cross before services are covered warm with meaning. The translators translated them before that, from a meeting of the factors. Because in our product, which in the aggregate is assumed that the meeting is being called. So tell understandable, when it comes to gathering news of the aggregates only human, human being is a product of the aggregates. In the Buddhist sutras called Primitive solemnly confirm the nature of the self and gathered in aggregates. Individual aggregates are selfless or not, that is the subject of schools surveyed Sutra. According to this school, not one of the five aggregates are aggregates that are able to self, no self ie self. The set of five aggregates are non-self, that's not, each one set of aggregates was also selfless, that is not legal. Both the law and are not, it is not the contents of Prajna means.
During the five aggregates, aggregate material group only consists of four modern, country wind fire that make up the human body. Sensation of feeling only group, including all the psychological aspects of living inferior human beings. Perception, thinking only group included all aspects of senior living care. Volitional group will include only those activities and the nature of willpower instinct. Operations are traces of old are now artifacts and activities helped pull the inferior and superior human beings, it is kind of willed blindness. Therefore, it plays a crucial role throughout life. Consciousness perceptual group only includes all the knowledge in identifying the internal and external character man. In the year just mentioned aggregates, aggregate measures of excellence, four other aggregate measures of interest. Excellence Center harmony created man, dubbed the aggregates themselves.
During the five aggregates, the Pagan and Indian philosophy that there is a god self (atman) indwelling immutable, not subject to dominated by impermanence. But Buddhism which builds on the theory of origin, the radical theory of god knocked her down. The doctrine is selfless answer steely sense of self theories have just said. Later, when the school A Venerable Company of the talks which appear selfless teachings of increasing strength but make original roots, but was limited in the scope of the theory of self. To appear at the Mahayana Sutra teachings, the new self embraces all, it's selfless approach.
paragraph of the said to the five aggregates are not, or mention this matter here, because selflessness is both cause and content of legal doctrine Emptiness Sutra. With the teachings of emptiness, selflessness theory as one of two implications of interdependence, has been deployed, notes that the absolute culmination of it. Notes to self is not purely a pure philosophical concepts, but also represents a real achievement in life through integrated visualization methods, which means that in practice attained. Therefore, to say that the five aggregates are not inspired.
necessarily The yoke of suffering
overcome all difficulties yoke
yoke has three kinds of suffering. Suffering yoke created by the mind and body called slag aggregates suffering, including birth, aging, sickness and death, but do not expect to achieve, but to meet hatred, which must be separated from love, which is the The first format. Type Monday yoke of suffering brought by natural obstacles such as natural sun water, flood, wind and rain ... Three yoke is suffering created by society as class conflict, repressive regime, war ... All of this yoke of suffering, through practice Prajna Paramita majority, he should be able to pass them easily. Pass means that they are no longer dominant, drown.
summary, this section says that the self Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara as practice Prajna Paramita, the most profound inspiration to form aggregates seen in humans What is a self-aggregates, thereby emptiness enlightened and liberated all the yoke of suffering. Only in this period only, all fundamental weakness of Wisdom has been fully presented. The next few paragraphs just to weak implementation of both sides of her philosophy and mysticism.
This section presents the doctrine of emptiness Sutra, is divided into three sections:
1. Duality principle between the aggregates and not
2. Proof of principle that through philosophical logic, and
3. Reality principle in terms of the actual practice of mysticism.
Death Relic! Any anomalies not sharp, not any strange colors, colors that do not market, that market is not excellent, sensation, perception, consciousness herons serve as marketing.
Relics Death! Sac nothing else, no other such matter; identity that is not, that is not sharp, sensation, perception, consciousness is the same.
aka Death Relic Shariputra, translated Sanskrit is the head riputra the disciples of the Buddha, the Buddha divided for half a seat (sold buildings), the Buddha called his teaching is that course.
During the five aggregates, the aggregate are material groups, the legal identity. Four of the remaining aggregates of mind. Mind is legal or psychological phenomenon often change, not palpable, catch, see, therefore, that there is no entity, which is understandable. But the phenomenon is rupa material itself to be afraid of, so why not make sure it is? So this passage to explain why the issue of self-aggregates are not.
Firstly said aggregate. Is the aggregate of the human body and not other expenses. Body was, after all, no country outside the four winds of the fire, which created a false case. When the four authors of the phenomenon of the body. When they found no separation anymore. Obviously the body is not itself, is not permanent, unchanging not, therefore, say it is not. No this is not the opposite of what is not, which is something that can or not, that is when things glorified existence, of what it was not before, that is, it has no self, no one falls of its own, meaning it self. So that it can not or should the relationship between the aggregate and not be defined by two aspects: and that is no different.
During the "no other colors, other colors did not", two other such word verification that is both sharp and distinct legal but unitary. The phrase "that is not sharp, ie no identity", then the word that is the opposite assert identity and in the end it is not just one way. Thus, this consistency determination despite the fact that a second, but that second one, are said to have identified self impermanence of it. In other words, consistency was shown to be ephemeral nature of the variables, but each unique ancient phenomenon that is often called the Patriarchs duality principle.
remaining four aggregates like that. This means that no other life, no other such life, life that is not, that is not life. So far no other way, no other way there; way that is not, that is not knowledge. Thus the correlation between the aggregate and not a relationship that is no different and, that is entirely built on the principle of duality. Therefore, not only the immediate collection of the five aggregates are selfless people (who do not), but each one set of aggregates was also selfless (not legal). With fall and are not legal, school of Mahayana Sutra has developed a theory of ultimate selflessness to fulfill that emptiness teachings. This doctrine prelude to many other movements of thought and followed up from endless. So to say that the fetus is Prajna laying out all of the excess.
Death Relic marketing text no general law, being immortal, any impurity profiles, regardless of any increases down.
Relics Death: Chess is not of this approach can not bear not kill, not dirty unclean, no more no less.
Publication Made from the duality principle, the business is now presented to us the process how to achieve such a duality principle, to show that all methods are not. Logic applies here as presenting any middle bowl, it is logical negation, also known as dialectical negation. Say it is not not bear not kill, that says the president can it often. Say no dirty unclean, saying that its effect of non-discrimination. Say no more no less that say it often phenomenon fullness. Apply logical negation succinctly and to the point at which words to prove what is not here, Wisdom schools have exploited duality principle skillfully, because it just raised the negative , the right of the government to assert her right to appear immediately. Birth and death, where there is also a real being destroyed, kill any right of birth and death. There are different treatment is not only because the only passion. So Mahayana insisted that Bodhi disturbing news, that she was pure. Negative self-affliction is Bodhi appears. Negative news is she pure appearance. Duality that!
duality Bodhisattva
By: Hanh Tin Vong Nguyet, vol 5, p. 4429b.
, she is not the formless, very feeling, perception, knowledge, wealth, eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind, formless, sound, smell, taste, touch, way, countless perspectives detouring wife conscious world, very very ignorant ignorance take herons, egrets detouring even very old very old e-mail to take, very hard, set, kill, lead, no mind, herons very favorable.
therefore, not in the color, no life , perception, consciousness, no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind, no form, sound, smell, taste, touch, way, do not label until the world makes no sense, not ignorance is not ignorance end, until death nor old age is not dead, no suffering, set, kill, lead, no location is not prime.
human subjects, according to Theravada and analysis are recorded in four A Ham (especially the Chinese and the magazine) are divided into three categories:
a. Composition of meeting people (in aggregate)
b. These factors play a mediating role between man and the external world (twelve bases),
c. The individual area operations throughout the life of the common man (eighteen).
Salvation human right that must be achieved for the location, because the location is sensitive new enlightenment that the cessation of suffering.
Church antidote wrapped in Noble Truths, which the soul is alive Origination, management developed a twelve-causal (or causal nine in the original.)
Thus, the key themes that to reveal the Buddha Dhamma include:
a. 5 aggregates, 12 country, 18 men (in the object address)
b. 12 causal, 4 soles (dharma body and soul);
c. Tri (attained at right.)
All six topics above, are very complete explanation of the Journal and the A function.
For all of the six themes, Prajna schools turn to apply logic Government of it all, for demonstration of selflessness thoroughly.
Applying logical negation of this section, the newly confirmed further notes: 5 organic aggregates is fake, fake land ownership 12, 18 is the assume ownership. Thus, the human ego is an illusion. To confront her own false self, the Buddha's teachings and emulates only a means only. So, say no 12 and no causal cessation of karmic 12. As well as the four base. The teaching of the simulator is to the authors own ego. Unchanged except false. Thus, the mind that is lit up teaching to where he did not finish the ego. That was not the place nor the attainment, no enlightenment, not the results. Which is exactly that. Stand psychologically speaking, one really has attained something they never thought that their prime. The visualization is cuddling when pursues her no. Once you have it, they feel calm indifference. Turns out, not really elect a new prime. Moreover stand intellectually that review, the acquisition did not differ more than their existing ones, but because of ignorance, but now thanks to enlightened caught back alone.
now, the opposite argument back again, we see all of the financial situation allows logical negation. Because there should not be a prime location. Did not mind the teachings illuminate what? And the location was not the 18, 12 and 5 aggregates origin are all zero.
origin 12 of 12 the contact between inside and outside the body, one on one. Eye for color, ear for sound ... to the attention of law. Thus, we have 6 inside the country (6 units) and six external origin (6 ceiling) facing each other in pairs due to our sensations. In the function of A only and only six land called continents contact import origin. This is the first theory to deploy six ceiling after the 12 country.
presented la18 18 separate areas, including areas such as 6 units 6, 6 6 ceiling areas such as 6 and 6 of area. No other region interspersed with public sector, therefore, called the world. About which means there is a limit to each individual.
causal LA12 12's Sewing and vin on each other (conditions) that make up the chain of birth and death will never cease continuing. Talking the talk is longitudinal, following the timeline. Say grace is said horizontally, vin together in space. So origination platform management experience both spatial dimensions and time, and to understand the new spirit properly. 12 of conditions including:
A. Human Past: 1 ignorance; 2 out;
B. Output Current: 3 way, 4 mentality; 5 continents entered; 6 contact; 7 life;
C. Staff present: 8 charity; 9 players; 10 property;
D. Results and future: 11 birth, death aged 12.
12 is not predestined, therefore, also no end of 12's charm. So that said, not ignorance, ignorance is not the end, it is.
Quartet soles are four fundamental truths: suffering, set, kill, director. Suffering includes all suffering mentally and physically. Volume is the cause of suffering, which is the focal point of greed, hatred and delusion. Removal is the cessation of suffering, cause of suffering defeat. Dao is the way, the actual method of practice leading to the cessation of suffering. Suffering and the second set in the world of cause and effect. Removal and the causal direction of the world. Previous pair's always later, because Buddhist teachings based on actual experience, not on philosophical concepts.
Bodhisattva of Wisdom password.
Of course possessed very trying, he threatened Bodhi Bodhisattva of Wisdom multiple security problems, heart problems countless monsters, monsters afraid to try very, very useful terrorism, renunciation ultimate crazy fantasy nirvana. Tam y uncivil Buddhas paramita already, cooking is a prime tam tam Bodhi Temple.
because we do not possess, bodhisattvas rely Prajna Paramita majority should not suffer heart problems, so do not be afraid to suffer without fear, away from the crazy dream, the ultimate nirvana. Three Buddhas life Prajna Paramita fields should have certified a recruiter to eight Bodhi Temple.
sentence by not possess, this ancient exegetes often based on the content of the text to interrupt the process. But recently some commentary that it is the right of the previous paragraph. This caused many to wonder. The original investigation, the strategy by the Sanskrit transliteration Xuanzang have a saying: every na sa multi-billion bowls out to reach out, ie Sanskrit equivalent: tasmad apraptitvena (so, so very favorable). And marketing of the business too. According to legal documents, the incident must certainly possess a multitude associated with later. Therefore, this interpretation of the past that such a sentence "upper to lower excess" is not without reason, and has been certified as the Sanskrit proper.
threatened Bodhi slapped a Sanskrit transliteration Bodhisattva letters, often referred to as the Bodhisattva. Practitioners practice the Mahayana, the reason is known as Bodhisattvas and proper to name it, is by allowing persistence six perfections, which won at least contemplate Uncivil rhetoric. Thanks to the persistence of this practice allows for the consistent level of wealth, the mind no longer possessed what the hell afraid.
Monsters are locked up in cages, free as birds lost in the net, like a fish in his own trap. He was hampered from all sides, on the bottom of the outside, described friendship, sooner or later. Both words are meant unimpeded. Focal point of this obstruction is a romantic room (the room) So, with this is mind with doubt. Since taking up the romance room, not stirred, such as bird cages fish bowl, so please always scared. That lap was scared then start up constantly wandering thoughts as in a dream, pretending to take the leg, do not get wrong, crazy upset, do not know where is boundless. Thus, on the way to practice, have three major milestones to verify sophisticated practice really results or not. One that did not relieve chronic think? Second was fearless yet? Three concepts are disappointed not start up? If not get through the first level, there is certainly still stalled, do not move a step since start practicing.
Bodhisattva through contemplative practice Prajna, soi that the aggregates are not, therefore, no What obstacles should be free from outside the room out so long that his confinement inside. After clearance romance and comfort, the new release is the fear, fearless achievements. Achieving fearless then no longer be dominated again. Gradually to a pure mind sees the truth, wandering thoughts vanish. Nightmare crazy chaos of life is released. From nothing encumbered. Practitioners sauntered straight to Nirvana (liberation), and finally caught what enlightened Buddhas: Bodhi (enlightenment).
above is the practice of the Bodhisattva through three major stages , marked by three cylindrical mold. If you do not reach a level head in three landmark office to verify that in fact, every language is just magnificent Coliseum exaggerating, whether it is the words of Wisdom texts. This was not the case as uncivil language used, the more skillful the trick guilty of deceit that much, if not achieved the results proven in practice specific.
A recruiter to eight makeshift shrines The problem is the Sanskrit word transliterated anuttara samyaksambodhi. A brown-la (anuttara), which means supreme (nothing more). Tam Temple (Samyak) primary means equality (equality right feet) or variable (the same throughout). Bodhi (sambodhi) means enlightenment. Supreme supreme Buddha, which means enlightened absolute right feet, equal, not any more enlightened. And supreme enlightenment is turn means enlightenment along all right feet are no longer any more enlightened. Parent and peer variables, ie close resemblance, for absolute equality is spread out all over the county. To have a clear idea about the result of this, we try to compare with the result that the three pagan excess and achieve more for less high-low. Except ordinary delusion, not talked about, but pagans have no financial sense. Second enlightenment excess, but not the same throughout. Bodhisattvas and all enlightenment but not supreme. The new Buddhist enlightenment includes all three aspects mentioned above. This same word is translated as supreme chief seat tri variables, supreme Enlightenment, or service is unsurpassed Bodhi compact.
Bodhisattva in the process of practice, by taking on Prajna contemplation that is free from liberation (towards the ultimate nirvana) then caught fruition supreme Buddha is the ultimate result supreme Buddha. And the reason the Buddha Buddhas as well as a consistent approach him alone. A party has a party lined up. Both as a practitioner of the same, the same as other virtues.
Coming here is the complete explanation emptiness teachings of Prajna.
Every product is an excellent writer, always available in three parts: import, and the body. If the order was entered in which the problem has been clearly laid out correctly, the religious right is the body, including the deployment issues and show an ad fullness. At this point, the flow is associated with the two tasks, both opened package. Packages ie summarize the most prominent themes both notes. Open Thread is cleared, it is oriented to the horizon vastly immense, causing the reader hope.
part of the circulation of the two tasks have said enough. It has a section, summarizes praised by great merit of allowing religious contemplation Sutra, and the second, presented by the magic spell of Tantric Da la ni.
I. Tons of coal UNCIVIL merit.
Try tri Prajna Paramita majority, the marketing mantra, the smart market focus, unsurpassed market focus, countless college marketing class notes, except to set Nhut suffering any damage damaged feet.
should know Prajna Paramita is most great mantra, is paying great invention, is the supreme focus, is not just match, unless all suffering yoke, sure is not lying.
Notice the literal translation alongside tea (mantra) in Sanskrit. In a narrow sense, prayer is tea romantic island, a mysterious sense when read out, the effects of the evolution of natural phenomena, both good and evil. In broad terms, and its true, romantic tea is the cause for me to think that the ability to hold all captured the sense, the premise for our reference, thus, laying out all the virtues, all the right things. In this sense, romantic tea in one of four things mandala ni, ie: French la ni, ni mean mandala, the mandala mandala ni ni and uncle. The word focus in this text is the master of nuns.
mantra means the great gods, which have great powers, can migrate, everything changes. Uncivil Rhetoric reflect light erotic wisdom, therefore, that became mortal Nirvana, Bodhi turned into sorrow, to say the mantra. The mantra was shown breaking intellectual ignorance, rid of defilement should say clever uncle, ie extremely bright note, proving that great uncle. Also thanks to him that wisdom is supreme nirvana witness should say uncle supreme, ie paying nothing further. Again thanks and wisdom that he attained supreme Bodhi, should say very equal pay equity, meaning that pay comparable to what is unequaled.
because Uncivil rhetoric reflect great merit that, compared with Da la ni merits of the two sides are equal, so the Buddha praised and honored him as rhetoric mantra. And as such merit, therefore, unless the yoke all the suffering victims. Just because it is the merit of merit on realistic results, therefore, confirm once again that it is the truth, because there is deception.
Wisdom urges density multi-uncle, uncle wrote that theory: Bill soles, soles Bill, she was listed soles, Three Empire is rising up, Bodhi, Bodhisattva she ha.
should say uncle Wisdom multi-density. So say uncle that Bill soles, soles Bill, she was listed soles, Three Empire is rising up, Bodhi, Bodhisattva she ha.
Authority Prajna contemplation equal merit with the merit pay ni mandala, which of course magic of this rhetoric is not inconceivable, therefore, practice comments. That theory written notes, they said literally pay that. But to describe the magic of inspiration was inconceivable, that idea should translate as: Note that the last instant to reveal all the hidden deep within this period, it is immediately shouted response. And there are so-called new spirit, is magical.
Notice which is secret code (secret word). Has a secret, how to explain? However, based on the structure, one can speculate how some rudimentary sense of the word. For example, with this mantra, meaning that it is not so difficult.
Laryngeal Empire, translated as the Chinese, Sanskrit is the gate which read, which means pass, pass. Posted twice to repeat their mean level and the level. Third base is up, so pragate word, which means to go to the other side. Three is rising up the base, as transcribed by prasamgate word, meaning to go to the other side completely. Bodhi is enlightenment. Slapped by her ha transcribed his words mean smart svha said. Thus, the full meaning of the mantra can be roughly translated as follows:
By going, gone, go to the other side, completely through to the other side, there is Bodhi. He cleverly said.
Temporary literal translation of the mantra as above, but the effect of not paying in full or physical means. So, understand the meaning or sense to not pay anything useful. It is essential to recite it, is not the focus. The more you care, the more flexible the test, because the top of the mantras is killing anniversary. Hope can destroy the concept of the new body and mind calm. Therefore, new sensing incredible experience. Particularly of note on this Sutra, the ultimate magic was quickly put us ashore.
"Bill soles, soles Bill, Bill is the sole Ba, Ba la Bill soles up, Bodhi. Slapped her ha".